NATURE AND'A WOMAN'S WORK Q Nature and a woman's work com: bined have produced the ndest remedy for woman's ills that the world has ever known. In the Food old-fashioned days of our grandmothers they relied upon the roots and herbs of the field to cure diseas¢ and mitigate suffering. The Indians on our Western Plains to-day can produce roots and herbs for every ailment, and cure diseases that baffle the most skilled physicians who have spent years in the study of drugs. From the roots and herbs of the field Lydia E. Pinkham more than thirty years ago gave to the women of the world a remedy for their pe- culiar ills, more potent and effica- cious than any combination of drugs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coripottnd is now recognized as the standard remedy for woman's ills. Mrs. J. M. Tweedale, 12 Napanee Street, Toronto, Canada, writes to Mrs. kham: "1 was a great sufferer from female troubles, had those dreadful bearing down pains, and during my monthl Jesioas I suffered so I had to go to bed. dpetored for a long time but the doc- tor's treatment failed to help me. My husband saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound advertised and got a bottle for me. I commenced its use and soon felt better. I kept on taking it until I was well and an entirely differ- ent woman, I also found that i dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made childbirth much easier for me. I would recommend your Vegetable Compound to every woman who is afflicted with PIGTONS. FAST "UNS Two New Teachers For the Collegi- ate Institite--A Marriage oi Interest--The Council to Meet on January 25th. Picton, dan. 15.--Picton is delighted with the showing the junior O.H.A. septette has made so far in the scheduled matches. Trenton has been beaten in Belleville, and the Belleville team has been beaten here. Trenton's "untamed warriors," as they have all along been dubbed, were really the most feared, and the showing the lo: cals made against them leads to the belief that Picton will beat them next Tuesday night. Belleville is not great- ly feared, despite the fact that the victory here was a close one. Pic ton's line-up is a strong "one. ' Bed- borough is back again playing cover- point, this year, and it is doubtful if a better man is in his position in junior O.H.A. work in the province. He is a veritable Gibraltar in de- fence work, 'and chain lightning in his spectacular up-the-ice rushes, When Picton's new Collegiate Insti- tute opens, on Monday, there will he two additions to the present stafi of live. . These new members are Miss Bertha Mallory, daughter of ex-War- den Mallory, of Bloomfield, as com- mercial specialist. Until = Christmas Miss Mallory taught the commercial class in Stratford Collegiate. R. M. Winslow, B.S.A., will be on the stafi for the new work in agriculture. A marriage of interest to very many county folk took place, at noon, on Wednesday last, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jarvis, Black Creek, when their daughter, Nellie C., was weddéd to Arthur Alyea, Rossmore, Thay vill make their home in Rossmore. The council of 1909 took office, Mon- day, and adjourned until Yanunry 25th. Councillors Hepburn and Har- rington, who, it was rumored, would not sit in the horseshoe, have not yet resigned from. their elected positions. The annual meeting of the Liberal Association was held, on Saturday, and election of officers resulted : President, J. Cole; first vice-president, A. M. Platt; second vice-president, Mr, Parliament, of Ameliasburg; secretary, H. R. Barton; treasurer, C. B. Alli- son. : THE SPORT REVIEW, Interesting News From the Var- ious Sporting Fields. female troubles." 'What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta: ble Compound did for Mrs. Tweedale, it will do for other suffering women En | HOW MUCH | DO YOU |! 'WEIGH? | | Weigh yourself to-day, then | begin taking ! Brick"s Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Weigh yourself two weeks from to-day and see how mach you have gained. That's the way to test ih2 qualities of any tonic, and if honestly, regularly taken BRICK'S TASTE- LESS will SURELY ADD WEIGHT More than that it wiil put go and life into you; color in your cheeks, and red rich blood in your veins. ll Just say l BRICK'S TASTELESS to your druggist | i | i | | | iad] household world in England. « No mess, 3s tvautle, no rt streaks. The A pee in --an i Dye. MAYPOLE SOAF es roc. for Colovs--15c. for Black, Frond L, Benedict & Ca, Montreal, If youtare suff {i "jump the amatour 11 | | Capt. i,ed by the Volunteor in 1587, died | ihis home | Mongay, Ho was sixty-three years of | tage, | "the skipper of the Columbia and || Jiance of cup defence fame. | | | self. Toronto beat Guelph by a score of fifteen to eight in the professional league hockey series, | MeGill beat Dartmouth University at hockey at Hanover, N.H., by seven to two. | Harvard defeated Columbia at St. Nicholas rink, New seven to two, Smallwood - went lame in his race with Dorando a4 St. Louis and quit alter going twelve miles, when Doran- do was a couple of miles ahead of him. Rochester Bageball Club will train this spring at Lexington, Ky., Buffalo at Columbia, 8.C., and Newark at Macon, Ga. Appleby, the English fifieen mile champion, is now said to be ready to ranks and gather in a few of the honest dollars that are going to the other distance men, the York, by [ |and: come to America. One by one the ihig men of over. the game are crossing John Barr, who sailed the {yacht Thistle when the Seottish chal- | lenge v for the America cup was deicat- at on in Marblehead, Mass., brother of Charles Barr, Re- and a Toronto Telegram : It wiil be inter- esting to watch the career of "Tom" || (Fongboat now that he has passed in- {to the hands of one Pairick Powers. {| {Chances are the only "Pat" will dis- | | jcover that there are harder jobs than managing baseball day bicycle grinds. Flanagan ho has leagues and' wix- As. for 'Tom' accomplished won- {| |ders with the long-legged vedskin. He Thomas when the | nothing but his logs. anc | his appetite. He loft him with a wife, a reputation and a bank account. What moce could even an Indian ask ? A new schedule for the Federal Hoekey League season has been ar. ranged as follows : Jan. 14th, Corn- wall at. Renfrew; Jan. 15th, Senators at Smith's Falls; Jan. 21st, Renfrew at Senators; Jan. 29th, Scuators at Cornwall; Jan.® 21st, Cornwall at Smith's Falls; Jan. 29th. Smith's Falls at Renfrew; Feb. 5th, Smith's Falls ai Senators, Renfrew at Corn- wall; Feb. 10th, Reufrew at Smith's Falls; Feb. 12th, Cornwall at Sena- tors; Feb. 15th, Senators at Renfrew. The Eastern Baseball League scason will peu on April 14th, and the schedule is for 154 games per club in- stead of 140. A New York paper says: Shrabh was so fresh after running twelve niles, Saturday night, that he looked as if he could have gone the Mara- thon distance without extending him- He ran the last lap like a 100. yard sprinter, and his great speed caused old-timers "to open their eyes. Longboat watched the Englishman's performance with particular intorest. He never had scen Shrubb at hist best before, and that he had no idea the Briton was picked up the only | latter. had fering Catarth or Cold in the head send to the CUROL SALVE CO., Spadina Ave., Toronto, | | for a free trial of CUROL, It cures] | Catarrh and relieves a cold in the head, | | sore throat or a tight chest like magic. | | Rub CUROL well into the parts affected | | and inhale the healing essences, 25¢ a box of all Deuggists and Dealers | | or postpaid from the proprietors on receipt of price. HEALING, SOOTHING, ANTISEPTIC. RO | for the coming scason is being erccted tried Mi-o-na, on advice of a friend J { | ! GREATEST OF HEALERS Notice. SALVE ete, for sale at Whig office, theapest and ing. the bist place to buy print- fon it. Legal forms, customs entry blanks, | ing, when finished, will cost from $20, CG. W. Mahood "so good." The Indian. however, cx- pressed perfect confidence in his abil ity to defeat: Shrubb, explaining that twenty-six miles. Tt is believed that the Longhoat-Shrubb race will be has taken place in years. Building Fine River Cottage. Alexandria Bay, Jan. 13.--One of | the finest summer cottages being built on Jarvis Point, directly opposite here Which has cured me when all dlse fail- { tion. for George C. Boldt, 6i New York. The house is fifty-ohp by cighty-eight feet, and "three storeys high. The verandah, which nearly surrounds the ' house, has an enclosed sleeping room | It is estimated that the build- 000 to $30,000, Besides the house there will be a large dock and ice mach trouble. 50 cents a hox. Relief | Imperial Underwear is the kind for house built. rémarked after the raco! one ! lof the heaviest betting events that 'my A FARMER'S TRIALS. : y Weak and Worn Out Through Overwork and Long Hours. The farmet's life is always a hard one, but if he is weak or sufiering it is 'almost unbearable. The hours are long and' the work so hard that none but the strongest can stand it. An illustration of the efiect of bard work 'on the system is given hy George Huntsherg, a farmer of..Spry, Ont. He says: "I have lived nearly all my life in the Bruce peninsula. I am a farmer and have always had my share of hard work and like a good 'many other men I thought there was Do wearout to my system. In this 1 was mistaken for afout a year and a half ago I began to go gradually down hill. 1 would tire at the least exertion; my appetite failed me; I had a severe pain in my side and around my heart. The doctor told me I was suffering from pernicious anaemia; that was almost bloodless. I doc- tored for six months, but instead of improving I grew so weak that I could hardly move without assistance. I lost flesh till I was almost a skelé- ton. A friend from Stokes Bay told me of the great benefit she had de- rived from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and advised me to try them. My sister-in-law had also re- ceived great benefit: from their use, so 1 decided to give them a trial. After using the pills about a month I be gan to gain strength and from that on I improved rapidly. New blood seemed to course through my veins; my appetite improved; the pain left my side and heart and 1 gained in weight. After using about a dozen boxes of the pills I was again enjoy- ing the best of health. 1 have noth- ing but praise for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as they cured me after medical treatment had failed--I really believe they saved my life." * WATER MUST BE GOOD. Relying on Snow is a Detrimental Policy. A goodly supply of water in winter when so much feed is given con- tributes toward hoeping the digestive system in good worki dit It also gives bulk and keeps animals satisfied, without furnishing too much mitriment. Some rely upon snow to supply water. This is bad policy. Sheep will not eat as much of this as they need, because it is not palatable; it also costs too much money to buy feed for the?production of heat to melt snow. It is and more satisfactory to furnish' water sin suf- ficient quantity. "Care must be taken, however, to so place or protect it that they will not fall into it and drown. Sheep are na- turally - helpless animals, and when chilled and wet particularly, do little to save themselves. A sheep drowned in a large tank is not an uncommon occurrence. This may happen in a number of ways, one of the most |Z>mmon is that of a large number of sheep crowding up to the trough at one time, those behind pushing the PR A SUFFOLK SHEEP. one ahead until he talls into the tank. One of the best ways to avoid this, if one will take pains to keep it con- stantly filled, is to have a compara- tively small trough beside the big tank into which water may be dipped Good blood is the secret of health. Keep the blood pure and such dis- eases as anaemia, rheumatism, sci- atica, indigestion, heart palpitation, eczema and the secret ills of women will not - exist. The most perfect blood tonic and nerve restorer in the world is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or hy mail at H0c. a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Loughboro Township Council. Sydenham, Jan. 11.--The oath of of- fice was subscribed to by Charles Truscott, reeve; Charles Ruttan, W. A. Lemon, E. Sills and Deyo, councillors. Moved, Lemon-Rut- tan, that E. G. Ruttan and Ross Guess be appointed auditors, which was Jost. Moved, Sills-Deyo, that Thomas Maxwell and Ross Guess be appointed.--Carried. Applications for assessor were received from W. J. Caldwell, George Harker and Ross Guess. Moved, Deyo-Sills, that W. J. Caldwell be appointed, at $50.--Car- ried. Moved, Ruttan-lLemon, that George Guess be member of the board of health.--Carried. Sums votéd : F. M. Lawson, election expenses, $38; F. W. Barnett, for financial statement, $2: 1. Amey, culvert near his place, $5: J. Ofiord, account, $2.19; B. Page, culvert on the Bedford road, $5; James Burly, tax remitted, $6.90; C. Ruttan, three months' rent for Mrs. George Benly, $4.50; Dr. Tovell, attendance James Alton, Loughboro's share for job near Wartman's, on the Portland boundary, $8; J. M. Stoness, services and expenses in law suit, $9.50. Ad- journed to meet on Monday, March 1st. Stop Indigestion Now. Don't think you'll soon.get over it. You may and may not. Make sure by using Day's Dyspepsia Cure. Dys- pepsia is a slow and distressing form of suicide and it is unnecessary. This remedy directly aids digestion keeps both stomach and bowels in order. Lach bottle contains. sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug store. Y.oss In Telephones. | Winnipeg Free Press. | If, as Mr. Rogers is proclaiming in Virden, there is a surplus of $200,000 for the first year of government own- ership and operation of telephones in Manitoba, surely then the Roblin gov- ernment ought to he able to pay the $10,000 of annual taxes which the Bell Telephone company paid into the city treasury of Winnipeg, but which the city has been deprived of by the gov- ernment. Not content with this, the government charges the city $3,266.50 for forty-six telephones, though the Bell company, which paid the city $10,000 a year in taxes, only charged the city $2,610.25 for forty-four tele phones. Chinese proverb : "Great souls have wills; feeble souls have only wishes." STARTLING STATEMENT. It's Statements Like That of H. Heyman, Kingston, Ont., That is Making Mi-o-na World Fam- ous For Obstinate Stomach Complaints. H. Heyman, Colborne street, Kingston, Ont., says: "Mi-ona is Lworth its weight in gold as a remedy to quickly cure' long-standing cases of dyspepsia. For years I had suffercd with my stomach and could find no cure nor even relief. I could not eat ! (anything, ns it would sour and form ' (gas on my stomach tha! had a pres- sure on the heart. Heavy pains would | come around my sides and pit of my | (stomach, 1 was unable to sleep for this. and there was nothing to relieve | my miserable condition. 1 was weak | 132 the did not belvéve he could stick the ' and languid and would feel as tired in | the morning as on going to bed and | perspiration would break out all over | dy. I would be so weak from vomiting that I would fall to my knees. My head would ache and spells | of diezinees would leave me unable to | sea, Doctors had termed the trouble | gastritis, but failed to benefit me. 1 | ol. 1 am graweful health. It's the known resulis obtained by | Mi-o-na. that places it far and away | above all other remedies and confirms | in offering to refund the money: if Mi-o-na fails to care sto- sound and well and feel to Mi-o-na for my Present. | in iwenty-four hours. Sylvanus | on the family of Charles Young, $15: and | that sheep may drink. This leaves the {big tank for the exclusive use of lar- ger animals with which there is no danger of drowning. Another way is to nail slats either length or cross- wise of the tank, leaving a space large enough so 'that they can arink. but cannot fall into the water, if { pushed ahead by the jam... Probably a Letter way is to build a fence around the tank or troughs, through which sheep can get their heads, hit cannot be pushed. Almost | any one who sets his mind to it can | devise some means of keeping his sheep out of the water. This he should ldo at once, before even one has been | drowned, or so chilled from getting 'soaked that it will not thrive for some time. It is avoiding these small disasters that makes big profits in the apd. | Hogs Will Be In Demand. | This" fall the market has heen "erowaed with | hogs of every kind, many of them good breeding stock, the high price of. feed and other un- promising conditions being in great measure responsible for this. Hogs in ey | 2\) A TAMWORTH HOG. jall probability will not lower {price materially, nor will farmers quit (growing them. Those who saved only THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1909. Our Clean Sweep Going Full B See the Many Bargains We Are Offering Any Man's $5.00 Shoe in our store for $3.98 One lot of Women's'§3.00 Shoes for... 1.98 One lot of Children's $1,35 Shoes for Awl NET A Word of Warning on Dangerous Smoking TOBACCO It is a popular delusion that the quality of a tobacco tan be decided by its odour. As a matter of fact pure tobacco is odour- less, except for the natural faint smell, of th: leaf. The strong- smelling perfumes and artificial flavourings, used in 'the manufac- ture of certain classes of Smoking Mixtures are poisonous and high- ly injurious to the heart and nerves. The High-Class ROUTLEY'S Smoking Mixture is absolutely unadulterated and entirely free from all scented matter. It has therefore been pronounced by Analysts and the Medical Profession a true. Hygienic Smoking Mixture. 15¢. 25¢, 30c, 40¢, 75¢. Milk Chocolate Stick, Medallions, Cro- quettes, Cream Bars etc. are truly delicious. For sale by all dealers from Coast to Coast. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORCNTO. \ x S in| a few hogs will wish they had more | pigs next spring. they can handle They will see that | more pigs on their | pasture lands and in their corn fields, | and they will undoubtedly be willing | | Winter Feeding Of Stock. The winter feeding is fairly started "and stock get' very little except what is fed to them. They go into the stalk field and pick a few hours every day- to pay high prices to get them. | The main advantage; however, is that | the fresh air and exercise give them 'an appetite. Perhaps the greater point | to remember in feeding is that the larger part of the feed is required to | maintain the animal, and that nutri- | ment is used for this before anything | growth or to fill the is diverted | milk pail. If it requires | feed to keep a cow i will make some-milk and 12 lbs. will Laake nearly twice as much. To get the greatest profit from a cow she must have as much to eat as she will Faest and use to make milk. When {she begins to put on flesh during the first six months after freshening, it is jan evidence that she is an unprofit- "able cow or is being fed more than is required for the greatest profit. Feeding young cattle is the same. They should have as much as they can eat without injuring their diges- ition. The ration for maintenance is Ilost; the profit must come from what is fed in excess of that. We had a good illustration of this some years ago. In addition to feed, stock must have water. Ice water is better than none, but not as good as fresh pumped well water, temperature about fifty de- grees. This is as good as warmer, provided the cattle need not stand to drink in a cold, windy place. We have watered in the barn a good many I years and find it very satisfactory. to 10 lbs. of in flesh. 11 ls. Deafness As A Blessing. Thomas A. Edison, the great inven- tor,, who has lately been turning his attention to construct an aeroplane, has for' many years been afflicted with deafness, but, curiously enough, he regards this as a blessing. Some years ago he was told that an oper- ation might cure him, and a friend of his expressed a hope that he would submit to having it done. "What !" exclaimed Edison, "and give up the great advantage I have over the rest of you fellows? Why, 1 need my dealness in my business, for, you see, my bushess is thinking, and no mat- ter what the rest of you are doing, or how much noise you are making, it doesn't bother me, and I am ahle to concentrate my mind fully on the subject in hand without interrup- i Give wp an advantage like Not much !" that ? ; Notice. Legal forms, customs entry blanks, ete., for sale at Whig office, the cheapest and best place to buy print ing. these cold days. Parker's Eradicator "& » For Cleaning Kid Slippers, Babies' Booties, White Rubbers, and Canvas Shoes, Kid Gloves. A Household Necessity Reid & Charles. 0 kA 'Ripe Bananas Tan Tangarines, Florida Grape Fruit, Sweet Navel Oranges. §A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. FURNITURE SPECIAL 10 to 15%. This will be a splendid opportunity to save money R. J REI . 230 Princess St Phone 877. PLUMBERS : Try our PURE LEAD in five pound blocks. The price is teresting. Se Canada Metal Co.,Ltd. 98c | Children's, " HY " d i Deerskin Moccasins, Men's... ihm TE mannii 39, 49 and 59 | Fine Tailori Melton and Beaver Overcoatings. Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. John Tweddell 181 Princess street. C00D SALARIES Go Only to the Well Trained Our High-Grade Courses never fail to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and Evening Classes, and Moderate Rates. . FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Clergy street, _ "Phone, 680, STOCKDALE, Kingston. T. N. Principal. Increase Your Efficiency wi: Head of Queen Streef. |. Canada's Leading Business School Day and Evening Classes. Shorthand, Typewriting, Book- keeping, Telegraphy. Special in- dividual instruction for pupils deficient in English branches, Rates moderate. Enter at an time. 'Phone, 440. H. F, MET- CALFE, Principal. New that a supply of Ice" | is assured, we are pre- pared to fill all orders for Ice Cream at : .60c Per Quart No change in quality. °° 288 Princess St. P rice s, Phone 845. SPECIAL Our Own Blended Tea, 80c., 40¢c., 50¢., . 60¢c. per Ib. of 16 ounces. Every ounce guaranteed. .._We also carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Confection ery. Fresh Oysters D. Couper, 'Phone, 76. 841-3 Princess St. PROMPT DELIVERY. FREE! No charge to come in and examine our large stock of Household Goods. 20 PER CENT. Discount off any article for the balance of this month. Antique Furniture And old-fashioned articles a speciality. A post card will bring me to buy a © L. Lesses, 507 Princess St., Cor. Chatham St. TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDER The Perfect Brick & Tile Co., Wash PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessee Are ready to contract for immediate delivery. rick that will stand jn on st. reasorable rates. Capacity of plant 60,000 daily. Napashy 31 William 8t,, Toronto, | ~