Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1909, p. 5

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i . ' THE DAILY SRITISH wmG. _TUESDAY. APRIL 20, 19089. For Women's WAS SHE DOWN TOMN ne vee. wh LUCKY BRIDE ; HER_WEDDING DOT. N Over The World. A WITNESS THINKS SHE SAW Bread in New York, East Side, 'Isen one cent a loal. Every woman should fortify herself FLORENCE KINRADE. Cleveland bicycles. H. Milne, against those weaknesses and de- . ---- Bagot street. "Phone 542. rangements which are Usually pres- Florence, However, Says She Was It is oxpected that a sirike of ent at times when Nature makes in Bed Till Noon--Authorities | sailors en the great lakes will be i dered. 'extra demands upon the system, il Not Bay What Will Bel rb fom of the provincial Horse For women's special ailments hdwn at Trial. temperance hotels will soon be theré is no known remedy so safe Hamilton, Ont., April 20,--The de- proved. 5 _ : : Established ws OF CANADA n Buaches and reliable as li tectives investigating the Kinrade| Ten freight. ears wore thrown offi the } murder hgyve beer seorking on the idea | railway track near Port Crédit, the that Florence Kinvade was down town damage totalling $1,000. : X J : gives Savings Deposian. whither their equi be large or ll, on the morning of the murder. At! Owing to the break-up of the roads Cah ; the mos courteous service the last session of the jurors Miss | the post office will only accept lettres Kinrade swore she was in bed until | for delivery at Gowganda and distriot $8 nearly noon and did not leave the points, © £ a , house until she ran out after the| Two hundred lady teachers arrive y ; j Saunders wus committed. I he, detec. at Guelph A a a three Fain] ; k a p ot AGRE BRANCH {tives have discovered a possible wit- | course i v Ontari rricultarg -1 ; ness in the person of Miss Ersin, em- ad -. in the Ontariy Agricultural Col i J 3 : Cor. £,JURNER ot ployed in the Paiies' wrist department | "A pote found among the papers of ; ; These pills possess corrective and | Staniey Wes oe iss Krskin | John Davidson, the missing Scottish knows Florenee Kinrade, anc though | poet, indicates that he has commits ted icy pies yhiciuyes Marked she will not swear positively, she is t suicide. £liect u x y > 8 » n } pon the general 'health an under the impression she saw the girl | I'he population of Winnipeg, about promptly relieve nervousness, sick in the store on the morning of the | hich (here has been so much specu- headache, depression, backache, arden, hat Xives Some Sedene ta [Talion, is placed at 122,500 by the weakness and other unpleasant on the afternoon of the murder when | ASSeSSOTs symptoms, Beecham's Pills estab- | 1. heard wh the Victim was, ~he 2: Fath "ola, isis priest of + ra . ' wi », t lish healthy conditions and furnish ~|<aid without thinking, "Why, Flor. | Bracebridge, Oni. died Monday after- ence Kinrade was in the store thi noon after a brief illness of catloer, in i es a : Is Ji Sty: third vear. morning." It is also rumored that Wer. ue. ded tom Fadl e P a e Miss Kinrade was seen in the store "Aj Es ge. oe oy. ey 3 of R. McKay the morning of the] IX. ol 158 lite icenses, - despite. the . ° miirdors.= The: amthorities ore still fact that the number oxeeods that al- g t ime | remaining silent. Bver the case, refus. lowed by law in proporiion to popula- ng to state what will happen at tl} ton. s dont. Thursday night. Pr hey Si Frederick A. Lee, the defaulting tell not. seem. {o- be over hopeful, how. | Ff of the Northern Crown Bank, Sas- Kellogg' s over. Le ratoon, mrrested in Los Angeles, has | | Is Not a Medicine So | Asking the Kaiser to Save His rocorily boon: weiner Toa : : ¥ ova * i Zo X - ecently been orking in cstmount, 5 es v wr i Ne, "E 7 » th | Throne. { hut struck a snag, was convicted and | a x s x : er srdtetes, tetttten ! ; 7 l¢ [! Constantinople,, via Philippopolis, | C \ Rg x : | i April 20.--The sultan has turned to | Stylish Hats, Suits, Coats, Waists, Sold Everywhere, In Boxes 25 cenis. reived a4 Winnipeg. He waived ex dward McElw, who made a spe ialty of swindling clergymen and has | i TURNED TO GERMANY. _ E lition. oes to jail for a year, Kellogg's Toasted Corn ) I'he Hamburg 1American liner Flakes is not a"medicine" and] a, ier 1 Amerika, en route from New York to it's a dainty, whole- is asking. assistance from the kaiser | Tamburg, is ashore off Allonbruch, | to save his throne. The correspondent . 1) i 4 3 i : ; ¢ t { the Elbe. It is t some table delicac jearned of these negotintions: to-day. jr Hie moutiLe Wy te, oY 08 BO believed sho is in any danger. . by a source of the highest authority A" boatl rd MISS HARRIET BROWN. A 4 ) A / athouse at Ward's Island, be | i with a palatable flavor 1 he sultan is pleading past favors 10 | jonging to Frank Ward, was burned on This Easter bride got the largest dot on record--a cheque for that calls for more, more, Seemany and, it is lieved, he has of | Tuesday morning, together with To 3500 S00 hen she married T. Svffern Tailer, New ' York Clubman, Ne 1 coun over ang NskKs : ' : i J i' oe" ' 5 CnC fronto city's lifeboat" and two ice on Apri Ba, more. in the way of future concessions if it feats. The: loss te OLE 22.000. She is the daughter of Alex Brown, a millionaire Baltimore ------ will butjyeome to his rescue, Abdul "qa duties formgrly performed by banker. As she is his sole heir, at his death she will come in for Bute=--it has all the re- yi bry lo stave of nh surrender to the {commissioner of Mghts J. KF. Fraser, several times the amount of her dot. The wedding was most elabor- edi 1 1 f th Song Turks until he hears trom Der: | yecently dismissed, are to be per-| ate. : i 3 a 3 medical - value ol e in, hich may take Several davs, ow i manently taken over by J. G- Me- The bride wore a gown of white satin trimmed with point lace . . ing to the interrupted means of com-| npc of the marine depar that had been worn by her grandmother; and her lace veil, al n ~ | ! : : partment. y EB e also - an good, old-fashioned { munication | W..J. Anderson, of the Bank of| heirloom, was held in place by a diamond horseshoe, the gift of her "cures" your mother used ---- lontreal, Ottawa, for the past seven-| sister, Mrs. B. Howell Griswold, jun. Her jewels were a comb of 2 Sur ' Hold The Forts. | teen years; and in the service of the| amber set with diamonds and a diamond barrette, the gifts of the to give you==it s Nature's Constantinonle, » April 20.--AlN the | hank since March lst. 188%. is retir bridegioam, and her engagement ring, an immense solitaire. She oH forts surrounding Constantinople from | ng at the end of this month dn pen-| carri a white prayerbook, from which .ell a single shower of Own Food==Purified. the Sea of Marmora to the Black | ion. orange blossoms. wermany, in his hour of trouble, . f Kell ' | Sean are now occupixd by the constitu- A. M. Lewis, who acted for a Toron- | ee--n - sn It is because o hellogg s tional troops and the soldiers support o hotelman i" the action to upset ths "Secret" that Toasted ing the Youne Turks are. advancing | loronto licence law, announces that WANTED TO CELEBRATE. * STOCK QUOTATIONS. upon the eapital. n application will be made to-morrow Corn Flake Eaters are a ---- o carry fie case to. the court of aj ; S-------------------------- Proclaimed Emperor. cal . Pittsfield, Mass. and Skirts; Striking New Effects 3 ------ HOOSE confidently from these spring stocks; no question as to the right- ness of anything purchased at Spence's. Canadian Raised Union® Jack at| Cobalt and Leading Canadian -- | | | \ ! Stocks Listed. happy, healthy people. Berlin, April 20.--A despatch to the It is loa late for the passenger Pitssfield, Mass., Apu 20 There | The following quotations are sup- . Lokal Anzieger, from Constantinople, | 'teamship lines to get the proposed |was almost a riot at "The Kilowatt plied b the City B ra Try it_yourself==and be cays it is rumored ni Rocha ew insurance plan working ivr a boarding-house for Stanley electri fan 1.5 . Dr arags (nD: sure it's Effendi, tho heir apparent to the | wd, the meeting for discussion of the }eal engineers on North street Yoster ence street, Telephone 480 A : Ses throne, has been acclaimed sultan at | woiect has accordingly gone over un- [day, wheh "Jack" Issle worth, a Salonica.. The. Lokal Aneeiger's . eor- | il June: nadian, hoisted the Union Ja k over Cobalt Stocks. respondent adds itis intended to cs. | At Hamilion, Ont., Polige Magistrate the Stars and Stripes. A school | . April 20th. tablish the provincial seat of govern- | 'elfs made a record, this morning, by |teacher, Miss Margaret Riley, who no- | ment at Salonica. ; imposing a fine of ten cents on J. OMticed it first, notified the police, who | Any amount of choice. Moderate prices throughout. : The Leading Mantle and ; David M. Spence, Millinery Store -------- tickman, charged with assaulting {told the engincers to place the flag ai He Farland VIVIIIIIOIIII IIIT ITV IPP IIP III IIIS II III Resigned Offices. Henry Webb. The assault was oo tei- {right In fifteen minutes an hundred Fe. am Contral 4 : st om | . ¥ oasted { Constantinople, April 20.-Tewhk ial at the bpel. ; persons threatened to tear down the | obalt Tote Pasha, irfer. F ), Foronto wailway made another fine [British flag. Issleworth got busy andl . the grand vizfer, Fdhem Pasha, . . : {| Crown Reserve carnings record last week, reporting a hauled 1t down, but only 1 I cnatad te Ndtratateetente Sellers. Buyers. $.13- 8.1 4 the minister of war, and Nazim Pasha representing the force in the capital, lecrease on only one day and gains [threat was made to Capt. John Nich | Ginter Hae nny : i ; orn a es or their. resignations. to. the sultan. exceeding $1,700 daily on three davs, olson, to call out the militia. The Ca be regn Mech a ' on : = et = last: night. The sultag thereupon sum otal earnings were 71,635, an "in |nadian said he wanted to help cele-| Rose : 5 5.90 : a la t. ' 3 $ crease 1 aot un 90 Sy tated ol: dav i s it wf danie ani 90 | ' MAN GURED moned. Hilmil Pasha, the late grand rene A the W gi of on , Y biwle Patriots" day. | mh e Nipissing is Caen win eB a 1° N ' vizier, but he hesitated to resume of- | | tl K ey he I Ian an { McKin. Par. Savage wn A fice. His majesty then called Tewhk eds o ae ang ote » With ont, FALSELY ACCUSED. Nipissing ...... woe win 10.30 Be 4 . y As o 3 Y » rs * ap OF RHEUMATISM Pasha to the palace, bui the result of | 2nEstng ol-hay, = grain, one horso, [Nova Scotia ou ween vorrsr. BOY : e | one cow, and two hogs, were togally This is What the Wife Says About| conleronce is not known as yet. A : Le... lestroyed by five on Monday night. Affair [Othe os Lake i DE Remarkable Case of Cure Afte: Thousands Massacred. Phe loss is partly "covered by insur- Port Huron, Mich., April 20.--*'kt | Rochester ...... ove vrmereer o 5 Abd Specialists Failed. Constantinopky, April 20.--=No less At Woodstock, Ont.; P. J. E. Dueit. [25 a quarrel three years old," uid | Dilver Leal ..... i woe JH dy Foster than 5,000 persons lost their lives in loputy registrar of Oxford for twenty Mre. Ralph Pringle, speaking of th | Silver Queen the massacres that have been going Cars while temporarily insane co troublet between herself und her hus I'emiskaming Winnipeg, Mamn---A prominent resi | on in the Vilavet of Pasha for the nitted swieide in his office Tuesday | Pad which culminated, Sunday morn, Irethewey osirr. ass 2 ; g dent of this City, who for personal réa: [last three days. Of these 2,000 wer : Ho we on WAY ing, in Capt. Pringle shooting Watts... ie 2 f Want it on merit, and will make no tommy-rot statements to get y ¢ L \ : norning. » was found dead with a =) c sons does not wish his name mentioned | killed in the city of Adana and over | jer surgeon's pen knife through his death ecorge B: McKinnon, Moore publicly, bat who permits us to show | 2.000 wern Moslems. This" information id town, ., at St. Claire, Mich. "M CANADIA! : : : : : + eart . : , + ' aga . his letter to interested enquirers, writes |eached here, this ® morning, through At the vonference of sthe Roman Ca | Fusbaa,, hed no Teason io bé jealous, | Dom. Steel Com. . >i} in the best Clothing Store in Ontario. Quality, with all that the G wat he avcused me, and 16r three years to say that he was suddenly taken | CGiiSular Charnes. holie archbishops of Canada ih Ot i i i with excruviating pains in the back and tah. the matted to Te considerod } could not forget his suspicions. 1 had Lost Eye On Church Doorstep. word implies, is first with us always, and we link it to the lowest side, which Were provonneed 2 hi VILLAGE OF BATTERSEA. will be mostly those relating to dis. | "OU even seen Mchinnon for a vear. Montreal, April 20.--While Entering physicians as theuma ism. ot appli -- - cipline and Rindred affairs. The. de When Pringle was arraigned, Mon | Dominion Square Methodist = church, cations were at once. resorted to, the | The Late James Bennett--John recs will be reported to Rome =| tay, he stood mute. Hé will he 'ex Sunday morning, four-year-old Arelis somal Gyn, administered, Supple Chapman Very Low: vill not be announced for perhaps on amined April 2rd. An inquest, will he Schnare, living with her parents at gg y elec ny a rpms Bt, gt h Battersea, April 19.--The death of oar ° held, Coroner Falk deeming one neces- | 273 Mountain street, collided with the se. spera 0! A 2 De : ; ar The + + ae > . # 3 " 2 ol uae on Lu ora On by James Bennett occurred on the Uth Five thousand bales of cotton, sary. The body of M Annon has been point of aid umbrella in the hands of in a Yow Hows after taking she first | 10st, at thé home of his. dibughter, | mated in value about $250,000, wern| turned over to Eelgtives and will be a man who was leaving the edifice, Pill t} x Bat Si a . bride Mrs. James Simpson. of California. | harned, Tuesday morning, in a fire, buried, torday, at Mooretown. I'he little one was hurried to the Roy- i ie pains, commence o subside al Victoria hospital, but the prospects ; ve ° : : \ : I'he deceased had been in poor hwaltly | which for several hours threatencd 1 : x Ie continued taking them and in 4¢ : ang Tae | wath 3 3. xaiey eo pot g hi ose 5 Bi hours he td not wn Me or a pain eft { 21 winter, aud finally. succumbed to | destroy . the plant of the St. Louis | Lots Of Soft Coal At Duluth. are that the child will lose the sight " Cin Pills 'are sold at 50¢ a box--=é heart * fatlure. He was seventy-six | Compress company, Little Rock, Ark., | puluth April 20.--It is conservative- ol" one 'eye. years of age, and had been a resident | valued, with © its contents, at about Se es for $2.50. Send to us if your dealer a ai rar i ly estimated that 2,000,000 tons of does not handle them. ~ ol this district nearly all his life, hav- 31,000,000. Ga . : {coal are on the docks here at the pres- Baseball On Monday. ow': ing first sean the light of day in a I'his month in immigration to the {ont time. * Some of the. largest coal re- National league-- New York, 2 Phil- Dept. B., National Drug & ( hemical house situated on the site of the city North-West, North Dakota leads with? eivers here do not expect to receive ade Iphia, 3. Cincinnati, a Louis, Long and Slim; Short or Stout, as we carry all sizes up to 50 Co., Limited, Toronto. 116 post office. Nearly all his life he fol: | three thousand, Michigan, Iowa and any more soft coal for two months. a Boston, 0-3; Brooklyn, ' ; ; ree emeee | lowed the occupation of fishing ami | Minnesota twelve hundred each, 11-| s American Jeaguo--Nen York, 4; Phil-| inches. THE DOCTORS AGREE. was characterized by a genial and |finois and South Dakota eight hun- | lelleville's hx "yak thi ak ; wdelphia, 2. Boston, 8; Washington, 4. y : ¥ "nt : | welievilie s 2 ate, Hs yea 8 Pr a senerous nature. He is survived hy six | dred each. I'he average is two hun- | 0 = ¥ ' : ' . hid : i : wenty-seven mills, namely, peneral 3 ; Men's Suits, ffom $5 to $20. Two Physicians Both Agree on | brothers and one sister, also one son, | dred a day from tlie south, excluding | at Hp mill amy A Be oe = It doesn't bother a lawyer when he e > $ $ ' . . : : $ o 8: + sche ate ' ! i the New = Scientific Dandruff Chandler, of this village, and ono children. : 5 [ five mill high rll rate foe I ie sees breakers ahead--if they are law Treatment daughter, Mrs, JJ. Simpsow; of Califor Elizabeth Davis, a middle-aged wo R ond pita : o " +H breakees. Boys' Suits, 3- -garments, short trousers, from $3 to $10. . : ' ? y . 'y lic CPAVETS |i ven ; ba : nia. The funeral was hold on Wednes | man, was arrested at Richmond, Ont. toman Ca Ie. 3 pay. Lw m-- Dr. J. M. Powell, of Spokane, Wash. , Le ondueted 1 i al 0 Montay and brought to" { ty-eight, their public gchool rate being | : says" "Herpicide has given good: sa- | oo" Son unt iy. the local Orange so- BS hr ay od Do Ty a | six mills $100 REWARD, $100. Boys' Suits, 2-garments, from 82 to $7.50. p 5 : . : v x Cg Gh ol hat > - {a 3 Ais, : 7 aud : : . tisfaction ul my family for dandruff." ciety, of which . the deceased was . a \ : hp eit si Ngamp.e ¥ 1 Ladies' dresses, jackets, waists, pte. The readers of this paper will be Nr. W. GG. Alba f Walla Wall Roval Arch member. "A large cortege [claimed she was married twenty years [dyed or cleaned. My Valet pleased to learn that there is at least : : Fs : ¥, SiG by ON aia halla, i ioHowed the remains to tho Methodist | avo to Charlés Davis, who is still | Follow: = lost ET > i : i oof one dreaded disease that science has No matter how long or how short you may be in stature Wash, says: "F find Herpicide all churel' here, where an impressive ser. | alive, that ton years apo she 'was | ollowiiig close .on 'the death of her | peen able to cure in all its stages, and » , that is claimed for it as a dandeufi : . reac) ul 8 R I a i 1 Frod ok R id i he mother, Mrs, Henry White, Prescott, | that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is purse, we can fit you. \ es 1 shall weil 1." Dandeull mon was preached by ev. A. Shorien | marric o Froederie ogres, and that the death has occurred in that town of | the only positive cure now known to the cur. a preseribo i andr 1 after whielw tho body was conveyed 10 | 'ast February she was married to | oli : i latclites & a: i i fraternity. Catarrh being a is a germ disease and you ean"t cur the Sand Hill vaul 9 Martin Cronk Wei ht with whon ok elia, fourth dauvg iter of Hennes Rix I tio] disease, requires a consti it wnless vou kill the dandvufi germ, | '™ | Ban : yau |. . EE ea as } "" I kett White. She was buried on Mc n- | tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure i can' } ] ! John: Chapman, ill for about a year, | Was living when arvested. day 4 ov ie taken internally, acting directly upon aiyl you cant do that, unless you ute |... lung trouble, is very low at pre SRA er iad "4 : Y : | the blood and mucous surfaces of the Newlra's Herpicide, the only prepara \ : Justice Clute signed an order for the system, thereby destroying she founda- tion in the workd | that destroys the parasites. A delightiul haif dressing; it. Come here and you will see just what you would expect to find prices. | | 3 | { i | | rin | sent. Frederick Balls has launched ong Philipsville Items. bw indingip of we x Rose com- [tion of the disease, and giving the as a meat merehant. and has begun the Philipsville/ April 19.--Syrup-making , pany, Napanee, ale dealers in | patient strength by building up the con: erection of. a commodious buichering ' 3 E > i , | stitution and assisting nature in doing allays itching instantly; makes = han establis} ate | Kine : is about done; a short "crop this year Japane se and ( a . its work. 'The proprietors have.so much oo olossy and soft as Silk. Mis a sure & eth. ro DIAph ene | Name of the farmers have commenced | capital stock of $20, faith in- its curativer powers that they H . 9 Randrafl trove gaged hoisting the Iirterion of | AV an- I nlonghing, and report no frost. The Rugs cleaned or dyed by new pro- | offer ati vo curs. "Send tor het "of ®) 1C5 O Sold by leading draggists. Send 10e. abi + or ii : i t ding - as the ronds are an Sine shape this spring. cosa, My Valet. testimonial a y , : in stamps {or sample to The Herpicide contract for the budding ol the new {very little frost in the roads, conse-| A by-law to raise $10,000 to build Address J. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo : ' theese factory at the San i. Th ; wen full of soft) sidews and streets in the village of] . - ! Co., Detzoit, Mich. One dollar . hot H ton as ory at ¥ ; ud Hill i quently they have not been full of soft sie walks and street in the village of 19% 1a by all Druggists; 75e. sp 127 Princess St. Rles guaranteed. 6. W. Mahood, spec- | ' t %s . : | a 2 ha " { \ ut plae R, J. Ww. Halladay has meh re Bloomfield carricd by thirty-four ma Take. Hall's Family Pills for coostipa A ciety was held at we homo o Is. | pairing ' his store, wrecked during the jority. tion - ial agent. ' Sates ( bark: An ec cream and cake big storm. Samuel Forden is putting olen n cemem-- . t t t ' : social, under the socmty 8 auspices was a pew. wire fence . around his village |= - i ed Th S a e S e ace Wood's Phosphodine, sonducted at' the parsonage ; i i e ore 2 A0k conduete t the parsonage on the | 1gt. Visitors : George Fargo and Miss SOOO OO0: y S00 OOOO . oF 2) The Great English Remed Hith jest. Pearl Eaton, at S. Faden's: Mr. and Du or POOVOD oo (3 A. 27 Tones aud inviguratestbowhale | visitors of late: Dr. Daniel Lakod Mrs, D. Wood, Clntry, at their ? ee al Liood in old Veins. Cures Nore and wife, Fulton, N.Y., at Dr. S. K. jd aughter' s, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Stev-| { ' deny. rua if entnesn hmissions: pen | | akes; Mes. Hell and chill, Thorn | ens; Mrs. HV. Brows and her dangh- . Canada Life Assurance Company, wetorakhoa, and Fifects of wse or Kreesses. | dale, ¢ PAQTICK 1 81 MSS Ada | ter, rs, Gile; have returned from X e 2 With new stook*6f"Electric and Gas Supplies. i Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co: x of peices: Neto pamphid | Dos > 8 : Western Fire Assurance Company ase © Co. Montreal, at J. T. Sears": Misses Jen- A quantity of machinery for county 2 eg : ham, High School, st a en Paads' Summits, Sijiacts we gon | 2 WwW A S ri 29S Cobalt Stocks. « A 8 ol « e, Sn s \ start a) o a p i 5 R n an maj tart in re wuildpig the TOA : i ¥ 1. i ) yg 3 For. Full Inf tion. Call:of IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kide Toronto Presbyterian churches raised | 41] lim to keep: cool in warm: weath- { | 1 Hin 1 mex bos sixfor§s. One will please.six | Hughes, city, and F. "Wale, Seeley's | their Easter trip to Toronto. | all draggists or mailed ty Bay, at Isaac Holder's; Orrock Scars, : Plo Sronl Te nie and Susis Robb, Keolerville, at P. | road building has arrived. Councillor | Last Mountain Dis ep North. us : C. Clarke's; Otto . Vanluven, Sydon- | Rankin, chairman of the county, good | Special Excursions for Prospective hascrs, Standard Fone to Go' Falls, at C. M. Vanluven's 1 Williamsville to Cataraqui. : # Gonorrhas. and Runnings i 'dqipan's steady character will en- 235 Bagot St., just one door from Brock St. "Phone, 68. gs Ka HUTTON, AG NT. ney and BladGer Troubles: $116,000 for missions. 2 of 3 a : ; ht A y . Special low price on Wiring your house. New Columbia Dry Batteries for Motor Boats now in stock. ¢

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