LTH CITY wT: URN IN CONNECTION WITH $4500 PACIFIC COAST Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. Class One-Way Daily Commencing March 1 KINGSTON ~--OTTAWA ye Kingston, 12.01 p.m., arrive ous. 5 p.m. ' 50 Duta Ma 10.48 a.m., arrive King- » 8. 40. Fo particulars at EK. & P. and O. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Ht. 'Phone, BO. ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train a union station, Sydenhaps, Naps Ai Ys points on ments further Centr, Oniati, vlie, your pa wh ror w Wixsd) NO. Royal Mail Train INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Maritime Express Famed for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car service. Leaves MONTREAL 12 noon daily} except Saturday for Quebec, St. Joba, N.B., Halifax. FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Carries the EUROPEAN MAIL and lands Passengers and Baggage at the side of the Steamship at Halifax 'the following Saturday. Intercolonial Railway uses Bon- aventure Union Depot., Montreal making direct connection with Grand Trunk trains. For timetables and other infor- mation, apply to Montreal Tickst Office, 130 St. James Street, or General Passenger - Department MONCTON, N.B. HALL Low One Way Colonist Fares to Pacific Coast On sale daily, until April 36th, 1909, at the following fares from Kingston. VANCOUVER, B.C. YISTORIA B.C, VESTMINISTER, P.O. SEATTLE, WASH. TACOMA, WASH. . PORTLAND, OREG, SAN FRANCISCO; OAL. LOS, ANGELES, CAL. | $47 05 SAN DIEGO, CAL. , $46.05 TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Igave Kingston, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat- urddy, at 2.85 a.m... for the accommoda- tion of passengers holding first or second class tickets to CHICAGO AND WEST thereof as far as the PACIFIC COAST, nominal charge is wade for berths, which may be reserved in advance. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson and Ontario Sts. Lowest Rates to Bermuda From New York every Wednesday, 10 am. 8.8. "Trinidad" 20 and up. RAILWAY ERNE SN MEXICO CITY. MEX. Cor. at 2,600 tons, every Saturday. "'Bermudian" 5,500 at tors, From New York 10 a.m., 8.8. $30 aad up. NEW YORK TO WEST INDIES New Steamer "Guiana," 8,700 tons, with all "Didate improvements. 5.8. "Parima,'"" 8,000 tons, 8. "Korona,"" 8.000 tons, sail from ew York every alternate, Wednesday, for St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua, Guade- loupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Barbadoes and Demerara. For illustrated pamphlets giving rates of passage and all information, apply tc A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO, Agents Quebec Steamship Co., 29 Broadway, New York; ARTHUR AUERN, Sec'y. Quebec, Canada, or to Ticket Agents, J F HANLEY, and O, 8. KIRKPATRICK Kingston. Royal ALLAN Svs' LINE LIVERPOOL SAILINGS. From Bt. John, Halifax. Mar. Sth. Mar. 6th. Corsican, sails Hesperian, sails ...... Mar. 13th. Virginian, sails ... Mar, 19th. Mar. 20th. GLASGOW SAILINGS. Carthaginian, from Bostom ......Aar, 4th. Sigilian, from Portland Mar. 11th. » First-Class, $70.00 upwards, Second. Class, 0.00. upwards, * Third-Olass, $20.00 and $30.00. 1 Additional sailings ant rates on plication to J. P. 3 KIRKPATRICK, Local Agents, ston. Wanted # you have City property for sale list ft with us as wo caunot supply the de- mands of our clients. Ar present WE WANT :-- 1. A small modern brick dwelling, (8 or 4 bedrooms) looted, 2, A large hoyse centrally suitable for hoarding house. 3. good sized frame dwelling under $2.000. - g 4 A medium $1,500, 5. A or stone and well located, frame dwelling under small frame dwelling under $1.« 6. A double dwelling under $3,000. 9. Threa, four or five tenemgnt dwel- lings that would yield a fair rate of in- VY A -------------------- MILLIONS OF CELLS. The human ody (= composed of countless miliions of cells. These cells | are constantly' dying and new ones are | being cregled. Dead cells are removed from the blood by the boweis, kidneys | and skin. These great eliminating | {guns filter: this waste matter from he blood, and thus purify the blood. | If there is Jonstipation, or nonsa&c- | tion of the bowéls--if th kidneys are strained or weakened--if there is de- fective skin action--then the dead cells are not removed from the body... The blood thus becomes loaded with impuri- ties, and we suffer for it. The only way to purify the blood is to cure the skin, bowels and kidneys. 'When these organs are healthy and do- ing their work as nature intended them te do it, waste matter is promptly re- moved and the blood Js kept pure and rich. "Fruit-a-tives"--the tamous fruit liver tablets--act directly on the skin, the bowels and the kidneys, "Fruit-a- tives" purify the blood because they keep the whole strong, vigorous and healthy. 50¢ a box, § for:$2.50, or trial box, 26¢. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. You Have Tried Others Now Order PRICE'S ICE CREAM A rich, dainty dessert of a very superior quality, that may be ordered in brick or bulk, at a moment's notice. Price 288 Princess St S, inc Phone 845. NO TRIFLING It's dangerous to allow a cough or cold to remain. It's foolish to let your- self become thin and weak. It's easy to put yourself right with . the world; in shape to do your work and enjoy. life. Take Brick's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil 'That's All All' of the' genuine Cod Liver Oil is used except the greasy party Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, Liquid Extract of Malt and the Pluid Extract of Wild Cherry Batk are 'added to assist the Cod Liver Oil to build up your system. On the whole it's the best thing you can take if you're not "just right." All Druggists VVVVYWVY -~ AAAS VIVA AAAS LASS VV AAAS VELA wR VVWY por VV a AAAS ASA AVVVWYWY a A ee ee | The Best. Grade Material an Skilled Labor Combined Give the Best Results We Positively Guarantee All Our Work Tumboll Elcetrical Mig. Co 'Phone, 873. 278 Bagot St Kioney Disease COMES ON QUIETLY. Perhaps no otherorgans work harder than' the jiduoys ta fumeséve the general health of the body and most ave troubled with some kind of Kidney Complaint, but do nob suspect it. It may hava been in the aystem for some tims, There may hawe been backache, swelling of the feet and the Kaiser William was asked hy 2 tarest on the investment. I t, T. J. log Ny Heal Estate WN cial attention to be paid him. schoolboy 'to help him to become a teacher and the kaiser has sent him money for his fees and ordered = spe er WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND ENTS TELL US. Si The Tidings From Various Points in, Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying, Notes From Centreville. Centreville, March 8.--A load of peo- ple from Wesley spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Noble McGill. Miss Tressa Demey, Croydon, is spending a couple of weeks with her sister, BE. J, Perry, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Davey, a son. Messrs. Dun- can McGregor and John Wise spent a few days with Mr. McGregor's sister, Mrs. Joseph Perry. On account of the bad storm on Sunday, service in the Methodist church was not very well attended. Mrs. Clarke is spend some time with her brother, E. H. Perry. Musings From Morven. Morven, March B.---Uuite a number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. 3.. Hineh in Napanee on Sunday last, he body being broughl from Carman, Man. Jd. Cloat and family have mpv- of into the factory house, where he is roing to make cheese. Mr. Clapper aas returned from an extended visit to jelleville, Thomasbwrg and Madoc. J. tarrison has somewhat recovered from juite a serious illness. D. R. Hicks' coteh collie, ran down a fox to-day, wid it was captured. There have bien everal families quarantined around ere with scarlet fever. Leo Lake Locals. Leo Lake, March 9.--Joha Webb has ompleted his wood contract with 8.8. io. 13. Grippe is prevalent in this icinity. M. Forrester and R. Webb we drawing material for the erection Jf new outbuildings. J. E. Donnelly s hauling lumber 10 Gananoque. J. irney, JrQ has almost recovered rom his injuries. G. Fisher and John lurphy have invested in some thor- sughbred stock. Seabrook Bros. are wusily, engaged sawing wood. V. Webb pent a few days last week with riends in Kingston and Glenburnie, 1, McCanty, Joyceville, is visiting at I. Tierney's. Brewer's Mills Items. Brewer's Mills, March -8.--DPrawing logs to. the saw mill. Master W. Smith ww quite ill with . inflammatory 'rheu- matism. Mrs.. Joseph ' MeKendry 'is ill with 'pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. W. 3mith, after spending 'two months with her mother. Mrs.-W. Fisher has left for their" home. in' Manitoba. 'Rev. "ather James Traynor, .Brockville, ' is spending a few days with his brother, dev. Father A..Traynor. J. L. Dunn ind sister Florence, and Miss Ethel jallagher, 'Kingston, spent Saturday wening and Sunday at Mrs. T. Berri gan's. Visitors: J. McKenty, at 'John {ierney's; John Fodey, Lansdowne, at Tames Milue's. Burridge Budget. Burridge, March 9.--The 'hee wone for. the. Methodist' church 'shed, vas a success. «The young people of his vicinity "are taking advantage of he moonlight nights and are holding « number of parties. They will be sor- y to lose Mr. Handlan, who returns o his home, near 'Smith's Falls, on Vednesday. A: Thompson is still con- ined to the house, owing to a fall on he ice. The party at W. Woods' was « success. Vigitors : Miss C. Thomp- on, Westport, at her father's; B. Thompson at G. Barr's; D. Barr and I. Brash, at Mrs. Swerbrick's; Mr. :nd Mrs. S. Barr, at N. Shillington's wreen Bay; Edward Quinn, at 8S. Jarr's. Pine Hill Personals. Pine Hill; March 9.--Archibald Black wad the misfortune to break his leg, ast week, but is improving nicely. A arge number of the Free Methodists rom here attended service at Enter- rise, on Sunday. S. King, badly prained his foot while drawing logs o Dwyer's mill. Nathan Wagar has eturn home, after spending a few nonths at Croghan, N.Y. Mrs. H. {eech is on the sick list. Mys. W. JcAdams and children, of White Lake, pent a few days in this vicinity, vis- ting friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bar- ager and little son, Blake, of Croy- lon, spent a few days here. Marshall sing and Misses G. Cousins and E. )derkirk spent Sunday with friends at interprise. Fair View Facts. Fair View, March &--Quite a num- ser are busy haulingsloads to Napa- nce. Mr. Cadman has removed to his ew home which he bought from A. ). Snider. The * assessor, J. H. Card nade his annual call last week. Miss Maggie Lowery is able to be out wan after being ill for the last few nenths. The school board bought wood for the school from William Funnell, who delivered it last week. McTaggart brothers are cutting the vood at the school house. Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks, Riverside, were recent. guests of Mr. and Ss Loucks. Quite a few attended the an: niversary tea at the Trinity church, Napanee, on Monday evening. Elton Jordauier has been busy drawing ice from Napanee. Miss Jennie Bartley is visiting friends in Kingston. Amaliasburg News. Ameliasburg, March 5.~The annual Sunday school entertainment was held >n March 4th. The Alpert College juartette assisted, as al did Mr. Weeks, from Melville. (Ap excellent srogramme was given. Mrs. John Jarnrite is much better. There have heen two carnivals and several hockey natches of late on the rink. The jelds ave bare again. Rev. Nr. An- lerson's weeknight Bible class for men it Mountain View, is attended by about forty. Mr. Arnold and family wve moved into the village from the vest, and are residing with her fath- w, Capt. Yott. More than the usual wmount of ice has been taken from ihe lake, it being of an extra quality. There is congiderable sickness about he village, and the doctors are kept busy. Dr. Thornton, of Consecon, has wid a severe attack of diphtheria, but s tomewhat better, Marysville Tidings. Marysville, Tyendinaga, Match S.-- THE DAILY BRITISH NEWS OF NEIGHBORS: spend Sunday with his family here. B. MeGuinnis and daughter, Mary, Shunt Saturday in Napanee. Mr. and rs. Jolin Russell were in Napance on Sa- turday. Mrs, ames Traynor and son, Vineent, were in Deseronto on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. NI were in Belleville, Pugestla y st James Top- : t i ded colin, No. '7 ster id (Quigg has the contract to clean and heat the school for the balance of . John Meagher attended the hoe match in Deseronto on Thursday Jonas Marcell was calling on friends on Monday last. Caintown" : Caintown, March ¥.--Eii T hought a fine + from Ge Clow. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Car mel Lakins, on Feb. 27th, a son. Roy Gibson spent Sunday at Sand Bay. William Hall made the chase of a fine horse from Eli nant. Mr. and Mrs. Jahes Eligh went, on Monday, to Brockville. George Gibson, of Mallorytown, spent a few days in Caintown. rs. Wil v of Matlargtown, was a T. Hodges'. t liam: Lowe, west at Mrs. 0 Sherman wsley had George L. Buell saw- ing wood with his new engine on Sa- turday. 'Thomas Nunn has returned to the west and taken with mm his two children, Iva and Harford Nunn. Dr. Kenney visited the school last week. B. E. Poole spent Sunday at Rockport. Miss. Edith Powell i shing a' jew 'days at her home hore. John Cray, Lyn, spent last week visiting at William Graham's. Died At Sharbot Lake. Sharbot Lake, March 8.--A sad death occurred last week at the home of Jolm Gracie, in the person of Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Gracie's mother. The deceased was in her ninety-fifth year, one of Sharbot Lake's oldest resi- dents. In religion she was an An- glican. "The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. H. Smith and the remains were laid at rest in Zea- land cenetery. A number of the young people at- tended the party at H. Meclean's last week. T. H. Allen has returned home after vifiting his sister in Peterboro J. Carey is on the sick list. A num- ber of the children of the village are suffering from whooping cough and scarlet fever. = Mrs. John Hethering- ton and Miss Emme Clark have at- tended = the spring millinery openings at Toronto. J. Collins and 'LI. Farr visiting frienids at DoranviVe. Miss Wood is spending 'a few days at Dr. Kilborn's. Holleford Happenings. Holleford, March 8.--Quite a number attended the chéese mecting at Hart- ington on Thursday and were wel pleased with the soason's report. Mrs. II. and, Mrs. E. Bedour and little Florence gre ill with diphtheria. Mrs, J. D. Walker with pneumonia. Rev. I). Babeoek conducted the funeral ser- vice of little Ampabel Jackson, on Sunday last. B. Ewing, very ill, is improving. Another hoy has been added 'to J. O'Rially's ball. team. Miss Sylvia Walker. has gone to Oso to take charge of a school.. Mr. Ryan, Hartington; had a bee to-day drawing wood, Those who atiended the ica meeting at Harrowsmith on Friday wening enjoyed both supper and pro- gramme. Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith and F. Martin spent Sunday at J. Wal- roth's, Reynoldston. Visitors : James McKeever, Mr. and Mrs. C. McKnight, Godfrey, and Mr. and Miss Alton, Harrowsmith, at James Walker's; Mr, (Flatulency or Wind On Stomach 1 As It Is Commonly Named, Means That Decaying Food Is Making Gas. This most serious condition is very prevalent and results most distress- ingly and fatally, oftentimes. The stomach in cases of flatulency is un- able to digest the food properly. De- cay sets in, gases form, extend the stomach, force their way downward into the bowels, and if not relieved it extends upward pressing against the lungs, liver and heart, causing short- ness of breath, belching, foul odors und many times sudden death. Foods which are filled with gases, when taken into a deranged stomach cause tulency rapidly, vegetables being ally given to this quality. Against such a condition the stomach can do but little, because these foul and poisonous gases affect its glands, muscles and tissues to suclr a degree as to incapaciate it almost at once. These gases distend the stomach in all directions, preventing the con- tracting muscles irom doing their regular duties, or if they do force the gas from the stomach it goes else: where in the system with even more harassing results, and then the decay- ing mass still remains to generate more gases. . The most effective methods for allay- ing flatulency is to remove the cause of gas making. An emetic will do this, but the stomach will have the same trouble the moment new food en- ters it. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets get at gas food at once, digest it, prevent decay, quickly reduce food to nourish- ment, make good rich pastric fluid and pass the digested food to the in- testines, giving the stomach its rest and the system its nourishment. Flat- ulency simply cannot. exist where these little tablets are used. They build up the stomach fluids so that it matters not how many vegetables you eat or food containing quantities of gas, the stomach does its work well and quickly. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold everywhere and used the whole world over by sick stomachs and «igmachs that want to eat heartily a get sick. rr Every druggist carries Sfuart's Dys- pepsia Tablets, price Sle. box. The demand for these little digesters is constantly increasing. Forty thou- sand physicians in America and Can- ac use them 'and prescribe them. Send Ys your otthe and dddress and we will send you a trial package by 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. yet not |} mail free. Address F. A. Stuart Co. | teher, | Mrs. Donnell Edward, Perth Road, at J. D. 's, and Mr. and Mrs. Shultz, Plevna, at the parsonage. From Brewer's Mills. Brewer's = Mills, March 8.-~James Kevs has recovered from his recent ill- vess. Messrs. R. and P. Shortall were toon viditare at Joss Smith's. Mrs. o cKendry is i rom an attack of 'pneumonia, and iss Pearl Martin from a severe attack of en- dicitis. F. Miylin's saw mill is a. hing ws a weddings are expected in spring. P. Kelly, who fined to his room for with a severe attack recovered. Miss Kongaton and Toronto. p Traynor, Brockville, is the guest of hi brother, Rev. A. M. Traynor. Visi- tors : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milne, at ; Dundon Fen. | 30d Messrs, P. McKenna and at M. Deams'. Reports From Rockport. t, March 9.--Charles Andress has his residence to Clarence Emery Slate have returned home from Hammond, N.Y. Mrs. Norrisdn- dress spent a few days last week with friends at Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Ste phen A. Guild has purchased wnat is known as the C Point farm, from J. WW, Thomson, * Alexandria Bay, N. Y. John Hunt, Escott, has moved in- to the home of William Edgley on the Service farm. Mrs. J. Cook and Miss Moran spent last Saturday at C. M. Quinn's, Lansdowne. James Davis has purchased the Kennedy farm from John Dickey. Rev. Mr. Reid, Athens, delivered a lecture in the Methodist church, Tuesday evening, = The pro- ceeds were in aid of the Women's Mis- sionary Society. Rev. A, B. of Delta, filled the tin the Methodist church, Sun morung. John Fitzsimmons and Huck, of 'Gananoque Collegiate, spent Sun- day with their pavents. here. Seeley's Bay Echoes. , Seeley's Bay, March 9.--Farmers are rushing ties and logs in. Several have filled their ice houses and are preparing for sugar-making. There is great demand for brick and 'tile. Moving. season = seems to be om. Joseph Mcllroy moved into his new house while - the place 'he vacated will be occupied by Mr. Hughes. Wesley Hartley purchased the Cheatem pro: perty. Bn Chentem' moves into her other home just across the street, Joseph 'Gainford has completed ' his new house gnd Datri. on Russell Ter- race. lt is' the best equipped one in these parts. Meat will likely . be cheap hereafter. There are already two butchers. = Wesley Hartley and son - intend starting a market this week, Mr. and Mrs. James Sherman, of Latimer, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hartley over Sunday. The Seeley's Bay hockey team played in Newboro the final game, which resulted 3 to 1 in favor of New- boro. Seeley"s Bay boys did re markably well, coming second best. Each one was presented with a silver cup, Recent visitors : Mrs. E. Snack and nephew, Howard Chapman, Wa- tertown, N.Y.; J. N. Chapman, Bui- falo; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sills; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Nichols, Sydenham; Miss Myrtle Steacey, Misses Max- well, Kingston; Miss Mabel Buckley, Wolle Island. Melvin Brady left Sa- turday where he has secured a good position on the steamer Turret Chief: It is rumored that several new houses are to be built, this summer. Hartington Cheese Meeting. Hartington, March 9.--The annual cheese meeting was held in checso factory here on Thursday, 4th inst. M, Trousdale was elected chairman and H. Jamieson, secretary. E. Revelle then read the following auditor's ree port : Amount of milk received at the factory during 1908, 1,704,494 pounds; number of pounds of cheese made, 154,954; average pounds of milk for ona pound cheese, 11; average price per pound of cheese, T1.93; aver- age price per 100 pounds amount of money paid to patrons, $15,681.28; interest on money in the bank, $29.60; ihsurance of cheese, $18.45. Mr. Gibson, cheese buyer for the firm of Lovell & Christmas, Mon troal, was present and spoke very highly of tho quality of cheese made by the present maker, Mr. Ryan. The above firm had purchased all the checse from this factory made in 190%, and covery cheese was marked Al. Mr. Ryan, he said, deserved the hearty support of the patrons. Mr. Brenton, cheese inspector for. Fron- tenac, gave an instructive address on the care of milk and on best means for securing a sanitary condition of factory and dairy products of the farms. He reported, the quality of milk in this factory during his visits hero im past years as invariably good. Managers of banks at Sydenham and Harrowsmith were present. Mnjority of votes were in favor of placing money in Harrowsmith bank for cn- suinfe year. The following officers were elecicd © Mr. Ryan, salesman and treasurer; 5. Freeman, assistant; Her- bert Jamieson, secretary; E. Revelle and E. Leonard, auditors. | He Did, At Once. A pompous traveller put up for the night at a small provincial hotel, and before retiring left explicit instrue- tions to be ealled in time for an early train. He was very carnest about the {matter and threatened the proprietor {with all manner of punishment if that {duty were neglected. ! Early in the morning the guest was disturbed by a lively knocking upon | the door. | "Well #' he demanded sleepily. "I've {got an important message for you," {replied the boy outside. The get was up in an instant, opened the door and received from the boy a large en- velope. He tore it open hastily, and inside found a Sip of paper on which was writien in large letters : "Why don't you get up? Very Barre lsome Neighbors. Names of the parties and Corns and | Toes--both were unhappy till the trou- ble was medicated by Putsam's Corn | Extractor. Any corn goes out of | business in twenty-four howrs if "Put- nam's"' is applied--try it. Root, Grenadier Island. Mr. and Mrs. | mitk, 94.34; feeling when yoa take Vinol. NERVOUSNESS is a complaint (hat can be read- fly ovetcome by using Vinol. n broken down nerve tissue and builds strong, healthy nerves that enable you fo with- stand the worries and annoy- ances unavoidable in business. VINOL QUICKLY CURES A COLD AND STOPS A COUGH nol YOUR MONEY BACK IF VINOL FAILS TO HELP YOU GEO, W. MAHOOD, Druggist, Kingston Yow can gét Vinol at the Leading Drug Store in every Town and City in the | stomach do 11s werk. Province. : ¥ Still Selling Good Shoes Cheap At 'Sutherland's. Our interior Remodelling is gradually reaching ° the final stage; and, although the store is in rather an upset condition, if you need good Shoes, eall in, and see how very cheap they are just now. 1. SUTHERLAND & BR) During the recent Panic which continued for over a year, in the entire Uni States, a great number of Watch and Jewellery Manufacturers, were 7 to dispose of their stock far below the cost of manufacture. Our well-known firm was thus able to and did buy from various Manufacturers Over. Ten Thous- and Beautiful, as well as First-Class Make Watches.' Wg bought these watches so cheap that we are enabled to sell them at extremely dw prides, in many ne stances at § the cost of makisg. ' % NOTICE: We have one lot of fine Gent's and Ladies'. 14 Karat Gold-Plated, Hunting Case Watches, Fxeellent Movement, 7 Jewelled, of fine make and good time keepers, which we Guarantee to keep in ranay for two years of charge, These Watches are Equal in value to any $15.00 or $25.00 Wateh sold. Our Sale Price for These Watches Is : $4. oS. With each Watch we send you a HANDSOME CHAIN AND LOCKET ' FREE OF CHARGE. 'When ordering either a Ladies', or Gent's Watch, us $1.00 and we will send you a Watch with a Chain and Locket, and the balance of $3.95 you can pay after you receive the goods. If You Are Not Satisfied With the Watch, You May Return' It to Us Within 90 Days and Your Money Will Be Refunded. : As thousands of people will avail themsélves of this EXTRAORDINARY SALE : it will be advisable for you to ORDER AT ONCE. You never in. get anothér opportunity to secure a watch like this with a inagome ay locket, ALL FOR THE PRICE oF $4.95. 7 J 4 3 SEND ALL ORDERS TO AMERICAN WATCH AND SALES COMPANY DEPARTMENT 154. 31-32 Park Row, New York, N.Y, 4 & d