Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Mar 1909, p. 13

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THE DAILY BRITISE WHIG, SA Y, MARCH 13, 1900. : ' : Jf} T ¥ 3 it is time that such gnimalr should be STRONG PLEA FOR FS LIBERTY [ui ow ws Fo . vind The question of keeping -n : Juba i , barn clean must nol be overlooked, WOODWARD While it can remain longer in winter i: without cleaning, if there is any chance 1] 3 ; : for the manure to heat, it must be kept clean, if not, some wool, if not the sheep, will be lost. When sheep have io lie out on the pile of horse oe WI ----e ES o ------ ol oh 8 3 Brees ¥ ; : 4 - Sufigred for Bifisen Years, the Rt 2 iad ; ; 3 i manure io keep warm but little will Le : The convincing powers of a testimo: WC ASE ee ; Ye : 2% NN ¢ . |be secured trom them. Clotted wool |- utter-Spreaders. We have Thus, fo= a little time. wo give you back more » ® Extract al efe never more clearly shown Nia ip Pod ; v will be {ound Where sheep have to lie are Wm. Rogers & than you pap forthe Fatract, want ' han in the case of Mr. Hugh Brown. A / po a, 4 dy - £ in wet, dirty places. now the many uses of a b brother, Lemuel Brown, of Avondale : : k (FG, - hl 4 Where sheep are housed for only a ] aGing AAT 0 SOUPS. EFavies : N.E., read ih the paper about Hon oly a > p : , short ti o. they - be Kept im quite Gat Armour's, for that is concenteated to John Costigan being cured by "Fruit- ' J Roto Zr vo Bl J ] $ x time, y nay Rep qu 1 Niko for I to r a-ives" - Knowing the Senator would i ' 4 ' 4 y closo gunriers, provided it nell ea 3 % times to ) 3 only efiflorse a medicine which had ey cannot, rs is Extracts cured bam, Mr. Lemuel "Brown tried > 4 . 4 of kept tis way for a long period with- ohiita-tives." They cured him of ? : ; Pr ap ; 4 out. serijus results. : 'hramic Indigestion and Constipati n, p 4 RE eo? jo a y ¢ A very sary feature in the care 80 'ae urged his brother to try them. ; b - y ; of sheep is clcanliness of the food and 3 : ; / water they eat and drink. Unless com- pelled by thirst and hunger to do so, they will not eal unclean food nor drink unclean water. - mein nt Produce And Prices. | Kingston, March 13--Prices are quot- led to the Whig as follows: | Grain--Oats, 46cs local wheat, $1; | buskwheats sae barley, Sey Lig 80e. 1 Rbc.; peas, $1; corn, old, Tc; mew, Th f 1T4e e sale 0 | Flour and Feed--Flour, bakers, $2. * -~ [90 to $3.15; farmers, $2.80 to i" 3 | Hungarian patent, $3 to $3.20; oat- | : : | meal and rolled oats, $3.40 to $3.50; | | cornmeal, $1.80 to $2.10; bran, $23 to | | $24 per ton; shorts, $25 to $27 per {tom; straw, $10 to 811; hay, loose, ' : | ih ; y 3 ; TAR ) ! P1510 to $12; pressed, $13. 66 ES "»" ------------------------------ p IV a! ry ; . ' ok { 3 Eggs, new laid, Me. doz.; butter, eCl 1 ueur Hartland, N.B, Oct ; ; . } 3 30c. lb.;. fasmers' but 5 um 28th, 1997 A A) v fA { . y p , creamery, Three doctors told me that [ had RA ; / - . Laks | prints, 206c. to 28c.; packed, Liver ; Disease and serious Stomach 1 4 iy a ? ha ; , # y | rolls, 23c.; tubs, 24e : . ronble, My stomach was TH A Pi 3 fd ¥ {i ly "> oe bor 4g 1 | he } Wag ery 5 : (187 } > ; B 4 > ; RE ty 1 { --Méat, hy carcase, $710 38 ewt.; increases year 1 took their medicines for { years and grew Te BS 'brother wo bIR A > 4 fa jeuts, 6c. ta 15c. Ib,; pork, lOc. Wy; (who was cured of terrible Indigestion : J ) $ , ! J 3 SEALER | cutlets, 12}e. to 15c.; lamb, 12¢. Ib; by "Fruit-a-tives" after suffering i 5 SAR : : ; ' x ¢ "KN ; 3 |mattcn, 10c., by carease; live hogs, 15 years), recommended me to try these > a \ ; 4 tN ' ST SAE 87; turkeys, 18c. a Ib; chickens, wonderful tablets, 1 bought baif : b ; SL 0, | . ) 181.25 to $1.50 per pair; geese, $1.50. oy Boxes and Jays just finale qd th Py en y 4 ? % ii Fish--Salmon trout, 124c. 'a 1b; vighout distress and on enn Ap Ber Bs : wi i y at { ql: | skinned aighy herring, 20. per lb; proved in every way. "Fru a oh Bw Ra op 4) ] . ' lr 1 whitefish, 124c. a lb. pike, 10c. a 1b; also eured 'the Chronie ( he) ] ; . ) ! i ' ra chinook salmon, 30c. a lb.; kippered which was so distressing in my case." i FR. fb : Rr ee. | herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. =a '0 2 JJEian 1) HUGH BROW ; os RAE > ' Nh oa j ib; perch, 30c. a doz.; frogs' legs, i a box, 8, for 32 i a trial bos, WX . f / SE 3 ea | 40c. Ib; Atlantic salmon, 30c, Ib; Limited. Ottawa. | mm grus / es ' / g ARI PE Re [salt codfish, 7c. to 15¢. 1b; halibut, . . -- - 0. { 20c. 1b.; fresh haddock. 10e. a 1b.; bull- " MRS ALPERT T PATRICK | heads, 10c. a lb.; red herring, Ic. a box: mackerel, 13c. a lb.; trout, 12ic. New, York, Marth 12.--With a calm lawyer appearing in behalf of a chance | rapier' of the law for his freedom. th; ciscoes, 150. a Ib.; bluefish, 15c. a but dramatic plea for "liberty ot ¢lient, arvcued for his freedom from gerly affirming that life imprison lb.; lake herring, Bc. a Ib.; finnan | M THERS! i x : {Sing Sing prison. | font, to which the death sentence was | hadaie, 10c. to 12§c. a lb.; red snap: 0 death," Albert 7T. Patrick, convicted It was {he second time within the | commuted by Governor Higgins, was |Ders, 15¢.; flounders, 10c.; frgeh salt | aly abven Vor . ; + |eurrent week that the Iawyer, whose | worse than the death penalty origin- | Vater herrings, 40c.; fresh lobsters, Dr. CLARENCE J. 11. CRIPMAN, B.A. almost seven years ago of the murde {fight for liberty when he | i th ] i 30c. a lb; sea bass, 12c. a lb; : : lay in e!ullv imposed, Patrick assailed with : : LC. P.S. Out. & Que. Port Arthar, Ont. | of William Marsh Rice, appeared be- {shadow of the electriv chair brought |array of technical arguments the law | smoked salon, 30c. a Tb; smelts, 3 ; 3 1'\%n "If have found "Wilson's Invalids' Port [fore the appellate division of the wu him but the alternative of a term of {ful authority which supported that 15% to Ne Potal oh ? 1 19 he a valuable tonic in convalescence from : fife servitude, had appeared in this [commutation of punishment without egetables--Fotatoes, . o § lingering affections, and can recommend it, |preme court, in Brooklyn, and, a¥lisurt in the presence of a areatlhis acceptance of the altered i- | per bag; cabbage, 75¢c. to $1 doz; cel: as a reliable and palatable preparation." ' : " | pi ; ie altered, cond | SOc loz.; ions, $1 bush; p 0 ely, oc. doz.; omons, ush.; tur- throng to fence with the technical {tions imposed. i I nips, 50c. hag. WILSON'S : = | Wool--Washed, '120. per Ib.; sheep yr a' very strong cerm it may be held | watering and sufficient exercise, would | skins, fresh, 75¢c.; tallow, - rendered, o i . over two or three weeks before sot- | gvoid this, bic.; deakins, 75¢c.; veal skims, 10c. Invalids Port Gips g, or ting without deterioration is a" poo Lymphangitis, a discase in which he | per Ib.: hides, No. 1, 8ic. per lh; > rule' to chong to In the first pcg bamall vessels accompanying the veins i hides, No. 2, T74c. per lb.; horse hides, coolly and _trenchantly incisive as (1 1a Quina du Péron) +. suid x 3 i ; @ there is no known way to determing! are affecied, 'sometimes known . | $2.50 each. is indicated in all conditions of 6G F Ke vigor oy are a , sometie own as : ie vigor of a germ; some eggs un "Mondayv-morning" disease, could be! . lowered nutrition \ e armers very clutch always being weak. High , 1 Ant Drud e Gives More Reasons. 4 ! j every utch alway eng weak, g wevented by moderate feeding and rv. isi n , of acuteor chronic een Illy vital hens with vicorous mates ei of atitive food when ) thet 'roronto A Brompt Desisisn, y 5 . } 3 charactor, both to BY UNCLE JOSH fought xe Jodue ue oo bat animal was not at regular work. Bran 1t was Andrew McIntosh, a stranger Little Eunice--"Boo Hoo! 1 had a pretly pink froc keep up strength Bho e on Alay ily jinn Saturday night, abd again from Hamilton, who told the police and mama cooked it and the pink all came out. and to repai . la kinkir . L. Strong hls Natohability | on Sunday, and perhaps Monday morn- | he lost $22 in; a local hotel last night, J : Be 0 yore the As a_Fule the ie king cow is not the is tre: ¢ Audi th hat habifity be | ing, was a preventive. If the case land that William Smith, his new Mother "1 didn't know the color would fade or 1 avage:s 1sease, fit ollehder, in 4 he hic king ine, an ke doy hd 2 : yl th i Ry si {become habitual, four drachms of | found acquaintance, was the thief of shouldn't have boiled it along with the other It has been found 16 "Hest pig, calf or lamb is asia w 1 Repl oS '0 s orignal) oo pinetre conltl he put in the Saturday | the money. So Smith was arrested clothes." ' of great value in likely' to die if "horn" in' cold quarters quality + I Kepitat a temperature i { night's mash. {and haled before the court. . f 3 as 'the poorest one. about fiity with atmosphere not too Ro wasnt ha dupe \ ; : : . If it acute evers, pneu- It requires live stock and clover to dry, and if turned regularly tivice a Sheon shold ba rotected Tn MeTutosh a Daly Yas a _movmgy Anty Drudge--*' Anything will fade, my dear, if it's monia, pthisis, |make a properly balanced ration to py to prevent 44¢ germ sticking to | Ded wuld: be protected from | picture exhibit of a young man. on a | boiled long enough. Boiling weakens the fabric and diseases of the |feed the soil thie» shell the déterioration will be | Forms aml cold winds, but should not |jambouree in a city he did not know. | ¢ w ot rat 1 t il vour t a h p { int Tl on of horse manu ma slow, but as eggs ave usually kept { be kept in' too close and unventilated | "'How much money did you have 7" | dissolves the dye. The best way 18 ot ° ip yo 1 ste ac 2 S- weg o Orse anure FIR {Sit ' t £88 ave all) ! Tariop : : wy . ' a Cn ' i rt , NN « iomagh and inte burned in the coldest weather if leit | the temperature of an oramary dwell juarters, for they will all the more ty-six dollars. ; : clothes, but to wash them with Fels-Naptha in coo tinal canal and |, "50" 0000 "heaps. Line houee tn. which artificial heat has | easily eateh cold when going out. hen | "Where did you spend last night ! or lukewarm water. Fels-Naptha sets the colors Retssthents. be "There are but few 'days in wintér made the air hungry for moisture the j too, Shar To oo a So hat o et al ted with 99 K instead of fading them, besides making the clothes It is specially bene- | (hen horses are not better for being drying 'out process is rapid; and 'in {parts of the harny or shod as nearly "Are you acquainted with ¥9 Ring » av ime. wo other ficial to nursing | ¢urned ae 7 su an egg when incubation com- | uniform 'as possible] for i any part street west | gi { wear longer. It also saves you time, rk, b women, and conva- Seed potatoes should be kept too [mences the chick wl grow too fast, | bv warmer than the rest they will pile! "No." and money. lescence. cold to sprout; but if not then seed J wil) crowd the shell and probably be | up there and get too warm and = "You were pretty drunk ? yotatoes sprouted by nature hould unable to make the necessary mus | cateh coll the more easily. Uniformity | "Oh, very drunk." : BIG BOTTLE. Pou prem Rau cular exertions at birth for want of |in temperature "is. an essential for | "Where did you put your money There are cheaper laundry soaps than at once he sprouted b an. Sold at all Pharmacies ite. x8 Y ma | space Many fully feathered - chicks | sheep as for any other animal. { when you went to bed ?" ~ ] Everywhere. whole | are found in hells that do not pip | When looking over 'the flock there "In mv stocking." Fels-Naptha but no other SO economical. or skim milk should be kept at a tem-}| and almost without exception it is|will likely be found some that are not "And where did you put the stock perature of from 70 to. 80 days found that the moisture nad evapora | doing as well as others, and for no ing ?" Sounds odd, doesn't it? Fahr. At this temperature it should ted too rapidly causing them to overs apparent reason. Ii{ may be that| "Don't know." our in twenty fof 'how and "form | Brow. something is wrong with their weth| It was then that his worship's curt But it's true. : ) a solid curd. re ane s thev are unable to secure tho but expressive re rk, 'Get out," fe PILES CURED at HOME |» wid sod fons | Tape, of Today etatos : that. snl Danas ot ope Bt re th a : Fels-Naptha is more economical be- Every farmer has at one ext | b New bsor io . wood cow, or as the farmer expresses single" food or combination of foods | It is. therefore, well to look into their | 'There's nothing to this case; get " . : J y A pt n Method it, a cow that- money would not buy thas vet been used that wil perman | mouths, and if they are in bad shape out 1 cause it saves ume, saves work, saves the If you sufler from bleeding, | Increase the number of good cows by | tly" irerease the percentage ( eee | Which both complaintant and prison: Utter fat in the milk 'of an individ | | itching, blind or protruding breeding that one to a dairy bred ani ler did 'with alacrity. cost of fuel and makes your clothes WC! Jenson's Dairyman hii COW Ir the ; of "itt The Nervis | gar _--_ twice as long. fat into the milk of a cow mn hormal | i Piles, send me your address, and mal fiiyma knotledye it o quantity of milk ea i, The Coming OF Spring: Fels-Naptha clegns your clothes in In making a starter the IS Impossibi to fee . Some fellow inquired of sclfsat home by the ab wption dairy paper which was the best treatment ; and will also send {for the dairy barn; whereupon the some of this home treatment [14 eae. We us go pel, that free for trial, With references (VEL Fog for & cay larm. wa fe Experimcuts made recent : . oad Rs . > Lead dog, : buried four feet ler 1 Vermont experiment 101 1 £ Cy i i d from ry fo n Jocality. i he ground. chen' milked three times a da el Doctors--Hence Their Treatments | See they he garnished fair. weaken their fabsicy and Yithout har (uested. mmediate relief an Loa ree oc gave the most and poores Fai lq, . 1 : > -he 5 mw gave t HOOT < ail. Spring is come home with her world-| cm into 0ICS. permanent cure assured. Send | Vicious buils are gencrally made fi Pthe morning, © less of the riche Naeksitt Novi A { : wandering. feet, t rubbing to wear t : - Hov st | by 50 7 \ o o e mil 100 ¥ the Che s s w Agree | And all t are ade 'yeung th ; eo ~no money, but tell others . of |'Y unwise trentmeént when they arc )milkc at noon, and the least The Best Authoritie ° BE A ig. Aireg so Jog It takes half as long and requires this offer. Write to-dav to Mrs voung: giving them too much liberty {mediam quality at night » That Restorative Treatment | Aud nll for her is light increased 1d amines Doran] Winder, |r tow diy seueliee R 1s ol a i wegtiie {. SV As Dr. Dsases Nerve Food. |In yellow stars and yellow dgfiadiis much less work than the old way, Ont Ee nay ten Ia cons for ETE tron sem to ung tered {s the Only Rational and Suc- 0 Farth, unchilded, widowed Farth, . a a rote Le ecessary. I } ials seemed to indicate " i cessful Means of Cure. | long Try it next washday. iT Sometimes happens that a bull that fas a regular farm practice ther Lifting in patient pine and ivy tree I will tell you how to curg your hy By Francis Thompson. ( Not Understood (Cott, wide, tis Yoding ulorways of sh cool or lukewarm water in summer oF Par now: is light increased ! = winter without boiling or hot water to the wind-besomed chambers aie | By Most People and By Many | air; h be influenced by feeding Mournjul belief and. steadfast prophecy, ime 3 " i was quiet suddenly and unexpected- | not enough to be gained from an vx- | It is pot so Very many years since : : te © e » : Iv becomes vicious and maims a man | tra milking to repay its cost As a | diseasesdol the nerves Gr tribut xi jEcno how all things are made true See how white, and elean, and SWeEet ain e jor life or gores him to death. It is | temporary means of increasing the fto the presence of evil spirits and Rejoice, 0 barren, and look forth Fels-Naptha makes your clothes, the part ol wisdom to handle a bull | ow it may prove of 'us -o recently sufferers fron nervous | I I more recently - n { Your children gathered back to your ew : x . . . : 1} vou have Gily property for sale list with a strong staff and a safe con | During the provincial winter fair, at | derangements have been told that brace, Follow carefully the directions on the it with us as By supply the de | NPCtion with his nose ring, no matter Gueélpl Some Common Ailments Of | thex only imagine they are sick. ¢e with a mother's face, . a ; wands of our clients how quiet he may be Horses" wa the subject of prof , When Dr. Chass Nerve Food . was il ( jeecn wrapper. se 2 WANT : : Syd ) ' * 9% | Reintegrated are the heavens and the Ted an gi AL present WE WANT .-- Ne {a seussion. Dr. J. Standish, of § first put upon the market as the j --ntegta wilt . evens : -- i i 1 fer bric ne ' ; { earth ! Il modern brick or stone i g hi f x Y 1 . ¢ |e 5 X 3 I'he claim that if an egg contan kerton. opened the discussion. with a+! only natural and effective method ~ of {From sky to sod { { { i 1: Bs. dwelling, (3 or 4 bedrooms) and well {Nh t 2 «os ;. located few general comments summed up curing derangements arising irom ex- 2 A large house eentrally located, : : iol . hansted nerves it was considered al. tie Ee Exquisite Complexion "lo... [handled nerves it Was Sousidered oo 3. A good sized frame dwelling under Acute indigestion was ecommoniy | most EE ih 19% | Sucoews | Poet's Grandson A Beggar. Ma Quickly Acquired if the System is | Cau. by excessive quantities of food |was remarkable from the start, many : rs i ; | Lo! Mail . A medium frame dwelling under i : 3 a vd it' being cured oh | 14 ndon Daily i : x . : t gestion being aided by seeretee | who oo use 1 DING cured ot such | <Q Westmoreland Charles $1,500. Regulated By Dr. Hamilton's ' as act wrovartec. 1 severe Yorms of nervous trauble At Shap, stmo ' 5. A small frame dwelling under $1,- Pi lids 3 oe + % a5 | Southey, son of the late vicar of Ask- . ills. | td formiin 1 functions. jl00 ar ataxia @ arti a= § 20 Chia 3 3 9 . : [these fluids performing their lunctio i locomotar ata¥m avid partial para { ham, and grandson of the poet, Rob- 3 3 ow duuble dwelling, under 13.000, The power of Dr. Hamilt Pills we lack of proper digestion gave the { lysis. : ert Southey, was sent to jail for a Now the very best authorities claim | °° by wv: a. 7. Three, four or five tenement diel 2 as did Dr. Chase that the only way week for begging at Patterdale Halls HAS IT OCCURRED T0 YOU lings that would yield a fair rate of in- terest on the investment. " * vi . : \ He told the bench a pathetic story. 1 : pimples disappear A clear, ruddy ontin complete 5 ication. or | to cure diseases of the nerves is to |... ; : avi: him A HOO T J Lockhart glow is quickly manifest on the checks Jermigement : ; make the blood rich, red 'and nu- {His father, he suid, Ja% bint good THIS WAY? an yoks lolic he eve come Geno . . 2 ir Giows ) » wauted | education, b y 3, § * * 9 and looks that'd light th ye come ',, ih, stomach ¢ 4 ¢ | tritious and to build up the wast 5 Bieratare Ho got married and F f i (3 t rt. for 50 ta Real Estate & Insurance,' 159 Wallington | to stay. It is by purifying and enrseh-i 010 alco be pr {nerve cells by such treatment as Dr. |M Be tale B but lis wife or a lew cen ) you get a part, for 50 cents St, K ton. ing the blood, and thereby building d ! | Chase's Nerve Food. * pad bi toile ne MRE el ell you get all the results of months of strénuous i . +4 1 . i i r ut hors 2 le ears Z p se ° ip ot Sonstitation, shag oe, Hamil he x B, Sutherland Bx 5 nis Rome, Afterwards he stole. half a effort and the expenditure of much money, result- ton § ills accomplish so much in drew's, Man., writes: "in 0. i : is a NBS & 3 #4 f igh time, wis stricken with pavalysis, fell help- |sovereign, for 'which he was sent to ing in the production of the IDEAL, a hig and low can hichly recommend Dr. Ham less to the floor and bad to be car- { prison. He had since been unab e to dust collector and general cleaner. Vs Pills for the complexion," tion Ii h 1 . ried to bed. The: doetors pronounced: pursue teary wark, his appearancey It opens and shuts like your band ; the move- » a f ww tions. 1 a horse had been | ¢ 2 . ase as ¢ 1 we in ng $ mm. ' ' iss E oo 1 eter, of Cle bad case as 1 had no power in Dein against h ment has never been equaled. It's handy ; every ts The worid's unfolded blossom smells of God. over the complexion is marvellous. A if by magic al blemishes humors and dista ( hronic indicestion to derangemen! of the mouth non-nmritious food | quantity of food consumed, {the quantiiy assimilated, tl the horst in condition. Th gin | should be regulated by z it a hg is wet] ining | LIDIE IV q quaniitie uns Loo . oft Jour or sid 7) ve not known what it is to ng. Mus meaiome il ho ait his. appetil Animals 4 fongpe and left. leg. Fan th have a¥e Bot meal for a long time," \ * day yon need it, some days more than others, r | should not be ROcHs) lv when not | gut benefit from the doctors' prescrip- |added the prisoner, "but have had to ) color in my cheeks jut Dr. Ham. | Working ay should not be leit in lone My husband advised me to subsist at. the best of times on fish b ention with an automat ilton's Hills changed this and m the manger in front of a hor=e all the {tp Pr. 'Chasd's Nerve Food and by and chips in common lodging-houses.™ | ] AGENTS houne Jo the looks have been much improv t time se of this treatment all the sym- pesos In every case of dull, sallow com Flatuleut : 3 spasmodic colic w | ptoms diasppeared. [| can now talk Simplified Debate. i WANTED plexion, wherever the skin is blotehy Jue to much the same caus {plainly, my leg is" all right and Ican Washington Star. | and rough, Ih Hamilton's Pits | ments could be prevented hy folk t {do all my own housework. 1 am| 'Are voh going to attempt to an- | quickly « prove thei merit You'll | practices in feeding similar tc we | grateful to be cured by so wonder swer all the charges made against | Wok better, feel vastly improved bh mentioned under ndig nm, stomach {ful a remedy.' lvon *' See our new stock of Granite andl] relving wn this great medicine, which {boing distended. Timothy } over Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 a "Certainly," replied Senator Sor Marble. Just arrived instantaneous in effect, Price, 25 r clover v over-cured, would |box, six boxes for 32.50, at all deal chum. "Answering charges these days | KINGSTON GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS | per box. or five boxes for $1. at all cance 1 ony. Moderat Cor. Prince and Clergy Sig £ had a very , murky com tmonths I lay in that condition with- nlexion, 'and there was no redness or 1 \ feeding ers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., To- is easy, All you've got to do is 34 ler a balanced r with regular 'ronte. vv, 'Yom re another,

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