PACE SIX. A m---- TRAVELLING, TATE FACE (EIN IN "CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway The Caadin Way to fhe Canadian West C.P.R. Equipped Tourist Porters in charge will City Hall Depot at 12 Winnfpeg and points 19th, 92nd and 26th. Via Direct Line: Secure Berths Early. Cars, with o'clock noon, West, - on Ts particulars at K. & P. and C.P. | . Picket Office, Ontario St,, "Phone, 50. ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. leaves union station, # 4 p.m. daily (Sunday excepted) | for hotly Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and all points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannock- burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, routs your .shipments via Bay of Quinte Rallway, Bot Royal Mail Train TREC YSERA 0 Maritime Express Famed for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car service. Leaves MONTREAL 12 noon daily, except Saturday for Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax. FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Carries the EUROPEAN MAIL and lands Passengers and Baggage at the side of the Steamship at Halifax the following Saturday. DICKSON, Agent, Intercolonial Railway uses Bon- aventure Union Depot., Montreal miaking direct connection with Brand Trunk trains, R------------ For timetables and other infor mation, apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 130 St. James Street, or General Passenger Department MONCTON; N.B. CYR EN CRAND TRUN SAA EASTER HOLIDAYS. Round trip tickets will be sold be tween all stations on the Grand Trunk Railway System in Canada. Also, from stations in Canada to Detroit and Post Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock Niagara Falls; Suspension Bridge, Poiht and Massena Springs, N.Y. Pond and Swanton, Vt. and intermedi- ate stations in the United States, and vice versa, at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE. Good going April 8th, 9th, 10th, Ontario | For further particu- | IR EMULSION | stops. loss of flesh in babies and children and in advis:. 3 Some pets have a day whic taking it leave Kingston, | for | April | THE, MEDICAL Eat ! as well as those who have used WILSON'S Invalids' Port | . (4 1a Quina du Plrou) pronounce it unequalled, absolute- ! iy reliable and safe, that it can be" taken in perfect confidence whenever a tonic restorative is i required. | It is a mild stimulant, and the only ore that has i no unpleasant re- WhlYy,' action, and that | produces mo | a harmful effects. This js asserted after continued extensive expe- rience during several years and upon the author- ity of written opinion from hundreds of Car nadian practising physicians. Ask YOUR Doctor, BIG BOTTLE Sold at all Pharmacies Everywhere. 65 ssibly haw' oa thaz A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust: health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA Grocers and Storekeepers in 1-1b. and }-1b Tins. ~ RL ARES HIGH GRADE -- Corsels 11th, ARVN 1909. Return Mmit, April i Low One Way Colonist Fares to Pacific Coast on sale daily, until April 30th, | 1909, at the following fares from King- ston. Vancouver, B.C., Victoria, B.C. minister, B.C., Seattle, Wash. Tacoma, | ash, Portland, OFreg., $45.10; San | Francisco, Cal., Los Angeles, Cal, o, Cal., $47.05; Mexico City, $46. A OMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS. to the CANADIAN NORTH- WEST, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN and ALBE RTA. Low round-trip second-class tickets issued via Chicago, North Bay or bury on following dates: Rpril 20th ; May 4th, 1Bth; June 1st, 20th ; Ju 18th, 27th ;- August 24th: Sept. 7th, 2st. Good to within 60 days from going date. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson and Ontario 8. Mex, Sud- | 6th, 75th, Oor. Lowest Rates New York wo. New York every 1 am. 5.8. Trinidad' $2 and "ap From New, York 10 a.m: 8.8 Bermudian" $30 and' up. 2,600 5,500 toms, San | + iy Ta "™ GUARANTEED West- | NONE BETTER MADE | MEN AND WOMEN, 2 will be | 10th, | return | Wednesday, at | tons, | every Saturday; at NEW YORK TO WEST INDIES | New Steamer 'Guiana' 8,700 with all up-to-date Sn provemonts, 8 "Parima,'"' 8,000° tons, S.8. "K orong 8.000 tons, sail from New York alternate, Wednesday, . for - St. Thomas, E Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guade- coupe, Dominica, Martinighe, St. Lucia, Barbadoes and Demerara. For Hiustrated pamphiets 53 ned --all-imformation, A. BE. A I RARIDG IS & CO. Agents, Quebec Steasush; Pp 29 Broadway, New York; ARTHU Re "AHERN, Sec'y., Quebec, Cahada or to Ticket Agents, J. | P. HANLEY, and O: 8. BIRKPATRICK dhingston. ToENGLAND and and | the CONTINENT By. the Large, Fast and Luxurious Twin-Screw Express and Passeager apply to Steamships of the HA Equipped with Wireless aod Sabmarise Express Sail ER BOUR, B TH, CHRERBO "Krol a, nai: "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse™ PLY Mou . © WER RG, . e Washingt srosser Kutfuerst edrich Wilhe dn . . Barvarossa h der Grosse™ "Bremen" » Sailings Satardaveat (11 a.m. ase APLES, GENOA "Pringess Irene' "Koenig Albert" Travelers' Checks £ od ail ee' Apply OELRICHS & CO., General Ageats § Broadway New York, or any Local Agent | T0 CONTRACTORS & BURDERS The Perfect Brick & Tite Cou, Wash- , burn, Ont. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Are ready to contract for immediate | Qelivery. Brick that will stand - inspec- pn at reasonable rates; TAPER. of smn Tain giving rates { tons, | Why Pay Rent When You Can't Afford It? N¢ man can afford to pay rent, byt every man can afford to apply | Lis rent money on the purchase of a home. Come in and we'll tell you 'how i others have done. 1D. A. Cays: b7 'Brock St. ALLAN LINE | ROYAL MAIL STE AME RS TO LIVER-| k PC From Pot a From Halifax Carsican .. April 10th. { *Grampian | Virginian April 17th. April 17th. | Tunisian .. 24th. {| Victorian April 80th. May *This Steamer sails to Glasgow. BOSTON AND PORTLAND TO GLAS. GOW, Portland April 8th. April April 22nd April 29th. 16th. 1st Boston. | Numi dian | Grampie | Sicilian | Hesperia 14th. THE DAILY BRITISE WHIG GERMANY 15 MASTER! CAN DO AS IT LIKES WITH. | OUT FIRING A SHOT. | Change is Coming, Though--Brit- ain is Roused, France is Pull- ing Hersell Together ul Rus- sia is Recovering. London, April 12.--Gradually the causes and efiects of Germany's ulti- matum to Russia and the fundamental ~hanges which it has made in the situation are being disclosed. It is pow kmown that the kaiser's sudden blow at the great empire which holds dominion over one-sixth of the world | was his. reply to Russia's attempt to form a hard and fast alliance between herself, Great Britain and France.' M. Isvolsky's memorable tour months ago was for this purpose. matter had been: discussed previously between the three powers. Isvolsky encountered the first objection from France, whose government felt that she was the most exposed to attack from the common 'enemy, and asked if Russia would: provide promptly an adequate « fleet for her own defence. Russia agreed to do- this. Then lIsvolsky came to London and- urged that England increase her mili- tary resources. Just at this time, and when the negotiations were still in progress and when Austria had an- nounced her repudiation of the treaty of Berlin, Germany got wind of Rus- sia's plan. The kaiser promptly noti- fied the three powers concerned, as Sir Fdward Grey announced in his great speech last week, that Germany would regard any attempt to isolate her as a _casus belli. Grey promptly yielded af-refused to go on With Isvolsky's alliance scheme, and Germany gained full revenge by her humiliation of Rus- sia a fortnight, ago. Everything combined to give Ger- many the whip hand of the whole sit- uation for the time being, and she is undoubtedly master of Europe at the present moments France was and : is still hali-paralyzed by the spirit' of revolt among her civil servants and by other internal dissensions. Britain is under the control of a government which is willing to purchase peace at any price, notwithstanding what the future portends. Russia is in the first stages of national reorganization and for the moment is impotent. Ger- nany, in a word, can do as she likes n Europe to-day without firing a shot. jut this situation is certain to under- radical change. Britain is ar- oused = as never before in this genera- tion and the present government will not last long. France will speedily pull hersell together after the solu- tion of her internal crisis. Russia 1s stirred to the depths and her anger will prove the best possible stimulant for the rapid development of her en- ormous resources. Any definite pro- phecy would be absurd, but it is al most axiomatic that Russian politics will be. the dominant feature of his- tory for the next three or four years. Already. there are reports of two new moves "of the utmost 'importance by | Germany. She is urging Turkey to ioin the triple alliance, and although English diplomatists profess no anxie- {y over the possible success of this scheme, it cannot be said that the new Turkish government's policy is so de- (initely pro-English that such a thing is impossible. Then there comes the assertion that Japan is about to re: nounce her treaty of aliiance with Britain, land that Germany is angling at Tokio for- a fresh commission In peace thereof. The New York Sun's Herlin correspondent wires that this report is fully credited in German dip- lomatie circles. It is pointed out that Gireat Britain, Russia and the United States recently made an agreement which will seriously limit Japan's po- { litical and commercial liberty of ac on lin the far east and Japan is deeply incensed against her ally. King Ed- ward's great peace league, in fact, is | being attacked all along t the line. The greatest game in history is being { played and it has reached a critical | stage. Will "it be finished without bringing in rifles and Dreadnoughts as the deciding factors 7 One man's opinion is as good as another's at this juncture. In the meantime the alarm over the | naval -orisis, increases, instead of di- minishes. It was enhanced by the news that Austria is to commence the NASAL CATARRH An Old Physician Says te Look For Dizziness, Frontal Head- i ache, Stuffiness and. Nose. i , Colds. six go | | | | | Tells How to Cure. Catarrh in almost' evgry instance {starts with a common cold in the | head, which is added to with another {ecld, and because of some extra ex- | posure or. weakness of the system, it | becomes chronic. A full case of disgusting 'nasal and throat catarrh then develops. Unless {a radical cure is effected then the Cisease passes rapidly to the throat, bronchial tubes and finally to the | lungs. No man or woman can ever get new longs any more than new fingers or a new nosy but every one suffer- |ing from catarrh can get a sure cure {by inhaling Catarrhozone, and this is {proved after you read further. | Quick, Lasting Cure. 'After ten long years of suffering with catarrh in the throat and nose I write to tell'you that I an now com- | pletely cured with Catarrhozone. What {a relief it .was to get that buzaéing stopped in my cars, to have my nose lfree - and . easy to "breathe through-- what a blessing it was to get cured | of droppings, catarrhal dyspepsia and {bad breath. All this is the result of | Catarrhozone, which 1 recommend {everyone to use for any trouble ' in | the throat, nose, bronchial tubes and { lungs." John MeC ullough. Moosebrook, | Let Catarrhozone cure you, Re the large dollar outfit which lasts two months and contain an indestructible hard rubber inhaler. Smaller sizes 25c. and 50c. each. Beware of imitations of Catarrhozone, which all reliable | For rates and full particulars of Allan i dealers sell, or by rail from The Ca { Line Summer Sailings, SPRY to Alan Ide A pe Company, | | construction of four Drebduon hts this year, which may be comple in the El of Jon, This will 'necessitate sending a naval ditertanthn and adding this Ri to her programme for 'match- ing German truction. The revolt is spreading in Tiberal party on its naval policy The British Weekly, an influential liberal review, publishes a vehement article denouncing Asquith for cowardice, Dreadnought Programme, - W, 1. Sind, whe, rectutly ung, of ot it Lord Charles says that dost are in lar sailor im- been invited by nineteen constituencies to r present them in the House 'uf Commons, keeps silent, although doubtless his views have been given, freely and forcibly to the government, It would seem that there is considerable difference of opin- jon among naval officers as to wheth- er i naval battle in the future will depend most on Dreadnoughts or tor- pedo boats and submarines: An ex- ay has given an opinion that tor- pedo baats will first into action, with Dreadnoughts attacking before the Dreadnoughts with which they are acting come on the scene. In the Brit ish navy just now t attention is being devoted to might work. One ol the most dificult tasks of gun layers is firing at night, especially when the moon is obscured - and there is any- thing of a sea. For some yeats the British navy: has been exercised * in these conditions, but this year greatly increased attention will be paid to fir- ing at night. An increased allowance of ammunition has just been sanction- ed for this purpose. New regulations to control night' training are Evo be introduced. ----r---------- BLEW JOWN THE FENCES. Windstorm Played Havoc Around Harrowsmith. Harrowsmith, April 12.--The wind storm of Wednesday, made consider: able work for the farmers, as about all the fences in this locality were blown down. No other serious dam- age was done. George Barstow; in the employ of Samuel Cowdy, having charge of his traction engine and saw, cutting up wood for the farmers, is hustling to get done, but owing to the nnfaver able condition of the roads, progress is slow. As the sleighing is gone, Mr. Campsall is making the logs in his mill yard look scarce, There is not much syrup being made. BE. N Charl ton and wife have returned from their honeymoon, and have taken up house keeping in the house lately vacated by F. E. Smith, who moved to Kings- ton. Charles Stewart is laid up with inflamatory rheumatism. A very pldasant time was spend at the home of Miss Myrtle Gallagher, on Thursday evening, when she entertained about thirty of her friends. A little visitor arrived at Charles Hagerman's--a girl. The I.0.0.F. lodge here will hold its annual anniversary services in the al- ternoon 'oi April 25th. J. T. Galla- gher, M.P.P., who is attending the ses- sion of the. Ontario house at Toronto, spent Sunday at home. F. R. Patter- son, spending some time in Colebrook, bas returned. Albert 'James leit on Monday for Cobalt; Visitors : Miss Eva Griffith, of Toronto, at J. 8. Gal lagher's; Miss L. Knight, at G. A. Redmond's; Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, Cole Sy at E. N. Charlton's; Mrs. F. Deline, Kingston, at John Deline's; George N. Lemmon, Collins Bay, and Miss A. Lemmon, of Sydenham, at H. Wright's; Mrs. Charles Stewart, To ronto, at Miss Bella Stewart's; Miss Winters, Yarker, and Mr. and Mrs. C: Amey, Syderham, at James Shibley's; A. Grant and fonily, of Kingston, at F. Walker's; F. H. Huffman, at Mrs. Kerr's; W. McCammon and wife, of Kingston, at A, Snider's. The follow- ing are spending Easter at outside places : Miss Phylis Bradshaw, Miss Lucile Gallagher, at Kingston; Miss Ocie Wood, at Strathcona; Mrs. D Wood, at Newburgh; Mr. Mare, at Brighton. The LIVED NEAR NAPANEE. Francis Vandebogart Passed Away After Long Illness. Napanee, April 13. --Another of om old and respected residents has been called home, in the person of Francis Yan De-Bogart, of Richmond. De- ceased, had been poorly nearly all winter, but not confined to his bed. Deteased was born in Richmond town- ship and lived all his long life within a few miles of Napanee, He was a man of sterling qualities, whose word was as good as his bond. A large family; all grown to manhood and wo- manhood, survive, as well as his aged widow. They are : William and 'Henry, on. the homestéad; Mrs. Carlton Woods, Roblin; Mrs. Thomas Woods, Pictqn. - Mrs. Thomas Burley, Spo- kane, Wash: Ledrew and Maurice, in the west; Francis, Napanee, 'and Miss Della, Picton. A son and heir arrived, on Sunday. to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Caton. Wil liam Cahill, - Peterboro, spent Easter with friends in town. Ernest Ander son spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. R- Anderson. W. H. Barker Galt, spent Easter with friends in Na- enee. Mrs. E. Ming and Master .ouie, - are spending a. few days in Belleville, visiting her 'mother, Mrs. Duckworth. 'J. Percy Rankin leit, yes terday, for Brandon, Man. Miss Edith Rankin expects to leave, Wednesday, for Fernie, B.C., where she has secured a good position. ------ At her husbarid's residence in Gran- by, Que., on Saturday morning, Mysie Pauline, youngest daughter Mrs. Jobn Boyd, Brockville, and wife of Benjamin A. Herring, manager of the Bank of Ottawa, at Granby, passed awax', 1f you once try Carter's Little Liver Fills for sick headache, biliousness or constipation, you will never be with- out them. They ave purely vegetable: small al easy to take. Don't forget tims Johes Keenan, one of the pionecs of the Bonnechere, and favorably known, died im Eganville, on Wednesday last at the home of his daughter, Mrs. D. F. McGregor. He hax reached the age Ly-six years. TUESDAY, Armin 13, 1909. o 5 and quite possibe. will be able to deal LW We want to 'emphasize the fact, right at the start, that these | Suits have no equals in Canada at the price. We guarantee the color just as we guarantee every thread of the cloth and every stitch of the tailoring. CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingston, Do not be put off, insist on DEWARS "Special Liqueur" a auenace to health--are _ the outcome of 'unsanitary phumbing. Can you afigrd to as sume such a risk ?. Would you be' wise 'in Sv doing ? 'Our modern open plumb- ing is at your service at prices to suit you. : David Hall 66 Brock St. | Phone 335 Easter Shoes Ladies' Shoes, in Viei Kid; Chocolate. Tan or Black. Cali, in Black, Tan or Oxblood. All Blucher Cuts, Plain, or with Toe Cap, low or High Cuban Heel. $2.00, 2.50, 3.00. 5 Sewing ins Jennings, Xing St a -- «SPRING FEVER" The need of a spring medicine seems to be aniversal. This i8 due to the fact that during the winter the blood becomes im-, pure on account of the hearty food eaten, This causes that tired, weary, all- gone, don't-care-to-work feeling, which is.*.se prevalent at this timc of year. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS | - That Tired Feeling. Mr. F. H. Leard, Saska- { toon, Sask., writes: i have used Burdock Plood | Bitters as a bload builder {and think it an excellent | remedy. Every one should | take it in the spring to cure that tired feeling that comes to so many at 'this time of It is || year." : blood." Use It Every Spring. Mr. H. ¥ ton, Ont., writes : "1 have used: Burdock Blood Bitters as a spring tonic, and 1 find it the best tiing I ean take. It builds me right} up and I use it every spring. excellent for the Langley, 'Tamils "Spring Medicine." About this time of year a umber of in and around the house would be deci better looking for a coat of paint or v: Every possible surface has been provided for in Suerwin-WiILLIAMS PAINTS AND VARMISHES For wa, and farm implements we have a paint that will staod ex: To the weatber for porch floors we have a paint that will withstand rar, moisture repeated scrubbing with seap and water, ocala ot THe SwErwin-WiLLIANS CO. LARGEST PAINT AND VARNISH MAKERS 1M THE WORLD. MONTREAL TORONTO wimmirre PLUMBERS : Sa EET costs em more il the common _ kinds. ways gous jus SOLDER. et U Baal make eo EE Increase Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Canada's Leading Business School I you have City property for sale list it with us as we cannot supply the mands of our clients. re WE WANT ;~ large house centrally Day and Evening ting, yo keeping, Telegraphy. dividual instruction al 0 ph a deficient in. English branches. Rates moderate. Enter at any time. 'Phone, 440. H. F MET- $ IIIB Principal, G00D £5000 SALARIES § Go Only to the Well Trained wl, fat rms vo OWE "rere 8 ates. Dory and Evening ' Classes, and. Moderate Rates.. FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergy street, Kingston. "Phone, 680. rere N: STOCKDALE, Principal. located, a A (3 or 4 bedrooms) and well suitable for dl Fo house. 1. small modern 8. A good sized $2,000. - 4. A medium frame dwelling under 500. : ly! A small frame dwelling under $1, $3,000" Prick or stons frame dwelling under 3 6. A double dwelling under four or five tenement dwel- id yield a fair rate of frie investment. J. Lockhart, IN OTICE. We have installed a Hobart Electric Coffee Mill, with a Capa- city of two pounds per minute. We are prepared to supply our Fam- ous Blend of Java and Mocha Coffee, fresh ground and guaran- teed_the best obtainable: *Phone or send your order, which will receive our best attention. D: COUPER, Dealer in Pure FoodxGroeeri- 'Phong, 76a. ° 341-3 Princess St. PROMPT DELIVERY.