January Closes With 10 \ f THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE NESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1909. mense quantity of rom and Dressers, etc. clear our present ©1006, reduced to $4.75 T. F Harricson Co. | Days of Bedroom Sale. See These. We bought 'in BONSPIEL A HUMMER | SEVERAL HUNDRED PEOPLE WATCH THE GAME. Scores Made in the Different Events Concluded--Ladies Grand Rapids, an joxi-| Brass Beds, in next 10 days | stock to make room. | The We will in | i i | sn rames played, at | & feurling rink, 1 The SUCCeNS, last night bonspiel is proving a way, and the local players and ar the their The four rinks were kept busy great visitors having time of lives, Interest in the games 1s at the members of the | Kingston® elub are more than delight- ed at the result so far. | morning. | fever heat, and These are offers not met again -- All Brass Bed, $21, reduced to $14.50 All Brass Bed, 342, reduced to »i A All Brass Bed, $35, reduced to $27. among the spectators last night, Brass and lron, $14, reduced large number of the fair sex were and Brass and Iron, $12, reducad Brass and Iron, £11, reduced Brass and Tron, $9, reduced Brass apd Iron, 26.50, reduced Brass and Iron, $4, reduced' We have 1 room Suite, sell. It for $15 1 Mahogany for 1 Oak this sale, $62 3 Oak Bedroom for this sale, $30 Walnut not new originally Marble Top left with us Soo. It wil Bed- 10 cost ro Bedroom this sale," $67 Bedroom Suite Suite, regular regular $85, for Suites, regular $45, | Comforters 6 Eiderdown Quilts, Blue, Rose, Crim- son and Green, $6.50, reduced to $4.50 5 others, reduced $4.50 down to $3.15 7 Batting Filled Quilts, $1.75, reduced to $1.27 ft R Pair Double Wool Blankets, Pink and | i Rive Borders, (very $6.50 DR Fastern THOMAS J. Hospital Curling ville MOHER, Club, Brock- hey enjoyed the games immensely. "he slight in the weather, made the ice somewhat heavy, but { sufficient to mar the games. | tary Asselstine has ordered lweather, for the remainder of the | games, and Old Probs is sure (or com | ply with 'he All the games are being run off in good time. fine grade) change Others Carpets, Rugs Linoleum, etc, Sale terms, PHONE 80. $6, reduced to $4 Seer Square reduced Curtains cooler cash Yours, request Contest. results in | In Allcomers' the first | round of the all-comers' contest : | - Kingston--R. J Menelvev, R. Laird, 8. W. Dyde: S. R. Bailey, skip--10. Queen' P. T. Pilkey, -E: (D.C. Ramsay; €. 1, Burns, { Following are | skip--S8. Cobourg--Ih | James Bolger; * Alexander | skip N | Napanee--W. F. Hall, H. Taylor, W C. Smith; J. W. Robinson, skip--I1. | -- | In the son, second round of 5 po [Sal Wo | Tm }) LIB=N JR I" Alaska Down Cushions White Cambric Covered, in all sizes. TEA COSIES, in all sizes. R. McFaul, Carpet Warehouse. LADIES" ND GENTS TAILORING! ~~ ,.c.7,visissos. We fully guarantee eorrect style, artistic perfect fit. Jd. B. Ouellette, 228 Princess St. superior quality, ! workmanship and |e given contest, the following resulis are Allen, Leonard, skip, 8 Cobourg, skip, 17: Napanee, skip, 10; J. McAULEY, | Undertaker, Princess and Sydenham Sts. | | Lachine, Ambulance "Phone, 861a. | Eastern Hospital, Moher, skip, S00000000000000000000¢ | llrockuille, Wilkinson, skip, 6. | Brockville, | ston, Hooper, skip, b y ; | Campbelliord, Smith, skip, i stom, Lyons, skip, 12 | MAKES ASTONISHING ot | @ Over the traces this spring } quit paying rent and buy a = home of your ow. : Fiity Dollars Down £ uc | | Will get you a nice cottage. $a : | { | was nervous, if you hurry. eat but awake more tired than on going Napance, Mabee, Bell, -skip, 8 First Round Consolation. Belleville, Dolan, skip, 14 | ston, Walkem, skip, 6 King- Cor. | Amos, skip, 17; Kingston, | Dalton, skip, 6 Downey, skip, 9; King- 14; King- CURES. | Mi-o-na Tablets Cure Dyspepsia By Promptly Removing the Cause, or Money Back. There is just to cure dys- { pepsia and disorders, trivial or serious and that is to tone up or put energy into the stomach walls, so that they will mix or churn the Mi-o-na tablets quickly arouse stomach from short time it i properly Harr ngs, one. vay stomach be able to properly food the inaction and in a is able to do its work i its | Dodd of Bridge strect, Hast- Ont., says: "For seven years 1 spent much money but all to no avail. 1 could very and little, a= the food would sour, making which heart oppression. 1 constant misery, sour would belch from mv stomach, was languid and weak and ambition. [ did not anvwhere. or and gas, It will not be necessary for Sefous you to move until spring as Ne the cottage is occupied and the rent $5.50 is paying a good interest on the invest- ment, $525. and I had no feel like going seeing anyone. There was dull pain in the pit of was unable and | | | | : 3 : | a constant viz : slee ), would { the stomach. 1 to restless caused ona had completely cured me- 1. Brock S ; roc t : : » box, * under wu rigid guarantee to do Gi. W. Mahood, the druggist' sells \ ® all that is claimed for them or money ferment : 3 . ¥ ; @® ved. 1 tried Mi-o-na and soon founa ( a i 1N | relief... and in less than six weeks Mi- ! A | Mi-o-na tablets at 50 cents a large RATTLE L E4000 400000 1c. 4 jot night, and until an early hour this | Kingston, | | ' the Game To-Day. | | eral hundred people witnessed the | the: bonspiel in the | in every | their | 15; Napanee, Mabee; skip. 8. i { | { | i | | | 1 | i | | | | | | not H. Brower} | Wilson, John Hender- | Pratt, | tha all-com- | | | | | | { b | | | | 15; gas | to | | Stewart, Mrs. Hogg, skip. { . Allen, skip. Kingston, Etheriagion, Belleville, Fish, skip, 9. THER ACTION FAS Rockwood, Carr, Prescoit, McAdam, skip, 6. Brogkville, Crysler, skip, 17; wood, Davidson, skip, 8 CHIEF JUSTICE MULOCK Rock-| GIVES HIS JUDGMENT skip, 9 "In the Case of the North Ameri- can Telegraph Co., vs. Bay oi Quinte Railway--Award to De- fendants, --- Eastern Hospital, Stewart, skip, 11 Napanee, Robinson, skip, 7. Kingston, lLesslie, King ston, Bailey, skip, 10. kip, IX; iment in the case (North American Telegraph Co. | Bay of Quinte Railway Lo. In his action, plaintifis claim under . the | terms of two agreements the right to iree transportation by all the ordinary passenger trains running over defen- Idants' railway, jor their inspectors, linemen and reépdirers, when travelling for any purposes whatsocver, and they allege hat such transportation {was refused them, whereby they were 2 obliged to prea large sum of mowey Kingston, Etherington, 13: Camp: | for railway fares. for these cmployces, bellford, Smith, 17. {and this action is brought for its re : a feovery. The defendant company de- inied the plaintifis' right to such un- limited transportation, and admit a {limited right, which, they say, they jwere at all times, ready and willing {0 -------- grant, and they" eointer-claim for cer Scores In Consolation. = | tain relief. The judgment reads: y Kingsion, Mclean, 13; In my opinion, the words "'con- Amos, 3. struction. and maintenance," qualify » {the words, "inspectors, linemen and repairers," and also the words, "their | tolls and stores." Ii such: is not the {legal interpretation of the clause, the: it would provide two different kinds (of free transportation, namely, wn limited transportation for the men jand limited transportation for the tools and stores. It does not, I think, = . tadmit of such iateepretation. The only. Napanee, Mabee, 13; Prescott, Me- | object of such free transportation is Adam, 10, : {clearly stated, namely, construction land maintenance. I think the defen- dante were not bound to furnish un- {limited passes, ay demanded by the iplaintifis, but only 'such free trans I portation as was reasonably neccesary {in connection with the plaintifis' work {of construetion and maintenance. {There i no evidence to show that the | fares paid and here sued for were for |irips in respect of which the plaintiffs {are entitled to free carviage for their employees. For this reason alone the {action must fail. But, even if this jwere shown, are there any circumstan- ices in this case which would entitle | the plaintifis to succeed in an action for money had and received, which is Lin substance the natuve ion 7 Third round--Cobourg, Allan, skip. tried here of the Allcomers' Consolation. Fifst round--Napanee, Leonard, skip. 15; Kingston, Bell, skip, =. Cobourg, Pratt, skip, 4; Clark, skip, 19. Belleville, Brockville, Chrysler, 11; wood, Carr, 7. Rock- Queen's, Burns, 14; Belleville, Fish, 2, Kingston, Lyons, 11; Davidson, 8. Rockwood, & id Lachine, | Hospital, Stewart, 7: Lesslic, 15. Eastern ston, King- Cobourg, Allen, 16; Campbelliord, Smith, 5. "Result of nine o'clock draw this morning : Kingston, Bailey, 13; Roby inson, 11. Napanee, Eastern Hospital, Moher, 14; Belle- ville, Dolan, 11. of this act- For reasons stated, 1 am of opinion thau thie plaintifis are not entitled te recovery whe moneys in question, that their" action : fails, As to the countgr-claim : As to item (a), dam: aves hecause of failure on the part of tho plaintifis {0 keep their telegrapl lines in working order, as proved by { the evidence, foi three years, I reward | defendants $900.0 As item (b) namely, damages because of plaintiffs not erecting and maintaining a tele craph line between Tweed and Ban nockburn, 1 find the defendants are en titled to $7,736.24 damages. On pay- ment of this amount, the line built by and to Chaplain of St. Andrew's Curling Montreal. Club, Ladies Commence Play. The ladies commenced play this morning and there was a large crowd out to see the games. Play was com- menced promptly at 11:30 and it is stated by those who are well up in the game that the ladies showed marked ability. One old curler hint- ed that some of the members of the fair sex were putting up a better game than some of the old-timers. In the ladies' match Miss Johnson, Montreal, Miss Strathy, Lachine, Miss Tyre, Montreal, Mrs. Mundie, West mount, and Miss Dalton, Kingston. drew byes. The other matches were arranged as follows : Kingston=¥F Richmond; B.-Smvthe: Marie Carruthers, Mrs. Dawson. skip. Perth--Miss Garrett, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. | GEORGE MILLS &CO. Get After Raffles. $15.00 More In Prizes. Everyone who is after Mr Ralfles (and who isn't) should pay attention to this. The con- ditions are simple. Tothe Man who secures Mr Raffles and who is wearing one of our Hats (showing re- ceipted bill for same, not dated earlier than Javuary 20, 09). we will give $15 in gold. TotheLady who secures Mr Ralfles and who is wearing | |a piece of Fur bearing our label (purchased at anv time) we will give $15 ia gold. Remember the Rules You place your hand oa the right shoulder of the man you suspect and say 'You are the Mysterious Mr Ralfles of the Kingston British Whig." The full Nst of p.izes given by the Whig will be found in another column. Ladies should take advan- tage of our Odds and Ends Sale of Furs NOW and then go after Raffles. Men--Almost every man in town comes to the Hat Store for his new hat for several rea- sons. Two good reasons now that should direct you here are : (1) If you capture Raffles you must have one of our hats on to get all the prizes. (2.) Our new Spring Hats are in and as usual our values and varietv are the best in towr. Kingston--L. Tandy, A. Dalton, Mrs. "Hooper, skip. Westmount--Mrs, Wheatley, Mrs. | Harvey, Mrs. Read, Miss Gault, skip. Birch, 1 Westmount--Mrs. Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Belleville--Miss Hudson, Mrs. W Hare, Miss Slater, Ryde, skip. Wallbridge, Mrs, I. R. Ostrom, Mis. A Wand, Mrs, Wilkins, Miss Montreal--Miss Smith, Miss skip. Lachige--Mise Strathy, skip. GP Johnston, Montreal--Miss 1. Tyre, Miss Haw- lings, Miss Smith, Miss Tyre, skip. Westmount--Mrs. Heath, Mrs. Searff, Mrs. Rubenstein, Mrs. Mundie, skip. Birth Rate 1.95 Per Cent. During the year 1908, the vital sta- tistics reported to the city clerk were: Births, 390; deaths, 361; marriages, { 212. The population of the city thus increased by only twenty-nine in a year by the most natural means. Fig- uring the population 'of Kingston at 20,000, 'the birth rate was only 1.93 per cent. : Have Left For Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Godwin, on ac- count of ill-health, have left Mount Clemens, Mich. They will absent about a month. Capt. William Matthews, of Brigh- ton, Capt. Francis Barnhardt, of Des- eronto, and P. Dogherty, marine en- gineer, of Oswego, N.Y. are in the city, to attend a meeting of marine men, to-night, to-discuss coal rates. Fire, on, Saturday night. did $500 | worth of damage at the home of I. | {L. Peo, Point street, Cape Vincent, | N.Y. Thé firemen sufiered greatly from | {the cold. | Miss Maud Mathews, 8. Shuffichotham, Montreal street, has returned to the city, after visiting friends and relatives for the past vear anda half in Holyoke, Mass. 'ank out for "Raffles." Francis Harold returned to the city, ! to-day, "after visiting friends in| Seeley's Bay for a week. Lennox Cascara Laxatives for Con- stipation. Regular price 25c. each. 2 for 25¢c., at Wade's drug store. Livingston's annual discount: sale. \ for be daughtér of W. Makers of Fine Furs [Importers of Fine Hats. Chief Justice Mulock has given judg- | ve, | Worth $1.45 for $1 We:are selling Shaker Flannel at Se. 7c. Our 10c Striped Shaker Flannel is the best in the city. 8c. 10¢ defendants will become the property of plaintifis, subject to the rights of lefendants under the agreements; until ayment of this sum, the plaintifis to ontinue liable to pay to the defen- lants the cost of maintenance of the 'ine and interest. on $4,509.24. Items ¢) and (d) of the counter-claim fail. I'he plaintifis' claim is dismissed, with osts, and items (a) and (hb) of coun- ter-claim allowed, and items (¢) and (d) disalldwed. Owing to the divided skates ground absolutely true. the best machinery in the, city sharpening skates. Work done' on shortest notice. Repairs may be anteed ; charges moderate. J. W. HUNTER MACHINIST ' 30 Montreal St. The best of attention given all work, We have for the tested before leaving the shop. All work guar- (NEAR PRINCESS.) success in respect of the counter-claim no gosts qi the counter-claim are. warded cither party. Wood's GRAND OPERA HOUSE. lervous Blood "The Road To Yesterday' Proved a Good Play. "The Road to Yesterday," a de- ightful comedy, was produced at the ma rand, on Tuesday evening, by an all- ree, Th Windsor: The Great Femedp 'Tones and inviguratesthe w tar cast. The production was greet- sd by a fair-sized audience, one not warly as large as the play deserved. 'The Road to Yesterday" is rather in unusual play. The only play seen here that has anything like she same lot, was "A Message from Mars." In "The Road to Yesterday,' the irst act takes place in London, in 1903. In this act the audience is in- ae IR ne D. "Phone 373. 78 William St. Buy Your Wall Paper Now and 'Save Money E. FRASER'S, roduced to a number of people who selieve in réincarnation, that the same oul travels this weary world time af- er time in some difierent garb. Some f these people, especially a very ro- nantic young - lady called Elspeth Pyrell, are very anxious to go back about three hundred years. Miss I'yrell goes to sleep in the first act, wd in the next two acts the play roes back three hundred years, but mstead of being a grand lady, sur: 'ounded by gallants, she finds herself scrubbing floors in a country inn. In wt four they are all brought back to ife of to-day. | Miss Bessie Woodburn, as Elspeth | Tyrell, in the first and last acts, and | as Lady Elizabeth Tyrell in the sec- nd and third acts proved herself "a alented artist. Miss Woodburn won ver audience at the first moment she tepped on the stage. She had a part hat gave her every chance in the world to display her abilities, i she Whitewear Brilliance Our big showing of New Whitewear will be ready next week, also our swell range of rarried it well, She was well sup- orted by Randolph Currie, as *'Jack Greaterex" in real life, and as '"Re- 'ormado Jack' in the lopg ago. Miss Amanda Wellington, 'as "Malena Levenson' in everyday attire and as "Black Malena," a gypsy, in the ages nast, her work as the gypsy being specially © good. Miss Gertrude Dani- | Js} as "Harriett Phelps," Irene Osher, as 'Eleanor Levenson,"' and | Charles West, as "Will Levenson," the artist, are all worthy of notice. The minor parts were all in safe handy. The scenery was a feature of the performance. At times during the lay the scenes were shifted without the curtain falling, and it was a great surprise to see how quickly and easily the local stage help handled the heavy pieces, Embroideries and Laces. We finish Inventory this week, and until it is over we will offer many deep cuts in prices. 1 SEG PPe PEPE POP I EI E IEE 440 tE IPP EEL Oto EoD LADIES' COATS AT HALF PRICE. Hilda Spong Coming. "Who is your mater ?"" That is the question and Hilda Spong answers it 'n "A Man And His Mate."" In this olay Mies Spong has achieved the mwealest success of her stage career, anv she has appeared in parts innoume- rable. She portrays a unique charac ter, a woman of education and refine ment who meets a man brought in from the desert in New Mexico by the Vigilantes, accused of horse-stealing, a victim of the morphine habit. The | moment their eyes mect there flashes | that unseen spark that makes the | heart vibrate, and the development of | the story 'dealing with the reclama- | tion of this man has been marvelously | worked out by the playwright. At the Grand on Thursday, January 28th. N ewlIllnan & Shaw The Always Busy 'Store. 4+ I EPI E PEEP I EEE T abd SECOND TERM IN PEN. $4 George Reddler Was Sentenced to | #444444 g- ; ; 3 3 ; WAIT FOR IT. 1 1 | | | { { | i | { | | | { EA ASR SBIASDS OADBOAMMEASAMAE OMMAAMIMDMMAD 3 Two Years. George Reddler has arrived from | Winnipeg, to begin his two years' resi-| {dence in the penitentiary. I sherifi- of that state. He has al- | ' . ready done time in Kingston and St. | Vincent de Paul, and the authorities | ] consider him a bad character. Red- | dler is not an old man in spite of his | Z s career, being near the thirty-year go "SRN mark." In early days We was a ranch- | @ : er in New Mexico and boasts of hav- | ing at one time escaped from the | He is an Ameri- can but that country evidently got | & too warm: for him so he moved to Vancouver, where he has been located for the past. ten years. He was do-| ing a rushing business selling fountain pens along the railway line, and | would have been selling them vet had | he not been detected by one. of the] and that there be no representatives of the Waterman com- | substitution. 3 pany. When you bring your pre- scriptions to us to be filled you can feel confident that they will be filled with the greatest care ; that only the purest drugs will be used will | donations gvere omitted in yesterday's | (Principal) Princess Street. Nothing reserved. N Donations Omitted. These House of Industry Christmas | Try us with your next pre- scription. ¢ Mrs. Mrs. list : Mrs. C. Bermingham, $10; Gordon, turkey; Birch and Miss Holt, buns. Everything in the bookbinding line. ™ prices with ofhers. printing and | Compare our | British Whig of- | | Dr. A.P. Clown tone. Druggist and Optician. Miss A. Fahey, of Picton, left, ves- terday, for Watertown, N.Y. i { Meat and bere is the | good | sed to make Meat is 'Phone, 570. H. CORRIGAN'S. Table } Silver Our line of Knives, Porks, y Spoons, for the table is from 3 the very best maker on the continent. The designs are numerous and pleasing. The quality insures a lifetime's use. We invite an inspection of these goods. SMITH BROS., ® Jewellers, Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, se0eee 1 only Ladies' Fur-Lined and White Squirrel and Reveres 1 Fur Coat, Grey Lining, Mink Collar FOR £30.00 CA~ Russian Rat FOR. $45.00. 26 in. long, worth sea reiar sins | Sriavin ARAYA SI FOR 9135.00. W. F. Gourdicr, Exclusive Furrier. WHEN BUYING A HOT WATER BOTTLE PRICE IS NOT THE ONLY CONSIDERATION 1 Persian Lamb, $160.00 We guarantee every bottle consequently do mot offer cheap and worthless goods. Those who use a Hot Water Bottle continuously know the satisfaction de- rived from having something that won't leak. Try McLeod's Drug Store For your next Hot Water bottle. REPAIRING ! Watch Repairing should be done only by experienced watchmakers. If not, the watch is often spoilt and will never give proper satisfac- tion. All work left with us is repaired by experienced work + men. your watch will not keep time, leave it with us. We guarantee everything we repair. Prices reasonable. KINNEAR & dESTERRE, JEWELLERS, Princess & Wellington Sts. You will want some Home-Made Mince piace to get the ind that mother Also, our Pork Sausage just the Srossing you see), J. MYERS, 3 old fashioned