PAGE SIX. pore rHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1900. - - emp ------ -_-r May and Junc/(ILED ON ANLUAY 2s rooms MOMER. B16 BAGH... 250 i They Are Saying And Doing. a ae ; Over The World. Brides | FARMER'S MANGLED BODY] Miss Irene Dunlop left today for OF ATION SSNOPLE. ror, he Am we 31.400, 40 Ae WiLL APPRECIATE A | FOUND NEAR RENFREW. Bulyes, Sask. where she will teach | QUFIN Chatities, Tor a school for the summer mouths. routo. aE Mrs. George H. Saunders and little The cotire railroad system of Cor- { Likely He Was Struck By a|son, Oaten, Sunbury. are visiting Mrs. | Thére "Have Been Fifty-Eight sien is Ushup to-day a a vesult of a Fur Mull, |e tna oa Tad |i 0, Sek, acs sie fo aw Been FU BEC thre daplgee ' | . Miss Maggie Smith, Stella, is ex- 2B Liverpool University . | "Was Struck at a Crossing. 5 : 0 Out--Said Further Massacres red the of doctor of science on pected 'in the city to-day to spend degree . of Armenians is Threatened. Prof. J. L. Todd, McGill, Montreal. . Renfrew, Odt., May 12.--Early this a vacation with her aunt, Mrs, 0 to eor at morning the body of Michael Enright binson, Alired street. Constantinople, May 12. --Constanti- . Dr. Satison, River, Gaspe was found badly mangled on the Capt. Dugilville, of Bay sirect fire | yople witnessed another batch of exe-|county, Que., has been committed for : {Grand Trunk tracks, about a mile|station, Hamilton, is in the eity, and | cutions, this morning, when twenty- trial on the charge of having poison- {west of Renfrew, having been struck | visited the local fire stations. He has | four mutineers of the army and navy od his wife, by a freight train. Deceased was a|bécn on the Hamilton brigade ior | were ha in public within the city]. 4% Campbellford, Ont., the by-law yfarmer of Admaston township, and | twenty-two years. limits. This finkes a total of fifty. [W favor of bonusing the Trent Valley We have a beautiful assortment having bden in Renfrew, yesterday, | Prescott messenger : Mr. Mallen, of | eight éxecutions within the capital Woolln lls company carried by a . |» as on his way to visit his daughter, Kingston, who 'has been at Cardinal | énce the revolutioh of the middle of majority of 337. of new designs at reasonable|at Admaston Station. He leaves a|with Dr. Sutherland oor some time, | April. Jaya Hopewell, Ottawa, has andor, : ,__., |family of sons and daughters. An in-|has retiened to ihe Limestone City. t is stated that the council of min- a search civic employees or Prices to select from. We invite | est was considered necessary. His going away from town is regretted fisters has decided that Djective Bey, the remains ! Valiquette boys, your inspection. No obligation te by nay aie A Ph * {{ormer governor-general of Adang pro, drowned .on 3 Struck At A Crossing. Misses Clara Smi and nnie | vinee, must return to Adana to st » Pn i. Vankleek Hill, Ont. Mra Wright and Robert McCorkell, who court-martial for implication in the reals oid, : Orat your earliest and : 2 . Mrs. | Cant to Stella in a gasoline launch, | massacre, ! wo dance hall, aecording to fi on of a first choice. 2.8 Alexdnder Hunter, Sr., who resides| oS 2 dd ' ' ; ' ' Saturday, for a short visit with Mr. :. tarchi tv ot of a coroner's jury. 1 ; ; hd Mrs The Armenian patriacchbles, St} TNS" Pmpress of Britain, irom | | eady our complete stock of over _ jo -- A about a mile and a half from : wkesbury od: seventy-I¢ cenrs and Mrs. Thomas Smith, have Te- | Moosh wand Bierkobe, in Kurdistan, | r : Hohn McKay |" ara sais a mis te du Monk an eekobe, Je fovernmen Livecpool. aad SS. Tunsan Allan i ' crossing, near the C.P.R. station, v that further massacres of Armenians line, ita dive i itmard, 200 Jailes oO Brock and Princess. hero, last evening. Sh mod hor' gi] 2 CALL UPON THE PEOPLE a re hone Vo siti of GTR, Company has tiie. | 3 4 arm: broke seve a i ere are ors here of i oh : ' td ar i an exes ibe | 2, Aton to Servis in Road to aban at Gop sho Hung M0 5, LEE after the accident. "The two trains Be Rebuilt, dred miles from Saloniki. According Michael, Hulville for io uth of ber SLALOM LALALLLLLLMELS moot here. She was evidently watdh-| The city engineer has published a to the reports, 450 men of the garn- , near Lindsay, some time ing the east-bound train, which came |notice in the local newspapers asking | S00 at that place have organized a ago. : FOR SUMMER WEAR in first, and did not notice the west-| residents and owners of propertiep movement againat the hi Parks. "Tie steamer Seon bad her 2 : Ll bound, 'which struck her carriage. _ along streets to be macacumisl |, Young Turk Club at SKIP 14%! collision. with the Allan liner Siberian | § We could not commence to describe these their water, gas and sewer serviets | ogo ed To Praw $10,000,000 a he Siberian way: St dainty Waists in this limited space, but are in order, for it is not desirable o Dra Y y v - a 3 . . 3: - that after a road is macadamized to Belgrade, May 12.--Abdul Hamid, Fh Fay iy well iio the house { can assure you that in this lar collec have it dug up for excavations that | former Sultan of Turkey, has author | torday. She ng ilthrior ou tion will be found some of: the prettiest a -a~ aC wight have been dug up earlier. The | jzed Eiir Bey, one of the leaders of |),oue "and retreated rapidi lieth She 8 and most stylish' Waists that will be séen following - blocks are to be macada- | the Young Turks, to draw $10,000,000 discovered her repr y ¢ in Ki . : mized during the sumer and fall : from his deposits in foreign babks, ac- | Ay London, Ont., bur. Lowis was in ingston this summer.. WEARS LIKE IRON Barrie street, from Brock street to.| cording to a statement in {0-day's| sentenced to ten months in the Central g Jast a hint as to cost. Only a few prices Quéen streut. tet Stampa. The authorization was made, | srigon, and John Collins to two i mentioned : ! Division street, from Union street | {hy Stampa save, after a long confer- {months in jail at hard labor, for . to. Birask: street. : ence between Abdul and Emir Bey in|stealing twenty cents worth of rags 95¢, $1.25 1 85, 1.49, 1.75 1.99, 2.25, 2.50 | . 4 | Queen street, from Barrie street to | Salonica. It is understood Abdul 'was | from a freight car. ; ' ' : ' 3 ' ' ' INEW LIFE AND LOOKS Clergy street. strest, fn Pri promised immunity from the death] A hyeclection for an aldormanic| 2 75on up to 6.75. | : We ing on 8 ree , from rineess | gindenco in his coming court-martial if | at in St. George ward, (Jttawa, ren- | TO OLD DOORS. SIE do {ueen street. : ho would turn over to the government | jored vacant by the resignation of | > There are 'thus eight blocks to be | io vast fortune. Just what pereent-| Ajj Walter Cunningham, took place, aha : h G : Does yours do you justice?' No need rebuilt, about a third of the amount age of his deposits tho $10,000,000 re " '¥ | $ a ORE 2 S11 POAT Iucsday. Ex-Ald. W. R. Stroud,| @ to wai until next "reining tne, "gr 100 0% YR presents is not known on Tuesday, BcAld NK Stroud § Gummer Underwear for Women and Children Re Freeman by 198 majority. of # . - PREGENIED ON SUNPAY- ASK FOR ANCILLARY LETTERS At the request of tho Uanadian gov-| 3 You will find with us everything required ' ed , » U. 8. geological vey g : a Laymen's Missionary Movement at |, Regard to Property of a STI bh the Robert a nly G in Summer Underwear. ! St. James' Church. : : a 3 th . ie . ; ; Priest. Canada, to assist in organizing the Women's White Cotton Undervests, 10c ol. I . ' it aR planned to have the Lay Toronto, May 12.--Ancillary letters topographic map work, and to show % 20 9250. 8 = D - je A Missionary Movement Presented of probate have been asked in the |some of the field methods in use hy : 12ic, 15c¢, 18e, C, 2490, be, 45¢ up. Draw- ¢ Will minke it look like ne J Eon pid surrogate court for the will of Robert the survey in this country. . 3 ! ers to match most-of these. win make it ook ten sap. | church gn SY SH SRL i (Hoberte Mouric nt Maen LA "banieh the bu" cumin Sill] § Women's White Merino, Vests and Drawers ans, 20c., id zes, and ; 1 ; ! ces. pla ast. v ; s. in} ' 3rd, g : | of the usual sermons, io Ae wok ming The entire estate is valued at $79,605, | when a party ol jomperanee workers, ¥ Women's Fine White Wool, light and 'ser- | SrdrosKes 4 EE as. 3 " R.|the largest part of which consists ®f | headed by automobiles, will start ona 3 : wv A Mitchell Hardware v. Reifets nd r hi is King, " ne bank and other stocks in Ontario. | tour of the southern part of the pro , viceable. Also , . -- | J B. Foe NY "This obi a ". | These include Dominion bank shares | vince and will address meotings in| Children's White Cotton Vests and Drawers |. B. nse. 8s . ation . - id Si : i 3 3 ' 3 : ; . ¢ lhe tit eh ; . i the value of $14,164, which are left !sixty-two towns and villages. Child ite Merino nd Whi 1 GHG EEE REE SEY --ASK FOR COLOR CARDS-- | the subject wi Sate ther place i Te 0 a Frances Eastham, the résidue of Twelve-year-old Walter Purdy was| Ohi} Tet's Whils De 3 Hi si te Woe EE -------------------- meme, | lamned Some re ng he Ee the estate going to the Bishop of [run over in front of his home mn Oth] § ndervests a Jrawers, all sizes, irom ; | and postponed on account of 0 | Shrewsbury, in trust for the uses and, strest, Wow York, by a machive driven | J babies up to young girls' sizes. | vicar's illness. The matter of the benefit of his diocese. by Minthokie ain . wi a 2 | missi ww eontributi . is. broker. Tho broker was held under) § 2 | pat Sonteibutons i ae Gifts For Ernesttown Bride. $5,000 bail on a technical charge of = & homicide. Since April 1st, according Diamonds enter Canada duty free. Silver Micles FOR THE BRIDE. Solid Silver Flatware in many choice patterns. FRUIT DISHES, BUTTER DISHES, BON-BON DISHES, CREAM AND SUGAR SETS TEA SETS. See our fine patterns of Tea- spoons, from $7.75 per dozen and upwards, GEESE IRV IEEIIYIEY We show the largest selection of 2 dreaded Sterling Silver Goods in this sec » | put off refinishing it as a task to 1 | tion of the Province. | Fee sold/ only by JEWELLER, Marriage Licenses Issued. PEPE EEVEEVEEEY ¥ | the advisory board and strong efforts Erncsttown, May 11.--Omn Friday 2 y f wi . ; J os : twenty-scven children | { will be made to double the amount |evening, April 23rd, a fow_ members of | 10 tho police, , - : F I ummer as ~------.. S 0 i A 0 u | N GS | rersed by the congregation last year. | the Union church adult Bible classes have been wed in the streets of Man 4 Oo 3 § gE E L E | eb he essdenee of Henry Clow to] bation. { NEW SCOTCH GINGHAMS, in pretty + : ; : is tor, Fumma, recently ei | St. James' Ohurch Social. present his daughter, Tamwa, BEWEV | 1norpENTS OF THE DAY. designs of checks and dainty colorings. hb 2 a : vl i d, with a The congregat f St. Janios' married to Richard Lloyd, 3 Po ed & Binh congregation 5 at hes, varicty shower, expressive of their ¥ » phe Picked Up By| § Ma patterns only seen here. 1be, 2 c, ll row evening (Thursday) at eight o'- esteem and good will, Mr. and Mrs. "Way Parasia i 26¢ k ! clock, in the school house, for the Lloyd have taken up housekeeping in Reporters On Their Ro i * ' | purpose of extending a welcome home Hawley: 3 name ow here Adee. se Furniture Restorer lor, cleaning LINEN SUITINGS, in Navy, Alice Blues, « Archdeac: Miss y a. | the funeral © Miss oOmas, at + {old furniture, a A 8 3 . . ta tide oon ud Hi} § Musou last week. Mre. A, Hagerman is on William: Swaine, piano tuner, Orders : Copenhagen, Browns, Tans and other fash : io | the. sick. list. J, Spider had the mis- | received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. ¥ ionable shades. | The congregation are rejoiced {o see # i | : or ' i by log s T limited tity of lime] 3 ' | hin recor" howe again tn such good | ofS TR, along | to sel ak 130. por bush ty of lime § \IPROERIZED MULL for Dresses, in n y e ve ugs { purpose of giving them all a chance nicely: Ww. Jancs, is able to be s out | lots at 13c. Ho J Helio, Pink, White, Light Blue, at 26¢ yd. | to shake hands with him and give | again. Mrs. W. Kellar, Mrs, R. Stone| H. Cunningham, plano tuner ia English Gal te 15e, 20¢, 25 Bl | expression to their pleasure. anch Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, and |Chickering's. Leave orders at o-| & ngiis alateas, loc, 2c, <aC. | 1} yards wide by 2 yards long. : i 3 Mrs J. Kollar attended tho | Auley's Book Store. ; : R y : - a F their ts. Mrs. John The sloop Laura D. is unloading | $§ American Galateas, 20c, 25¢ 3 : 85 24.50 e: 5 Held : ] : tha " Regular $5, $4.50 each y Sid Dance Pybus, at Selby, on Friday last. Mr. [grain at Richardson's elevator. She Mercerized Repp Suitings, 20¢c, a very A very Jolly dance was held, on and Mrs. Daniel Lawlor and little | will clear to-night. ROSCHORCHS F r 3 60 E by, [I ants ghe home of Mr | joughter, Evelyn, were the guess of | Toy Walshe Toe. lime. pretty cotton suiting. / s -K 3 ; Le e 0 § 4 O * aC street. About forty young people Syed Relioe-oirtSudiay a company and the wy Yori Dunya) L : 7 T : . 4 : s -ailfoad have arranged for the excur- - : | fantastie_to delightful music supplied 7 Another Agent Ryfepted ch og ve prim rh Victoria day.| § RAY . B by Carter & Plain's orchestraes Re- | . Winnipeg, Man., May 12.--Chargeq|,, | seople will be brought over on ; ['freshments were served' at midnight; | 'with hreach of the --Mmoncy = leaders aniit] bets on Saturday-snd Mon-{ 8 : : | til two o'clock, when 'it was brought | vate secretary of D. H. Tolman, head . vk zk . x . o ' 1 0 Only I apestry to a close by singing the National 161th monoy lending trust, with of: a Byron, of the Clowes Saiiiey clib, ; TO-MORROW we will give with every : Anthem. . fices in sixty-six" cities in Canada and th eo thon Fate ro Vietoria Day purchase of $2 or over In DRESS S uares Both Sides Fail. and held without boil, The arrest Waa I Shows that the race is being no- Joth the claim and the counter- made following ' a ro on a ticed by the runners from a distance ai tii Ye ation of the North Ame. |ived - of poles. whem all E8 0) Land should bring 4 big bunch. This . L INEAT R and records of the concern were seived. | jg onoon Ald. J. J. Harty and Ww. | Quinte railway company, in which the a faces th tstrate h . Regular $10 | plaintiffs appealed from Chief Justice Miss Glynn fai the magisitate. cups at a local jewellery store for the This Is The Great Summer Number. : { last, wera dismissed by the divisional Stolen Property Recovered. these men three medals will be given oY 23 aC | court, without costs, and the judgment Toronto; May 12.--~Norman Victor | as prizes. | belew ordered to be varied according- | Garrett, twenty-five years old, a mo- : : ly. No costs of appeal. torman on the Toronto Railway com- The Quaintest Oath In Use. 'Applicant From Hamilton. for six months by Magistrate Desi- | high court judges in the Isle of Man: don, thin morning, for stealing, furs | "By this book and the contents thete- | were present and tripped the light | after which dancing was resumed un- | act, Mize-M. A. Glynn, New York, pri- a i . o H " -- { the United States, was arrcsted here, and was forwarded entries, This clear- GO0oDS (not wash Goods) the | a ; i ican Telog » vs. Bay ' 0 feet long by 9 feet wide. ican Telograph company vs. Bay of They will bo produced as evidencs when | yo © Nijokle purchased two. handspme | Mulock's judgment of January 18th ---- | race.' Besides the cups donated by ; | mn -------- pany, was sent to the Central Prison | This is the oath still taken by the ROR oH The Hamilton corresponde i " \ ro Mail and fiondeat of he valued at $1,500 from Ww. G. zurad, of, and by the wonderful works . that n y a mora | Capt. Brewster, of the John street | 8 traveller for a Montreal fur firm. God hath miraculously wrought in the company of the local fire department, Garrett, during his spare time, Was heaven above, and the earth beneath is an applicant for the. position of employed as a furnace man at the {in pix days and six nights,\I do swear home of the complainant. All the that Iwill, without respect of favor 'hief of the Kingst if t . He x0 Squares Ne of 'the mit. efciont ment By stolen property was recovered. or friendshi | loss or gain, donsah- i an ? : i ARRAS the local brigade, and if he secures ei s gulnity, or 4 nity; ey or untlice, a : ORES : cs 7 . ¢ the position it will méan a distinct Will T Canon Henson. ecu ie laws 0 18 isle justly, gy ; hig } faa gy J a _/ 0 feet by 12 feet. Regular price $11.50 loss to the Hamilton firefighting | New York ay 10.2A special from | L"Pn party and pacty, 4s indifferently forces," EL ork, ey. "Tho Rev. Herheit jos. the hersing backbone doth lie in , BLN SAYS K : the. midst 'of the fish: So help me : Henson, { Westminster, and |~ " For 9 30 Each His Mines Aftected Too. rector or Bt Margiret's, London, God and the conlents of his book. e Goorge A. Dickson, superintendent | Eng., left Yale, yesterday, for Ros- License Is Renewed: Hl and chief: engineer of the Royal. Col- | ton, to sail hurriedly to England to, Albany, N.Y., May 12--Huving am 0 lieries company, Lethbridge, Alta., who | face charges preférred by Bishop Gore, | 1) R zg % is here on a visit to his parents, Mr. | of the: Church of England, who ac- [plied with 'the provisions of the:insus- BARGA : i and Mrs. C.-T. Dickson, Barrie strect, | cuses him of having violated eccles- | ance law limiting the amount of mon- . : ING by occupying a non- ey which an insurance company may wv 1 J S took advantage of the mining strike | iastical law , n K : n y ASSY quares t6 come cast. His holiday is rather |-conformist pulpit in a woridugtien s expend, annualiy_for sew business, she = ; p \ A ax- | insti pi 1 i % ', olumbian ° Aon ite nsuran y enforced, but. pleasant withal He: ox-| institute In Birmingham, Englan company, of Boston, Mass., has been i Just 120 Pairs of Kid 9 feet by 15 feet. Regular value $13.50 pects it will be a month before _the . A ] strike is § 8 j i al A § 0. granted a lieense, which was refused E . strike is settled and work in the mine coused Of Arso Bm the returns. of 1907 showed thi ty Lace Boots, patent tip, F 1 0 80 rest Slavs, ay 12: Upon shay of | qection violated. In the meantime a : good solid soles, sizes: , I) % Son, C4 sf ._ linjuncti has restrain the sta . ; Of " Will Be Up All Right. | well-klown resident of Low township, [injunciion: Aas 3 to 7, regular value FW. Spangenberg, contractor for | was remanded witil Tselay by the | from excluding the company. 1.50 . p aati a the new clock for the city hall dome, Hull recorder. It is alleged t 4 on 4" OU. Large variety of other styles and sizes at is quite confident that the clock will | May 6th Ryan set fire to She Our hi > Dissguovs yee. A big $ AW + > r : be ready to start on Victoria Day. | buildings of David McHughey, farmer, ashington, D.C; May 12.0 : A cor respondingly low prices. Part of it is now here and the rest | the oe doing $3,000 dewage. On fire" is raging In Alexandria, Va, > OUR PRICE Ca is on the way. A small piece of it | April 5th, Ryan's own house wae | just across the river from W Wi Ge dag 3 % AL had to be returned to the makers to | burned out and he' got a check for |It started in the fumber yard of . 3 iL Smoot & Cov, spread to H. K. Fields' y pn * he rebored. Scaffold preparations | $350 from the insurance company. . * e heiny de to hois a bell lumber vard and is threatenin, Odd Lots of Lace Curtains at J: jj me © tos ted wo] i unr Yoel i river oat Jn thas 4 icinity 4 ti- Belleville, Ont.; May 12:-- Eman. | vicinity. The papel: men Ti, eh Special Reductions. : - North Lanark Protest. | ual Hannah, of Bancroft, was, this Justice Teetzel dismissed the pre- | morning. before Judge Deroche, founda . liminary objections urged by counsel | guilty of stabbing Louis Saucier, of : Wolfe Island Boy Th) ident the same village, and sentenced to There Was a Serious week ak = Frank Baker's, Wolfe Island, on Tues. ips iv the North Lanark election protest | live years in the penitentiary: for as- c 0 n {at Osgoode Hall, on Tuesday, and the | saulting William Baudry, who tried to {day, by which his young soi nearly | case will now be set down for trial in | prevent the crime Hannah received |lost his life. A-horse which had been ® {the fall. | two years, the sentences to run tor lately sharp-shod, kicked bit in he : _ ; Dr. nian ---- | gether. face, injuring him badly. Por the respondent, William Thoburn, The Montreal horse |show "opened, tors were in attendance, ineludn o : (Cob OPEL ; to-day, under favorabig auspices, Tha a i SSE