Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jan 1909, p. 5

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Mrs, Webster tind her slaughter will be much missed. 'Mrs. R. Vashon Bogois; Barrie po in next hn ill a. on ter will give a tea for the Queen's Lollege people, thus avoiding the wu le crush, { il % which the asking of one's whole -visit- v . ing lis entails. | Mrs. R. Valion Ropers' tea, yes- Ne A. P. night, Alice street, vill | terday, gave Barrie street the honor ny he inte '" args or a debutante . of having the largest tea which has laughter, Mi Phil, hey Ap marked the new year. To say that Ey i 1od ly is, 'who wi hak e ? it was pleasurable is hardly necessary fri Joes "Furs : ie be r's 0 15 00 f $10 00 when fhe hostess name has heen mee Tienca, on iy Sunry % tioned--her welcome was as cordial as . 5 vercoals $ . or Wh ever; 'And the hospitable influence ex-| Mrs: William G. "Angiin, Earl : tended itseli so that there was for- | Street, will introduce her second Pe " ; : Rein daughter, Miss Susie Anglin, to so- 18 00 12 00 getiulness of the time slipping by, g ngim, . . land those who did at length bring ciety, at a ten which she: will give themselves to leave salved their pro-|Pe*t Wednesday: . per conscience by thinking that if Oe as 22.00 14. 00 they were late thors were Sh bhe- | Miss rene Dunlop, Alfred street, en: y hind who were later. The tea table tertained at tea, on Wednesday, and 15 00 1 10 00 {had a very pretty arrangement for | | bursday, for her guest, Miss Edith . . its centre--the . old-fashioned, airy | Smith, of Toronto. ; { y : effect produced by crystal vases, se- Sih LM WW 18 00 i" 12 00 parated by pretty glass dishes, in,| Mrs. T. J. Barnett, of this city, an- « . and upon, which were deep pink car- | nounces the en t of her eldest nations, carnations of the lovely deli- daughter, Miss Alice May Sands, to ' cate hue known 'as "dawn," 'sprays |Dr. . T. Jefferson Collinson, of Port 20.80 13.35 oi-Sagiunt polyanthus narcissus, and Leyden, NY. uch delicate green. Mrs. K. = W. s - Garrett was in charge of the coffee Mrs, Geotie. Mackie Swill receive pot, with Mrs. Herbert Robinson mak- on Monday, January 11th, at 50 ing tea, and Mrs. Alexapder Kirk- | Clergy street, and on Mondays in the patrick cutting ices. Miss Rogers future, and Miss Emily Rogers were here, We a there and everywhere, contributing Mrs. J. McAuley will receive at her BURGLARS AT WORK much, to ld afternoon's enjoyment, Foi desee: 1 Suton street, on Wed- ? : ---- nd Miss Minnie Moore, Miss Mabel | nesday and wrsday evenings, Janu- i Has Taken Pl ace Dalton, Miss Kdith Folger, Miss Car- | ary 13th and 14th, on eel to ten. Smashed in Door, But, Were| Frienllship 3 the rie and Miss Ethel Waldron helped oC ge Frightensd Away. x Zork of Love., with the tea things. A few ple went up to Mrs. Ram- Jurglars made an attempt to se-|New York Times Correspondence. A CO ST. Among - the Es were Mrs. W, |say Dull' Princess or last night,[ cure an entrance to the home = of I; | London, Dee. 28 Under the allur- D. Gordon, Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. T.|to play a game of bridge. Blackball, 46. Frontenac street, carly |ing and alliterative headline le wh D. R. Hemming, Mrs. Norman Stuart a on Friday evening, but were fright. Stamp In Sentiment," tho Hon. Mrs. ¢ slie, Mrs. John Bell Carruthers,| A few peoplé were asked to play|cned away, just after they d I oonre" pablo been discussing Brom the dominion and prov F. Strange, Mrs. J. C. Strange, |bridge, on Tuesday evening, hy Mys, |smashed in the back door, and as alin a'weekly publication some of the | parlimments; at : the coming * se v p : Je my Taylor, Mrs. Charles | Mackenzie, William 'street. result they received nothing for their big of the times of smart, society fare to be asked to grant the fran ch ~ y 3 Ta « aylor, Miss Ella Fraser, Mrs. Edw, ww trouble. in wont century." to women. $ Come carly Ww hile there 1S a B. Pense, Mrs. F. W. Albree, Mrs. Mrs. J. B. Carruthers' dance at Mr. and Mrs. Blackhall left, their Friondship and not love," we are Byron Burr and Her, Joung 3 Hiram Calvin, Miss E. Marsh, Mrs. | "Annandale," will be tonight's event, | home about 7.30 o'clock, and there|told, "has become the master motive, [had a hair-breadth escape from. dou d s sel . cti James Cappon, Miss Alice Macnee, iii we was no one left in the house. They The millions may keep nearer nature, | from asphyxiation, at Chatham, Ont, Joo CC on. Bru: Alexander Kirkpatrick, Mrs. H.| Colonel and! the Misses Lessard cx. | returned about 8.30 o'clodk, and it but -smart society has arrived at an rom natural gas. Son W a, Fioenurd Browne, Mrs.| pect to remove to No. 243 Augusta [Proved a good thing, as they were artificial existence, Marriage--in our | The rell tape of the Italian ohn Webster, 'Hamilton, Miss 'Con-{ street, Ottawa, at present occupied hy Just in. time to. prevent the burglars set--is a business eontract, and he rocracy was responsible for th d stance Cookef Mus. H, A. Betts, Mrs. Major and Mrs.'H. A. Panet, in May. from ransacking the house. When)love dream of long ago has given [of deaths' in the quake dovastat - Vere. Hooper Mrs. Richard Hooper, | Miss Louise Brough of rekville is,| ahont 10. go into the house, Mi:|plate to a cool liking, or, al best, to lind, according to charges now i Mis C. Hobper, Mrs. D. Phelan," Mrs. expected in Ottawa, this month, to at. | Blackhall héard 'a 'man' on' the op- a cheery good- followship. For thore is | made against the government. : H. F. Burstall, Mrs. William ~~ Kirk- | tend the opening of parliament and | posite side of the street, call out.|a slump in sentiment, and domestic [ John McIntyre, senior member patrick, Mrs. Nbel Kent, Mrs. William | the drawing-room, and will again | Mr. Blackhall at first was of the opin-|afiection, as once. known, has become McIntyre & Campbell, dry good Lesslie, Mrs. R. w. Brigstocke, Mrs. | ho the guest of Mrs. Percy Aylwin. ion that the man was calling to|a mero myth of the dead and gone merchants, Cornwall, died, on Satur: ; C. C. Abbott, Stratford, Mrs. F.| Mrs. William Harty, Jr., is on her | him, but this was not the case, and|Victorian cra. Smart women scorn |day morning, aged sixty-nine years TAILORS PRINGESS ST Bratt, i Asthue pr Hrs way home from Winnipeg. it was quite evident that the man was | tho old rolo of fond fiancees and de- | Charles Labadie, aged thirty-ei Fr is - 1 acnee, Mrs. James Hamil- Miss Flavelle Turner, of Belleville, is | #iving a signal to his companions, | voted wives and mothers. In these vears, of Windsor, was struc 1 ' . i ou 1 ber Jyughes, Are. the guest of Mrs. Kdward J. B.|who were endeavoring to bid the | days they are above all else bonnes Grand Trunk flyer while rack by th vol a a Sree, Pense, King Street. 2 house. 2 . Biacklinll hastened yo Sumurdes: and o- Play Soin practi, raiiway Sean aie jello Instantly. ¥ > rs, } We of oor, PY v of- teal part to perfection. ands an orty-one boards of licen Teeerrssererrssrrsertcreserrestrrstrstrrese > [raha Wardelr: Tog Third, Mrs. | Miss Helena Sharp, of Odessa, has | son there, the thieves having taken | wives, Deh and sisters, parents ay out of 102 in this bn = an Vi ell, Yi =' Thomas Tahdy, been spending a few days in town. | to their heels. Tt was found that the|and children--each of these go in not | will be.unchanged for 1909. Lingaton oo 4 0000006000000 oe pherson, Vi Neimile Miss Denes, Mr. Thomas Tandy will retdrn (o| screen door had been torn away, and for love, but for friendship only 0660000000000600000 . b 20000000 ¥ 8 3 Pi ! for I , and, | stands unchanged; as is Lennox and I | S 1 Panama next week. the outer door smashed in.. in nine cases out of ten, are content Addington. iss Lois Saunders, Miss Machar,| Miss Ethel Baker is up from Otta- i to be pals, intimates, and jolly com- | The toll gate house on the Holland # ie o\atharine Lyman, Miss Muckies wa for a short stay with Mr. and . panions." --~ River roads two miles west of Hel ! trade 'Strader, + Mick Flovetice: S So Mrs. H. Di Pi Brock street. oS é i 3 Hag London society lost or gatneg | land" Landing: Ont, wast de syed by, i A Pi AJ 4 yA 3 ningham, Miss Nau Skinner; Miksh Mr. John 'Lifiton amd Miss' Effie nen : : Fad : 'on the * "transuction ' is the question | fre: oh Satdrddy morning. The hous . Linton ol Cain pbellford &re visit pH MN vit & ks Helen Fraser, Miss Marion Redden; i BURg ; the "Hon! rs. ¥itzroy Stowart asks, | ind all its contents were consumed, Miss 'Frances Sullivan, Miss aw ar cater, Mis. w. H. N. Gill, 66) JF 40S tae oR aul which she apparently answers in William Gates, for years the head ¢ Smythe, Miss Katie. Gordon. X (the) aflismaiive, for sho gays "Wo | Union ticket office, and for three ed Hn Se Shjoyable little ted, on i Mig Tillios 'Dai Beith va or rh thelr "Fash and their freedom, ako tuesday, in honor of Mrs. Karl Folv |e Mpa w W. 13 x ) ie, St Kr Be a eo Mrs. A. 4 ristmas, who thad ar- colds ¢ pe Ladies' $3.50 Coats, for ... vived that. day 'from' Montreal, a. ng 8 few vedlds bith! Mrs. ~ 8: Pur ich modgrn women share ini. eo Gp Girls' §4,50 (Cantey, LF earns iiehn. : shared the position of guests of hon- | Mrs. dames TBarniy of Wingham, is ad ie far fhgie io ~ opines... Re Girls' $5.00 Coats, for woe ay - & o Mr. Among She others present were | the guest of Mrs. Joh: Madgilliyray, | "a ; bay Di fib in 5 Yadies" $6.50 Coats, for ,.. gaa Arn os 2.085, Mrs. Richard Hooper, - Mrs! W. A. [-Albergsstrebtio Homi) | sase, y w SY I EAT } 1) Mes? OA. Publow sétuvied to Tita. | [1 CHIPS CORRE swat SHE op ; A . ' ; p whe Hagens | . ublow returned to 1tha ; wy ag «| ; {men are now on the up-grade. They | years special passenger agent of the Ladies and Girls Coats ] Mrs. Samuel Birch, © Bagot litres, i i om Pictou ie Hl = rs 4 4 Eon hte Homan. ak 8 . f Hrokd oh diss : ' : | Te id) #1987 bed " .) nas Latest Styles--Half Price eqitdls 'of 'men, and' their hitsbiit "| friends and' companions. And' married While-skatin opydeuty Park " fsmdabin | is, helped; ont (by the, way in | Toronto, "oi a Poa diddy vvening, R. Ae Fgton, a Ladies", $7.50 'Coats, for . b Ladies' $9.00 Coats, for ... : Ladies' $10.00 Coats, for , , Ladies' $12.50 Coats, for ... Ladies' $15.00 Coats, for . adie §90.00 Goats, for » Ladies' $25.00 Coats, for Dic] kson, Miss Ethel and Miss Lorraine Minne, Miss Mabel and Miss Lot raine Dalton, ' Miss Carvie and Miss Ethel Waldron, Miss Bessie and Miss May Smythe, Miss Hdith Folger, Miss Emily Sears; Miss Florence Cunning- ham, Miss Norval Macdonald, and Miss Aileen Folger. » -- - Mitchell, Mrs. Hugh Nickle; Miss 5. J ho, Rew i Charles HL. Shortt, | of ) Tokib, Japan, hds boon paying a fly- | |» ing ¥isit 'to His cousins, the Misses Miekleston, | Witliany\ street. He left for 'Montreal, to-day. Miss Peard Mosorip scams down, to- day, from Bteatiord to visii het aunt; Mes. James Bamilon, King street. - Mrs. 1. G, Smith will Teave, on Mon- up. in balloons.' , There ave. other signe of the times that the Hon. Mrs. Fitzroy Stewart has obeerved." For instance : "There can be no doubt that the easy-going comradeship = that mow exists hetwecn fathers. and mothers and sons anh daughters is one of the preiticet parts of our modern civiliza- Aven gold with travel fast and far, shoot bir game. 46 raf ain fi injuri {ride dow, golf, motor, and-now+ge of the Homé Fri New York! Rivhard-M. "Mills, house surgeon in ge Seton hospital, New Y ar: rived home Saturday morning, on a visit to is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills, 120 University ave ue He is again playing - goal for the York Hockey Club hockey team, and The Rev. R. 8S. Forneri and Mrs. . 3: » : : xe tion. The mid-Victorian mother, with | in. the match last Tuesday : Forneri, Alired street, had an "Old day, Jor Sierrs Rare, Cal., 20 vill eT her curls and. crotchets, is now played against 8t. Nicholas, his oy, won y David M Spence The Leading Mantle avd Christmas," or Feast of the Epiphany Sith, ew ora J. LOUIS: UNGERER, out, and the modern parent has . be- | ight goals to two. The New . ' 2 i ¥ a dep As "Black Hawk," with ""'Bunco In ve or Som " Millinery Store | dinnes, gi Mrs. being ray der Miss Bessie Spangenberg, of Belle- ® Arizona," at The Grand on Thurs- come the sister of her daughter, and | Times says: "The work of. Mills was: cal--Canon and Mrs. Grout, the Rev. ville, Was in town the beginoirs cf day, van. 14th, often' the latter's 'chum' and com | exceptionally brilliant." Mille is =: hau : J. W. Forsythe and Mrs. Forsythe, 3 8 € ; EE anion. Mother and child dvess alike, J m heavier than he was Dr -- years 0005609000000000066600000660000600005008 1 : the week. ! : 1%] fad § 600 3 ' the Rev. Charles Bilkey and Mrs. Miss Mowléy 'will leave shortly tor) What Rose Says. look alike, and are apt to have the | ago, and is just about qualified in the ee Sue the aN Lewin. 1, of on, and will sail, the nce, for Eng- Aiexander Ros, taken to the peni- |same rh i a ih Beh br a -- a ot Jam Mrs. Forner Mr. Bi 8 1 i serv ifo sentence, is nis, they read the same books, | many Ha e was chosen goal keeps i T AD CK. rs ornert anc r iikey sang tentiary, to serve a life. senience, is | ments ne ) ¢ } STOCK QUOTATIONS 0 EREAR DEADLOC several songs, gine the xa fn-dier Jagd. Alsinnder Kirkpatrick will "bo reported '0 have told Detee tive Dun- | go lo the same plays, and this leads o for, jhe Al New cJotk, Joan that : -------- w orV sant. g ret s. Ales £ trick k 3 » --8O0, 4 vo playe § pi ou i Cotalt and "Tending Canadian Sir Robart Bond Trying to Unset | MOU ae sory. plewsant; Murh regret | et Shiau of "The Chet. | oa, of Toronto, that bi didnot com to Ticlon em _oftn to havo." dh played Varsity but cond walt fs Stocks Listed. Members. gerald's illness, she and the Rev. W.|nuts," and she and Mr. Kirkpatrick mits aseau i yr atherine fathers and their daughters enjow a | A.C. for the rest of the season. The following quotations are sup- Halifax, N.S., Jan. 9.--In an at-|F. Fitzgerald were unable to join the will move shee household there al De in ants. dud faye Phat 4 if like good-followship. They hunt, plied by the City Brokerage (J. 0. | tempt: to break the deadlock in the] party. RE most mms ake y. a he were guilty, He would have siated | shoot, and yacht in, each other's com: o Fashions And Fads, Huston and J 5.3 Bebe), 41 Clar- | Newfoundland legislature, --- hich w 'i. Lest 5 > - a T he engagement is announged of : so, as ho has nothing to 'gain now. pany. aad the ubordate parent takes ae populatity of satin has brought nce Pe D, | re-a see y fepr ry 1, onds Ss. PS' ' Ee sin > - y 265 3 Tet wre Hove 8 SOC Vo D, 8, nners, 8 V 3 4 I Imo Sin Toleed Bonds government fied | ertained at. ten on Thursday, in hon. || Mic. George L. Tailion, second son | Nay, ven in offal siren before | S80 SS Set 0? Gi ma Faves, pens Cobalt Stocks. | petitions in the supreme court, asking | or of the wives of the new professors of Nr aad Urs. S a yi ui Rr of the nd of fifteen vears: if his conduct |chaperon has become a feature of the S¥aartest colored handkerchiefs for January 9th. [that Woodford and Murphy, members- | and lecturers at Queen's, and the d Snipa w et > er is good. : present century. For instance, sucl | women are a solid color with w white S Buver alec: for Harbor, Man., be unseated be- | popular sisters; too, of these dons (ii | "AUghEr 0 I ale Murray iu wm <r se} oh th . men as Lord Valentia, Lord Algernon, jborder, Sellers. , Buyers. Siu og a ' land Mrs. J. Frith Jeffers, of Belle-| The entry of Rose brought the num- | cause of illegal acts commitied by | Queen's will allow this term). Mrs. W. Te ig ber of life prisoners in that penal in- | Gordon-Lennox," Mr. Larnach, and Long-trailing and Hight fitting gowns aborate evening Amalgamated... ... ... ..8 12 $8 105] FHC 4 4 \ ; é ol CN ville. : Lies 2 " : ) | their agents during the campaign. L. Goodwin poured coflee, Mrs. Nathan Miss Helen Marjorie German, only | stitution tor thirty-five. The last three | Hwia Williams can often be seen with are. prominent for ; P | Wouliord , and Murphy are supporters | Dupuis made ten, aud Miss Annie 1, | "lifers"" to enter were Dullman, Nolan |& daughter, at the smartest dances | 'unctions. Chambers-Ferland... Fae . 3 Fowler. ¢ a Th ils helpi daughter of Mr. W. M. German, K.C., ifers'"" to enter wer an, Nola ' 1 te a ined ction Crown Reserve ' 8 of Morris, leader of the opposition. owler cut ices. 6. girs helping IMP and Mrs. German. Welland, to|and Walsh, the Welland canal dyna- {and parties in London. And it is on n spite of continued predictions a t sre------ were Miss Mona Knight, Miss Kati . : SF ' as BY " 06 to of Fife ; against. it, the lingerie waist sti Cobalt Central ..; ... ... . £ 3 Generous Ofer li ug an Sight hes, Ratie Mr. John Hamilton Rolph, son of |miters, who came here on May 26th, the cards shat ie : Duke of File may I holds bi lingerie waist still Cobalt Take ... .. .. .. .1 : Ki ; iki 3 (T: u Edit and Miss Hilda Jordan The table] Mr. and Mrs, Thomas T. Rolph, To-|1900. Before they came Shere were {705 Parents E haperon ' o .--- po . Foster . « WB et Ringston, Jan. B.--(lg the Jiit- . he tok memati ronto, and grandson .of the late Hon. | thirty-two life prisoners in this peni- jluture. And brothers also get. o - = = (ircen Meehan... 2 < or) : There should be something done Yas Drettily decked with carnations Dr. John Rolph. tentiary, two of the number being wo- {In in this same wapacity. Many a Had A Fine Time, La Rage'... a: ..... & 6 i to retain the Wormwith eompany in | 830d Roman hy: is, mew. : ; | young guardsman takes his sister lo | Wolle Island, Jan. 9.--The Little Nipissing... «Al Kingston--a firm we know to be just | > : . Death Of George T. Oliver iin -- { bails, and also plays gooseberry at [dance of 1909, at Marysville, McKin. Dar 'Savage... 02 96 | and honest in all its dealings and a The arrangemonts for the social side : : ge > * The Weather Moderated race meetings, and at smart country- | Island, was a graml success, Nipissing . 121 0.87% | great benefit to the city. Should |of the curling bonspiel are completed, Early Saturday morning death re- e Weather Mode . : ¥ : 2 re . ai house parties. night.) There were nearly sixty Otisge..... 5 46 ; there be another by-law 'sabmitted,-1 [and very delightful arrangements they moved another of Kingston 8 well The weather on Friday Boderated "And by this token a sister iu often oc s. They enjoyed themselves to Peterson. La iy « will pyomise my shop for a polling look and will of course be. There will known citizens | i the person of | considerably from the zero mark. anc hat. brother's erony and confidante, | the strains of Davis' orchestra Rochester : 23 | place and act. as deputy returning ofhi- ba a reception on Wednesday night; org. Shomas liver, who died it early this morning the gL nrmamster | heats stories of his dobts, duns, and {the early hours of the morning, axa "a = . } 2 tata Wg # s residence. Ff pS pe 0 ey a u . Nova Scotia...... vo 62} Leer froe of charge. Others will do | when the visiling clubs arrive, lunch- | his TE ee A Street. i Be was about ten degrees helow SHAD: difficulties, and as a result picks up |ireshments were served at midbigh «Nilver Leaf. «AA . likewige, =I: J."GARBUTT, eon and afiernoon tea on Thursday Sonasol ad M js en, oe rey or "The keen cold of the past vo ay much worldly "wisdom and becomes at | The party was under the manages SHver Queen...... ... i... 1 3 ---------------- and Friday, and a bridge party at TO ee Aith ie, 1. vas an however, has Sone a grea} 3 on to- | once smart and sophisticated. And {ol J. 8. Briceland. . Temiskaming .., .. ... ... 1.6 1.68 William Glockling was elected presi- | Me. R. Waldron's, ""Arthuy Place" on the late. Charla as Eo ue Lad Dee wards bringing the harbor to 8g, wh iodate sister often goes shares Prethewey.:. 05... ..L48 AT ldent of the district labor council, To- | Thursday night. Difierent' club mem-4 oid t ay "7 the it nt shi frozen state. Solid ice cannot pid | with a brother in his bets, 'deals' in * "Sweet Castor Oil" in 10e, ho Watts 3 S73 Fronto. hors will have charge of the various 2 oa on 9 8 ety lor manylany too soon for the ice demlers; hi "21 the eit iy, or gambles at Monte Carlo." {at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The: United States congress has re |afiairs, and the only thing that is in For voars he was in Hl ta . i want to harvest a greal quantity this | Passion makes the wilt lord of } Es . . ia HE ap I Years pW n the serviee of] . Ts Hamilton wants two senators ap- |buked President Roosevelt for abusing [doubt is the weather. the Canadian', and American Express! ter ; vs Imperial Underwear is just swell. reason. : : ivi : EE k : 42 pointed from that city. | the Privil es of the house and given ai a la i, company, being in charge of the - ss Lb ---- sent . The Zion rink had a record crowd, | him a hot . spanking for his miseon- in Rathisen Delet, Miss Jae Vs- Kingston branch for some time. He Two Evangelists. i : yesterday. The ice was good. { duct. er, and c ies ora} Seng oH WEH was removid. to take charge of an| W. P. Crombie of Toronto, and} in the hs A at Ae a In| outside offies, but later returned to | Richard Irving of Belleville, will | ip a > T x ot te ag . ys i . 3 ay alistic | 1 ston; od ocine SC BY. he Cy his native city. He was forced to give | commence . aries. oll avaugelistie SAVS .. (Miss se Aner, tllev i Ave i > setings in Brock street ha wiween ; : : will crete "en | UP his dctive business career some | meeting » I ; looked well in canary silk Spe, ch time ago owing. to ill-health; The de- Wellington and Bagot streets, Sunday | prine esse, with satin sash; at Mrs. | oased was a lifelong niember of 'St { evening, 7 o'clock; week nights at 8] » g Charles Publow, of Ithaca, wore al Goirae's eathedral, o'clock. Short, interesting gospel ad- { lovely robe 'de noce; of white liberty | dresses, bright. hearty singing of | Many people fail-to-save, Tee cause they do fot realize satin, with lace bertha; and that Miss red i gospel hymns. All cordially welcome. the importance of small economies. = Bea. Armstrong, of Trenton, wore an Had A Good Time. | The practice, once begun, of laying as side A portion of effective black. net gown over white] The students of the Kingston Col. | | 1 v tl silk. leginte Institute held their annual | hi } 9% dav of J =o your income, no matter how small, every week or month, "ie a "At 'Home' in the school building on | On this, ' the 9th day of Javuniry | 35a § 2 ee Sn . ia = : rh carts ' ot : will soon become a fixed habit. Miss Pearl B tvthe, Union ¢treet, en- | Friday evening, and it proved one of | he ape tarts woulf se Fos | * > : : . « se © & Eb i Thesesult in a few years will probably surprise, and tertained on New Year's night, in| the best ever held. The building was [have been of service, as the : { { 4 A . ie the frozen roads was quite severc at | ] ratify honor of her visitor, Miss Ida Seigne, | prettily decorated from top to bot- | yas ui certainly g y you. AR aa : | times. However, it is likely that the | Sta t a Savings Account fo- day with of Watertown. Games, music and | tom, The decorations showed that the i t) 5 be hrouhy ut, " > art a payings . dancing were the pleasures of =~ ihe | pupils had taken great pains with the | carts will not have to be brought o evening, and a very jolly time was | work. In the assembly room a concert | 88 there's enow in the air. | Spent. At midnight dainty 'refresh- | was held during the evening, for Shose | ments were served. who did not care to dance. The sec- He Has Passed. "owe ond floor was' used for aancing and! K. W. Paddeil, M.D. formerly of | Mrs. George. Webster, who will leave, the lower floor Was turned over to! { Queen' s University, has been success | Established 1873 OF CANADA $1 Branches next Thursday, for Penetanguishene, Caterer Harris. \About 150 guests were | ful in passing the medical license ex- will receive for the last time, at Rock- | present and a most enjoyable time aminations A at. Regina last No- KINGSTON BRANCH wood Hospital, eon Tataday. Mrs, | was spent. : vember, ; PORT ESSINGTON, B. c.. ON "mE LINE oF THE GT Webster's son, Mr: J. B. Webster, i ; J. S. TURNER, Manager Te Fag l Cor. Princess and Bagot Streets. home from Alaska, for the first time| Pdy gas and electric accounts and! Imperial Underwear is the kind for s WHICH WAS PARTLY DESTROYED BY FIRE for five years, and is with his mother. | save the percéfitage. i these cold days. Li DY LAST, WHE TOTAL Loss BEING ~ : ie Dusty On The Streets.

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