Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1909, p. 1

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YEAR 763N0. 46. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1909. -- -- = -- Tposes or: general use. In regard to! 'FOSSILS ON PACIFIC COAST. ny Als / GIRL LEAPS TO DEATH , I cottages he said that -this country AR We 2 a " should not spend so much moncy on : Remains of Sea orms and Clam ¥ Unhappy Girl Sinks As Help is and Upper men whose pay was so low. - . ' Shells F d. Her. | Mf. Pugsley stated in answer to Col. S Roun Near to " Thursday. . e . 3 Je . Vancouver, B.€., Feb. 24.--A some- St. Joseph, Nich., ki lh Sam Hughes, thet the veterinary hos | what uusunt find Was made on Sat: Spr. ht Mich. Heb. 24 Unable piel wae oh lation paryoes, | Pi "Des orkien: Spied' ht 2 CY Nees theta attendant wom r POSE BO. + 2 he 4 A 4 + y . * Dr. Edwards Brought Up, ; KE. .B. 'Osler. criticized the govern- The Old Folks Were ating. a fifteen fot cutting through - a Despatches From Near And he Nozelowski, a pretty seventeon- Z ment's method of making contracts, ' S d n r b a iioy Stes IN pert : year-old Jewish | rl, of Benton Har Question of Need. antl instanced the Kingston buildings. a Late prea ad, "Db > ps the e tine ok - Distant Places. bor, onde} her in the St. Joseph * - | He pointed out that contracts had tracks, Jeop in thing 6. Men {: 2 river Cr 8 spectacular plunge of heen let for skeleton buildings, leaving came across a layer of =oft stone, cighty fect from the Wayne strect 7 : : Sl which was entirely composed" of petri- oy ¢ viaduet, shadowed the ; COST DF BUILDINGS coma" «IAT HSH LAKE DE hi om ease, Fo THE WORLD'S TIDINGS isis 5 a E tracts, he said, that the country was shells, Those who: IVE Seen the de- i sheriff I : sit say it is rarely that such per- Al htin from a car which brought wing robbed. po : REEVE 3 ; Fung Jom a i 2 --- Mr. Aylesworth's bill to prevent the fectly proserved fowls have heen div | grveN IN THE BRIEFEST Pos-| 0° this city. the. girl walked byoh Air 4 we of lit ru 4 down the viaduct, stopped in the cen. WHAT, WILLIAM PRICE, QUE-|Shing or acceprance of iit on ill REV. ELLWOOD BOWERMAN covery foes 10 show that Hastings SIBLE FORM. tre of the structure, calmly took of c , town site, which is now at a fair ele- her outer garments, il- BEC, THREATENED. ing. "1 was tl over for the eansides- HAS PASSED AWAY. vatiod, must at one time have been 4 ing nny while a he used bo sit Th cedure under the act "but gave rise to ist buried) under the seg. Matters That Interest Everybody rushing towards her, plunged into the 8 Occupants of the Quarters a questioning of the "whole principle of He Was a Young Methodist a. at --Notes From All Over--Little whirling and cy waters, far below. Said to Have: Small Wages-- | ha ot ToD tre aires Preacher and Very Clever-- KEEP BOYS AT SCHOOL. of Everything Easily Read Drifting down stream about 100 feet, Sub-Contracts Not Desirable--| The first member to broach the Had Been Lingering For Some t and Remembered. she sank close La shore. Her body bas i 0 | . Mav Co- i f y He A Remedy For Evils of Present broades jsua ne Ph wi X Folthers, ot Time--A Wedding at "sar] 2 er i ©] Belleville's new armories were for- ben tales fom the Te: i % : est Elgin. e thoug e existing 3"; illier . 5 z 4 Commercial Morality. es pg 5: gh Xistibg thorne Hall" in Hillier Totn-| , =" pt 94. A strong move- mally oeticd on Tusaday_ night. BIG DROP IN PRICES. = : To Be In Fashion From Our Own Correspondent. doubted the need of this law in busi- ship. ment, which has the co-operation of ia ig dy ir lighting plant 8 : Ottawa, Feb. 24--The general cost'| ese, Picton; Fel. 93. A very unusual|the prime minister, to keep boys in ir ¥ MoC i y a commission. | There Was Mighty Slump in New of the new buildings at Kingston for | Mr, Aylesworth replied that he [supper party took place the other | continuation' schools till 'they reachf <c °° fH - Toronto, is ity York Stocks. ~~ <A military purposes caused rathet a | {hought the house "was agreed upon |night at the home of James P. Rob- | the age of st¥énteen, is on foot. Mr. tngineer e amilton, at $3,000 per| yo York, Feb, 24.--On the stock warm debate in the House of Com- | the desirability or at least the umob-|lin, the venerable father of Premier | Asquith, the premier, in an address to year, mons, yesterday afternoon. The de-{ject{onabloness of the bill. As to ifs Roblin, of Manitoba, at Fish Lake, |a deputation on this subject, favored bale was initiated by Dr. Edwards, application to business relations, he | the Roblin family homestead since | raising the age of exemption and com- tho conservative member for Fron- | id he had already had a number of | the arrival of the U.E.L. forefathers. {pulsory attendance at evening classes, , lenac. a lotonrs from wholesale houses, express- | The unlucky thirteen' sat down at |say:ng that the poor law majority and es Hon. William Pugsley intro- {jue the hope that iy would provide a table, and the youngest of the guests|minoiity reports agreed on the sub- duced the item of $87,000 for new | onidv . o evils of present com- | vas "Mrs. Foster, agea 67. The in- {ject of boy labor. The government, EE y . " ing one throughout practically all . buildings, Dr. Fdwards called the rewedy foe tie ils oly t, °o8 teresting feature was the age of the | he said, professed to be able, before Saar hoy Rustiz has blagked the che session. a "the Ace, i on SEE Defiie. No ma what minister's atiention to Lhe fal 'hat » Mp, | diners. The host, Mr. Roblin, is 86, |long. to give legislative sanction to for 3.000" the South;Western railway | .4 the Jowest prices of the day, the} 4 8 y ¥ all these new buildings did not scem | A jeeworth declared that the whole Jeremiah Cole is 88, and his part- | the suggestions made by the deputa- or 2,000 miles. re hy further bring out its perfec- to be . required. For instance, thre pUIPOS® of the bill Nas to. make = the | NEE 82. John Lambert 86, and Mrs. | tion. \ howed the most labrupt decli i Daniel Reed, M.P.P., has been ap-| {po wan: UP ee ue i i ; -- : | pointed clerk and treasurer of Glan. the panic. days of the fall of 1907. tions 4nd bide . its small de { years ago, a stable was erected at the | Livin, of "secret commissions by an Lamber Mrs, Sarah Ketchpaw | ro -- ford township 5 Pessimistic reports regarding the con- fects. by wearing one of the i to the grounds of the Royal {ent a criminal offence a ietatai-- FUSBAND'S LIARILITY. Hen Williog Peel was olected mies dition of the steel trade and the deci- : Mi try Gollege, yet no hor had Major J. A. Currie of North Simcoe, | : -- - thor tor Taunton in. the: British het sion of the supreme court against the . ore etn stablod Shere, and the doors raised an international issue. He | | Has 'He to Pay Debt Contracted |: nous on Tuesday. | New York Oentral, 'in a rebating case, American Lady a Ping hey hinge As re-| charged that the government had been | | Before Marriage ? Mexican cadets have been placed on were responsible for the break. gards the sixteen new cottages in pro- | ,old-bricked under the boundary . J 9 y » . Ste y > i i : 4 mma ? Sa a ¢ i ' 3 Ottawa. Feb. 24.--Mrs. Esther Stacey ithe Canadian-Mexican steamship line M d l es wectic wm 8 . vin 1 ' * +) + A Pp Sent ol Saretion ak a Fost ou 87.000 | {veaty with the United States. His a [about five years ago contracted a bill | to learn the art of navigation. AN OLD MAN NOW. 0 e S tae hn 1 Ne . remas he 1 hat they were |cage was this: Under the Ashburton 5 By | jor Christmas presents of $17 with J. After long inactivity, M. Santes Du- . . : sma bor oY ed for non-commis- | treaty the boundary from Pigeon Riv uo {C. White L ater she married James I mount. launched a new monoplane at King Edward's Beard Is White-- No other Corset produces S106 ers / , +t as s of » W "sh Iu ' i t i , i rion > RocTs na ae oS act 2 fo er to the Lake of the Woods hall { Maloney. 'The hill remained unpaid, Issy, France, and executed a few short Showing Age. the perfect Habit Back. No rirustoes. Sariaining Jour i fies fol Hitersent ialdnds. Rois reading, { and now action has heen taken against | flights. London, Feb. 21.~Those who . eat other Corset proves such 'a » y cost of om workeq we said, appeared in we hrst dra ot J . | ov for the $17. #8 i 0 » All s 3 { Kenos /is 'el nes 3 ni 3 i : out al $1,500 or 81,600 for each room, {the boundary treaty on Novembel { Mr. Maloney for the $17, and it came | saloons of Kenosha, Wis., have|near the king at the opening of par- joy. to the dressmaker in giv- and Dr. Edward de cribed tl aa The! 907. and i he sond. draf i | 3 lup in the division court. The ques- publicly blacklisted nine habitual top-|liament did not think he was looking . f rockloss: extra ares goscy) ve xs ay hh gi aud on oe nt : Tak o . tion is whether a man must pay thejers, and the latter threaten suits for{well. He has aged in the past sis oe er a perfect figure to fit. Ld XA 'agance. March ane 908, but mn the hnal ara | Eh +f i ver 2 1 3 i i i ; ; ; f , ' | ehts s wife. if such were con- damages. dhs 9 p ; uch a satisfaction to the Mr. Crosby, of Halifax, stated 'hat |as presented to the house it the : debts of his wile Sud ¢ « g months and his beard is now quite from his experience, $3,000 would bo a | "net" was B nitted. The: result would & tracted before the marriage The case Dr C. Knight, Jonesboro; Ind.,|white. His baldness is et vearer in kmowing that she i 1 i ¢ f to-day Dr. Willlam T. Bull, the'e | | market, yesterday, there were wales of The proper figure o New York surgeon, is "lead et Rie more than 1,500,000 shares, of whic has the New Habit Back and ta, Ga. about a qudnie in Re ye? Steal Com: 'ollows the slender girlish A Mil kee Bor 5 is mon and a sixth in Reading. he day to be eg wer Sm is reported was the most active in many weeks, lines of beauty. The hipless at: London. : : P and the market was a briskly declin- effect is more the rage than Later on in the discussion ? SL2L : 'i: s heard by J » Mactavish, and jwor ize for ** ing : is , geniality was B i ' good price for these buildings. he that the boundary line would inter wa he ard by udge Mac avi h, a d we a prize for talking the longest | his customary gt niality was not 8¢ is absolutely perfect in con- William Price, Quebee West, al t "Hunter's Island." which was in / » argument reserved ' until further land fastest at a contest where wo-|obvious as usual. His voice Tailed be- tour >, chee wt, also re- | sec rs Is . 0 vo i : + . fren - 8 BE a 8 io ze re a roar, ons which was E # |authorities could be looked up. men predominated. : ; fore he finished reading the Tong ston, saying that tho whole thing had part of the Vermillion range,.so rich Tr 41 : Miss Ida McBride, New. York, com- | speech. The reports, as us al, spoke the appearance of collusion in conn in iron. Fifteen years ago, he said { Secured A Verdict. mitted suicide by cutting her throat, | of his "clear tome. Of clmkse it) is Th A { G3 8 \ OC ars £0, , . xy ; ne 3 aps n R ol emt . tion with | tho tendors Ho described: | Minnesota had put in a claim to. this Watertown. N.X., Feb. 24 -<The sum soon after hav ing had a cheerful visit always very guttural, but \his na e merican a y the cost of these buildings as a dis | island, but the state department of foanl of R300 was awarded Bessie Rogers, fag her face, wi > was, however: ill. | jesty's voice is one of groat carrying in th an } tnahing + 3 hie i ('aptain Rogers, of Hen- wo sulirageties were. 'mallec to|power. On ihis occasion, however, iN race, of which the vernment oh Washington pointed - out that it was daughter of Cap! ug : : 4 nal ad ' ] y \ 2 > govermmeny us o! he C hi ide of the line or , derson, by the jury which heard' the Mr. Asquith, the I tish premier, by|was inaudible below the bar of the 25 an a orsets to be ashamed. If moro care of "the | on the Canadian side ol the line on id "in the case which has their friends, yesterday, but Mr, As-|house « ny T finances of the country, was not taken | the Ashburton map. | evidence in p | s Sof back; y yesterday, Mr, As use. A 3 i v . 3 Mol ia Ease. PREC 5 declined to receive the parcel. el = n i there would soon be a' chango in the Major Currie criticised the govern {1a proved the Jongest uct ich Pt jhe li fho Standard Oil. case, at Bago Can be had only at this administration, "by Jove," he threat | ment for rushing into another treaty AMES P. ROBLIN j ast ht am 00 OREre ot i Re was delayed by the quashing of the THE MEMBERS CHOSEN store. We are the sole agsnts > 4 ' us . . i Cdl AMI . "Ny x 8 J r alleged injuries y A - i ened, with the United States. When our di-|jsionty.six yeas old. He is the father| loc SHEL B ny o , panel of venireme, it con Fr---- for Kingston. r. Pugsley explained that ihe cost plomacy a hana ed by Great Bri- ol" Premier Roblin, of Manitoba. | last Sune when she aa pane a Shape a on To Decide the Newfoundland Fish. : " ; x i i FAVE y ince » rough an open trap Goo 2 . had Jises greater than usual, because tain, we had alway¥ lost. Since the |- = ve p-- roug open p es a al ike y ; u of es the foundations had Canadian government was consulted [¥4, Aaron Foster 71 and his wife 67, | general store of "Payson "Phompeon at [larme re: pa 4 eries Dispute. . dy . ' to - ho it ut of solid iy mn we had a treaty with Japan, which {Alfred Foster -76 and Mrs. Foster | Henderson. She claims to have per- ort cgmes Hou Victoria, B.C, < ashington, Feb, 24.--The United ? : . alone cost: $2,000 each. : we regretted, and now it looks as if 169, Mrs, Sarah Losee Mrs. Sarah |manently injured her 'back, although eh i he kh bere. have an associa- | States and Great Britain have reached We invite you to ¢all and Lato in "the ovening Dr. Edwards | ve would have another treaty to re: |A. Foster 73 and' Mrs. Walter Roblin | the defence placed witnesses upon the om sane ate sollecting money to buy fan agreement on the section of the see. these new Directoire beoughtiup the question of tenders for | ret: 1t would give a county to thel82, Ail these old inhabitants live! stand who testified thatthe girl had 1 he or the disaflected natives of | three foreign members of The Hague Models : the scevants' quarters. He nderst i United States, or at least, give rise |within three miles of the Roblin home | later been seen at a dance. hala. . ; court who will decide the Newfound . th t Tur ten ion had I hh Wh to dangerous dissensions. The treaty |in Sophiasburg | i The Bemis Bag company will not land fishery dispute, and the names at "tenders © recervied, : 5 ip Wy y fat 3 . : x : i A i 1 i or Athi Only two. of Ee Br RE with Japan was rvegretted by us all, | After an illness, lingering over sev-| Kisses Blamed For Pneumonia. yo ast Welland, Ont. his spring, as | will probably be announced within the On ves BE a but we forgave that to a prentice |eral months, the death occurred, on | Montclair NJ. Feb. 93.--Mrs. Hel- Spee ed, ou aicgunl d the Snancial Hex fo gaye. ka ie probable tha L " | ure d v ns . y : ¥ a depression, which, though clearin as | George G y ni po real! , I'uesday morning at his home in|en - Gentsek i Cleveland, died f Pu g aring, ieorge Lrray, nite States circu Bros, could not be considered contra hand. " ; : 3 ng, 3 en - Gentseh, of Cleveland, died from |. gisappeared ir y Uni , : 20s ! ; 3 y z g 4 '| "want trouble now with the United | man, a young ethodist preach- | pital d the novel suggesti is LY PAY ? , re, Wi e e Ame . s Yonder sla. ) ach- | pital, an h 10Ve uggestion i py i i; . . TH pi with their tender, and. the Jat States or with Japan, for we know fer. He was aged about thiriv | aie that she contracted the malady with Col, d Ollone, recently travelling can member of the court, while Sb of had t ip BuO 10 the mother country has the shadow of land unmarried. Mr. Bowerman has| by kissing her son. Charles Gentsch, rh ny Ss Presented to Jim a blue Charles Fitzpatrick, chief Justice of the out I xeon is nN | pid beta papciare a great war hanging over her. We |been attending Victoria College, Te | Jr), the son, is suffering from pneu- Bl Shar 8 Eh gh s roe Limes to {Canadian supreme court, will be the merc hats or plushers, i he un 5 want to do,i we can to prevent war |ronto, being in = his' third year in \monia, Mrs. Gentsc 'was almost con- give 3 = Ae e Emperor of the | British member. stood Sha, sugragaiy pon ercrs could for 2 port three or four vears." arts and final year in theology. A | stantly at the bedside of her boy, and Kir > Kd 1 held his first 1 i RT. 8 ¢ \ FC facts ~ . i >, 1 sil 3 . . i p » 3 ree rll, v help contra = The premier replied briefly. He |year ago he became well-known in| she repeatedly kissed him. ing Edward held his first levee ol BEST IN WORLD. A , ¥ >» ¥ 0, as y informed by the minister that the pay thought Major Currie's "comments on |town as for several months, during] the season at t. James' Palace, on : the treaty with Japan, ly war- [the long illness of the pastor, Rev 4 y Tuesday, which. was well attended, | Said Canada Has Finest Coal Yet |, BORN. : . of the men for whom the cottages |, i : . facts." " . IV Bmory. Mr Seva | among those present being the major- KENNY. --At Halifax, N.8.. on Fehl : . : = ranted by the facts. had mad: . H. Emory, r. Bowerman took] : ; . Found. 20th, 1909, to Col 3 Nes: BG were being built varied from thirty-five | the treaty on an understanding which [the pulpit supply of the First Me- | ity of members of the cabinet and the . 1999, 'to Col. and Mrs. KE. G, p . ; : : i ic torps London, . Feb. 24. --The Berli rs Renny, a daughter. cents per day to ¥3 per day. He re |was "for the moment. forgotten, but |thodist church. He had also supplied diplomatic torps. be Com Ghd Og erlin Borser marked that it was extraordinary that | was called to their attention, and had [in various Methodist churches nthe | At Ingolf, Ont., a rear-end collision ounieE sase the jerman-Cadio MARRIED ine 3 3 v po : 3 nt . : " eo] < Tues ; 'nt p p) syndicate, nc IL represe es . people whose incomes averaged $22 or | heen lived up to. That treaty was, he [county circuits, until his "ness de-| DIED OF EXPCSURE IN sank Plage Tussagy CPR Hetwoen i En mE | Dresan tative 5 MUIR--LITTON. In Kingston, on Feb. $23 per month should have $7,000 | thought, approved by the Canadian veloped an: acute stage, he being af QUEBEC WOODS. wo. seetions of the C.P.R. westbound | 3 : $5:d, : I 3 oe 1909, at the residence, 316 5 " : : ral Jac )' Bri cles, which equippe 2X pec o : i [ houses erected for them people The waterways treaty, he |fected with cancer ol the throat, he train, Jack O'Brien, an Australian, . 1UIDE d an e pe lition Earl St., by Rev. D. Laing, Ada Pe + e gy , R iH ian ™ : oy - x 3 daughter {f Mr. §. . Mr. Currie, referring to the barrack | went on, would be found by impar- [was forced to give up all his work | : killed, and al Englishman named Faw- | In 1906, fo explore Canada, and foun Ltn, Ty Albert ahd ae bey h of room: accommodation, said there would | tial men, "fair and reasonable." As land studies. | C. F. Venosta, An Englishman, cet, Vas seriously injured. : pa hs 1 I fold ma Bo aly Shin city : have beon no opposition to the esti- | to the specific matter on which Major "Hawthorné Hall,"" at Hillier, the Was the Victim--His Comi- ", hysicians at the city hospital m en ako rr aa Po 2 out t i if the buildings had been in- | Currie spoke, he would inquire o | residence of Walter Thompson, a pro . : Newark, N.J., removed a section of | € egate the work of developing thes DIED. I ' tquire, 1 I ! panion Had His Feet Frozen. . . fields ther © hich it for permanent quarters They | make a statement on another oc- |minent farmer, was the seene ff a | skull about two inches square from il . 10 Ane her epmpany. an whlch 1' | gTUART.~In Pittsburgh, on Feh. 22nd, yt designed for general pur casion prety wedding, last Wednesday,' at! Quebec, February 24.--Another tra- Francis Cleveland, five years old. The | wi 0° a contro ing Interest. The 1909, William H. Stuart, in the i - high "noon It was then that * his|gedy of the northern woods. is report- | Piece was depressed and thought to be Borsen Courier adds that it is esti _ eighty-first. year of his age. EY °\ " -------- Fgh, NOG Be en laa hs McF, i onl | interfering with the child's mental de- | mated the coal fields "contain 9,000, FUnsial on Thursday, at 10 o'clock. to 8 fer ' ec ; enry Mc de: of oO € e 2 5 : J, hs . , BD BE , DAILY MEMORANDA | voungest daughter, Norma, was wed- 1 by Henry McFadden, of MN ntreal, | 17 ¥ 000.000 00 n Cataraqui Cemelery. (No flowers) . : ded to George Alexander Miss Anna | Who is at Roberval, suffering from velopment. : 3 : 000. tous of the best coal anywhert | HEALY --In Kingston, Feb. 21st, LAOS Board of Works, 4 p.m, Thursday Thompson was bridesmaitt and Bent- | exposure, cold and hunger, while the| The United States battleship Kear- | in' America, Patrick Healy, aged sixty-two yo . "The Bells," Grand Opera House, 8.15 ley Weeks, Consecon, hest mam Mr« | companion of his misfortune lies dead Sage same home without Capt Hamil : ¥ wnsral from o ar once, 1580 Hockey, 8 p.ui. :-- Varsity III. vs i Minaker, an inmate of the House of under several feet of . snow in the(IOh To to Ue, oo mand of q a Se Collegiates, for Championship. TWENTY TWO DISCOVERED Refuge, died on Sunday. | woods between Ashuapmouchouan ny- Tas hi i Ad 0 IS omy aan oO a solemn requiem mass. Limestone Lodge, No. 91, A. 0. U. W IN BOX CAR mire . ler and Lake Mistas#ini. He was a pro- | 8 Ship by Admiral. Sperry late on L . meets Thursday. Social evening 7) etor ' F. Venos .o | the evening of February lst, in Gibral- CITYHOOD FOR OWEN SOUN | spector named C. F. Venosta, whose 3 ' Tea and Cofiee served at Best's Palin | > | mother lives in Sussex, England, and tar. ¢ | rt d Garden, all this week. Jgelp the Ladies | = | whose widow is at present in Natal, Prince Ito, on his return from a mpo e ams n i Bijou Theatre--"In Clrkish Harem Organized Plan to= Smuggle |Council Passes Motion to Secure|South Africa. Venosta and McFad- | tour of Korea, has announced that she tkins @¢_Trehsure Hunter' : . : v 3 APD. 3 > tebotle, und Its Marvellous Been Nipped in the Bud. Owen Sound. Feb. 24.--A motion | 18st, intending to spend two years in there . no hope for the empire, The : : In 2 1b. pots. Old Dwgl San Luis Obispo. Cal, Fob. 21 |Y8" introduced in - the town council, |the northern woods. They had under- Prince Ju asenced ; he missionaries | She Has Abandoned All the Arti- : 1 JIE spo, al., eh, 24, ' : ' ER y Y avnds p pg K i 3 1 eh {by Councillor James H. Rutherford, | taken i prospect jor 8 Syiditats of | that the good work. ol Lhe Inission 1s ficial Aids to Hearing--Some RASPBERRY, " » . . mous "& 16¢ f as | 2 trea people, anc intendec oy i 3 ' \ In' Canadian History. |plan to smuggle Asiatics into this {and unanimou lv carried, that a specs | MON a + Tiocing | forts towards the political salvation of the Gossip About Royalty's Richard W, Scott born at'|coumtry has been unearthed as a re ial committee. be appointed to take up | spend the winter in hunting. Believing ; STRAWBERRY, | 1809---The Dominion Parliament, opencd sult of the discovery of twenty-two | io, of 'Dweir. Sound jas - city The | such as bears; deer and caribou, they tion of both the missionaries and the Berlin, Feb. 24.--In the cqurse 0 GREENGAGE, by Lord Stanley -of Preston. Chinese in a box car in this city, yes- yr s . + ! hs 1 : Scollard consecrated at Peteshorough as icotnary. WhE Ls | Harrison's inaugural address that | Provisions. Finding themselves short | lin it developed that Queen Alexandrs : Roman Catholic bishop of Sault Eh, | the discovery was that the Chinese | The lof food they discharged their guides, | HE STEPS OUT. its newlv-acquire y . | at the Chaudiere Falls of the Ashuap- | : Sehutesy means of hearing with which 1905--The Caticook Opera House, | gover The ear was hill [itS newly-acquired annex, the most : FE lon iim s of hearing ql [he Odwticoe ouse, | government stamp. The car was bill | thickly populated section of the town | mow houan and proceeded alone to | Quits the Ministry ¥or More nor uJ. B. Snowball, of New Brunswick, February 10th. for San Frandsco. | sstimated at 13,000 They were detained for weeks by ice at the age of 70 years. Owing to , numerous landslides and en By x | with nothing but a small quantity of 5 It was the queen's experience th i & . i Cane a VOL Poly 94 -- "Ever g S 3 Fo | poor. 1 3 per e a While passing by the hor sar in the | Dene, Cod i. 3 Everybody | dry flour, candles and a few onions to ! Such statement wa: made, yester- the various mechanical devices recom Importers Of Fine Groceries. it. In response to .a question who | sense al all knows how I stand in the | while McFadden had gone ahead to | _ 11 rani 1 tistor of the | fere with than to improve her beat ROBERT J. REID, : Eo rte Bir BY Bl becoming a candidale for . the might. Though the | ¥21: organizer and [18 e|! . ¢ was in the car, he received an offer of [matter « ming a candidate ot | make a fire for the night. ough the |g} "aon Park ME church, after ha ing. Her majesty appears almos' The Lea Undertaker. the "pigeon English' °of the Chinese, {William J. Bryan. 'I am not an out- not yet been found. . Dowell. He has given up the minis- and the state ASanquets at the palace The sheriff's office was notified, the [and-out candidate, but if the people | McFadden was in desperate straits ii. for the automobile business. it was obvious to 'all observers tha A GOOD CHANCE starved Chinese taken out. All had | should demand that 1 make the race | party of explorers under the lead of N England f | kaiserin, the crown prince and other: | 860. A "Marshall" Hair Mattress, € nS 8 | | Ey ? c t C. 2 {ment of the New. England agency of i 5050 fs nee E 60. TM ' i Ar 425. large canteens, but which, during the ge Lowe, of New York, McFad this company," added Mr. Rackweii,|sitting near the queen to make them. | 825. A "'Waldodl Bp ne a $2 ~The Goth ara Gave \Bessie A Bad Asiatics Into California Has Incorporation. | den left Rwberval on September 12th apart from the protection of Japan, SHE SUFFERS. (guaranteed pure) s 4 ar Bitl,""" suny ! ---- What is believed to be an organized | to | seli-evident, and that in its own ef: Prescott. *" | the question of securing the incorpora- | that the woods were full of game, of the country he desired tha co-opera: Movements. 1905--The Rt. Rev. David Joseph |icrday. The most peculiar feature - of | recommendation was made in Mayor | took with them but a small supply of | native Christians the Brutich sovereigns' visit to Be Marie. wire in a bonded car, sealed with the | these steps he taken. town, with| has. . now abandoned all artificia DAMSON. 1907--Sudden death of Lieut.-Gover- od: from Algiers, La., where it leit on | plot of Brooke, has now a population wards big Lake Mistassini. 3 Money. ba Saas het Price 35c Per Pot - ai ------ a -- - | tm te ii | forming on the lakes and rivers, anc | Chicago, Feb Tit denve ators was sesiguol lo_faithing whet an , de & -------- : wastioite tie var was Sisved au the i Bryan Cannot Say No. while attemptiiz to retrace their steps [to preach the ape 1 am too|and letting the rest escape her. as. 8 Nl Bu yards, Conductor Page heard voices in | who know hoy thie or who has any f eat, Venosta gave out and was lost, day, by the Rev.' Fe dimand Rock mended to her tended rather to inter two dollars for a bucket of water, in [the presidency a fourth time," said {latter searched for the body, it has had talked to Bithop William F. Mc. | completely deaf. At the court bal | "Phone, 577. 2 Prircess street seals broken, and twenty-two hali- [of this country, If my own party | when discovered by an Indian with al "iy po ve peen offered the manage efforts were required for the kaiser.| wor a Yyuick buyer, A Brass Bed, cost again, standing for my well-known | t TURKS long journey, had been drained of {principles and ideas, why, 1 do not |den's feet are badly frozen. every drop of water. Ono of them sia- {very well see how 1 could reluse --_-- -- i . 2 9 : All as good as new, for |"aad I have decided -to take it. selves understood. Prone. 208" : Preaching the gospel does not pay. The reports thatthe emperor anc ted that they had crossed the Mexican more Will Visit Missions. |] am now making $2,500 a year. [jempress ot the crown pringe am STEAMER'S TROUBLES. dh border ' at "El Paso, but refused to An Old-Time Telegrapher. 1s Chicago, Feb. 24.--While in Africa |cannot live on it and keep mv family {Princess will be the guests of the kin; give any further information. They wero placed in the county jail and are}, being held, awgiting the arrival of im- Chicago, Feb, 24.--J. E.-Pettit, who | President Roosevelt will net only las it should live, or mainfain the and Queen Alexandra ot the next | gy. Had Several Mishaps in to a year ago, from its organiza-|visit a number ol missions, but will [style that 1 feel a minister's family Yang regatta at ain gave J Reaching Boston. : ) h ' 4 3 was secretary of the Military [make addresses giving his_observations { should maintain. : | time ne > wha the aiser recent! . » Beh. 24. --After foun migration inspectors from San Fran- Lpajeiraphers' Association, died, here,| when he returns 10 this country. This |' '1 have been offered a salary . that | S8IC 10 his tn lish visitors apropos oj aston, rg a § Fort W . BEAUTIFUL SETS cisco. of Bright's disease. Mr. Pettit corved | statement was made at the Methodist {reaches into five figures. Would not | Cowes week. Wiliam was comparing dering in 23 ae rr Naess P---- in the civil war in the signal corps, |ministers' weekly meéting by Bishop {you take it? I am speaking as a jie with Riel + "It seems to ms pn rg nite. Biak ---- har- 2 ieces, or $1.43, all Solofs; Also Eleven charges will be pressed ondand for a great many years was chief | t+. Hartsell, who has charge of the {man, not "as a minister. JLuat one two ascasions that i hor. 4 ") ath oo pr sets, > " uain + : pda tee : ' rast = 1 g k ; G 4 : hones in Old a: at $2.25. large) behali of Toronto banks. in the ex-| operator in Chicago for the Postal | Methodist African mission and who re- | a ¥ mos ime boul near! 000 pas- variety of rich sets, in Doulton and |tradition proceedings against Chris Telegraph company cently visited the president at the | Rev. Mr. Rockwell is a native King- | Was spent at tea and flirting. We yengers om Mediterranean pe ar y . akers, : v 1 y hil r Whit? House. { stons son of W. 8. Rockwell, who have no such things at Kiel. We take | board, brought up on enturion other high-grade make c topher HoMand, under arrest at Phil- { Whit ; | stonian, a 5 ; oachis : " 4 the Jower harbor, at 11:30 Robertson Bros udelphia. " | J. T. Gordon, MPP, bas paid the| . used to have piano warerooms here |our yachting seriously. «| {Ledge in Boeri . |b : \ A i ' : Yclock, ast night, and was apparent-. The revolutionary wing of the Rus-|iare home of Charles Rover, the Bel-| - Buttons. {and later removed to Napanee. Ki A ila ee ter be aps elo hy eT tion A his --.| sian socialist party has decided to pian, who was tramping across Can-| All sizes and materials made to or- | clergyman was at one time emp oyed pointed _ in. Reagin pe is to. Ye morning. Five tugs have g . tw A statue to Champlain is' to bejdiscontinue preaching openly against jada to work his passage home to see | der.on. shortest notice. My Valet, 191 {with Macnee & < Minnes and was a 2s s = : 3 : . . x i iv . ber assistance. erected in St. John, Que, the throne, his dying wife, | Princess street. »° good singer, ~jvave #1500 s Jeor 8s

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