Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1909, p. 5

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THE DAILY : SRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, APRIL 27. 1909. : }. TUESDA IL $7, 1900 10 BE INDEPENDENT... == Interesting News From: the Var. PRENCH SPEAKING HOUSES | Schmitt har tee doing 41 OF DOMINICAN FATHERS. the catching for the Detroit Tigers. Prof. Macoun to Wonk. on Van- oronio ball team: the couver Island Collecting Mus- season at Hanlan's Island, May Sth. Bones Allen may play Tanide 'home eum Specimens--Special Map of Gowganda Region Issued. for Regine Sh the Minto cup matches. Ottawa, April 21.-It is announced Columbus lost eight straight games in the American Baseball Association. The monument to Father Chadwick Yas unveiled at Brooklyn by baseball that the half dozen French-speaking houses of the Dominican Fathers in St. Yves expected to difeat Shrubb Canada and the United States, have]by two or threo laps in their fifteon been detached from the French pro- | mile race. ; vince and m pracucally | -} Columbus has purchased Outlicider dent, They are not fully a separ ate body, but will be so a ar shortly, Meanwhile they are under the Clarke from the Cleveland American league Baseball Club, jurisdiction of the general administra- tion at Rome. Newark may protest the first game of the season, which they lost Thurs- Prof. Macoun, of the geological sur- vey, has left for Vancouver Island, on day to the Torontos. Tho Eastern League baschall honor the west coast of * which he will work this summer, collecting specimen - for roll : 1908, Baltimore; 1907, Toronio; 1906, Buffalo; 1905, Providence; 1904, the new Victoria Memorial Museum. 'Special maps _ of - the Gowganda re- Buffalo; 1903, Jersey City; 1902, Tor ronto; 1901, Rochester; 1900, Prowi- dence; 1899, Rochester; 1898, Mon- gion and the Rossland, B.C., mining | treal. ; districts have just been issued by the geolagical survey. The firgt is of ex- pt importance to miners in the ---- EINRADE MURDER INQUEST. Believes Crown is Conducting the Case pointy, Join, Ont., April 27.--That the oner"s s investigating the mur- der of E Kinrade not agree with George Lynch Be K.C., when he says the crown's methods are "barbarous, etc." was shown, last evening, when the inquest was formally opened, and, on tl esentations of Crown Attorney Washington, ad- journed until Thursday evening at eight o'clock. The inquest had been closed and some of the jurors were starting to leave the room, when R. B. Spera, foreman, summoned them back. They then indul in a brief discussion on the advisability of pass- ing a resolution to show Mr. Staun- ton that he was in the wrong when he made the statements about the crown methods, "We thought it would be a good idea to point out to Mr. Staunton that he has a wro agression about thg crown's ton Mr. Spera's statement to a seporter, af- ter the discussion. '""The jurors do not think this inquest is being conducted as he says it is. Indeed, we think ev- erything is being run fairly, and we wanted to express our opinion in the form of a resolution to that effect." "Why didn't you pass the resolu tion 7" he was asked. "We thought it best to let the mat- ter lie low for a time," was his re- ply. It was intimated, however, that the resolution approving of the crown's methods would be passed before the inquest is closed. THEY WERE RESCUED LIVED ROBINSON CRUSOE EXISTENCE. ---- Captain and Crew of Wrecked Fruit Steamer Cast Ashore on _ Uninhabited Island. New York, April 27.--The small fruit steamer J H. Cunco drrived here last ot Antonio, having eal Walters. and 5 tne, rising tho irice, which Mich il Aoi on Low. e and Bea- Cay reef at the east end of Marigana lelatd, on the night of April 7th. t. Walters told of leaving the od schooner in a skiff and row- _-- to the mainland, whero for ten days they lived a typical Robinson Cruscoo existence, the island being un- inhabited. The chances of being re {ued by a passing vessel appearing too remote, the captain ro-embarked all hands in the skiff and 'rowed to Castle Island, a" distance of nearly a hundred miles, wharo the Joseph H, Cuneo picked them up. STOCK QUOTATIONS, Cobalt and Leading Canadian Stocks Listed. The following quotations "5 su plied by the City Brokerage Le Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), a Clan: cance btreet. Telephone 480 A : Cobalt Stocks. April 27th. SCOTT'S EMULSION overtaxed, emaciated women and anemic girls, gives rich, warm blood. wt All Druggiots WESTERN BANK OF C The combined Banks offer an Shwaighou Cutasics Tie Ber i distributed together ver the the Province. = You Cannot Overeat of | Kellogg's Everyone who enjoys a dainty dessert cannot overeat of Kello Toasted Corn Flakes. A delightful, cooling, re- freshing, yet appetizing and nourishing, table delicacy. Eat all you will --you'll be rosier Nature's Own Food-- | the "Sweetheart of the | Beavee Cobalt ...... ' Corn," prepared by Chambers-Ferland Kellogg's Secret Process. Cobalt Central Insist that you get I OL 1 » ae bi ogg. Toasted Corn Flakes Gifford ........ Greg Meehan . Over 37,000,000 packages sold in Canada and United States in 1908. KINGSTON BRANCH cok: Su INRNER Manager Freshness, Newness and i Novelty Everywhere. § Notwithstanding all the coniroversy ilver country. and threats of the past few days it js announced definitely that the fifteen It is dccsiood that the report of the commission upon chilled meat and mile race between Longboat and Shrubb will take place as scheduled in Moutreal on Saturday, May Sth. its exportation will file a report advis-! At Durban, Natal, Walker, the Olvm- ing the establishment of large central | pic 100 metres champion, broke the plants and numerous feeders, refrigera- | world's record for 150 yards, last Sa- tor cars and cold storage depots at principal ports. The scheme, as out- ined, will cost $5,000,000. Women of taste fairly luxuri- ate in the wealth of choice of-: fered tis Yea r by our Spring Stock of Millinery. Never in the history of the store, has there been such a varied mmul- tiplicity of tasteful exglusive and beautiful designs for spring fashiondom. Join the blithesome throng. which are making these bright days full of pleasurable ac- tivity. - Also see our Costumes, Skirts, Waists and Coats on second floor, § David M. Spénce, turday, on the level. His time was 14 1-5 seconds. The track was mean sured by corporation surveyors. Sub- sequently Walker attacked the 150 yards record and covered the distance in 17 4-5 seconds, beating Wendell Baker's rocord of eightecn seconds at Poacon Park, Boston, which was made on June 14th, 1886. Walker sails Phursday for a tour of England and the United States. There's nothing much to say about Shrubb'ss, victory over St. Yves on Saturday in New York, excupt that the Englishman was in rarg form, and that the Frenchman is not the pheno menon at all distances that his going in the Derby scemed to indicate. The time, 1.26.12, is only 13 3-5 seconds faster than made in the Derby at the same distance, when Shrubb = was ahead. Indeed, at fifteen miles Shrubb seems now invincible, as it was years ago that Appleby lowered the colors. The latter holds the record for the distance, viz., 1.20.04 3-5. Likely To Be Called. Toronto, April 27.--According to of- Sellers, Buyers, ficial statements, made this morning, x 19 8.18 | the crown fully expects that the Kin- 08 08} | rade inquest will proceed at Hamilton 97 | Thursday night and that Miss Kin- 88 {rade will 'be the first witness called. 1 {The attorney- gesieral' s department, it was learned, is proceeding with ils | preparations for the renewal of the | Inquest on this basis, although both | the attorney-general himself and = Do | puiy-Attorney-General Cartwright re fused to discuss the matter. After a long conference at which all the de tails were gone into, this morning, the | attorney-general said there had been i oo much said on the case. In addi- tion, Lo James Baumn, the crown offi- cers, here, admit that several other 1 | witnesses, whose names have not yet been mentioned, will be called at the inquest. It develops this morning {hat instead of sending the original writ of certiorari .obtainegd as a result of Lynch-Staunton's motion to Ham- ilton, for service on the coroner, the , copy, which should have been register- led here, was forwarded. The original was sent down, today, by special messenger, PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Burglars robbed three houses in Lon- don South. George Watson was killed while dril- ling at Cobalt. David . Shannon, an old resident of Eden Mills, was found dead in bed. The Toronto council voted £50,000 for the enlargement of Kent school. James Hutchinson, the oldest civie employee, of Toronto, died suddenly. The Allan steamer Carthaginian, |. from Glasgow, arrived at Halifax, on Little Nipissing ...... . McKin. Dar. Savage . Nipissing ... Nova Seotia . Otiese Peterson Lake Rochester Silver Leaf ... Silver Queen Temiskaming Trethewey .... . Watts... cee ie THE LEADING MILLINERY | ; 1. 623 10. 30 : : STORE. Who Would Be Without A 'Brass Bed ? $1500. Our Special Solid Brass Bed, for See Our Special a inch t Solid Brass Bed, for $24.00. ou A Our Minsicn Bed, Solid, apld regu. lar $65, for $4 Yad Post Bed, 6 ft. high, See Our 2} in bow foot, for eg as $70 each tand, Solid Maho Others as hi, n to $75 and $128, gH 149 25 . 1.51 150 Baseball On Monday. lcague--Toronto, 2; Jersey City, 4 Montreal, i; Buffalo, 1. Rochester, ; i. league--Detroit, 4; Chicago, 1; St. Louis, 1: New York, 0. Washinglon, 1; Philadelphias 3. National = lcaguo--Boston, York, 2. Chicago, 6; Cincinnati, Philadelphia, 6; Brooklyn, 4. Pitts- burg, 4; St. Louis, 3. Balti- 2 3. Eastern more, 1. Providence, Newark, American land, 2. Boston, CANADIAN STOCKS. Steel Com. ...... ..8.00 8.32} "Absolutely Pure" Ice Cream Any flavor, Any Lour. 60c per quart. * 9 3 Price's, -2 2risetse st. AIIM ' Automobiles $ To Rent. Terms Reasonable. Open. ; W. Jd. Moore & Son, ¢ "Phones--Garage, 815a. © Residence, 815b. TRACI Bad BLOOD "Before I began using Cascarets T had a bad complexion, pimples ow my face, and my food was not digested "as it should have been. Now lam entirely well, and the pimples have all disappeared from my face. I can. truthfully say that Cascdrecs are just as advertised ; ¥ have taken oily two boxes of them." Griflin, Dom. SHARBOT LAKE BUDGET. Cleve N. pars. William: Robinson is Slowly Recovering. Sharbot Lake, April 26.--Thomson's mill is closed for the present. T. B. Campbell has gone to Mississippi to file saws for "1, Allen for the season. Miss Pearl Papa has returned to nor- mal school at Ottawa. Mrs. William Robinson, who fell and met with a very painful dccident, is slowly im- proving. J. Hetherington and Mr. Culbert drove their horses to Perth, last week, and sold them. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gordon have gone to Smith's Falls, to visit the latter's father, who is very low. Miss Rendeer has gone to Bishop's Mills for a week. Mrs. 8. Godkin intends to start for Albetta'ogth, this week, where she intends to make | Hon. Dr. Pyne laid the corner-stone her home. C. Hufiman, who fell and!of the new Exhibition Transportation! fractured two ribs, last week, is able building, Toronto. to be up. Mrs. J. Milliken has return- A charge of murder %has been laid ed from hospital. aguinst Palla Stefoff, in connection Mrs. Archie Irwin intends to move with the death of Evan Simoff, in To- to Bobcaygeon next week, where Mr. onto, Irwin has secured a good position.| A man was flung from a motor cvele Mrs, James Irwin, who spent the win-' running a mile a minute on a track at ter in Westport, returned last week. ' [os Angeles, Cal., and escaped without The excitement, last week, ran very serious injury. high in the ladies' contest, the silver | At Montreal, Judge Cannon pitcher being won by Miss G. Blair. down to work, on Tuesday morning, Harvey Harrison has opened up a in his investigation into the malad- butcher shop and P. Harrison a! ministration of the affairs of the city. grocery store. Mrs. H. Roberts visited | The dominion government has - dis- Kingston, as also did J. Carey. Visi- {allowed an Ontario statute passed in tors : Miss Maud Butterill, at Maber-| 1908, respecting chartered accountants. ly; Mrs. J, J. Ryan's; Mrs. -- Burnam's; berly, at J. Lyles; family, of Barriefield, to, who is employed by the Kingston and Pembroke railway here; Miss Lena Clark, at Havelock. Mynn Long has an extra gang of men' employed by G.P.R., laying steel. B. Smith has men , at work building his house on Wafr street. R. Charl ton, of Zealand, intends erecting a house on the same street right away. Mr..andsMas. Be Blalely visited Tweed this week." Miss Sibbett Burke visited her home Le Oso over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E, oese, of Finch, visited Mrs. Canneir., this week. Willis Rob- erts was at I. Blair's over Sunday. WORTH $100,000, RE-ENLISTS. to Be -a 3; New 2 PHOTO BY REUTLINGER , COPYRIGHT . 1909 BY THE KY HERALD CO DAILY HINT FROM PARIS. teel Gray Cloth Gown, with Eeru Lace Dresser and match, from $25 latest designs. ROBERT J. REID, 230 Princess St. 'Phone, 57 LITTLE GIRL RAN AWAY. DEATH OF OLD PIONEER. Oldest Garafraxa Set- tlers. Fergus, April 27.--A typical pioneer life ended - in the death of William Alexander, aged eighty years, = ten months, twenty-five days. Mr. Alex- ander was born at sea, on hoard the bric Mary, commanded by Captain Dunlop, bound for. Canada, on May 21st, 1828. After a voyage of six weeks the Alexander family reached | Canadian soil. The St. Lawrence route was not | then what it is now, and getting to Kingston was dreary work From! Vas Seized of a Desire For Ad-|One of venture. New York, April 27.--Adele Bods, | the whimsical' thirteen- year-old daugh- ter of Arthur E: Boas, a wealthy thread manufacturer, is surrounded by her parents and relatives in the West O8th street residence, the mystery of her disappearance ony Friday last has heen dispelled, and the 'caso revolves itsalf into nothing more than a naive childish escapade, withno other ex- planation tlian a sudden desire to sco he world, Boston in particular, and a wish to be independent and work for a living. But with a cut finger, dis hevelledl- clothes, and apparent fatigue, Adele's parents arc - sure that she realizes that there are pleasanier ex- wriences than going forth alone to a strange city in response to a desire for | wdventure, . Pine Apples, Celery, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Ripe Tomatoes, Navel Oranges All sizes and prices, at R. H. Toye's, PLUMBERS @ USE our STAR EXTRA WIPING SOLDER, the round end blocks, .costs no more than the common kinds. One trial will make it al- ways your SOLDER. Canada Metal Co., Ltd 81 William St., Toronto. Always Kingston they took boat to Hamilton | OH . then by team by Galt hy Guelph, then | a small village, where the family stay- led all winter, the father helping to | clear the townsite and cut out the road to Goderich. The family later moved into Guelph | township, giving a portion of it a . { name it still retains--Paisley Block. A warrant is out for the arrest of | Then the father died. Wiliam remain Aubrey Neli, aged sixteen years, charg- | od with the widowed mother until he od with shooting at Edward Sauer, was twenty-two. vears of age. when he at an Epwd'"h League :- mesting at | removed to Garafraxa and settled on Redmond, of Kingston, at |The action was taken upon the advice | Bethel, Ont. lot - 18, concession 6. Miss Paul, of Ompah, at of the minister of justice. | The estimat ' Mrs. Hughes, of Ma- Bwglars ettered the store of I. Tur- | ings in Torontos Mrs. Lotto and |cotte, * Calgary, took his delivery | $16,000,000. visited Mr. Lo& | horse nd waggon, and drove away with the safe to a secluded spot, where | gi they cracked it, stole $200, and return. ACCUSED SLAYL:™ AND VICTIM ed the horse to the stable, 302 KING ST. Phone 141 i | 5 got 'alue * of new build- this year, is neagly | Bring your friends to Wonderland to- right and hear the Loraine Sisters. Clarence R. Sheridan, Que. Have You Seen| Our New Wall Papers? | i v Potent, Never Sickea, 5, 28¢., 50c. Pleasant, Palatable, Taste Good. Do Good. Weaken of Gripe, Never sold in Bulk, The genuine tablet stamped CCC, Suarantend W cure or your poney bick Ignition: Dynames, Storage Batteries, Spark Plugs, Carburetors, Etc. TEY OUR DRY ATTERIES. Turnbull Bec Mig. Co. 878 Bagot St. Here's a Business Pointer | -------------- | TO TREAT INEBRIATES. | | Provincial (Plan to Aid Alcohol | and Drug Victims. Toronto, April 27.--The success of rcécent experiments of the hydro-thera peutic system of curing. habitual drunkards and vietims of drugs treat- cd in the provincial hospitals for the insane at London, and Kingston will, the Globe understands, probably result in important steps being taken to on- | able victims to be treated at a nomin- | al expense. The treatment is one of "boiling the craving out of the sys-( tem" and some of the cures have been astonishing. One unfortunate woman was recontly taken to the Kingston institution an inveterate morphine fiend. The report of the physicians to | We have a large stock of Imported Goods in the latest designs and ings. Lucrusta Relief, dadoes--Burlaps, Plate: Rails. Painting, Paperbanging: : color- SAGE TR 0 i A wan the newest thing for and apd Room Moulding James L.- Dixon Likes Graining Marine. . Chicago, April 27.~James L. Dixon, twonty-four years old, thinks that the United States Marine Corps is a good place for a man to be, even t n © .QUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO and Chewing at forty-five is. a good tobacco. Why Andrew Maclean, Smoking celts a pound, pay eighty-five cents. Ontario street. te Vi fo Standard 20") for Cleat, Gonor dvi and Runnings IN 48 FATS Dares Kids Tapa Phdfar Teaubtan R. H. TEMPLE ® SON \ Members Toronto Stock J rchange. (Established 1875) Orders executed on Toronto, Montreal aud New York Exchange. COBALT STOCKS A SPECIALTY. | 10 Melinda St., Toronto. "Phone M. 1639 P enlisted, yesterday, for four years. as a private in the marine corps, received word that £100,000 from a rich uncle in Califor- month ago went to Toronto, where he says he mado grain recruiting office. Judgment Re Ownership of Bottom dent Phillips, of the Rideau canal sys of the department re canal : bogk-binding, embossing, etec., Whig office, Notethe quality and the catch evervthing going. hough he has inherited a fortune. He Four years ago, when Dixon enlisted he bad inherited and a ia. He served out his time, $25,000 by a deel 5 in clevators. Ho becamo tired" of ivilian life, howover, and hurried to a STILL OWN LAND. of Canal. Perth, Ont., April 27.--Superinten- tho following decision "drowned lands" branch of the Rideau sm, has given n the - Tay the department set forth that her body | tions, and all thought of cure been abandoned: A treatment of three | weeks, with a gradual lesgening of the | dose, served to effect a cure, the craving for the drug being eradicated. | Several cases of men who were aloo | holic victims have been handled, and | in every case the result has been a complete cure, according to the official | reports. All desire for alcohol has | been removed irom the pationi's sys | tem. A Pleasant Time. An anniversary %ocial was held in| Chalmers cHurch hall, on Monday even- ing. A large number of 'the congrega- tion were present. Rev. Dr. Macgil- | livray occupied the chair. The speak- ers of the evening were Rev. W. H. "I am' instructed that we do not. gwn the land which is submerged, but | cal we merely paid for the right to food | Massie and Tweddeli, and Mrs. A. R. {phone d the property of the oviginal owners." for canal purposes. The land itself | that is covered by water still remains | Natice. For all kinds of printing, ruling, try the rice. 1 Sparling; Rev. D. R. Drummond, Ham ilton, and D. G. Laidlaw, city. Msi. selections were given by Misses | Refreshments were | Ladies' Aid Society, | B. Williamson. served by the affair during the evening. people should than others, - as i enjoy betier | they do not Deaf health Strawberries, daily, Carnovsky. {1s stated, | gave way, | a strong and swift current, all ! drowned, including the horses. was everywhere calloused from injec- | had | AMBASSADOR RECALLED. Old to Understand New Conditions. St. Petersburg, April 27.---M. Zino- vieff, the Russian ambassador to Tur- key, has been recalled, and General F, F.. Palitzin has been appointed to that | post. M. Zinoviefi's recall is due, it} to his inability to under- | stand the new condition in Turkey, { owing to his age and long associa- | tions with the sultan and the membe rs | | Too {of the old rule, with whom he sympa- | | thized. | | Man, Woman And Horses Drowned Belleville, Ont., April 27.--A tele message fram Madoe stated that while J. Clarke and his wife, who {live in Elzevir, near Queensboro, 'were } who were accountable for the pleasant | driving over the bridge on Black Creck at that place, on Monday, the bridge precipiiating Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, their icam of horses and the waggon into the stream. There being were T.McMahon & CO0., & Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. iI a A i degree SLrONECT, rt Th pai PS | yt £0 Memes G2. Toso: Chester Jordan an actor is now on trial in Boston, charged with (rand Trion i Opp. Grand Central Station, New York City {IR} 1 8 HOW David Hall Phone 335 66 Brock St. Rooms, $1.00 a Day Bagssae jo sad from Station free. Send fo stamp for N.Y. Oity Guide Book and Map murdering his wife, of whom he was jealous. A London, Ont., Engineer. London, Ont, April 27. ~George Wright, of Toronto, was appointed as- sistant city engineer of London, by the council. of looking We save annoyance ip Ring up 343, men to clean carpets. James Campbell, TAILOR 109 BROCK STREET. Cleaning and Pressing. Hew Velvet Coll Collars, on 75 GENTS Up. H. Milne, Bagot street,

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