Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1909, p. 7

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1 yo THE DAILY BRITISH, WHIG, NEWS OF DISTRICT] comes zee =a TRAIN. RAN ON HIM The Prices Paid For Various 5 ---- Products. Wm ; LOCAL NOTES AND THING! | Montreal, May 1--As was generally | A VERY SAD EVENT AT IN GENERAL. miticipated, the butter market eased WORCESTER, MASS. IN. CONNECTION WITH ff a little on Saturday, and the two reat boards in the eastern town- Canadian Pacitic Riilway The Tidings From Various Points | ships were cleaned up, to-day, ai less | Lawyer Meets Death on His Wed- . in Eastern Ontario--What | money n was paid a week ago. At ding Eve--Was Taking Short H k ' People Are Boing And What] jh Ye inthe Shove "Wad 0 Soided Cut to His Home. omesec ers They Are Saying. wlling at 23ke. to 23ic., as compared | Worcester, Mass., May 3. Invitations : : 3 There are thirty-nine Higuor licensee | with 24jc. to 28jc. a week ago. At | to the wedding of Miss Selma J. 2 2 . - E xcur ons n South Renfrew, 'owansyille, however, the average | Neman, of 14 Hastings avenue, Worces- We have the largest stock of Prus JUST ARRIVED FROM Renfrew town council makes an an-| orice paid was only one-eighth cent | ter, and M. Barr, of Beaver, To the Canadian rthwest, Munitoba, | nual grant of $300 io the blic li ser Ib. less, the offerings fetching 24¢. | Pa. which was to ise place at tne 1 Sh 3 3 3 g > ¢ public Ji g 2c. ; Jo, place at tae |@ nella Shoes and Slippers in : Saskatchewan and Alberta. Low round: Fig, py, to 24%e. to-day. On the local market home of ke bride in this cay, Setu- 8 pper the city. 4 * : trip second-class tickets will be fssved on R. O'Sullivan, Almonte, has secured quotations ruled from 24ic. to 24jc., | day, we recalled becavse of inforna- > i W1 zZer 3 fullow ig Jatediay_ 4, 18; Juba Wy a good position in the Renfrew knii- | with a fair demand. tion received Woke brits that lr Women's Prunella Slippers, elas- i ; . 5, 29; July 13, 27; Aug. v4: | ting mills. Theres was only one cheese board | fiance had been kit by the cars near . x ig re or ' " " Sept. 7. 21. Good to revirn within 60 Charles Wallis, Belleville, is dead held in the country to-day, and the | his home. tic vamps, 60e, (90, $1.00 and 1.25. . » . Gi z io days from going Cate. nged seventy-nine years. A wife and Jierings there, which were all colored, According to fe Story which reach- Women's High Grade Prune KINGSTON-- OTTAWA six children survive. sold at 113c. per Ib. The week is ¢los- Led : Worcester, 1.2. darr, who was a ' ' > sd ; ; eave Kingston, 12.01 p.m. arrive Leonard Palmer is dead at Cannif-|ing with trade quiet, and very little | lawyer, was taking 2 short cut to his Women's Prunella Gaiter Boots, Slippers and Gaiter Boots, perfect Ottawa, 5 pn. : : ton, aged eighty-one, He was the | Jemand coming from the other side. | home across t rai road tracks when fi 3 5 ® =~ E a Leave Ottawa 10.45 a.m., arrive King- | village blacksmith, What few orders are coming in are for | run down by a train. fine quality, 6be, The, $1.00 and 1.25. fitters, $1.50 a pair. on Ba an at K. & P. and C. P. Joseph Spry died in Belleville, on | white cheese, of which there are none Mr. Barr was a student in the Bos Ii. Ticker Office, Ontario St. "Phone, 50. | Friday, of lung trouble, aged fort wailable at any price. They will be | ton Law school and came here to pass ¥. CONWAY, Gen; Pass Agent. years. He worked for the G.T.R. airly plentiful next week, however, | a part of his vacation, twd years ago, i S---------------- R. (. Percival, Merrickville, bought | and "as the first steamers from Mont- | He met Miss Neman, and although she BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. 900 shares of Dominion Steel siock at | real sail at the end of the week, thero | has seen him only once during. the Train leaves union tution, Optaty 55 some lime ago and sold them at | will likely be considerable business | past two years, the engagament was BY or Bred rn, i re] 119. passing on this account, ! made by mail and plans for the wed. : all points north. William J. Norris, Westport, receiv The eee market is closing steady, | ding were carried out in the same onto, Bannockbura and : A A : \ r To secure quick despatch to Bannock- | ing treatment at irockville, died on | with prices unchanged, selected stock | way, Miss Neman had her troussenu burn, Maynooth, and points, oe emily Saturday. He was seventy-cight years) beir quoted at 194c. to 20c. per doz. | ready and every detail had Lien ar of Quinte Railway. For further particu- of age. Redaipts for the week have been fairly | ranged for the wedding. lars, apply R. Wi DICKSON, Agent, Renfrew will have a gay fortnight} jeavy. but have been met by a good . ; i 'Phone, No.3. in June. Five hundred or so of demand. EXPECT BUMPER CROP. | meet sas coats, 42nd Regiment, will camp v1 The market for dressed hogs is the fair grounds for the annual drill, | steady. Fresh killed abbatoir stock is | Acreage Increased As Result of : . At Lvn, on Thursday, Rev. T. Aus elling freely, at $11.25 to $11.50 per High Prices. , i re t tin-Smith united in marriage Charles | cwt New York, May 1.--"Every farmer A N Buffetts nd 9 Norman Moore, Hern | S---- ---- ' ; q 5 - » a 8 Moore, son ol in the northwest is plowing for a bum- lies. Ra 8 poh : : Q 0 oe The Presbyterians of Shawville, Que, | churches in Union May Assist 1 ea have ceastd to eXist as AS congros Government y their lot witl e . Toronto, May % --For some | | | Buel, and Miss Florence Read, ht EDUCATING INDIANS. joe crop of wheat this year," said = 2 On S le This 3 Jeek ; tion and will throw in James J. Hill, Join. Mr. Hill re- cently returned from a tour of a large -- . . part of the wheat belt penetrated bn p . Solid Qt. Oak Sideboards, pol~ " the Great Northern railway. Wall ish finish, $26.00 to 65,00. oe street heard his declaration with in- Combination Buffetts from terest. 1t was recalled that two ? months ago Mr. Hill, in an interview, $22.60 to 75.00. foretold the erisis that would occu v : i in the wheat market at that time. He - 4 Sideboard, same as cut, regu= poiaied out the unueually high ranges i ea lar $16.50 for 18.50, in surface of prices of grain at Chicago, Min- . rep . - WRITE Lt harles peo : : neapolis, St. Paul, Kansas City and Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's - a A oa . x . sitlonce in Repitew sna curing dvisory commitiee, composed bl CC | St, Louk. . He saya that the develop- : gi Solid Oak hina Cabinet from Gotal PSI DURIIIGHE [Fe ie wis | og" fe We, cv: | of wilt grt i | Vegetable Compotend =k $1000 to 66.00 Columbin wits vi » Sottin ih t oni uni r will be accomplish: } not yield much Tore than hall of the Columbus, Ohio. -- "I have taken NP) " : at : : EN tC ar g standard of production set when the | I,ydia E. Pi ' m- x, - , . | TERCOLONIA y Messrs, Daniel and George n . 2 i at ih BE: ek tod of the J soil was virgin. He thinks, how- Lydia 1 a ea Ta g = | R. J REID, 0 A Eo 5 | Belleville, will be placed on the pe Te aur a is unders rots o 2 "| ever, that the acreage now being ; change of life. My (Ey - ae . i RA 1 LWAY ~ fod: sion list of the G.T.R. The Pringl ko en raent _pruDosh s I ha rep al To planted] will so far exceed that of last ldoctor told me it | J 0 230 Princess St. 6 doors above { brothers have worked . : roil Pe pussy > Line Sp ih In. year that the total yield will appro- 4 "was good, and since a Opera House MONCTON N.B | way for many years, George since ae estabiis mento. cay d 10015. | Yimate the production of a few years a taking it I feel so . ' ; «De | and Daniel cihoe 1562 iss h wn instit jes i Ro hob ago and thus help substantially to} much bates that I ~ . fs ey James Eilis died at Broekville ' paring. the . nti or hs "| relieve the hard conditions threatened | |. can do all my work "Enclosing ten--~cents for postage. | pin o night after four months iline work, a re ix some doubt wheth- | |, the Patten corner. a again. I Think : h would supply this | "referson M. Levy, a dicector of the rg {Lydia E. Pinkham's BASE 44 40440444 PATL HERIF ERP PH HEEFT DN Canadian Pacific railroad, states that 3 . Vegetable Com- \ ment at Kingston. He married the most recent reports he has receiv- : update remec + . ORBST, § ' avid - SEASHORE | Dusan Liaw ley in Kingston. 'He has | Hat On Fire In Church. ed from the officials of that railroad | Lf : or .a woman § : Wh | W 1 P Y t B on Ph La TRE A AE. Hugtrated [Fe led at Brockville fer thirty-seven i plymouth, May 1.--While se rvice was | indicate that the wheat acreage of | B 3 iroutfies, and si | + y t 1 ay ou O uy ; in colors and half tones, giving wgll years. | , held at. the Roman Cathodic } be Canadian northwest this year will | B 5 never forget to ell \ hurch of the Holy Cross, Beaumont | be thirty per cent. ahead of last year. x friends what it has done for me. | . ¥ to the line -of the railway in Fortunes On The Sands. | Road. Plymouth, a candle set fire to | "A great tide of immigration has been aps HANSON, 804 East Long St., d nvictus Shoes y and Nova London, May 1.--Blackpool has di | the hat of a-woman eitting in a front sweeping into that country for some Columbus, Ohio. + cided to abolish the gypsy eamp which | pe A man 'snatched the hat from | months," said Mr. Levy. "The crop Another Woman Helped. you'll k he différe d and: bad leather f be : . { has existed. on the outh shore for! head and she escaped with the will be harvested by the last of Au- Graniteville, Vt. -2+'1 was passing 7 § Bg ve mow. the difference "hetwesn 0nd ANA' bu sather. omy. afterq) legend and folk-lore. It has 0.80 1a] : ! | Mie wi A 3: Ol through the Changeof Life and suffered you've worn it. Island, The Mag- | more than eighty years, 'and sever ingeing of her hair, guet. This will assist in relieving the | pp haryousness and other annoying I's then that the inferior leather shows is defects, both in looks of the gypsies were fined at the loc Wl | a-------------------------- wheat market and make bread cheap- symptom! Lydia E Pinkham's Vege. hand _Wenring qualities, + oh tithe =. ice cour resterds or telling for covweling » "atroet cars er. ' i. has at 'hen you buy a pair of shoes you are a the mercy o maker. police couts, vestorday, for telling for | _Cronting the alot So eve "ta ee - table ComPound restored myhealthaud | i 1th puts telco aches Los the has. going 40. lowe your future eee meme | 1! | } m, po- | s proj re ~~ strength, and proved worth mounta trade. : licemen in plain clothes. | hd for it THREE OVERCOME BY GAS. | of gold to me. For the sake of other JE s uses good, high grade, selected leather, it means that your suffering women I am willing you purchases" won't stop with the one pair,--you'll become a permanent CYAN ENE Sm-- : Draft Blew Fumes From Base|: is stter."" -- Mis. buyer. SEL TR N SYSTEM : e [ should publish my letter Men who buy one pair of INVICTUS Shoes keep on using them from : AT 1 RE -- Burner. ARLES B R.F.D., Granite- : Local Branch Time Table SMART TR AVELLING SUIT: Chatham, ar Ty Weavers Martin, Ville, Vt. RELY Sue your ear avicTus Shoes are made of leathers, Ww the other Protestant denominations \ AND the village past correspondence. has been. passing Steps sire being taken by the etween the Indiah department at Ot ville authorities to deport Vi "9 : and, the mis ion board of the eas ore Juckson, in jad awaiting the disposi j i thodist, Presbyterian and Anglican tion of the police magistrate on , a [Ml with reference to the possi- charge of stealing two watches bility of united action in looking. af McDowell has sold his 1 Le wation of the Indian. An | advisory committee, composed of re that province 1 le vas a British veteran. In 2 / a] he joined the Royal ( adian re t valuable feature written descriptions of the country cons Quebec New Brunswick Yeotia, replete with historic incident ters of Prince Edward dalen Islands and Newfoundland, -and is worthy of a place in any library . a 8 > 3 the best selected lea! his wife and Miss Hayton, a milliner; Women who are passing through this skilled workmen, on modern machinery, over Stylish, up-to-date lasts. . had a narrow cscape from asphyxin- eridic al period or who are Sulering Thev're made with the object of giving the maximum of wear, style from any .of those distressing ills pe- and comfort that any shoes can give. In effect April 25th, 1909, Trains wiil leave and arrive at Uily Depot, foot of Johnsan street : : : tion last evening. The three were-sit- soliar to their sex should not lose sight ying Wes rave Cit Arrive City R ; ting in the dining-room of their elt 9 | ON WL NAL ONT = 33 2 ne No Nt i Le a 8 7 ; J in which is 8 an Prey om of the fact that for thirty years Lydia y - : 3 Express .... 2.835 am. 3.17 an x $ » I er ' na- |p Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, J "11 Local we 5 9.47 | ] y tural gas. The heavy wind outside | ghioh is made from roots and herbs. 3 po . Ltd, 12.25 noon 13.56 1 caused a down draft, and fumes came | pag heen the standard remedy io fs : Bay Pan ) i ; ! out of the stove into the room, Ma female ills. In almost every eomin 4 "leave City i he Martin was barely able to get out of | pity you will find women who hare No. 8 Mail cies 43 a : } the house to notify the neighbors. | been restored to health by Lydia i. ; 2 Fast FBS nam. Ae J They are all recovering. Pinkhara's Viegetable Compound. 6 Joc enna @ * : Mail i 2.25 noon 1: Ne : 4 4 mmbeepeen al a 2 iy Effect Of Imperial Budget. { Fast 1 Saul es 700 pan. 7 : ; Toronto, Globe. International Portland . ¥ § NAY, 2, 94°50, 6,7 and 8 run daily. $ This burge apntrng # s a ¥ : Ea 3 3 5 get, mecting as it does a I other tre ' axcept § iv : - QR : ; All other trains daily except Sunday 3 5 deficit af 878,810,000, will ~ test and Cement i HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS to the ; § E 3 prove tht cohesion of the British peo ad CANADIAN NORTH-WEST, M ANITOBA 2 3 § { ple, and cohesion is the test SASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA SH ; ; : 35 ) t : n Andry. second-class tickets will : I : strength and stability. The wealthy | Adamant Wail Flaster round-trip Ad ik issued via Chicago, North Bay or classes of Britain are asked to bury on following dates : May 4th, 18th ; : 3 3 ¥ ¢ a sume the cost of armament sufficient ue 18 mth, 20th ; July 18th, 27th; 3 : : n . : : Juiie 1 t, ANth pi h So 1h Hd : ' 3 i to insure safety. I'hey are asked to Gue'ph and Ren TeW COPYING FIC Good te return within 60 days from go EY Ro » relinquish, rights and male contribu . | ly le ing date J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Ra : an tions to the end that a better stan Lime Cor. Johpson and Ontario Sts ER 3 nln dant of living may Insure a popuk ' : : : EY tion able and 'willing to man ae ye ; --AT Pads of 100 Sheets, size 8. X 11 inches---T¢. cach, Pads of 100 Sheets, size 5 x 8) inches--4c. each. First Sailings--Summer - Season a Ss Vi ay [itt Ol en P WwW ; 4 o s g--=8 Season: Se Sh | are asked to give of their abundance ALLAN LINE 'STEAMERS 3 : ; io as to velieve growing discontent a 2 alsh S, 3 . : that might weaken and even destroy ' , 7 ayn . 3 £1. | ] ] @ TO LIVERPOOL Corsican (Twin 3 ' | national unity. Some will ol oil Coal and Wood Yard, Barrack St, Bri fish Whig Publishing : ompany 7th Virginian (Tufbine), ; | : ism and confiscation, as if there were Ay 31 -- lonian (one class ) 1 ; 3 ] by ! not abunduice of both already on the ; JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT ony 3 3h. Grampian (Twin 3 S i | statute books. . i \ ' 6 roRbon / Wo Everything She Ate THEAHOME OF GOOD PRINTING. TO LONDON-- Corinthian' (one class A. S ; : ond eabin), May Sth. Sicilian (one A ; 5 Be) The Evidence Not Complete. Tlass 2nd cabin), May 13th. A AN { Victoria Celenist, (Conservative). SEEMED A RATES OF PASSAQG +-- According h 3 Gt | It is a matter of very great regret i First-cls 867.51 3 that the scandals of New Brunsw BURDEN TO CARRY. Co -------------------- stahmers 0 and vp. Second-class, $40, § 71 3 x veg ' wn K 'nd $47.50. Third-class $27.5 r polit cs should be transferred lo iF 5. Steamers sail from and « wh Oo / | Howes of Commons. A tolerably in --- gers embark at Montreal ) timate' knowledieof - the TR particulars from Allan = Line N 3 R As 3 tures i litioe x \ inside fea 3 / | tures ¢ politice in the eastern pro- . gents, Kingston { . ' Cdl 3 ce disposes us suspend judgment . . : \ 3 ~~ ¥im isposes us to .suspend judgment The Goodyear Machine 1s Now Working | as to the degree of personal guilt in 4 volved in any disclosures that have re . ce Real Est ate : | Hr 3 , cently been made. * * The « Er Su esstully. he | try ought hav DATE he Z a ; : : 3 { ta wight? to have been spared the un " L Men's Sewed Soles and heels, $1. seernly wramgling over the Maves con- 5 "ed 3 75 tract, and all that discreditable busi- | t¥ i Men's Nailed Soles and Heels, 7c. For Sal € = TE Tat i ed - Ladies sewed Seissand Heels; Ve: i AO A Ss 8 eo AY : ' 1 5 » . : : or Presley or 10.0 ; O'Sullivan's RubberHeels, bc. : 4 the least, not coneclasive, and we have : . No. 1--Br jek Dwellirg, ¢ ; declined to condemn him upon it. and A E H erod modern. 11 roains, west end, Ne: : 8 Henry 'Georgeism Revived. > system, . . 2 ' to 1¢ » i$ 4 Ped wi ; i i near ¢ ole giate. Montreal Witness. Mrs. D. 2806 Princess St. I'he House of Quality stomach 2 y Mr. Lloyd-George has not gone so »4No. 2---Brick Dwellirg, 9 3 far as his namesake. He does not in- ififing Soom ? PHONE 837 : . . » : 5 vade existing values, but he proposes i 3 rooms, sple ndid situation, a i? 3 io tax, nol Zo its whole Ky as ; Late morning 2 a No. 3--- Ponble rick, n od- Henry George would have him.do,. but i i ing and i m-- pi - : 3 . 2 t ® h to one-fifth of ils value any incroment : % ern, paymg 8 per « ent net." 3 S § in v aluation that 'takes place hereafter, ings i v Lefeefoforfofonfonosfortorfononforfuaforfosfocferfoforfe dh 7 . D bl Fr: a RS : X 3 This does not promise any great im- i i state x No. 4--Doubie : a m= . A X y ; t mediate relict, ut opens a splendid tried everything FF rrival ' > } yood condi- X Lo) e d RN vista for the future, as owing to the chasable, i 1 A well rented, mg a NR decline in the value of money land is three i res : tion. X at present rising fast. The great ad- - vantage of this form of taxation is : 1 ~ » Ve » 5 : No. 5--A Row of Seven ; that instead of being a tax on enter- | : nn To Silt Kdge Investments. : prise or irdustry. as most other taxes y : a a ' : : . > i" are, it is an cnfranchisement of enter- 1 " ; 1 have atlarge number of ' prise. : . PE : pe e---------- properties to choose from. PHOTO DY JOLL FEDLE. d' 1 1 a girl is really pretty she] = =emm= You can make no mistake : The woman who intends to spand several weeks in a motor car doesn't mind being told that re . E. Vandervoort, Belleville, has 50 CENTS PER LB. ' Y take 'hoi this season needs, besides the room belongings and dinner frock [other girl is. been appointed manager of the Alex- to call and take a ChoOlC€| .srried in her suitcase, a smart travelling suit. Such costumes are The mother in the home has a just | andra hotel, Wellington, converted .in- early in the week. built with loose, well cut coats mounted over one-piece frocks to |right to feel her sell-importance. io a temperance house, having beend | : hE match. > A lot of men are anxicus to be purchased: by = syudifate of pi ot : A.J REES, 1 66 . v : . a This stylish cloak, of shepherd ~heck ser~e, has block buttons and | celled heroic by hearsay report. men. A { y < facings. he frock beneath is prov ided with several removable We ought to judge men, as well as Socisty sometimes is the breeder of ' : D. eo © ay: guimpes of net and embreidery. ; : horses, from théir good points, (lasses that foster hate and envy. Phone 58. 3 - "1 C3 The photograph shows a clever method of tying the weil around Two years is the lifc of the average! By persistent joking you may wake | : eres ov Brock? St. . the new high hat trimming. spider. 3 enemies as well as please friends. ' ttt PE -

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