Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1909, p. 8

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I. May and June Brides APPRECIATE Which Will Come From Fur Muff, S Kinrade. Stoleor Coat i... the press at the Kinrade inquest Hamilton this afternoon rests Coroner WILL 2 iN NATURE. We have a beautiful assortment of new designs at reasonable exclusion, and the foregoing was prices to select from. We invite | effect . the answer, your inspection. No obligation to and up to noon had not arrived the parliament buildings. If ner Anderson between now and hour for opening the inquest made an attempt to with the government as to what tion he should take, he would feive a suggesticn, but The suggestion would be that rwess be admitted, but that the p lie, professional or otherwise, he i Iv excluded, the members of buy. John McKay Brock and Princess a to publish certain expected Diamonds enter Canada duty free ments and evidence, which have Silver Articles FOR THE BRIDE. Solid Silver Flatware in choice patterns, direct bearing on a sensational nat orthcoming some new and evidence as to what actually did h Kinrade home that mc pen the i Pe many - The Press Admitted. Hamilton, May 3. Although definite announcement has heen m FRUIT DISHES, BUTTER DISHES, PON-BON DISHES, CREAM AND SUGAR SETS TEA SETS vepresentatives will be admitted Ithe Kinrade inquest. Crown el word from Toronto stating 1 the crown would offer no object {to Mr. Staunton's motion to the proceedings in camera and See our fine Tea- spoons, from $7.75 per dozen and upwards. patterns of We show the largest selection of »> > > 3 » Stenting Sliver tools in this | » » t »> 3 » *> » | of Coroner Anderson. to-day the crown attorney and AAA ' A ~ | coroner had a conference and | though the latter would not say stated that it was authorvitively SPANGENBERG JEWELLER, | | allow the | press to remain | | stots Money From a Street Store. A fifteen-vear-old boy, Marriage Licenses, Issued, q : OPI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIINe a thiamin | living | tered the store of Crawford & Wa Ip y . | Princess street, and while there m There was any better Floor Paint| of with $6, which was in the till, | money being all ig silver. The 1 | when he ne kedd to see the ¢ directory. than {and for a few mts was the only | person in thé, store, the clerk | charge having gone upstairs. During this time, the lad tappéd the till, and made off The theft was, oi course, soon dis- estate. covered, and the police were notif ed Constable James A. Craig, who . doing Main clothes duty for the we find it out, but ys and he succee instead more |in rounding up the lad, who went people are finding Us OUT, and | 10 see the directory. the dems nd for FLOOR GLAZE is |Svapician ell, a= ~ | was known. The fnprmo as for color ecard. Only | (he money, and had the $6 in his | $1.75 g: on. People would they can't, and given the case, A summons was then iss appearance in ourt, this 'morning, when he . le wv A Mitchell Hardware ~ before the magistrate and ad . . ------ | ted his guilt, the court ordering t session for his he should receive the cat-o'-nine ts | The lad, was never in trouble with { police before DROVE OFF JACK FROST Saved By Two Hundred Thousand | Smudge Pots The Old Front Gate Galveston Col.,, May 3.--Two | Why News doth the with sad, Perhaps it things it's heard and seen ror she and George, six nights a Ww saved |. Pegin at hall-past-gight To say good night, and after yasses through the gate gale. droop as it d discouraged . mein ? cannot quite forget Grand Junction, thousand smudge pots kept ine thiroucki hundred which fires were Friday night by an army of men, wo men and chifdren habla from destruction by cold the fruit erop Valley estimated this | three twelve § the Grand sr to be All during -the night th from Palisa and Toma was lighted by thy clare the fire pots distributed "throughot the fruit orchards. Outside the ing distriots the temperature fell '0, must y Good-b old gat would m 'Good nigh worth million dol CONNLTY | The Debesjue and smudg - Jow 'as twenty degrees, and orchat were last she's gone to stands in the wood | And murr nothings at the moon Id gate, il it could Pu way © vour furs vet if y Would itself off its posts don't cedar flake r a joyous shout . 4 kind Kd at Would say Good night strong kind, ol at and straightway lay him out Store badly damaged tear forget camphor Gibsor Cross Drug Alexander M celebrated hi Sanday j.ondon, Ont Ask to see the hundredth birthday on | pate"s Taleum | Red Cross Drug Scott, large size of Powder, at Gibs Store. -- Boys' lothing It's just as safe for the Boy to do his own buying here as for you to come with them. If His Choice Isn't Yours, Return the Suit and we'll willingly exchange or refund which ever you desire. AAAS AA AAA ANNAN LIVINGSTON'S Tete sst Esse TsITAIVEN ght hui 3. i ENG OF URL BUT WILL BE SENSATIONAL And the Press May Be Asked Not to Publish Certain Statements Ethel with Anderson aid no one else | 100 poun The government, through the prémier, this morning heard a number of news- fry. papers in an informal protest against Attorney-General Foy, could not he seen this morning, Coro- "has communicate no. orders, press heing put upon their honor not state- the murder, but which are of Oiteide of this evidence, which has direct bearing on what actually took ® | place on the day that Ethel Kinrvade | was murdered, there is seid to 3 strong it is generally conceded that the press Attor- | nsy Washington, this morning, receiv for have! A that moving until to-day the matter would be left in the hands advantage of the fine weather of the | AL one o'clock | fore hand what action he would tak | would exclude the general public bat GIVEN CAT-0' NINE TAILS, Princess . . | i Han os of small gasoline boats intended mak- | Chickering's. | Frontenac street, was found guilty of out A | theit, in the juvenile court, this me ng nnd given a taste of the cat | nine tails : | - | On Saturday afternoon, the le 8 \ iy a on, the lad en Real Estate Purchaees. fiven the directory, for his own use. He intends residing | duced to 81. wns and upon whom jen drowned while driving logs in the | soon as the robbery Napanee-Bolleville district. d admitted taking (anadian has been the juvenile ko own man was drowned while driv- | Rants \ppear latest publications of the be and with with emphasis pastor and officials. "Phone 230. Se se" SVB VVRBLVVVRVVRINA i : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1909. CITY AND VICINITY. 1 § : ------ + RS i Received Appointment. ] : ) 13 Melville Cook, to-day, recoived his rs * appointment from Ottawa, as junior VOTES FOR WOMEN CRY glerk, in. the 'customs House. DROWNS BIRRELL'SSPEECH Shrieker Hard to Dislodge-- Suffrage Alliance Ends Its Ses- sions in High Good Humor Despite Split Over Tactics of Militant Faction, London, May 3.--Augustine Birrell, chief secretary jor Ireland, is the lat- est victim of suffragette tactics, hav- ing for their object the hectori of members of the cabinet. He spoke at a big meet at Bristol, Saturday night, and had no sooner com: menced his speech "than there were wild shrieks of "Votes for Women !" The shrieker could not be found for a considerable time, but she was fin- ally found hidden among the pipes of the great organ in the hall. She was ousted with difficulty. The congress of the International ae Hard On The Fans. Women's Suffrage Alliance closed its re-| The heavy rains of the past few days | sessions, Saturday, but did not finish have made large pools. of water on all its business, The questions as to the | (he cricket field, and it will need some | a suffrage banner and hymn, and the ub- | warm days to dry it up before the | next place of meeting remain unde- . baseball fans will be able to get busy, cided. The general feeling of the alli- the | Theoweather man has been very hard | ance's officers is that more business on the baseball' fans. has been accomplished. than at any former congress. The 1epopts of progress in various countries mide to the congress have given much satisfaction, especially the report from Italy, which was vead by the Marchesa Pellicano, the celebrated Italian authoress. A particular point was made of the fact that she is the i mother of seven children. A motto for the alliance was decid- {ed upon by the congress. It is: "In | The steambarge Navajo, Capt. Cor- {seventinle unity, in non-essentials lib- ken in command, is one of the busiest erty, an all things charity." The alli- vessels of the Kingston fleet. She has | ance decided that its motto should al- ust arrived at Collins Bay, from So- | ways be written in Latin. Austria due. with a eargo of coal, and has and Sweden have both given the al- to | been on the go ever sinee the opening | liance invitations for mext year, and { Navajo will clear | the Russians expressed the hope that of navigation. The hope t for Fairhaven. { soon they would be able to invite it. 3 hat ons Moving On Monday. | INCIDENTS, OF THE DAY. number of ¢titizens postponed | when they took | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By of he fie antes or] Bepotters On Khair Routida, the until the a od hy Rout batpers at Kingsbury's. . al- complimentary things to say about | Northern Spy apples, Carnoveky s be- the weather Carters sav that a great ! William Swaine, plang tuner. Orders many citizens are changing their Rtas | veCsived ry McAuley s. 'Phiane 778. he oT rhode | For sanitary springs and mattresses of 'shade, +{and brass and iron bedsteads, try | James Reid's. Rough On The Lake. | The Canadian Locomotive Works will There was a heavy gale on the lake | build six engines for the Tomiskaming all day Vesterday and the water land Northern Ontario RR. anlashed over all the wharves. Owners | H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Leave orders at Me ing trips in the harbor but the rough | Auley's Book Store. on wenther prevented thém from going| Charles Frohman will present, this large number of new hoats month, in this city, that much dis- sen- will be seen on 'the harbor this sea play, "An Englishman's Moth Proof Bags. We have the very latest in moth proof and dust proof bags for putting awmy clothes, ete, All sizes, at Wade's drug store. ------ City Dome Bell Here. The bell for the city buildings bel- frv has arrived and will be placed in position this week. : as of in ) It weighs 2. is and will require a good sized derrick to raise it to the bel: ------ in Have Taken Possession. The New York and Pittsburg ca pitalists who have purchased the at | Gillies timber limits in Canonto town: ship, Frontenac county, have taken thie | possession. 'The K. & P. railway will benefit by the shipping of timber. ---------- 3g Not Officially Announced. The appointment of Archibald Strachan, as dollector pf customs, will not he officially announced until Wednesday or Thursday as it has to he | be made bv order-in-council. Mr | Strachan will take over his new du ap {ties before the end of the week. * ! ---- nn | { The Busy Navajo. ie no no ade -------- morning. ---------- cnssed Home," On account of there being very lit- tle business to be transacted the wa- . a o | terworks committee was not called ade A. W. Grev. oi Westport, has pur- iy, day. the Chased a couple of lots on Reverly | For: the month of May only, life ad, street, owned hy the FF. R. Sargent es- byembership fee to Tabard Inn library, tate, and will erect a dwelling there gy Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, re O son Ish, ity here, - | The construction of concrete walks B. Walkem has purchased the ill be started in "about two weeks' block of lind at the corner of Union |time.. About six miles of walks will and Beverley strects, opposite his re-ihe laid before next November. sidence, and owned hy the Macpherson | Everything is going along nicely in regard to the Victoria day celebration 1 | All "the committees are at work and Not Known Of Here. | meeting with good results. The cele- from Mon- | bration should be one of the best held whothier | here in some vears. : vecantly Housecleaning is now the order of * lthe day fin several parts of the city A French- (and complaints are made by the hub- missing. and it [bies who have to beat carpets when 05: was thought the drowned man might | hY, return home from work at ued \ ty ; { . be the party. It was reported that an | "5% © io your opportunity te get the : 1: tad 4 auth- ing log in this district, but nothing | ors. Join the Tabard Inn library, at is known here of such an oecurrence. |... i : ve lr i Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Life It 'is said an unknown man Was bers) foe. poduiced $1. tl drowned while working at a drive neat {membership fee reclucec 10 i the 'gitawa. jmanth only. ; | Explanations as to questions put by {the Presbyterian church to its candi- {dates are mot unusual in presbyteries. A Kingston matron writes © The! Sometime or other every presbytery ladies have told the board of works has to explain to sineére young men that there are wo possible garbage what a phraze means, and that is all mn ek, The ded treal; Mm an unidentified police had a query this morning, as to man had mit hat tils The Garbage Question. lelocted . secretary of the Movements They, Are Prof. Gwillam and wife left for Nel- son, B.C, Avehdeacon McMorine will be home Lieut.-Col. Strange was up from Ot- tawa to spemd Sunday. ' Alired Laidley, Frontenac street, has left on a trip to Calgary. Archdeacon Carey been in town from Guelph for a few days. Mrs. Doniglas Young, Kingston, is sinying with Lady Falconbridge, To- ronto. : Miss - Edith Folger, King street, left at noon, to-day, to visit friends in Ottawa. Rev. Dr. Eby, Toronto, hae been Canadian Peace Soeioty. » Mrs. T. Scott, of Temagami, is with her mother, Mrs, G. 8. Oldrieve, Wel- lington street, . The general hospital governors met in the board rooms at four o'clock this afternoon. Major Panet is moving into the house lately occupied by F. H. Mae nee, King street. May Irwin, recovering monia, is recuperating at Irwin near Clayton, N.Y. H. V. Finnie, B.Sc., of the West. inghouse company, Pittsburg, Pa., is vasiting in the aity. Jobn Theobald Vincent boat to-day for Watertown, N.Y., to visit friends. Dr. A. W. Richardson is occupying the residence on Wellington street, va- cated by Col. Van Sant. Prof. Lester Gill has moved into the residonce on Stuart strect, lately oc cupiedd by Percy Stevenson. George Darragh, ir. of the North- ern Crown er left to-day for Ot tawa to spend his vacation. W. W. Gibson, loft at moon, today. for Toronto to preside ai tho examina tions for the school of pharmecy. Miss Ida McDermott, Montreal, is visiting friends in the city for a few days, on her way home from Detroit. Archbishop Gauthier was in Brock- vile on Sunday and oJresited at tho closing of the two wi s' mission. Mrs. John Porter, Cataraqui, was removed tothe general hospital, on Saturday in James Reid's ambulance. Mrs. Earle E. Couch, Watertown, N.Y., is in Kingston to spend the nex; three weeks with friends and relatives. Mrs. Vanhorn, Brock strect, cutored tha general hospital tor undergo an operation, and is reported as doing meocly. Jsrael Young, of Prescott, who has heen working in the city all winter, is quite seriously ill at the Hotel Dieu. : Dean Bidwell and R. V. Rogers, K.C., go this weck to a meeting in Brock ville of the Leeds and Grenville dean cries. They will speak. Major P. BE. Thacker, of the Royal Canadian Mounted = Riflog, at Winni peg, has been appointed to be assis tant adjutant-general at headquarters Miss Alice Uaddy, Ottawa, enter: tained informally, on Friday after noon, at the tea hour, in honor of Miss Jessie Smith, Kingston. Edward Young, wheelsman on the steamer America, was removed to the Hotel Dieu on Saturday ovening. Hu is sufiering from typhoid fever. J. E. Carmichael, B.Sc., Icit, to-day, jor Hamilton. He will spond a fow daye with Dr. 8. V. Carmichael heiore for his home in Strathcona, from pneu: in Isle, leaving Alta. Another batch of Ttalians came over on the Cape Vincent boat on Sa- turday. They left during the day for the west where they had secured employment. Hon. J. E. Mrs. Davis, sail from Quebec on the 88. Empress of Ireland on Mav 7th, for a two months' trip to England] and the continent. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanson, 54 John street, have the sincerest sym: pathy of friends in the loss of thed fiveemonths' old boy, who died in the hospital on Saturday. At Cataraqui, on Sunday morning, a most impressive service was con ducted by Rev. Mr. Stillwell, During the offertory Mrs. Walter Cooke sang "My Ain Countrie," with fino effect, The death occurred on Friday morn: the schemes. One' is to inter- that occurred in Kingston presbytery Blackhall, of the Polson che-|last week. The explanation as to the| and decide on the feasi- the Westminster confession being eo he hility of a plan he outlined. The other | founded and agreeable to the word of is to use the 8750 for cquipment and: | God, was not due to quibbling of ean make a small charge for the systema- jdidates, but due to an anxiety to} tic collection of the garbage. The i speak 'the truth i question of the necessity of attending | | to the garbage arose {rom the dis SPREAD SEDITION. eased condition of the pigs which wer a. | fed by the city refuse. {In India the Gramophone is Used. B.C., May 3.--Lord Fred- collection view My miaal works, eek { Princess. St. Methodist Church. . t Victoria srincese Street Methodist church, | : the Tu _Prigee o. Staves a goodly number erick Hamilton, son of the Duke of on Sune y HW H i A en d » B agai] 1 : : Abercorn, a y ent ritish who had recently united with the bercoru, and a prominet hag i . bv {diplomat and traveller, has arrived church were publicly welcomed bs So | here returning from Ingia, where he he Bases op attended his son's wedding to the . ._. |daughter of the governor-general, Earl Ms mI i Minto bed | briefly on "The | Church." His conception oi : a he less, thier pat He said the seditious movement in he world, to 4 Y A «1 + a :: or eet seit lis, i, et Sl bY (3 ee, | mission necessitates camdful organiza |... allowed rs Bengals etter tion, rational planning, with pers |g. (edition. broadeast "The leaders | tent devotion. A practical application, Tately adopted gramophones to lto the work of the local church was | read sedition, and the officials are | mado for the encouragement and in in a quandary ' | spiration of the present workers and "Gud CL rest a gramophone, { those who were joining the ranks. | Lv lS Caid Lord Hamilton. "It {The music, under the efficient guidance isa nistoken. iden though, to saY the Jot tho leader, Miss Wilder, was inepir: | cement is. against British rule. It {ine lis purely racial, brown against white. | Bengals are' alone spreading sedition Tottie Dafoe, the sixteen-year-old gud owing daughter of Stanley Dafoe, Aults- despised by other tribes, the move lyitle, was burned to death on Sun- |.n¢ is slower in sproading than it {dag. She was alone in the 'house | herwise would." {engaged in cooking and in some 'man: | | ord Kitchener, he understands, was iner her dress caught fire and when | become director al of the Bri- {found shortly afterwards by her 'lath- | ih forces on his guru to Egypt. ler life was extinct. | i {. The United States supreme court, on i 'Monday afternoon, declared constitu- | tional the commodities clause of the |Join | Hepburn rate case which was intended {to limit the companies of that busi- | ness exclusively. This is a defeat for {the railway. The Sylviews Eddy, a larg Col- on s SRN Nn. ----------------------, summer reading now. the Tabard Inn libvary, at Gib- Red Cross Drug Store Life membership fee $1, month of May only. There has been presented to the min- ister of justice a largely-signed peti- tion praying for the release from pem- freiohter, bound from Bay | Joseph Phillips, the ex- {Mich., to Tonawanda, went aground | manager of the York County Loan {on Horse Shoe Reef, Niagara "Rwer, | company, Toronto. who-has now serv: jon Motiday. The boat is in a dan- {ed two years of his five years term of . jgerous position, . imprisonment. , : Two men are in government hospi- | William Lewis Leslie, engineer In | tat dnd ten others are under arrest charge of parliamentary estimates and {as a result of disorders' arising out of railway subsidies, died, at Ottawa, 'on the stryke among the bakers on the | Saturday, aged fifty-four. He had {east side, New York. You can get a good red ripe pine- spple for llc. at Carmovsky's. Procure vour son steel : City, | teniary of BW BRRWBBRANN HBB WA ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ' At Adana, smallpox has broken out tin epidemic form. : \ to these tribesmen being | been twenty years in the civil service. ing at the residence of Lady Falcon bridge, Toronto, of 'Adele Diana a hall months old ot Capt. D. Douglas las, the 'wo and infant daughter Young. Miss May Hinckley sang "1 Know That My Redcemeth Liveth,' in Queeen Street. Methodist church, last night. Seldom has it been betler rendered than her interpretation of it. She | possesses a magnificent voice. I Mrs. G. C. Mackenzie and her little daughter, visiting Mrs. Mackenzie's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Low, Ottawa. returned to Kingston on Sa- turday and have taken up housekeep- ing in the residence of Miss Alice Chown, Stuart street. The oldest reai Daughter of the American Revolution surviving in the United States, to-day, Mrs. Susan Hurd Cook, was born in White Creek, N.Y., nearly 101 years ago and now resides at Clayton, N.Y., whefe she-bas made her home for many years. While physically quite infirm Mrs. Cook is mentally move keen than many persons "a score of years younger. ; | April 27th the mar-} | In Toronto on v riage occurred of Charlotte Eveline, fourth daughter of George J. Mason, and- nicee of the late Chief Justice Harrison, to Wemyss MeKengie Os: borne, Kingston, seeond son of ja'e J. Laurence Cotter, chief factor Honorable Hudson's Bay company's | servioe, and grandson of the late G. 'Sackville Cotter, CB, Royal Bengal | Horso Artillery. eee Mar Dead In Woman's Dress. London, May 3.--The body of a man i { | dressed completely in woman's. clothes, | = ldrom dancing shoes to corsoly, was { jound, Friday night. on the sea shore {of Cornwall, near Penzance. The { wrists and ankles were shackled and | thewe. wore severe bruises across the | eves, which suggested foul play. | "The body was identified as that of a London visitor to Penzance, who thad been missing since April 26th. i ---------- 1 The body of Mrs, James McCreary, | Morrisburg, was found, on Monday { morning, at the head of the Morris {burg canal, about a mile and a balf 'below the: point where she was sup: posed--to have walked in the river one night the latter part of February 1éft on the Cape fi Davis, Newmarket, and |. : Time was when the mother and the grand- mother and all the aunts united in sewing an out- fit for the baby. That time is gone. 3 ay necessary to a seige of wing and wear out both energy j 3 and' eyes in making hoe dainty garments when you can buy them here for the bare cost of materials, almost. 'BABIES' LONG DRESSES Made from fine Nainsook, with frimmed : voke. Skirt of dress finished with fine tucks and lace, $1.25. A dozen other makes ranging i from 49c up to $4.50. Babies' Long Underskirts, a great choice, from 49¢ up to 1,25. i Babies' Barricoats, fine white flinnel- ette, 49¢ and 65c. Babies' Barricoats, fine white French flannel, 99¢, $1.25, 1.65. Babies' Christening Robes Made from fine mull, front embroidered from neek to bottom of skirt ; bottom of skirt also trimmed. Prices $2.25, 2.50, 275 up to 4.50. n price Pr AANA Nl White Dresses for Girls, from 2 up to 16 years, made from fine White Mull or Lawn, from 75¢ up to $6.75. Some very dainty designs. Girls' Colored Cotton Dresses, for Girls, 2 years up to 16 years. * Prices from 50¢ to {18.75, according to style and size. Babies' Bonnets, from the plain, little Duteh Bonnet up to the dainty Bonnet with full ruch, 25¢, 35¢, 49¢, up to $1.50. Children's Straw Hats, in Sailor styles or Leghorn shapes to be trimmed, 38c, 45¢, H9¢ up to $1.85. -- Butterick Patterns for May Now ready, and the New Summer Fash- 'jon Baok has just been received. This book is fashion's autherity for the coming summer design: One Butterick Pattern (any one you wish to choose) Is Given Free To each purchaser of the Summer Fash- ion Book at 25c. « lust. = . Shoes Jast received $4 a pair The best (wearing and most comfori- able sh made. None genpine with- _out the! "Slate" trade mark. : THE LOCKETT SHOE ST

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