Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 May 1909, p. 3

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0% 0%. . DISCOUNT SALE ON RUGS. I EE Our stock of Rugs is too large, and:we desire to reduce it at once. Rugzin our stock at a} So we are offering every Reduction of 20% This is sure to bave the ¢desired effect, as the season is at its height. Different sizes, pretty colorings and all at £20, Discount. For One Week Only--Friday, May 7th, to Friday, May 14th, Inclusive. ---- TE CRU MLEY BROS. NOTE THE PRICE LINEN LAID WRITING PAPER FoR LETTER COPYING, EIC. Pads of 100 Sheets, size 81 x 11 inches---Te. cach, Pads of 100 Sets, size 543 8} inches----de. each. British' Whig Publishing Company JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT THE HOME OF GOOD PRINTING. FANCY 5 O'CLOCK TEAS We have the most complete kine Cakes, all: made on our own premises, of Fancy 5 0'Clock Tea One look at our Window Display will suffice to show a few of the many different lines we SPONGE MERINGUE A delicious table decoration c¢an be made .in any size to make ordar for dinners or parties. window. Also will be on display RR, H. Toye, fh Re IS CONSTANTLY GROWING and; for the most sensible, logical and business reason. Because Our Plumbing Work Merits It! When in need of first- class above the ordinary Plumbing--send for us. "Phone, 335, David Hall 66. Brock ,St. PL HEIRS Increase Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Canadai. 1 ng Businesk" School Day "Kvening Classes. Shorthand, Typewriting, Book- keeping, Telegraphy. Special in- dividual insti jon for pupils deficient in nglish branches. Sate moderate. Enter at any time. 'Phone, 440. H, F, MET- CALFE, Principal. San SUDING. x 18 KING ST. W. rand Union Hotel Opp. rand Genirsl Station, Now York City Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Hagsege to and from Station free. Send 20 stamp for N.¥. Olty Guide Book and Map Completed A Course. Mise Mabel Stewart has completed a post pradoate eoursh in the Palv- Jinie hespital, New York, and accepted a position ns' head nurse in a hospital there, has] in our 302 KING ST. Phone 141 Wood's ine Jemedy 3 Blood in em, makes nev i Hi Frees SHOE REPAIR SHOP you will repaired, give me a trial, done here. well satisfied with all worl Repairs neatly to. All work guaranteed. J. GREEN, 291 Princess St. A Good Legacy. The best legacy a man can leave to his elvldren is the ability to take care of themselves. Fit them for active, re- sponsible business, and they have at once an income; but this means is as much greater in value to them, than "the came income left in money, as ac- tivity and useful employment are bet- ter than idleness, and lounging, and dissipation. Give a young man good moral habits and a good. practical education (which need not necessarily he adquited, at school), and be - ean seclire. a sary of, <perhaps," a few hundred dollars at first, and in suc- cessive years up to a thousand dol- Jars. He is then 'worth a thousand dollars a yeav--the lintevest at ¥ix per cent. on over Sixteen thousand dollars, his -real. value counted in money. ~ But a poor young man who Fran: make a thousand dollars a year 1s worth far more than a young spendthiift who has sixteen thousand dollars, becguge he is Jnore useful in many other ways, and is making Wm- self happy instead of miserable. Obliging. Harper's Weekly. "Your name, Alice, and my daught er's being the same makes matters somewhat confusing," said a German- town woman to a new domestic, "How do you like, say, the name of Bridget?" "Well mum," réturned the cook, "It's not - mesilf that's over-parficular. I'm willin' to ¢ all the young léddy any name ye'd suggist" Economy In Baths. May 8. --Paris are agitating for more public baths in the cityis At present the baths only permit one inhabitant of Pauls in five to take ane bath a year. Paris, newspapers Hero Of Five. Paris, May B.--The Life Saving So- ciety of the Seine has awarded a me- dal t6 Eugene Martin, aged five, who amped into the river and' rescued a playmate from drowning. Two Dollar Derbies. | The best and newest at Bros." Campbell Ribby's $15 suits for' young men are! swell as@they make them. It you have Boots and Shoes to be be and promptly attended Bold in : Guilight "Mrs, Lownay. Mitte give. a small bit pleasant " yéstexday, in honor © of Mrs. R. Walkem dnd Mrs. C. W. Drury. ar large and small, at "Bishopseourt,"" are always anjoyuble, and this last hospitality of the hostess followed its predecessors in this char tic. he tea-table, rettily der was aid in the din: ng-room, and had Mrs. Herbert inson and Miss Constance Cooke as its presiding geniuses, Miss Annie uckleston cutting ices; "Three charm- my young matrons were the waitresses Mrs. Alan Palmer, Mrs. Percy Stev- Lenson, Mrs. J, 8S. Turner--Miss Lois Saunders also "being dn assistant. Among the guésts were oa Loucks, Mrs. J, O. Crisp, Mrs. BT, Taylor, Mis. W.D. Gordoh, Mrs. R. W. Garrett, Mrs. Norton. Taylor, 'Mrs. J y Tay- for, Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Mrs, Iva Martin, Mrs. Frederick Brownfield, Mrs. R. Waldron, Mrs. James Cappon, Mrs. Hiram Calvin, Mrs. Walter Mae- nee," Miss Alice Macnee, Mrs. Alexan- der Kirkpatrick, Mrs. R. Vashon Rog- ers, Mrs. Norman Stuart Leslie, Mrs. John Waddell, Mins Martha Smith, Miss Emily Muckleston, Miss Macaulay and Miss Eleanor Sagdanell: - Latters from Mics Manel Dalton tell of her own and her Tamily's intense enjoyment of Milan. All preferred the cathedral there to St. Peter's, and the Iplaying of an orchestfa, at one of the theatrek, which was also ope of their , pleasures, was superb. lan in the most progressive place in Italy. At the seaside near Vénice they saw [the German emperér and empress, and were delightéd by the playing of the] band of the royal yacht, which dis- | coursed mukic several times a day. They were to reach Paris last Mon- day and expected 10 meet the Car- sons 'there and in London, and may possibly leave for home on June 11th. They were two weeks in Florence and ong, afternoon Miss Dalton, who with Signcea Uectoni (Miss Carrie = St. Remy) and * Miss Agnes Richardson, had been exploring h monastery just out of the city, stopped for tea in one' of the pul Nie gardens, - dnd were Captain © Henry Skinner 'and ~~ Mrs. Skinner at the next table. were Kingston greetings and reminis- cances galore, . Mrs. Van Sromibenric gave ® Yea at "Kirkleatham™ on = Wednesday, in honor * of rs. Conwhy Caxturight. The latter Iookod extremely well black and' white «ilk frock, with a jabot and other garnishings of lovely lee. "The daughters of the house as- sisted the hostess in doing the honars and in the tia room were Miss Hatdj Crisp and Miss' Constance Cooke, t former making tea, thp latter pouring invited were ; Grout, Mrs. J. 0. Crisp, 'Mrs. A.W, Cooke, Mrs. B, T. Taylor, Mrs, Raw, J. RB. Tense, Mrs. Alexander Kirk rick, Mrs. William Kirkpatrick, Tis Louise Kirkpatrick, Mvs. J, M. Platt, Mra W. A. Gunn, Mrs. Hiram Calvin, Mrs, Guy Camsby, Mlle. de St. Remy, Miss Macpherson and Miss Edith Mac: nherson, Miss Macadlay, Miss Deaton, Miss A. M. 'Machar, Miss Emily Muck- loston, Miss Rogers and Miss Emily Rogers, Miss Cottle, and Mise EL. M. Cottle, Miss Dupuy, Miss Sophie Crisp and Miss Ada Bates. www Mrs: Henry Merrick, Bagot street, gave an informal tea, on Thursday, for. some of Mrs, John Bromley's old friends, and some of Miss Marjory Merrick's friends weve also asked. Mrs. E. L. Fortt was the only mar- ried lady present and among the guests 'were her visitor, Miss Mabel Meagher, who wag oné of the guests of honor, Miss . Nora Gordon, Miss flsic and Miss Marjorie Penge, Miss May Smythe, Migs Lillian Kent; Kate Smellie, Miss Lenore Hamilton,' Miss Mona Knight, Miss Dorothy jrownficld, Miss Jean Dufl, Miss Chris- tine Cochrane, Mise Mariory Low, Miss Mamie Garrott, Migs Mamie and Miss Susie. Anglin, Mist Marion and Miss Hilda Hague; Migs Grace Martin, Miss Eva Richardson, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss krone Swift. oe oe Mrs. Conway Cartwright spent Thesday" with Mrs. G. W. G. Grout, Brock 'street, and it being her hostess' "day," several old friends dropped in, at the téa hour, to.greet the Van. couver visitor. Among them were Mrs. Thomas Horratt, Mrs. James Richmond, Mrs. M. Moshar, Miss Grier and Miss te Daly. - "> -» : Mrs. Henry Skinner will recvive for the first. time in hor fiew home on West street next Friday. wr "> Captain Henry Skinner, who with rs. Skinner is on his way home on furlough from India, Marconi- yramed that they were delayed by fog, but later news says they arrived | in. Montreal last night. - Shey were on the Lauventio, wiich has made her maiden trip. They have gone straight through to Toronto to see Judge aid Mrs. Magee, and will later come to Kingston. Captain Skinner's = leave will not be up till October, Mr. J. S. Skinner is up from Mon- treal for the week-end, on his way to Hamilton to bring back his wife and small daughter, who have been visiting Canon Almon Abbott. Miss Mabel Meagher is having such {a pleasant visit here that she is prolonging her stay with Mrs. Ed- > > ward L, Fortt. . Mrs. J. E. Bromley has gone up to spend a week in Toronto. Archdeacon Macmoiine is at home again, having stayed foe a few days in Toronto on his way. Mfe. R. H, Tothill came up from Montreal, to-day, and is en pension at 932 King street. Mr. and Mrs, Henry G. are on théir honeymoon, spent Thurs- day and part of Friday with Mrs. Neil Polson, University avenue, on their way to Buffalo. Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, "Johnson street, expects to leave about May Mth. for the Mitish Columbia coast. After visiting" there she will go on to her old home in Portland, Oregon, "oe ¥ Polson, who niuch pleased and surprised to find |) in {th . [Bagot st Miss |, NEXT WEEK En Al VILLE KCTS Raw People. New Pictures, New Ihu- trat Ongs. *'2 shows Eh; 8 and 9.15. Prices--Chidren, 5 ; Adubs, 10c_ WEDNESDAY, AY: 12TH. MARTAIN na EMER RFR BARD. RAKES PAR SIFAL R (In Esglish), « +. Adopted I bart LYNCH ROBERTS, " ted on ale of grandeur, at 745 pm. $1, $1.50. i rriages, at Prices," 25c., soc. 75e., Seals now 'on sale, A COURT. FO; the A%sesspient Hol 0 ; APE, o of Loughbora™ will Town Hall, Sydenham, we 2 o'clock a0. MONDAY. May 81st ons iin against Assess- --_-- pet potifly the Ulers on or before the 14th inst, . M. LAWSON Clerk Sydenham, May 4th, Village of Portsmouth. THE COURT OF REVIBION for the above Municipality will be 'held: at the Town Hall, Bokbmouthy on TUESDAY, June 1st, at on tnéending TAKE NOT ci 5 ment; must to dppeal anyess) notify the undersi on or before the Orde 1 io i 24th inst. ie Council, | EARTRINGE, : " Giorx May Sth, 1909. % ING OFF THE n ston, ar lt wi x Gra Trunk Ageny, * THE ANNUAL Shareholders of Ra be pod' and Ld ston, on' T Pest shout o transact Ts hes will receive, prt Thursday, last Aims ihis seusgn, Ming £0 d Ww, Ehier visit > {with ln ell, Syden- fam street, will of on with er cous in Mrs, Robinson, Miss May' ao, Alfred {, has ane to "fo pay avisit to rs, Hor rs. MN. Buck. yrs. Gord Fyn, Cis the guest of on 1 , Grout, 'Brock street. - wi Miss B. Allen, Kingston, in Napanee, the guest of he D. Ww. McKim, and other friends. Mrs. Robert Cairiid, Odessa, is in Kingston 'with her sister, Mrs. (Dr) Day, Brock street, fae! Mr. and Mrs. W. D." Carmichael have taken up residence in their old home, "Tintern Place," Mack street. , Mrs. A, J. Meiklejohn 'Went to her home in Ottawa, to-day, after a pleas- ant visit with Miss McCartney, Uni- versity avenue. Mr. and Mrs, Jombs Rigney have re- turned from their welding trip, and will reside at 126 Johnson street. Mrs. David . Murray, Frontenac street, will sail for Fogland, at the end of the month. Miss Gracy Worrell, Vvigitiag in Mont- Are], comes to Kifigston, to be the | ov guest of her sister, Mrs, C. S. Kirk- patrick, Froutenge street. » . Miss May Hinckley left for Towento, to-day, to resume her studies at the Conservatory of Music. Mrs. David Plewes and. children, Montreal, are "in the dity, and are staying with Mrs, W. J. Renton, of University avenue. Dr. David M. Allison, and "wife, of Williamsfown, N.Y., spént a few days this weék in the city. They were on their way to Adolphustown, the doc- tor's former home. Mrs. Samuel H. J. Reld and Master John Hooker Reid, Brantford, Ont. Have atrived in Kingston, and expect to spend the summer months at -296 Qiten street. (Continued on page 5.) Worse Than A Failure. Wall Street * Journal. 1 had been married just a MON when he lost his position, and during the next eighteon months he jumped rapidly from one thing to an- other without being at all successful at anything. By this time, of course, her trous- sean was getting frayed around the bottom and rusty around the {op, and the hope which she had been entertain ing that she would some day be the posscssor of some new gowns, had be- come a sort of permanent hope, as far as she could see, or, in fact as they both could sce together. "Elizabeth," he said one day, you think mary inge is a failure ?" "Failure I" she said scornfully. "It's yr a panie ! " do Elephants Used On Farms. Experiments in the Congo State show that elephants can be used for pgrterage work. At an "'ele- phant farm," at Api, a smadl herd of young elephants has been kept in captivity for several vears, and final- ly, after much effort in training them, 'satisfactory results have been obtain- ¢d. Some carry drivers or loads on their backs, some dyaw wagoneties, while others draw 'the plow, Mortality among* newly-daptared elephants was at first great, but with added exper-| ience the deaths are now few, and flesh veeruits are constantly being added. Success in the aidertaking moans -a-great deal for the future of Africa. Free 8 GBNTLEMEN TO is visiting ( WANTED--HELP, PELL BOY. APPLY BRRTISH-AMmRL can Hotel Office. SALESMEN. W! WAN ED oat hea EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID. ay 207 Williaga street. Fa AES | Lg 8 theres Phi Taw free yt College, Toronto. 2 MAID baie GENERAL AT newer wai ewok uagelal ge oe MRS of 1 Air op Adare a AGENTS-MOST ATTRACTIVE P position ; are self etaling Bat burners for a os s brilliant gaslight ; Mberal i de scription free. Simple Gaslight Co. 28 Park Row, New York. WANTED----GENERAL. Y BUS) CHAS A GROO TO PITRCHASE 6 BR Brock St ness, Apply to Mcanp, * 5 A GOOD DELIVERY HORSE, WEIGH betw: and 1.200 ai old. wt H : ing from 5 to or 8 Montreal: H. 8 pence, THE SET, 2 TO 0 HHREISY or mat prom de 3 J. Bon, Electrician, Rk ellington street. BRING THEIR cloth and have it made So sate suits. Price an arenteed to please. Pressing ship ou repairing done on the shortest tiv, Thomas Galloway, 181 Brock 8t., next bby's Livery. 7 PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, etc.,, removed permanently without scat. Twenty years' "oo ence. ; r Nose, Throat and Lata b Specialist, 268 Bagot street. LOST. w WHITE MALTESE POODLE (CLIPPED). Finder kindly return to 60 William | St., or Teléphone 851 THREE KRBYS ON 'A CHAIN, ON Th ay afternoon, probably on King street, or ii Macdonald or the City Park. Reward on return to this Office, LARGE CAMEO BROOCH, WITH OLD- fashioned portrait at back. Thursday afternoon, on Brock St., above Mon- treal, on Earl or Division Sts. Find- er Phase return to Whig eflice. THB IDEAL BONING, TSR ELLA CORSETS, orset free if thy breaks or Call or 'phone 878. ETT, 105 Wellington SPI Dae rusts in one Jon Y MARGARET UNN, WAH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED From 73 Clarence St., ington St., between Hrock and Clarence Sts. Best laundry in the city. Goods called for and delivered. Killed By Fall From Elevated Train. C hicage, May 8.--Four-year-old Paul Maurice Montfort, who was killed, yesterday, by falling through a win- the sidewalk, was known amopg his friends as 'The most photographed | boy in America." His father, A. W. Montfort, is a photographer, who does a large amount of commercial work, apd whenever a fiem wishes a baby | boy's picture to advertise ite goods, | Mr. Montfort used his little son as a model. Some of the firms using the picture are national advertisers, and thus the happy face of the lad looked from street cars, newspapers, | magazines and billboards upon resi- dents of hundreds of cities and towns. | In one of his most widely-known poses the boy is smiling as a brand of talcum powder is being shaken over him.. In another noted pose he is playing with a safety razor and laugh- ni. Millions of persons have seen his picture taken wlhile seated upon wu tin bath tub, amusing himself with a cake of soap. Yesterday he climbed upon the seat of an elevated car and placing his hands trustfully against what XR im- agihed to be the window pané, plung- ed to the stone sidewalk, thirty-five fest below, and died two hours later, His skull was crushed in like an egg shell. The boy had] just boarded the train, accompanied 'bv his mother, Mrs. Achilles W. Mobntiors. The frenzied and screaming mother was carried to the mext station by the drain. When told that her boy was dead. she was with difficulty prevented from doing herself bodily injury. 121c.'Rolls Or Half Rolls 12jec. Rolls bacon, 12jc. Crawford's, Scott's And Christy's. Vine hats at Campbell Pros.' Spring. suits of merit. Livingston's. Ei LIVERPOOL LONDON AND Fire A FURNISH house. a TIER al SE propert; a Ds po. get on Strange, =% Queen WELLIX 8, FU ON irdiahed, Stores, py Hing street. the un ab ore Juted at lo or Sh He rash Fife 58 Sama Ee be seen Call Liv ngston Ave, or next TO-LET. rost's Oi Thre 5268 y t. ete. McCnnn's, Hah 140 Phe sd" | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, n ousay| Th % N+ En a, rock, putin BOATS AND ENGINES, NEW what, we ERA & LAGE dan SPREE { LIGHT he SFA FLO, 1 STOCK OOK) ey oy = 1008). EJ Tamers Pullets. Apply at 125 Nelson street, or whig o aie Fac- g - Frost W FOUR, St. FI vel 9 dow of a South Side elevated train to | | offices of H Engineer, I Resident Engineer, boy's | to 155 Well-| "MOST PHOTOGRAPHED BOY "| SEALED TENDERS addressed undersigned, and endorsed Kin Call Furn rooms, without board, ences, electric light, ren uick, J. P. Forrest, BRIGHT, all West, FURNISHED HOUSE TO June, 8B rooms, modern, gas month of Apply at Soo for cooking. Queen, street, WO LARGE on Wolfe Island, vi and conve jon to elgh! landi ply Box Heat UNFURNISHED UPPER comfortable stone a pgunbs Bey Hy ner minutes walk from Box HENRY BE. DAY, M.D, cian Odessa Cor. Hours, 8 to p.m. BS and Solicitor, Lew St. 1 Rent ¥$2U. brigh Whig office: A SINGLE BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROO 0. oder No. 11 prove pply «Ave. Stuart street, m n Possess jon May FLOOR oy torium, erly occupied for offices, LAT, house esirable for summer or for low, street. car. 190," Whig. office. MEDICAL CARD. O.M., PH and Surgeon. (practising for - the last seven Brock and Division Sta. 9 am. 2 to 'Phone, 890. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM, ingston. 'WO REAR ROOM OFFICERS, AT, 846 ing # (ill be ted Shoap, WHELI-FURNISHED conveni- Apply 61 Union RENT FOR FURNISHED HOUSES, rooms Apr 1s Sohn Ashley, 28 Livingston KING BDOWARD y oli ation, suite of rooms Boy hall suitable room, etc. Apply 211 Princess St. clube IN n suburbs, three Apply 4), Ofmcs 4 and 7 to BARRISTER 7 MS AT A SACRIFICE, AS OWNER 18 moved away, sail yacht Siadys, 20 ft. © t room. Outfit all in good 'vondition. i will take her. A, KE. Holmes, TWO NEW HOUSES, CORNER DIVI- sion and Quebec streets. Also at Fast View Park, & mien from Kingston, on the St. Lawrence. Several lots and new summer cotlages. For, sale, or to let. Apply Rev, J. D. Boyd, 108 Pine street. ™™l SOLID DOUBLE BRICK DWEL- lings, excellent location, on Princess Bt. Shposite University Ave., ouse "with nine rooms, medern De Aes sae. "His garden, Ving the' hon pr wing at ath ont rock ing pot Ry - "leavi Cor. FOR SALE OR TO LET. GREAT BARGAIN DWELLING, 14 PAT- rick street, fine location, overlooking park, also 124 Raglan road toe let, six rooms, large garden Both houses vacant. Apply Montreal street. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, Juni, 2304 Princess yi Kingston. "Ph ARCHITECTS, ELLIS ARCHITE and residence, 181 Univers ty ARCHITECT, y Market ARTHUR office Ave. HENRY ete, Square. P. SMITH, nchor Building, 'Phone, 845. ARCHT- street. --_ 2 i WM. tects, 'ett. 'Phone, NEWIANDS & SON, , 258 Bagot POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, chant's Bank Building, corner and Wellington streets. "Phone, p Dry Stove Wood It 'is the season for wood. Tr] our Bound, New Hard and Kindling, SWIFT'S. Wood. Wharfs at Mouth of Mission iver | he received at this office until 4. | on Friday, June 4, 1909 | struction of 1 | Mission River, at Fort im, District {of Thunder Bay, Ont: Plans and form of ¢ontract may Esq., | Life Building, T| Resi A. R. Esq., | Ont., ineer ichaud, Esqg., Residen chants Bank iilding, Montreal the Public Works, Persons tendering tenders | signed Hg th { hoi otoupd Hons SiRiore, io ting of tha ot the nie rm no be ht | ie An bank, pay on wharfs at the b, : og G. Ww. P. nt Deca: Of " Post ce, Qughee neer, ames and R opirtment » Ottawa. are notified not he rinted forms supplied, a ghia wit Hy thirty-five thousand dollars (§ must accom will be forfei decline the contract or the 'w return tende: Tr. advertisement i authority from the each tender. if the par a cont for, and wi in ocmse of nop-acceptance Nr By order, NAPOLEON TESSIER, hod for will! L830 P.M. for the com mouth of the Synopsis of Canadian Northwest - Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE head of a family, any male over 18 fication a het seen en the Resident Sing, Confederation Merrick, Engineer, Fort William, Resident En- J i. r- fs ot that considered nies Kusiures, with resi- actual pation of ted cheque on a chartered] le to the order of the Hon-| ourable the Minister of Public Josie. 000.007 ty tende nd Na complete be of The Department does not ind itself to accept the lowest or anv U Secretary. Pepartmeht of Publie Works, Ottawa, May 5, 1909. { the; artaion Newspapers will not be paid for this « insert it without at hy agency, on father, mother, son, @aughter, brot Intend § homeStosdar. other OF at occupied " mother, son, daughter and cannot | obtain @ urchased Fri acre. Purch h on any availatie from tions |: w tsykorsrs oF CANADIAN . NORTH: WEST MINING REGULATIONS. y COAL --Coal mining or twenty-ohe years rental of $1.90 an acre. Not. more than 2,560 acres be leased to one applic hot: AE ton. An person ei teen _vears of PHONE Conservatory ALL SEASONABLE FLOWERS IN |! DESIGN WO! A SPECIALTY. Petticoat government many times profitable. Don't withold some one has abusod it. J. A. WAL (SUCUESSOR. TO 0. G.. 285 FLORIS. BON KING STON, ONT. ACE ) is a" good i your charity house over _baving made a discove y Jocate a claim" 17300 B00 feet by 1.500 Fee, $3.00,

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