SECOND SECTION, YEAR 76. SCENE AT ISS SYLVIA GREEN'S WEDDING, EFFECTIVE CHARITY LONDON CHILDREN FED BY ENGLISH ACTRESS, Miss Ellaline Terrigs Opens Nine Soup Kitchens Providing Food For 1,000 Tots. London, March 6 methodical fashion nine rises Soup Kitchens" were London yesterday, and over gry litsls children had a good dinner The idea originated in the popular actress' desire that something should be done for the mites at present left dinnerleséd under the London county council's inadequate school meals sys tem. To dave delay In a quiet "Ellaline Ter opened in 1,000 hun Jpnt and expense and to insure efficieney, the honorary man ager of the sc heme Ralph Hall Caine, decided . to utilize existing machinery, ands to ostablish "the kitchens at the various depots of the london City Mission, Nine of these started k yesterday. The largest of the Je-mews Christian wot kitchens was at Institute, on Lhe TH RRISS MISS BLLARINE "strobt. where were eatin side of Oxford of little corftaining beef, vegetables Little faces that had come showing that® wistful sadness of th London street' child soon thawed to happiness and. contentment. "Kat. it up and vour plate for more," seemed to be the vale, fand those had still *a Kittle room leit," the hint, to" the satisfaction of Mi Sparrow, who is in charge'of the mis sidn. "A tiny girl in a ragged shawl and boots that had burst their sides, though there was little call for laugh ter, 'owned up' that she had "want ed a dinner very much,' 'and that "it was very nice." As the children left the they gave "three cheers for line * Terfiss' --cheérs more than all the thunders from a crowded theatre. The supporters of the scheme in clude the Duke of Westminster, the Duke of Sutherland, lord Strathcona, Lord Iveagh, Sir Clifton and W. A. Horn ---- north ore wes soup, rice ones and m pass who acted ond building Miss Ella touching of applause Robinson HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by" Hall's Cate arth Cure F. J. CHENEY & CO We the undersigned have kubwn F. J Cheney for the last 15 "years, and lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi- '| ness transactions and financially able oo carry out any obligations made by frm. WALDING, KINNAN Wholesale Dr thledo, O & MARVIN, wists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken int ernal fy. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces "of the system Testi monials sent free. Price 75 s perl bottle. Sold 'hy 1 Druggists Fake Mall's Family Pills for tion constipa- hank Payment 1.ondc graph count Indians 'Wealth has suddenly I'rench sale of neat 1 many y ways sternly repulsed "thé the luv ed to stated ultimately 200.000. L like the made Sturgec listened of the sum of to eX the par tmey recipien sl co returne table a of comfort "One of sma ed up backs the off pocket. piled his treasure on the table, ing a | red bee greatest "With suaded to the Lake ing ge their b wealth the families A n sudden acquisition of we the fred young are, fin the ma matrim a boon taken vorable ture an 2200, ol L6O, as SECRET "CODES RECOVERED : Lucky London, his ma tory « of lost from the depths of the sea off Torbay books and code The werboe the would miralty vised s Wrvice ated by the the en helonre di tc sea fleet for Diamor Portlar Torbay number of ships to lay at with strong easterly swell. ed panying sidered night Vice-Ad { comma i feet, divers to proceed on weodlth, m af by agent that that each received meant that a large their tained when required. Ni sale immediate and pn prospec the gave WANTED of yn, March € publishes the for their la River Indi valuable tim Nipissin late ake ears the \hermen, but their solicit that altogetl be t instalment Indian Ag n Falls. stolidly to was ir whic money credit wort. lecture nvenience of Ww followed, ts marched solemnly and cheques. drew the Burdened 1 to nd for ti Indian some insis denominaty with a With a money Slow grim bu u inj ce vly nigger display thren, which diflicalty ti fram carryn reserve, twi ipissing, bat nerous ills, nearly ¢ in the bank will mean of ot unnatural nent and pa 'bucks' from ding new at idins of the | onial" market 1 One wed plaée and wn for many me Dokis cash every Find of Thrown O March 6. jesty's handy of how secret signa ard, and thei utmost importance been nec have to at ignal code As once it 18, a Diamor 1. The box wing the y Torbay, detention wd, after wd, ewing to not being winds an the time 'the fleet al remarkable At for the pe. | should have been left in Torbay. the depe A after Imiral Sir nder-in-chief from the Hil order ti furnish a div but wi not mn bay, was stat Indians Lands. payment entitled The '1 he the the agent's office each Indian piled his money on joyfully .re green backs which spelt ease te mountain satisfaction. purchases and paying £600 per a dive for rood fortune valuable articles being and was responsible there of the the Diamond not acecom-* directions at board CASH. wealth duly arrived at Torbay, For a box of from the Phe box thrown heen made to recover hooks and but without stated, had Their code it SUCOPSS, 5.--T he the following of Daily Tele a( been Canadian who had suddenly lost control of nds the the lands come to through on their Ontario. For chief of the Obij- advances of his son has vield- tions, and .it is wer the band will to something distribution of to the tribe was ent Cockburn at assembled braves the. explanations piece ol paper a state of frenoy. ans ber o Have Luxuriant Hair. A thick, heavy hair is always to he and keep such hair often required. upon is Dr. Dawson's Hair In bottles 50c., at Wade's Drug Store. growth of desired. a reliable tonie Sparing The Bachelors. Ottawa Journal. Brother Fripp, M.L.A., has before. the legislature which a in non-houscholdérs from wncome tax to '$900. 'At present the figure | 3600. Well, we hardly know. The non- 1 the Quebee h could bank be obh- and de on banking the savings after which the to the | face value of the] with wealth 1 ofi uri affied man. Shouldn't | able-bodied bachelors be soaked ? | = its use of Dyfpepeia in vield to the Nerve Pills, aided by Liver® Pills. They not present distress but strengthen stomach #ind digestive apparatus. Look under the thumb of any vied womdén and you will ne a No, Cordelia, it ake quarter-decks to make a dip. Beef, Iron and Wine, "Our make; 4 pint bottles, 50c¢., lgng store, Every man on the knows more than the It is far easier to mend heart than a broken rib. Carter's they . Carter's where the stacks and garded the me lo come. d on having ons and was of green he staggered into lging out yacking himself bills load doesn't ol every h mak his the than any of boss afforded him ie men were dis- 1 oli their money 'nty miles finally alter a across and it was then ascertained that efforts had signal Diamond, was overboard by a member of the ship's signal staff, his senses and committed the act whilst in healthy I'o have is One you can' depend Restorer, Lill part proposes to increase the exemption of up householder ig. in nine cnses out of ten the worst forms will Little Little only relieve the mar man. ] four Own" at Wade's job thinks he a broken ROSEBERY'S HEIR IS EN- GAGED TO WED. ---- Lord Dalmeny, One of England's Mos: Eligible Bachelors to Be- come a Benedict. London, March 6.14 ds announced that 1 ord Dalmeny, M.P., Lord Rose- bery's heir, is to marry Miss Dorothy Grosvenor, the younger daughter of Lord Henry Grosvenor, uncle of the Duke of Westminster. Lord Dalmeny is twenty-seven and Miss Grosvenor is nineteen. Lord Dalmeny is looked upon as one of the most eligible bachelors in En, land. He is the heir to a great title antl great wealth, for, in addition to the large family estates of the Prim- roses, his mother, who, was daughter and heiress of Baron Meyer Roths- child, brought her husband a very large foxtune, which included Ment. more Towers, a wmaghificent seat in tucks. In addition tosworldly wealth, Lord Dalmeny inherits the prestige of Lis father's political reputation. Lord Dalmeny himself lias no great political ambitions, and has just ad- mitted that the pace of the liberal party is too hot for him and that he LORD PALMENY: will not again contest' " Midlothian - Mr. Gladstone's old constituency. But he is a famous cricketer, an ex-cap- tain of the Surrey County Club, and, like his father, has a weakness for the tuff. Lord Henry Grosvenor is one of the many uncles of the Duke of Westmins- ter. The marriage will mean the alliance of two famous houses on = opposite sides of politics. The Grosvenors aré unionists, Lord =~ Henry was unionist candidate for Northwich once. and was political private secretary of WI H. Smith when he was first lord df the * treasury, The Duke of Westminster is a staunch unionist, while his mother is the wife of George Wyndham. A MONKEY SHOPLIFTER. Concealed in Master's Pocket--He Managed Many Thefts. Paris, March 6.--Following a shah- | bily-dressed * man, whose visits 10 various establishments were (lways associated with iheft, the Paris police have stumbled on the extraordinary feat of a monkey being employed for, | shoplifting purposes. On Tuesday afternoon, en- | tered a large emporium, and was soon WN FNDLS FAMILIES CAUGHT BY THE GRIP-- RELEASED BY PE-RU- NA. La Grippe Is Epidemic Catarrh. 'HE disease now known as 'grip' used to be called 'influenza.' Itvery closely resembles a cold, but is more tenacious in its hold upon the system and produces more profound dis- turbances, Grip ig in reality epidemiec.catarrh. When it once begins it spreads over the country very rapidly. er People do not catch the grip froth each athe t each one catches it from the sphere. oss Effective Medicine Ever Tried for La i Robt, Li Madison, A. M,, Principal of Cullowhee High School, Painter, N.C., is chairman of the Jackson County A Board of Education. He is a writer of occasional verse and has contributed to a number of leading papers and magazines,--religious, edu- cational and secular. In speaking of Peruna, Mri Madison says: "I am hardly ever without Peruna in my home, 1tisthe most effective medi- cine that I have ever tried for Ia grippe. "It also cured my 'wife of nasal ca- farrh. Her condition at one time was such thatshe could not at night breathe through her nostrils. "In consequence, an inflamed condi- tion of the throat was brought about, getting worse and worse and yielding to no remedy until Peruns was tried." Healthy Mucous Membranes. Those who are fortunate enough to have perfectly healthy mucous mem- { ! branes ordinarily do not catch the grip. The mucous membranes lining the nose, throat and lungs, when in a normal state, are an effectual barrier against the invasion of grip. Bat, if there happens to be the slight- est catarrhal derangement of the mucous membranes, then the victim be- comes an easier prey to the grip. This in part explains why some peo- ple get the grip, while others do not. The rational thing to do is to keep the system free from catarrh. In attempt- ing to do this most people have found Peruna to be invaluable. Systemic Catarrh, the Result of La Grippe. Pe-ru-na Recelves Credit for Present Good Health. « Mrs. Jennie W. Gilmore; Box 44, White Oak, Ind. Ter., formerly House- keeper for Indiana Reform School for Boys, writes: "Bix years ago I had la grippe, which was followed hy systemic catarth, "The only thing I used Was Periinia snd Manalin, and I have been in, better health the last three years than for years before. "1 give Peruna all the credit for my good health." enquiring the price of different. trin- kets. As the salesman was answering his questions a queer looking head was seen 10 pep out of his pocket of his overcoat, and soon a paw follow- ed, with the result that several rings leit that particular stand, entering in- tor the self-same pocket. with the: paw, and then tho head. Presently the visitor, after thanking the salesman for his information, moved on. to a counter, where laco Profession Recognizes' The Grip as Epidemic Catarrh. During an epidemic of grip Peruna should be nsed. The doses recom- mended on the bottle are sufficient. After the grip has once been acquired, Dr. Hartman recommends the use of Peruna in teaspoonful doses every hour during the acute stage, after which the directions on the bottle should be fol- lowed. Experience has shown thatthe people who use Peruna as a remedy for grip generally recover sooner and sre less liable to the distressing and long-con- tinued after-effects of the grip. When Peruna has not been used dar- ing the courseof the grip and the patient finds himself suffering from the after- effects of this disease, a course of Peruna should be resorted to. Suffered Twelve Years From After- Effects of La Grippe, Mr. Victor Patneaude, 828 Madison St., Topeka, Kan., member of Knights and Ladies of Security, writes: "Twelve years ago I had a severe at- tack of 1a grippe and I never really re- covered my health and strength--but grew weaker every year, until I was unable to work. was laid out in tempting array. The | employee was requested to show some of the most valuable samples, and once more the head and' paw emerged from the pocket. and qne of tho finest pieces promptly disappeared into that recess. The detectives walked up to visitor, and at once arrested They also captured the monkey, for | such it was, which he had trained fo | grab at goods while he was keoping 4 the him. "Two years ago [ began using Peruna and it built up my strength so thatin a cotiple of months I was able to go to work again, "This winter I had another attack ot. 1a grippe, but Peruna soon drove it out | of my system. My wife and I consider Peruna a household remedy." Pueumonia Followed La Grippe Mr. T. Barnecott, West Aylmer, On- tario, Can,, writes: "Last winter I was ill with pneu- monia after having ls grippe. 1 took Peruna for two months, when I became quite well, and 1 can say that any one cah be cured by it in & reasonable time | at little expense," Pe-ru-na--A Tonle After La Grippe. | Mrs, Chas. E. Wells, 8r., Delaware, |. Olio, writes: '"After a severe attack of la grippe, I took Peruna and found it » very good tonic," Mrs. Jane Gift; Athens, Olilo, writes: "Six years ago 1 had Ia grippe very bad. I read a testimonial of a woman who had been cured of grip by Peruna. My | husband bought me &'bottle 8f Peruna. | 1 was soon ablo to de my work." I con tinned using it until I was cured." the vendors ehgroksed by his questions as to prices and quality. The man, who is an acrobatic former at fairs, percéiving that game was up, submitted mildly, but his companion did not take his own artest so philosophically, and Yesisted fiercely. The man was takén to this depot of [the prefecture of police and the la | cononts monkey to the pound. per the fl deposited their It is stated that an income to sqme year : result alth olonged visits 1 other tribes, tractions Yokis fam ilies. of © this has been of who among The quite already has shown ling has dications are fa- yre in 'the near fu- maiden represents value tive of about year ly income Signal Books verboard. For many a day man will tell the r recovered a box 1 books and codes had been thrown r recovery was of as otherwise it for the ad have issued a re the whole of the diver's pluck, as has resulted in restored to id, to which they was cast into the isit of the ehannel essary cruiser fleet had left the anchorage in safe for large | a 1 a heavy ground no reason was as Eee -- 4 { 1] ] though it was con- that the shipr | The flect, # THE, VY CFO VON L,. of . the Milne, acting He channel Portland for bernia and L ondon | the Common- l wat the three ships | ing party for work th what articular; 1 ed. The Common: | arture R. of ) | | i i { FROM LEET TO. . PRESIDENT FLECT WAL TMC DICHLINSQIN; """"HE MEN THAT COMPOSE THE NEW UNITED STATES ADMINSTRATION LCE ELLE FTA; SECTY OF MEYERS, SEC'Y. OF AGRICULTURE, AMES Wi oa See ARLES NACL SECY OF Wk 5 SPOS ASTER Red Rose Tea ey Good Ted NEVER VARIES IN QUALITY.. EVERY PACKAGE IS GOOD.