Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1909, p. 3

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\ (EXTR, CLEARANCE, Ta COME EARLY! What tls a LE Come here To-morrow and you will find this question answered. There will be upon our Sales. | ; Tables 1 ' Remnants and Odds and Ends | From-every department in the store. A few hints { are given in this space : - p Remnants of Dress Goods, Remnants of Prints, Remnants of Ginghams and Cottons, Remnants of Tickings and Flannelettes, Remnants of Jackets and Millinery, Remnants ot Oil Cloths and LinoJeums In fact, Remnants of every description. This is to be a one-half (3) price sale. Every odd and end must go. The sale starts on Thursday Morning and Ends Saturday Night. 'Come early and get first choice. Don't Forget Our Whitewear Sale. CRUMLEY BROS. AANA dd Aa a Lag en a ad nd Sd For 'Chooolate Pudding" -- for «Homemade F Fudge"_for Ice Cream etoc.,--use Cowan's Perfection ES Cocoa. Delicious in Savor nutritious, economi 1 THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, Tomono. Notice to Smokers. a%e 25¢ Brands of 10c. Cigars, 5 for Havanna Brands of 15c. Cigars 10¢c. Package Tobaccos, 3 for 25c¢. 1de. Package Cigarette 2 for 23c, 10c. Package Cigarettes, for 25¢ A lot BBB Friar Pipes, regular $1.25 Special, 100 Ibs, Virginia Cake, Pipe Tobacco, 3 for hoc: 500. 50c. Briar Pipes, Bent and Straight, ? ow FOR QUICK BUYERS 7 La Fayette, A. K. ROUTLEY, 173-5 Princess St, Wholesale & Retail. All the Leading the Leading 8bc. Stonewalls, 3} Creme De Creme, 3 Colonel Steele 3 Peg 'ops, 7 tosas, Special for | 25¢c tte Surgical Aids to the Afflicted hdl Authors & Cox Knee aa Hinstrution fhows our iuiprove Supports Thomas Ki er Sup- port. In this, we replace the anti. quated ring with ashort thigh-lacer, thereby allowing wedrer to take the weight with a greater degree of comfort. We realize that no one shape will suit all cases--so make all styles to ordér to siit each individual case. 135 Church' St. Toronto. Est. 1860. Onr achievements in Orthopedic work have won the admiration of tlie medical profession. Our Arti- ficial Limbs, Appliances for the Spine, Hip Knee and Ankle Joints, Paralysis, Knock Knees, Club Feet etc., are equally reputable, If afflict: d, wyite us for help. 5 10 PLU MBERS 2 Try our PURE LEAD in five pound blocks. The price is interesting. Canada Metal Co.,Ltd. 31 William 8t,, Toronto. a SE A preparation found that falling hair, "in even the most severe cases, in from two to four days. Guaranteed or money refunded. Get application at KEYES", will stop 27 BROCK ST. New "Cartridges, Cutters, Harneds '* Barber Shop ate., for sale. 886 King street, Sale of Horses every, Saturdayy | vation," THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE NESDAY, JANUARY THE GRIB ON FIRE AND MANY WORKMEN PLUNGED INTO LAKE. ---- And Some of Them Are Said to Been Drowned--An Awful Al- gemative, Burn or Drown. Chicdgo, Jan. 20.--Seventy- five men, employed on a crib several miles out in Lake Michigan, Jumped into the lake, this morning, when the crib was destroyed by fire. bis Biol reports «ay several were drowned. When the 'fire broke out the men found them- selves trapped, and had the alterna- tive of burning to death or riskin their lives in the water. The pw' burned to the water's edge. A lookout, on another erih, several niles away, 'phoned just be nine o'clock that he could see g or twenty men clinging to the edge of the 'crib which was still aglow. A heavy sed is running and it is feared some of the me men may be swept away. VOLCANOS BELCHING. There is Trouble in Mexico and Philippines, Mexico City, Jan. 2 20.--The volcano near thy city of Colmina is in erup- tion. It is throwing out a great quantity of ashes and pumice stone. Several slight earthquake shocks have been reported from that region but no damage has been done. Predic- tions. of more. severe earthquake shocks ave made by seismologists. Volcano Very Active. Manila, Jan. 20.--The voleano ganas, in the Tabias province, exploded and become violnuy ac tive. 'The eruptions seriously dam- aged the surrounding country. No re- port of loss of life has been received. Ta' has STOCK QUOTATIONS. and Leading Stocks Listed. The following quotations are plied by the City Brokerage (J. Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), ence street, Telephone 480 A : Cobalt Canadian sup- 0. 41 Clar- = «> Cobalt Stocks. January 20th. Sellers. Buyers $.11 258 Amalgamated... Beaver... C hambers: Ferland... Crown Reserve. Cobalt Central | Cobalt Lake...... ... | Foster Green Meehan. Little Nispi McKin. "Dar. Nipissing . Otisse.. Peterson Rochester Nova Scotia. Silver Leaf.... Silver Queen ...... we eet Temiskaming ... ... ... ... Trethewey Walls... ier sever faness ie ing... Savage ISLETS SUBMERGED. Feared As a Result of Earthquake on Wednesday. Athens, Jan, 20.--Several Italian is lands in the Aegean archipelago, ar reported, to-day, to have been heavily shaken by an earthquake. The great est damage was done at Sechekepir wliere eight persons are said to have been killed. Tt is feared. several o the islets have been submerged. Encourage The Workers. Kingston, Jan. 20.--(To the Edi tor) : May I call attention to the good work of several young . ladies whe have undertaken to supply th men in the quarry with hot soup anc bread at the moon hour--a boon tc the workers in many ways. McKelvey & Birch have contributed a stove and Elliott Bros. the necessary uten sils. If some eharitably -disposed citi: zen will now help with either money pr provisions it will be most accept able. Eamings at the quarry ar necessarily small and we want to en courage the man who works. Con tributions may be sent to Miss Bea trice Tandy, 38 Clergy street, ol Miss Brownfield, corner Wellingtor and Union streets.--G. LOTHROI STARR. Very Encouraging Meeting. The evangelistic addresses given, last evening, in Brock street hall, were listened to by an intelligent and thoughtiul audience. Mr. Irving spoke forcibly on "Zacchaeus and His Sal- referring in a very striking way to four trees mentioned in the Bible, and urging the unsaved to make haste, come down and accept Christ. Mr. Crombie spoke of the pri- son 'house and condemnation of death, which men lived by nature. He also referred very feelingly to the late Rev. Mr. Dobbs, Portsmouth, with whom he labored many years ago. Mr. Crombie intimated that to-night he would give one of his illustrated addresses, which | drew' such a large gathering on pre- vious dates. Good tub butter, Choice farmers' Farmers' print butter, Cooking eggs, per doz., 2 tbs. lard, 25c. Soda biscuits, pergbox, 20c. 21 Ibs. best granulated sugar, $1. Mullin's. "Instant" Pain Relief for all pain, either internally or externally, Regu lar price, 25c. each. 2 for Wade's drug store. The Young Liberals' club, Toronto, unanimously adopted a resolution in favor. of retention of government con- trol 'of the LC.R. Miss Enid Newcombe, A.R.C.M., cel list, at Glee Club concert, Grant Hall, Thursday "evening, Plan at Uglow's. Diapepsin Compound" Tablets fo dyspepsia are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 230. A fifteen-year-old girl of Toronto was arrested on a charge of forgery. Progress brand suits and overcoats, 20 per cent. off. Livingston's. Two men were drowned in one foot of water near Plattsburg, N.Y. Miss Enid Newcombe, A R.CM. list, at Glee Club rolls, 25¢. , eel Thursday eveuing. Plan at Uglow's, * . Amusements. The Ladies' Glee Club The Men's Glee Club Conducted by, Miss Louise Singleton. The Students' Orchestra The Mandolin and Guitar Club Conducted by er i hy Walker. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY CONGERT Assisted by MISS ENID NEWCOMBE, AR CL Cellist, of Toronto, Tickets, 35¢. = and 50c. Plan 'at Uglow's. 5 cts. «Bets. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. "QUEEN OF THE ARENA" A Big Deuble-Length Drama of Circus Tife, with the Actors, Animals and Ring TER Si in. i ON 2. "Jones New i TIRACTIO ow he "promised to be good, and how the promise was kept. A hummer. ATTRACTION 3. Anbther Big Comedy, "A Present From His Wife,' and how Bilkins suffered from it, ATTRACTION 4 Wi 11 West, Illustrated Sang. WOND ERLAND Sc- THEATRE 8c TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW MATINEE AND NIGHT. «MISS BLAN WHITTIER,' SOPRANO Will sing, "COULD YOU LITTLE GIRL LIKE ME? ~PICTURES-- "THE FAUN, Beautifully Colored. "THE MAGIC, EANDEERCHIER™ "A MOUNTAIN | "ROMANCE. A "THE GAMBLER AND THE DEVIL." ONE CENT TO- MORROW AFTERNOON. yi Covered Rink HOCKEY MATCH--SENIOR O.H.A | 0SGOODE vs. 14TH FRIDAY, Jan. 22nd. Game. called at 8.15 p.m. Admission, Gents, 50ec, in LOVE A CHILDREN Admission, Ladies, 25c. Reserved seats, 25c. and 50c. extra, Plan opea for sale of tickets and seats, n Jan. 21st, at 10.30. 14th Band in attendance. For Sales Tender. TENDERS Unde BE AGAIN RE- eivel the und i Ff RIDAY the 2: for of the Grant Hall, Thursday, Jan. 21st CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. a word. Each con- secutive insertion balf cent a word, Aor 'one in Minimum | sertion, 30 ion complete co logue Write Moler lege, Toromto. ¥YouNeG MEN WANTED WHO DESIRE earn better es and do more el work. If oh to read and write, and ambitious to we can 1 qualif y you for a position as electri vil, mining engineer, architect, etc. Write at once, 'stating position want- 4 1. C. 8., 14 Market St. Kingston, nt, MEN A Dp, 'AT ONC oN sal ¥ oN One ary expenses. good man in A locality with rig or bie handling horses to advertise and anteed Royal an Poultry ; we es your wore, for Fini 5 a Ww and Sxpenses, Ww. gg 4 pre tog Cs Co. HN oidon, ta. ' WANTED--FEMALE. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. MUST have references. Apply in tne evening . (Dr.) Phelan, 191 Johnson AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED-S00D D ZROFITS. 'Bven k heya girls: earn $6.00 to $12.00 md Ontario Seed Co., 11 Ring § Bt. Waterloo, 'Ont. | SITUATION. VACANT, orphemn' Nursery tin Thy istrict. ihe Canadian. Nursery 'Uo. Limited, Mo SITUATIONS WANTED, EXPERIENCED LABY BOOKKEEPER and cashier, honor raduate and gold allist, desires HR ORition. Refer- wi Whe Address Box "L. 08. elites T08T LADY'S Sin VER : WATCH, 'WITLI name "Amy! on front case, Monday night, - Reward fof 'meturn to '100 Stuart street. A SAFETY PIN. GOLD BROOCH, WITH American gold piece' in centre, having initials f° B.) lon Monday, on Prinéess street. "Finder please return to. Whig office and. receive reward. TENDERS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES © SEALED TENDERS addressed to the tock mn trade of VARTE; LSKY. BOLEBROOR, 8 per Inventory of ieneral (Goods 'and Fixtures a2 528. 26 | Horse, Buggy, Cutters! ote, ...: ).( Book Debts ...... 979.97 Separate tenders may Do "sent in if de- | ired, but mo Tender netessarily accent. | wd. Stock and Inv ntory. unined on the p Terms cash; kj rol N consisting | ex-| at Bosraok! JOT aw OLLE. i ssignee. Kingston, Jan. 18th, 1909. To Contractors. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT he office of the undersigned (where Mans, and fications may eH ny RSDAY, | to 192 clot noon} on' TAN. 21st, for the several trades work equired in the erection of a cold" gtor-| \ge building for Messrs. Anderson Prod. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. : , WM. NEWLANDS & SON. Architects. Office 258 Bagot street. fhe North American Telegraph Co., Limited THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING si the Shareholders of the North Ameri- an Telegraph Company, Yimiteg) will ne held at 118 Notre Dau 8t. West, Montreal, on THURSDAY, i 18th day f February, 1909, at 12.30 p.m. L. BELCOURT, Acting - Seoretary. 20th, 1909. Kingston, Jan. WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. Annual Meeting of the Agricul- tural Society. Wolfe Island, Jan. 18 ~The Wolie Island Agricultural Society held its annual meeting, Friday Rattery's Show Toom aiid mhthinery pall. Everything was" found satisfac- tory, with a "balance from 1908. Walker, retiring presidont, acted as chairman. Officers were appointed for ghe year 1909, as follows © President, E. Briceland; first vice-president, Asa Hough; second vice-president, Hender- son Horne; sdcretary," Georgé . Rat- tery; teeasurer, W. Fawgeit; directors, Oliver Hawkine, George Friend, Hugh Horne, Peter Brown, Thomas Fawcett, George Furfier, Wiliam Haley, Wil- liam Allumn, William Kemp, A large number are "taking advantage of the fino skating on the canal. Quite a number of fast horses aro put. on daily and no douby there will be races here this winter. William Berry and Miss Stella Bert, of Copenhagen, N.Y., were unitéd in marriage on Wodnesday of last week. bride and groom are well-known the island, and have the good wish- es of their' many friend wT. Jd. Spratt recived as a New Year's gift a pun. of $400 from his parishioners. A surprise party was held-at the residence of Oliver Yott; ahd'a jolly Rime was spent. . Herbert! Dingman is home from Brandon, Man. The mem- bers of the Chosen Friends gave an oyster supper to their friends, on Fri- day eveming, at W. Ranious'. John Laughlin lost a valuable colt." W. B. Card is caretaker of the town hall. P. McDermott got the job of bushing the road on the ice to the city. Grant Pyke has purchased nineteen head of large cattle, on a western market, and will feed them over winter. Jos. eph . Yott, who was home, Has left foro Sacramento, Cal. 'Francis Briceland, butcher at the village, has been ill for the past week, but is recovering. W. \Gillespie has been Inid up-with. an at- concert, Grant Hall, last, in George | Face undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Indian Supplies,"" will be received at this Department up to noon on Monday, 15th February, 1909, for the delivery of In- 'dian Sup) Jlies, during the fiscal year end- ing the various points in wan® and Alberta. Forms of tender 81st March, 1910, duty paid, at Manitoba, Saskatche- containing full par- | ticulars may be had by applying to the undersigned, or to the Indian Commis- sioner at Winnipeg. . The lowest or; any tender not necessarily accepted. J. I. McLEAN, Secretary. Department of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. 3 N.B.--Newspapers inserting this ad- vertisement without autherity of the De- partment will not be paid. | AM ASHAMED OF oo . A remark made many times. The reason is the Curtains are slight- ly worn or you. have tired of them. Read Laidlaw's announce ment. ". ALLEL > POPVIVIIVIVIIVY ab AAALLLLALLLLL POV IyTV SWEDISH MASSAGE. Cecilia Herod recommended by the Be physicians of Kingston. Head, and a specialty. Ap- ply Y.W.C.A. Building. by its breaking its neck. Herman Staley, captain of the head of the island hockey team, has his players in first-class shape, and in a recent game with the villagers, made them hustle. Centenarian Laid To Rest. The funeral of the late' Solomon Boyd took: place from his late resi dence on Albert street this afternoon, when 'the. remains - of the centenarian were taken to .Cataraqui cemetery. Rev. Dr. MacTavish, of Cooke's church, conducted the burial services. Headache And Neuralgia From Colds. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world- wide cold and remedy, removes cause. Call for full name. Look for signature, E. W. Grove, 25¢. : the printing and Compare our British Whig of- Regular price 25¢. each. at Wade's drug store Robert McDowall, Princess street, is able to be around again, after a week's illness. Ruling and binding, all kinds of blank books done at lowest prices, at the British Whig office. James Holden lost his way three-mile walk on the prairie Medicine Hat ahd was found ih 8 -quart hot - water 'both Of gure rubber, from 35c. to ade's drug sieve, * rhe Glee Club concert, Grant: Hall; Thursday, 8 p.m. Plan at Uglow's. e rebind old books at closest Everything . in bookbinding -_line. prices with others. fice. Tooth Paste. 2 for 25. Lennox in a near , made each, tack of appendicitis McGlyan Bros, lost a valuable sow! Look prices. British Whig office. > 'Raffles, out for = ve' BH sopppiac ETH 18 AN MEY J MAKE MONEY Tou 8 JIXTER uaranteed |* PLAIN SEW RE Sh ind 35 CLARENCE THE store Fieltriclan, 300 Fa A Jon ox SH 5 yh Lh he, st. WINT- « last Gallo: Thomas 181 'Bt. 1. next. ta Mupy's Livery, PA . a Frugal, sat ao dorm ae thbde: 0st app ved. and up- to-dat 4 cost, - by mail! Circular,' Kireuar Ont BUSINESS CHANCES, ELECTRICAL WORKERS WANTED We can fit. you for a good, well-paid position as an, electrican, or electric railway, lighting gr dyhamo station foreman ar Superintendent, or tele- phone manager, We can teach you bv mall, in your spare time and at small t, The only qualification needed is ;. ility to read -and write and the determination to succeed, Write to- day, stating Se subject which inter- ests you, I. S., 14 Market St. Kingston, on. MEDICAL CARD. ROBERT J. GARDINER, M.D., PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, Corner of Bagot and 'William streets. Office Hours, 8 to® am.; 2tod4 and 7 to 9 p.m. "Phone; 870. MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets $61,187,215. in addition to which _ the policyhold ers have for security the Tnlimited liability of all the stockholders Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. lore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange NEW 8 SINGER SEWNG, yera N31 WiLL, 2 Sones SEPA er EL Ne FE 1 INSURANCE ie Goon Jowest r settle |! & Co, 109}. al or ROOM ana "Rice "sireets, WADE'S, G MALMIKE ONE y fein Division Sty sy Boy 'Earl. hones To0. Rhos Smdl IN i doaviae fo suit Bid EB SEVEX "YEARS oLb . 10 double, 3 , Price, $10 Al nd. Hay, 126 138 - street. TO-LE' rE T. 461 PRINCESS STREET, RESIDENCE. Apply on premises. STORE, 109 BROCK ST. APPLY JOHN Mckay, '161. Boosk streets SOR. KiNG HT hbly McCans, he Wentic Ysion J. 4 R. ann, 51 Broek st reet. cRyTRALLY 1 HOCATED SI Ring Street, over en" Fortes, Gi HO PERSONALS. HAIR, Mores. {BIRTHMARKS Dermanehtly, warts, removed Sg ir FPL Noto: Skin Le pr ft, street. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. BURGLARY INSURANCE, lars C. 8. Kirk Clarence tes telephone, GERERRL . TNSURANDE J. any Ee Welling: A. OW ton St, Heliabie 'ompanies repre sented. I ores PARTICU- trick, 3 ARCHITECTS, ARTHUR BLES, office and residenc Ave, 'ARCHITECT, 16 University 2 Toon POWER & SONS, AROHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, gorner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 2132, HENRY _P: 8 ete., Anchor a "Phone, CHITECT, arket Squares WM. NEWLANDS, ARCPHEC 0, OFFICT second floor over od's Drug store, ©0 -- 'and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street, & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 568. | {from OW that a supply of Ice is assured, we are pre- pared to fill all orders for Ice Cream at 60c Per Quart No change in quality. 288 Princess St. Phone 845. FRESH FRUIT Just Arrived Sweet Naval Oranges, 50c, per dozen. Malaga Grapes, from 15¢. to 20c. per ' Price's, from 20e. to per dozen. Northern Spie Apples, all prices. Orders delivered promptly. T. Peters & Co., 184 Princess street. Phone, 649. No charge to come in and examine our large stock of Household Goods, 20 PER CENT. Discount off any article for the balance of this month. Antique Furniture And old-fashioned articles a speciality. A post card will bring me to buy a L. Lesses. 507 Princess St.,)Cor. Chatham St. every day, from 20c. to 25¢. HERBERT C. TRENEER. A.T.CM. I am prepa to accept pupils in Plano Tuition, {most - improved method used ; also open for all classical con- cert work. Apply either by letter or person for terms to Ng. 1 Stanley Terrace, Quebec street, Kingston, Ont. Wah ang s Laundry Removed S8t., to 155 Welling- for Brock and Clarence in_ the city. Tailed y 8 5 The Temperature, The temperat on Tuesday rose very steadily. Fach. in dn he morning the mercury stood abou below zero. In 'the LL fren the ometer the - therm, i eg Tov SWIFT'S. "Phone, 2 Fires "That-Heat * Ave {hose made ith Coal and Wood "owe guarantee every load." Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family, of any male over 18 years old, may bomestead a quarters section (160 acres; more or less) of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant oat Sppeat in person at the Dominion y. or Sub-Agenc or the Shida 4 Ay? by AS pif be made at any agency om certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. DUTIES --Six months' residence and cultivation of the land in each¥of three years. A *homestender way live within' noe miles of his homestead on a farin of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sigter, 1a ctrtaln districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-ewpt a quarters Section pr his homestead. Price 8 Duties. --Must reside six of pix years from date of homestead ent (including the time uired to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fift- acres extra. A homésteader who has exhausted his mestead t and cannot obtain a re-emption ie take a purchased in certain districts, .00 per acre. Purchaséd homes may be acquired on any available lands Su. ait sithas odd or Bali r n 5, Bast of the Cal- ot rh oT ALwey and the on t of the rd Meridian and nd Sault Railway BY Hawi ~Must reside six months in each of three Joary, oul} uth nie ity acres and erect » house worth SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH» WEST MINING REGULATIONS, rights may COAL.~Coal be leased for twenm ising cig at an annus: foots) of fires can an acre. Not more thas be leased to one ep ty of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized blication of this advertisement will not be paid for. ANGROYE'S FOUNDRY Brass and, Tron | Cast of Any Size or Place d'Armes, A Shirty dettrens hi higher. This morning degrees OUR ROOSTER BRAND. OF TOBACCO kis ard Clown at

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