YEAR 76-NO. 55. IN THE HOUSE erin, The Organization of Im- perial Staff, CANADA WILL ASSENT BECAUSE CONTROL IS WELL SAFEGUARDED. Memorial on Boundaries Issue Presented From the Manitoba Legislature--Bill Likely to Stand Over Another Session. ¥rom Our Own Correspondent Ottawa, March 6.--8ir Frederick Borden presented a return to parlia- ment, yesterday, containing correspon- dence, otc., between the Imperial and Canadian governments relating. to the organization of an imperial general staff. - A memorandum ny the war office points out the necessity for the maintenance of sea. supremacy, the de- sirability of a broad plan of military organization for the empire, making allowance for local conditions, the organization of the armed forces into two parts, the first havipg local de- fence as its object, the second desig- ned for the service of the empire as a_whole. There being no guarantee that contingents will not be required timely provision should be made for | an emergency, which is the pava- mount factor in the speedy conclusion of war, In assenting to the general ples of the plan Sir Frederick k does so cordially because "the great principle of complete local control by the re- sponsible minister concerned and the officers of the local section of the im- perial general staff fully safe: guarded." D. Roche, member for Marquette, presented to parliament a Safemovial recently adopted by fhe "Ménitoba le- gislature in respect to the boundaries of that province. The memorial asks for a larger area of territory-than set forth in the resolution adopted by the federal parliament defining the proposed. boundary lines. It is un- derstood that a draft of the bill which Sir Wilfrid Laurier intends to sub- mit to the dominion parliament pid prinei- 18 is session will be forwarded to the Manitoba government in the course of | a few days. Owing, however, to the desire to shorten the session and the probability - that the Manitoba lature may adjouss before this ter 'receives: its consideration it is not likely hat it will be pressed through the federml house but will be allowed to go over till pext session legis- mat- CUTTING DOWN EXPENSES. G. T, R. is Cutting Down Roll Along Line. Montreal, March 6.~The G.T ficially gohounce that they are lowing = a policy of strict retrench ment. The drovping of twenty men at Stratford, following the 200 dis- missals here is on that line, and it feared that there will be further reduetions, 'lhe C.P.R. are re trenching, but say there no inten Pay | is also tion of reducing thop stafis here on alsewhere, { A scheme 1s fessional baseball Brantford, Guelph, don. Lots of men would like men who could drive It's easier to than-it is to get The district lal to has endorsed w Best flavored bari's: New laid eg foot Tor league Hamilton, Toronto, and on a' new pro to embrace | Woodstock Buffalo or Lon to them well well off in ca or council of £0 sufira vu: cooked ham, at moet to drink in vears h Wo get on Toron Gil at Gilbert' U8 every day DAILY MEMORANDA. Queen's Assault-At-Arms, 8 Waterworks' tp day Special See p.m Comittee, w., Sale at advertisement 'Reuben And Hix Opera House, 8,15 p.m. Leo. Singleton, Piano Brock St. "Phone, 461. Bijou Theatre--Magniticent lattle Drama, "Fighting Days In Old Virginia "In The General's Armour'; Mothér-In-Law's Revenge Will INustrated Song March 6th, in Canadian 1884~"Toronto ty. 1846---J ohn artist, was 1850--The Roval is first exhibition 1902--~Dean Carmichael was coadjutor to Archbishop Bond Svnod of Montreal 1905--~The Bank closed its doors suspension of W, hief customer. Waldron's to Sweetheart," Grand Tuner, 406 ih West in History. was incorporated as a Forbes Toronto. Academy of in Ottawa Colin born in Canadian Art held elected by tt of 2¥ as H armotth result Ridding & of Cu., BEAUTIFUL SETS 6 pieces, for $1.45, all Also 10-piece sets, from $1.75. shapes in Old Blue at variety of rich sets, in wither wigh-grade makers colors. Quaint, $2.25 large Doulton and Robertson Bros. 2 OOF! connected | men { | { hand for Fos { with | i | i | Advises That Secret he Dai test Stephenson, session, semblyman change been paired man who did not vote. settled the question. Lieutenant-Governor ing, vote withdrawn, To premiers liament, President Tait commerce Roosevelt's Thomas J, bassador 1907 able het I BIG FAREWELL GIVEN TO BISHOP LANG BY | English Prelate Who Was { sord je 1 | | 'men {partment a Odd | hore {flving 2 he ad KINGSTON ' OPEN HR To Chancelior Burwash by Hon. S. H. Blake, STEPHENSON GETS VOTE. Majority For Semator ; Election, . Wis., March 6.--After a con: lasting seven weeks, Senator in the joint legislative here, received sixty-three votes, a majority. - After the result was announced As-) Boslett endeavored te | vote, claiming to have | with an anti-Stephenson Great confu- He Claims Madison, his sion followed. The Stephenson men claimed that the fact the vote had once been cast The Follette La DOCTRINE TAUGHT IN UNI- VERSITY COLLEGE. men, headed by Strange presid- endeavored to have the Boslett Was Introduced By "Back Door,' | It is Undermining the Bible-- Controversy Over Biblical In- terpretation Widens. Toronto, March 6.--The strife be- tween the two schools of religious thought mn Toronto has broken out in a new quarter, with an open letter from Hon. S. H. Blake to Chancellor Burwash, of Victoria university; By this communication University College becomes the storm centre. Mr. Blake makes two main charges : That in this institution, supposedly non-sectarian, religious knowledge being taught. That the character of of a very dangerous trinating, according Harris, who writes to Mr. Blake's cal type of higher criticism." | The tempest has been threatening dor some tume, gpithough no hint has previously reached the public. About two years ago the course of lectures complained of was introduced in the department of oriental languages, Dr. Eakin being the lecturer. The mat- ter was brought to the attention of President Falconer, and then through Dr. Hoskin to the board of governors of \which Chancellor Burwash is one of the oldest' and most prominent members. The complaint is brought to a head by the publication of p Blake's letter, which is gntitled Teaching of Religious kv University College, Ultra Vires." The answer of those in authority at the university to the charge that this teaching is ultra vives is that lectures | on the ""Fnglish Bible," as the called, do not deal with theology, but with history and literature. Thus, when the matter came infor mally before the members of the Uni- versity commission the foregoing statement was made, and no action was taken in the matter hy that body While the Carmen-Jackson versy was confined to the Methodist church this one threatens to involve all. denominations, Mr. Blake is awn Anglican, Rev, Mr. Harvis a Baptist, Chancellor Burwash a Methodist Dr. Eakin, the lectti®r, a ian. \ : (Chancellor Jurwash, of Victoria Mr. Strauss has had consider- [College, was surprised to find. that diplomatic experience, having [the letter had been given out. minister to Turkey 'under Prési-| "I would like to confer with Hurtison. and McKinley. dent Faleoner before making any erent statement for publication," he said. Hon. Mr. Blake resigned from the board of governors to write the letter, WESTERN ELEVATORS. Memorialize Government Ownership Question. Winnipeg, March 6.--Premier moved in the legislature a resolution memorializing the dominion govern- ment in regard to the elevator ques tion, which was the subject of a con- ference recently between the western and the Grain Growers' As- sociatibn. The resolution forth that the powers regulating the grain trade are vested in the dominion par- which should either establish government ownership of elevators or else give Manitoba such powers. on toblin sets this teaching kind, indoc to Rev. Elmore prefatory note "'themost radi is OFFERED EMBASSY. a letter, Taft is Agreeable Popular Statesman. to series is OSCAR 8. STRAUSS. Washington, March 6.--President has officced the embassy to Ja- an to. Oscar S. Strauss, secretary of and labor in President eabinet, and Mr. Strauss accepted it, © He will succeed (O'Brien; who became am- at Tokio in the fall of contro and IRA Presbyter- n lents i Tesi: RELICS OF EARLY CANADA. LONDONERS. Old Flags Received By Dominion $ Archivist: March 6.--Four interesting | early Canadian history, in the four old military flags, tat- tered and frayed, have heen receivetl by the dominion archivist, Dr. C. M Doughty, are inscribed "First Canadian Militia "and two "Quebe Militia, 1775." While their history has not yet been de finitely established en ough is known to make them objects of intetest. It is thought that those inscribed Quebec Militia must have been made shortly after the siege of the wold city. They are handsomely | {imished, . embroidered hoth sides, and show evidences of Having been | carefully mended. The flags will bel hung in the library of the dominion archives building. Chosen As Archbishop of York Leaves London--He Declined Montreal Diocese. Ottawa, relics of form of March 6.--The meeting in F'wo the People's Palace, in the London, few days ago; was probably unique in the annals of the work of the.Churech of England in that district. Five thousand people oathered there, while many were. un- able vain admission because they esired, as the Bishop of London put 'to voice the ane enthusiasm ) London Cosmo Gordon late Bi of Stepney, the Archbishop York. It may be loubted whether any other purpose with the religious efforts of metropolis would have gathered large a in the same spot. I'he Bishop of Stepney has been to the people of his a friend and counsellor, who the regard of and women belonging to all and to none. He had taken iis very heart, and in re- had learned to love and es- { teem him. Saving farewell, he sxplain- od the secret of success, He had found | pleasure he said in working hand in the good of/ East London, those who in religious matters might be divided from them.' lf--and when--the religious ganizations of the metropolis are united upon these and animated by this spirit of tolerance mutual esteem, there will be created at" last a force that will raise the east from its squalor | and misery and want lL.ondon, the hall of cast emt! of a love for on shop of NEW the HOPE IS GONE Disarmament Nations. March 6.--Addressing a political meeting here, last night' Mr. Birrell, chief secretary for Ire | land, expressed the belief that Presi dent Taly, in his inaugural address, pronounced the doom of the hgpe for the dsarmament of nations. \Therd\ was a universal feeling abroa in which the United States now joined, Mr. Birrell said, for increased arma- ments. 14 was enough to make angels | woep but in face of it, declared = Mr. | Birrell, it is our duty to maintain our navy strong enough to keep Britain's shores inviolate. crowd For the : of the diocese oh Bristol, Eng., sects, them into turn they lines, and Great DIED AT GRAVE. - | HOUSE FAVORS SLEUTHS. |Almost Fell on Top of Coffin Just Lowered. Mount Morris, March 6.--While { Dolan. seveniy-eight years lattending the funeral of Michael by congress giving | ney. at the cemetery. he was to the ldead with heart divease. government, | standing on the edge of the report the opposite him stood Charles Flaherty, | house appointed who, him fall, caught him ° in orce {his arms and prevented him from fall for into the grave. Death Services Be | Made Permanent. March 6.--Legislation John | was | Dow- stricken He drave oda Washi should permanent lon, be enacted secret ac elect to character of the the of the this | ate a was ree and | cording to of committee investige now SOeiny te shat os of secre service fing open Ww in the treasury de department permanently duties law, instantaneous in the of SICKBED ROMANCE. Courtship Started When First Wife } Was Dying. Muskegon, Mich that started wien his wife was her sickbed has resulted in the Te I'matriage 'of Arnold Stopples and El- while a lady living Jubhnke, both of Muskegon. The saw a big white moth | hride a sister of Stopple's first 1 outs her, home | J veat Flsie for he and it their acquaintance 1 be their by justice she cd and wid limited provid defined report for clear save the Canary Birds In Snow. Ont March Thorold, saw five disporting them- . March 6.--A court 8: 6 hip Phillips, vel ary Henry low 1 | ol on 1! birds ves iy th save she AOU Mow, sie is ide wife, who died Julinke cared was there that started, avo ---- 1 sister oleven [®t _has {dis winter, now fall of been at Quebec HIGHER CRITIGISN THE FREAK 15 SHED | more comp Iwill { thay, three days. { five las { meant | Now DRUCE CASE RECALLED. Witness Accused of Perjury Dying | in New Yo New York, March <The extradition procesdings in case of Robert Caldwell, who is wanted in Great Bri- tain for perjury, alleged to have been committed while a witness in ho celebrated Druce case, was again ad- journed before United States Com- missioner Alexander, to-day. Caldwell, a very old man, has been an inmate of the Manhattan - State hospital practically from the time he was placed under arvest. The - old man is slowly dying, and the pro- ceedings are dragging so that he may practically pass out of "the law's clutches. Dispatches From Near And Distant Places THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Senor Carréra Justiz has been ap- pointed Cuban minister to Spain, The amendment to the insurance act will be introduced, at Otlawa, Monday. PROPER FISHWAYS. Investigating Dams in Streams of County. Ogdensburg, N.Y., March 6.--The St. Lawrence Fish and Game Club is now engaged in an investigation of all dams in the rivers of this county and is taking steps that proper fishways are built. The association has. made application for 125.000 fingering trout to be planted in different parts of the The CPR. county." A movement for a trout St. 1 wy 4 ty 38 sions to tho hatchery in St. Lawrence county 18|yp oor under and prodpects for a tor he The | Policeman: Smith, who was shot by eached 350 and much] ® burglar ai Hamilion, is in a dan- in of | &erous condition. i : Failures in the dominion during the | past. week totalled thirty-two; week, T90R, fifty-two, Two Italiane were convicted of | murder of Edward Green, the | treal peddler, at Perth, N.B. Practically every coal operator in Western Pennsylvania has petitioned for reciprocity in coal with Canada. I. Warren, president and trea: of the Gutta Percha and Rubber | Manufacturing company, Toronto, on is planning large exten Windsor strect station, also way securing this are good, membership has interest ix being taken the assouiation, the work same the Mon- surer is R. R, Gamey, MPP. "The Man | From Manitoulin," has been invited to licutenant-governor's first dinner Thursday. Hon. Mr. Mackay, in the legislature, {moved the sccond reading of a bill | making important amendmenis to the { municipal act. An ovder-in-council has been passed {prohibiting the exportation of black bass, maskinonge and speckled trout from Ontario for five years. W. 8. Brewster, South Brant, will, on Monday, ask leave VO amend the municipal act by doing away with pro- perty qualilication for aldermen, Mrs. Clara 'Tandrum, Toronto, took poison ine Buffalo, N.Y., and died, be- the police say she failed to get | a reconciliation with her husband. Leopold ( 'arvajal, the Marquis ol Pinar del io, a Spanish capitalist, who made a fortune in the tobacco on SINCLAIR beautiful Scottish had an anxious time when went out with the Imperial South Africa. She may come LADY the She One of Hos her husband Yeoman to to Canada. most cause Helpless, Burned To Death. Chicago, March 6. Alice sixteen-year-old invalid, il of spine disease and. Lo move, Sat in un | industry, but. invalid 'chair in front of the fireplace]ago to the trust, while her mother was 'at work in the Wednesday, kitchen. © A spark ignited her cloth- Charles Baker and ing, but she was unable to move or | timber prospec tors, 'were found drozen ory out. When Mrs. Ryhin "entered the | to death north of Barkerville, B.C. room she found her daughter Burned | They hadi been oul on a long trip, and to a'erisp. | were evidently trying to veach Barkec- | ville, when they dropped exhausted. There is a rumor at Manilla thai Liout. Henry L. King, of the Ist Uni- ted States Cavalry, and a detachment of that regiment, who have been map- | ping the interior of Northern Luzon, ROLLER BOAT AT SAVED FROM | have become the victims of head hunt- SCRAP PILE. ere. Two. willion dollars, of which $1,- _ {000,000 will be expended this and next | year, is the estimated cost of a pulp and paper plant to be established in the timber belt near Kooskia, Idaho, south-cast of Spdékane, by an eastern syndicate. A number of acts of brigandage have recently taken place ih the out- lying districts of Singapore and have to the arrest of twenty-one Chin- ese revolutionists who recently had been deported from Saigon. A Pembroke girl used three cancell- od postage stamps on some letters she wae mailing. She took great care lo wash and steam them, but in this in- stance economy did not pay, a fine of $10 being imposed upon her hy the post office authorities. \ Count and Countess' Laszlo Szech- epyi are having quite a round of din- ners given for them at Rome. The | countess numbers many friends there, for when she was still Miss Gladys Vanderbilt she passed the season { there a couple of years ago. van, a Janes McCurdy, Owner Expects to Construct Craft to Cross Ocean in Three Days! Knapp in Kingston. N.Y, Ogdensburg March 6.--Reports from Toronto are to the effect that | the famous Knapp roller boat, which created a sensation in a trial trip be- tween here and Prescott, is not to go to the scrap pile. To it from | being broken .up the Knapp interests have come forward with $1,000 to cov- | er claims and court costs against it, and it is stated that the marine "freak" is to be made into a ship of some kind Mr. Knapp, is pow in King- ston, has. de for a larger and lete boat of the same circu- | style, and wher he returns to his home in Prescott the experiment work will resumed, Mr. Knapp has ex- pectations of developing a boat which roll the Atlantic in less save who gus lar be Across BIG STORE FOR CALGARY. | { HAD FOUR HUNDRED ALIASES. Eaton Company About to Estab- | lish Branch. | Man Alta., March 6.-1It rus | geries. mored that the T Faton company, | Boston, March 6.--A felegram au- Toronto, the large departmental | nounces that Robert €. Watson, who, concern, is about to establish a branch | the police say, has made $1,000,000 In here. It was stated to-day that a [forgeries in the past twenty-five years, property had been secured for the | and is known under more than four erection of a large store building on | hundred different names, has been ar: Gighth avenue. lt is the central part | vested in Chicago for the Boston au- { the 1 section. It is reported | tho rities. that the structure is to in the | Chief Watts says that Watson's real neighborhood of $500,000 and to be name Robert. Alexander Hawley, high, and the most mod- {that he has opera. ed in nearly every of Taeproaf buildings. large city in the United States, and has served numerous jv son sentences, Made a Million By For- is Calgary, of YUBINESS cost is storeys etn design Pine Plains Selected. Hlareh 6.-- Pine a permanent camping oafbring grounds for troops, is assured. At Washington, just hefore going of office, Presi- dent Roosevelt signed the evil sundry Watertown Plaine, and man the federal | | Thirty-Nine Years: As Assistant. Watertown, N.Y. Much 6.--To serve thirty-nine years of one's life as an assistant postinaster is something of a wecord. Wednesday, however, was bill whieh contains an item of $75:000 | Bruce F. Martin's thirty-ninth anni for the purthase of ground for the | versary in the wily of serving Uncle army res, Pine. Plains [Sam and' the citizens of Watertown. : itn of expenditur | Aside from the Cleveland administra. this" tract heey so dected | tion, Mr. Martin bas served continu- vohering place for the ously since" W. G. Williams held the department in | postmastership. During these' years come, the improvement the { Mr. Martin has seen the city grow far grotnd® afid "the construction work {into the thousands, necessitating the will ber of' a permane a nature. office being twice removed to larger quarters. oud mandens is by that great the custern waa yPars Re) Hears Rumor Of Trouble Petersburgs March 6.-<1It is ru- St. Petersburg that there between Russian | Daylight Saving Bill. London, March 6,~In the House oi {'ommons, yesterday, the second read- prog of the davlighy saving bill was je arried by a vote of 130 to MM. The Ibill, at first, St mored . in has been a conflict and Chin troops near Harbin, but ino econfitmiion is possible. If the repdrts are true the trouble] probably arose from the situation fol-|has reecived lowing the efforts of the railroad au- i manufacturers thorities at Harbin to contrel the lo- {atl classes and cal adbinistration, pass, support from railways, and business people of is now expected to died Aflac dees GOES OUT OF BUSINESS. | | Canadian Masons Mutual Life As- sociation Quits. Winnipeg, Masons Mutual Life Astosiation went out of business after three years of existence, number of business men of Winnipeg in August, 1906. John MecKechnie was president and F. A. Struthers, vice-president. The idea was popular and business was written throughout the three prairie provinces 'in consid- erable volume. The maximum amount cessary for t applicant to be a mas- ter Mason. When the were clos- ed, last night, it was found that mem- bership had dwindled to 950 and the lapses exceeded 400. The association was solvent, having something in ex- cess of $3,500, but the directors thought the dwindling" membership called for a change. All claims have been paid. Of the proxies. submitted 100 favor- ed going over to the Weston Masons and 100 preferred the Grest West Life. Of those present three voted for the Great West Life and the balance for Weston Masons. The latter concern got it, STORY IS DENIED. No Cemetery Full of Vietims of Railway Accidents. -Winnipeg, March 6.--Absolute "denial is given the story of John Munroe, in which Munroe said thai while he was superintonding the erection of a mill on Goose Lake, on the Lake Superior branch of the N'T.R., this winter, he found forty-one nameless graves dn an improvispd cemetery near there, where the vietims of railway construction fatalities were buried. "The report is unqualifiedly false,' said Chief Euginecr Poulin, of district F. "Our records wre on filo here, and they show bevond question that but men who died or were killed during the construction of:our road wore interred at Goose Lake. That re cord is correct, and it covers torri- tory for from seven to ten miles in any direction from Goose Lake. Denial was also M2, alleged statement in other quarters. seven Munroe' s given CAPTAIN AND WIFE DROWNED. Barges Sunk in a Storm at New York. New York, March 6.--Capt. William Ferguson, and his wife, Mary, were drowned by the inking of the barge, George H. Bates, at the Baltimore and Ohio wailroad docks, between St. George and New Brighton, Staten Is- land, during the storm. The body of Mrs. © Ferguson was later washed ashore at St, Her husband's' - hms not he found. Six other barges anchoréd nearby were sunk during the storm. Capt. Charles Barber and bis wife, Hannah, who were on the barge Blaz- er, had a narrow escape from. drown: ing. They were rescued from the wa- ter. by employees of the municipal ferry, and suffered greatly from ex- posure. Several OWNS HIS DAUGHTER MILLIONAIRE SAVIN FATH |**** ER OF PARIS SUSPECT. Has Not Seen Her Since She Wed- ded Sargent, But Does Not Be- lieve Her Guilty of Charges. New York, March 6.--Francis W. Ba vin, the millionaire broker and mem- ber of the New York Stock Exchange, has acknowledged that Mrs. Josephine Savin Sargent, who is imprisoned in Paris, charged with brutality toward four adopted children, is his datghter Mr. Savin issued a statement which he said he would do everything in his power to help his daughter ex gept to go abroad to see her. He has 'not seen her since her last marriage. nor did he recognize or approve that marriage. Ten years ago he set tled an allowance of $5,000 a year upon her; which is sent to her in monthly instalments. "An instalment was cabled to her Paris bankers ves terday. Mr. Savin does not believe she i. guilty 'of the charges made when she was arrested. He is sure that her hus: band is responsible for her arrest. He said that his daughter had alway: been fond of babies and treated hem with great tenderness and care. She adopted a baby here in New Yorl while the wife of the bogus Count ds Zaremba. It is declared that the man Sargen was formerly a valet. He enlisted i Paget's horse during the Boer war. Death From Strange Drink. Danville, Que., March® 6.--Corone Bachand, of Sherbrooke, was her fast night holding an inquest in the case of the death of Benjamin Pratt. The circumstances were very ing. The deceased. who was a well known resident, and carried on a goo business, while thirsty, drank a larg quantity of florida water and pais killer, Dr. - MeKee stated that = the poison thus taken caused death ly suffocation. The jury. returned a ver diet of accidental death. as the liquid had apparently not been taken with any intent to end life. Deceased i survived by: his wife, who is 3, am six children. in ol Liberal Re-Elected. Londen, March 6 <n the Borden greeted with ridicule, | burghs hye-election, vesterday, Si | John Barvan, liberai, was re-elected by aoa fori of 520. "The figures are | Barran 8: MeKinder, 250K, Sixteen Men Drowned. i Liverpool, March 6--Bixteen were drowned early this Marsing the flooding of a cofferdam used construction of a new dock, at Birk: enhead. Three men réseded from wreckage were badly injured, me in in the March Ge-The. Conadiah] The association was organized by a b permitted way $3,000, and it was une | depress T _ Torawto, Onte March Valley and Upper St. am. p~Fine and. 3 This does wot apply to only a few garments meant to put a veneer over a stock of factory misfits whieh can he bought at Tower prices. It means that every garment we offer in our ready-to- wear section is made to fit and fit to wear. Fashionable, reliable and geod fitting garments ONLY find a place here. Here You Will Find : Stunning Tailored Suits and Walking Skins | Smart Wash Suits and Wash Dresses Lingerie Waists, Etc. At prices that will delight yow, all White tasteful made to well wt 8b. the lot at #& price, which it possible to sell them at 15c. EACH. Call + STACY. § makes and 'see them at BORN. SINGLETON ~In Westport, to Dr. A. B. sand Mrs. son. HAWLEY --At to Mr. and Bay, u Feh Singleton, 24th, a on March Hawley, 188, Hay Napanee, Mrs, Geo. Mo orth, Richwond, famworth, Roblin, Pierton, Corn- SILVER ~~AL Feb, 24th, John Scott, Mit Hattie ¥. Silver, SHANNON--CORNWALJ. --At Benjamin Daniel Shannon, Manitoba, and Miss Gertrude wall. HIGG Fi on tu --J ACKSON --At Woodville, on 14th, Walter ¥dward Higgs, to Miss Isabella Jackson, © DIED, HARRIS. At Kingston, at St, on Saturday, March David. Hapr Funeral paki pu "Monday | Camden, Napanee. + Cherry 1909, 14 Gih, 1 o'clock: " FOR A FEW DAYS Maggi Sou WILL BE DEMONSTR ATED IN OUR STORE IT 1S WELL WORTH TRYING Importers Of Fine Groceries. ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone, 571. on Prircess strest » oudp oF For a quick buwver, 860.° A "Marshall" $25. A 'Waldor!" All as good as new, for "Phone, 705. Admiral Cervera Is Dying. Cadiz, March 6 --Vice-Admiral Pas sal Corvera is dyifig at Pucrio Beal, The last sacraments wére a ol to : Yrs com that was destroyed xh Santis] ANCE oHANG Bed, air Mattress, Bpring, cost $70, at TUR