PAGE SIX. THE DAILY. BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1909. Dizziness A Danger Signal Forerunners of f More Serious Con- ditions of the Alimentary Tract. Invariably flatulence and dizziness indicate the beginning of serious trou- "blés, stomach and intestine trou- bles, usually follow which sooner or later develop symptoms of an alarm- ing nature. Catarrh of the stomach, gastritis, constipation, piles, liver troubles and a general break-down of thie health usually" follow these symp- toms when left to run their. full course. When the stomach is not per- forming its proper, duty the rest of the system is sure to suffer, As it is a well-known fact that the stomach feeds the rest of the body and organs, therefore many other diseases may arise, either directly or indirectly from disorder of the stomach. Whenever there is the slightest in- dications of flatulence or dizziness no- ticed it should be cared for at once | that it may not dévelop more danger- ous symptoms. Charcoal is an excel: lent remedy for the stomach, relieving flatulence "by absorbing the poisonous gases that accumulate in the stomach, and aiding digestion and assimilation; it has a specific action upon gan, and a very rapid and positive action on the systém in general. Charcoal has been used for several thousand years, both as a stomach regulator and an antidote for poisons taken in the stomach. The charcoal is unquestionable. The only remaining question is to get charcoal in the most convenient and palatahle form. The F. A, Stuart Co. manu- facture a charcoal lozenge composed of young willow wood charcoal and pure honey, making this valuable pro- duct convenient, palatable and per- fectly harmless. A sample will he sent upon request, or Stuart's Charcoal Tablets can be had at any drug store. Price 25¢c. per box. The F. A. Stuart Co., 200 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. success of fat 3 St. Margaret's College TORONTO A High-Class Residential and Day School for Girls under the management of ' Groror Dickson, Principal Upper Toronto), and MA., (formerly Canada _('ollege, - ARS. GEORGE DICKSON. Miss J. E. MACDONALD, B,A., Principal, Large Staff of Teachers, "Graduates of Canadian and Engliah Universities. ull Academic Course for University Matriculation with highest honors; Music, Art, mestic Science and Physical Education. Write for Booklet to the fecretary, St. Margaret's College, Toronto. i GOOD SALARIES Go Only to the Well Trained Our High-Grade Courses never fall to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and Evening Classes, and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergy street, 'Phone, 680. BTOOKDALE, Kingston. TT N. Principal: meester esrese BOMOMONOMONOIOMONMOMONL Increase Your Efficiency Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Canada's Leading Business School Day and Evening Classes. Shorthand, keeping, Typewriting, Book Telegraphy., Special in- dividual instruction for pupils deficient in ° English branches. Rates moderate. Enter at any ti 'Phone, 440. H. F. MET- CALFE, Principal. % OROROMOKOKOMOMONONONON rt a eee COBALT lin, 258s. A handbook of accurate informatien compiled by competent authorities for the guidance of investors. Givas the location, area, and map showing geological formation, present develop- ment, equipment and amount of ore shipped from the various mines. Gives also the capitalization, amount of stock issued, amount of treasury stock (if any) and the dividends paid to date. Gives the names of the Officers and Transfer Agents of the Cobalt Companies. Sent post-paid for 25 cents. A.E. OSLER Stock Brokers--Direct Wire te Cobalt 18 King Street West, TORONTO Long Distance "Phone Main 7434-2438 Cobalt Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission Corresponden-s "owited FT RE "MERSON & CO. Members Standard Stock Exchange Stocks, Bond and Investment Brokers 16 King St. West. Phone, Main, 7014, Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ste., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturdav and Toronto. Let every excise you make be back- ed up by some good reason why you should be éscused. Twenty-cent Windsor £0 go at loc, Gilbert, bacon, 500 lbs. this or- | | Company | REGIOPOLIS ¥ WINNERS: {Cont foal From: from page 2.) crowd times. were quite exeited at different The Portsmouth Supporters oo. cupied one side of the rink and the city boys the other, and the rooting could be heard for blocks. The junior game went to -Regiopolis by 7 goals to 2. 'For a junior game {this was a fast one. The "kids" play: jek" fme Wockey and the better team {won out. The Regis led all through the game and at no time were in dein: ger of defeat. | In the first hali the play was pretty leven. Then Millan notched for Regis, and Sommerville followed. Ports- { mouth then landed one, Davidson do- | ing the trick. The play became gener- al again until near time, when each team secured another tally. In the sccond half the Regis laddies secured | four, and refused to allow the visitors {to get any. The second period was all Regiopolis from end to end. For the winners, Hunt, Sommerville and Millan" were the stars. Hanley in goal played a good game, but could Inot stay on the ice enough, being too fond of decorating the bench. For the losers, Kennedy in goal was about the star. He pulled off some fine shots like a veteran, turning them aside | with ease. The teams lined up as fol- | lows : 1 | | { Regiopolis (7)--Hanley, | point: Yellowley, cover; or; Hunt, contre; 'Sommerville, left wing; Millan, right wing. Portsmouth (2)--Kennedy, Giire, point; Baiden, cover; rover; Davidson, centre; R. goal; Folger, Sullivan, rov- goal: Me- Dennison, McGuire, challenging téam, have been met, wilt] handed over to some charity "4 Notes Pn Sport. The Montreal Wanderers and a play in New York again to-night. The Cliffside-Queen's match promises | to be one of the hockey features of the | season Shrabb 'wants against Simpson instead of twelve. The trustees of the Allan cup laid down firm, fast rules and teams intend living up to them. Longhoat has decided to get 10 work and run in the Marathon Derby in New York on April 3rd. 'Bill' Davis will handle him. A New York club will establish an annuel Marathon. The first will be held March 27th, fiwishing the last ten ér twelve miles within the baseball grounds, . And now comes the Salome twist. The latest wrinkle in the bender line in baseball pitching is said 10 be the cretion "of Campbell, the southpaw twirler of the Cincinnati Reds. Camp- bell praclised the curve last fall. He said nothing about it until the team went to Cuba. Then he surprised his teamimatés by springing it. The Sa- lome is an underhand spitter, déliver- al with the left hand, and is hard to hit. The Ottawa Cliffside Hockey Club in- timate they "will raise a strenuous kick cn that clause of the Allag: cup trustees' rulings which calls for the distribution of all surplus money. over and above legitimate expenses at cup games, to be "devoted to charity. The Clifisides claim that notwithstanding their winning of the championship rac | affait | make his fifteen -mile to a have | the | Hockev League which i: pionship. AMATEUR HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY. The cup presented by Sir Montague Allan 'to the Interprovincial emblematic of the Werld's afiateur cham The Cliffsides of Ottawa will be the first deferiders cup in a contest with Queen's College team, of the Kingston. wing who was forc- right Gibson, eft Forsythe, Referee W. W «dl to deal out some rather during the game, was satisfac to both téams. 1t was a merry crowd of Regiopolis upporters that left the tuk after the same and their shouts dnd laughter, and tooting of 'horns coll be heard for blocks wing ties ory Ready For Semi-Finals. The members of the Y. MCA. are ejoicing over the victories of the sea or basketball team, and are now look- forward with great interest to the games with Petérboro, in' the Semi- finals. These matches have not yel heen arranged, but the locals can be ng game. Monday's Big Game. big event of Monday night, which should draw a largé crowd to the covered rink, is the hockey match hetween Mic-Macs and' the Royals, the championship of "the Kingston Amateur Hockey League, apd the James Spence trophy. "Both the teams condition, and the game to be one of the . best seaton The the 'or we in fine hould natches proye of the The Amateur Cup + Montaga AHan that In cup the trustees de view of latenese of only one the cup this winter, the expiring on March '15th Informally the trustees were notified yi the wish of the St. Michael's Cluby 0.H.A. champions, to compete for the trophy, the trustees decided that he season was now toe far advanced and 'St. Michael's challmge would be held Queen's sent in the first hallonge and accordingly were: given the match to be played this win- ter y It is more than likely ime province champions of the will 'be among the ext and first series on Monday have to defend the f the hockey has already vieated interest should be reviving amateur hockey In accortiance with the terms gift the receipts from the cup match, Monday, after all legitimate expenses, season, yiaved season ume for but over one that champions the and Manitoba challengers mari- the season cup at 'the opening I'he deal fact next season great big a of and a win including the travelling expenses of the of heavy pen- | lepended wpon- to put up a goed fast} | match would bel grieve League { limiteq, | the winners oi he | of will probably | Emery, | cap {of of | Loung hole fmancially! T seems amazing, when the club played to good crowds. Are apy of the Clifi side insert puid 7 "Where the money go to! thoy are in the does * FOR GOO BOYS Examples Are Set Fortli in Book in China. Shanghai - Times. In China, the "Book 'of Filial Duty' has beer' employed to indteact the for the fast 2,500 Vears. In i are twenty-four examples for goo boys, What these examples are like may be understood from the story of Wu Meng, example Np. 20. Wu Meng it seems, was verv obedient to hit parents. One day at the age of eigh lie noticed with pain that the mos (uitoes annoyed _ his parents while Siew were trying to sleep. Préséntly Ke hit upon a plan to rescué them. Says the author "of | this ¢lassic "The buzzing of the mokyditoer sounds like 'ying ving,' and their un ited hum is almost equal to. thunder His (ired parents are redliiihg or their bed, their' countenance ~ already dink in, slumber. Legigns Re mos uitoes- fiercely attack them alternate Iv retreating and advancing: The in sects disturb the dreaming gleeper: und (with annoyance . they tos from side to side. "Wu sees~theT bload, which Ifis sucking hig parents causes his hedrt tc flesh, he thinks, «can be cagily pierc®d, hut that of his parent: ie hard to penetrate. Lying 'oh the hed he threw off hig clothes and soor fealing" the pain of their attacks he cried. 'I have no dredd of yon, no vou any reason to fear me. 'Although I have a fan [ will not it, nor will T strike you with m hand 1 will lie very quietly and let You gorge to the full' Thus did the { parents of Wu Meng get a chance td '"leep in peace? have use The Trusts and Guarantee company Toronto, are applying for let administration de bonis non estate of the late William Y of city of St. Thomas the second da. ters ol the the who died on or about April. 18399 See Bihby's nobbv 82 hats Mrs. Pigelen, Belleville, fell and broke her right 'leg, nag the | Bibby's, the latest hats, FExtravagance seems nts 12 a disea in not a few families. jee Cl on NEWS OF _DISTRIGT, LOCAL NOTES AND. re GENERAL | The Tidings From Various Points in Ontario -- What People Doing And What They Are Saying. Henry VanVlack, Picton, haa bad, fall on the pavement abd" is i thought fractured two ribs, The death of Mrs. John Malcolm, Perth, took 'place on Saturday. Mrs. Malcolm was born in Neotland in Ww. Fox has taken possession of the A. N. Ka#¢ farm near Picton, which 'he purchased some months ago. Ww. .C. sselstine, one of Napanee's' oldest residents, passed away on Wed: nesday. Deccased had been in poor health -all winter. Philip MéGonell, a former of Prince Edward county, is dead at Rock Island, 1ll., after suffering for week with pneumonia. Philip Oviatt, Alexandria Bay, N.Y. was found guilyy of bigamy in the county court. Accompanying the ver- dict was a recommendation of merey. J. P. Thorne, Picton, received a telegram on Wednesday, announcing the sudden death of James 'MN. Nash, Brenham, Texas. The remains will possibly be 'brought to Picton for in- terment. At a Jaymen's missionary banquet in Cdrleton Place on Thursday last 300 citizens sat down to a splendid spread. "A resolution was passed that Carleton Place should undertake | to pay $7,500 as her share in the] movement, Adam McFarlane, resident Lanark, has com- leted a season's work in the woods. fe bought a cut of tunber, the Ma- aury swamp, abdut thrée miles from Lanark, and took out 677 pieces saw- ogs, 500 railway ties and a quantity Men's Shoes A' New lot of Men's, Tan Bluchers. Regular $5.00, for SATURDAY $3.98. Alot Men's $4.00 Shoes, Box Calf, Patent Colt and Viei-Kid, for A lot Men's $2.50 Box C4lf Bluchers, good sole, al] sizes. ¥ A few Men's fine Kid Bluch- ers. Regular $2. All sizes. SATURDAY A small lot Men's Light Working Boots. Regular $1.25 SATURDAY .........98c. ea ----r et ---------- ea One lot Men's Rubbers. Size 6 to 11. SPECIAL 75c. if shinglewood. Messrs. Frank Collier and Frank Paterson, Picton, have taken the | rositions of chief and second engineer | respectively of the City of New York | and are fitting the boat out in Co-| our harbour. Captain. Minard Hicks | is in commgaid of the hoat. Henry Bearup, wo, sides on the | aver road below Cg incent, Jost a | saluable horse in a ™ liar manner, | While driving through the village near he railroad crossing the horse hocame | righteneh at Lhe shifting engine and caring its hind fell © back dead. 1829 and or legs was married there in 1857. Another of Napanee's oldest citizens assed away, Monday, in the person i Samuel Jaynes, in his eighty-third rear. Deccased: leaves, besides his ged wife, two daughters, Mra. James horey, Winnipeg, and Mrs. C. Good- ell, Fort William, and one son, George Mf Watertown; also one brother, Ira laynes, Napanee, James F. Starms passed away sud- lenly at hix home in North Marys: burgh, March 5th, It was a great shock to his many friends and rela- tives as he had only been confined to iis house a short time. Heart disease was the immediate cause of death. Mr. Storms . was born on the old homestead, Cressy, about -sixty-three vears ago. He ha& been known as a ife long liberal temperance worker, ind member of Glenora™ Methodist hureh. GANANOQUE BUSINESS 's Improving Greatly--Death oi a Boy. Gananoque, March 13. -- Norman Rowvbing, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. George lobbing, Brock street, assed away at an early hour on Fri- lay morning after a short illness. The uneral will take place Sunday after- oon, to Gananogue cemetery. The town council held a special ses- ion for the consideration of the re- jort 'recently submitted 'to. them by he special committe pointed some ime ago to RT the con- lition of things at the fire on Janu- | wh 31st last. The 'committee recoms aendations were in the main adopead | Some few, however, being left over for | urthér consideration. | Grace Methodist church will ! wate its seventy-third suaiversary | ym Sunday, March 21st inst. Rev. Dr. Villiam Briggs, of Toronto, will con: | wet both morning and evening ser- | '¥ices. The Optimus Minimus Club held argely attended assembly in Peers s wseembly hall last" evening. The Citi- enis' 'orchestra furnished music. Business conditions about the town tre picking up nicely. The Gananoque dolt works has increased to ten hours + day for full time. The Toronto Bolt wd Forging company is running over- ime, and the Ontario Wheel company ind other establishments are rushed o keep up Xith their orders. Farmers » March 19th, luly ce erage "here il tie big pring selling nr utters, i ab org This! he he date that the Leeds fame always pastes in' his hat. . : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, Oshorne treet, entertained 8S nitniber of their riends at their' home' fast evening. Juite a large [oad drowe. ott to" the wome of Mr. and Meh, Jom Dowsley, it Dowsley's Corner, ot Thirrsday svening, to participate in a social under the auspices of Pine Grove Vethodist church. The following are visiting Ww town Mrs. Allan Sweet, of Sweet's Cor- flere, is. sihatding some. time 'in pen he: gust of her daughter, Mrs. Cal: vin Robeson, Stone street. John Mun- fen, for some time past locatea with the Canada Cabinet company, Mont- eal, is spending the week here with ais family at their home on Garden street. George LL. Crawford, spending the winter at Thornloe, New Ontario, arrived home for a visit with his wife ind family, First street Gordon Hurd, Charles street, spent | + few days this week in Lansdowne. | Miss MY Fodev, Garden street, has re urned . from a pleasant visit with | ansdowne friends, Mrs. A. Mclean, Jak street, has returned from a short | isit in New York eity. Mrs. William | 'arpenter, W, ington street, spent al ew. dayvs€this week in Kingston. Miss | appan of Meleombe, was the guest f her cousin, Miss Minnie Fodey, Gar- | fen street, "for a few days this week. | Wiss Gertrude Jackson, Leeds, has re ! turned from avshort visit 'with rela i ives in South Lake cele- | will be en, te cet black or white cherries, Red, 10e. Sec Bibby's smart $2 hata. a tin, at Gilbert's, { when | hushand. {from | seen i lames of | this Women's Shoes One lot Women's $4.00 Viei- Kid and Patent Colt Bluchers also a few red. SATUR- bs' & Gis Shots Ohe lot of Boys' $2.50 / Box. Calf Bluchers. Rites 1:to | SATURDAY : Boys' $2.00 Box Calf Bluch- gia, Side 1 to. 5, SATUR. Buf Boots, 'Sizes 1 hy Euay $1.50, SAT. hiv Aud: 1A. I VRDAY w+ vine ioel hE, 4 Social - Bargain in Boots, \ ia ayvdunsan SE lot of Girls' Sh Bluchers. Sizes 11 to' 8, SATURDAY $1.20, Special lot of Girls' Box Cali Boots. «Sizes 11:to 2 Regular $1.50, SATURDAY One lot of Women's $3.50 fine Vici-Kid Bluchers. SAT- URDAY .. 4 + babu One lot of Women's $ ¥ and $2.50 fine Kid Blu SATURDAY . Shoes. A Counter. of Women' Ss! SATURDAY $1 A small ot eof Women's $1.25 and a few REE: Clearing out' Special lot: of Rubbers. Sizes 21 to: Rid Special lot of Children's $1.50 Laced Boots. Sizes 8 to 104. SATURDAY .. $1.25. - Special' lot of Children's $1.25 and $1.35 Laced Boots. Sizes 3 to 10% 98e. Special lot Women' 8 row Rubbers. Sizes 3 FEI NI ih a=) A Story That Stood the Test of a Court of Law London Chronicle. As a circumstantial onu that stood the cold scrutiny of a court of law, Booly"s case is without a parallel. The * date given is Mrs. Booty slander against one for what he had for by Capt. said of her According. to. an extract a journal produced in court, dated, Friday, May 15th, 1657, 'the captain on that day went ashoPe with | a large party of friends to shoot rah bits upon Stremboli, the island Italy, which, from its ever crater, is called * Mediterrancan."" At about afternoon two men were toward the volcano, ting flames. Capt. Barnaby claimed, "Lord bless me, old 'Booty, my next door neigh- bor." They then vanished in flames, a fact of which éveryone sent took note. Upon = Capt. Barnaby's 'return {go | England he learned that 'old Booty' had died just about "the {lime of strange occurrence at Stromboli. He them made the remark which was the subject of the action, that he "had | old Booéiy running into the hgll pursued by the devil." Booty claimed £1,000 as dam- 3:30 in the then ex- the foremost 1s pre Mrs. ages, hench before Robert tho Wright. chief For the addition to the testimony of Capt. Barnaby and his friends, old Booty's clothes were brought into court and identified to those wotn by the fore most man who ran into the crater even to the peculiar buttons on the cont. The judge was so impressed hy this evidence that - he said: "Lord have mercy upon me and grant that 1 may niver sea what you have scon. One, {wo or threé may he mistaken, but not thirty." And so Booty's widow lost the day, and the re- mains, perhaps, as the only judicially accepted ghost. story on record. justice, Si defence, (ase IS EXPENSIVE BUSINESS, The Learning By Experience in City of New York. New York Sun. , "Learning hy experionce | York is expensive buaginess,." said an ont-of-town man. "Last pight a les- son cost me just $8.50 and was cheap at that. You b had a little 'din ner for a few frichds in a private room at one of {he best restaurants. Every- thing was just right, and 1 was mighty well pleased. One thing was cspecial- ly pretty, and that was the dish of spun sugar in which the fruit was served. It had all sorts of little flow- ers and bowknois sticking out from 'it, and eve ryone of «ithe crowd . broke Lloff a piece '0 nibble 'on. When 1 weni to pay thé bil onc item surprised me, 'Fight' dollars and a hall for: a dish' was something 1 didn't understand. 'What's it. for 2' 1 asked, pointing to (item. And it was then. and there explained to me that a dish of spun sugar was just as much the pro- periy of the cetablishment as one of cut glass or silver, and any damaged must he paid for. It was all right enough, but it was new to me." in New Bibby's 81 shiris are elegant. The minute a man begins .lo xealize that things might have been wakse he hecomés an optimist. 'i's Your Liver That Makes You Constipated The bowels move only when the liver gives up enough bile. To correct Constipation, you must correct the torpid, sluggish liver. es Salt regulates the wels by regulating the liver. It makes the liver active and healthy -- care Constipation-- and is a tonic for the whole" system. "Es Salt 5c. and 60c. a hottie. Al all dealers. ghost story and | 1658, | brought an action | Barna- | late | off | burning | 'the lighthouse of the | seen running |' which was emit- | thao | the i |i Oranges, Oranges and the casa came in the king's | in | USTABLISHED 40 YEARS. YOU ARE WANTED BY YOUR WIFE AND SWEETHEART TO SMOKE Routley's 3 in' 1 Celebrated Smoking Mix- gi Virginia Cut Cake, 25¢, 35, ng 500 50c Briar Pipes. Special, 25¢. A. K. ROUTLEY, 178-5" Princess St. § i | i} | PVE VLLRVVVVATE Sweet Juicy Mexicans Large Regular 30c Size, Only 20c per Dozen. ' i ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' | 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ' ¢ ¢ ' ¢ 2 A.J.REES, 166 Princess St VVVUAVLTVVLVLVLVTVLVVVORTAS TRAV VBTVLVLVVAVVAVVATVERN VRVEVEE TLV HNTRLBIETRVN STILL ON! --- Our Big Clearing Sale of Furniture Watch our delivery, Rig loads for city and country. This is the sale that furnished 4 the city and country last year. Jverything included: Rugs and Squares, Brass and Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Buffets and China - Closets, with Chairs té mateh. po James Reid, fees ] it { ocd 5 The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147. --? A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF TAFFES TOY Our Grape Fruit is Very Tasty Have you tried it ? THE FINEST NAVEL ORANGES YET PRICES LOW. TOYE'S, 302 KING ST. Phone 141. Open tok y: 'a few' Military Warrants or North West Land. Apply J. O. HUTTON, 18 Mar- ket St., Kingston. PLUMBERS 2 USE our STAR WIPING SOLDER, the ro oo blocks, "costs no more than kinds. One trial will the Ss it al- ways your SOLDER.