Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Mar 1909, p. 11

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Selig ibis = Aa DOMINION BREWERY <0 LIMITED, TORONTO. KKK Porter W invalid Stout Every/Cork Branded -- -- iat RIGNEY & HICKEY #hont Neglect a Cough or Cold." X $ ean have but one result. - Tt leaves the throat or lungs, or both, affected. rn Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is the medicine you need. {1 isi without an equal as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Bore Throat, Painin the Chest, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Quinsy and all affections = of the Throat' and Lungs, A single dose of Dr, Wood's Norwsy Pine Syrup will stop a cough, soothe the throat, and if the cough or cold has become settled on the lungs, the healing properties of the Norway Pine Tree will proclaim its ep virtue by promptly eradicating the effects, and 'a persistent use the remedy cannot fail to bring about a com- plete cure, Do not be humbugged into buying so- ealled Norway Bine Syrups, but be sure and insist on having Dr, Wood's. It is put up in yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, and price 25 cents. Mrs, A. Llles, Innisfail, Alta., writes: "Last spring I. had. Fyphoid fever and Bronchitis, which left me with a terrible cough. 1 tried doctor's medicine but got no relief until my husband got me a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and before 1 bac finished it my cough was cured. My husband also uses it whenever he has a cough. I would not be with out it." KEEP LOOKING YOUNG. Do mot allow your gray hairs to make you old Yookin Gray haired people are back numbers. Do not be one. The use of | will pegmanently restore the youthful color fo gray or faded hair, no matter how old you are. Will keep you looking young, feeling young. Will give you a beautiful head of 'hair that everyone wili admires Start using 1tNOW and BE YOUNG. iS NOT A DYE. $1 and 50c. bottles) #t Graggists. Send 2c. for free book, "The Care of the Hair Phile Hay Spec. Co,, Newark, N. J. JAS. B. McLEOD . "AN OLD IDEA Shown to Be Absolutely False Modern Science. By baldness which to Just People used to think that was of things handed down from eration, from father a family heirloom Science has this belief by itself is not a constitutional disease, but the ult of a germ invasion of which only Herpicide can effectually Tid the scalp Washing dandruff; it doe "Destroy the effect." Newbro's every dressing Sold 'by leading druggists. Send 10¢ one those ary generation to Fen: son like falseness that shown the of proving baldness LX) only cleans the n't kill the cause scalp of germs vou remove the Herpicide will do this It is also a in delightful case. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide | bottles | Co., Detroit, Mich guaranteed, G W agent, One dollar Mahood, special House-Cleaning Time Approaching in bedrooms sumes more oxygen than a person. your house now. Doctor says gas is poisonous. Con- We are changing houses from gas to electric light right along. g g You will be delighted comfort. Newman & Spriggs Electric Co., 'Phone, 441. 79 Princess St with its [LOSING CONFIDENG THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1008: ox. +c pr ---- - [REMINDERS OF RHEUMATISM. cod, Wet Weather Starts the Pain---~Due to the Blood. Cold, damp weather brings on the twingas and pains of rheumatism, but | is not the real cause of the complaint. | : | The trouble is rooted in the blood and { Latest Dodge to Stifle Inquiry-- |can only be eured by ewriching the | Public Accounts Committee Or- blood: gad driving She. SHiutivan acid 1 : i the system. us 1s a great dered to Report--P feb ? : - grea | Yin' : ep It Femuier Rob- |; edical trath, which every rheumatic { in's Connection With Sand | sufferer shonld realize. Liniments and | Company Strongly Attacked. [outward applications March 9.<The strongly | {rouble they can't reach the blood. Lentrenched Roblin government is al The sufferer is - only wasting valuable Lt idly ou the rub before the ag- | ime: and: good: mehey dn sxperiment. die Lin ouilio Dove "ts "ing with this sort of treatment--and ta oA n. To velophae ie be fg} the time the trouble is becoming : pu Aueonn ommitiee | ore firmly rooted, --harder to cure. have areused the . clectorate to the There: is just one sure way to cure poty Saft id prtuta tions oi his {rheumatism--Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. government x camp 1olowers, and the |rpy, yv act directly on he impure weak sliberate waste « lic IMEVE and + x : deliberate waste of public moneys and Ly 154" hey purily ana strengthen it, dissipation of prdvineial lands. Fear- . : . ing further exposures, which were com- ing, the government, to-day, deci hastily strangle the investigatid 3 METHODS OF THE ROBLIN | GOVERNMENT. can't cure the | Winnipeg, and £6 root out the cause sof rheuma- | ism. Mrs: 8. Bailey, Newcastle Creek, N. to ' . ., says: "he the summer of 1906, 1 and to provogue the house forthwith. | pocime lame in my ankles, but think- By means of the obedient majority Lhe [would soon get over the attack the public aceounts committee wasTT did not seek medical aid, but used suddenly closed, although its work was liniments to allay the prin and swell: only fairly begun, and a 'report was jy, Instead of getting better the made to the house whitewashing the | {rouble increased and 1 then consulted department, Lhe liberals strongly ob- | a doctor who. progounced it articular | jected to such high-handed protedure, | rheumntism, and treated me for this especially as important witnesses whom | trouble. -Tustead of getting better the they had called were even in the cor-| pain and the swelling became worse, vidors of the and were thus juntil I was hardly able to hobble prevented from an examination. The fabout the house. On rising in the liberals weve prepared to prove that pmorning I was unable to bear my in addition to the land scandals un- Lweight, except with extreme pain. earthed, the normal school and tele- | Having tried so much medicine with: phone site rakeofls, scandals in the } out benefit I began to think 1 was subsidizing of the tory press, and|doomed to be a cripple. One day a similar afiairs, the corrupting of the bcousin advised mu. to try br. Wil- electorate In federal ~sheatgons by Fliams' Pink ills. She said, "I take means of public money, though the de- | them ever spring as a tonic for my partment of public works, that the blood, and they make a new. person of government had deliberately levied | me."" After" some pevsnasion 1 decided tribute om -hotel-keepers, and had used tey them. 1 had taken three or the machinery of the license 'depayt- | four boxes before 1 noticed any change ment to convert ahe hotels into mere | and they it seemed my ankles were tory committee rooms, and that they less painful. Jy the time Khad used a also' levied on the tradespeople of | few more boxes, there was a wonder: Brandon through contracts for | ful improvement ih my condition. Not plies to public institutions. only did my ahkles get well, but 1 All this investigation was suddenly felt like a different woman and had burked by Attorney-General Campbell, not heen a¥ well in years. In speak- who ordered the committee to cease ing of this to a doctor afterward be sitting and 'to report to the house. said that no aount Dr. Williams' Pink The opposition submitted a minority Pills had enriched my blood thus driv- report, 'which sete forth the work and Ug out the painful disease. rottenness of the administration, ot only rheumatio suffercrs but all which had besn Partially revealed. whd* have any trouble due to weak, One of > the mabt remarkable things watery blood or impure blood can of the entire session occurred, this find a cure through the faic use of Dr morning, when the mandger and editor | Williams Pink Pills. Bold by all me- of the Telegram appeared before the | dicine dealers or by mail at 0c. a pox i ] y : | or six boxes for $2.30, from The Dr. committee to defend the action of hia | Willie y "Moticine 0 n Kkvitle paper in its failure to fulfil the Lams edn Key © TOETVIN, tract for advertising, despite the fact house, to ol sup- con- 1Ont. that payments were collected ly without demur on the part of government According the { tract, nearly fifteen handred dol had thus taken from the ury in excess payments, and he lately d to repay the sum, the ground that he had published free notices for the government which would offset the conta" One of these notices was a provincial crop report, which the other papers would have been glad «tosreceive as item. The government sustained him in his contention. : : A road inspector swore that he had Mss, Ric Yewosd RE ed Es 3 . oe Ton she's se « mds > . pail moneys in Gilbert: Plains, where | ASN S| JUSS. AT nan movi v i Ors soons. 1. Hudgin has anoved to his a byve-clection was in progress, toi. E 4% " : 4 3 working 1aTY east of the village, which he pur- gangs on the reads who werd working : : : : : | chased irom Mes. .J, Suet, and in November. He stuck: to + "i ia : : | Davis bas meved to Wis farm, which his assertion, <although it was proven : . : Mrs ' he purchased from E. Hudgin. Mrs that the ground was frozen solid at ! : td the th hs» lated i Amey has returned home after visiting 0" 3 y 2 JCKS re Aled, i @ Eh are. da! an friends at Bell Roek and Murvale. J. Norling ls arapers Was 8 ypoaain and wie, of Phoenix, N.Y, physical ampossiiahty vare renewing old acquaintancés here. Visitor Mrs. Rose at L. Innes'; Mrs. C. Gonu at J. Gonu's; Mr. Wil- liams at I. R. Williams'; Mrs. Lucas at Go Valleau's: A. Anderson and wife at J. Anderson's regular the | | | abso- Farm Sale At Selby. Selby," March 11.--A here attended the entertainment in the Trinity church at Napanee, on Mon- day even np. 'Miss hilbie Anderson is spenthngr a few 'davs at Thurlow. W Hunt and wife have returned hoine [ori spun three months at Deser ontoami Hay Bay. 1. Bradshaw and family moved ito Mes. Gould's house. V. Storms. and wife attended the funcral of his father at Prince Ed- last week, E. Williams and Sunday at Croydon. has rented J. Gol- 2 " to con number from been treas declia on ges. have a news ward, | family » spent on grades Ready For 53 Leading Roles. It is related that-Uoquelin aine, the celebrated Fréndh actor just dead, that a difiher teeontly given. by the de Lovenjoul, at Brite sels, Coquelin was asked how many parts he felt capable of playing at any moment without He took a pencil and wrote out a lst of the plays in which he felt prepared * to assime the leading role; (he hered fifty-three, de then, at his request, sent heary for the printed copies they all laid-on the table challenged any of the guests io take of the volumes and give hin any Several of in ingle actor was found to be ut Viconrte NOn- Wednesday Mrs. Henry Woods, Lanark, her Thursday tad han wa Lovenjoul | se to the Thi When he received a telegram saving very le another came bringine of her death Mrs. born in Middleville ago She Laugh late Stevenson Ailackbnrm she married Mr union was blessed natice mother was w, and on the Deach sixty news num ven Yervs tor of the Fifty years ago Deachir an, and the by a family of nine, all of whom see alive. Diphthersa home of was a were any cue. them tried, and the letter perfect has broken out in the William Storie, Lanark town hip children were taken ill last week and on Sunday Mr. Storie himself became ill with the disease The children are getting better every instance great Three Footism always 'leads to self slorifica tion 4 | i ---- -- - Mark Harrowing Experience. Philadelphia Post Mark Twain lady Wp writer but once employed by him to lake down novel - fr iclation. At the age: "Oh! my ad rable angel, cept the confession from my bps that 1 cannc exist without you ! Make me happy he mins his fan tla that | 5 fown witl t had She says he never .a a new md pass ac erotary paused and inquired was come and share my lot and until death do "us part -- ve -? FOR FREDERICOIT J TARR. This professor of the University of Chicagh says Roosevelt fever return to the United States alive if he carries out his announc- ed intentions in exploring the dark regions of Africa in quest of big game, --- v AN pao - - gE ---- Se ea-- ee eesti 17 -- > F er lines The especiall OSED By M1535 HIBBARD OF "IML VE MOUSE CQ, BHOYO B37, JOLY Sg SE. - year the very dressy coats of lace will be as much worn as they were last season and the new models show the same long, slend- ;, with a slightly more pronounced waist line. coat of Renaissance lace shown here is particularly graceful, ¥ the pointed effect at the bottom. The trimmings of heavy cord ornaments add a rich touch to the lace fabric. A Japan Japan I « the spring lowed and wista forests ter the way of at al bLeyond ar ter as plantatior and inte fairly are and cars I To a person contemplating a trip to the chorey color. ainted shanties with picturesque roofs of tile or thatch, while the fields a preparation for the next Travel through partments like th used in Europe. Good hotéls, conducted like our hotels vould advise. that he comesin| oR the "American plan' are' to be About the first of April found In every place you will sare to blossom Season is oh, fol-| Visit, but outside the cities their lack the the' azalea of heating facilities will he noticeable ria, and the parks and the | and in. the wintdd will result in suffer- ¢ beautiful, but in the win-|"& is little to be seen in the | The and towns | most continuous aggregation s Lovely In The Spring. | fl { lowering of cities A Separation Granted. Not by process" af law but hy gilent working of 'Putnam's' are corns eparated from = aching toes. Any corn wart that "Putnam's" won't enre hasn't 'Been discovered yet, Putnam's Corn Extractor the ¢ cenerally covered with wa+ or | Tnsist on beattiful. jonly. the country 1s chenp | comfortable, the passenger | small and arranged. in + of rice. The picture is odd resting, but not com- | possible EASTER COAT OF LACE] That leans toward a New Spring Suit or Over- coat, the garments are here to clibeh it. Our display has ne rivals in 'this city. The stokes "and patterns are entirely away from the ready- made idea, and can only be had at first-class . merchant tudor shops, by paying double our prices. Come in'and try'on one of our New Spring Suits and get our prices. You will "surely be surprised. It is only a pleasure for us to show you threngh our. it We know if you wear one of our Suits or Over- coats this season, that you will give the mer- chant tailor the go-by hereafter. They are sure to please. : New Spring Hats and Caps, all the late shapes. New Spring Neckwear New Spring Hosiery New Spring Shirts, etc., just arrived. 127 Princess Street, Kingston. The Store That Sets the Pace. HoHoAct AEE IIISIIBIIIIINRIIIIRRINGIOINK We carry in stock a nice assortment of "STRANSKY" AND "ELITE" AGATE-WARE which are the best grades manufactured, and for the balance of the month we will, offer 15% DISCOUNT ON ALL PURCHASES. No. 9 Nickel Plated Copper _ Ketiles, $1.00. i a T will Teor 2 S08 Would You Save Money? And De Pleas ed With. Your Purchases Write For this Catalogue ToDay Buy from this Catalogue as you would from a store-- 'you'll be batter satisfied, is the testimony of thousands. 1 Why not con- sult the Cata- logue every time you want to buy an article? | Same of our customers have saved a nice bank account TORONTO buying from 'Us by Mail. . . ST. EATON Cure It's good business ability to buy the best at the B : CANADA

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