GAIN BY THE COUNTY iv IN ADOPTING COUNTY "ROAD SYSTEM. i iitie-- 1 J. M. Stonness Writes on 'the Subs feet and Gives Figures--He Answérs D. B. Roger's Criti- cisms, Perth Road, Jan. 27.--(To the Edi- {tor) : Would you kindly allow me Ispace in your paper to correct some lof the statements made by Dp. D. y fs in your issue of December 10th, i No. 1-He states he would have (penta few hundred dollars to secure {the voice of the ratepayers on the new 'consolidated debt. For instance, they voted nay. Then we would have been compelled to appeal to legislature and our few hundred dollars would have been 'spent, which would look to me 'like 'bungling work, or, at least, too reat a cost to rouse them from their wey sleep. No, 2---He system of Imps 'been forced upon us too fast w {too great an expenditure, with {Loughboro bridge costing $2,000, 'attempting to adopt a county system 'with three toll roads left out. let {nie 19dy right here the county of Fron- {ténac has adopted eighty-six miles of {county road' and * has built two 'bridges under government aid, and tir three of 'her toll roads free, {and D. D. Rogers will see dn a fol lowing paragraph how they were man: faged with pur past bungling in bridge 'biiilding and road' buying. True en- "ough, if we could Rave gone down hnto the marsh beds and quick sand in' the ponds and rivers, and sounded ithe bottom, Loughboro Lake bridge would have been built for less money. 1 hope that the new council will 'be ble to take counsel from the former writer and thereby save money for the county. Item , No. 3-Condemning the past founcil in the appointment of a ¢ erk. Mr. Hijghston's application was taken aip, he being defeated 'hy 'two votes in the council, and, of course, the minor- ty has to submit. J "And 'we now refer to some of the past work. The cost of the purchase of the Kingston and Perth Road was $7,000. { Repairing and rebuilding sixteen miles of county road, $2,281.43. Bonus by county to different town- ships,: $2,705. r . Total, 811,986.43, Rate required upon the total valua- {tion of the county, $6,342 518, to {rilse $11 "OR6:43," "would" "be " one and (eight-ninth mills, which rate, levied on leach + township valuation, will raise (their. respective amounts as follows : claims that the better road and bridge buildin it the by Paid by Igerie s Bedford... er (Clar. & Miller (Gar. Island... (Howe Island... {Hinchinbrooke... {Ringston... \Kennebec {Lotighboro:.. (iden... ... ... .. so anelii tas $29,665 286,314 57,400 65,000 101,022 211,268 1,409,145 57,027 518,367 135,504 100,277 356.03 ' 540.80 108.09 122.70 191.80 399.04 107.91 979.13 255.96 shar ¢ arland. allots { ot thmouth [Pilinerston, N. { & 8. Canonto 'Stotrington Wolfe Roland Total... ......86,342,518 ¥11,980.69 fhe total expenditure onthe whole is $36,546.94. One-third of said amount required is received from {the government, which equals $12. 182.81. . "Total cost of building bridge, $22,222.62. Arbitration cost, $2,093.39. Cost of operating ferry, $244.50. ! (ost of county road and repairs, (31,986.43. Which totals $36,546.94. Halatice of government grant, ER 704.38. pays of arbstration cost of $9008.39, also cost of operating ferry, $244.50, and hands a balance to the credit of the county of $364.49 clear 'gain, by adopting a , county road syst of sitteen miles in? 1907. Under the enlarged system of county roads m 1908 Loughboro has 'a net gain of $1,250, while the county has mt the present time eighty-six miles of ¢ounty road established.--Yours itefily, J. M. STONNESS. 1,935.85 , 1,382.81 217.20 732,082 115,000 63,258 798,843 637,400 119.47 1,508.92 1,208.97 Loughboro Sa---------- To End It All Windsor, Ont., Jan. Joseph Rendot, a laborer, is in Sandwich jail, 'charged with threatening to kill his wile and then commit suicide. Follow- ing the visit of a collector, who was insistent upon the payment of a balance due him, Rondot, who had In ott of work, is alleged to have waidedl his wife and declared that he baht ta end it all by taking her life atid 'following Her to the grawe. Mrs. bt induced him to let her go and: promptly notified the police. ' } 97 Woe For The Students. { prs .London, Ont., Jan. 27.--1t was an- fblinced in the collegiate institute tht Pursuant to an order from the fifpvincial inspector all' matriculation ilidents would be required to attend ol' six days a week. This hl&r been necessitated by the closing the 'collegiate institute following the small-pox outbreak during = the fist part of December, and will re. main 'in force until Easter at least, if not until June, step W. C. T..U. Social. A 'parlor social will be held, under the auspices of the W.C.T.U., 'at the home of Mrs. H. Day, 24 Division street, Thursday, January 28th, at8 «pan. A good programme 'of vocal and instrumental music has been prepared, and the gifted elocutionist, Miss va Griffith, has promised to recite. Gen- tlemen and ladies favorable to the cause are invited. 10c. admission Little Lady Oranges. Are seedless Washington navels from California, and Carnovsky gives two dozen for a quarter. Better lay in a good supply, as prices will soon ad- yanee, Boom your city and waich it grow. Vote dor the by-law. "Eighty skilled » LET LAW BE MAINTAINED, SB ib Valuation. each Towns hip. 2,661.80. 18949! 4* ---- What 16 Said in Picton "Over Lax . Enforcement. Pictog, o Jan. 27.--Mayor Porte just about" 'hit 'the nail on the head" in his inaugural address to the town council, on Monday night. He referred to. Charges against the police of negligencs, in a secret enforcement of the law, "and the street rumors that this council would dismiss the town constables, They were, he pointed out, employed by the council, and he thought it was natural that if they valued their positions they would be anxious to please those who employed them. He thought the Fewpongibiiiy for the enforcement of the law really rosted with the town fathers. He said he advised giving them a fair chance, and suggested they be plainly told what they were expected to do. mayor admitted there were too mal drunken men to be seen on the tow, streets. lowed, and he suggested the law be pres rigidly observed in future. Tcense inspector was workibg thfully, but he thought the police aid make this their duty as well he, Fhe new chief magistrate did ihe but spoke en outline any prospective undertaki for. the coming year, of the acquiring of a park, The pew council granted $100 to the s" for charity, and $25 to Orphanage. W. J. Carter was ap* pointed to the high school board, re placing - Registrar Walter Mackenzie; who has been a high for twenty-five years. The county fathers wi to decide who shall be warden 1909. Yesterday afternoon, lots were cast, but 'all in vain, deadilock, seemingly, could not broken. foi the be BE On Eleventh Ballot. Pi¢ton, Ont., Jan. 27.--Heary Demp- séy, Ameliasburg towr ed warden of Prince Edward county, this morning, on the eleventh ballot. The Late A. D. Thompson. A message from. Los Angelés, Cali- fornia, received on Tuesday, apnour ed the death, on that morning, Alexander D. Thompson, second of George Thompson, Brock ' street, and brother of James Thompson, Alfred street, and Mrs. N. KE University: avenue. Deceased, forty-three years, left here over twen- ty years ago, go for many years he was in the govern- ment employ. He was retired when the United States assumed contro the island, and as his heatth was jm- paired, he removed to Los Angeles, He'is of «Alexander . Waggoner, street) and two children. 10 Wellington Rd 2 Sleeper Net Gain. $37.99 174.70 82.28 57.30 83.47 187.21 48.07 67.04 17.72 109.79 78.43 785.12 365.01 88.95 Gov't Grant. $52.02 550.50 110.37 125.00 194.27 406.25 a. 2,700.87 109.75 996.85 260.7 ear nn 1,970.97 140785 21.15 County Bonus. £62.00 175.00 80.00 55.00 80.00 180.00 "65.00 A) Hd 750.00 440.00 R5.00 h 87.18 27.30 486.78 ¥2,704.38 85.00 21. 1,536. 1,225.7! 165.00 £2,702.00 $2,191.11 | STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cobalt and Leading Stocks 'Listed. The following quotations plied by the City Brokerage Hutton and J. R. €. Dobbs), ence street, Telephone 480 A : are (J. Cobalt Stocks. January 27th. Sellers. Amalgamated... .. .. 8 12 BeaVEr vv. vee, oes vue Chambers- Ferland Crown Reserve ... .. ... = Cobalt Central ... .. .. Cobalt i Lake. i sia Foster ... ... Green Meehar La Rose ... ed Teas Laie Little Nipissing McKin.' Dar. * Savage Nipissing Otisse... Peterson Rochester. Nova Silver Leaf... .. } Silver Queen ... ... ow. Temiskdming . Trethewey Watts. 8 114 304 50 16% 16 AY 6.45 O58 9 10.00 Ab 63) 12% Wardens Elected. Braunt--Richard Sanderson. Bruge--S, J. Parke. Dufferin--W. J. Dynes. Elgin--J. R. Summers. Essex--J. A. Coulter. Grey--Robert Agnew. ¢ Haliburton--Dr. Giles. Haldimand--Julius Root. Huron--Peter Lamont. Hastings--William Rogers. Kent--William Abraham. Lincoln--Thomas D. Allan. Lambton--Robert G. Bailey. Leeds and. Grenville--A. E. Baker. Middlesex--S. R. Gillies. Northumberland © and thur A. Powers, Norfolk--William Sutton: Ontario--R. R. Mowbray. Oxford--H. 'S. Moore. Perth--David Bonis. Peterboro--R. N. Scott, Sim coe--Richard Bell. Victoria--George A. Jordan. Wellington--H. J. Colwill. Welland--James McKéown. Wentworth--J. W. Gage. Waterloo--J. F. Katsenmeir. ------------ Theft Of Shoes. A batteryman, who 'was found have been implicated in the theft a couple of pair oi shoes from other member of the battery, sentenced to seven days' confinement in barracks. Another soldier im- plicated will be given g/ trial to an- Vote for the by-law and the increase amployees are worth keeping in our midst. ! of circulating medium. day and be home and voie early. This need not exist unless * the school ee 0 try, to-day,'gold! mesh for | Blateey while satin, eight bal- point The | its + predecessors. Gold in BGuwilight 7' - oo Mrs. 'T. R. Carnovsky, Princess street, has just eome back from Ottawa, where she wal one of those who made their curtsey to vice¥oy- alty. She was the guest of the Rev. George Edwards and Mrs. Ed wards and was thus fortunate in hav- ing one of the best places at the function, .which is said by those who bhave -éeen many such assemblies, : to have been more brilliant than any of Mrs. Carnovsky word «-black peau de soie, in the fashion of the empire, heavily trim- med with black : guipure lace. Her ornpments were ris. . Besides the parjiancentary functions Mrs. Car- uovsky came in for private gaieties. AL or eil i. Some of the gowns at the dawing room were: Mrs. William Harty, white liberty, with silver and rosebud embroidery, diamonds' and pearls; Miss. Gladys Grand, Pirectoire gown of lo gold satin overlaid wits woth of gold, 'golds fringe, and golden butter flies ombroidered on it; Miss Louise Brougly, Limcrick luce robe, over pale nship, was elect- | of | son | : | ey will be remembered as Miss ing to Hawaii, where | 1 of supvived by a widow (a sister | Canadian sup- tor of Mr. and 0.' "Maple Dell," 44 Clar- | Claude Buyers. 'street, gave 0: - Leo! On Friday night, after the 160 'match, there will be a' supper ab Mrs. Tog Clark Wright's, Colborne street, with 1 | ! ? University was the pleasantest possible affair. | | | (street, | was | | Remember the onough yellow 'satin and. "chiffon, Directoire, trimmings of gold: Misy Ethel Slater, maiiegcharmeuse satin, {rimmed with ands sequins; Mise Lillian Directoire, rose and seed pearls. : - "> The "girls' had a 'Dutch treat' luncheon at the Country Club, yester- lday, with Mrs. Charles McDunough and Mrs. A. P. Christinas as guests of | honor, The others who made up the lfourteen were : Miss Bessie and Miss May Smythe, Miss Elsie Paise, © Miss (Nora Gordon, Miss Grace Hemming, Mies Frances Hora, Miss Madelon Car- ter, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Irene Short and Miss Marie Carrythers. > oe > Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ripley, of New York, have been paying a flying visit Mrs. Ripley's aunt, Mrs. Robert Clergy street. Mrs. Rip- Con- nie Rose, and her friends have been delighted to see her again and have | also been very pleased to meet her | husband. Mr. and Mrs. Ripley have | been in Ottawa, where they attended the drawing-room, and 'have now gone 'on-to Toronto. > ewe Mrs. James Minnes, Sr., Gore street, gave a little bridge party, last night, 'with Mrs." Charles ~McDunough | and I Mrs. A. P. Christmas as guesty of | honor Mrs. Frederick Spooner - was also an out-of-town guest. Thera was a {able of "Five Hupdred"' and at | this Miss Florene» Cunningham won the prize, Miss Beatrico Birch being [™ winner at bridge. » or There was a bridge tournament at the armouries, on Saturday, for prizes | put up by Major and Mrs. Norman Stuart Leslie. There were five tables in play, the prizes being won by Mrs. James Gildersléeve and Mrs. T. D.'R. Hemming. The former won a silver photograph frame and the latter a silver vase. » {to {| Thomson, - I The beautiful young Montreal {butante, Miss Ethel Lallemand, who came out at the last June ball, at | which time 'she was the guest of Mrs. Edward Ryan, "Rockwood House," | was the raison d'etre of a large tea | given by her sister, Mrs. E. \ 'Decary, Sherbrooke street, Montreal, last week, de- > The engagement is announced of Miss | Margareu May Fox, youngest daugh- Mrs, Charles G. Fox, near Picton, te My. C. Wannamaker, only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wannamaker, Salem | Ameliasburg. : o> - Mcintyre a young last night, inn honor Miss Edith Smith. - Elliott, Brock people's party, of hor visitor, Cards and dancing Mrs. . J. 814 ' and a delicious little supper mado up 2.701 tho jolly evening. - be od > Mrs. Lloyd A. H. Warren will re ceive for the first time at her home, [124 Stuart strect, on Tuesday, Febru- ary 2nd, and thereafier the first and third Fridays of the month. - ee Miss Spangenberg, Johnson street, gave a girls' bridge for her visitor, Miss Curry, of Brockville, on Monday l evening, and it was very pleasant in : deed, - hoeky Miss Edith Smith. as guest of honor. "> - "> Owing tor the donth of her brother, Mrs. N. F. Dupuis will not be = at home to her friends, as she expected io be. on Friday, January 20th. oe - > Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Abramson an- nounce the engagement. of their daugh- ter," Chine, to Mr. David Wolpaw, Cloveland, Ohio. > > Neil Polson's avenue - dance, at her home, last night, Mrs. - >» Mrs. Hugo Craig, Union streot, a little ten, this afternoon, for gave Mrs: Durham--Ar-; Frederick Spooner, of Saskatoon. oe -> > Mrs. T. Milo, Montreal street, will enteriain- at toa, on Friday im honor of Miss Edith Smith, of Toronto. "o> -- on Cornelius 'Bermingham, Barrie gave a very informal little bridge party, last night - o> "oe There will bo play at Badminton at the armourics,: as usual, this after Mrs. oe oe > Mrs. John - Macgillivray, Albert street, will give a tea on Friday aftor- of noon. o> > Mrs. William Har street, ic back from Olitawa. Miss Laura Curry, of Brockville, is the guest of Miss Spangenberg, - son streev. Miss Kathleen Ryan, w to get leit, yesterday, -- ty, Sydenham ho was lucky a fow exira holidays, for Moantrcal to begin } Monday, for Swift, Miss Phyllis | - re hor studies again at the Sacred Heart Looncert. yk © Mus. ck Saskatoon Mise: Marie Cazruthers, "Annan ». will leave for. St. John, on a month's visit. Carson, Brock street, left little Spooner is home irom . . § o Leta o 'on Monday, for a - oo. re Miss Edith Smith, of Toronto. is staying with Mrs. J. McIntyre Elliott, Brock street. /# Mrs. Riel Davis, and Mrs, Ram- say Duff left, last week, for Ottawa. Mrs. Davis ie Staying with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Walter loaning, at Sir Sand- ford Fleming's, and Mrs. Duff is visit- ing Judge and Mrs, Maclennan. Miss Mabel Melood; of Cape Town, South Africa, ie the guest of her cou- sin, Mr: D. B. Murray, Alice strect, and hiv wife. hh Miss Louise Griffin, of Galt, arrived, yesterday, and is: the guest of Mrs. | James Hamilton, King street. ------------ THE POULTRY SHOW Miss for Toront visit. Is the Best Ever Held in King- 3 ston. ° The poultry. show = in Ontario hall was in full 'swing on' Tuesday night and drew a large attendance. All pre- send were surprised at the splendid ex- hilt, and the wow it was arranged. { Over four hundred birds are on exhi- bition and they are all sueh good ones. that they kept tho judge guessing to pick the' winners. The prizes are all awarded, but the prize list is not iready. Among the largest local exii- {bitors i$ H. Raid, Union street, | and 'he has some fine pigeons and game on "exhibition. He won all the first [prizes on his Fnglish pheasants. Some (of them are the finest shown in Can- : ada. . Holand Bros:, William Clugston, 7. (HL Cuddiferd, R. Coffey, R. Sinclair, J. 'Martin, F: Ferguson and J. Len turney also have: some fine birds at the - 'show. Snider 'and Warner, Nar | panec; Tooker and Bowey, Brockville; J. Marsh, Napanee, and Rev. Mr. Chant, Newburgh, are among the out- side exhibitors: that have won many prizes. Ald. H. Angrove and Ww. (Gibson deserve «special mention for their exhibit. They won first prize in the special 'class for a new breed: of hirde known as "Auto Dodgers." James. Dumphy, William Nickle and I. Guy alse 'won some first prizes on pigeons, Judge Roberton = was bus all Tuesday awarding the prizes, and lefts for Ottawa; 'Tuesday night. | Phe show will Be open this evening and on Thursday and deserves large crows, Bs it, is bet show the local | association has yet: put on. { - ies BURGLARS BUSY AGAIN. | Secured Entrance to Home of Miss Emily Duprez. Burglars 'are again | busy, in the city. Dring last night, entrance was secured to. the home. of the late Miss Emily Thipréz, 'Division street, and while nothing 'i8 reported missing, there iis every evidence of the place having been ransacked, for money J. 0. Hutton, who is looking after deceased's. estate, and who has charge of the 'house, which is still furnished throughout, notified the police, and to-day ;, an inspection, was made. Things in the. house were found topsy turyy, but nothing was missing. Entrance was secured at the door. There was a lock and bolts, but all were smashed off. other doors had to be smashed in before the main : part-of the house could be entered. and /this. task was also accomplished. The late Miss Duprez left a large fortune and it is believed that the would-be thieves were of the opinion {that money was hidden in the house. back two Two ON AN OLD CHARGE. "Indian" Paid For Drink He Had Last September. "Bert" Grimshaw, on the "Indian" list, paid for a drink he had on Sept. 20th last, at a special session | of the -pelice ~ court = this afternoon. Just at the time Inspector Wright wished to summons the accused the Intter left the city rather hurriedly, and was pot served until his return to = the city this week. When ar raigned he pleaded guilty. J. MeD. Mowat appeared on his behalf and stated that for the past four months Grimshaw had taken no liquor. The magistrate imposed a fine of $10 and costs, or twenty days in jail. A former Kingstonian who escaped from the Hamilton insane asylum was ordered by the court to. be sent back to the institution. ------------ ------ To Play Three Games. Three games will be played in the City Hockey League series on Thurs- day night at the Royal rink. In the junior series Regiopolis and Kingston Business College will play, and ~~ the Y.M.C.A. team will cross sticks with the St. James." In the senior series the Kingston Callegiate , Institute team and Victorias will play. { Steamer Niagara Sold, Toronto, Jan. 27.--The steamer Ni- agara, recently in use on the Toron to to Hamilton run, untler the man- agement of the Turbine Steamship company, has been sold to Port Ar- !thur steamboat interests and 'will be ! operated along the north shore of the lake. She will leave bere as soon as navigation opens. Mayor Of Deseronto Ill. Deseronto, Jan. 27.--Dr. Newton, mayor of Deseronto, is very low with | blood poisoning, which he contracted | about a week ago. His friends fear he may not recover. Collector Of Customs. Welland, Ont., Jan. 27.--Francis L. Pattison has been appointed collector of customs and canal tolls at Port Colborne, made vacant by the death J. Sidey. of 8. | | A magazine of 'bombs was found buried In the cellar' of the Technical Institution. Tomsk, Siberia. It is Te- lieved the bombs were placed there by revolutionary plotters who intended to | blow ap the institution. The police {have made a number of arrests. Robert Flint, Toronto, is in the city on business. What we have we formwith. t's a Jong speech that hag wo end- hold. Vote for Lng THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, IN BRIEF FORM. ' am Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Fasily Read and Remembered. George 8. Henry was elec den of York county. Fergus Kyle was elected president of the Toronto Press Club. A five-year-old Toronto boy was ducted and taken to St. Louis. Three men were found guilty of keeping 8 | bettingshouse at Dufierin Park, Toronto. The mili was fined an 3 At onton, tension will be built to the street r way during, the present season. : William Seay, a colored man, of To- ronto, was found guilty of shooting and wounding his wife, a while Wwo- va ted ware + abe mess at London, Ont., for selling liquor, and en of. ail an. _ Father Former was lost on the prair- ie i days in a storm before obtaining shel- ter. A liftle daughter of 8. Shino was burned to death in a fire that des. troyed the family dwelling near Lava- lee. Magistrate Kingsford, holds = that a recreation club have a city license to or sell cigars, Miss Lottie Teeter, one of the two survivors of the: level crossing acei- dent at Grimsby, has no recollection of the afiair whatever. In a freight wreck west © leau the cars ran into the poles, and communication tertupted for a while. Mr. and Mrs. William &. Gorsline, Fish Lake, removing to Picton, werc presented with a handsgme chair, and an appropriate address. Thomas M. Bayne, manager of the Walker house, Toronto, is lving very ill of grippe, and his physician is rather doubtful as to his recovery. must f Chap- telegraph was in- ler & Hammond, and one of the best known figures in Toronto, passed away, Tuesday night. His death was not unexpected. Hon. the government as to the number of operating staff of the G.T.P. above the rank of brakesman. The funeral of Archbishop Sweat- man. occurred (this affermoon, conduct- ed by Archdeacon Swemey and Canon McNab. The funeral cortege to St. James' cemetery was imposing. W. Graham Browne, Montreal, arrested on a warrant sworn out Thomas Lawson, of partment. He is charged with mak ing false in 1906. Ferdinand McDonald, Seeley's Bay, a resident for the past sixty-three years, died, Tuesday. day Mr. McDonald 100th birt contracted a chill. The board of ors will tion of the problem of the danger o level railway crossings. will be sent out to make a report or all dangerous crossings. "The will o per, president of the Dow Brewing ( Monircal, bequeaths $25,000 to the Montreal General Hospital, at once and another $25,000 on death of Hooper's brother and sister. Neil Macauley has just. been actjuit ted of theft at Regina. = When he was commtitted or trial he ed to convey himself to "court, after some withiculty, hunted up mounted policeman, to whom he sur rendered. + Judge Winchester on the men convicted of keeping gaming houso ting at Dufferin Park : $100 or two month erick Allen and each or one month in fines were paid. a celebrated railway commission ws in prison; Fre prison. A Typographical Error. A typographical error, in Raffles letter published in last might's Whig, made that gentleman say that he called y have read 391 Johnson street. fles had it right, and the Whig sumes the blame. Mr. Milne, tioned in the letter, lives at Johnson street. Raf- as- men- 391 Tea And Sale. The ladies of St, James' church held a most successful tea and, sale on Tuesday afternoon in the school room. The different tables were ar: ranged in fine order by the ladies, and everything was most tempting for the purchase. The proceeds amounted to #60, and the ladies are to be con- gratulated upon the success of their efforts. } Reception For Him. February 5th has been fixed as the sate of the reception to the Bishop of Montreal by Canon Ellegood, of Non: treal, announced to take place. Tues- day evening, but which has been post- poned on account of the death of Archbishop Sweatman. The reception will take place in Stanley Hall. Contracts Awarded. The contracts for remodelling the in- terior of the shoo store of J. H. Sutherland & Co. have been hwarded as follows: Carpentry, Hunter & Harold: metal work, EHiott Bros.; painting, T. Robinson & Co. William Newlands is the afchitect. ~ -------------- Student Lost Shoes. Two "of Queen's students broke through the ice while skating on the harbor last night, but managed to get out without much. difficulty. One of the students lost a pair of shoes, he was carrying at the time. a a------------ y Special For This Week. Butternuts at half price, for this week, only 20c. peck, at Carnovsky's. The by-law needs a large vote, Are you going to be responsible for its defeat through carelessness or neglect? H. McMurtry, Toronto, is visiting friends in the city. The by-law will carry but you have to lend a hand. Alta., a fivemile ex- n Saskatchewan, and drove two Toronto, play billiards Morris H. C. Hammond, of the firm of Us- Clifford Sifton will interrogate United: States citizens employed: on the | was by the finance, de- returns to the government Last Wednes- his hday, and the day following make a thorough investiga- Inspectors § the late Angus W> Hop: ol, Mr. volunteer- ang, a imposed penalties a in connection with bet- John Hare, Michacl Stacks, $25 The t 30 Johnson street. It should | | | THE NEWS OF WORLD i COME THIS MONTH These. are special reductiong this month. It is our Annual January Sale, and lovers of iy Genuine Oriental Rugs will find it a pleasure to select from our pa $100,000 stock of choice and beautiful specimens, which we are selling at bar- gain prices. KAZAKS BOKHARAS SEREBENDS BEJARS TABRIZ EVERYTHING REDUCED THIS MONTH SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET | Courian, Babayan & Co, «0 KING EAST, TORONTO. OPP. KING EDWARD HOTEL # MONSULS The Canadian Bank of Commerce ESTABLISHED 1867 e-------- HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the number or by the survivor. 114 KINGSTON BRANCH, Corner of King and Princess Streets. P. C. STEVENSON, Manager. ---- 5 eer re --- emember ! i 1 The farther in advance your subscription is paid the greater will be the award you get if you capture 'Mr. Raffles." If you arc not a subscriber, subscribe now. If in arrears, take our advice-~pay up. 0000000000000 00000 Mysterious Mr. Ralifles We have'decided to offer $10.00 in Gold to the Party who cap- tures the mysterious MR. RAFFLES, and § has on the person, at ¢ the time 'of capture, one of our receipted bills for any article pur- chased in our store on, 25¢ a box of all Deuggists and Dealers or postpaid from the proprietors on receipt of price, HEALING, SOOTHING, ANTISEPTIC, sALVE Ll} GREATEST EALERS A Comparison. Washington Star. When Gen. Schenck, whose greatest fame rests upon his having introduced the game of poker into England, first arrived in London as American minis- ter to the court of St. James, we took a little of his spare time to visit the sights of the British capital. Among other places he visited Mme. Tussaud = wax works. "And what or after Jan. 22nd. do vou think of our great wax work exhibition ?" asked a friend. "Well, 7! JOHN LAIDLAW & SON replied the general, "jt struck me as being very like the ordinary English evening party." A Two-quart hot water bottles, made { pure rubber, from 35¢. to $2 each, t Wade's drug stove, Shall we let them ? the bylaw. Wah Long's Laundry Removed From 78 Clarence St., to 155 Welling- No. Nolo. iophton St., between L and Clarence 3 x Sts. Best Jaundry in the city. Goods called for and delivered, oO a