ACE TWO. \ THE DAILY BRITISH waIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1909. - GAVE FINE LECTURE: te STE ESTATE HIGHER Do the whipping yo rself," and REV. C. 0. JOHNSON SPEAKS he everything nice for him whet, W THAN IT § \S EVER BEEN IN comes. woman who knows how! AT OPERA "HOUSE. {to put her heart on her face, is the} . : KINGSTON. woman who can win out. Don't tell] --_-- We have just received another lot of ert On the Subject, "Love, Courtship What Real Estate Agents Say-- and Marriage' '--Master Wilfrid He talking, and : he. will soon wy Property Five Per Cent Higher Cover Embroideries, = All our patterns, . 5 : : y ego ie a) sed Morin Ame Moe rd to a pms ve 11 JR ewe aie mewitl worth 2Bc yd. 'We will sell them at the i : .. lwom it, it is not worth the keeping. i 5 ; "Love, Courtship and Marriage. 'ves A "There has been a big improvement th 1 t 1 t 1 : al : ; 5 ves' when we mean 'no. An gh was. the title of a most inter Ung a man or on man will say 'yes in real estate conditions in Kingston ! samc as gc as 0 ' Cc 2S . lecture, given at the Grand pera } ly ond mean: it. It is manhood "during the past year, said D. A. 5 house last ht, § Rev. £.. i Lays, this morifng, in reply to a 0 P ¢ i : Spreads Like Butter." Jubnston, rer: pastor of Queen Jat Je oid, wants. In wa in Whig representative's query as to 5 air of Large Lace Curtains Le te Sale Bo For ale Toe usin street Methodist church . The leeture | (1S S00 pugie fe is' the fellow {how things'in that line were moving. : The In Bo. Ltd. YY. W.CA., the proceeds to be devoted was given under the auspices 'of the who ee he door in bis mother's | 'During the past few months 1 have Price, 9c Pair. Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada. towards the fitting out of a gym- sell i a number | of properties, nasium for the young ladies; and face, with an oath, vou can easily A cn oer | wort Boe per i tell how he will treat his wife." {cent. higher than could be got a year there was a fair attendance. i 2 | ago, SO "that there is a big improve- exand re There was also a short musical pro i CARRIED TO NAPANEE me. in real estate in this city. R : ® gramme, which consisted of solos by nt vr. Cays also said that rents were Master Wilfrid Morrison, of "Toronto, | While They Were Eating Digner © |e than a year ago. This is par- and selections by the Sydenham street the G.T.R. Flyer. ticularly the Saxe with houses that church quartette. Master Morricon| On Monday five of the officers of the | have rented for from ten to fifteen sang three selections in sweet veice, [L.O.F, high court of Eastern Ontario, | dollars a month, There is a big de- a and was warmly applauded. His «|{who were on their way here from the mand for houses of that price, and, y- ' forts put forth in Kingston during east to attend a meeting of the stand- | accordingly, the rates have been in- ' i - the past few weeks have heen mue 3 ing committee, had a "sad experience. | creased two and three dollars a 4 appreciated and he will always be They were eating dinner in the din-imonth. In a few cases houses that 3 favorite with Kingston audiences. The ing car of the G.T.R. International | rented last year for fifteen dollars a - - -- Sydenham street church quartette, | Limited when the train pulled out|month are now held at twenty. There BUILDING BOATS + composed of Messrs. Harold and Har- from here and they were carried to is a great need for more houses that : T styles, | vey Angrove, Sergt. Haste and Wil |r They secured a cariage at |will rent for from ten to fifteen dol-| A Busy Scene at Coward's Boat { ¢ eat liam Eva rendered a couple of selec: that town and drove back here, ar-llars a month." My. Cays looks for| Fact ; 50, $11 wp. lions in fine style. [riving about six o'clock. The visi-istill greater improvement in real es- actory. : : ; eat er os bi and George Mills ably filled the duties tors say that the conductor told tate conditions during the next vear. ea yay busy place these days is M NEY : Pr ASerR of chairman and in his opening re-ithem they would have lots of time! Another real estate agent 'old the 'oward's Boat Factory, near the old { i 1 N G|lmarts referred "to the work being |to eat their dinner. So they did, and {Whig this afternoon that he had McLeod tannery, on River street. { Ba S iB 4 R 3 done at the Y.M.C.A., in the physical [they also found time to pay a little made about ten property deals with- When Mr. Coward first came to Kings- KING HATS are guaranteed and |§g " ldepariment, stating that he was plea- [visit to Napanee. They Il never de-|in"the past month, and this would go {on he started building motor boats, combine Style and Qualit The | © ' . sedd' to know that the ¥.W.C.A. was ipead upon a conductor again. to show that real estate is booming. | ekiffs, etc., in the old block house on h y ial y. itable 3 For Easter Time. CHINA CABINETS-- sivies; also about to take up work of this | This brings to mind the story con- "How about the prices ?" he was Sydenham street. Now he i is entrench- new shapes are especially suita . : , kind. The Y.W.C.A. was doing al'cerning a Kingston man at the time asked. ed on the banks of the Great Catara- fir young med. Come and let us grand and noble ,work and deserved of the big fire on Princess street, over} 'Very good." { qui, where his products can be easily good support. ipirty vears ago. This man was in "Higher than last season 9 [ie has whien completed. At present RORORCRORCE0 N show you our . : " : . : $ We have some particular] In introducing the spe aker of © the !Belleville at the time and was tele- "Yes, a little higher." he has no less than eleven motor boats N S . Shi 2 Bands reriPins ny ; " evening Mr. Mills stated that it was [graphed to come home, that his| Asked if the rents would go up the under construction, some of these for CW pring S irts 8 Genuine (Sea Lion) and Draperies ne fourteen years ago that Rev. Mr. |store was in danger. He boarded a'agent stated that there would he an {use in home waters and others going 0 i J y 3 y . Johnston = was pastor 'of Queen street | train at midnight, and when he awoke | increase. | as far as the Altantic seaboard, on the New Spi ing Neckw €ar|s OE he hl) rd igater church and he paid a warm tribute |the call was "Gananoque !" How- cast, and the plains of Alberta on the ; spec . We are reaching IRL, to his work while here. Kingstonians |ever, he was in time tq catch the St. Mary's Cemetery. west. Mr. Coward's business is stead New Spring Gloves J A Medium Sized Genuine out for vour Ha A were glad to welcome him back. Mr. jest train back, but when he awoke St. Mary's cemetery committee held ily developing, and he now gives em- Alligator Bag, at $3.50. trade. Just tell Mills further stated that the subject |again the call was "Napanee !""" Twice { . ] °¢ | its. annual meeting last: week and the | ployment to eight or nine carpenters. New Spring Caps ug what vou of the address was not one se lected (had he been carried past Kingston in| oo onente presented by the seoretaty: | oats are finished in all stages of con p g p A Large Square Commod- want and if 1t by the speaker himself 1t had been lone night. However, he took good ! ) 1 treasurer, A. Hanley, showed the af- struction, as the buyer may wish . ious - Black Seal Bag, at is 1 urable, we NAL selected by the young men or women, [nex to reach the limestone city on his ? CROROORRG ale? fairs to be in a. splendid condition. Some purchasers want 'only the knock- Ask to see our new 'BOULE- $2.75. will lot wou seo a or both. = However, 8 was a good {next tip, as he had himself checked in Many improvements have been . made down frames, while others want a| VARD" close-fitting collar. it. 1909's choice rat deal in it, and it was sure to be of [the baggage car, during the past couple of vears to | semi- finished hull. > is away ahead of RNR interest } , 75 Ahi ot .| Among the boats on order, or-being ---------------------- anything we have In lis opening remarks Rev. Mr A Whig Office Presentation. the Sanit ad re Sei it the following: Two for SMITH BROS. ever shown. Johnston stated that it required alll A presentation took place in the| the coming summer the eastern part |! 'erth, seven for Montreal, four for Ot ? kinds of people to make a world, and | Whig office, on Monday afternoen, | of the grounds will be opened up and |tawa, two for Winnipeg, eight fo " Jewellers. Opticians. then went on jo show how we all lwhen A. W. Cathcart, for seven years | drained in order to make room for | Grayson, Sask., two for Toronto, tw: 350 King St. selected om "opposites." Society, he | one of this newspaper's expert machine | burial plots. The committee hopes | for: Picton, one- for Woodlands, Que. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. said, would get out of balance ii operators, was 'presented with 'a hand: | that lot owners and friends of the de- | cruiser for Pietour, N.8., one for West and CARPET are nusually | this were not so "ome women {ame gold locket, with Masonic mono- | partea will take more interest than | lyville, N.S., one for Campbellton, fou marry very homely men," he added, | yam and suitable inscription, as a | heretofore in carving for and beauti: | for St. John, N.B., sight skifis and and some men would never get token of esteem. Mr. Cathcart has se:|fying their lots. The committee has four canoes for Lethbridge, Alta., one vered his connection with the Whig to| provided almost every convenience | for Nelson, B.C., and one for Victoria take the fgpaintme nt of clerk in theffor the public. B.C customs house, as successor to Thomas nse ens Gaskin. The gift was from the stafis For Skins Aflame. 4 a 4 " Tein) ------------ Notice Our great Easter display of Our New "Fashion Plates have started Ladies' Suits, Coats, Skirts C « If you are thinking of having and Underskirts. A the . newest ideas in the Newman & Shaw styles, which dis- nant wen Gon tie car 4 Furs Made Over prices, too, are very moder- re ' Now Be Wise and A In tHe best time to have them done. They will receive our greatest attention. See Our : 3 We he store Furs for the summer. Display. i W.F.Gourdier's, | "Phone, 700. '76, 78 and 80 Brock street. FN am wife if this was .not the case." Wo man's superiority over man stood out prominently. They were not made of rough clay, but of delicate china, and « he » She 8 rR could "be "mended. he was a pet OR of the composing and editorial rooms, who could put her heart into ®little | -- Many of the itching and burning | ; thin and it a Tor' this reason the members of which wished Mr. efuptions ol he skin ga ASA ite Soon Extinguished--Was In oR i as Ic & reas . p $ » as acute 8 ( 'ar » 3 pasure. of succes he z y { Yours, Phone 90. that we loved her. Cath art the fullest measure. of SU ® | safiering as though the skin was actu-| Dangerous Place. - Turning to the question of bringing ih his new vocation. 'The recipient re ally burnt | At 9:06 d'clock, Monday evening, -- 2 urning to * question of ging To 3 $ { . R n 5 "0 pg' for their v i . Cig X + Fe Harrison Co. ap. children the speaker said plied, thanking g ns © made ack the Ordinary remedies give no relief, but | the fire brigade received a call irom "Poach the children to tell the | IRC TEMeMIIANCE, . ARC: ng ol Whde's Ointment stops the burning al- | the &.M.C.A. corner. Both squads trutl | teach them to govern the pleasant vears he had spent under the most instantly, Posit ivel wcze- | were quickly on the scene, the uppe re a an ta Be Ye oa roof of the old British Whig. Though} =i. hay, fons Ree Arar heir Bi naturally arriving first. Yire | shi he 3 A "Al | away from his machine, he was only ¥ ulcers, files, catarrh li sred he flat of the them; they must go seyond vou. All "around the corner." a hundred feet dandruff and all scaly of itching erup- | was discoverec in the top flat o Ne this has to do with the making of | THY i : tions of the skin. In big boxes, 25e¢., association building, in the quarters character, You ask the question, (away. at Wade's Drug Store. occupied as a residence by the jani FIRE IN Y.M.C.A. BUILDING. ETTORE NN SABLE EN IIIT it is only the X oung man who can say 'no' to him- | chester; Wi Mr R. Murch, J. H. Meade, y : : self an say 'no' to e , » | Montrea rs. C. Garrow, Monti. .. : beein., If vo elf who can say 'no' to evil. He alone |? 3 : , A W ill soon eg y u eah master evil. No young man is of A. A, Stewart, E. J. Hart and i want valae unless he can master himself. Ii j ter Brockville; Justice Hodzins, G. he cannot master himself he may be | Angus, D. M. MeaedMe, I. G. Savage, : corner to Folger's office, so that the down through the building, catsing trampled upon. If he cannot con- |. Morrison, W. E. Sharpe, x hay. sr himself he wi . 3 nor, Toronto; P. D. Curse, Hamilton; , ~ sondides » ceilings quer himself he will not be able to 3 track across the. walk will not be a considerable damage to the ceilings Carpets conquer the world. Idleness, indul iD. Musgrave, Toronto; George Wall: detriment. and walls, It. was fortunate that the ign gence and ease do not make charac: [hridge, Bell8ville; I. 'B. Robinson, Ha- : a fire was discovered so soon, as it . ter. It is a life well filled that goes |milton; George Jackson, St. Hyacin- > would 'have been a difficult matter to Oilcloths, to make strong men. We i « A. R. Durrell, Ottawa; W%. L Open Cars Next Week ? "What is. wrong with so many of our | . tor, Mr. Hamilton. The fire likely young men tooiny y You oe iy | +B. A. Hotel Arrivals. To Get Railway Connection. originated in a rat's nest, as it was ious about the future of the young Hans vary Sliinstvenhassesh Jauser A spur line 'is to be built from the under the floor, and between the i 4 ai or Ad . ). Jarre Ro- iti y men and women. But . | Rotterdam, N.Y of arvell, K. & P. railway tracks near the partitions. The 'chief had the men station across the foot of Brock street lean up part of the floor and the into the yard at the rear of W. GG. base boards, and with the aid of Linen) eth % hors a > Craig & Co's wholesale grocery build- Babcock extinguishers the blaze was ing. A concrete walk is to be. built] eon extinguished, The flames melted this season from the Ontario street the water pipe and the water ran BR | should aim ithe; . , . fight it had it got very muc bh head- o at completeness in life. | Robins, Brantford; E. M. Scott, H, The street car barns which were | way. The printers' union was in ses- uy i "We talk about courtship, and it is|R. Douglas, New York; George King, partially _ destroyed by fire in the| gion in the building when the fire was . looked upon by many as something to 'Cornwall: Judge Madden, Napanee; J. | Winter, will be ready for business this| giscovered, and its members rendered Linoleums, er, wil ud make & wt f. Marriage is i i. 'L. Speelman, Campbellford; C. H,} week. 1 the offices have all been! sqsistance .in holding the fire in check Gl Rugs & Mats, sey and ourtabip RE a pont 'Sadler, Detioit, Mich. moved back. Manager Nickle thinks 2 oves i till the brigade arrived. . ant too. Some mothers are very anxi- . that he hi he able 10 pend ou He . la Curtains ous about the'company their daugh- Honored Her Friend. open. cars lor Laster weel if 'the|yulu Glaser In "Mlle. Mischief." At this store. A néw stock Ce ' . ompan tei \ : . weather keeps as bright and, fine as . . : : . received this week, Black ter keeps, and this is one reason why A very pleasant time was spent last |; y h : Lulu Glaser, in her new musical suc: y y . : : » M it has been doing during the past few nr a Tans ete... in the famed 3 W d Shades tome young men Will not go inte the) eventing, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, | 4,0 2 cess, the Viennese operetta, "Mlle "Alexand h g Inaow . home, because they are not ready to Eiioth ares, a Ratriek street, wl Mischief," which will Be disclosed for exandre" Brand. : Le looked over. Don't court over the|where their daughter, Miss izzie, en- "Th i " the first time in this city at the Grand ' : . : ree Swallows. 8 2 A a : 1 . And all or any of the gate; it is tolerably hard on the gate, | tertained about thirty young people, Sir John P al a on Thursday, April 8th, is said to | 1268, : an little fixings J ired and remember that no man's lowe is|in honor of Miss Eva Winters. The he A Svar an ; So . Bave come intother own again, us this : 1 tle : 1X10Z8 Ie quired better than his character. I am glad |evening was enjoyed by games, music, Fancos a oe a hiskey. work has been accepted as the best 1 25 a p ir to finish up with, try to know that there are thousands of | ®iC:, and at- midnight the party sat Of highest ay Se IY. play of her career, not excepting eith- | by . a ' splendid Canadians who are not living down to a delightful supper. The Distille: p Ys Varden' and 'Dolly Dol for 'the express purpose of getting affair came to a close avout one istillers to His Majesty the King. Yn married. 1 have travelled all over,|© 'clock, after all the party. had said : ) Mischief" like "The Merry : Our dainty Waists are sell- R. McFaul S md have 'seen a great many women, |good-bye to Miss Winters, who leaves, i H. W. Richardson, on a trip to the |Widow" and "A Waltz Dream," comes ing rapidly. Style, fit, finish rs but if 1 had to marry a thousand, to-day, for her home in Orillia, from |old country, is at present in. Holland. |from Vienna, in which city and in Ber- and price combine to make : Kingston although 1 hope I never shall, 1 would Whente, they intend moving to Aber | jfe ei ett to arrive home*the latter|lin also it has been already produced. them great : Pha wlect a Canadian, because there ave |!'€€D, Sask. part of the month, Originally it was known under the ti- : Car pet Warehouse. no more graceful or home-honoring . If sick headache is misery, what are tle Sot 'Ein Tollis' Madel."" The book | the Ladies: women inh the world, than the Cana- Hair Insurance. Carter's Little Liver Pills if they willl has been changed to suit American | | | : Protect Your Furs By using the Best Moth Destroyer CEDAR CAMPHOR 20c. Per Lb. McLeod's Drug Store. Saves ee hh favorites with dian women. To have soit, glossy and abundant |positively cure it? People who have|ideas of musical comedy by Sydney "And don't marry for money. Money | hair, to avoid dandrufi and all scalp |used them speak frankly of their |Rosenfeld€in making thé adaption, ¥ will never -make--yau , happy 1t* can | diseases, the best preparation .is Dr. worth. They are small and easy to|however, all the original music, which fses sass TILTLBTINSP |IOVET buy happiness. Happiness comes Dawson's Hair Restover. It is a toilet | take. is by Carl M. Zichrer, from harmony. You musk be harmoni- | luxury and an insurance against bald- 3 " COPESWORTH"' has been re tained. Miss Glaser"s company is the original one which gave her such excellent sup- port during her long season of twen- tyv-two weeks in New York. { won . Marine Paragraphs. Easter Headwear i mt er |" The Always Busy Stove. Capt. Patrick Sullivan arrived irom Why Have Backache. S All Women St. Catharines, to-day, to take charge You need not have backache and i . . of the steamer Simla. should not. Any distress in the back | should assist Nature at those times Capt. Charles Coons, of the steamer i ] should have prompt attention. -. 0500060 when the system is upset, the nerv- |india, arrived in the city, to- -day, from | . White ® % ot Smith's Liniment will make : ous tone low and a feeling of de- |port Dalhousie. your back feel as good as new. It |@ 3 1 Just received, for Spring pression or languor exists. An ex- J. ] perience of over 50 years warrants M. Phillips, engineer, Belleville, is| -- penetrates deeply into the muscles and ade the statement that no medicine [in Kingston to it out the ¥ Son, ie, - relieves all inflammation and conges- = 3 : Mr. Comstock's private yacht. "Ive bag rheumatism, gives such prompt relief as p J Tyee tion. Cures lumbago, rheumatisr oh Catite ous to he happy. Don't speak cross |hess. Restores gray hair to its natural words to your husband, and kind irolor. In bottles, 50c., at Wade's'Drug words to vour neighbor, John Brown. Store. You don't Fe to live with John © 299 LLLLHLLLHLLBRLVS VOOR VVLVLLVBON LE SS Se hh bi The handsome resi- dence of Prof. Adam Shortt King . St. West, Cor. Livingston Ave. AAA AK AAA AAT AAA AAAAS, SABE DADOD ALND DD OTM S neuralgia, or Join or soreness of any Back From New York. kind. Only 25c., at Wade's Drug ' ) . \ ! Beecham = Gi. N. Thurston, superintendent for Store. 3 g Latest designs, Rock { John McKay, fur manufacturer, has -- , a -- bott ° returned from a three weeks' tour of April Showers. ' om prices. Pills : {the fashion centres, inc lading. New : You . need not he afraid of the i E a | York and Boston. i ' hardest downpour if You carry one of -- James Mullen | inssbiama i ( 'amphe!l Bros.' Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents Just Right. | - al values, from Siecle exempt , 372 Princess St., pe Is what the good dressers say about | We can afford to do a little A thoroughly Sanitary | Opp. Y.M.C.A, Wood's Phosphodine, | Campbell Bros." new $2 and 32.00) crowing whén we can string ofl See Bibby' s nobby Easter hats, $2. Toilet Article. Will not breed ¢ oh derbies, ts Engl: ¢ ¢ ? ¢ ¢ ? ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 0 ¢ : 4 0 ¢ : ¢ : Nine rooms, conserva- ¢ tory, all in first-class ¢ condition, with coach $ house, hot house, etc. ¢ ¢ 0 : e ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ a Spacious grounds, nice- ly wooded. = Excellent garden with rare plants and shrubbery. In view of the water. ne Prey "The court house lawn is a good germs. Will not harden. In T d t hi Wesnsmm--------b---------- a list of popular hats like these :} | example of what Kentucky lawn grass | 1 Te en * DOW o See Bibby's nobby Faster hats, $2.) seed will do. It will make Tilet and Bath Sizes. FOR SA BE i : v Y Waverl » 2. your | ous Debility, bilood fn olf Vein. Cres N75 | Rev. C. O. Johnston returned to y $ lawn equally as beautiful. Sold in Just arrived, tar of building and ondency, erual Weakness, Emissions, Sper | Toronto, last night. While here he Piccadilly, $2.50. Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross F 40 : 8 | Aastering. KH las Sar, Vatorriii, nd Fy ects of Abuse or diwoetsen. Fo as the guest of J. S. Walker, Queen H $3. drug store. Phone 230. rom C. to Pp g lime, plastering 00 $1 ner box, sixfor 85. One will please, six awes, r. Si street. Bibby's Kaster Lily ties, 50c. ! Y dcr. Sold by all druggists or mailed fn | sree Woodrow, $ 50. Freeman : It is probable that How-|® $2.00 Each. i brury's Coal ad Wood a | alain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphid See Bibby's nobby Faster hats, $2.1} Th Medicin a] See oui Evoter indow Dis- ard Folger will again inaugurate Sun- 235 Wellington street. | 'Phone 448a. | Can bo secured at a bargain. mailed / "Fresh garden agd flower seeds' | "tavmerts Wi i off TY ¥ Ny : a: - al . | day excursions over to Cape Vincent plays. during the coming summer. at {Gibson's Red Cross drug store. It pave to buy seeds there. Perfectly A new supply just in) ¥ -- -- fresh. Bibby's Easter Lily ties, 50c: : 3 » rand Union on Hotel | Bibby's Easter swell hat, $2. - < ' Sate. of deboratod art chinaware, oil 'Don't Fail to See the | Mrs. Workman has been called to and water color paintings, pastels. 4 | lies Opp. Grand Contra! Station, Hew York City Flora, where her father, Col. Charles] ete., at Mrs. Compton's, 66 Barrie A P CHOW. New Ww Bp Roo ; $1.00 Day Clarke, is dving. " street, all this week and next. * . --n-- ! ms, a [ Overcoats less than half price at Boys' suits at half price. Bitvar's ED ou tre. Salver's closing out sale, Starts Importers Of Fine Hats. closing out sale. Starts Thursday, 9} Druggist and Optician. Send 30 stamp for N.Y. Gunn Berbnt Jes Thursday, 9 a.m. 126-128 Princess St. a.m &® y See Bibhy's Easter natty shirts, $l. See Ribby's Faster Lily ties, 6c: 0OOSOSE: &: "Phone, 373. 78 William st, McCann Real Estate Agency, Brock, Cor, King St. VCUVeTBTTROLRRN AT AAAS VETTE Bee o> FLL VRVVBUR TROT ESS 3