& THE RAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, APRIL 12 1809. PAGE FO a TR, | al - rn eed "Mary had a Twice-As-Easgy" It washed things white as snow everywhere went She told the people so. And that Mary |THE WHIG, 76 = -- yo DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 206-310 King street, Kingston, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock AE % WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 poses published in parts on Monday and Thurs- day morning at $1 a year. 'To United States, charge for posta Les to be / making price of Daily $3 snd of 50 per year. : 4 i best-Job Print of the ing Offices Canada:; rapid, stylish, Presses. and cheap work ; nine improved The British Whig. Publishing Co., Lid. * EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Oham- bers, 842 Church St., Toronto, H. Smallpeice, J. .P., representative. - Daile Whig. SPORTING 1S EXPENSIVE. Does it pay young men who are in- dustriously and profitably occupied-- does 'it pay students whose future use- fulness depends the way in which they occupy their time while in upon college--to engage 'in championship matches « ¥ any kind ? The question is asked hecause of the experience of the going on for some years. not much objection to the value is secu legislation | nerve safeguarded, = but wholly 'on the side exactly for 'oiling is It not tion. though it." it. is : the better. question, and calls the moneys or "gratuitwes." called grafting, and wit as much jus tification 'as many transactions which are so dubbed, There is on record the evidence of what happened under a conservative government and in a praétice which began in 1875 and continued until 1889. 'This was of payments which were exacted for extra services ren- lered by the permanent officials. The sractice became more frequent with "fons" is avment if | red, 'and the "slability off the! principle of the thing admits of ques. the machinery,' as Ald. Grant lias termed Rooner or later there will be a scan- dal over this business, and the sooner repudiated " by the government There should be no mon- ey made "on the side" by permanent officials of any government, The Citi- zen 'is Wmid ib its treatment of 'the aid It might be SAE On Watch. _ Thé f.ampman is of the same opin- ion as the First (Congregational pas- tor, that right in this town there can be soime church union. Kingston," he says, has too many churches for its pop jon. Counting Portsmouth, there are twenty-eight for a four of these could very casily be dis- pensed with, and the First Congrega+ tional or Bethel, would be one could be eliminated. At Portem there .is~a Presbyterian and a Metho that outh Let the larger remain. In the centro of the town there is a certain church that has 'no right to exist. Let udion begin right here, the Lampman says, Let the various * denominations work together, instead of competing with one another. . > -~ ad -> The other night the Lampman drop- ped in to have a chat with his old friend, "Tom" McAuley, the booksell- ried Lalonde, Gananoque, wert mar- churches hore igh. ation of 21,000. Three * JF | ment. dist church. One of these ie sufficient. | : land to this she succumbed the follow- pr 'NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various. Points . in Eastern Ontario. = Fimour Galbraith, Croydon, has sold his farm to Thomas Dewey, and has {moved to Frankford. | Janes Laport," -Moatreal, and Miss ried in Watertown, N.Y. on April 5th. W. H. Crabbe has sold his farm gt Chambers to W. E. Cummings. Mr. Crabbe will romain in the place for a | year. | : Six citizens 81 0 of Pembroke were fined each with $3 costs: for spiiting--in town hall during an entertain | . J. Healey and B. R. Hepburn have purchased the Clevoland Seed company's premises on the 'Bay front, It ig. expected that the 15th Regi- ment of Belleville, accompanied by two military bands, will be in Picton for the Victoria day celebration. : The death occurred in Bathurst on Thursday, of Mrs. John Bothwell. The deceased was taken ill on Wednesduy, with an acute attagk of bromchitis ing morning. Mrs, Bothwell was so veniy-one yeard of age. g There died in Picton on April 6th, (George Sinden, aged seventy-nine years r Our Display of Easter Toggery is Worth | rice ... er,. and 'was surprised io see that the veteran had got his hair cropped and no longer Woked like Father Time. The aged bookseller said he had heen and fifteen days. The late Mr. Sinden was born in England and game wi'h hiv parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sin- h . : den; to Prince Edw: rd county, about parhored so Hint Yio Josks would oo seyenty yeers-ago. Ho -married Mary when he sie be guiding his auto- {. Davis os vghter of "the late John mobile through the town. He told 1b vis, of Picton, who. 'predeccased him the Lampman that his friend, the pn- Wilior Fredo Jucy danghters, Hy. lice magistrate, had beon in to sec him | d am ret ie ills John imsley and had hegged him to be 'careful in and : two sons William, of Syracuse, k ] and John, of Picton, survive. running his automobile, lest. he should 4 be arrested for fast driving and knock- ing people down on crossings. "But 1 told him," said McAuley, 'that 1 had arranged with 'Bob' Reid to send his ambulance in the wake of my auto to pick up the fellows 1 bowl over. Reid is to give me ten per cent. of what he collects in drawing my victims to the hospital." 'MecAuley's a ® great | man," the Lampman told me. "T don't beliove there's another like him in the countryside, He's afraid of nothing, and although he's over cighty years of age, he's going to handle an automo- le, and give 'Dick' Waldron and 'Bill' Fair the run of their lives for {he fast driving championship. That fellow who keeps the Red Cross drug store near {ie market won't be in it with "Tom." " time, and collections made tigither in the name of outsiders or fictitious persons, through porary clerks; for work wholly or partly by themselves." It was figured out that the sums paid these officials amounted to $9,017, and the inflicted on them was the fine of a month's lgry in each case. ; It is not apparent who the officials played against the were Queen's, team lor the Allan cup at Ot- Clifisides, who OLE AGENCY, : CORBETT'S i defor ») tawa. or tem. Coming Miles to See. You'll find hefe not only the Clothes you'll like, but you'll § find that buying Clothes here is a pleasure, both for what you get and the way you get it. i x performed These men, amateurs, had incurred certain 'expenses during the season, in defence of the cup, which they expect- We spare no' pains to sée that you are fitted with that are suited to your personality, and that vou are FITTED CORRECTLY IN EVERY DETAIL Ii you buy Clothes here once, you'll do #t again. 'We've whole army of patrons that have met with this experience, a never think of going elsewhere. ca the trustees to pay, and they were > i Clothes only punishment allowed only the cost of the advertis- ing. "This," says the Witness, "came to them as a shock, as quite an' out { | To Cure A Cold In One Day. { Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- |lets. Druggists refund money if it [fils to cure. BE. W. Grove's signa- ture is on each box. 25c. save lay had been made for the game with Wre who have been singled out by the they Queen's. Doctor's bills alone, asa re : | | : | Litizen, but it is evident that § 'fees' or "gratuities' for service of a pub- submitting under sult of injuries received during the con- , = ae cssssssisssssssnas test, came' to twenty-five dollars, Me- § anos accept Jf¥rom the people, lie themselves and the government which they serve to adverse criticism. Kinley, the goalkeeper, losing a fron tooth and lip stitched. Norman Henry and Dion also had to chacacter, without having his . See the Suits we are selling at $12.50, $15 and $18. Seé¢ the Top Coats we're selling at $10, $12.50 and $15. Sea the Trousers, at $3.50, $4.50 and $5. Our Great $2 Hats, in the newest shapes and colofs. receive medical attention for, some days after the game. A special train- : EDITORIAL NOTES, a plot at Ottawa Wilfrid Laurier's charac- Can it be done? oro was 'Mast Perfect Made SOLD AND USED EVERYWHERE EW. GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO, engaged a week prior to the So damage Sir there is to, contest and his wages came high. Therciore, this trimmin px ercfore, this trimming down of ex ter by abuse. penses by the cup. trustees has not The Board of Education will cer- tainly wake exception to any city -in- terference. on the part of Queen's 'Col- their made a hit in local amateur circles, {and in the words of onegmember of the ¢lub : 'We even had fe for the puck we played with." '/ ' What That the amateurs were in the game for what - - - One of the Lampman's friends is a college professor and the two had a chat the other night. The professor wanted the Lampman to advoeato the establishment of a fund for prisoners' wives' and familics. Fvery town should have such a fund, he said, and a portion of the town taxes should go towards this fund. Then when hus bands were sent to prisom, their fami lies ould be supported from this fungl till they were liberated. Instead of the fund being controlled by a munici- pality, it might be taken in. charge by the "governments of each province. Many men' go to prisom, leaving their families helpless, said the professor, and when the state takes away the family support, it should provide or the stricken. ones. aE The H. D. Bibby Co. rome is the inferénee ? counts. cessesesee PREPRESS het ch The Ontario government had better go slow with regard to the telephone com- they could make out of it ? They €vi- dently did not have a club orrg com- A : s business. - Why acquire the Bell a 2 Ipany's lines whe » wireless system were unwilling or unable to meet their | ANY 5 line when! the wirels . is in view ? financing, and they munity to do their a, Every Woman | . i 1ainterested and should about the ones MARVEL Whirling Sp. ay The new Vaginal Kyringe. Besat--M ost conven- jont. It cleanses n ¥. ---- the pledge of the On- expenses, | call a halt in the! What about sports_that have a tendency to makel(, i; government, before the last elec- the in their mann-rs, and methods: It is time to there would be no more Perhaps, like Rip Van n pafticipants in them professional | (ion that [land grants ? Winkle's last drink, this break of pledge will not count. : -- When, some Years ago, a conserva: tive leader said he could lick another could : The Economical Frod--is More Nutritious than Meat or £ -and Costs Less. To serve--simpi: * +4. vex, pour hot silk over it and salt to taste. Sold - sil grocers, 13¢. a carton; two for 25¢ ; pit 1416 PROTEST FROM THE NORTH. The Sudbury Star, which is conser {x your droggist for it. Ww \@_cannot supply t " MAS VL Ahcept p other, but sen: fo. Hlustrated book--sealed." Tt gives full partionlars and directions in- " Yiiuayie to Indies, WINY OR SUPPLY €0., Windsor, Ox General Agents for ( Yiada. valive in its leanings, bit independent PHOTO BY 1909 BY TT DAILY HINT FROM PARIS, Pink Satin Gown with Gold Embroidery. AT PRINCESS ST..CHURCH: How do you like this iden, the Lampman asks? wr - ad Tt used to ho thai the deceased News of this town rubbed 'it into "Johnny" Mowat when he acted as legal advisor for the county in connection with the subway, the Lampman reminded me, It's too bad the former News people aro not here to-day, he said, so that they might drive the knife into Ee HERALD © lenough to speak out against the ad * conservative, quicker"n ---- scorch ;a feather, his §tock, according to the Telegram's philosophy, must have gone soaring among the members of the party. ministration when necessary, protests 'hat a wrong has been done to Ne Ontario by the giving of 4,000 acres per mile of its territory -to the C.N.R. It the from Narthérn Ontario did not object ------------------------r-------------------- 9, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and effectual Monthly m which Women can g idin thtee degree: | of str No. 1, $1; No, 2 10 degres stronger, $33 for special cases, ! Sold by all druggists, or sen! prepaid on Podnipk of price . ua ptnphies; Add oni Tig lund mines afford, 3 pH 2 RB ©. ONT. (Jormeriy Windsor) a Sook Mepios Ca. TORGNT Hydro-Electrie § surprising " : is surprising 'that members | The Easter . Services Were * of Special Interest, : Princess Street Methodist church. ser- vices were "specially interesting yes- "Willie"' Nickle, an alderman of the | terday. In the morning 7T. F. Harri town of Kingston, and its represcnta- son gave an address on the mission: tive in the legislature for now being [ary congress, recently held in Toron- the county's solicitor) and appearing | to. "He held the audience in rapt at- before the railway fommission, prac- |teption, with an account of this' tically against King$ton, for the town_| unique gathering of four thousand was charged $200 for a. night watch ren, from all parts of the globe: His man. at tracks that are in the county address was replete with optimistie of Frontenac. : 1 suggestions, re the spread of the gos- _THE TOWN WATCHMAN. pel in foreign lands, and in our great fa ae North-West. As a result" of his earn-| yop HK SHH st appeal, the missionary givings were [ oo moothly: but, alas, Peter hesi- Biimote thai, doubled from last year. A {yj00 to wed "the bixom, fair-haired HAS BEEN SECURED. dl Ener Sus Honstion Jrom Miss Wylie of gurl twhom he loves, because he's 5H0, y 81s , Mrs. i & 3 t _ Breden; gave the fund a decided im: airiid of his older rother; Pius Keyl, petus. . i | he p | In the evening, ian excellent : 'As Miles Standish sent John Alden AR } _80ng to woo by proxy his Priscilla, so Pius | service was given, opening with the | cant Peter to bring back his sweet sy | sentence, The Lord Is In: His Holy. | heart Sibilla Lambert, from Dussel- 7 | Teniple," followed by an anthem, | jf 'Germany. "Hark, Hark, My Soul," in which the | When Farmer Pius left Dusseldorf 3 T obligato was taken by Miss Laidley, | ADPS ih ' tap . i 2 ) ley. | sight years ago, Sibilla was a sixteen- police Jave less looiiag "Xlin her -accustomed sweet, clear voice. | venr-old aunt maid fre fo braids pT a ay and ig | The "other soloists, Miss Mitchell, No- | hanging es hack. She: hotame i A ai] ro Ye ad- © © ible Armstrong and Douglas Hicks, | he fiancee of Pius and promised to I RE identity but 'Iwere 'also in fine voice. The male | wait for him to send for her to join stoutly denied that ho was 4 JUartette, Messrs. Mack, Armstrong. jin as his bride in his western 'home. wilt £ {sappropria- Hicks and Timmerman, rendered "0 pie prospered, and a few weeks ago ; Re Ah An). mm PP op Galilee" very effectively. The anthem | qocided to dispatch his younger broth- : (hy the full choir, ° King of Kings," | i+ the baker, whose shop is in Berk- {was given in a spirited manner, and geld, to Dusseldorf tq bring back his [the octette, "The Resurrection Morn," I sweetheart : : : {hy Misses Laidley, Mitchell, Sherbino,| Everything w ; vol skp : Y: . , tverything would have gone well for ky The Boauhital not Mrs. Sprale, Hons: Mack, Arm' pig if Silla hadn't allen in love : i Taka + | strong, icks an immerman, was | with Peter on ihe Kronprinzessin Ce- vour pleasure has snfivred: Take alse much enjoyed by the large audi- {ie which orrived "on i hight, free. trip, a -mental litle Journey: lence. Great credit reflects on Miss| oq said i "Why don't you speak for through Muskoka hy_ asking oF as Wilder, for her well-trained choir. "The | yourself, Peter #** Sibilla tells the im- hasidsonse Nurkpla doldee Se i inspiring ad- | migration authorities that, while she = oa i u-- Tully a jews Through the js down on the manifest as going to po nd Take the A - . | Pius' Keyl . and was really and truly pey some evening after supper with hetsothed tg him, ghe now loves Peter vour wife and clildren. Then slam evl and will wed no one She, Kavi the door on the doctor-for- 1909 hy All right; yon marry eter' Keyl, taking your family on a real jourre an said the inspector, peter. F through the Muskoka district this 1; do not « re," sal eter. an summer. Less than a day's journey afraid Pius, will bresk my bood_} - from principal American cities. For {marry Ny a. If Pius says 1 all particulars and handsome illustra- {all right, and will promise |, not ta ted publication free apply to J. Quin- | totich, me, J marry the girl. Lh over lan, D.P.A., G.T.k., Montréal. So Uncle Sam's guardian angels ove ttt on Ffiis Island 'are keeping the wires | ! Moth Proof Bags. burning between here and Berkfield, We have the very latest -in "moth tryind ae Pius to sign a release of proof and dust proof bags for putting the girl fo his brother. away furs, clothes; ete. All sizes, at ] Wade's drug store. -- The liberals of Ontario have declar- od for a reform of the civil service of The 'government has no on the ,subject--save and excepting the limitation it has put the curiosity of the pro- vincial auditor. and in the most sirenuous terms. New ite forests | the ¢ the rection' of transmission lines between On'ario, from the revenues the province. offers aid to shown sign THE GIRL AND THE BEE. A Story*of 'the Ignorance of a- City Girl. The city girl coming down to break- fast at the farm"house and observing a plate of honey on' the table said, "Oh; I'see you keep a bee." That's about . the 'way some people talk about the blight of baldness-- just as if a bald head was something one got all at, once instead of being the result of long depletion by an < insidious germ which thrives upon the roots of the hair and succumbs to only one known remedy, * Newbro's Terpicide. : Newbro's Herpicide is not a tonic any more than glectricity is a fluid. It is an exterminator, pure and sim-. le. "Destroy the eause you remove effect.' : Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sanmiple to the. Herpi- cide Co., Detroit, Mich. * $1 bottles guaranteed... G. W. Mahood, special agent. : ' WAS MILES STANDISH LOVER. Sent Brother For Sweetheart-- Affairs Got Mixed: 1f Peter Keyl, a stalwart, six-foot | blond baker of Berkfield, Mo., had the courage that came, with a little = as sistance to that old New England hero 'Alden, his love affairs might run (Commission in Elephant Mixed Paints These Paints for wood y upon Ningnra Fills and Toronto, and Old wervatives are the: best pre They dry}! and -- stone. 1 intario, by guaranteeing the bonds of the surfiace- and can bebe (CN. R./ should one | Mr. Mackenzie, railway king, listened behind the throne, to the dis- C.N.R. grant, and must the proceed: eas! have aided in the development of New Ontario. FOR SALE BY STR ACHAN'S, "BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 201. A Y NIGH1 [away off in the bush that doesn't real- | DA or- lly belong to 'them, and not risk. "a | prefer that method of treated by the cuésion on the presentatives of Old Ontario know bet- lave been pleased that il ings. The government | who showed his ws graciously towards him, | offering to sacrifices all his wife's rela- | that he is advertised as their enemy. "But no," sys the Star; "the re with acted very considering [ter than They are hke the mar ke patribtism by ------ ---------- hundred Montreal, April 12.--Omer John Dubois, -wanted for the theft of $10,000 from farmers and laborers along the route of the Grand Trunk Pacific in New Bruns- wick, and for whom the tions on the altar of his country. So | . i % | : 0 The sixteen odd petitions which with regard to the option law government as waste | long as they can give something i {long 1 ve ething were + sent to the legislature were Wm. Mu:ray Auctioneer -27 BROCK ST. flched os On New Carriages, Cutters, Harne ss. | tario"s aud Why Sale of Horses every Saturday. some of Now Ontario's represenia- AH LONG'S LAUNDRY REMOVED Fror St., ~to 155 Well: betiveen Brock and Clarence laundry in--the city. Goods | | and delivered |incuz | ee' Bemeime-- Lognt, they 3 ve | " paper. These pétitioners may count election time, and perhaps they before a new appeal forget about And | at their publie institutions | { financing, just as they prefof to erect | the yand operate may the contempt of the government. perhaps they may not. --n from with money forests mines. do _ | not FEF EFAFFEERFAELK | EF¥EEEF [tives point out the glaring inconsis- | Mr. Mackay : v3 : i + wanis some provision | tines of the administration in forcing | | de the * | ma in C.N.R. bill that there tubal t : would be something like a faif valua- ; r Ww ransmis- | \ Te} In bubicang ape or 8 A [ tion. 6f land, and that there-wyuld be- Niagara Falls aud | os | sales only . to bona fide settlers. But and rousing to shoulder any The » he a burden of building { That pe would permit. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Hard On The Worm. Guelph - Mercury. 1 that daylight saving bill goes into effect, tho proverbial worm will have a strenuous time dodging all the carly birds that will be about. 78 Clarence 3 un - St Best for ing tha north to carry a share of the risk St enlled 7 between ete imme | sjon lie was there. Mu Do you know the place ? Mackenzie | { Toronto, intention that "Me. fd {in vain. | portion ol the I 1 . was railway between Sellwood and Port Arthur." * The appeal was not heard or did no pastor gave a brief hut dress on 'The Triumph tiraye."' i | reach the legislature soon" enough, or ignored, and the only protes- 16¢ the deal ware the libeeal iwas tants agair : | Letter From A Forty-Niner. Here is a simple, interesting 'and sincere letter from a rugged plogger of 149, " who braved the dangers" and hardships oi the overland trail to Cal- ifornia. It should: appz! to all ca- tarrh victims. Santa Rosa, Cal., May 5, 1908. lsoth's=Hyvomei Co. Buffalo, N.Y. Dear Sirs, --I' was afflicted with ca- tarrh-and tried a number of remedies, but received no relief. '1 purchased 'an outfit + of Hyomei, and before I had used the bottle 1 noted a marked re- lief. 1 used it for a.-menth or so, and | thought 1 was cured, and stopped using it for a year or so. Thought 1 was gelling catarrh agin, and start: ed using it agaim . 1 it © every morning, and kebp my self clear_of ca- tarrh I consider it' the best catarrh medicine thaf is' used. I have often re- commended it to my friends. I am eighty-one years old. I came to Cali- fornia in 1549, and, of course, am not as vigorous as I-was fifty-eight years ago. My address is 841 Fourth street. Yours truly, W. sock.' Hyomei (pronounced High-o-me) is guaranteed by Gi. W. Mahood, not only for catarth, but for grip, coughs, colds; bronchitis and' croup. A com- plete 'outfit, including inhaler, . Costs only $1; extra bottles of Hyomei, if eyes twinkled behind his glasses, afterwards needed, cost but 0c, quietly asked, "Are you sure " \ ¢ | members. Tho Star will have to look i after these New Ontario members. They must be called to account. e-------- FEFS ON THE SIDE. The - Ottawa Citizen. refers to the | comment that was made in "the city "certain rather mys'; Power Behind The Throne. Tordnto Globe. * Tho power behind the throne had 'a fitting illustration when William Mac- kenzies listened while his two million acres of pulpwood, were safely landed. council respecting toious ;fecs thit have to be paid in the YO J CAN GET GOOD COAL YOU CAN GET | Toronto in connectyon with se- curing of legislation." not fees in the ordinary acceptapce of but for cos rendered by officials in pointing These + were ." Won't Let Men Die. Hamilton Spectator. Insurance companies: talk of trying by {to 'prolong the lives of policyholders wd H out technical 'defacts in medsures and [by free medical examination and at the manner in which they conflict with { tendance. The ociopus--won't even lot Our contemporary jue dic when we want to. 'A Kipling Anecdote. Here is the latest story concerning Rudvard Kipling.- Recently he was a 'guest at a literary dinner at which one of the guests started, a discussion concerning the shelling ahd pronuncia- tion of the Engh language. 'Have you ever noticed, Mr. Kipling," he said. ""that in the entire English lan guage there are only two words « beginning © with 'su' thst are pronounced - as though be- ginning with 'sh'? Those two are sumach and . sugar. Having made an exhaustive sfudy of the subject you may take it from me that this is so." Bored though he was, Kipling's polite- ress did not desert him. Assuming an expression of interest, although his term, "gratuities ser- Vi POOR 00a he i ¢ he 1 vin The Farm In Evidence. Peterboro Examiner. . In 1910 Canada had of dollars invested in agriculiure, fc times assmuch as was invested ' manufactories. Is. your 11,787 millions use, wir mn yivht y. inves \ SEARCHLIGHT US! Crawford . "Phone, 9. Foot of Queen St existing statutes," cantinues | } A Great Government. 'Whether the government recognizes | yrocireal Herald. views it as a matter 'of | ~The British govefnment will furnieh of | £775,000,000 towards gratifying the persbnal revenue of the officials bene hunt hungerof fhe Trig on fitted is not exactly clear. But' at|jertakings of Great Britain at the all events this year, and previously, | present time rather daze the imagina- there 1s an officer or officers to whom | tion. et Appleby, English runner, counterfeit in Saturday's race with Frederick Simpson, Appleby quitting in the first lap of the sx tecnith mile, or just a lap after Simp- son passed him, the Hiawatha Indian finishing the last five 'miles alone. At Washington, Ethan Allen Hitch- cock, secretary of - the interior under, President McKinley: and Roosevelt, died, Saturday marning, aged seveniy- tour, Frederick proved a this_fact and course and a legitimate source Riss Lossie well and i ineteen voung lady ! Madoc, {ied suddenly at vi n F'weed, on | pavientsd are made for expert advice : The Gananoque Reporter has entered ine { or WwW . : . ins the matte will be the thirty-eighth year of its publica: up and discussed more fully. } gion. The Reporter. is a good: news v had been teach- for only ill anin past yhar and a and sou tlement the hrot { and wa one week, he system is wot pew, but has been paper. » * A ~ ow »