Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1909, p. 6

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EMB A 3 RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Trains Leave Kingston 32.01 Bam, Express--For Ottawa, Mon d ic, St, John, N.B., Haliax, on {onto Chicago, Denwer, Hen: Sault Ste. Marie, luth, St. ort ie: Vancouves, Seattle; tiand and San Franscisco. : an m,~Local for Sharbot Lake, cote Li with C.P.R. 'Bast and West, Monday, Wedneaday, Friday 7.45 &.m. Mixed--For Renfrew and in- Sefmedia points, A leaving Kingston at 123.01 am. arrive' In Ottawa at 5 pas ; Peter- p.m. ; Toronto, 6.556 p.m nironl 7.05 p.m. ; Boston, 7.80 a. wm + «ohm 12,00 noon. KINGSTON -- OTTAWA feave Kingston, 12.01 p.m., arrive Piss 10.45 a.m, arrive King ped at K. & P.'and ©. P. hat Office, Ontario St. 'Phone, HO Ww, CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Mp ---------------- ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Jf Foea Foro See FaceSimile Wrapper Below, Vary on and ad easy sugar, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train Jea1es gunion station, Ontatio street, 1m, dairy (Sundays excepted) for Tweed, a Napanee, Deseronto, Bannock "all points north, To secure quick tech * to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and Central Ontario, route your ship Bay of Quinte Rallwas, con Ko cn apply to R. CKSO se, No. Laecal Branch Time Table. Trains will leave and arrive at Olty Depot, Foot of Johnson Street. GOING WIEST Lyve. Oity Arr. City a.m. 36g { aan 9.15 a.m, 9.47 a.m 12.25 moon 12.4 2 88 p. m Arr. City 2.17 a.m 8.17 am . 847 am . 12.66 p.m 1.29 p.m 7.88 p.m Nos, 12 8,4,5 6,7 and 8 run daily All other trains daily exeept Sunday. Through Pullman Sleeper to and from Ottawa via Brockville daily on trains 2 and 5, leaving Kingston, 2.35 a.m., and Nttawa, 6.45 p.m. For Pullman Accommodation, tickets ana all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cog. Johnson and Ontario Sts. Royal Mail - Train via ERAGE RAILWAY Maritime Express Famed for excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car service. Leaves MONTREAL 12 noon daily, except Saturday for Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax. FRIDAY'S MARITIME EXPRESS Carries the EUROPEAN 6 MAIL and lands Passengers and Baggage at the gide of the Steamship at Halifax the following Saturday. Intercolonial Railway uses Bon- aventyre Union Depot., Montreal making direct connection with Grand Trunk trains. For timetables and other infor- mation, apply to Montreal Tickst Office, £30 St. James Street, or General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. QUEBEC S. S. COMPANY. | 3301 RATE BERMUDA 4 hl York, 20th, Peabruary: and af every Saturday at 10 sm 8.5. Bermudian, 5,000 ton Ww $20.00 and re ~Hpedinl New Yt Trinidad West India Cruises from New York New Steamer + $30.00 ow rate ta Bermuda Hn 18th "Guiana,'"' 3,700 tons with all up-to-date improvements. B.S "Parima,'"' 3,000 tons, 8.8, "Korona,' 8,000 tons, sail from New York ever) alternate Wednes@ay. For beauty of scenery and perfection ol climate these trips are unsurpassed. For fllustrated pamphlets giving rates of passage and all information, apply tc OUTERBRIDGE & CO, Agents, Steamship Co., 29 Broadway, Ph ARTHUR AHERN, Sec'y. Quebec, Ticket Agents, J HANI, yr and O. 8, KIRKEPATRICK, Rinna, Svian LINE ALLAN "visi LIVERPOOL SAILINGS. from St. John, Halifax Feb. 19th. Feb. 20th . Mar. 5th. Mar. 6th . Mar. 13th SAILINGS. Feb. 18th from Portland eh. 25th $70.00 upwards, Second- upwards, Third-Class 00, : sails Tunisian, Corsican, Hesperian, sai GLASGOW from Boston Tonian $20.00 and Additional s ngs and rates plication to J. P. HANLEY, LIRK PATRICK, Local Agents, ston. nn ap or C..8 King 'NEW LAID EGGS AT GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot & Earl D Phone 47. Buy Your Wall Paper . Now ,and Save Money nis IY ep E. FRASER'S, "Phone 373. 78 William St. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS, FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION 2, | pavety Vopviabio Shonestbnt CURE. 210K HEADACHE. YOU CAN'T You have to con best quality. WALSH'S, Barrack Skin Diseases. The Coal question. front it For Try St. A diseased or disdgured skin will alwa, leave its stamp on the mind of the pr vidual. Many people suffering from dis. iguring skin diseases avoid society and lose all pride in their personal appearance. When the skin breaks out in eruptions and sores it is due entirely to an impure condition of the blood. In all such cases Burdock Blood Bitters will quickly purify the blood and drive all the impurities out of the system. tHe : ITCHING RASH Mrs. J. J, Jr., Kiomount, Oot.; writeg: 'Inthespri FAB 1 with a Rash that 0 tHtbbit ee out all over me. It was the worst on my face and head, bad a dry, scaly top, and when 1 would get warm it would become very itchy. I tried the doctor's medicine but jt did me no good, so I then got one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters and before it was all used tho Rash was entirely gone." > > > > > > 4 > y 1 r in such at as Sei Take Gin Pills rantee that they will'} d, 50¢ a box s, or direct if vou | ist. Sample: | this paper. Prug writes: * Lwas greatly came 80 bad I had to 1 thought about Burdock Blood Bitters taken all the bottle before my face was GU Cc orsets for that stylish "MY KIDNEYS HURT Sample Box Leads to Cure. Mr. Trump el. Being a railroad lifting, weakened the kidneys. Kidnoys bad condition 1 I have ¢ boxes of Gin Pills, FRANK. 1 RU MPER apanee, Ont. tism, cure y box free Mrs. Hi Bark- house, Gold River, N.8., troubled with Sores on my face and finally be- © to the doctor about it, but he could do nothing to help me. and decided to try a bottle. I cannot recommend B.B.B. enough, as I had not cured." : For sale by aul druggists and dealers. a la Gra ace Extra Long Back, Dip Hip M ip Hip Models smooth hgure ef effec? ME ALL THE TIME" Gin Pills Cured Them. Free Only those who have been tbrtured with Kidney Trouole ean appreciate how man, he was called upon to do all kinds of heavy wo The constant strain of 1 received sample box of Gin Pills | and was gre 'nefitied by them. My could not li toop without pain, In fact, they pa o nearly all the time, workir l the time heavy work on the railroad and did not lose a day. Do sharp twinges you you stoop ? to Rheuma. Bladder g on our pe ~6 for $2 cannot Dept. Co., Limited, Toronto. 117 T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS | The Perfect. Brick & Tile Co., Wash- | PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessee Are ready to contract for delivery. Brick that will stand ins tion reasonable rates. Capasity. at oe plant 60.000 daily. "r . 3 id 70¢, nighg shirts, os ae . , Try Bibby's «BRIDGE OVER." | | collegiate intermediate hockey group, Does your | & Chemical | tmmediate | | Against Queen's This Evening-- Son of H. C. Nickle Injured-- Kingston First Canadian City Longboat' Visited. Two big games are billed for the | covered 3 4 to- night. Queen's II and | McGill 11 meet bt 7.30 o'clock, in their | second game of the intermediate In- [ tercolle giate series. McGill have a liead of three goals from the first i game in Montreal, a week ago, and | have hopes of holding it. At half time in Montreal Queen's led five goals to lone. During the second + half (Queen's point and cover-point were benched, { thus giving McGill a chance to. even {up. Queen's played better hockey than | their opponents, and if: they had stay- | ed on the ice,* would have won out. | They feel confident that they can over- come the lead of three goals held: : by | McGill, fe tnd Queen's 11 will line up as follows : | Donohue, goal; Hazlett, point; Lock lott, cover: Devine, rover; Meikle, cen: tre: George, right wing; McKenzie, lof | wing. Referee, Lajoie, Laval. | Queen's seniors and Laval will take | the ice immediately after the inter- mediate game for their second game of the senior series. Queen's are pick- fod as winners of this match, but will {not have any walkover. " Jim' Suth- {erland will referee. i | « Granites Beat St. James'. | 84 James met their first defeat at | the hands of "the Granites, on Zion { rink, Thursday evening, in the junior {city league series. The Granites won out 6 goals lo 0. "At half time the core stood 3 to 0, for the winners. The game was fast and the play closer than the score would indicate. The reams lined up as follows : Granites (6)--Richards, goal; Strat- ford, point; Murray, cover; Sharpe, rover; Roy, centre; Duncan, left wing; Thornton, eight wing. James' (0)- Doherty, goal; point; © Dunlop, cover; Ray, eentre; Duncan, right wing: Fisher. Den- Ryan, wing; Si. son, | cover; | 'hornton, Referce--J leit Jt was in' Kingston that "Tom" [Longhoat, the greatest long-distance cunher © the world has vet produced, | made his first professional appearance, wd Kingston was the first Canadian <0il that the red-man touched after his famous victory in New York over Alfred Shrubb, the pride of England Poor old Toronto ! Three thousand people were down at the station there on Monday, to meet the runner, but he failed to show up, choosing to como back to his native land by way of the city. where he eatned his first money, and where a large number. of people cathered to bid him welcome. Young Hockeyist Hurt. Hugh Nickle, son of H. C. Nickles, Earl street, was injured, on Thursday afternoon, while 'playing hockey. He and some other boys were Raving an interesting game on a private rink, when one of the players shot the puck, | hitting Hugh 'In the face. His upper | ip: was very badly cut, a serious g rash being inflicted. Dr. Woods was $um- moned to dress' the injury. Long Distance Records. Long distance races. in harness have | practically become obsolete, but { be- | the Civil war back in the 50k or "60s, it took something more thgn' a milo dash te draw a erowd at a tace track. Ariel » holds the 50-mile record made in 1846, time, 3 hours, 55 min- utes, 404 seconds. 'Conqueror,' 'did 100 miles in 8 hours, 55 minutes, 23 geconds in 1853,. which stands unchal- lenged. In 1857 Gen. Taylor negotia- ted 30 miles in 1 hour, 47 minfites, 59 docondé. Capt. McGowan went. 520 miles to a record at Boston jn 1865 with 25,000. people paving a dollar admission. Time, 5Y minutes; 28 « conds. Later day statistics show that "Bill" holds the 18-mile record made in 18853, time, 58 minutes, 10 seconds, and in 1893 "Pascal" went ten miles in 26 minutes, 15 seconds. It ig inter esting to note that the entire sextetie of inarks ower great distances - of ground are held by geldings with one | exception, the 50-mile record, held by the brown mace, Ariel. lore Sporting Notes. Vancouver will send a team of po- licemen' athletes to Toronto in July. Efforts are still being made to in- duce Sherring' to &un "against Long- boat. Varsity the Toronto II won inter- by beating McMaster university by 9 to 6. The British Columbia Amateur Ath- fetic association will affiliate with the C.A.A.U. on the terms defined by the central body. The stadium at Scarboro Beach will seat 20,000 people. Tom Flanagan has been made' manager 'of the athle- end came 'in oh Ae rome the bout in rig last Wednesday. 1i this pair is the best Australia cont Death of. Thomas Steadman, a show there surely is a ood material in' the ant the heavier classes meet avy ks. crac than tance. in the ished Greer Toronto's Day Of Humility. |. wp we hi life, the have Cave ston cone unt sider the the had "oN insig moti the at t it New As where ciden them 'thein a mightgown and tur cdat, tie, on Ww passe 'lu tic section of the park. Ottawa Citizen: "When Longboat | {caught sight of his wife, as Flana- | gan led her out on the track, he ran | faster than he ever ditl before. Which | may or may nét be a compliment to | Mrs. Longboat. | It is said that Alired Shrubb will never attempt to run the Marathon distance agains The gamé little Eng- |lishman admits that the distance is | too far for him; but he is as willing |as ever to meet any of the present- |day cracks at any distance up to fii- teen. miles. "Marly | tawa centro, Walsh, the doughty has a clear: lead of | goals over his nearest opponent in. Fl. jC HL. goal getting. 'Marty' has| { slammed in iwenty-six to seven mateh- | | es. Next the Ottawa yover, | matches. The Fnglish | pionship Tor Ot- ten with sixteen in six | speed skating cham a mile and a. half for {the prize cup offered by King Fd- t waid was won by F.'W. Dix; «o | Raunds, in the world's record time of {4 minutes 37 seconds. The former record was 4 minutes 37 2-5 seconds made last vedr' by Dix himself. "Bil" 'Squires must be accustomed to getting knocked out His latest effort in' that" Tine was to succumb hé- fore "Bill" Lang, the Australian, whe cateh talk peopl ing" and times sense tion Cor offeri ing, { A bw here | cerne hard, what less 1 J rece mily made a futile effort to stand up against "Tommy" Burns. The * N 'See Sir stone 26th, ence to Abraham Lincoln : at command, some rht ih city." Whe brought 'on board the Baltic, broug mured lived, matic Seg Bibby's dressy "Ms generally haven't Shrubb"s ninth. DAILY 1, Cloth HINT ¥ Gown t Fring LAURIER ON LINCOLN. Presid in the 1898, made tl his. last hall ec ive, world at larg illustrated th yur, Lincoln, o. "1f we look "simply tide of the réstlts 'obtained, © ed, with the exiguity of the resources if we remeniber of the small kingdom of Sardinia grew unite lusion d Ttaly,' we "nn that yubtedly Line wey, exhibited Amvrican black race to perform respects 0 man ave yes supremo right momen languagd he A Terribl York 'I'ribune. is, the caso » tragedy is ug Hore the Republic te, n belongings. cht with her hich ngers notices of were pos st--One gold ple ase return to --=.' The possessor of one nightgown and one fur coat looked long and s6lemnily at that notice, "Lost--0One gold bution, dreamily, 'T buiton--lost I'* Then she went into hysterics. or all of 'He is reported to have twelve miles in. 3. 3-5 seconds slower grene. record. fo Before - the Olympic Marathon was run in London last summer Svan- berg Js said to have, covered the dis tance In 229 in'a private: thal; but race he was taken ill 'and fins Wilfrid Laurier, the death, of Right Hon. W. E, house of commons, o refer- a statesman ous skill and prescience. "Abraham fame when he'iva¥ electell' to the pré- a government df men which has scareely heen: surpassed th any "age, uitibh, he almost ever didgplayed' 'a gréater is _ohe': k of concerned. John Svanberg, of Sweden, to be ready to come to Ameridid 36" the Marathon ROM rimmed e. wi Sir Wilfrid's Tribute to the Great|,,d Frank Nellis. ent. in hie en we following entury,. in has produced many able and strong men, who, in different walks of have attracted the attention of but of me age, it s me that in the eyes of "posterity, four will outlive and outshine 'all others, Bismarck and G fad- at the t 1st" come of yf, power { He 1 for the mira the « ire the motives, y @ i rich. shape the publi ion of a free countrds, and he possess ed almost to the degree of an te t; e Loss. with. all occurrences permost, il lision between the Republic and Florida brought oat somi anus passengers lady, all & from the of bulletin interest 1 ted. The ing caught that lady's eye: , button, * . sh Wink of Socialism In Patches. Socialism is always ready words, graudly about e with only a regard with "y veneration! wish that so, vast called of evolution. Ladies' Fur-Lined "Coats. and Camphell sale. me in ng at ut man may be bi to. him comes Bruce Stuart lisults, and be gifted 2 he 3) See "Be of faults Bibby's nobby wwril, all sizes." display at Gibson's Store. The way of the transgressor may be "Phone 230. but. he' can «wo tires. that we have: make t is a woman. Bibby 's special One Darwin had is the flood of forth by his populariza- what our evolution, "hent fcv hounded could see "the spaps we are hig elear- Bros.' ind to his with others ate SPeC $12.50 ove See the v Red Cross ften afiord £12.50 overcogts neighbors $. us apt Nothing is so nneertain as nek 25¢; ties, is_sakd¢man, one of this PARIS. to Count Cavour unknown he enfranchised task was endowed instinct, quakity of a' statesman of taking the right decision,' and expr of incompTTabIS eli mary had saved practically none tho arrayed in sinking ship, climbed over the side of the Bal- and spied un' sort with the It is ever prepared nd sight BUDGET FROM NEWBORO. Pioneer Resident, -12.--Thomas" Stead- the oldest pioneer resi- dentssof this locality, passed away at {his home near here on Saturday, af- run [ter a long and painful illness of gan- He leaves a grown-up family 16 mourn his, loss. The funeral took place to the Methodist church. Ser- vices were conducted by Rev. G. E. 'Wood. The remains were placed in the 'Beggett vault. 'Miss 'Lockerbie, of Sweet's Corners, spent the week end here, the guest of Ber sister, 'Mes, W. Top ing, © J. R. Bier, teller in the Union. Bank, was in Westport, on Monday evening attend ing the banquet given in honor of S. 4 Molton. - J. TrGallagher, was visiting friends it" Soperton on Tuesday. E, G. Leech was a business visitor to Brockville on = Tuesday. Judge MacDonald, of Brockville, conducted services in St. Mary's church here on' Monday morn: ing. Walter Beatty is in this locality surveying. b. Dr. Preston is having the large building which steod at the iron ore mines for a number of years moved to the . village and he will have it fit- ted up to De used in place of the stable and drive house which was burned last fall. Messrs. J. J. Gal dagher and R. P. Tett witnessed the 1Seeley's Bay-Athens hockey match in Delta on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dargavel were in. Ottawa last week attending the funeral of their little grandson, who 'as scalded to death. J : nt oh "The "Newboro. hockey team have We. have not Space here to quote the. many tempting Bargains we offer To-Morrow. | § THE JOHNSTON SHOE STORE, hn and wait for the ending of 'the Cor, Princess and Wellington Streets. Newhoro, Feb. dis- Note a few of thie m 'y exceptionally bargains that await: you'Sa krday; xs Men's Fine Foot- wear Men's Tan Calf Boots, Blusher Cut, Goodyear Welt Soles. Regular Price, $5.00, SATURDAY SALE 8, Men's Button Boots, hest- quality | Patent Colt Leather. Regular Price, $5.00. SAT JAY SALE Men's Working Boots, Solid. Leather. Regular Price, 3 ae SALE/ PRICE Boys' School Boots, Sot Leather. Regular Price 3. 7° SALE PRICE RUBBERS Men's Rubbers .... Women's RuBbers : The above purchased goods equal in appearance to the $1 and 75c. goods. orn i | § | E ono0a281a8 Child's Glove Grain Leather Boots, Standard Screw Seles; Sizes, 8 to 10. Regular Price, $1.00. 4 SATURDAY SALE second division to play for the Tay- lor cup. A large number went down to yrackville, last Thursday night, to witness the game between the locals and the C.A.A.A, of that town which resulted in a score of six to two, in favor of the Brockville aggregation. On the return trip several local sup- porters 'were mixed up in the melee in which a car window was broken. Two local sports wear eolored optics. As there was no service in any o the churches here on Sunday evening, a large crowd skated over to West: port, and attended service the Presbyterian church. A very quiet wedding was perform ed 'in ° the Methodist parsonage on Monday morning and two young peo- ple of Perth Road weré married. The principals were Miss Violet Whelan The young couple Special for Women. Regular $3.75 and 4:00 Tan Calf, tal Calf and Pat. Colt Skin Boots, Now $2.95. Special for Men Regular $5.00 Black and Tan Winter Calf, Viscoliz- ed Soles, Genuine Water Proof, Now $3.95. See our windows. Reid .&. Charles. in ici Kid, Gun Me~" S th Silk {were unattended. eech on Miss Elizabeth Barker is spending Glad-' the iweek at Philippsville. William Bass May | president of the West Leeds Farmers Institute, is attending the institute méetings held this week, at Lans- dome, Escott, Newboro, Seeley's Bay which Land Delta, The Social Evil. Bishop Farthing. ' "Words fail and one's heart sinks 'within, as one contemplates the ter- rible degradation of womannood which is ihvolved in this evil, It is the boun- dep. duty of every parish clergyman to prevent. as far as he can, houses for inmoral purposes from being estab- {ished within the limits of his parish. When such are established it becomes his duty to use every proper effort to hate them closed. "No minister of Christ's chuwech can permit such pla- gue spots to remam as a source of jmoral danger. IL am thankful that the to | chiirch 'stands as a unit 'on this ques- tion, though there are some who differ from us on the action taken. But the church ecahnot acquiesce in any solu- tion of this problem which seems to #cquiesee in a recognition of the traf fic. Armchair philorophers may calm- ly discuss the question of licensing the evil, but the church cannot do so. In the practical dealing with this ques tion we need homes, where any. man, desiring to forsake her life sin; may find a welcome, 'oving sym- pathy and counsel of Christian 'wo- men, Reformatories lack that touch of 'human sympathy whieh is essential in this work. 1 bespeak your dial support to the effort which will, I trust; shortly be made to provide such safe retreat for these men. n who eems to magni- ompér- Hat out FURNITURE SPECIAL "ogverything reduced from 10 to 15%. wa 50 his will be a 'splendid SPpOTtURItY to save mohey the was marvel: or the saved | he | in itlously! omplex c bpin- wo of 230 Princess St Phone 877. R. J. REIE king it sing cor- Cheerios : Bulk or Boxer. Algo a few boxes of Cadbury' s loft Get one now, for they are sclling fast. Fresh Toffies' . Pineapples ot, AT R. H. TOYE OUR ROOSTER BR A OF TOBACCO Bmoking and Chewing at forty-five rants a. pound, is a good tobscco. Why pay eighty-five cents. Avpdrew Maclee 1 Ontario street. * | Ee --_ S >N FEBRUARY" SALE %3:4SPECIAL FORISATURDAY "One Lot of Men's Patent Colt, Box Calf and $3 98 Tan Bluchers, regular $5.00 value for . Be One Lot of Ladies" $3.50 .8hoes, French heels, just the kind for evening shoes Sale price $198 a wWO- You Must Cure Dyspepsia. Improper digestion of food harms ¢o many ways that the evil must he corrected at once.' The remedy to rely upon is Day's Dyspepsia Cure. It helps: to digest food, it tones np ithe whole system and it keeps this bowels in proper condition: Kach bottle tains sixteen days' treatment. only at Wade's drug store. 0 col- the ing 1n- mm! wore of of con- For sale he had Big Discounts. Campbell Bros. 302 KING ST. 5 Phone 141, board o the follow- At sale. clearing fur It pays to have a "phone and you can save what it costs by ringing up 254 or 248 for your table wants. Think it over. "Colgate's Coleo Soap," Gibson's Red Cross "Phone 230. ah Fined Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. ew Carriages, Cutter. for .s ag » 3, Harieu ale of Horses every Saturday is sold at Drug Store. «1 mur- it--oune rr Sea WE to which thirk- respect some- never non- own con: One Lot of Girls' Fine Kigand Box Calf Boos, 8, sizes 11 to 2 reoats, window Drug One Lot of Boys' $2.50 Shoes for pneu- | ' 4 Py One Lot of Children's $1,25 Shoes A New Lot of Women's Rubbers to sell at '" '" '3 G irls' "" 11 to 2 x reciate » UN

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