THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1809. $20 TO -N eesssessstesses FAFTER THE "HOCKEY MATCH ® And you want to pre- k pare a light supper, '® nothing comes so-handy Q 48 a t Spangenberg Chafing Dish We have a good selec- p tion of thege from the best makers and at prices within the reach of anyone. SPANGENBERG JEWELLER, » Issuer of Marriage Licenses. FEFIPIIPIPIFIIIIIIIINy NO CHANGE IN THE QUALITY <* JAP-A-LAC "1s the same the world over. It is the only Varnish Stain made, that will withstand any like iron, varnish, stains and polishes in one application, makes old furniture news Sold only in Kingston, by W. A. Mitchell Don't take a substitute, but insist on having the right thing. JAP-A-LAC. NeW that a supply of Ice is assured, we are pre- pared to fill all orders for Ice Cream at * 60c Per Quart No change in quality. in all colors wear, wears ' 288 Princess St. S, Phone 845. FRESH FRUIT Just Arrived Bweet Naval 80¢. per dozen. Malaga Grapes, from 15¢. to 20e¢. per 1b. Price Oranges, from 20c¢. to Bananas every day, from 20c. to 250 per dozefil Northern Spie Apples, all prices. Ordera delivered promptly. T. Peters & Co., 184 Princess street. "Phone, 649, Mill Pellatt. Norman McCrae ginald Pellatty PELLATT & PELLATT (Members of Toronto Stock Exchaiige). STOCK BROKERS AND FINAN. CIAL AGENTS. COBALT And other stocks bought and sold on commission. Correspondence invited. Prders may be wired at our expense. 401 Traders Bank Building. Toronto 'Phone Main 3968. ) Cook's Cotton Root Compound. . ine. Tonic: and ry rink) Monthly toron which woigen can Bir Healy yanphl Less © The TORN: 3, ONT. (formerly Windsor) S20 Meroe Oc. M. P. KEYS Antiseptic Barber Shop Hair Dressing and Shaving Parlor. + 'Three Chair. Quick Service. Your ronage solicited. 336 King Street Next door to Wade's Drug Store. pat- IGHT. vs NEW LAID EGGS 5 GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot & Ear Phone 47. OFFICERS ELECTED By the Mic-Mac Hockey Club of Kingston. The following officers were clected at oa menting of the Mic-Mac hockey team ony Monday evening : Honorary presi- dent, James Spence; honorary viee-pre- sident, Walter Cusick; president, James Chatterton; first vice-president, John McDonald; segond vice-president, H. D. Van Sant; third vice-president; T. Me- Cammon; secretary, C. Sleeth; cap- tain, John Metcalfe; manager, Stanley E, Trotter. A Wrestling Challenge. Glenburnie, Jan. 18.--I hereby chal- lenge Charles Babcock to a wrestling match, catch-as-catch-can style, for a side bet of $25, seventy-five per cent. of gate money to winner, twenty-five per cent. to loser; the match to take place on or before February lst, 1909. GEORGE R. SMITH,- Glenburnie. Played A Tie Game. Regiopolis College played a tie in Lansdowne, last night, in a very ex- citing hockey contest, The score at half time stood, Regiopolis, 2; Lans- downe, 1, but at full time the score was three all. The game was con: tinued for ten minutes each way to break the tie. Lansdowne scored in the first ten minutes, but the Regis boys evened up in the last few min- utes of the game, making four all. After the game the college boys were given an oyster supper by A. Robertson, manager of Lansdowne hockey team. The event was a very pleasant one. The teams lined "up : Regiopolis--Goal, J. Kane; point, M. Coyne; Cover, J. Grady; rover, WM. Moran; centre, J. Grattan; wings, M, McDonald and M. Sullivan. Lansdowne--Goal, H. Earl: A. Burns; cover, F. Mitchell; Turner; centre, P. Moon; wings, MiDonald and G. Shepard. Referee--W, W. Frew, of Lansdowne. point, S. Two Teams Fell Out. Two teams have dropped out of the senior series of the Kingston Ama- teur , Hockey Association, the Young Irishmen and the 14th team. Both teams found it impossible to find men for their teams and so were forced to drop out. The first game of the season will be "played to- night, at the Royal rink, when the Mic-Macs will meet the R.C.H.A. and the 'Royals will meet the C.L.C. team. Westport Lady Wedded. A very pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's chapel at seven o'clock this morning when Rev. Father Mea performed the ceremony that made Miss Birdie Kgan, second | daughter of the late John Egan, of { Westport, and Thomas G. Powers, { Perth, man and wie. The groom |is a well-known contractor of Cobalt, {and known in Kingston. Mrs. Veter | McLaren, Cobalt, a sister of the | bride, and her husband, were prosent | at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Pow- ers left at noon for an extended wed- ding tour, after which they will take up residence in Haileybury. Holds His Position. J. Alfred Goodearle, general mane ager of the Turbine Steamship com- {pany, Hamilton, helds his position by the steamboat merger of the Ham- ilton-Toronto boat lines, Mr. Good- carlo, says the Hamilton Times, ie a gentleman "of wide experience and very capable, has a splendid record as a business goiter, and is well thought of in marine and other circles, | { | | | The Seal Of Superiority. Every cont of the thirty we ask vou for a pint of Sealshipt oysters you will spend in 'a good cause. You won't know how good the cause until vou have eaten the only at Carnovsky's. oysters, On sale To Wed On The 26th. The marriage of James Bruce wart, of Montreal, to Miss Thomson © Paton, daughter of Mrs. Jantee Paton, Westmount, will lake place' on the 26th. Mr. Stewart is a Ste- Jean He and his bride-to-ba™will go to Cuba and Mexico for their honeymoon. Ottawa Cleeper Via Grand Trunk. Commencing January 18th, and un- til further notice sieeping car will leave Kingston at 2.35 a.m., for Ot- tawa and will leave Ottawa fgt King ston at 6.45 p.m., daily. . ------ "Horlick's malted milk!" Buy it at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. "Phone 230. Bibhy's. for Imperial underwear. Look out for "Raffles." rover, J. | nephew of tha postmaster of Kingston. 1 A BETTER. GOLLEGTION bi TO BE MADE FROM STREET MAIL Beginning Feb, 1st-~Two Routes to Be Established--Thirteen New Letter Boxes to Be Added at Once. Beginning February 1st,' Kingston is ran improved mail collestion system. throughout the city. _ Through the efforts of Postmaster James Stew- art, thi new boxes are to be in- stalled during the next week, and two vehicles will cover the routes, instead one as at present. There will be three collections each day, the last one starting in the outlying boxes at 9 p-m.; so that letters can be dropped into boxes on the outskirts of the city up to that hour, and be sure of collection the same night. At present, the outlying boxes are untouched af- ter 6 p.m. There will be two collection routes. ingston avenue and King street, and Brock streets, From these starting places, the collections will in at 10 am., 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. irteen new street boxes are being added, making fifty-seven throughout the city. The new boxes are as follows : In route No 1--Corner Beverly and Union; corner King and Maitland; cor- ner Division ang Jobnson; corner Earl; Frontenac Club. In route No. 2--Corner Nelson and Brock; corner Albert and Princess; cor- ner Chatham and York; corner Rag- lan and Patrick; corner York and Cherry; corner Montreal ahd Stephen; corner Corrigan and Bagot. James J. Coyle has received the con- tract for the box collections for the year beginning February 15th. Bern- ard McConville, the veteran mail car- rier, has heen given the contract for carrying the mails to and from Rock- wood asylum, the penitentiary, Ports- mouth and Queen's University. The new system will be greatly ap- preciated by the people of Kingston. CHALMERS CLUB Held Supper in Connection With Annual Meeting. The third annual meeting of Chal- {mers Club was held in the church hall on Monday evening. The ladies pro- {vided a very sumptuous supper. The | tables. were tastefully decorated with [the colors of the Macgillivray tartan, red and royal blue, which are also the {club colors. After full justice had been done to the good things provid- ed, the business of the meeting { taken up. In reviewing the work of the past year, the retiring president, Ross Mc: e, reported a splendid increase in membership and that a greater inter- est had béen taken in the club during 1908. The club had been a success in every way. The coming year promises to be even more so. Prof. Matheson and Dr. S. W. Dyde complimented the club on the work they were doing and gave the members | words of encouragement for further ef- Torts. The president for 1909, Joseph N, Robinson, was then called upon to take the chair, and the following offi- cers were installed for the year : Hon- orary president, Prof. Matheson; presi- dent, Joseph N. Robinson; first vice- president, H. Marshall; second vice- president, FE. Sliter; secretary, Ross { M. McRae; treasurers, W. F. Smith and W. Goodearle. . was Better Than Ever. {. The meeting in Brock street hall, | last evening, was an encouraging one; although the night was very cold, yet {a good audience grected the speakers. | Afr. Crombie spoke on the necessity of { Christians being much in prayer in these days of spiritual declension and false teaching, and, in connection therewith, he spoke on the speedy com- ing 'of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mr. Irving followed with an earnest ad- dress on the gospel, "The Conversion of Lydia the First European Con- vert," which was listened to with marked attention. I il Bank Directors Meet. The annual 'meeting of the stock- holders of the First National Bank of the Thousand Islands took place, last Tuesday afternoon, at Alexandria Bay, N.Y, and the following directors were selected for the ensuing year: A. C. Cornwall, H. A. Cornwall, J. I. Corn- wall, Charles U. Putnam, W. W. Holmes, A. Bickeyhaupt, W. H. Cos- grove, J, C. Knowlton and W. H. Hathway. The directors then elected the following officers © President, A. C. Cornwall; vice-president, A. Bickey- haupt; cashier, Charles U. Putnam; assistant cashier, Fuller F. Cornwall. Noted, Tailor Coming. : W. St. Pierre, the well known lad- ies' and gentlemen's tailor, of Mont- real, announces that his representa- tive, Mr. Herlihy, will be at the Brit- ish American, from about January 20th to the 21st, inst., with a full selection of the latest spring and sum- mer goods and styles. In order to as- sure perfect satisfaction, Mr. St, Pierre's fitter Mr. Oliver, will call at a later date, to try on such garments [as may have been ordered. Mr. St. Pierre invites his customers and oth- ers interested in high class tailoring to call or 'phone, making appoint- ment. Bible Society Meeting. At the last 'meeting of the executive of the Bible Society, it was arranged to hold the annual public meeting of this society in the First Congrega- tional church, on Wednesday evening, January 27th. The executive also agreed to ask the churches to with- draw their prayer meetings for that {evening, in order that all may be free {to attend this meeting. Rev. C. A. Sykes, B.D.,, pastor of Sydenham Street Methodist church, and = Prof.' Morison, of Queen's University, have kindly agreed to address the meeting. -------- Notice. Office and warerooms of the--Worm- with Piano company at present are 232 Princess street, next door to R. J. Reid's furniture store. Phone 378. Witch Hazel Cream, 13¢. bottles for 10¢., at Best's. No. 1 will begin at the corner of Liv- C. No. 2 at the corner of Nelson and}: Bagot and Johnson; corner Bagot and | MANY WANT ASSISTANCE. | Cold Spell Brings Many Appeals For Charity. . The severe wold weather. of tic neat " i a i a Se aboks a S Mary and 'this would go to show that thero ie a, great number of unemployed in the cits. n, Westport ; John Stanley, New Britain, III; G. A. Whitelaw, Whitby; D. W. Douglas, 'F. McKee, W. H. Haynes, F. J. Smith, Campbellford; Dr. T. J. Moh- er) Brockville; Frank M. Field, Co- boutg; Judge Madden, Napanee: C, W. Reid, J. Johnson, A. O. Frye, La- chine; 0. A. Fritz, Windsor; T. J. Le- sage and wife, William Lesage, Jr., A. M. Lesage, Arizona; James Mc- Kenny, G. D. Carie, Jacksonville, Fia.; Andrew Stoddard, Brisbane; big 10¢c. rolls toilet paper, for 25c. at Best's "AM sizes of Bovril," at Gibson's Bd yd drug state "Phone 230. 1. ingham, piano tuner from ing's. Leave orders at Meo k Store. Look out for "Raffles." A large order of Huyler's delicious chocolatés received at Gibson's Red Croes drug store on Saturday. Attend Bibby's 69. shirt sale, William Keyos and Henry Henderson, Chickeri Auley's : | yesterday, bushed out the road on the harbor from Wolfe Island to King- ston. s Look out for "Raffles." Lennox Iron Pills, Regular price each. 2 for 25c., at Wade's Se ma Bi bby ttend Bibby's i shirt sale. The ico bridge con the city and i i¥ pow in fine condition. Tho men are able now to cross with Leams. Bibby's 69¢. shirt sale. Livol, parth 1 ay of tonics, regular $1 for Te., at Best's. See Waggoner's clearing sale of fall and winter suitings, overcoatings and 4 f Benj. Horton, Samuel Rosenstine, Venezuela, dn ges Donations, House Of Industry. | The following are the Christmas do- | nations which have been acknowledged by the House of Industry : Poultry, ete.--H. G. Bryant, ducks: W. H. Reig, turkey: Mrs." Walkem, W,! McCammon, Miss Macnee, geese; Miss Betts, Mrs. Oberndorfier, turkeys; Mrs | Meek, sausage; James Sowards, meat. | Bread, biscuits and cakes--Ald. Toye, ten currant loaves; W. J. Cro- thers, six boxes fancy biscuits; Mrs. 8. Birch, currant bread; St. George's church and Calvary Congregational church, cakes; Miss Machar, buns. Fruit--Miss Inkster, six quarts pre- serves; Mrs. Nickle, Mrs. J. B. Car- ruthers, Miss Reid, oranges; Mrs, Meek, grapes; Mrs. (Prof.) Jordan, figs and dates. Candies--Mrs. Nickle, Mrs. H. Nic- kle, Miss Anglin, Miss Mackenzie and W. J. Crothers, 3 Miscellaneous--Mrs, H. Nickle, to. bacco; Thomas Mills, three bags of potatoes; St. Andrew's church, sand- wiches and cakes; principal and pu- pils of Frontenac school, candies' and oranges; and 15¢. in money to each inmate; teachers and pupils of Catara- qui school, seventeen pounds of but. ter; Mrs. (Capt.) Dix; G. MN. Macdon- nell and A. DeCarteret, clothing; Miss Holt, boots and clothing; Steacy & Steacy, hats; Miss Chown and Mrs. D. Gibson, clothing; Salvation Army, orahges and sweetmeats. : ------ Wants Duty Thrown Off. Capi. J. H. Brown, of Buffalo, NY. is urging the chambar of commerce of that city to adopi a resolutions urging congress to admit Canadian grain to the United States free of duty, so that. Uncle Sam's great country will regain the great volume of the Cana- dian grain business = which now goes via the St. Lawrence to Montreal. The resolution he has submitted points out the great benefits to be derived from striking off the duty. At present the only Canadian grain going by United States route is that sent to Buffalo when the volume of business is too great for the Canadian routes. This matter will, no doubt, receive the consideration of the Canadian Boards of Trade. However, the cost of carrying via the St. Lawrence is much cheaper than by wag of Bufialo. Council No. 121 C.0.C.F. On Monday evening an enjoyable time was spent in Council No. 121, C.0.C.F., when the older members of the order were "at home" to their newly installed officers, and to. the friends who had recently joined the council. The auditors' report revealed the fact that after all expenses for the past year had been' paid, there was still a large surplus in the bank to the council's credit. After the regular business of meeting had been transacted there was a splendid programme of songs, sleight-of-hand tricks and instrumen- tal music in a variety of forms ren-< dered by the following: Mr. and Mrs. A. Routley and boys, Mr. Oupart, Mr. Leach and Mr. Stewart. At the close of the programme the committee pass- ed light refreshments. the Recount In Portland Election. A recount of the ballots cast for reeve of the township of Portland at the election held the 4th day of Jan- uary, 1909, will take place before Judge Price at his chambers in the court house on Tuesday, Jan. 27th, at eleven o'clock a.m. The candi- dates in the election for reeve were Matthew Trousdale and Joseph Wil- kins, Matthew Trousdale winning by one majority. The Temperature. The mercury during Monday night dropped to 5.5 degrees below zero. The weather moderated during Tuesday morning, ands becamo blustery in the afternoon. See Waggoner's clearing sale of *fall and winter saitings, overcoatings and trouserings 25 per cent. off for, bal- ance "of month. "Raffles" will be liberated at mid- night Thursday. There's $50 in gold in it for you if you can catch him. "A great salisfaction." You can de pend on each hot watér bottle you buv at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. {lar price, 28¢c. each. price 25¢. each. There was the ico making. Aitend Bibby's --69¢. shirt sale. trouserings 25 per cent. off for bal ance of month. Tho concert to be given hy Queen's Musical Clubs, Thuteday evening, in Grant Wall, promises to be the best ever. "Instant" Pain Relief for all pain, either internally or externally. egu- 2 jor e., at Wade's drug store. Bibby's for men's fine underwear. A prisoner named was re- moved from the county jail to the gencral hospital on Monday. The old man is critically ill. Bibby's great 68¢, shirt sale. Lennox Tooth Paste. Regular 2 for 25c. at Wade's drug store. See Waggoner's clearing sale of fall and winter suitings, overcoatings and trouserings 25 per cent. off for bal- ance of month. See our great 69c. shirts. Andrew Maclean has commenced cut- ting tho ice he will require during the season. Report says that the ico is of splendid quality, as clear as crystal. not enough snow 10 mar See Bibby's ' 50c. wool underwear. If ever there was a specific for any one complaint: then Carterjs Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick headache, and every woman' should know. this. Only one pill a dose. Try them. Bibby's for Imperial underwear. "Perfect headache powders" are per- fectly harmless, 4 for 10c., at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. 'Phone 230. Bibby's for Imperial underwear. Livol, the great cod liver oil tonic, regular $1 bottles for 79%., at Best's. Miss Newcombe's repertoire includes Tarantelle (Popper), Reveries (Dunk- ler), 'Romance (Whaldon), Czardes (Fischer), Auld Robin Gray, and other beautiful masterpieces, Grant hall, Thursday evening. Plan at Uglow's. . See Bibby's 81 Scotch underwear. Lennox Kidney and Liver Pills. Re- gular price 5c. each. 2 for 25c. at Wade's drug store. On. Monday evening, January 25th, Miss Louise Singleton, Miss Kathlom O'Hara and Miss Phyllis Taylor will give a recital in Napanee. These three young ladies are among Kingston's most talented artists and their recital will no doubt be a rare treat for the music lovers of Napanee, , A SERIOUS FIRE Broke Out in a Gananoque Build- ing To-Day. Special to the Whig. Gananoque, Jan. 19.--Fire broke out about 8.30 o'clock this morning in the building occupied by Kenny & Cockrill, as a grocery. Alarm No. 5 was rung, and brought the firemen out promptly. The second flat was oc- cupied by A. H. Mabee, dentist, the third flat was the Orange Hall. The fire started in the third flat. The Ladies' Orange lodge met Monday evening. Quite an amount of stuff was removed, but a large quantity was damaged by smoke A water. The building and contents are insured. The loss will reach some $2,500, Robinson-Geake Wedding. A very pleasant ovent {ook place at the residence of the groom's mother, on Monday evening, when Miss Edna |! Mildred Geako, of Kingston, was uni« ted in marriage io Melville Robinsom The bride, who wore a' travelling suit of blue broadcloth with a net waist, was attended by her sister, Miss Annie Geake. The gropm was aitend- ed by Lawrence Linton. After the ceremony, hearty congratulations were extended to the happy couple, led the way to the dining room, where the wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. They left on the midnight train for points west. Took out for "Raffles." Mrs. Joseph Burgoyne, Trenton, aged eighty, has suffered a stroke of paralysis and is now criticality ill "Fresh on Saturday," Huyler's deli- cious chocolates at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230. The civil servants at Ottawa have received an increase. of $150 each. "Fresh Nestle's Food," at Red Cross drug store. "Phe Attend Bibby's, 690. shirt sale. Extra large smelts. Carnovsky's. Look out for "Raffles." ~ Women Who Know And appreciate fine white Ae generous than ever in their selections this spring. They realize we are specialists in White Underwear And are buying freely. There is nothing in Kingston to compare with our present showing. These dainty Un- dergarments are fresh, new, well made and beautifull trimmed, There is no deart of material, no "skimping" whatever and in a word they are dainty needs for dainty people, and so priced you are induced to buy--to stock up if need be. For future use You May Secure ~ A Trousseau Or a single garment and have it placed aside until required if you sire. br Nightgowns, Copsst ( Covers, White Skirts, Chemise, Many Novelties, Drawers. ¢ "A so de- A complete assortment of Children's Underwear All sizes, from the little baby up to the young girl. Fo Nightgowns, Drawers, Skirts, Skirts and Waist combined, Also Fancy White Dresses. who | ¢ Dr. Jeeger's Pure} Wool Slippers For Cold Mornings and Evenings. We are selling all our Felt Slippers at 20% reduction. One-Fifth Off the Regular Prices "The coldest part of the winter is to come, Can you afford 'to go without a pair of Warm Shoes ? gi Ta