Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1909, p. 1

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YEAR 76-NO. 10. NT BELIEVE Assi, The Confession Left By the Minister. THINKS HE WROTE I EXPECTING THAT HE WOULD COME TO TRIAL. Suspect a Deep Motive and a Woman in the Case--Preacher Was Not Insane--Some New Facts Come to Light. Carthage, IL, Jan. 13.--When the authorities have satisfied themselves as to the circumstances atiending the murder of Gideon Browning by Rev, John H. Carmichael, at Rattle' Run, Mich., it is expected that inquiry will tury to a possible motive for tho ini- tial orime. Despatches from Michigan reveal an unwillingness on the part of the offi- cials to accept the theory of Car- michacl's insanity as cvolved from his strange confession. "1 whall always beliove,"" said Pro- mecutor Brown, of Adair, Mich., "that there was a deep motive behind the efime."' Similarly, Under-Sheriffi Petit, of Port Huron, asserts his" belief that Carmichael"s last letter was not in touded for a death-bed confession, hut was written with the idea that he would bo taken back to stand trial. Sheriff Wogenseil, the Michigan offi- oor, taking the lead in the investiga-- tion, is convifced that there was a woman in the case. Change In Pastor. Adair, Mich., Jan. 13.--For several weeks Rev, J. H. Carmichael's parish- !ioners here have noticed a decided change in his actions. Ever since he preached, his first sermow in ihe church, which was the scene of the murder, the pastor has taken great in- 'terest in the welfare of the churd members. © Recently he has talked but little either before or after the Sunday afternoon services, The Sunday before the murder,« Rev, Mr. Carmichael walked immediately io the door of the church after pronouncing the benedic- tion, not shaking hands with one of those in attendance' During his Suir. day afternoon sermon, Rev. Mr. Car michael stopped twice to speak to Hogs wha had been whispering in the "rohr ob the CHAFONT™I'NIE i something hé had never boen known to do here before. On tho second . occasion he spokd sharply, his action causing dis- cuspion among the members. 'Every timo you boys whisper, you insult me," exclaimed the pastor. Then ho looked intently at the lads for at least: a minute hofore continuing his dispourse. When Mrs. Carmichel was first brought before the public as a result of the cfime in the little church at Raitla Run, the impression was spread broadcast. that she was a calm, cold- blooded woman who knew more of the eriine than she cared to tell. The pen- dulum of public opinion- has now swung the other way as a result of an investigation into her traits and dis- position. She is a large-boned, woll- muscled woman, but those who know her best declare that her physical strength is accompanied by a warm and sell-sacrificing habit of mind. Her phlogmatic temperament and lack of excitability is her main char- acteristic, actording to Rev. C. W. Baldwin, and has been of the utmost value in sieadying. her nervous and highrstrung husband. At sick beds, al funorals, and at all of those domestic DAILY MEMORANDA, Board of Education, 8 p.m, Board of Works, 4 p.m., Thursday. Skating at Royal Rink to-night. Good ice Read the bargains in the Column, Page 3. St. Andrew's Church gation Meeting, 8 p.m. Limestone Lodge, No. 91, A. 0.1. W, meets Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. Bijou Theatre--' 'How A Moving Picture is ade," showing the acting and its subsequent. exhibition in a picture-house. Comedies, "The Instalment Plan" and "The Negro Boxing Match. Will West sings. Jan. 13th, In Canadian History. 1756--Montcalm was appointed to the command of the French army in America. 1849 Vancouver Island was ceded to the Hudson's Bay Company. ¢ 1885--A great banquet was given .ih Montreal in honor of Sir John A. Mac- donald. 1887--The huge upper table rock Niagara fell, due to the weight of cumulated ice. 1908~The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Compeny of Canada was organised. 1908--TFhe price of sugar was advanced hy the Montreal refiners. 1908--George A. Walken, Premier of ritish Columbia, 81 years, "For Sale" Annual Congre- at ace former died, aged 25% OFF ALL LINES OF " China in Our Store for This Month Robertson Bros. {beyona suspicion, and also that bercavements in which a olergyman's wife may play the part of a ministes- ing angel, her services were invaluable, Remarkable Fortitude, In the backwoods of West Virginia, Nebraska, and Michigan, this hardy woman has cared for her own family and those of hor husband's eongrega- tion when they nceded her strong éon- stitution, enabled her to watch long hours, and her sturdy cast of mind had a calm and soothing cfiect on the sick and bereaved, She has borne up under the fearful stress of the ter. rible iragedy with most remarkable fortitude. Hundreds of questioners, including detectives, reporicrs, officials, rela tives, neighbors, country store loafers and children, have fired a myriad of queries at her, and in the face of it ail she has been calm and collected. Some said as a result. that she had no heart; others said she was the ac cemplice of her husband in the com-! mission of a terrible crime. She is an intelligent woman, and she knew their suspicions, but she still met them with undaunted courage. x She has heard her husband mlled a slayer and worse, and yot she had borne up. Two years ago, in Detroit, she buried her oldest daughter without a tear oc lamentation, secking her solace in prayer. Hor husband wept and behaved like a demented man. But Thursday, tha day after the dis- covery of the tragedy, her heart was filled with terrible fears that had been conjured up in her mind since his farewell to her on Tuesday morning, she sufforedd a momentary breakdown, and the anquish of her soul sought re- lief in violent sobs and eries that brought. her temporary relief. She gradually regained control of her emotions, and an hour later was again calmly answering questions about her husband's life insurance, the suit case he took withihim, and the probabilitice of the bones discovered in the church belonging to him or not. MAY BE CROWDED OUT. Dissensions Exist, in the British Cabinet. London, Jan, 13.--Seérious trouble has mrison within {he British cabinet and' a completa rupture is expecied shortly after the meeting of parlia- ment in February. Winston Spent Churchill and David Lloyd-Georga are both likely to be foreed out. The cleavage is largely the result of the strong military and naval policy of the cabinet. Messrs. Churchill and Lloyd-George denounced the policy of their colleagues as entirely out of harmony with liberal principles. The particular question' upon which the ousting of the two ministers will de- velop is that of the proposed con- struation .of six new Dreadnaughis to eost approximately $60,000,000. Churchill and Lloyd-George have be come objectionable to the more' mode- rate men of the cabinet, also beoliuse in their advanced social ideas they are. extremely radical. Mr. Asquith feels that unless - the government can shed this radicalism it is certain in the pear future to be defeated in parlia- ment and overwhelmed before the country. : The growing gravity of the Indian situation is said to have broken down the health. of Lord Morley, so there would be little surprize<in well-inform- od cireles should he soon retire. Promier Asquith, when he recon- stedets hie cabinet ix likely to try to got into the government a few big business men and lawyers. Sir Rufus Isaac, the distinguished liberal barrister, iv mentioned as the type of man for whom Mr. Asquith is looking: BARKS, BITES, RENDS, TEARS President] Roosevelt, [Held Up to Scorn of Senate Washington, Jan. 11:~The galleries of the senate were crowded, to-day, when Senator Tillman rose to reply to President Roosevelt's strictures in re- spect to the senator's connection with the Oregon timber land transactions. The president, Senator Tillman said, lived » in a house of which even the floor was glass. Later on in the ses- gion it was his intention to some time 7 to bringing Theodore Roosevelt face tp face with his true self, so as to let the people of * the United States see what sort of man they had bowed down to. For the present he would content himself with applying to him this quotation from Spenser : 'He ranges throw world; neither is restrain, him. v especially presumptuous and pestil- ent, barking and biting at all alike whether they be blameworthy or in- nocent. None are free from his at: tacks. He spares neither the learned wit nor the gentle poet, but rends and tears without regard of person, rea- son or time." the -------------- Regulation Of Societies. Quebec, Que., Jan. 13.--The gov- ernment intends to imtroduce a hill at .the coming session of the local house having for its object the better regulation of assessment and benevo- lent associations 'doing business in the province of Quebe¢. Greater care is to be taken to see that securities and hona-fides of the associations are the. rates charged to members ate such as will guarantee solvency. Want Free Trade. New York, Jan. 13.--The adoption of a declaration in favor of free trade in hides, bug for the retention 'of the protective tariff on finished sho#iand of a resolution calling upon congress to enact a law against adulterations in leather, marked the second day of the fourth annual convention of t National Boot and Shoe Manuféctur- ers' Association, held here yesterday. See Bibby's $7.00 men's suits. Lennox Cascara Laxatives for Con- stipation. Regular price 25c. each. 2 for 25¢., at Wade's.drug store, Bibhy's for boys' sweaters, 20c, | hout whole a he samy that can Of late he has grown KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 10 PAY SHOT nit For Having Taken Some of Austria's Territory. TURKEY'S PROMISE PROPOSALS AS TO MANNER OF PAYING INDEMNITY. I Thought 'tke Payments Will Be Completed Within a Year--Gen- eral Satisfaction Over the "Termination "of "Negotiations-- Hoped Boycott Will Cease. Vienna, Jan. 13.--Turkey's accep- tance of Austria's offer of compensa- tion for the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina caused general satisfuc- tion here. Bourse speculators bought large quantities of banking and in- dustrial shares immediately, and pric- e& rose rapidly. It is sanguinely hap- edd the Turkish boycott of Austrian goods will now cease and that trade which has béen in a very depressed condition, for the past three months, will recover. The minister of finance is already drafting proposals regard- ing the manner of paying the indem- nity. It is expected the money will Le paid in instalments and that the pay- ments will be completed within a year, Servia Is Sore. Belgrade, Jan. 13.--Turkey's accap- tance of Austria's offer created cx- treme disappointment here. Shortly after it was known the cabinet was summoned under the presidency of King Peter. The ministers conferred lengthily. It is stated that it was de- cided to await further details hefoye resolving upon any course of action, "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN' Received Idea in Church. Conn., Btowe, a Vision in Hartford, Jan. Charles E. last. night, his mother, Harriet Beecher Stowe, re- | ceived the idea of "Uncle Tom's Cab- in' in a vision which she had in church, in which she saw clearly de- picted the pathetic death of old Uncle Tom. He said his mother began the story with this scene, writing the! book backwards. In a recent court' case it was shown that Mrs. Stowe's sister, 'Mrs, Isabella Beecher Hooker held communication with spirits con- certiing her will and the phases of her everyday life, FACES MANY CHARGES. Jeremiah Jackson Accused of As- sault and Arson. Windsor, Ont., Jan. 13.--Jeremiah Jackson, a burly negro, thirty-six years of age, was arrested at Puce, a win Fight Sentence on Gompers sions of posed by Gompers, John Mitchell and Francis Morrison, all of whom are officers i be fought hy that President Roosevelt if he should take States of party Pelletier, er Perry hear from until February. HANCIBICRASIISISISISIICINISIIGICIOOR 13.--Rev, | # in a speech here | before a church club, said|™® CH REE REFEREE EHH EE * DECLINE. PARDON. Et Al Washington, Jan, be taken up will be the sentence im ustice Wright on Samue! 0! he federation. It is stated that the sentence wil the three officors they © will decline pardon uch action. Labor organizations anc individuals in all parts of the United and Canada have sent letters de- fence fund can be raised ii necessary, it 1s declared. protest and a million dollar CORPORAL A. JOYCE. He is o member of the Mounted Police under command of Inspector which has been reported lost + the far north, but whom Commission- says he does not expect to CABLE IS DOWN. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 13.-- Earthquakes were general over Washington territory and British Columbia coast on Monday afternoon. They are supposed to be the re- sult of volcanic activity in Alaska, probably in the Aleutian Islands; but no de- 'tails can be obtained as the cable to Alaska has gone down. At Bellingham buildings were so badly' jarred the plaster fell to the floor in many brick buildings, 'and walls swayed dangerously. x HH EAE « ~ A a A 2 village about fifteen miles east of here on a charge of attempted murder. It is alleged Jackson burned the home of Thomas' Carter, another negro, be- cause the latter's fifteen-year-old daughter refused to elope with him. When arrested, the officers identified him as the man who thirteen years ago figured in a murderous assault and escaped. He will be charged with assault with attempt to kil, arson, and bringing stolen goods into Canada. PRESIDENCY OF HARVARD. Professor A. Lawrence Lowell to Succeed Dr. Eliot. Boston, Jan. well, professor ment at practically 13.--A. Lawrence Lo- of science of govern- Harvard College, has been selected for the presidency of Harvard University, to succeed Charles E. Eliot, who retires May 19th. Despite the secrecy maintained to-day by members of the corporation' | devote lover the proceedings of their meeling, | 2 Symphony it was learned from an authoritalive | source that the choice would be rati- | fied at the meoting of the overseers lo-morrow, A Life Inprisonment For Murder. Dedham, Mass., Jan. 13.--A plea of guilty of murder in the second degree was entered by Dr. Walter Raleigh Amesbury, when he was arraigned on the charge of having murdered his wife. Judge Sherman sentomced him to life imprisonment. x. Amesbury shot and killed his | wife at her home in Hyde Park on Christmas day, 1907, to which be had gone after a separation to take part in a family re-union. Dr. Amesbury was horn in England, the son of a surgeon general in the British, army, and himself served for some time in both the army and navy of Great Britaim Spent $400,000 In One Day. Pittsburg, Jan. 13.--J. B. F. Rine- hart, cashier' of the wrecked Farmers' and Drovers' National Bank, of Waynesburg, who is on trial here, spit the day in consultation with District Attorney Berkeley, and his friends. Mr. Rinehart said, in response to a question: "Suppose I did spend some money in some of those elections. I wonder if one man who! was chased out of the city and county | some ycars ago did not do more than I in that matter. We spent about $100,000 in one day that I know of, and had to da it." | | 1 | Marshal Field's Estate. . Chicago, Jan. 13.--The cxact value! foShisag lua} {of the estate of the late Marshal Ficld | {was placed at $83,450.032 when the | appraiser's report was filed. i ------ | Twenty per cent. discount on isuits and overcoats for spot cash. 'Carroll & Lo. all Ww. They are being largely signed by al mobiles may < : g lsued for by Mrs. Una Geslin against WwW. J. B."MILLS, Of New York Stock 'Exchange, Artist and Humorist. MAY BE REPEALED. hoard of fe ed : : 228 OL) parmers Sign Petitions in Prince Edward Island. Hafifax, N.S., Jan. 13.--Fiity titions have been circulated through- out Prince Edward Island asking for the repeal of the anti-autom obile act. classes, includmg farmers, and auto- 1 yet be seen on the roads of this province. > Vr HICH Io T0 COME HOME. % London, Jan. 138.--Sir Frederick Borden will sail, 13.<At the ses-| the executive council of the American Federation of Labor, one of the most important matters that will and by FEFEFFEEEFEHEHEF as also pe- Distant Places THE WORLDS TINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From, of Everything Easily" Read and Remembered. Prussia will have a deficit of $44,- 000,000 this year, Winnipeg street railway company offer power to the city ior $24.66 per horse powcr. California's lemon crop is about 1 ,- 500,000 boxes, one-third of the Ameri can demand. Kansas bank commissioners find $145 deposited for each man, woman and child in the state. The St. Ilmwrence Yacht Club has decided not to challenge for the Sea- wanhaka cup this year. The election of Duncan Cameron for Gilbert Plains to tho Manitoba legis lature, has been protested. Ontario architects complain of the custom whereby United States archi- técts are allowed to do business in Canada. A bill has passed the Tennessee sen- ate prohibiting the sale of liquor within four miles of any school house in the state. Charles L. Pippin, a. young business man, died as the result of drinking poisoned wine during an amateur play at Martdale, Del. : : Toronto railway earnings the week tended January 9th totalled $65,811.26 tor $4,419.87 more than in the corres |ponding Weck last vear. Archbishop = Farley, of New York, granted a dispensation for the mar- riage of the Earl of Granard and Miss Beatrice Mills, January 14th. The Chinese hoard of communica- tions has taken over the full control of the Pekin telegraph office. The powers are strongly protesting. The International Association of Aeronauts will raise a fund for the purpose of offering prifes for flying machines and dirigible balloons. The congregation of Ramsay in the presbytery of Lanark and Renfrew has extended a hearty and unanimous call to Rev. D. M. Macleod, late of Bill- ings' Bridge. It is generally understood: that G. H. Melntyre, M.P. for South Berth, will succeed Charles Jlaseil, M.P. for Bonaventure, as depity-speaker of the House of Commons. Poison in the shape of paris green sufficiont to kill fifty people was found in the candy sent through the mails to Mrs. Marie Smith and Mrs. Amelia Witwer at Denver, Col. Rev. Dr. Theodore L. Cuyler, pastor emeritus of the Lafayette Avenue Preshyterian church, celebrated his eighty-seventh birthday at his home in Brooklyn, on Sunday. The contract for the Montreal ice palace is signed by the executive com- mittee. The contractors will be ' the Charles Thackeray company, and work will he started immediately. One of the last proceedings in the ratification of Joan of Arc, the cere mony called in Latin "Tute'" occurred on Tuesday in the presence of the pope and the congress of rights of the vatican. At the state penitentiary at Lan- sing, Kas., the two cribs used to punish. unruly prisoners were sum- marily destroyed hy prisoners in the presence of the committee and hoard of directors of the prison, Charles Mentor, Rochester, who re- cently purchased Thoughton nd Greg islands, on the Canadian side, near Gananoque, is having a $6,000 cot- tage built "on Greg island by Mitchell and Wilson, which will be completed by spring. Turkey has, it' is believed, removed the last excuse for war, as far as she is concerned, by accepting the ofier of Austria-Hungary of $10,800,000 in- demnity for the annexation of Bosnia i 1 : All Over--Little|, and Herzegovina. This will also dis- courage Servia. At Mount Vernon, [ll., the wedding of John Slanghier and Mise Lucinda Oliver was interrupted by the entrance of a former sweetheart of Slaughter. After hearing the neweomer's story, the bride-to-be ordered Slaughter out of the house. ' A Vancouver despatch says it is re- garded: there as being certain that the imperial government has abandoned the idea of handing the haval station at Esquimalt over to the dominion, but is _ instead making arrangements on Friday, for'Canada. It is understood the discussion between Sir Frederick, Gen- eral Hood and Mr. Haldane will result almost immedi- ately in written regulation for the constitution of a general staff of the empire for submission to over-the- sea governments. *# » HHH HE EK ENE 3 3 *# Hi | SHESIISISIIIGISIIIOR Verdict 0: $50,000. New York, N.Y., Jan.. 13.--A ver- diet for the full amount of $50,000 * ¥ No Miss Annie Irene Magher, for aliena- {tion 'of the affections of her husband, | "get- | of so-called Alired R. Goslin, { was brought in by rich-quick " fame, the jury here. defendant, w now hve in Patis, France. Student's favosite." The $1.50 pen for %IL. Only at Gib- "x fountain Ison's Red Cross Drug Store. f We print and engrave visiting cauds, At home cards; ete., British Whag of- fice, Both Goglin and the) t ho was his stenographer, [sure sign of kidney trouble (in a dan- 4 to establish there a very strong naval hase. Mrs. George Guy Chetwynd, who is a daughter of the late © harles Secor, of New York city, was granted a de- oree in London againet her husband, for the restitution, of her conjugal richte. Mrs, Chetwynd's husband is the son and heir of Sir George Chot- wynd. be The supreme court of Leipsig has ordered that the clock of the cathedral at Fisenach, where Luther grew jp, quit striking every night at Men o'clock. This is in reply to 'the re: quest of an hotelkeeper, who com- {plained that it disturbed the sleep of {his guests. Accidents are often caused by weak ankles and weak cyes. sare {gerous stage), and can be cured bv |contente of onc bottle of St. Regis Lumbago Cure. Had a tegspooniul night and morning. For sale' at all drug stores: . | Ruling and binding, all kinds of | blarik books done at lowest prices, at jthe British Whig office, {consumers in al DID NOT WIN. ---- : "W. H. Carson's "May Wax" is pre- paring for the winter ice races, and yesterday afternoon, entered the 2.17 pace at the Lindsay races. The King- ston mare, however, failed to get within the money, finishing fourth. This was her first race on ice. There is a big difierence between ice and turf racing. May Wax should show Sor heels to her competitors at other place, : A Good Kingston Wrestler, It took Eugene Tremblay, of Mon- treal, lightweight champion wrestler of Amerite, sixty Timates to threw Geary e Leapage, o ingston, twice on Monday 9) in a bout at the Monument National, Ottawa. Lea: made a remarkable showing, considering that the man he was up against and should be a comer in the game. The bout was catch-as catch can and was for the best two out of three falls. It took "Tremblay forty-one minutes to secure the frst' fall and during thir period Le did 4 good part of the aggressive work. With a little more experience he looks good to heat Tremblay, the Ottawa Journal says. Has Been Incorporated. The Cape Vincent Yacht Club has been incorporated with the following officers and directors : Commodore, S, A. Maxwell, New York; vice-commo- dore, Cornelius T. Sacket, Cape Vip- cent; rear commodore, George CU, Sher- man, city; fleet captain, Leon L. Peco Cape Vincent; secretary, James GG. Parker, Cape Vincent; treasurer, Al- fred L. Dezengremel, Cape Vincent: Charics 8S. Holcomb and Chester K. Green, Capo Vinwnt; John E. Beau- fort, New York. May Wax Injured. Ma Wax, W. H. Carson's pacer, which entered the ice races at Lind: say on Tuesday afternoon, had one of her feet injured, through unsatisfac tory shoeing, and will be unable to compete in the Ottawa raves. The foot was cut. It will be a couple of weeks before the injury is healed. -- Play On Friday Night. The junior O.H.A. game between the Fourteehith ana St. George's will be played on Friday night at the King: ston skating rink. The game was scheduled for to-night but was post poned on account of practices. The game should be a fast one and will undoubtedly draw a large crowd. Schedules Of Games. The schedules for the intermediate and junior games in this district of the Intereollegiate union were ar ranged as follows : Intermediate Games * Jan. 26--~RM CQ. 1 vs. Queen's, II, Yeh. 1-Queen's 11 vs. RM.C. 1 Junior Games : Jan. 18--=R.M.C. 11 vs. Queen's IH. Jan. 27--Queen's 111 vs. R.W.C. IL. Feb. 5--Winners vs. K.C.L Feb. 8--h.C.1. vs. winners, NO NEW DEVELOPMENTS In the Recent Burglaries in the City. There are no mew developments iu regard to the retent burglaries in the city. The police have been putting forth every effort possible to get trace of the thieves, but so far the mystery has not been solved. It would be quite easy for burglars, i there was an organized gang, to worl at the front door of a store, anc then make off just before the consta ble on. the beat would come along that way, and it is believed that thie was the. way in which the game wa: worked. A thorough search of Louis Abramson's store revealed the fact that no burglars' tools were left be hind. The men must have gone about their work with great system, as n¢ person who lives in the vicinity ap pears to have heard any unusual noise, during the night. It the general belief that the thieves had » rig waiting outside, and that the stolen goods were carried offi in thi way. . MAY BE A SURPLUS is From Light Plant's Business of . Last Year. It is' thought that the Light, Heat and Power plant will show a sur plus for the business of 1908. At any rate it is expected that the receipt: and expenditures will about break even. The year 1908 will stand as the most strenuous in the history ol the plant in view of reduced rates, in- creased taxes and general repairs. Ii there is a surplus after all this there will be reason for rejoicing. Th surplus a year ago was 1.411. Manager Folger is again pressing the sale of gas by sending out adver- tising matter to people in sections of the city where there is a likelihood of securing a wvumber of consumers. There was quite an increase of gas 1908 and, this year, a much larger number of new ones looked for. imo ---- Addressed Students. Rev. J. C. Robertson, B.D.,' general secretary of the Sunday school com- mittee of ~ the Presbyterian church, gave a most interesting address yes- terday morning on Sunday school work, before the students of Queen's. He will give three other lectures dur- ing the course of the week. Last night Rev. Mr. Robertson attended the meeting held to make arrangements for the missionary institute, to be held in the city next month. New City Clock And Bell, The city property committee was called for this afternoon. The chief matter for its attention at present is the purchase of a clock and bell jor the new dome of the tity buildings Architect Power is prepared to ek {a recommendation as to the kind it would be advisable to purchase. Bibby's boys' wool sweaters, 20c, Is belidving and appreciate the valués an assortments offering in Dress Goods By Sra) ing at hone. YOU MEST 8 THEM. Hundreds and hun. drets ef yards of BEAUTIFUL MATERIALR for the choosing of ft prefiy evening vour atten- or reception gown, tion to a few items, to-dav. which s WE WISH to draw § the faintest idea of CHIFFON NINONS, ' CREPE-DE-CHINES, Seeing is you cannot great we are only gives our great display. ORIENTAL SATINS, SATIN-DE-CHINES, POPLIN EOLIENNES, CORD-DE-CHINES, etc. Beautiful Seumii-Made uin Gowns, prices, f Lace and at special clearing CALL AND SEF THEM AT * AAAI ACKASIINIIOR ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. 'DIED. In Kingston, Joseph DAUNT .- 1900, years Funeral irom his ing St. West, to Nt James acquaintances attend LYONS «In 1909, Jan. aged on 12th, Daunt, seventy 117 2pm. Friends and invited 10 late residence, Thursday, at Chureh respec fuily Jan. © 11th, son of Mr. Lyons, 146 Ord- Kingston, on Patrick Bernard; and Mrs. Patrick nance street. Funeral will leave the family residence, 146 Ordnance St., at 9 a.m. Thurs. day, for St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will he sung for the happy repose of his soul. Friends are requested to accept this intimation. IT HOLDS ITS OWN And just nn little competitors--that is OUR OWN SPECIAL BLEND TEA Jt is a pleasing combination of Fine Ravor, Good Strength and leasonuble 35¢ the Pound Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. FORTY-FIVE STOVES Among them cook stoves, with tanks, uso heaters, some with ovens and various hers. Very cheap, at TURK'S, 'Phone more, against all BOUGHT A COUNCILMAN, A Jury At Pittsburg, Pa., Con- victed Him. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 13.--Charles 8, Cameron, president of the Tube City Railway company, who has been on trial for several days, charged with attempting to bribe |Fgfmer City Councilman William AV Martin, in connection with a franchise to the Tube City railway, was found guilty, yesterday afternoon, The jury was out but fifteen minutes. Martin, whe is now kerving a sentence for accepts ing a bribe, and who was a witness, declared he was hovest in selling" his honor to Cameron, and said he oon- sidered it very cheap at %70,000, ---------------- 3 "New hot water hoftles,"" Pure gum rubber opes at Gibson's Red Cross | i Drug Stora 2 4 * A -------- i I i es, au

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