Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Mar 1909, p. 13

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-- PAGE FOURTEEN a -- FOR WOMEN WHO k: 0 ARE DISCOURAGED] --=-- Din DN Pur Ts En How Tong wonld it take you . tg Because of Lingering Weakness and | ] ) 4 Lo wi &f ke a pair of. boots do you 'think Nervous Dearangements There | Es voted at A EN 7 3 it f= i You probably had better uot begin it, p | 5 ra £ : p espeainlly of you need {hem soon. Even is New Hope an ure. v = Pree Ts CE , ! a cobbler in the old days, working: i § p ! A 7 i y ) with his assistant, would spend a day The Letter Quoted Voices the Ex- 0 ind k 4 EL, a i and a hall making a pair of boots. perience of Thousgnds of Wo- : ER " tt : 8 » LCi And the cost wonld be about £1. But men Who Have Found Health | now, of course, shoes are made hy ma- and Joy in the Use of Dr. | , i J - R2 . ar "3 ' a % 4 4 chinery, and Xt is astonishing to hear Chase's Nerve Food | Wc, - Ny : oe aR g how quiskly they are made, It ald se's Ne . | AI . 8 LR ; 5 inst four minutes to make a pair. The Christian Scientists are undoub- | . A, . Ss > Lp : ie boots! And the labor cost is HY -- tedly right. To some extent. The 4 \ A 4 ¢ : / LB thirty-five cents. Of courfe' no one mind does influence the body, both in & : ; ) 1 ) Cutis iid a | makes the whold boo? nowadays. There health and disease, and if you give " i: x 4 are a hundred different men making up hope, "leave off treatment and fall : differcht parts of it. And cach onc into discouragement and despondency |G ] Xx f os ¥ oR y | does the same thing over and over there is little reason' to. expect that 1 EE , he il again, and each man learns to do his good health will foree itsell © upon 3 Ll hor 2 Fenda Ra i RE particular work especially well" and you. 5 i a / % ke quickly. And you should see the bui- You must do your part if you are } A J 2 4 g x g tons sewed on | A boy takes the part going to get strong and well You <? i } . iH of the shoe where the buttons ase to must make up: your mind and then bat i % . : il go and fits it into a machine, throws select rational treatment, x J pb i in a handful of buttons' quite careless: If your system is weak and run ' 5 Phy # Bs» Y . : ly. turns the machine, and in no time ~ down, your blood thin and watery he A f TH NY oui comes the piece of leathor with all and your nervous system exhausted \ on ' i | FEE s \ vy or j the buttons exactly in the right place. choose a treatment such as Dr : & Ny i TR $ I : x No wonder some factories {turn out Chase's Nerve Food, which has never | co : ion - HAT 10,000 pairs of shoes in a day! been equalled as on means of building | 4 : " . up health, strength and vigor. { That Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is | sab of 5 RE h particularly successful in the cure oh ' BLL it Tix { An ailments and derangements from | ; 4 ¥ which women suffer most is attested by such letters as the following from | Mrs, D. D. Burger, Heather Brac, Alta., which refers Lo her niece. She | writes : "Mrs. Armstrong had great weak ness, heart trouble and indigestion. In | cine contains no opiate or harmful fact she was run down in every way | 3 : : ; drug. Mrs, George Mclean, Spring and had lost all hope of ever getting § ag ta : : field, N.8., say=: "I have used Baby's well again. She had been nt pool THE PIRIT BHOTOGRAITT OF Dig : FEL tee AS pa! . . L Own Tablets and know them to be a health for over four years after the (IN yy A, YGNEZT", BR a ok . a» i " cure for all the minor ills: of ehild- birth of her first child The per TE TRAN IIDIOAL R DEIVEN g . -- ® ga i 3 i hood. 1 recommend them to all moth- gistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food | ' TER n h ers." Sold by medicine dealers or by has proved of mervellous benefit # | : . = ae ' 1% y | mail at 25¢. a box from the Dr.~ Wil Jo hs focls real well now, ix | Rufifies, N- Sv Fd. 2T~Sines. the . BRINE : Re ais" Medicine Co. Brovkville, Ont, locking fine and fleshing up so that TCO er i of in | yo Dart, ri y ' Ls SORA po ------------------ one would hardly believe her th | Met arly. a eg © ht n Eon tin j ; 5 , b : Appreciation Of Conscience. same pEson., . | eal engineer, all. Nova Scotia is in Ee ; > : i ahs ey ih ; Washington Post. . boxe eX Nerve ao, 0 a | ferosted in flying mac hines. The test | a 4 ; +} The comptroller of the treasur y is ws. or Bdmanson FHA & Co © acrodrome ma hine was mad 8 an % an autocrat whose decision over rides TOLD. ' gd { Alexand vr Grabam Bell's Nova e Some ' even that of the chief magistrate of otin home, Beinn Breagh, near Bad ¥ > § " 2 | the nation. Some years ago the then and, after cirehuy for a distange a " incumbent of the office ref Se] to Hm miles and a hall, at an elevh a warrant for. money which Genera forty to fifty feet, "the-atro THE FILVER DAR: DART IN Ro onT, VER LAKE BRAS >' ar, Grant thought it proper to expend. BADOECH, N-3' "Phat is right," the president said: sociation. Fach of the five members | Phat 1S Be Be ey or ma y June Bug and Signet, the ma built a Hying machine after his own admirs you : EY one L Four | chines built for" Br. Pell, the Aerial plane. The first'. flight was: made. hy | S005seE to je toorodd, You may eon- just , : 5 & A BY Ss of s affe 0 who is "just twenty | Experiment Association' has been | the hip Signet, ; site-like affair der yourself clear in this affair, for » of the two engineers 1 hicl h ny built by Dr. Boll, The wid I shail appoint a new comptroller to- 1 : McCurdy, G. H. Cw peller of this machine snapped pee tonsciencs js. concerned, never permit i, maker of motors, and two other | the powerful: engines were transferred ngneers are the incorporators of the ' to the Silver Dar, océasional dose of gentle laxa- tive such as Baby's Own Kabiets will clear the stomach and bowels of all offending matter, and will keep little ones well and happy. For this reason the Tablets should be kept in every home. Mothers have the guarantee of a government analyst that this medi- inded on the ice of Baddeck | with the Silver Dart, Red Wine. White wily and as gracefully as a] Wine, | formed. Bell in the construe br. Bell. M: xperimental fying ma 4 morrow." a result of the experiment The Cold Hand | -- - ---- ---- -. or - Ct SS SS EET Cold hands or feet indicate more | istic conceptions. It. was certainly no lish words. To insist upon such a re- than poor circulation, they are signs | small matter that they were able to concili 1 shows a misconeepgion of that vitality is lacking and that seri face that world and make use of many the charactor of divine revelation, and [ons conditions.ave apt to follow of its theories and vet triumph over has put a stumbling bloek in the path Thin, watery conditions of the blood | DICTIONARY SAYS GENESIS [its religious deficiencies in the inter- of many an carnest, intelligent. ¢n- | Should not he allowed to exist. There i IS NOT SCIENTIFIC est of a pure, spiritual, "ethical, and quirer after Christian truth. The ha [18 po need of them. Wade's Iron F'on- monotheistic faith. It is just such a man and temporary framowork wf the ic Pills (Laxative) are a sure cure for victory of Israel's relicion that we i | -------- E creation stofy . is so §ubordinate to all anaemic conditions. To Clear Out Lot of History Begins Chap. 12--Earlier find in Genesi and of that victory | its permanent. religious message 'that I'hev are a great nerve strengthener the Book of Genesis itself is an incon- : a on and blood maker In boke# y at he nn oa ~ : t 8 no advanee in our scientific knowledge 1 : » > Chapters. Do Not Contain testable witness. The book is every- } ao Jade's Drug Store. Money back is not ' : | weakens ow eonfidened in the oreat Wade 8 Drug ¢ Women S Fine Shoes | Literal Facts, But Are Mytho-| where instinct with this vital faith ¢lemental truth : . ob! satisfactory. e ; a concerning God, man, logical--The Flood. Whether the writers are dealing with [and the universe. which arc so simply Z Women's Boots that were 3.00. Th view of the intense interest that the ancient Babylonian cosmogony | and so inimitubly told in. Chis fitting Without A Death In 1908. and $3.50, for $2.25. has Leon stitreil up by. the: lectare=di fhe in chapter 1), or with, the old prelude to the story bf redempiion." | London Standard. . Women' s Boots that were $2. 00 | Rov Georwe Jaukson.. on. *Cenesid? egend of Jacob wrestling with the Prof. J. H. Kelso, Ph.D; D.D., of Higham-on-the-Hill, a South Feices and $2.50, for $1.75. wngel {the original significance of { Ww { ps | it i interestin to note the: test estern Theological Seminary, tershire village with abot 600 huhu pairs of Children's Boots. [word on 'Genesis,' as. published in in 0 any, Pa. writing on the Flood, [tants, is a smgularly healthy. locality, sized 6 to 10}, rang ing in price uy | the new 8 lard Dictionary. ol the ime earnest: religions feeling and | in part: **li the narcative is [not onc doath having occurred there in to $1.50, Any pair for $1.00. Bible, of : re RA pal | pose that are manifested. It is approached from the standpoint of | 1908. The. parish churchyard is re sident : . | strict grammatical and historical exe- | markable for the number of octogenar JH. Jennings, King St ! | conen a [JA N-Cardv. ol Ta rael s religion, the post-Mosaic religion | | tsps which must remain unknown), it is the } f Israel, that we find in Genesis Oy ( ' at © ( tors « : : + . 1 ronto Univ l are joint editors, to- | i¢ is in what Genesis tolls us, and seeks gether with thirty-seven other Biblical themselves do not teach a universal [ono family. cholar i thi i ie 1 deluge in the modern sense of the ia arty or us religion in the ancient work term Not , 3 3 § L . anly would. the laws : : . a that we are to find its highest value | p.q pe : Py $ Oli Beautiful Hair Makes the Plainest {the press, and it has been edited With! 4 mav discern. i re Ly hydrostaties be violated in the aeccu- 1 . ; 2 a av discern its inspiration y : . . ie ; ew {a view to preserving the great funda- bl nspi 0 mulation of such a great mass © of Face Ieresista bly tragtive. mentals of the Christian faith l'o 7 ie water, but the climate of the globe Any woman can have Reautiful and {quate the Words of the editors he Creation Story. would have been changed, making it | luxuriant hair by using Parieifi Sage ul ngsten I'he critical position to which such In an ariicie on "Losmogony Re impossible for animals {0 exist, even | the great hair tonic and du wdruff cure, } » Hove TY al 1 "ne * 3p . : v fav ot Hes ir v dictionary is necessarily committed L. G. Leary, of Huguenot Memorial the ark. To this should be added Parisian Sage is the favorite hair to teach of the character and progress This directory ig ju a month from | {must be one oi acceptance of the prov church. New York : "The conceptions | the practical diffic ulty of bringing ani- | tonic of refined people, and: singe its La im 5 led facts of modern sc holarship, of of Genesis 1 and 2 arc not exactly | mals from distant land: and islands | introduction it has met with wonder- F P penmindedness towards its still de- | WO ot modern astronomy. geology, | to the valley of the Euphrates, and | ful success. : es. bated problems, and of conservatism |©F paleontology Fhe most "obvi us | housing all known species in a vesscl If you want beautiful lustrous hair Will Revolutionize Electric of the fundamental truths of the Chris. | distepancies are as follows : There is | th size of the ark. Nevertheless, the | that will be the envy of your friends, . :. tianity proclaimed and established in|!'0. Teason lor supposing that the ahia deluge might have covered | 20 to the drug store of Gn W. Ma- Lighting, the mission of Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word: 'vom' in Genesis 1 is va' occupied by man. A flood | hood dnd get a bottle of Parisian tituency to which the dictionary ap-] uscd In any but its ordinary sense of | universal in this re pect is all that | sage to-day, and use it for a week. a |peals is not to be helped by an apolo- | 2 day of twenty hours, but evea | literal exegesis of the Biblical narra- If at the end of a week you are not i 1] 1c i in [€e. e [ gota method that ignores what if the writer .u this word figura- . tj } { satisfied that "ISLE Sage is the con 3 3 s a \ N tive demands. But the story of such . : Parisian ge i h revérent critical scholarship has ively. the periods there mentioned la» flood can neither be verified nor | M0st delightiul and "refreshing hair brought to light. regarding the Book |¢uld not possibly bh ntified with | proved historically tonic you ever used, take it back 'and J Vv, and consequently t . We can wire of the Christian religion; nor is it to |" E gical age Fhe sun and | its valie must lie Foi. your money, Boles nd | in: the moral and | Patis; < ; cititond to. ou i v e ¥ 5 on \ : Ir ' ai to have yor « Eis is . arisie Sage is guar: "( are whenbyou' Hoe eo' econoniy and 'comfort | V° served by a radical spirit Oo. en HH 1 said ) ha been reated { spiritual lessons iL 1s designed to le q : ian 1 ot re hy a me of jt. imored of novelty, and opposed to r the cavth. According to Genesis { {eavt dandruff, an op falling hair. . | Fy Hed pLON i 1 ae . : . r sole cKO 5 wt : ¢ ; . . | tendition. that it: would sdek to: os I thore is light and event aml. morn "Nir John: Prestwich and Prof. G. : » bs only 3 Je. a bottle at i. WoMa ay oer a. 18. 8 Plan . ood's . y oi hareoes oo. Newman & ve Electric Co | tablish a new religion onfthe ruins of | #'% before there is a sun. Plant life | pb, Wrjirkt have miathtained that the | 100 : op by expe : « ho ges pre *> lthe historical facts of Christianity.' | precedes sunlight. Birds precede all | Noahian flood was a geological dilu- paid from Giroux Mig. Co., Fort Erie, Phone, 441. 79 D Prime ss St.| In this : Ont. it is clear that the seripturcs |lans buried there, incliding seven of | se------ respect, the new dictionary land animal . and vegetation is com- fsion, due to the sudden submergence -- [may be said to be much more ortho-|viete in its highest forms before anv f the earth's sueffee. Prof. Wright Sa ldox in its views than other recent animal life appears. Attempts to re- | states his thesis with extreme caution. : publications, which are declarbd to hé | fone thes staiemoent with the | that 'since man came into the world Worth iI0c? {tainted with higher criticism. The |tachings of modern science have been | there may have been changes of land That's what it costs to get|Viewpoint on Genesis js substantially | M4 ked cither by a dogmatic denial of Hlevid of Ti deli Butter-Sproaders. Wo ha yor vou. "Hier are Wm. Rogers & this set ina jewelry story That leans toward a New Spring Suit or Over- coat, the garments are here to clinch it. Our display has no rivals in this city. The styles and patterns are entirely away from the ready- made idea, and can only be had at first-class merchant tailor shops, by paying dguble our prices. Come in and try om one of our New Spring Suits and get our prices. You will surely be surprised. Itis only a pleasure for us to show you through our New Spring Stock We know if you wear one of our Suits or Over- coats this season, that you will give the mer- chant tailor the go-by hereafter, They are sure to please. New Spring Hats and Caps, all the late shapes. New Spring Neckwear New Spring Hosiery New Spring Shirts, etc., just arrived. Roney & Co. 127 Princess Street, Kingston. The Store That Séts the Pace. RS aE. C-- \ Sugars of this well-known Brand are put up in pack- ages of a size convenient for family use. Extra Granulated Bags 20 lbs. Paris Lumps © Boxes, about 5 Ibs. Equal to, if not better, than anything produced. Ask your grocer for them and refuse substitutes. Manufactured by The Canada Sugar Reining Co., Lid, MONTREAL. A \ 3 sufligient exvent and rapidity a--week's treatment--of CAS. | that outlined by Rev:€Alv. Jackson in | scientific truths or Dv a distoruon of |i destroy the human rao. and fairly Rheumatism eans Kidney ou CARETS. They do pid his (lecture: The drticle' i , | thie plain meaning of Hebrew and Eng more for you |S ieciure is written by | to mect the demands of the Biblical than any medicine on Earth. |!'r0 i. Nourse, D.D., of Hartford TATE 2 A | narrative when properly Sickness generally shows and| Pheological- Seminary, one of the three starts first in the Bowels and |Main editors. It reads: Rheumatism Liver ; ills. It's so easy to try--why not | No Longer Open, Question, start to-night and have help in| "I, thie light of modern science and | A very bad case that was cured | the morning ? ! ent archeological discovery, the hi adaptations of . the Biblical story, kidneys are strained by hard work, torical value of Genesis, chapters 110] DY persevering with an which has bean 7 scaltrod worldwide uric acid stays in the blood, is CASCARETS 10¢ t anbol go to chapter one for owr cos Hea world; Million boxes a month. | mogony or our peole We cantiot he EYES » to chapters 2 and 33 for the literal Were it not that | had great pa re of "the oriuin of man or of ovit | tenee and perseverenee;" writes Fritz "What's, become iv ye'er frind Jack | Neither can we go to the 4th chapter, Keli, wellknown in London, "71 Binns ? . asked Mr. Dooley {1Tth verse; and following verses, for | Would still bé racked hy chromic rhe ws de "Who # said Mr. Henn act knowledge of "the origin of carly | matism, which was my unbappy lot I "Oho !'" said Mr. Dooley, 3 ivilization not does the story of | three years. gotten him already, have ye' { Babel really account for the origin of | "1 didn't have acule, rheumaiic fever | U8 only a week or two ago that ye he diverse languag: We must mdge 8s so many have--with, me thé pain j were. 1h. hore quarrlin with me be- ithe material or wmal elements of all | and stifine came on gradually. When | cause ! wiardden't set thim up ['r th these narratives precisely as we do the | Kept quiel, as on Suaday, | was free ! hos in his honor. ery radu matter found in abun- from pain, --boat being a working man ell, there's on'v - wan thing that dance al ove he ancient world. The I had to move about and the pain was wud make me allow mesili to op 3 hat different with chap- simply awful, thoug aller an hour's {Tere lo th' American people, an tdht 12 to 50. Here, town large extent. resting it would sul . is it don't last long. A few columns | dealing wit! traditions. IF vot the ides my seni] ( in ta news spaper; a speech in con- ling for the most: part, 'aboit Hlaces in. although the pain HY ois gress, assault an' batthry. be a mob in New stock just arrived. {ho hind a bi d Ie bed i rin avatit "tok oF _- . cod bh sthreet, a flatthrin' offer ir'm al KINGSTON GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS | and about BS COR cil 4 wy foo "Mh g ; ¥ - , | dime muscem, an' i sink back | eit to he 3 thr : 'Ferrozom into th' discard thin yo Sun i s and Clergy Sts. ta tual forefathe » nation. 8 (was a wouderiul mic and I he 1 tiscard an' are not mintioned agam 'onless ye get. into jail, whin ve Lave a more extinded potice thin! ve'er crime entitle 3 ye to. M:. Dooley On Heroism. | Ix MEN AND WOMEN, Iborated or embellishec Use Big @ for unvatural | of {re a mission ne tis exceedin oti Here st « i or discharges, infiammationa, | i on, and 18 reXeeec ry pein wy « Oy Leva as Hogan says, why shud th' irritations or uicerations | diffi At to determine what is t bh de know it Ferrozong spirit. iv mort al } PT Fe { of mucous membranes, | .,nsidered the historical keine \ while wo rkin ¢ he root |} haha proud any's th' Painless, and not astrine t tht Tater elabors Te 's * 4 i + ) +] ero I've known in me day--gin'rals, re gent or poisonous. A it later elaboration That « isease. 1 Kept ri With | admirals, polishmen, firemen, prize- Sold by Draggista, |oreat part of the substratum of et ne and in three moat was |} 6 : men, . 1 oF spmt in plain wrapper, fitior 1 Genesi N 1 . TE rE gt en 8s | fighters, pedesthrgens, bicyvele riders | Tress Rrtbald os | ditions in enesis 1s historical | > Phere is no mor ti » 10 | actors, authors, conkerers iv thirty | ol RE seems to be a reasonable position and 'T am as limber forty | quails in thirty aay an" whig hr . roti [t ; rail ays, an © are question. of the religious val yea 0 they now i ' Cire " Pr | g {yea t ' ask ye? Down Th th ¢ Genesis 18, In great measure is rv kind of rheaunatism, sciatic coal cellar Ia : Shipping Tags. [tinct from that of its historical val oy blood. disorder. 1s Jour riotar iv thy, Hall jv Fame' with a . + 3 « at « $ historical value pain ard hlood disorder is | th' rist iv us polthroons." Of all sizes at lowest price 10 { THe Hebrews belonged to a world full { quickly cured by Forrow Satisfac ps British Whi, "The Home of Go a fof all kinds of mythological legends. | tion snacanteed. Printing.' : 7 in the course all, only change ¢ "ter ap raditions might easily be greath « van too use it. At T didn't help 1 od 1 er le to tell where an ot aly w " £ : derl oman will put, things, Hie. per box, or ix It is impossible wd of all grades and varieties of the | boxes for $2.50, at all denlers. interpreted.' If you are subject to Rheumatism, don't rely on 'blood purifiers" to help | "It is now known that flood legends you, because they can't. Liniments and plasters won't do any J crmanent | oxist all over the world. The theory good, zither, because the kidneys are responsible for RE=umatism, ani ; CASCARETS cur | m-- | that these are reminiscences of § cure the sick kidneys with Gin Pills to get rid of the pain. cure these | i universal dolhwe Js nin Ee tiorhily dis Urie acid is a poison formed in the blood. Healthy kidneys filter urie acid l carded Many. arc, modifications 'and from the blood and pass it out of the systemi by way of the bladder. If the you must or weakened from other cased, then this carried to the mefves, muscles and joints . | missionaries. and otiors are due t (especially hands, shoulders, knees and feet) and inflames the nerves. "This a week's treatment, rg 1. is no longer an open question. Wi old time remedy. | cial lic] Lc ot ye rra nhe gg tor brings on Ruoumation, Sciatica, I'ain in"the Back, Neuralgia and Chromic, gists i st se ! Cli ot 4 | | Provincial Asylum, Orilla, June Sth. "Permit me to thank you for the sample of Gin Pills which led me to purchase two boxes which had the most beneficial resufis. They ate the best reinedy for Uric Acid Trouble that 1 ever tried. Before trying your Gis Pills I'bad undergone a long and expensive course of treatment uw a company of eminent specialists in Chicago. They did me uo good, it seemed: ; throwing money away. I stilt keep & box of your Pills on hand and take one occasionally, Tam pleased to recommend them and bear testimony to their efficacy." % P. EITZGERALD. You can see for yourself that the only way to cure Rhetimatism is to take Gin Pills because they cure the Kidneys. Gin Pills cost you mwothing unléss they cure you. "Take them according to directions, and if they fail to ip you, simply return the empty boxes to the dealer ma get your money. We will take your werd for it. Mote than that, if you will mention this paper, we will send vou a sample box of Gia Pills, free of charge, so yout may test them at our expense. Gin Pills are sold by all druggists and medicine dealers at gd, : a box--6 for $a:50 or hou teveipt of price,

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