Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Mar 1909, p. 7

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DN . RAILWAY IN CONNEOTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway has' idl $65.10 PACIFIC COAST: Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland, Second-Class One-Way Daily Commencing March 1 | KINGSTON OTTAWA | Leave Kingston, 12.01 p.m., arrive Ottawa, 5 p.m. Leave Ottawa 10.45 a.m., arrive King- | ston 8.55 p.m. Full particulars at K. & P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, Gen. and '0. P. 'Phone, 50 Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves union station, Ontario 4 p.m. daily (Sundays excepted) for Tw Sydenham, Napanee, Jeseronto, burn and all points north. To secure auch | | despatch to annockburn, Mayaoeth, ind points on Central Ontario, route: | ments via Bay of uinte Railway. = further particulars, apply to R. W. Avent, one, No. 8. via y | Sa SRSA 5 a. Maritime Express Famed for excellence of Sleeping | and Dining Car service. aves MONTREAL 12 noon daily, egcept Saturday for Quebec, St. hn N.B., Halifaxg FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Carries the EUROPEAN MAI and lands Passengers and Baggag: at the side of the Steamship at Halifax the following Saturday. Intercolonial Railway uses Bon aventure. Union Depot., Montrea) making direct connectior witlk Grand Trunk trains. For timetables and other infor mation, apply to Montreal Ticket Office, 130 St. James Street, o: General Passenger Department MONC TON, N. Bl Low One Way Colonist Fares to PacifcCoas! On sale daily, until April 80th, 1909 at the following fares - Kingston. VANCOUVER, B.C. Vic TORIA B.( - 34 10 Cc > | $47.0 MEXICO CITY. MEX. $46.05 HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS CANADIAN NORTH-WEST SASKATCHEWAN and AL BERTA. Low round-trip second-class "Tickets will tw issued via Chicago, North Bay or Sud bury on following dates April 6th 20th May 4th, 18th; June 1st 15th 20th ; July 18th, 27th; August 10th 24th Sept. Tth, 21st. Good to returr within 60 days from going date F'OURIST SLEEPING OARS Leave Kingston, Tuesdav Thursday, and Sat urday, at 2.35 a.m., for the accommoda tion of passengers holding first or second class tickets to CHICAGO AND W 8 thereof as far as the PACIFIC COAST nominal charge is made for berths, which muy be reserved in advance: J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson apd Ontario Sts. Lowest Rates to Bermuda From New York every Wednesday, 10 a.m., S.8, 'Trinidad 2,600 $20 and' » From N 10 aun., ¢ $30 and up. NEW YORK TO WEST INDIES | New Steamer "Guiana," 3,700 with all up-to-date improvements. "Parima,'"" 3,000 tons, 8.8. '"'Korona,' 8,000 tons, sail from New York ever alternate, Wednesday for St. Thomas Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guade , Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia Barbgdoes and Demerara. For illustrated pamphlets giving passage and all information, E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO, Agents Quebec Steamship Co., 20 Broadway New York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec y Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Agents, J F HANLEY, and 0. 8. KIRKPATRICK K huguton Royal 'Mail Service MONIT I WA SII. WASH. POTRAND, OREG. SAN FRANC 1SCo, to the MANITOBA Cor. at tons, York every Saturday, "Bermudian 5,500 al 8, tons tons 8.8 rates o apply ro and t nd and and Of Al LIVERPOO1 1 I 1} and $47 upy and eamers on this wireless ara signalling sy MONTREAL May Sth and May 15th and May 22nd and May 29th and RATES OF Hesperian wards; Seco Tanian and Cabin {second ca ward MON 1 'RE Al 500 $50.00, according te fitted | submarine service tele ph and ten 1'o June June June GLASGOW--lonian, 3th Grampian 12th 'retorian 19th Hesperian ane up 50 Grampian 50 and 00 and $47 "One § $42.50 and up-| TO HAVRE AND » 1 ervice James Campbell, TAILOR, 109 BROCK STREET. Gentlemen's d and 'vhpatred me moderate. Goods called ered. rar n fof and deliv OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO Smoking and rai" tA A pound, par elghiv-five Ountarfo street. Chewing at forty-five is a good tobacco. Why cents Andrew Maclee | plasters won't ssssssssssssse v speci | Cor. | and THT IN AWFUL PAR IN THE BACK Is ." Sure Sign on of Eomstiny of the Kidneys. Take "Fruit-a-tives." lots of men, and women too, are limping about the house--groaning i1 easy chairs--or tossing about the bed-- because of that nagging pain in the Back. The old standbys--hot vinegar porous plasters, liniments. ete, --don't do any good any more. Yon see, you are a bit older now. The kidneys are not as strong as they used to be. And even those "blistering" liniments and stimulate the kidneys. Your trouble is kidney trouble. The | kidneys are pot diseased, they are over | worked and strained. The bowels and skin--which help the kidneys to rid the system of waste matter--have not been doing their share of the work. The kid- neys have had te do too much. What you need is a medicine to cure the bowels, liver and skin cine must cure the Constipation by act- ing on the liver and thus make the | bowels move regularly and naturally This medicine must heal and strength- en the kidneys, and thus releve the | congestion. "Fruit-a-tives" is thiz me- dicine. It is the mos effective Kidney known, and keeps these vital ergans in a vigorous, healthy condition For aged people, for those who work ibard, for tiréed-out women, "Fruit-a- tives™ never fail to ston that severe pain in the back and huild up the whole system. G60c a box. 6 for $2.50, or trial | pox 25¢. At dealers or from Fruit-a- tives Limited. Ottawa | ALLL080400000008080800 GOOD SALARIES Go Only to the Well Trained Our High-Grade Oourses never fail to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and Evening Classes, and Moderate Rates. - FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergv street, Kingston, 'Phone, 680. BTOOKDALL, rece TT N. Principal. Ferri ee Ro -- SII Increase Your Efficiency % Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Canada's Leading Business School Day and Evening Classes. Shorthand, Typewriting, Book. keeping, Telegraphy. Special in- ¢ dividual ipstruction for pupils deficient in English branches. Rates moderate. Enter at any time. 'Phbone, 440. H. F. MET- CALFE, Principa.. RRB HORA. AERA AEE 3 PR NaI ac x B= 1 ¥ 3 % Boils and Pimples Are caused entirely by the blood being in an impure condition, and the quickest and simplest way to got rid of them is to take a fow bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. This parely vegetable remedy has cured thousands of cases of these painful and unsightly troubles during the past thirty years. T Mr. 8. J. Weir, River $- view, Ont., writes: -- ¥ "Last summer I had + ni boils on my neck and back. I wae over two weeks. - I took every hink of but to no effect. "} ot a bottle of a Blood Bittérs and fore I had used half the bottle the boil I"took the rest of it, however, bie, oie od er rir Mrs. W. J. Cran don, Bt. Mary's, Ont, writes: -- * "x was troubled with pimples rand' vind aL 70 fon 3 carl Soph of tr a of tent "un but they were not of on Finally I used four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and am now entirely cured.' For sale by all dealers. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Torento, Ont LOOK THROUGH THE HOUSI AND SEE have - be - If you like oO! anything would 0 turn into money 1 will buy one ul (the things you have there. Old fashioned furniture and alty post card will bring me. you bric-a-bra« A L. Lesses, Princess and Chatham Sts. ston, Ont; SAVE MONEY BY HAVING WALL PAPER CLEANED, Looks Costs Little Estimates of painting decorating, bronzing gas fittings radiators, etc., a specialty Cc. RR. COMPTON, Painter King: as new. branch good on any Decorator. street. and Frontenac \ Wood's Phosphodine The Greot English Remed Bt akes nev cine, Cures Nert ¥ Me wb ik and Brain Worry, Des serual Weakness, Emissions, Sper atorrhoa, and Elects of Abuse or Excesses Fi 81 ver box, REfor 85 One will please, si» wiilcur.. Sold plain pkg. on In eel mailed fre iood in oid ¥ New pamphle Medici ine Oo. Toronto, O= Fuge: ve Wood Md You will want some Home-Made Mince Meat and here is the place to get (the god old fashioned that mother used to make. Also, our Pork Sausa, Meat Is just the PoaveRs you no TO TY wy Thane qa an m abl may he man marries for mote to make his a week or ten days talk of buildin \ Calabogie wile believe priest" nd This medi- - by al 2 Srugyiste or a ir | eo THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, MARCEm, 909. GAVE up P CUSTOMER. Newsboy's Method of Paying BOAT Ws ATTACKED..." wc" HOW CORPORAL DONALD- Saturday Sane, ~~ SON MET HIS DEATH. | Any day on the downtown streets, {during the off hours between the sale of the morning, papers and the issuing Enormous Herd Found--Deceased | of the afternoon editions, one thay dc 1. Reeves Went tot knots of boys, some little more an orpora; oe es than babies in years gathered in door- Shoot Them--Their Boat . Sur-|, vs or lanes. Approach them and rounded and Upset By Enraged you will see that they are newsboys Bulls. | shooting raps for coppers or nickels. . {They pay little attention to casual Winhapeg, March . 19.--Details of the sash 'send Ras g tragic ih of Corporal Donaldson, {passiesby, but scatter at sight of 'we al oli Some of th i : . ta? policeman. Some of them are invete- member of Inspector Pelletier's north- |rate gamblers, and uot only wager an patrol, were learned to-day when! : 2 he Dior and several of his men | their slender pital, but also moet: reached the city - after ome of the | rage the wline. in Eien had tells ongest and most arduous trips on re- | 2 -- tle story to illusiraic 5 ten- cord. de Donaldson's home was at Aylmer, | Ho had been in the custom of buy- Ont. He met his death while cruis-|ing a paper about the same hour ng off Cape Fullerton, 500 miles be-| every night from a particular boy who yond Fort Churchill. Corporal s Reeves | nlways occupied the same corner. One Started from Fullerton bound for | evening he tendered a cent as usual, 'hurchill in a forty-four-foot H, B.|but the lad made no move to hand ruising yacht, accompanied by an over a paper. Instead another boy Eskimo named Ford. They made the! rushed up and flourished the edition wruise and arrived eventually at!that the customer wanted. The lat- Marble Island, some miles down the|ter, however, waited expectantly for oast from Fullerton. The Eskimos |his regular boy and then asked : ave a tradition regarding this island, | "What' w the matter ? Where's Fhey believe it to be a great iceberg paper 7' : urned by some spirit into stone of a} "Well, you see," Feplied the wrebin, eculiar opayue whiteness. No | shamefacedly, Be, od Eskimo will make a_landing on its | shooting craps st night, hiss 1 Ne shores. {all my money, and you was a regular When the boat and' he: crew came customer, an'--he won you." vithin striking distance of the island | Donaldson suddenly called Reeves' at-| ention to what seemed to hin al a---------- trange phenogenon. Reeves strained! {Pending Settlement Will Wear is eyes aid he, too, seemed to Re | Coat Said to Be Stolen. > 08 ing Ne » he fsiand moving up and down in the Torontn News. ater. So. maithed : Was ibe Musion Receiving stolen hat the two officers called the Eski-| i." 1 fre now has been no to look. Ford at once cried out "a1 c oo James Fisher. This morn- hat what seemed to make the icland ing he appeared once more. His wor- 1wve was the presence of an immense ship charged Fisher with receiving a werd of walruses. As they ¢ gentleman's fur-lined coat and a la- loser the huge animals were easily | { dies' jacket the property of John istinguished, and Donaldson deter- | Dowling, the Titus' name was lined to get near them in the boat} | iinked to the same charge. Both plead- inghy and try a shot at them. od not guilty and elected a jury trial The yacht lay by and the ilk fated through their solicitor, T. C. Robin- fficer set out alype in the dinghy | ette, K.C. vith his rifle. Soofi he was close Ol During the preliminary examination he great herd, fining right and left. | (overcoat found on Fisher when le killed or wounded several of the acted lay on the crown attorney's rates, and then the barrel of his rifle tab le. ecoming hot, he started to pull back | "May Fisher have o the yacht. By this time the entire | asked Mr. Robinette of his worship. erd of a thousand or more was thor- |""It is the ondy one he has, and being coin . » 7 x4 5 : 4 ughly alarmed and excited, and! bail he'll need it. onaldson had trouble in getting back | have no objection," the larger boat. There he Was | Laoistrate. ined by Reeves, and togetner they| Si Fisher, for his brief period et out to skim the edge of the herd gy Freedom before the jury hearing, nd secure the tusks and heads cf the |, privileged to wear the coat he lean animals accused of stealing. I'o their dismay, when they n_ towards the visible wrd terrific roars and ov water astern of their varned them that they luge bulls kept rearing suddenly alll bout them, and with four of usks. in the bottom of their boat he two men decided to pull for the | acht again. They had hardly start- d when an enraged bull came up with terrible erash right beneath heir dinghy's keel, raising it clear of he water and throwing both men werboard. They struck out for the acht as if by instinct, but after a few trokes wn the freezing water Reeves e lecided to go back to the capsized adopting. linghy and cling to it. He had | 1 m going 3 arely reached it when poor Donald- polities I" was the exclamation of the on "uddenly disappeared amid a com- | old lady. "Oh, Mr. Austen, 1 should mo¥. nin the water. He was never | have thought two in the family, your we again, {father and Mr. Richard, enough to A clinging for hours to the up-| have had in politics. Why don't you w.ned boat in water icebergs | 2o in for something useful ?' redominate Reeves reached the shore. | eae . Chere he was on the verge of perish Chronic Digestive Troubles. when Ford, the Eskimo, When the and undoubtedly saved apt stay weak unlesd helped, 'ord stripped the soaked cause has no time rest. from the officer and replaced with longed stomach troubles are seldom his own warm garments, he to disease. The functions only are 'hafed limbs. Reeves' were disturbed. * ulcerated from the effect of | That why Day's Dyspepsia Cure le cold salt water, and it often 'relieves chronic cases as quickly is natural health and as recent Each bottle contains mnabled him to recover, dxteen davs treatment. For During the course of : : at Wade's Drug Store. vol it is known that Inspector etier made several important wies respecting the geology of the rountry. That these discoverwes em-| brace big finds of gold and coal out roppings has already been an- nounced, -but until his official report! s sent in the inspector declines tof liscuss such matters. However, as | regards the report of the chief ai- | neer of the Hudson's Bay survey, In-{ The Montreal jury in the spector Pelletier expressed considerable | into the death of the victims of surprise when he was apprised of the | wreck at Windsor Station, | verdict of accidental death. fact that the report favored Port Nel 3 exonerated the dead engineer son as the terminal outlet Churchill. He agreed that Cunningham, from all blame, saying the former point would lead over|in their verdict that he stuck to his more accessible country, but he ' de-| engine as long as it was possible for lared that there was comparison | him to do so. tween the harbor facilities of the places. Churchill, he believed, woul! 'he 'much superior, Proves Nerviline Cures Chronic Sciatica. my AN ODD GASE. gbods is an offence laid to drew | his overcoat ?"' answered the 0 of will is got well of the] snorts in the little craft were encircled ede DO SOMETHING USEFUL. Austen Chamberlain and His Nurse. Westminster Gazette. Austen Chamberlain, at meeting in Birmingham, has told an excellent story agdinst himself. When he left Alma Mater he travelled on the continent for some months, and then returned home, seriously to adopt poli- tics. He had been at Highbury only a few days when he met his old nurse, who, delighted to see him. inquired as {to the Kind of profession he proposed "Oh," he said in reply, in for politics." "For Old sets a private er where ng um, reached | his Ve, | clothing it while leis the terri only that is be- stomach gets weak it to it for : due his is was strength ones. 3 sale only this long pa Pel- | discov Corns Disappear. When Peck's Corn Salve is used. them out, root and all, and j without possibility of injury to the foot. In big boxes, 15¢c., at Wade's Drug Store. It { takes on Dead Engineer Exonerated. inquest the returned a Fort rout over the to no two Died In Camden Township. Nancy Gillett, wife Herbert Gil ett, Camden, departed this life March \ th, after a lingering illness of fom { { months. Deceased contracted a cold ! | whieh developed into pleuro-pney- | monia. All medical aid proved up- | availing in checking the areadful mal- | addy. Mrs. Gillett was a daughter of | the late Joseph Lockridge, and was | twice married. By her former hus- band, the late James Edgar, | family were born. Four sons, of Solemn Statement Known Newark Merchant Establishes That Sciatica Can Be Cured Quickly. of a Well It was four years | attacked by sciatica. a large {and went, and at first were not se- 'a David, | vere. I took no precautions against Thomas, Andrew, Robert, and a | relapse and the conditions grew perm- daughter, Mrs. Paul Van Horst, re anent. Severe grinding pains like side in the west; w hile four daughters, | noints of steel being forced througn Mrs. ( . A. Callery, Mrs. J. Reid, Mrs | my flesh, affected my left side. I be- A. Denison and Mrs $W. Donevan were | came almost © a cripple, and . resent at her bedside. | damp or stormy day was afraid to { leave the house. Old Landmark Destroyed. | "Nerviline" was recommended and 1 A St rubbed on lots of it. In a week I im- miliar proved, and by persevering with the have passed up and down stream was Nerviline, rubbing and taking it every razed Ly dynamite this week. It night, twenty drops in hot sweetenad a tall brick chimney that stood close | water, 1 finally got the disease under beside the stone tower the little | control. In eight weeks I was cured. village of Maitland, about two miles | I have never since felt 'a twinge or an east of Brockville. The tower and | ache, and for those affected with neu- chimney were the remains of a great | ralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, s¢ iatica, listillery operated at or any other muscular ailment, ! J Maitland in the { early "60's. A new dock is being built conscientiously recommend on the water line." front directly with the spot w ve the chimney | For fifty stood and it was necdssary to tear it| standard household remedy all over down. The bricks were found to be in | America. Many doctors and d an excellent state of preservation and | use it in their own families because t will be used for building purposes. lis the best, strongest, SE | ing liniment made. Beware of the unscrupulous dealer that endeavors, because of the extra | profit on an inferior article to induce { vou vo take anything in place of Ner- { viline, Large 28c. bottles at all deal- | ers, ago | first was The pains came on Lawrence river landmark fa to thousands of people i wan in I can "Nervi- on a line | | years Nerviline has been a most penetrat- To many of us life scem worthless, dazzled by 'the tion. A short | honeymoon the real things of while we are gold brick of decep- answer a blissful | strife. may turn into matrimonial WHAT WHIG G CORRESPOND ENTS TEL TELL US. The Tidings From \ Various Points in [Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Black Lake Items. Black Lake, March 20.--The farmers are' drawing loads to Sharbot Lake. A number from bere atiended the sur- prise party at R. Kirkwood's. S. J. Konnedy is visiting Lake. Mrs. have returned to their home at Crow Lake, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. NMleCharles. Mr. and Mrs. ". McPherson, Uso, spent Sunday, ai J, McPherson's. The many fricnds' of Miss Mamic McPherson .aré very sorry to hear of her illness. Mrs. R. Gen- dron, Crow Lake, teacher, spent Sa- turday and Sunday with Miss J. P. Leshe. J. P. McPherson is home once more. . >. News From Perth. ; Perth, March 20.--The revival moet ings here, under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Gordon, Ottawa, have been well attended. Almer Dow- sott, blacksmith, here, received a tele gram from Portland of the death of his father there. Mr. Dowsett has heen in failing health for some time past. Some of the farmers have tapped, but the weather is as yet a little cold fo a good sap run. Mrs. Robert Huddle ston and son, Ross, spent a day a Lanark. J. H. and Mrs. McMillan visited Smith's Falls friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Westport, were here last week to pay their last respects to the former's mother, who died after a short illness. Smallpox At Odessa. Odessa, March 20.--In reference to a statement in Thursday night's issue of the Whig, re small-pox in Odessa, there seems to have been a misunder- standing as to the provincial inspee tor's report, inv saving that we have fifteen cases of small-pox here. Op reading that, then asking the board of health here, wo find four houses pla- carded, with twenty-four people (young and old in them), eight cases of, as the inspector put ii, a very mild type of small-pox, and to date no new cases reported since the 15th inst Those on hand (the patients) arc able to be around the as usual none confined to their hed. Bath and Yarker bread carts are making their usual trips here. houses Opeongo Happenings. Opeongo, March 20.---Xhe men from Shamrock are still hauling ties to the Opeongo siding. H. Carl and son are + Baright Pro- | | They | Mark | | | | { | | 1 on {One 1 alive ! | premier , should | put | bey | illustrious | governments, ! dous cutting wood for Mr. Culhore. Quit a few of the villagers are getting their . next winter's wood cut. H Courtney has left this neighborhood looking for work. My. Doyle and Mr have returned home fron Whitney shanty and are looking well Miss Mary Culhore has returned home from a four weeks' visit at her aunt's, in Ottawa.\ The social held in the school house here, under the abl management of the teacher, Mis: Stuart, was a grand success. Visitors Ross MeViear, of Calumet, Que., i at his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L Kish's; Mrs. IL. Crockett and tw children, of Ottawa) at James Kish's, they expeet to return to Ot tawa in a couple of weeks, aceompani ed by her grandmother, Mrs. L. Kish Not A Promising Success. Montreal Gazette. Statements published at Toront give the length of the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario railway--the pro vince's road--operated last year a 191 miles. The cost of construction was ¥13,441,704, of which $9,651,00( represented the price of the operate section The transportation earning $973,065 and the operating ex penses $688,397. This kit net earn ings of $281,668. There were receiv ed ore royalties of $134,820. Out the total of these two sums the com missioners turned over to the treasury of Ontario $350,000, nearly enougl to pay interest at 3.80 per cent. the cost of the operated passenger fares averaged mi'e, and the freight cents a ton a mile, to make corporation managers envious. These facts ar interesting, among other things, as showing that the classification of the road they refer to as a great com mercial success is at least premature 8 were oi or or road The 2.43 cents ¢ earnings 1.3% rates calculate owned railwa: The Stamping Ass. Pall Mall Gazette. I'he Gladstone a new slay in the the resting place Mr Gladstone. Visitors to the too often tramp unheedingly the stones which commemorate dead, when they casily step aside. Recently we nessed a curiou: Hustrating fact and overheard a curiou®edmmem it. Two ladies were standing gazing at the marble slabs over the graves of Browning and Tennyson. A sketchy sort of person proceeded to stand at ease exactly over the inserip tion on 'the late poet laureates grave of the ladies turned hastily away saying : "It makes me so angry! That man would have stood cap ir hand before Tennyson when he wae " The other, who evidently knew her Fitzgerald, answered : "Neve mind, 'The wild aes stamps o'er his head, but cannot break his sleep." family have te tc and Ab over had Abbey mark Mrs of our might wit, this Whitaey's Handsome Gift. Hamilton Time: The aft (of *12.000, 000 acres of lami the C.N.R.), is a princely one, Is it "necessary to the development of the country ? How pitiful appear Sir James' degunciations of the aid grant ed to railways for the opening up of the country in earlier times by former in view of this stupen- proposal | And what about Whitney's 'boasted faith in pub- lic ownership railways for developing the country without giving away the land to have it dev eloped ? The peo- ple are surely catitled to have the choose one policy or the And at this late day Ontario have begun to ountorow the land subsidy. subsidy otha railway | friends at Crow | J. Hawley and children | teristics of Seal Brand Coffee is its rich, full body. Thin and watery coffee is unknown in house- holds that use Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand. In 1 pound 2d 2 pound tin cans. Never in bulk, Completed. The New Spring Shoes Are Here. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoe Making. FERAL FURNITURE. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS WEEK. Iron Bed, with Brass Knobs, £3.50, for $2.50 Great Reduction in Mattrasses -- Ostermoor, Adarshall, Sanitary, Felt, Fibre, Cotton Parlor Sett in Silk Covers, regular $25, for $20, Dining Room Sett in Surface Oak, $45, for $35. Extension Table, $6.50 ; Sideboard, $6.50; Dinin Room Chairs, 75¢c each, the best value we ever handled. R J R = { D 230 Princess St - ® tf 9 Phone 877. NOTE THE PRICE LINEN LAID WRITING PAPER. FOR LETTER COPYING, Pads of 100 Sheets, size 8) x 11 inches---7¢. cach, Pads of 100 Sheets, size.5} x 81 inches--4c. each. British Whig Publishing Company JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT THE HOME EIC. OF GOOD PRINTING. nm --------s SHOE REPAIRING The Goodyear Machine is Now Working Successfully. Men's Sewed Soles and Heels, $1. Men's Nailed Soles and Heels, 75¢. Ladies' Sewed Soles and Heels, 75¢. O'Sullivan's Rubber Heels, 50c. A. E. Herod, 286 Princess St. The House of Quality. PHONE 837. | MELVILLE, SASKATCHEWAN 34 fe. ai, by 112 fe. deep $50. Terms, $10 cash, $5 per lot per month ; interest. No taxes till 1910. Torrens Title. A chance to treble your money n twelve months by buying lots i in: Melville-Annex. §. C. HUNKING, 230 Bai SL, Kingston.

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