PAGE EIGHT, ' undergoing , are being = = MSKAY FURS "ageerence MAKER OF SEALSKIN GAR- MENTS AND CANADIAN FINE FURS nas Cr ge room hy work will be comple sted in weeks. This hotel will be opened the summer traffic. Mr. Telfer {to have the offices of both the American and Frontenac ing the coming summer. If the council decides to dccept his offer, will commence the building of the new hotel in September, at the close of the For the fall, winter HOTEL PROPOSITION: TOBE SUBMITTED TO "THE CITY COUNCIL | By Walter Telfer, of the British. Ameriean--He Asks For Bond Guarantee of $100,000 "and | Will Give First Mortgage. « | dourist Suhson, » "ha {find spring he would have the Fron- Walter Telfer, proprietor of the Brit tenae as headquarters, and also be ish-American hotel, will present his | able to the brick wing of the ew hotel proposition to the city | Bpitish-Américan, on Clarence street. council, Monday evening, and it|Ry the summer of 1910 the new hotel will he worthy of careful consideration. | Would be readv for occupation. | Mr. Telfer offers put up a fived The British-American storey building on the present dritish- Folaims that his hotel proposition American with a business ar-|{he best for the city, as it'costs the cade through the céntre of! Gitigens' nothing. All he wants is a {the block, from Untario to King! guarantee of bonds, for which he will street, at a cost of $175,000, il the], ive a first mortgage on property ty will guarantee the bonds' to the | that, when completed, will be worth tent of %100,000, and fix the assess-|,ver $400,000. The location cen- ont at its present figure. He offers] (rnl, and the business is sure. ¢ city a first mortgage on the pro-| erty for the guarantee. His proposal | John McRay : to form a company of local men; | | fact the ganization Jas been | Newsy "Paragraphs Picked Up By aLoat completed, he and it in-} | penovters On Their Rounds cludes a number of prominent merch | f; port ' ants, oS | The Nee Pibby's dressy hats, $2, PAAAALAAALAAASAAASAAAA | vomdy > ' William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders . cil received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. See Bibby's genteel hats, $2. present The Standard of Silver Excellence a few for British- city { use oan tor i= corner, running jer is INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. o1 says, 140-155 Brock St., Kingston. plans for are all} Vv coun for the and prospectus submission to the « They show a Bne building British-American corner, with The brick wing on Clayx- most ornamental look will remain. Then there {will be the Frontenac hotel as an an In all, there will be a0 ¢p | rooms, perhaps more. ar ® | cade, is planned a huge or oe $ hall. The arcade | well-equipped offices > at first, but » he, past i5'the kind that does not wear ¢ , Get busy and go to church on Sun- { day. "The preachers have bec missing lyou for some time. Bibby's for latest hats, $2, { 1. Cunningham, piano tuner | Chickering's. Leave orders at | Auley's Book Store. Try Bibby's nobby An anniversary 250 rooms street, a ling structure, ence from Me- about Over the handuet $4 trousers. requisgn mass was ang in St. Mary' s cathedral on Fri day for the repose of the soul of the late Patrick Browne. ley, Bibby's $4 trousers. wira blood purifier," LOe., an the bargain ons Red Cross store A -------------------- reception con lan For fenac Fron- Telfer, | the Mr ix weeks, It costs more \ 7 vned by GIVEN AWAY FREE. CASH you checks to amount These to also oy 31, al Mon regular out. OF counter ov Gibs Had Bibby trousers are great. I'he of the First Congrega- ! tional church have cleared a gqod £ [hy serving lunches in Best's dnlg all we concluded an Flatware Bon-Bon Dishes. Sugar & Cream Sets Butter Dishes In designs and weights to new ladies k. The woervice ght at eleven o clock. Seo Libby's $3.50 nobby trohsers. "Wa-Hoo Tonic," regular ¥I, fichoice of | 25¢., cures rheumatism, cleanses h Ibleod, on the bargain counter [Gibson's Red Cross drug store. | Ree Bibby's $3.50 trousers. Many®a horse attached to a coal or sleigh had a hard pull on Fri over the bare roads, There was {practically no sldighing and it was hard for the animals to got along ee Bibby's new $4 trousers. have been «kating and playing the City park. The whole was covered with glassy » | So was tho cricket field. This | unusual occurrence. Pry Bibby's new $4 trousers, | The letter of Dr. Carman, on other page, has stirred up a row in Toronto. Rev. George. Jack son will be a preacher and | Brock Street Methodist church on Sun- With every purchase we give of your purchase, [nig he list when for $5 Knives or exchanged for articles oo premiuin We give Pocket amount | collected, | r the at worth, Sugar your Spoo Butter Table $10 $15 Knife, Spoons . Scissors Zor Spoou suit everyone. AZOT wool Spangenberg's. TEP CEP ICES IE EIR a The valuable ticket article more 8 the hetter and more' day the you to deal with us, W. A. MITCHELL, Hardware Joy re key BLL2L4BLLLLLVELLL LLL ELRLLO2 L522 00 24000040 % CVIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISIIIeS v in surface ce. an great at Queen's [ duy March Tth. | See Bibby's $3.50 trousers. A man who acted very strangely, and who was wandering around Waolie handed poorly clad, was Kingston police when he had escaped Island very to the found that | Rockwood hospital, lover to the officials of that institu- - | tion. Libby's, the $2 hat store. DEATH OF VENERABLE LADY. | | Mrs. AT | over it | was Murray Passed to Rest Son-in-Law's a prolonged illness age, Mrs, wife the Rev, Cornwallis, N.S. the home of her son-in-law, Dr. W. I. Goodwin, Alice street, with whom she had lived for past eighteen vears., Deceased wang daughter of the late Senator Charles Nickie, of Corn- i allis, N.S. She has res Mled in Hah fax and King gston, Jamaica, where her {husband was pastor of a Proshiytepian | church. Three childeech survig Mrs. W. Tb Oooawin and Missa | ray, Kingston, and Mrs. S. Renfrew. The remains will Cataraqui cemetery. ane at Putnam William died After | advanced i Dickie, | Murray, | Friday at an Sarah of on Waldron's. | di MUST SECURE LICENCE. Two Carters Were Fined in Police Court. There trouble ters who do not sary: license. In ) this morning two were found i violating the city by-law and | fine -of $1 and costs was imposed | each case. 'lhe men had only bee carting for a few days, and mal | the excuse that they did not knov New Fancy French Moreen §. i "iinet, Undershirts, New Children's White Dresses, New Children's White Duck Coats, New Children's White Cashmere Coats, ahead for all ear take out the the police 18 cour New Prints, mor | | { -- Aig ? wt Home Department Event. home department social of th The | Piret. Bapiist Sunday school, held last ovening, was a very enjoyable affair [i pastor presidid and there was large attendance. | of songs and readings, | Marion Booth, Miss {Olive Salsbury and took part, was well appreciated. a series pictures was {hy Dr. Lake. | principally of | Ottawa, and the Iriver. Dr. Lake deservedly much praise for hi oxecllent |The superintendent and 'her many wil ling workers are to be congratulate both on the success of the home d Ipartment. and of their entertainmen {Light refreshments wore serve d at close, in which Mi Hughson, Salsbur The Sidney thrown upon the The series was Compose scenes from Kingstor route of the Ridea | 3 At The Market. attendance Beef at New Infants' Robes. a fair morning cwt.; quarter; Ih.: turkeys $1 to Si. There was only the market this from S6 to $8 per land lle, by the dozen: butter, 30c¢ 19¢. 1h.: chickens, some at $1.75. pork, eg 3. 1 ar Notice, 'Notice. Printing, ruling, book-binding, hossipg, at British Whig office, good printing "ql R. WALDRON home of £5¢ '1b early Print Buticr. Edwards & 1b. Come Jenkin, . renovations. placed in every cKelvey r Birch, and the intends running dur- he proprietor {- J for from | and was handed | 3} Me the | neces- guilty license. | them. | A short programme Miss | of beantiful and. interesting sorce receive work 10¢. Sh om LIEUTGOL. F. STRANGE HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO OTTAWA. His Removal is Greatly Regretted --He Has Been Over Twenty- Three Years in thc Military Service. \ Licut.-Col. Frauk Strange, senior ofdnance officer at Kingston, has heen transferred to Ottawa, Jind will be succeeded here by Major J. H. Wynne, of London, Ont. Col. Strange will be- gin his duties at Ottawa at onee, Kingston exceedingly regrets the loss of Col. Strange, who has been a lead- er in yachting, musical and social cir- cles. He has for years been Kingston's lending vachtsman, 'and the local club will miss their "'skipper'" sorely, In i LTEUT-COL. FRANK STRANGE "AS A YACHTSMAN. vireles shone some he as a tenor, years has been soloist As the origin- Royal Cadet," musical and for in St. Andrew's church. "Leo," in 'Leo the well remembered. Lieut.-Col. Strange was horn on Og¢- tober llth, 1865. He entered military life as provisional second lieutenant of the 14th P.W.0. Rifles on October 30th, 1885; became second lieutenant on, December 11th, 1886; lieutenant on April 7th, 1887. On August 2nd, 1889, he honorary captain and maj- or Augnst 1st, 1901. For some vears he was paymaster this mili- tary district, When the Canadian Ord- nance Corps was formed on July lst, 1903, he was appointed to command No. 3 detachment at Fort Henry with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. became on of LEFT FOR TORONTO. The Line Up of the 14th Regiment Team. The senior soldiers left at noon, day, for Toronto, to meet the y to A.AC,, the first 'game phay-oli, the 0O.H.A The play shape and quite The team lows © Hiscock, Vanhorn, to Toron- of the semi-final senior are all in fine ident of winning will line ap as fol goal; Powell, point; Crawford, rover; Ber- nier, centre; Richardson, left wing: Davidson, right wing. Manager Stea Trainer McCullough and W. W Gibson accompanied the team. A few other supporters took in the trip. The return will be played here Mon day in to decide tie 'conl oul. cover; ame night The Dates The dates have games championship, of Toronto, winners of the section, and the winners of the Toron to AA.C.-14th tie. The dates set are March 4th in Toronto, and March 6th | at the winners the tie. This is not altogether good for the locals, should they as March 6th is Satur- day, and a bad night the the Skating Club have wun- contract. If the soldiers and the rink cannot be will Tikely night, March Sth. Of The Final. been set for the the senior - O.H.A between St. Michael's, | to decide western | of win out, to secure rink, as it der Sut, the game til Mundas Their has | one the 14th Spe led | the winners of the Led for { teur championship. | teams wonld have a {a picked team from Queen's secured teams, either they 6th win of City {or the Live their re- down alter fate wprovinecial Hoe- the Canadian ama Either of the good 1 / gues, going key gue, ' ane show, { and { Would in all probability win out jen men like Hiscock, g« point; Vanhorn, dernier, centre 14th { Sev al; cover: George, rover; {and Dobson, hard to defeat, ners. We yitle 1 the A e | to see ever, would be and the eastern win the hardest battle of | ason in winning out from them. great many of the locals would like uch a team down. How- only a for n right wing e w | have 6 ro the ompete | cup. | MeGill | game, a | score being 29 to 26 HL to 12 in favor time. The gan {way through as referce McGill Won Out. in the basketball with Queen's, the The was of Queen's, at was fast all Charles Moxley able manner, © won out yesterday, score the Y n in an ee . teams | MeGill Fortier, fence Dennison, Duffield, n centr Menzies, Douglas, | | ' Ll Queen's un hi | Menzies, Cormack, Fleming, defence, centre; i When Greek Meets Greek. ol e- 1 t W Not | from vet have strife ut Friday the { almost run his cour rink was the scene of afmighty {flict between the swift-footed sons {Queen's junior Greek class and thei I well-knit brethren of the cla At five o'clock the wide-ranging chief of the juniors, Mighty MacLeish, his men in battle array, facing | great-hearted seniors, whom the mail clad Danby had led forth to steite the, horrible din battle {heard from si quarters, weapons | raised on hig con- senior at Id se the 0 wd Soon ol posing | hand, { the of feet | times the od feet, Men warriors. we ay jiliors, seniors are the trusty a ail-elad Panbw, Ma Keen keen the do Win | {2 forwards; | de- forwax(s; Vansickle, | their of i vices, . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1809. iors, - with terrible onslaught, against the defences of the juniors. Five times with well-directed ge nit of ihe juniors was pierced. But, at t the may Chie MacLeish, | the wide. er, looking angele upon the foe, down, ith mighty stride upon | the seniors, single- and alone. Against him came the mail-clad hy, fleet of foot (but alas! his limbs are weary), and they twain engaged in deadly combat. Not long could the mighty , whief of the juniors, the wide- ranger, be stayed, and, beating down the mail-clad Danby, he 'sent. his whiz- zing dart with unerring aim into othe inet of the semiors. "Thus bravely \lid they fight, till the distant clang from the Royal "Palace" anpounced the up: proach "of night. Thereupon the great. hearted Gresks surveyed the vob of battle, and when the tale was told, it was seen that the welldmit sons of the senior Greek class had five times sent the deadly dart into the net of their weaker brethren, while the swift- footed sons of he junior class had shot but one. loomy night came down upon the hn ne ought field, the great-hearted sons of id Greek. he- took their weary limbs to their hol- low dwelilng places and soon did seek the 'heavy-laden (?) tables of the hoarding- -liouse. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. '"The' Merchant of Venice' " Ably Presented. There was a large "and appreciative audience at the Grand Opera House last evening to witness Daniel Ryan and his company present '"The Mer- chant of Venice.' Mr. Ryan in the ole of "Shylock" showed that he was a close student of Shakesperean plays. He was so realistic that one would suppose" that he was the money Jender himself. His avaricious eyes sparkled with vindictiveness when the judge had partly decided in his Was favor, but the rage and disappoint- ment depicted on his countenance when the decision was given against him was terrible. As he: tottered from the court-room, feeble and hro ken-down, a touch of pity was felt. Mr. Ryan's portrayal of Shylock was the best ever seen here and the plau dits he received were well deserved. Ann Singleton's "Portia" was a finé piece of work. She read her lines clearly and her acting was -all that could be desired. "Harriet Buke as 'Jessica,' Shylock"s daughter, and a pretty Jewish maiden, could hardly be surpassed in the interpre- tation of her part. Ada Wadswarth, as "'Nerissa,"" $d good work. Nr. Ryan was well supported by William J firy as '"'Bassanio,"' Karl L. Way, as "Antonio," and George Fisher, as "Lorenzo." The balance of the company in minor parts gave valus able assistance. Mr. Jeffrey's "Bas- sanio"' was particularly good. The stage settings aad costumes were very striking and much admired. To-night the company will . close cogagement hy the presentation that much- talked-of and sensation- al drama "Salome," . which should draw a large audwence. SUNDAY SERVICES. The To- Filling of the Morrow. Bethel Congregational Church, John- street, corner Barrie street--Ser- 11 am. and p.m. The morn- ing service will be conducted by George Mills, and the evening service hy Rev William St Pulpits son i Craig ; George's cathedral--First Sun | two! jevensong | { 111 dav in Lent. 8 a.m., holy communion; " a.m., mating, preacher, Canon Starr; 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bi ble 1.15 p.m., baptism; 7 p.m., preacher, Dean Bidwell. Men's Christian - Association | Intermediate Bible Study Club, 3 p.m. | Mr. Thompson in charge; senior Bible | 1 udy ( lub will meet only as spec ially | announced; mission study class, in charge of MacTavish, Monday, 8 class; Young Dr. | p.m. * to complete organization. | Syde nham 'Street Methodist church-- [liam C raig, he postponed nn heen much comment about || Queen's but. | Macdonnell, | league-winning team can | Sir Montagu Allan |cago and he alf | many ' {and Grecian heroes ceased | sun had began the erection , when the Royal [building about forty feet in height, for are h and fail not' to descend | { with mighty force on the heads of 'op- | fall on every | this only to rise and-again rush into | 1908, feet Five | with wing: [well as a way his mighty host of sen- A. Sykes, B.D., pastor; Wil pastor's helper. 10 a.m, junior- league and class meetings; 1 .m., public service, theme, "What Is Jesus "Chris 'orgiveness of 8 Bible school and Men's] public service, theme, Je acob at Jethel, or Lessons from | Life's Beginnings. I'he pastor will [prea h at both services. Music : Morn- | ing male quartette, 'Ashamed of i Jesus," Messrs, Eva: Harold and | Harvey Angrove and Sergt. Harte | evening, solo and anthem, "Seek Ye Lord," Mr. Eva; solo, "A Clean Mrsg James Small. Monday, Epworth League; Wednesday, mid-week service. Charles | the { Heart,' 8 p.m. X p.m. Richardson, leit wing | '45 Minutes From Broadway.' No more capable or better equipped theatrical organization has been sent Lon tour this season than the large ompany which the noted managerial Ar of Cohan & Harris are present: York, Chi- "Forty-five George M. with music, brilliant New Boston succes | Miwsten from Broadway,' (Cohan's original play, [and Scott Welsh as "Kid Burns," the ex-slangy prize fighter, and Frances Gordon as "Plain Mary," the house- maid, and the original east, said by to be the most pretentious ef- this industrious and ambitious actor-author has yet evolved, which comes to the Grand, on i Monday, March 1st. 'Forty-five Min- lutes from Broadway" is in three acts, {all of the scenes being laid in differ- ent parts of the suburban, town of New Rochelle, which is three-quarters of an hour from Broadway, New York hence the title. fng in. the i fort it |voune {eity, | : The Quickest Construction. On W. J. Chapman of a cold storage January 25ih, [the use of Anderson Bros. Tt was ol | completed this week and almost filled ith ice (200 tong), and meats in less han a month. Songs Of Victory. Hymn book will be used at the evan- gelistic. meeting in Broek street hall, Sunday evening, at seven o'vlock. All | welcome. Bibby's swell $2 hats. failures in the dominion during week were 31; same week in 15. : Latest There Try The hats, $2, at Bibby's. is a time to teach things as Tho latest hats at 'Bibhy's. clad Dan- | To-Ni ght, 7.30 to 10 Clock We have just secured, from a manufactur er of Fine Whitewear, the balance of his stock of KEmbroideries after filling his spring orders. There is a great variety of patterngfwith not any large quantity of one, desi These we secured at half price and To-Night and Monday WILL OFFER THE LOT" 2,400Yards Fine Embroidery Ranging from the Narrow Fine Edges up through all widths to the Corset Cover Embroideries at {Exactly Half Price All ." 1. a be Embroidery for 2ie yard. 8c 4p YM 10¢ He 15¢ 8c 20¢ 10c 25¢ 12{c 3be 18¢ 40¢ 20c¢ AA AAA AAA O-NIGHT You will have an opportunity of seeing our New Spring Suits AND New SpringCoats _And a large assortment of New > Spring Skirts. Remember You are always welcome to see-these new arrivals, and under ng obligation to buy. SHOULD YOU see anything that suits you, you ean have it placed aside until required. A flr rll a oth ." " '" " " " '" "" " "" " '" A A i We carry a large stock of all kinds in the best make and the first quality Rubber. RUBBER BOOTS ARE NOT A LUXURY, BUT A NECESSITY. EVERY ONE SHOULD HAVE A PAIR RELL 000060400000L2008040400040004800000000 Call and examine our styles and get our prices, NO OLD STOCK AND NO JOB LOTS. Rubber" Boots $ | THE LOCKETT SHOE STORES For Children's Girls, Boys, Ladies and Men. Sesivessstectsraeses seme EERE,