Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Mar 1909, p. 10

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URS IND INE EPA LB a ve yr THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1909 --- > Gregg last Tall. Rev, "Charles Good- | locating her hi " 4 : Ey FE \ W 8 Soot 3 z hei p. The other members | there, has returned to his old home, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS rich, Odessa, holds quarterly meeting | of the family being ot a distance at]and is going to remain here this year, in the Free Methodist church here on | work it was some time before help ar-lto work the old family homestead. . the 5th, 6th , a Charles ; Bebed | wiv : doh k : " 4 Bgl P ¥ t a 2B : s WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND: | 1c. "4th gd Jb Charlo bud wired to ring lor in bid the oe | Hr toe Nori Wes, to nttntlto eS ON ros calle ENTS T us. rheumatism. Phe' "musicipal council] doctors She is' somewhat a ia to or the North-West, to ated to his words, there isn't a gamblin > chance met at the Busy Corner, én the 27th| av M B E Ae Ser 14 and his brother's interests. iss An- "in the lot of them. "A w to the \ : Mag (ner, on 1 day. Mrs. E. Hughes is at home { nie John, who spent a month or «so vise," ete. The Tidi Smt i ult, at which = William Sallans was to a few' of her friends this evening Sas » Sf p wise, |e! The Tidings From Various Points lu 0inted assessor at a salary of | Ge Ars hee | 4: 5 this evening. visiting her sister, lda, in Napapee, a i jo-- $25 faa George Barr took a buiness trip tolhas arrived home. Henry Cramshaw ; i i - ~ Eastern Ontario--What | $23. Ie Verona to-day, also one to Fourteen|and Mrs. Etta astindale: aud her lit: Unromantic Wedding Preliminaries ae long imp n samplle tue F eople Are Doing And What Island Lake 'vesterday. = Visitors :| {le daushter, of Windigate, Manitob: --Another Wall Street Break of b 3 : They Are Saying. 2 Lyndhurst Locals. Miss Annie Watson, at Parham, with], aug od . or = IT asd J but: the estimates for IWS are how - EE Lyndhurst, March 2.--Mrs. James|iriends; W. Sigsworth and sister, Miss the gs ii? Ro Eo --ah the Customary Hind-Hew Loi} sa hon. Shas the popuiition 's : 3 Roddrick passed to rest at her home Sigswort 3 shes': oir grancialagry. SMe anshaw, York's Mi Way a Troubl but a t under four and a quarter Point Road Pointers. : 3 worth, at BE. Hughes'; Mrs.|an their great-grandmother; M y roublous § illions, more than four thousand ba- Point Round, March 4.--The people here after a prolonged illness and at |G. Hughes, at KE. Whitty's; Mr. and} phoebe a, ve left for. their One: y ies v the i . this "vicinity i aan advanced age, on Monday the lst| Mrs. E. Huglies, at Petworth; , Mrs. s nw, 3 ; ir : : were born than the previous year, jn. this 'vitinity gfe busi y engaged | of March. Her husband is post-mas- [M. Kerr t LK. "Hughes: Mr } homes in the North-West, and as Mrs.| New York, March 6.--It ie not im- the total number Sxeceding. oie Huis in hls "i houses. 1 i. i ter here. Seven children EVI Mrs. 0. Be Kort and Mr Skinner Emma Henderson and son, Henry, |probablo that in a short time "We've dred and twenty thousan 'tit e r Cing © y i ? Ears, «A ar. «© 8 a a: . . . s 2 ' ! 4 Wreniing Nn le puting sit, Lith Mrs. IF. Taber, of Morton; Mrs. N.| Petworth, spent an evening at F from bsistol, Que, wh ahve same | Some Fine New Crooks in Town" will make your foi che ?--and the deuth: prot So Jo he. spare; tg Ms 3 avis, L. Felps, of Deltas Mrs, B. Towers, of | Hughes' recently; "Mrs. J. Ellerbeck, ime a so visit their + father and be the popular song of the police, in|' Sepeh almost incredil y, al V. Fowler has B med home. * Dr w | Smiths Fall: Jennie, at home; |of Sydenh&m, visiting her daughter, grandfather, also have returned home, | big cities other 'than New York, for though the greatest proportionate: T. Berrelt ane ne el hoe > on John, James and Anna, in the North- Mrs. W. Mellroy: Messrs, E. and B The house that for the biggest part of | Gen. Bingham, the head of 'our police ortgtity Nad " he barotlia. where . PH » ) r x 4 EE: » ' . » g . » v & pe " fy rp 5 Fe the old country. He reports' havin West. 'The remap will be placed- in | Barr, Burridge, at George Barr's on Ti. winter sheltered five gefibtytions, | department; has got she: big:aporet ser : ¥ og gerd ir nd the oid souniey: vi rope o huving the vault to-day ®TA. F. Pearcy, of |Saturday might, on their way from is reduced eigain to its normal number | vice fund which he has wanted these and also. the - open spaces and Lf it oe Nd ch lho win 8 the SS. Atwood, was calling on old friends Kingston; R. Morris, Perth, at E. of inlhirite: : > many months--in fact, ever since he fight and a pparently this Jeans Mauritania : 5 Hast waeh. Mrs. J. M, Somerville is| Hughes' recentsy. Julius Glaeser,' Who Tor SoMa. Lime intimated that within a mils of police a et ti Lg cred vets ' improving afree Thiet youens illness, Weis 4 ran a baskor thon in Poronte, has| headquarters there was a house where Sara inset on The Boston ged were Miss Grasse Jobnsom and Mrs. F Crows Ar given--up- his. business there; and -{ men could be hired | moss T re JG 3 . . y e Here. N open en coul r or money to com- |. a WrpEx iis Some New Arrivals. Green. ape: attending the millinery ed an establishment fu "the Thatson | mit crimes of any kind. If Shiite was | the figures, however, was the oe ruturg, March Je > iy eid a | openints 'at T6ronto. dea IR NL cor cucky Weralder of house here. William ; Kupfer, of Arn-|such a place, the detectives Knew of it, ngs > he Hartinge vale-w lalling sheese o y $ § Ee 3 iW, 4 8X) @ ror, © le ivine ioe 1 3 : » # oll ol 0! vent. a ng in Evhel Reid nt : & spring, is again heard in our midst. Ror couducied divide peal ;in_the for what they don t really know about Some ole are De this te an------ returnsa he m Woli land Miss Nel: dtems From Glendower. His advent is some days earlier than a ge 1 1 hi dl ind any Sore: ela i Siuiibals isn't worth know- hat times, but it. is well known that ¢ om pop » ARISS nel Glendower, March 4. --A. Timmer- | last so0 seni v won, and formally induéted Rev. Jing; the unfortunate thing ic that tho > i i . te x R : ¥, an =A. year. A social evening was held File : ' 4 Br a . he dl Vi m . le Jaw on is avisitings ot Bs Xe man has filled his contract 'drawing | in the Fpworth League rooms last Rela wr Bis, dew eheirge. eather sér- | eriminals know the detectives at sight he, 0 OR ings family after spending several day corduions ol pe In. Chatles: Bab- | Friday mght. The subject "Slough of} ypc, both Te iis delivered, h - 4 i Pushes . hig wry * work or lower No discourage them 138 £138 Prinosss St. LY 3 ! YS I coc 4 , j out | Desp 2 rs fscus h' cle 2 e short { any © om who are in the habit of | : - : eo ith" iriends hetd re rotur 1 cock got o he la ¢, but got out | Despond," was first discussed, then --~ Oe pa us ny. mn ; Such brides and bridegrooms as I have tes, de Jord hae returned ve safely. Avehibald fimmérman started cakes and coffee were served and some but very TMpressive and edifying ser- picking ovil-doers at the right time |. sulted on the subject say there i Kingston. Visitors: Mi ; to take tho teacher to the school- [time spent in social intercourse, J The oh . a i gv. pand place, ' has been as much marryi 'as ever I oe we Yatra house, but. just after they started they | duet "In the Land Beyond the Blue," The [Ranicipal comic] met on Sat- No, the fund was not voted to Gen. | jut the ceremonies A in: New and two 'wee pr A Whine at Frank | were upset, throwing them out against [by Messrs. Revelle and Holland, was » 'a on g ab. Yemmat ar, The auii- Bingham by the authorities. The board Toll's, and the other at Charles | & fenee. The horse fell onthe road, rendered during the offertory last Sun- ol Report was received, examined | of aldermen, who have cousiderable to] York's now wrinkle in licenses. The Quick's * hut nobody: was hurt, Tho youngest day night, and was much enjoyed by i Laconpted. William Sallans was | say in such matters, made no attempt} cost of a license dode not trouble : boy of Harvey Leeman, a former ro th, congregation. BE. Revelle and 'T. phone Rip for the a Jhuntel- 1 in that direction, or, if they did, it buny one determined to marry, but for Busy Teaming sident of this place, is dead: Mr. and Leonard spent Monday evening audit- Paty or this year, and Fathel C.|eswaped the notice of yours traly and | 4 man and his best girl to go. to: ; . Ars, C. . Bab®ook are visiting at De-|ing te hooks of the howe factory, o ae hr: dress, many others " "io had hopes. Some | gether for a RACGEENLY paper, as now sort Lake. Me. and Mrs. Géorge Tim- and Mr. Ryan has called. the annualf : 2-0 . Llaeser, at a sti members of that body are gaid to be | they must, logks too much like cold merman and liftle daughter, are visit- meeting for Thursday. The debate on ore reduced salary. The usual num- | as honest © as the ontire 'Amen Cor- Yn irinoss. NOT questions are R ashes ing at his mother's, Mr. Babeock is Tuesday evening was decided in favor i) . 3 other municipal officers required | uer"' of a church, buf they would not | that any proper man or maid need homo from Cobalt. M. Kelly is { at of statute labor, two points. Next a yeat were appointed, and con- | attempt to force a majority who de- } blush to answer, undess the lady fibs Sanford Eeemanid. 'W. +E, Taylor % | 'Tuesday the subject will be "Trains | Siderable other important municipal | test the police commissioner most cor about her age, but for her to appear have returned heir) ain Cal asses¢or in this vieimity. ve, Steamboats." J. M. Robertson, business * transacted. dially for reasons hest known to them- | before a stranger, a mere man in an wave returned to. their home in ala- | y who has spent the last three months freseritpun slves S { their ita 2% fice > k CR bogie after spending the winter «ith : ent: | 1 Hinchi ; selves and some of their constituents. | oflice, and be asked about things friontls here. Mids Lillian MacGillen Sangster' Notes, away, has returned to our village.| Fine inbrooks Coupeil It is only fair to them fo say that | that are nobody's business but _ her : Archie Goslin ds suffering from a re- Parham, Feb. 27.--Council , met; | they would hate in the same manner | own and that of the swain at her lapse. Visors: Mr. and Mrs Beward members all present. Minutes of. last | any police head who was 16 respecier | side, is too horribly unromantic fot Taylor at Josiah Taylor §; Mr. and meeting adopted. Moved, Clow-Wagar, | of persons in the criminal world, no | anything. There's nothing like 'it in Mrs. Trousdale at E. Fr ; Miss | th tors' i ; Mrs. Trousdale at io reeman's; Miss | that auditors' report as: read be adopt-| maiter what service some of them | any emotional novels that the lady 1 Stella Trousdale at: Moscow. ed--Carried. Moved, Clow-Wagar, that | might have been to any alderman or jcver read, except perhaps some I'rench wi zepors of Snretaker oi Parham Fome: to an alderman's political or business ais, and French love Jlaics, never There are many baking po ers but A ! : A J y for years 1906-7-8, showing - | friends 1 would be Sov § did seem a bit natural to the nor- . . " : s 'MK ) g bal | friends, and would be no severer io a ¥ a enham 7 a Brphy Junetown, March 3.--Miss Grace ance of $2, on hand be accepted--Car- | sneak: thief from another town than to | mal feminme mind, ° Hence the ap- There is Only One Dead Creek Doings. J. Corcoran left. for Cobalt, yester- Rappell, Athens, is spending a few vied. On motion, Clow-Wagar, $20 was an alderman's personal friend with a parent drop in the marriage rate and MAGIC BAKING POWDER ' y A ay WE abt Nad days here,. the = guest of Mrs. G. R. granted to Kingston General Hospital,| visible crooked streak in. hi the improved finances of ministers and i Dead Creek, March'3.--Rabert Eagle day. Joseph Doran visited this neigh- : Bn ( 4 ; o tal, visible crooked sireak in. him. : 1 : : ft is Pure, Wholesome and Economical. ead LU vs Marcy pr : "Bf pi reg . "| Taylor. Several from - here attended | On motion, Walker-Dwyer, 8. McCul-| Besides, detectives hav ways been | Magistrates "across the river in New has returned to Ormsby after spending borhood last week, Visitors: Mrs. E. the anniversary services, last Sunday lough was granted use of 4th conces a datestives ye R Ways oon | York S0LD IN ALL SIZES. " ad a rd 2 la: ) sary ices, last © aE ) § es- | as well-known sight as bar-kecpers Se a few days with his family here. D. Madden, Burridge; at John Murphy's; at Caintown Methodist church. Rev. | 8ion line, opposite south part of lot a5 1 : 1 de' 3 Bip = fare £ W. GILLETT CO,, LTD. J. Barker, William Loyst and George Miss M. Walsh, at Mrs. R. Corcoran s; | on 19 1 fam Lor or landlorde' collectors, so any politi : t . Bi ke ee am, LOVE. seory Miss = Maggie ? Baxzelt nd W 0'Con. F. A. Read, Athens, was a guest at| 1". 1 Aine o road crossing part of | cian knew whom to go to when any Tt is currently believed that money Toronto, Oat. Barker have gone to: Ormsby to work : Re Cob Po ake at I Youn » Thomas Franklin's, on Sunday and said lot until needed. Accounts paid: | of his followers was wanted by the | Will buy anything in New York, but a in the lumber woods. J. A. Newton | ror, ake, g oung's: | nf day last. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. | W- D. Black and Charles' Sills, audi- police, or likely to be. But, give ga | great many people are of the opinion made a business trip to Teronto, last | J. Murphy and S. O'Connor, at. _ ak fos ov OT tors, #5 each; Thomas Peters, collec: + red J i o Y a " woek, Hardy Veley had the misfor- Thomas Barrett's; M: Conway, at P. Carmel Lakins, on February 27th, a » collec | 1 lies commissioner a detective force | that it does not buy as much good . A mer ate wi Y . "leon. Misses 'H. and O. Leeder, Trovel- | tor's salary, $40. On motion, Clow- . re Iv . imscli milk as the people are entitled to and | gg tune to cut his feot. D. J. Barker has Egan %§ Hrs. ~ Ralwock, Hlendower, yan, spent Tuesday evening with Wagar, the following pathmasters, knows, personally uly 1 mei and that year after year the average qual- bought a valuable horse from C. D. at Bog ) hee a ' oC. ang. re D Mrs. G. R. Taylor. Miss Luella Herbi- poundkeepers 'and fenceviewers were ger an other politician "of + his:]itY : of the milk is. poorer. This is a ® ! : a at a abeock ee LEE, Ty Te do : . & . der p A ; $ 4 \ or BR Wagar, Enterprise. J. E. Hays wbeock, at . onnor s; con spent Friday and Saturday last | appointed : very serious matter in a town con- v ivi e rns s A stor : . rade would know where ho was at or 1 4 bought a valuable driving horse from Burns, at Westport. in Athens. Miss Edna Summers and | Pathmasters=Beat No. 1, B. Sliea; oe t he was up against; orss «till | taining more tham a quarter of a mil Ross Short last week. Levi Gaylard, pit [w: Ta Herb S 1 2, B. Peters; 3, W. Shillington; 4, A. RYN » J BAS: Wo > 1 3 bies. los . vears: old : k : A Fish se CO ti | Miss Blanche Herbison spent © aturday Mel E y bond T. he had no certainty of knowing what lion babies less - than two years ol sick _for some. time, is no better. J. ishermen's Convention. 1,,] Sunday in 'Athens. Miss Loney, McCloud; 5; 0. R. Clow; 6; E. Ber-| © C0 Goninst himself. So the de and in which nobody is allowed to OCURED A, Newton is doing a rushing business Bath, March 4.~E. N. Jory, Winni- Warburton, visited her cousin, Miss i. trim; 5 B Riles: 8, James Hill; 9, A Daa ag mn, voted officially keep his own special cow in the back PR with his saw mill. peg, was renewing old acquaintances | Herbis as ig OW James Judge; 10, R. McKenna; 11,|5" $ b Y- [" . sks vard del -- 8s son, last week. Miss Julia Wash-| (0 Hy enna; 11,00 0 Bingham had been known: s yard or has any back: yard in which a during the last few days. . E.|burne, visited her aunt, Mrs. Lover Willinm <Kinahon; 12) J. KE Camp- Bt ea, Luan ind} ie n fh w vf cow. could. be kept: on the sly. Dr. ON EASY TERMS. Chambers, our popular teller of the] : bell: 18, G. Kennedy; 14, E. Cox: 15,{'O"8 and favorably to a lot of hones ; ' ; TRADE-MARKS ano COPYRIGHTS Eagle Hill Echoes. ! 5 popular teller of the gite, Brockville, on Saturday and | pol; rE Sate | well-tordo citizens who have never Wiley, the government's chemist, who Fagle Hill. March 2.~R. Paul, N Northern' Crown. bank, here, has been | Sunday Rev. F. A. Read, Athens ¥ Hartwick; 16, J. Walker; 17, D. Bl oe litie He i Ah OLS w some of the cammed goods packers are Books and advice free. Highest references. 20 i March 2.~R. . Site 6 Tor n . ge iy Nl : * | Leslie; d rev. .1¢ ae " olities tha « 0) asf" 2 s 4 e ! rneys; a aay NB transferred to the Toronto branch. |,,q Henry Franklin, drove to Rock: | 55 lies 18," F. Davey; 19; J. . Beattie; A o gif ? I jsery is | hoping has just heen drowned in the| Jas Pel ence, We ale Teg IstorES of Coun panee, made & business trip through | The lodges sre making great prepara- | . Tuesday, t ttend mocial 2%), James Jefivev; 21, F. Haddock; 22, subscribed as a free gift, the misery is re i. Bod Ay hog hoi Fp ak pd us EL De this vicinity last week, S. Drysdale ° { port, on Tuesday, to attend a speciati a push; , Joseph. Jefirey; 24, Jo- about to begin and we may Soon hear | benzoate ol" soda qua sy .! Hartington, March 3.--The welcome Jersey, and all on aecount of New Oso Station, Maveh 2.--The fine weather of the past few days is begin ning to melt the snow and ice. Quite a few of the farmers are busy hauling ties and pickets to the railroad yet. Mr. Myers and daughter, Margaret, Westport, is visiting Mrs. Robert Sangster, March 2.--~The roads are Francis. Hughie MacLean and William | very slippery now, and a little snow Bishop have returned from Englehart. dis badly needed. Thomas Barrett Mrs. Robert Francis is visiting friends | purchased a fine colt from Frederick in Kingston. Migs' Myrtle Webster has Fitzgerald, Fish Creek. Our assessor, returned after visiting friends in Syd- | W. Taylor, Burridge, was in this vi- Junetown Jottings. H tions for the concert, on Friday even- | aati r 3 ila. Spb - : an Bo And : ili ritie 3 a 0 Mangston to spaid 8 ) ) { meeting of the W.M.S. 0. Baile spent sph Gonge:. B. G. Haddock; D.C; from {he mew inside of politics, that lecturing here on peculiarities of milk CRISWELL & CRISWELL oF Mg: ing next. A. McCpugherty's sale was! Satur and Sunday st with his] =D X , week. The sawmill is closed down for | jl patronized, on: Wednesday, a tray aie afl wi re Snider; 27, P: Fian; 28, J. Dillon; 29, something worse than a few days, owing: to' a break-down | : a : Thomas Carlin: rt Inquisition ie being set up in New of the engine. 1 Pattlor le a flving Ove rything brought a good price. Miss hore attended the funeral of Mrs. Rose oma rlin; 30, D. Delonghrey; 31, ng hd 8 Ta De han: « we engine. 1. Pettler made a flying { (ohnors, Harrowsmith, is here, tak-| Baton, Lyn. on Thursday last. It is 3 , M, Moranger; 33, J. York. Ti is being whispered, perhaps , Nears ' 4 A By } ' { To , Lyn, sda) st. § in : « Ql aro rerherus " c ip Md - Jaynes Mdndey, x, Ready ing care of her grandmotber, Mrs. | aid there js to bo a fine steel tower | Lucapst ' 5 Taneck; 35, 8S. Van- ue u sop Yo Cerberus, Via he Black 1 @ sfortune to lose one ol ms jp v in , ta 21h % deataa dey 4 s . on. T 3 an gang 11 to be p Ob ro : + . 2 : horses by. its falling on the ice 'and Thomas Connors, who is quite ill. erected. an the Blue Mountains, here, ot 98° 1. M Cle oy hy Thomas nt f Ho he h. 2 ne let ttack. | various fluids, ranging from bluish-| Halladay, then presented the winners x Tv Hk Thomas Baker antl family have moved ,, mma 4 lace of the ceme reen;' 38, 1). MoUloud; _ R. McCul- | ject of the: seerel dble Ss a + Lo chite oi 'hite, that are rail- | with beautiful © e ies f the bool breaking its leg in two places. 1b had | "A nharst Island, to take up farm next gr iy, Wines of the cement | 1 40° Thomas. Black: 41, W. Wa. |but the wiser and greater evil-doers of hilt 12 ervamy n Ha ; are re 4 ith b autifu vopies, of we book, - to be shot. Phil _Plotz i& home from |: £ Jol Blan, bh Ke one now there. 1e government agent ts 12 'W. A > . 44 Ww ik . inde have ot nlc rain of roaded to New ork dai Vv irom a 10 mitation 0 hrist ! Gilmour's camp. Mrs... W. John and ing. | William Fhorigal, Deseronto, (i, this work made his stopping place| 15,0 44.1 i Nagar: . ny ull inte 'Bir ha, 1 im city | sorts of places within two of three! -M. R. Milroy has returned irom Ot : moved into Thomas Baker's house, on ; /. W. Purvis', last week. Miss J ns; 44, 1. Hearns. do, Witham Amey, confidence in Binghgm, and any ty 5los here it was milked | tawa, where he has been: receiving son, Albert spent Sunday, at A ™ at W. . urvis , last week. Miss | 46..C.- Wagar: 47. J. G 4 5 nN . shal 1d 1 > hundred miles, where 1 as m awa, er 1e ha een I VINK : ha a r, Wednesday: The ' fishermen's conven: Fg ley Jreenfi Asite or: eater. | ilies OVARAN; ily Xe iood; 48, P. Ne-| which he docs not inhabit wollld OBE | o y ows | Il sorts of | treat t for | aye, injured in the Arméatrong's, Leopold Mieske is work- | © ¥ 'dhe: Foley, Greenfield, visited her sister,| jc. 49, Mr. Hartman; 50; W, Good-|ago have boon mote 0 their swmng from all sorts of cows by all sorts of] treatment lor his eye, injured in the ing for H. Pettfer. J. Villneff has gone gi of Vile Hise, was well uted: | Mrs. Charles Baile, last week. fellow; 51 Thomas Hompton;' 52, D Xn Naw York, if only it offered as | men, some of whom are under close | explosion of a lamp, several months \ restorday y , yl, § » 3 Oa, 3 L Ne ' 3 § As RE caatriats ey i . ate home to Plevna. ed, yesterday, in ie town hall, Lake Opi Tm = t J. Howes: 53, G. Alton; 54, A. Shults; | good business opportunities and as dbsetvation, aud seniitary Jestrigtions: au. James Hania has akon ww resi - . RR A : X AL ret few w interest in dence ii we house vacated b, yr, Ardach Items. alte Oe Ny Clark 3 er BE A fmany approved | hiding places, and | Yet $0 SD ERE camer. Much of | Purvis ¥. Tackson is instafled. in Gave Her A Piano doc 2 98 ; 1c Take-Opinieon, March 3.--Mr. and} Sélshury: 58, R. Judge; 59: J. N.|could be got away from in case of Jha hoa i closely: led | Ronen's house, Mi ci a ' ; Ardoch, Feb, 28.--The dance at Me Barr and children, Newboro,| Smith; 60, C. Sills; 61, S. Alexander; | trouble, at the: price of a more ferry it is delivered in clean, closely sealed | Ronen s house, Mill street; Mr. Mansell . Florida, March 4.~Mrs. P. Manion, | Miller's, last' Tuesday night, was. a |visited at M. Hughson's on Sunday. | 62, Clark Wagar: 63 § Hamilton; 64, Bi Stn J for themselves glass bottles; much. also comes In for- is occupying Mrs Moles' house, Reid 4H-for some time, passed peacefully | decided success. The people of this J. Lindsay, «D. Hughson and G. | HH. Hicks: 65. R. Botting: "66,W.. Al: Yu zels OE i "> | ty-gallon cans, from which it 1s res street, and 8. M. Knowlton, of Delta, away on March 2nd. The deccased vicinity ate' driving on the Mississippi | Gibson are attending the Holiness | port; 67, KE Clare; 68 F. Tupah; 69 tailed in shops differing greatly from has exchanged farms with H. LaFor- was an old and respected resident" of | river. ~ This is the first time it was |eonventicn in Kingston. J. Link-{ Thad. Reynolds; 70 'Y Storms. "1. one another in temperature, cleanli- ta, and has come here to reside; Mr. this place. Phe funeral takes place to- | was over known to be able to use. The | later had a runaway on Saturday and | B. Wagar; 72," A. Buckley ' ; ness and other things to which milk LaForta has gone to Delta. day at Railton. E. Smith and wile, | roads are very icy mow. since the rain | Mr. Linklater was thrown ont of the| Smith; 74, E, J. Wagar. ' is peculiarly sensitive. A strange fact The inter-colleginte debate wa a do- Odessa, spent Monday 'al M. Martin's. | last week, Tho funeral of David Cox's |cutter and slightly hurt. Rev. Mr. Poundkeepers--.I. Walker T ¥'Ken: of the business is that although the cided success, the four young men Miss Lillian Trusdale, Harrowsmith, is | baby took place, here, today. The | Flatt has returned from a visit at] nedy, J. N. Smith, G. R. vetail price of milk has been station-|proving themselves talented aid force visiting at H. Walker's. Miss Muriel | church was crowded. There was the | Toronto and: preached here Sunday | Bush, James Moran. ary fof years and no farmer ever got ful speakers, while occasional fights Babcock was at home to a number of | funeral sermon and four baptisms. {morning. Mr. and Mrs, W. Kerr and Fencoviewers--John Quinn, =C. Me- ttock Exchange | rich by supplying the dealers, milk|of eloquence brightened the discus sr frie Feber 26th. A cini 'hildren | little sc N Agri spent Sun - 3 ih, . Met flgor of the Stock Exchange was on "outE saler almos ice as oh | sions. "Phe subjec ¢, "Resolve her fricnds on February 26th. A num- | Mrs. Joseph. Watkins and children [little son, Norman, Elgin, spent Sun-| Kuignt, S. Harper, John Kennedy, W.| of the 'things that had to be seen cout the dealer almost twice as mueh | sions. w subject was, esolved, ber of our sports attended the dog | have returned to her meotli r's at Colo | day at her mother's, Mrs. L. Hugh-| Shillington, G. Butterell, G Howes o 1 Re tionlarly to be heard, to be to produce as it did a few years ago, |that government ownership of rail show at Odessa this week. O. Bab- | Lake again. Michael! Hermer bought a | on s. Miss E. Hunter, K.B.C., is]... Hamilton, J. Goodfellow, W A heli : d. Yet nobody would know of when feed and labor 'were far lower. [ways is more beneficial to the coun: cock has presented a fine new piano valuable hovsa from E. Gilmour last spending a week at her home here. | Wagar, Wesley Wagar, S. Cronk, Jo- the disturbance by anything he had Inspectors are continually soiling the | try's development, than private own- to his daughter. Misses Alice and | week. George Swager is working for | Mrs. L. Hughson and family are mov-| seph Jefirev, R. Botting, D. C. Sni- oe or heard. in the workeday busi- gutters with spoiled milk, or stuf ership," The Brockville: Collegiate In Graces Wallace attended the Holiness | John McDonald, cuiting logs. Miss ing to Latimer. Mrs, 'M. Updegrove, aer, P. Sagrifi, Themas Breen, S: Le- bss world, Tt was ot always thus; which suggests that the breed of the stitute was represented by ¥. M. Tur convention in Kingston this week. 'annie Watkins has returned home i. | Kingston, is at her mother's here. .J. | neck a] iin y " cows. giving it had been crossed with |ner and T. Brown; the Athens high on : g annie Walks alk : ~ time was when every man who was 8 2 g p-- ter visiting 'friends in Ompah. Little | Davidson. Battersea, at M. Hugh Moved, Clow-Wagar, that elerk write {fool enough to believe whatever his] 2 pump-handle, yet many housekeep- | school was represented hy B. S. Lor Vennachar News. Viola McDonald is very sick. Mrs. C, [son Ss. The Sunday school will -be| Mr. Armstrong, inspector of asylums, | imacination told him eould be count- ers complain that milk does not taste nell and W. Page. A. W. Johnston, Vennachar, March = 2.--Mes. Ronald Smith is still on the sick list: oruanized here on the Sth inst. Miss| objecting to paying bill for keep. off¢q upon fo sneak into Wall street as it used to. Some large and re-\ chairman of Athens Ligh schopl McPherson is spending a few months - Pearl Faylor returns to her home at | W. Swerbrick, his parents being able | when they were going up- with all the putable dealers have recently raised | board, presided, and besides the de at her father's, Gi Ma Bebeels; Miss Kilbirnie Notes. | timer ; Youdag alter spending a | to support him--Carried, Council ad- | money he bad saved or could borrow, their prices, and thousands of fam-|bate, a literary and musical pro : je y wks ds re rAd ud ected ' x : ilies Ww n s 8 sole ore \ an sen ye il Jennie Bebee 'is teaching school in Kilbienie, March 2.--Owing o many | Snph i " wee he il friend herr journed to meet at Piccadilly, May |gnd put it at the tender mercies of lies would move to the suburbs solely gramme wa provided, Decision wa 2 ¥ |Mr. and Mrs. JJ. Smith spent a few | 20th, for court of revision. whatever stock was most variable and | to get richer milk for their children, | given in favor of the vaflirmative anys at Seeley's Bay. S.° Baxter if they weren't assured that suburban tno patent nani --city- milk, not the rich, fragrant : the. Spanish | J AL¥, (Ks LON us were Brought up | 48 Ano 48 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CTTY on in the wountry and drawn from the oa B. Street family cow: by the head of the family . m or some other careful person, hut tho! dent of Soperton league, Miss Eva the bigger rogues can always afford to travel when they' must; what fortunio this may imply to other cities will un- Ira doubtedly sranspire in the near future, . ey 3 Ay The New York stock market has Howes, A. [heen indulgmg in one of its periodic big breaks and the gpectacle on the can get a given amount of excitement | cows to go round. It. certainly 18 a| The manly art of self-defense is apt for €ar less money outlay. Most Wall remarkable fact that some amateur| i, go lame when it encounters "a wo- street "ambe" nowadays are men dairymen, who are millionaires, cannot | pups eyes. with big wads, who have been cau- get as many good cows as they are " tion in Kingston and has moved /to} school is closed for a month. Master visited b l ) " : 4 ! site - . i ; a 8 : Portsmouth? Robert Gregg is moting | Alden Harding is suffering from whoop | ferday. at SL Hie Lome ye A Salt Rheum: Experience. always foolish enough to talk about residents are having the same trou It ix better 'to lead a procession nu the farm vacated by Stanle : rt 7: aries , : ; 3 1 rth; : i ! by some mothers that Mr. Edison | ack i ase ine ing on the lgrm vacater hy anley | {ended the concert at Zion church. D. |¢oek's, Perth Road. ©. Cumpson and | will hear of remedies which are said got anything but. disappointment ont, ought to be applied to, to invert an in 4 black waggon with glass win : m---- | Cirattan and A. Cowan are drawing [family are moving to their new } to have © 1 thers, but : of their investments' the present PI : dows. [ i . d S ahaa wr cathe y a oving to their new home, {10 have cured others, Dut: on trial | eration has learned to prefer. the borrow trouble--and never wood. Some prophesy a very carly |'"The Pool Place. G. Gibson spent | they fail. There is one remedy that & ™ act 3 he 1 babi f hi : i p , d , r- |< pen . x : 'oolroom to the bueket-shop, not |! he had a lot of babies of Mis own, |jend it to a man who has a strens spring and are preparing for sugar | Sunday last at H. Johnston's, Bath [does not fail. Wade's Ointment cures PO A 3 . Pt-ahop, Pb hi impl "ol h 15 a KWo 'hag a sLienuons $" " > ures | {hat it is any stirer, but beeguse one or' there simply aren't enough good} disposition. a 5 home from the west. Miss Bella Ste- danghter, Mrs. O. Cumpson. On Wed- | Burns, Piles Blotches, Sore Feet, Dan- Try A Charcoal Lozenger and A | wart has returned to Jones' Falls, af- | nésday evening last the Opinicon peo- | druff and all scaly or itching eruptions : Mrs. Stratton, who met with shson's: i +1 ras : fade's" Dr Store : pr J is Foul and Your Mouth - 7 ar Siw Rom, iy Hes ih hi Hoek e ns Sotinection Yas alto Wade's Drug Store. tiously, patiently coaxed into the | perfectly willing to pay fancy prices B k St " f b accident. Mis Ne > § fp Pp ¥ ye service eC WV . Aree : 1 y safe p Tastes Bad. from visiting friends in | Smath. street, allowed to nibble at safe oy: ac rain y Immediately upon ariding in the Kingston. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. |lose Mrs. Hughson and family from | Forest and Stream : 1 \ ral dene nine v oll 1a Bt. rence, at 1D. Strat- | our midst. TT " i i. AF . Es . appetite and an abnormal conhdence - . morning, should vot have ca bad Pavis, St. Lawrence > « E. Teeples, Battersea, is| Buffalo Bill, 10 says that with | {ny themselves, after which they are DOINGS AT ATHENS. vour mouth, try a charcoal lozenger. | Miss J. McCloment at A. Cowan's; wood with his gasoline engine. centenarian, talked, at a reunion of - i there : § ya : pho : tat , > urry and just where somebody has i i ; Simply chew the lozenger up as you | UC. Shepherd, Toronto, at W. Reid's. anisms Kansas cavalrymen, about straight urty dently he i pick ge Brockville Won the Inter-Collegi-| Lay Helpless in Bed For Four : ) 7 ate Debate. 2 Days, Crippled, Suffering Agony glass of wateriiwashing it down into Leit For: Cobalt. Denbigh, March 2.--Reinhard Fritsch, |t© be a good shot," he said. "We | on the Exchange shows how little ht the stomach in this manner. The} jjurvale, March 4 --Frederick Murton | who spent last year in Saskatchewan Americans are better shots than | genuine: investing is being done, for | terson attended the Anglican Minis- oAeR SWE x bord A : inn vies SEE ¢ Ala Ror mad fi . struction 'company,' writes Amos FE. mouth becomes sweet and the breath ly 4 heen spending the winter. Max- prince visited me on my ranch once, | galf of shares that are sold in a sin- N. Beckstedt is = in"sttendance at the| goo po ond, "I wrpnghbil my time. ' heed, Alta., aiter spending a few weeks came-back with a full bag, but when | gskip-a-dividend stocks don't average and, on Monday, addressed the as- : After a few days vou will notice | 250 0 TA number from here attend- | How a Montreal fady cured hee husband of I asked the prince what he had killed 4 2¢ | cembly on "The Prophetic Ministry." realized at once that I was hurt, but much bhettire All" traces of gases and |) ook and report a fine crowd and zey. are too difficile; but of ze wild Reduce Fat church, conducted' anniversary services whet L Fenchiod Nome tint my wife in. sour stomagh. will disappear, and the { mo. Joseph Kelly left, on Monday, 3 less Samaria i cows and calves, I 'ave nine ovair ze }p~ at Caintown, last. Sabbath, and, on oh my. gong lo 20 Bppie i : A tou Rs r . 5 . remedies, but at the end of the fifth healthy Sinn a wil} bid ap strengts good | position. Charles Fraser has hv», 4, AM '& | A Pound a Day the entertainment held; on Tuesday | j,y my suffering was more intense « sole, ar vour be we Ane 2 + Tlerd . tf { weni : v ' and muscle, and your hac, breatl, SAF pgechased a farm al Elginburg. and ) \ an Of Many Appendices. \ evening, he spoke "at Rockport; on| ju, at the first. A fellow workman Pe Ss v's Cl 11 Qomersby, Glenvalé, is moving on = ' br. John B. Deaver of Philadelphia, | Rengo Has Solved the Problem of | George Stafford, of Lyn, who' favored| hed my back twice during the eve- Give Stuarts warcoal lozenges a' oR he : - N ww x as te a inne AC ; i i is 1 i [ reni 4 . ¥ < : ve ve ua ATCO OLE Amos Aikens' place. Mrs: Bowen, Na- . was tendered a dinner recently at Fat Reduction Without Star- his congregation in the evening with |. ini This gave me relief. Rubbing Sively no Hod oliehs ca EE rron] Be her son, Fraak, herc: Visitors : é fired sd ow men io have heen | Exercises. - Scott, pastor of the Baptist church. | day, and by night I was much im- he use. of © . Stu s C BO , : : fa 8 patients, erm v iver toes $ At ar Mrs. Hicks, Hamrowsmith, at Wilbert ! 80 aving 'been announces anniversary services at|, ,ved. Nerviline must have penetrat- wood charcoal and pure, fresh honey, | LU h BT - ry : remedy Dr. Deaver has removed more vermi- All listie' Serv bei i } : a) " areca 2 Sel > | Wilton, at William Wallace's; Mrs. S. . ge ices are being conducted | sore, béeause it took out the stiffness taken direct from the bee hive. You ton, 3 h haut Be appe Sop other 's 7a the town hall, this'week, Evangelist finess, . 3 3 : ia 4 | ig goon, having.a record of 450"in or » v L. M. Willi being tl incipal li EF : : thalling «Miss Gloria Wallace! a ne | like fruit or candy and easily and safely j " jams being the principal| jour days' time! Of course, to streng- every member "of -, the family. They Shallington s;- . e year, For some 'time he hat been sur- [reduce y ' A ®} ape y i; ; : Y 3 : , lo streng will 'cleanse and purify the stomach gpent . a fow days mn Kingston last en sur. [reduce your fai a Pound ass peaker. Mr, Waddell has charge off then my hack, 1 put on a Nerviline Matawatehan. Roy Bebee has a situa- | diseases in the neighborhood our ST sister, "Jones" Falls, -- uncertain. But such men were alo a Clay N.Y. Chakles B is =]; a ; x 4 ig . ip g 8 sv HO ble. It has been gravely suggested 2 ow 3 wa s Jender i te Clayton, N.Y bhakles Ball is mov- | {ng cough. A number irom here at | Lindsay visited recently at H sak Most persons who have Salt Rheum their own affairs, and as they seldom g than to follow it--unless the leader is antificial milk, and would do it, t00,| Never making. James Harding has returned | Road. Mrs. Smith is visiting « her | Fezema (Salt Rheum), Cold Sores, Glass Water If Your breath tor spending a fow weeks with her sis- | ple gave an oyster supper at Mrs. L.|of the skin. In big boxes, 25c., at turned homeo The people are very sorry to Good Shooting. ' things until they developed a fine --GARGOYLE. H "Lifti breath and a disagreeable: taste in tons; Mr. Starks, Mr. T sland and [doing a rushing business here sawing | hard work a man should live to be a pretty sure to lose their pile in 'a ; : would so much candy, and drink: a em J Budget From Denbigh. shooting. "It iz hard work to learn {uyp.* A glance at the reports of sales y } Athens, March 4--Rév. R. B. Pal and Torture. effect is ..almost nmagical. The 6 returned frou Odessa, where he | improving a homestead he took up{™ost. he - continued. A French |i the more than a million and terial Association this week. Rev. J. hile engaged with a large con we and fragrant in a very short] . ? . and we t or the birds . y H ca fo . Brockvi 'pres i t , pure anc a . well Purdy left on Monday for Loug- Cured of D nkenness e went out after the birds. Ilgle day the solidest, safest, never- Brockville "presbytery, at Morrisburg, back while lifting a steel beam, I that your *Stomach: is digesting food od a quadrillo party at Harrowsmith he said proualy : 'Of z¢ bairds, none; Rev. 'T. A. Read, of the Muthodist finished the day out. I was so lame perfect assimilation prontoted by a for Cobalt, where he hes secured a ill? Monday evening, was the speaker at poultices, hot water bags, and other coated tongue will be a thing of the Bowing on iit. this weeks. William ; y Medical Journal. Sunday, his pulpit was filled by Rev. brought me a bottle of Nerviline, ani trial, results. are -assured, and panew, spent Jac ACW days last week S al which were present some one hun-| vation Diet or Tiresome a wellrendered "solo. Rev. W. N.1 oon" Nerviline was continued the next Lozenges. are made of young willow | 50 4 "0" gigas and Corey Walker, permanent operated on for appendicitis, by him. | We Gladly Send a Trial Box Free| Plum Hollow, for next Sunday. Evan-|.q right into fhe muscles that were ) I ° y HIN: form appendixes than any othe . . : ; % may eat all you want, give them to | Shellington, Watertown, at William Pp y T SIE] pengo is perfectly safe. You .eat it cured. the pain, ana had me well in reon-in-chief of the Germ 3 You will never need anythin else ak LL i 3 g he G an hospital $ g o | the singing. Porous' Plastod and find it a wonddR ps , bat i and keep it clean and sweet. wook. ar in' Philadelphia reduce yourseli to periectly normal form] mp ig a No years. and size. e Epworth League visited Soper-|iul help to a working man Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are and pamphlet giglag Mul ¥ Bi by a hat . y : 0 | i : T ne wii ed : tb at or sale by all druggists at $1.00 per | ton league, on Tuesday evening, ) good for everybody at any time. Try At Pleasant Valley. Free Package 52 fil Siti It is far easier to criticize the small|full sized box, or by mail prepaid, by | spent gabe hiay i ng and Not a liniment on earth' to-day that them. For sale everywhere, 35c. per Pleasant Vatley, March 2.--Mrs and price sent in plain sealed envelope. - Cor- | mistakes of others than it is not toqide Benge Co., 3332 Rengo Big. br vided. : Eooap compares an pain-subduing healin, y box. Sample box will be sent. free by | T} ANY adiord on Saturday morn-] pahaudencs sacredly confidential. Address: for 1 se NOt to Detroit, Mich. The company will gladly | Eramme was provided, each league!and curitig pawer with Nerviline. Fif- pox: Sample box Wi sen ea by | 'Thomas tradiord on A } orn THE SAMARIA REMEDY CO. is Jordas |MaK a few larger ones yvourseli. send you a trial package free by mail, furnishing a part, then a contest on [ty ng! upon request Address EF. A.) ine. while engaged with household di thambers, Jordan St., Toronto, Canada. The man who boasted that he al- [if you write them direct to Detroit-:no | Bible history was conducted, the wih ul f went. Lb i § Staart Co., 200 Stuart Bldg, Mar} ties, slipped on the ice at the back "Algo for sale at Henry Wade's |wavs says what he thinks may he I eu calidad a Hers being Miss Kye Athens avd atitutor ink Nevill he pub a | oa : : ] I CC Baw v 0 r x ig 3 ne, y ' : Nerviline* only shall, Mich, _- dook of hex home, falling aud dis _ Druggist, Kingston, ouly a third-class liar, : Kingston by Henry Wade, Droggist, = 3 Mrs Singleton, & +. The i Large ins ab iolf ; yi hg yoars® Weord has ostablished its

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