rer EST EE A --t PAGE SIXTEEN. SCOTT'S EMULSION sore, tight chests, not by "dope," but i ing the str riching the All Dyuggists. YOU CAN'T "BRIDGE OVER." The Coal question: You have to con. front it. For Lest quality. Try WALSH' S, Barrack St. UR a nh ho dh ht a od] COAL! The kind you re looking for is the kind we sell ig, lo SCRANTON Coal 1s good coal and we guar- kee prompt delivery. 'Phone, Booth & Co. FOOT WEST BTREET. sssseene ae +See e = PHVA VVRRRRVRS | © 992 VRVVVRVNT LOOK THROUGH THE HOUSE AND SEE It you anything you would to turn into money. 1 will buy one all the things you have there. = Old fashioned furniture and a specialty A poet card L. Cor. have like or bric-a-brae will bring. me. Lesses, Chatham Sts. Ont; Princess and ston, Fort ify the System Against Colds, &c. By Bovril or Johnston's Fluid Beef eo a 3b¢., King- using fresh be. We hav supply, in 20¢., and $1.00. FRESH OYSTERS D. COUPER: *Yhone, 341-8 Princess St Wood's Phosphodins, The Great English Remed, <9 Tones and invigorates the w hole oh iervous system, wakes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nerv ous Debil ity, Mental and Brain Worry, Pes vial Weakness, swions, Sper or luircesses will please, six ruggists or maile od in of price, New pamphlet Medicino Co. Toronto. B= THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright, Money Pro- perties. Municipal Deben- tures. Mortgages Deposits received and 8B. C. all sizes, 76 2 in pkg. or mailed | ree ovrmerly ipt Y "0 W incdzort issued on City and Farm and County purchased. interest allowed. McGill, Managing Director #7 '"'yrence street. (jrand Union Hotel Opp. Grand Central Station, New York City Rooms, $1.00 a Day AND UPWARD Baggage to and from Station free. Send 20 stamp for N.Y, Olty Guide Book and Map more Specials aper at Half Price. Sce themat ! D. E. FRASER? 'Phone 373. 78 William St. BONING ESET) SPIRELLA CORSETS Best wofld, guaranteed not to bre ak or rust Postal or 'phone 878 and Will sal with s ple. MARGARE I DUN- NETT, Sole Agent, 105 Wellington St. A few in Wall ri IDEAL Eas IN in The Horse Still In Use. Bee antomobiles 100,000 of the in the still leave for the maintenance thé machines, Tha com fulfilment of the automobile was to put long of had in Omaha With of $1,000 each he bought value of hors last vear, and £6,000 000 of eling at upward them might increase in tho United States, something with over and repair hows pro parison pheey that ihe tho way the 1n farm animals. business is a a hint country horse out of also give the off ved, and ereat wealth Hard, Soft Or Bleeding. kind .or where lo promptly cured No matter what cated, Putnam's Corn Iv vegetable it antes with every Use no other corn 1s by Extractor; no pain, bottle any being pure Guar "at COGS ol nam 8 Short Dogs Bite Low. London Tit-Bits J Passerby-- Here dog bitten on the ankle Dog Well, that's as oh ¢ he could You wouldn't expe a hitth him ta bnte yi 1 boy, your me Owner reach pup like WO er ? wr neck, GOOD TABLE ~ FAMOUS ette. London, March 6 by an avimal on clover or ance of Consul, the London The performance is to the meal dent of his otis buginess of a so human as SOME ANINAL "AGTORS" MANNERS OF MONKEY. Eats Like Perfect Gentleman and Winds Up Repast With Cigar- - Nothing aver done the stage is 80 the porform- the monkey shown at Hippodrome, yesterday. natural enough io appear unrehearsed, for Consul brings which is the mairf inc- "turn," cannot be described as an illusion. Before, hoever, he got to this geri- an appetite that Oonsul M 3 "high tea' showed a trainer gire dispositi ibed it to play." But in front of a table, under his bear ly discovered tha him to His yond descr kin knife-and-fork reproach what society oxpie and at table he is gentleman of takes his the purpase « fork. He fills his the milk and suga mixta with a thy ves The wel to his iip a cigarette from his in a holder, the cigarette is done wit It is of 1 business on the stage ly clever piece tainly delighted everyone don Hippodrome. and the pay it. Other pretty sal the clever « week, mana draw big Irixie, is woll-known can earn $400 a and Emir, the music $200 or $250. A four elephants will ¢ we the two tiny parro One of the "turng" 18 which gets $1, double the tigers. other wi 0 known wi but serpenys poor salary most Seth' um earn Vallee as and sr CANNOT BE But the Sentence Be Sp Record know Philadelphia "Did you least son tence be spoken, but that i Uni "Yes, one write," said a vanin seniot. lishy I suppose, 1681 Here | swear | to in is the don't ki write 1b: the Engi spell going twos see i you tence it either point 2 properly Really it 1s though to express he me going, to what a me gupae is. (There © 'two' and 'a word 'to' and they alike--two, incorrect too,' or You because ineorr rigiuly cane 1 pot OW too, or to say, twos,' or 'three tt in the English the ? 1 know awfully nice nse the university tr As far mattor at thing out. the grasp . correctly say 'twos' will you tell me coming ? Hada Noted youth's Companion. Jelieving with spare the rod is t Boston par a le earnest tain closet he spring meanor. casion MISSING when they the its to need from thorough search of to discover it, reward of five cen hiz alive branches had become of the me the nickel," I know salely pocket | ed Jen; com was st trousey pride : "1 shoft Poverty from getting the Laxative EH ignal for the race spoon veal fun of the performance not seen until Consul helps himself to | strikes and i the smoke curling upward. and who witnessed it animal at the troupe list at from $H00 to $625 a week, and at the music halls are good for $250. 500 a earners. and then, two, is incorrect, as it is thie the thought. are all three pronounced FOS, language. fellows going crazy out in my fraternity house that 3 , in the English language. = nd sather strap with which administers punishment: to his A few days ago he had oe where it is." frowed it prevents a lot gout. Only One "BROMO QUININE," that 1s Bromo (Quinine Curesa es» Colin One Day; we Day; Grip in 2 Days to holt. His strong de once he was seated with a table nap led chin, hie quick edt that enabled feast. manners secms on as 'a are he to know ts of a gentleman, certainly the first He never nis of cither knife own eap, Hs in r, and tastes the on THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Ss ATUSDAY anc 2 TALE OF HEROISM. A Klondyke Miner and His Cornish Mother. "I would rather be broke i in Dawson than anywhere else in the world.' have often heard that sentiment ut tered since 1 came to this sun-Arctic corner of North America, and often have I had practical illustration of its truth. Let me tell your readers in a few words a little tale of Klondyke luck and love. A young Cornishman, illiam J. Lowery by name, had been for some tims in Klondyke, now up in fortune and now down. For two. years he worked on the Bear Creek Bridge, and for the last two seasons was on one of the Yukon Gold company 's dredges. His business was that of an oiler, and his dredge was at work on the Klondyke river. While thus engag- ed one day his foot slippe «d, and In a moment was wédged in and mangled. His calls brought comrades about him, 'It's Hopeless," said Lowery; 1 can't get out; cut it off." Neither of his comrades had a knife. Lowery calmly produced his own from his pocket, and with it the stangled por tion of the leg was carved offi. The shock to Lowery was terrible, and io the end he succumbed. "What can 'a man do with only one leg ?"' he said when efforts were being made to save his life. "I'm no more in the world, and I don't want to live; but there's my old mother away in Corn wall. IT keep her, and she éan't do without me," Nowhere are local pat riotism and generous instincts found in a higher degree than' among the pioneer people of the Klondvke, and it was only necessary for the facts to be recorded in the Dawson News to cause subscriptions to pour in from high and low. £303 4s. 2d. way thus obtained, and at the request of the subscribing miners and citizens of the Klondyke Lord Strathcona has had the satisfaction of buy an annuity of £52 a year, which will keep the mother, Mrs. H. Lowery, her Cor- nish home, hevond the rest of her life ing in want for The Love Letter. York Sun took it from the postman pervous, trembling and A sort. of trepidation un ginard x Of cour¥e she knew he loved falter in this way When a valentine was due her Knew just what New She with a she could "hardly her, so why and she "twould say ? before raising 19 own case, puts it a match, lights back to watch | The whole hout anyone's help a really marvelous- raining, and cer- ' greatly amused the Lon- | es at Consul earns for his irainer $500 a gement is glad "actors" aries. yll gray mare who Palace theatre, wk for her owner, al horse, will draw of three yppear on a salary | to | also or ts shown by Niblo expensive animal § troupe of lions, week, or about Henricksc n's are gn- "turn, to-day, ed by leopards ld animal wakes are, WRITTEN, : in English Can oken. is al that there in English that can is impossible to | versity of Pennsyl- it's correct. Eng again, it sentence, although vow how you are "There are threo <h language." You {-w-0, the sen if you '40.' Catch wt say three {wo's are Bix. ect to say it, al should be possible This thing and it simply goes ss the English lan- ortainly is a word and another spell the twos 'too' which makes it are threo three 'tos' Jat. what's a whole buneh of who are slowly tor "There or ying to figure this as my- intellect can iv is impossible to 'there, are thy 8S » it 1 am going or The Place. Solomon that to y spoil the child, an ent keeps in a cet oft- commit any misde- strap, but it was usual place, and a the entire flat fail- Then he offered a ts to whosoever of could tell him what lost article. "Gim- eried four-year-old When the away in his with much the au owed we said down of + people | never She took it to her boudoir, she cared to hide postmark or the verse or two inside, because she was a gentle woman's heart ; yearned to feel the herself, of Cupid's dart. not hecaunse The writing or the But woman with, a She rankling, Alone beside the window the duinty square, Addressed as is the eye deluding care ; She smiled to think how effort of her hand When, of course, the by him and for she observed custom, with an useles was this sweet ineclosure was her planned With thrilling still removed - the Observing how makes one feel ; Then she spread the her head spun like a top It was only an announcement swell new butcher shop. reluctant seal ecstutic she at last such a moment page before her and from Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed cure any case of itching, bleeding or protruding piles 14 days or money refunded. blind, in6 to 50c. Anyway, the ventilation of an air castle is perfect. All men are born helpless, outgrow it. and some'! ! Novel Eapimant ini English Vil- manner "nrchg and yp Od BONUSES FOR BABIES WILL BE PAID BY ALDER [E232 MAN OF HALIFAX, lage 'For Preservation of Infant Life London, Match 6.--Seated before 2 table on which stood a teacupful - bright new sovereigns, Ald. William Wallace, of Halifax, a gray-haired, be- nevolent-looking geatletian, for an hour, yesterday, in the town museum in re- deeming promis- sory notes. The latter were nearly a fpot square, and Pere curious locuments. The printed matter contained in them referred to : the feeding and infants, but at the foot signature of the alderman was the following undertaking : "Twelve months after date 1 pro- mise to pay to the parents or guardi- ans of the above-named child the sum rearing of over the § POETICAL SEL SELECTIONS. Self Help oi Halt Tia he Rbeelar, W dicox in Ma March Mavtilus, t t dismayed a we oy come true. ore is store Is he who begs ay "heaters door Until with Dad, so mind He seeks, himself, Then yy to find. mp ---- - A'Gentleman. By Margaret E Sangster. 1 knéw him for a By signs that never fail; His cont was rough and rather worn, His cheeks were thin and pale-- A lad who had his way to make, With little time for play-- 1 knew him for a gentleman By certain signs to-day. He met his mother on the street: Off came his little cap. My door was shut; he waited there Until { heard his raf. He took the bundle from my hand, And when 1 dropped my pen He sprang to pick it up for me, This gentleman of ten. He does not push and crowd along ; of £1 on production. of proof that the wid child has reached the age of | twelve months," The history of these remarkable honds is an echo of Ald. Wallace's year of office as mayor. In the hope of reducing infantile mortality in the borough, he promised to give £1 to' the parents of the first 100 children | whose births were registered in 1908 | and were alive at the end of twelve months. Yesterday was the day fixed for redemption of the éx-mayor's prog Ninety-one of the 100 children alive, and eighty-one of them were publicly exhibited yesterday by proud mothers. Not a few of the babies were able to toddle past the alderman un- aided chubby-faced little hoy evidently the ex-mayor's fancy, for. he had him placed on the table be- fore him and handed the child the soy- direct. But for a mother's vigi- the infant would have immedi- put the glittering coin into his the mise are Une took ereign lance ately month, Made The Judge's Head Ache. London, Tit- -Bis. Sir Gorell some been the Barnes, who has remarks lately on in which the oath should be the jndge who onee com- plained about the scent used by ladies who came before him in the divorce court. He was suffering from a head- said to hig hostess one day that it was caused by scent. 'Scent |' she oxclaimed. "What do you mean?' "The ladics the divorce court Jove perfumes," he replied. "It has beon a hot and trying day, for each the witnesses, who are placed in the box quite close tothe judge, has come into court and waived a dainty hand- | korchief saturated with seent. I have inhaled patchouli, white rose, helio-! trope and hall a dozon other perfumes breakfast, and, unfortunately, the more emotional ladies become the more thoy wave these pretty pieces of sonted cambrie and. apply them to {haar making take, is of sinee eves, SMART MOTORING OUTFIT N= : = In L | Creeping down | grass, { The brééze a tender message bears {| Freed from all sorrow, MOULIN ROUGE CO The more English and mannish th dashing. This particular model of bloc flaps, and wide collar caught under a With this swagger wrap is shown ment of the veil around the brim is s on every ars gtbox. 35¢ that tiebeneath the chin will be appre stifi breeze, WORN BEY MIS5> MADDEN OF 'QUEEN OF THE PHOTO BY JORL PARR. e top coat is this year, the more k check English tweed is an example of fine tailoring. The slanting side seams, pateh pockets buttoned under the button are all new an auto trikingly features. hat by Gage. The arrange- practical, and the strings ciated by the woman who rides in a His voice is gently pitched ; He does not fling his books about As il he were bewitched. ' He stands aside to let you pass ; He always shuts the door; He rups on errands willingly To forge and mill and store. | He thinks of vou before himself ; He serves you if he can; For, in whatever company, The manners make the man. At ten or forty 'tis the same, The manner tells the tale; And IT discern the gentléman By signs that pever fail. The Tramp Cat. Poor little beggdr cat, hollowed-eye ant aunt, "the like a ghost of Want, Kicked and beaten by thoughtless boys, bent on cruel play, What a sorry life you night or day, Hunting after crusts and crumbs, gnaw: ing meatless bones. Trembling at a human « bricks and stones, Shrinking at an outstretched hand know- ing only blows, Wretched little beggar suffer foes. Stealing to, an open door, craving food and heat, Frightened off at angry gries and hroom- ed into the street; Tortured, teased and hited by boys, through the lonely night, Homeless little beggar cat, sorrow it your plight. Sleeping anywhere you can, and snow. Waking in the edld gray dawn, wonder ing where to go, Dying--in thé street at death. at that ; Picked up by the "tramp eat.' alley-way lead, whether step, fearing cat, born to in the rain last, starved to scavenger--poor The Sunset Hour. By Madge F. Darling The evening shades creep softly o'er the the flowers, The swallows rapturous, twitter as they pass In their glad flight, Of sunset hour. at close The sunset dyes in crimsom all the west- ern sky. While hore and there a little star peeps, shy, 1 Nestling contented in it's bed of blue, And looks in wonder at thé glorious hues Of sunset hour. "Tis at this hour fond memories come and go loved omes that to know, The merry voice, the Buoyant The happy eyes, full of of SE once were wont tep, Jove's tender low. Now in love's tender memoriés ever kept, At sunset hour. Ah, when shall we pur loved ones meet again, from all strife and pain And o'er the shining river clasp again Those forms, that we so fondly used to strain To our glad hearts, At sunset hour. My Mother, Though others may have failed to see A line of -beauty there, To me my mother's patient face Was wonderfully fair, Those earnest eyes were wells of love From which my soul drank deep, And sweet and soothing is the voice 1 still hear in my sloep. My heart would hreak, did I not hope That in «4 little while, In God's éternal IHome of Love, I'll see my mother's smile. My heart would break, did 1 not feel That she is near me still, | Assisting mre to humbly bow To God's most holy will. Assisting me to bravely bear The sorrow and the glooin In union with the Master's grief At Lazarus' holy tomb, Ah! she would sacrifice her life To shield my heart from pain, And now her fond protecting love With me must still rewain. God grant in thought, in word, or deed, 1 never thay depart From precepts that she first Into my_wavward heart. In life, ald not bear to see Griel's impress om ber brow, Then may no thoughtless act of mine Bring sorrow to her now. instilled My mother, you will pray for me, And pray for those whose grief Is heavier tnan mine to bear, Obtain for us reliel. My father, sisters, brothers, all-- Pray for us, mother mine ! Wuateh over us, until with you We rest in Love Divine. 'Hast Thou A Mother ?" Hast thou a mother, loving, kind ? Give thanks t6 God and be contented; For not t& all on this sad earth Is this most precious boon extended. Hast thou a mother, With tender care, O guard her ever ; That she may lay her aching head To rest when worn with age and sorrow. For thes, from childhoods earliest hour, In sleepless care her life bas pas: At eve she watched thine eye-lids close At = with, kisses sweet awaked Throw beside {hy couch, When 2 Tho' weary nights young lifé was burning dimly hope from ev'ry other heart had fl flor faith, her hope, she cherished. With loving words, with counsel kind, Thy wand'ring feet she gentl With folded hands, beside her Into She taught thy lips their prayer She tuned thy heart to heavenly love, Thy, youth from dark temptation ward ed ng . To lief alone thy thanks are due If thon in virtue's path art walking. But should she rést beneath the sod, Front loving hearts fof now she's part: Forget not thou her early grave To crown with summer's flowers. A mother's grave, a holy grave, To thee a holy place forever, O hither come to this loved spot, When weary, worn with life's sweetest rode téppest., loving, kad? Sink 200 Regular Briar AT THE HOUSE The best. In bulk, H0c' perlb. © ESTABLISHED. 40 Years. TO SMOKERS! "570 50c. Briar Root Pipes. s ecial. 25¢. Rot 30, for 10c. 'And all Repairs for Sick Pipes and Squeaky > Instruments OF PERFECTION Everything reduced from 10 to 15%. This will be a splendid opportunity to save money 230 Princess St Phone 877. " Ganong' % Chocolates Any flavor. One-half pound Fancy Boxes, 25e. One pound Fancy Boxes, 50c. Ad. REES, 166 Princess St 799099992 VVTULRIVVLRVVLLE BOS nam. TORONTO smomimammm A High-Class Residential and Day School for Girls under the management of Groner DISRAON, oA {ormerl erly 1 rin Toronto ae Sn, Sannin Groree DICKSON. Mina 3. E. MACDONALD, B.A., Prine pal, jarie Staff o ual of Dantion ok Abe Matriculation with Nighest ol i Music, Art, Do Physical Baucatt biestio Science and Write 'for Booklet to the & Margarets Corlere, Toromo, " 5. No Matter GOOD SALARIES | Go Only to the Well Trained Our High-Grade Courses never Jail to bring suce to our gradu 4 4 pin vide A iy Classes, FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergy street, 'Phone, 680. N. BTOCEDALE, Kingston. T. "Principal. Whether your vash be gold or silver or paper, it's all good here. We give you real estate which is valuable in return for your cash which is gtanda The real estate will increase in value more rapidly than the cash, That's why you ought to invest at once, D.A.Cays 57 Brock St. VARsssdasAtsaa Ly, pout' Grade Material and Increase Your Efficiency = Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Oanada's Leading "Business School Day and Evening Classes. Shorthand, Ty TOs Book. Telography. Special in- for braaches, keeping dividual instruction CALFE, Principal. Skilled Labor Combined Givethe Best Results We Posiively Guarantee All Our Work Tumbul Electrical Mg. Co. "Phone, 873. 278 Bagot St. Now Order superior quality, moment's notice. Price's, You Have Tried Others, PRICE'S ICE CREAM: A rich, dainty dessert of a very that may be ordéred in brick or bulk, at a ' 288 Princess St. | cecte Phone 845. James Campbell, TAILOR, 109 BROCK STREET. Ladies' and Gentlemen's garments red. modern oods called cleaned, pressed and repai ethods., Prices moderate ie and delivered. OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO Smoking g and _Oowing at at forty doe bay ipa ave cents, andrew Scions 27 BROCK ST. ste., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday Wm. Murray Auctioneer' Je Carriages, Cutters, Harness M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop HB EB . 836 King Street Next door to Wade's Drug guaranties superior We full; ly 5° po ye artistic work DES AD GENTS TALORIG J. B. Ouellette, |. TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brick & Tile Oo, Wash- PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessee dh Pl tion reasonable rates. of thon 'at Easecua sommission. tended to, &t Rooms, 88 Brock St., Kingston. J. BE. JONES. Auctionear Auction Sales Rooms ALL KINDS OF SECONDHAND goods bought and sold, or goods sold on Auction Sales promptly at- the City. Auction Sales ANGROVE'S FOUNDRY Brass and Iron Casting ns Bize or. Weights Place d'Armes