PAGE TWELVE. -- -- HIGHEST IN HONORS HIGHEST AWARDS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA A medical writer says --* The use of a thoroughly ble preparation of cocoa should be universally en- couraged, and it is the consensus of opinion among medical men as well as laboratory workers that the break- fast cocoa manufactured by Walter Baker & Co. Ltd., not i. A meets the indications, but accomplishes even more than is claimed for it." Walter Baker & Co., Ltd. Eitablished 1780, DORCHESTER, MASS. BRANCH HOUSE: 86 St. Pater Street, Montreal IS THIS MESSAGE FOR YOU? If you have a cold, if you have a cough or croup, or hoarseness, or nervous dis- order, you should read the message and profit-by it: Take Brick's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil It's easy (0 take, mo taste, it's 'a tissue builder and a flesh producer, Led It piles away reserve strength for you, and makes you worth more to yourself and everybody else. Pure Cod Liver Oil with that greasy taste femoved. The other ingredients act as a tonic. Ask your Dgc- tor; he'll say "BRICK'S TASTELESS." All Druggists Never Fails fo Restore Gray Hair to itsNateral Color and Beauty. No matter how long ithas been gray or faded, Promotes a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stops its falling -out and positively removes Done druff. Keeps hairsoft and glossy. Ile- fuse all substitutes, 2% times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. §s Nota Dye. $1 and 50c. bottles, at druggists Send 2c for free book ** The Care of the Hair." Phila Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J! Hay"s llarfina Soap cures Pimples fed, rough and chapped hands, and all skin dis- eases. eeps skin fine and soft. 25¢ drugis Bend 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin JAS. B. McLEOD | Correct Silver Plate The beautiful patterns in spoons, knives, forks and serving pieces bearing the famous trade mark "1847 ROGERS BROS. represent the requirements of correct table service--the kind of "Silver Plate that Wears "--the kind that adds grace to your table, SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Butter dishes, tea trays, itchers, bowls, efc.,--beautiful, urable~ are made by the MERIDEN BRITA CO. RR R0000000000 DOR SX AXXO RX IOSBEN DOO AS NKIRXY 5 % OOOO ON OBO XROOPEEE OX) ROS J Office Railings, Coal Dealers and Builders' "Screens, Sifters, Fencing and Wire Work 'of every Descrip- tion manufactured at Partridge & Sons, Crescent Wire and Iron Works. 'Phone, 380. of are ifferent signals. and Wine, "our own" bottles, 50c., at Wade's The international . code signals contains 18 flags: which of pro lacing. 20,000 d Beef, Iron make; pint _ drag store The Brazilian e®oanut Jdromy 600 to 700 years, capable palm lives 4 many WHAT ENGLISHHAN SMW COCKNEY IN CANADA AND CAUSE OF FAILURE. Emigrants .From London Particular About Their Em- ployment--What An English- man Tells His Countrymen. London, Jan. 9. The 'Englishman in Canada, but more especially {he Lon- doner in. Comada, feaitful source of discussion in this country, This has reference to' the question of the unemployed and the difficulty of many immigrants in se- curing work of any kind in Canada. The subject bad somewhat died out, but was recently revived by the letter of an Englishman who had been in Canada and described his own obser- vations in Toronto. This party observed that the Lon- doner out of work in Canada was not willing to adapt bimself hut was in- clined to be fastidious about what he undertook in the way of work to such an extent that Canadian employers of { labor lost all sympathy for them and finally gave them a wide berth. Ace | cording to the writer in the Times, the Englishman in a broad sense did not come under this general condem- nation ; it was the Londaner who was the prize offender. There are' excep- tions as have been pointed out by other correspondents of the Times, Too continues to be a men; whether from London other part, whose limited in the or any opportunities pire, but who will not * be afraid o ing cheerfully." in Gulf. London, Jan. 9.--The annduncement received here from St. Pierre, Mique- lon, that the French colony wants to separate itself from France on account of its dissatisfaction over the school question, has aroused some interest here as to the future political fate of the island. There are three things the Miquelon people can do, either throw in their lot with Newfoundland, Cuna- da 'or the United States, Tle latest proposition is from 'the States. A London paper. discussing the matter says : "It is an ill wind that blows no- body any good, and 1t seems to us that the dll wind that is afflicting the French Islands off Newfoundland ought to blow good to the ancient colony. The trouble in the islands is caused by that old cause of strife, the educa- tion question. Nine-tenths of the population of the island is Roman Catholic, and the expulsion of the Christian Brothers under the church separation bill in 1904 was bitterly resented. The bitterness has not been cured by time and go threatening has ry ® | For instance, John Smith, a. Cana- | dian emigration official in London, | writes : "My lengthy residence "in that do-| ! minion . and personal contact with | thousands of Britons, official | | and personal, lead me to suggest that in one paragraph your correspondent | is not quite correct. He says "The | Englishman who suceeeds is hardly ever a Londoner ; the Englishman who fails completely is almost always | a Londoner.' If this has reference to Londoners going on farms he is per- | haps not so very far astray, because | pam the attitude of the population lately become that a French warship has ar- {rived and deposited a garrison on the island. The islanders look across the strip of sea that separates them from Newfoundland where they see each de- | nomination with its own schools, and their 'anger to maintain the right maintain their own free school is in- creased. A further grievance is that the prosperity gaf the island has been declining for years, owing to the bad fisheries, the alleged neglect of France, the abandonment of the Newfoundland treaty here, under the Anglo-French to m-- rx OUTSIDE A C The above illustration shows provincial cities of China when the peror was read, in accordance with of Rites, to the effect that the gen of the Emperor and Empress Dowa off the hat, and leaving the head'a days. they have not been trained in agri- | cultural pursuits, but there are many Londoners in qommercial life in Can- | la who stand very high; and only yesterday 1 had a visit from a who left. London three ac years ago, | ther, being financially aided by the Salvation Army. They landed at one { the towns in SasKatchewan with less than £6 all told, and what is his story to-day ? He and one of his sons are in business in the town. in ques- tion. He and his other sons have tak- en up homesteads and daughters married a prosperous farmer, so that his family 'not only e a business in the town in ques- tion, but are between them the hold- ers of over 2,000 acres of good land. This of a Londoner who had never seen a farm except in picture, and he be a failure Frederick C. Salter, European traf- fic manager of the Grand Trunk rail- way. in the course of a letter pointing out the advantages in Canada to those willing to work says: "Ti is onc feature in the article to 1 would like particularly endorse and that is--a man has not the energy, ability, applica- tion or ambition, will net make a success in the country of Canada any of one of his has is the case cannot classed as we referred to who the scend outside of one mourning which includes wearing white scarfs stripping * the frin man | has declined Ti READING THE DECREE PROCLAIMING THE NEW EMPEROR HINESE CITY. of the Proclamation of the new Em- theledict issued by the Ministry try and literati, dressed 'in mourning should go out to the suburbs, and, kneeling on the ground reverently hear it read by the Taetai or Chief Official. On the death ger, all China was ordered into ge nd eyebrows unshaven 100 fa treaty of 1904, and the failure vide for St to pro- Pierre being secured the supply of bait essential for successful fleot vessels, fishing operations. The from 220 to people fishing 17 have emigrated hundreds of with nine children and his wife's mo- {from the island, and there has heen a deficit in its revenue for three years. That these islands should be in the hands of France is an anomaly. The little colony of three islands, St. ierre, Miquelon and Langley, only number 5,000, and is merely a fishing haven for _the French fleet on the Grand Banks, and as this . fleet de- clines, the value of the islands to France diminishes. "Why not purchase the islands and make them British, as they ought to be? By all rules' of geography they ,belong to Newfound- land. It is reported that the United States would = like to acquire them, but that, of wourse, could not be pos- sibly allowed." Some Good Advice. If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killing the germs. If vour hair is falling out stop it There is one sure remedy that will cure these misfortunes and aid you to remain young. Parisian Sage, the great Jair re storer, is guaranteed to permanently more thamin the county of Middle- sex, unless he should happen to be a man of heans, merely seeking invest- ment, which he Mable to through indifference: whilst the man, without but with and determination can and wil ceed. z | lose rig grit means, snue- faint hearted | their father's hon nothing to shed by industrial o 'more opportunity a than in this coun wants English "Remit tare men, men earrvin { name tre on tivity sach for them in Ug ry Canada Lenaranteed remove dandruff in two weeks, or G. | W. Mahood will give you your money back. 5 Parisian Save stops falling hair--it prevents the hair from fading. It is the beautifier for ladies' hair, as it makes harsh. lusterless hair fluffy, soft and 'beautiful. Parisian Sage sold and by G. W. Mal Sle hottle, It can al cared at '50¢: a large bottle the Canadian makers, all charges pre- paid. Addr&§z Giroux Mig. Co.. Fort Erie, Ont, i ; wt best is rigidly Prices, pro- from rool. a so. be France May Lose TEs Little Colony | | are | 0 4 : Jone country, who | wish' to remain within the British em- | taking off their coats, bending their | batks, soiling their hands and work- BECOME BRITISH TERRITORY. ! owing to the chiel The dreds of witnesses having been ca the illustration, zulu,) R. P. Samuelson (Counsel) STRENGTH FOR WEAK GIRLS Can Be Had Through Rich Blood By Pink Pills. There comes a time in the life of al- most every girl when sickness attacks her. The strain upon her blood sup- ply is 100 grea, and there come: headaches and backaches, loss of ap- petite, attacks of dizziness and heart palpitation, and a general tendency 10 a decline. The only thing that ean promptly and speedily cure these trou- bles is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This is thé only medicine that actually makes mew, rich, red blood; and plentiful supply of rich blood is the one thing needed to maintain the health of growing girls and women of mature years. The truth of this state ment is proved in the casp of / Miss Esther 'E. Sproule, Teuemdnville, N.S, who says: "At the age of sixteen years 1 left my country heme to at- tend high school. The ¢lose confine- ment and long hours of study nearly broke me down. My blood supply seemed to be deficient, and I grew pale and depressed. 1 was dizzy nearly all the time, and pimples broke out on my iaco. I was altogether in a misocr- able condilion apd it scemed impos- sible for mesite continue my studies unless Lifaund. a speedy core, [tried several $oRies. preseribod by the doctor, hit they proved iiseless. My mother urged me to try Dr. Williams! Pink Pills, and I. finally consented to do so.» 1 had hardly finished the a se ter took place, and the use of a few boxes more fully restordd my health, and I have since been well and swrong. T feel that I camnol say too 'much in davorrof- Dr. Williams! Pink: Pills, and T strongly recommaond. them: to: cbher ailing girls. - - You can get" these pills from medicing" dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $250 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. : any LATEST ENGLISH CRAZE. It is a New Game Called Pop-in- Taw. London, Jan. 9 --England is in the throes of a now gama craze and Pop- InTaw is its name. The game played by four persons. Each has a | flat, wooden. span and five hollow | steel balls. In front of each player is I placed a cone with a hole at top, in- {to 'which a ball can be dropped. The [four players start together, and the |game is to pick up the halle with a spade as picks up a tennis ball ith a ¥icket, balance thém, and drop {thom inte the cone. The player who | first gets the five balls into his cone {wins the game. There is a knack in {picking up. the balls, which a lawn | tennis player soon discovers. Simple | though it is. theatiraction of Pop-In | Taw ig irr tible. Demonstrations in | the art of "popping" are taking place {in large shops all over the country. In | many of the west end shopping estab { ishments tables have been set apar { where novices may practice the game C'. H. Parker, the inventor of the | game, is in Paris introducing Pop-In Taw to novelty loving Parisians. Hi weneral manager said vesterday : "We are selling 10,000 sets every dav. The only difficulty is to turm them out fast enough. Pop-In-Taw will out-distanc: Ping Pong in popularity. The nam has puzzled many Pop-In-Taw enthu siasis. Pop in requires no explana tion; Taw is a north country word for marbles. one Cures Quiekly. There are scores of liniments on the market but we have discovered the best of all. Smith's White Liniment is best because it never fails, because it cures quickest and jnost thoroughly and becaus it. costs less than the interest in South Africa and is expected to last some time. reading from leit to right are :--The Hon, Schreiner (Dinizulu's leading Counsel) Eugene Renaud (Counsel Dini- expoused the cause off the Zulu chief. EE ---------- cond Box hafore a chabge for the 'bets 15 THE TRIAL OF DINIZULU THE ZULU CHIEF AND SOME OF HIS ADVOCATES. é The rial of Dintsulu, Csteuayes son, reytown, bein No yember, after being po for sedition began at stponed for many months trial is being followed with great "Hun- lled on both sides. The figures in WW, P. and Miss Colenso who has warmly IGNORANCE OF MINISTER. Thought Britain Could Not Ex- port Direct to Canada. London, Jan. 9.--Ministerial ignor- ance about Canada has once more beer brought to notice and this time Lloyd-George, chancellor of the ex- chequer, ig the offender. A. C. Morri- son-Bell, in a letter to the + Times, shows him up in the following man- ner : Cy "After reading - Lloyd-George's ex- traordinary speech in Liverpool, a performance that one associales with the Marble Arch, but not with a cabinet minister, one is almost tempt- ed to look for some excuse, and per- haps tho most charitable suggestion would be that the hot atmosphere consequent on the closing of the wjn- dows to keep out these all-pervading feminine appeals, was responsible ior so much 'hot air,' "With tho bewildering -medley of 'facts,' with the quotations or rather misquotations from Mr. Wyndham, I have no doubt others will deal; 1 ean | only say that such a speech is a per- ect God-send to candidates. But be- | fore Lioyd-George starts, in a very { superion ganner, lecturing Mr. Wynd- "hen on trade questions, he would do well himself 'to vall at the office and 'got a few pamphlets," for instance : "He (Mr. Wyndham) never told them that for five monihs it 'was because the St. Lawrenco was frozen, that we cannol export direct to Canada. He gave them to his madience of 6.000 people: af if they worn. the facts of ihe case. "He did notgknow these are sate figures somebody gaye. him, but [he rally owes an apology to his-duei- dence (Chedrs.)" I : "So does Lloyd-George, and ly sending it" up "te "Liverpool in the sama envelope he would save a penhy. Why, pray, cannot we export directo Canada ? We cdfi;»ol course, and do all the vear around. Has Lloyd- George never heard of St. John, Néw Brunswick, or Halifax, Nova Scaftia ? "And yet, was he not once president of the board of trade, and, therefore, minister responsible for our overseas commerce ? "Nothing, as | found out during «ix years' residence in Canada, is frequently charged by Canadians against our ministers as their abysmal Canada and the things Canadian, and Mr. Lloyd-George, in his latest effort, only gives further substance to this charge: "Canada may probably want, and certainly eserves, an apology, 100." a £0 ignorance of STATE AIDED EMIGRATION. Only Salvation of the English Unemployed. London, Jan. 9.--A plea for state aided amigration to Canada is made in a London paper by a party signing himself "'Britisher."" He says "I am fully convinced that the only hope of industrial salvation for the workers of these islands the settlement of our surplus working population in the oversea states, aid in some form of fiscal reform, Why cannot our gov- ernment arrange that all able fami- lies who are willing to make new homes oversea shall be allowed as matter of right the chance to do so Surely the empire, "as well as the mother country, and the individuals, would all benefit in the long run. 1 for one would jump at the chance to carve out a futyre for my boys and girls. But 1 would ask, How am I to get them there without assistance. | contend, sir, my boys and girls would be more welcome in Australia and Canada than foreigners, but vou sce, I have never starved my family to save money, and he nee 1 have no money saved. I trust some abler pen than mine will take this matter up, and help: to bring about a practical system of organized emigra- lies in 0 9 state others. . at Wade's drug store. in London. picture BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT EYHIBITION. This exhilition is at present going on at the Imperial Institute It was opened by Lord Str | present{ was the Duke of Argyle who is jthe céntral figure theona and among those in the & £iEf PE Hr i : IEE] 2 £ i g i g 70 Princess St. your order, : INSCRIPTION WORK SOLICITED. The Kingston Granile 'and Marble Works WELCH' . STAND. Cw peas hid ky Su th £ A call is invited tor all kinds of yen. eral may ufasturing and mashine Tejusire ing, sewing nes, guns, phonographs, scales, razors, edged tools, dies; bLraz- ing, model and pattern cing. Bost of attention ven all work. Repairs may be ore leavin shop. Wark guaranteed. Work outside citv. prom ily rttended tn. Charges moderate. J. W. HUNTER, Machinist, treal St., (near Princess) taken at Simmons Bros. Vanluven's Parcel Delivery: y of 'sup illnstrated hook . It full particulars sod directions i WinkooR SUFPLY CO. Windsor a LY CO., sor, gents for Cann BU Mone Kingston, and A Useful rticles For Father, Brother or Sweetheart ; For About Half Baring th Closing Days 6" x Roney & Go's Bigantic Sale T'he golden. opportunity to give a useful present of a New Suit, Overcoat, Pea Jacket, Fur-Jined Overcoat, Working Coat, ete, at about:half regalaripricé; :! THE VERY LATEST IN NECKWEAR, (30 dozen just arrived). Sold all over at 75¢c. and $1.00. We put them in a fancy box. Price, 59¢c. each. FANCY TIES, in boxes, at 39¢. and 45c. FANCY SUSPENDERS, in boxes, at 45c. FANCY VESTS, in boxes, at Manufacturers' Prices. THE NEWEST IN SCARFS. Prices from 19c. up. MOCHA GLOVES, (lined), all sizes, from 69¢. up. Kid Gloves, Fur-Lined Gloves, Buck Gloves, etc., at prices to clear in a hurry. Gauntlets, Mitts, Don't fail to visit our store during the refhaining days. Bargains for everybody. Roney & Co's 127 Princess Street, Kingston. The Stora That Sets The Pace. * OOLOa We carry in stock one of the largest as- sortments of Cooking Stoves, Ranges and Heaters in the city, and invite you to ex- examine before purchasing. See the "Art Garland" and "Art Treasure" Heaters. The "HAPPY HOME" Range has a large ) 99 "STOVES. ventilated oven, handsomein design, econ- 8 | omical in fael and a perfect baker, Q 77 PRINCESS ST. ELLIOTT BROS., Authors & Cox 2%m Toronto. Est 1860 i - Our Artificial Limbs are Altifid al designed and ntade with S five essentials constantly in mind--lightuess, Strength, durability, comfort and ease. We give every atten- tion to those which are liable to wear or bi ~ and make them of the maximum strength consistent with light. ness,» Our work is not surpassed -- if equalled -- by any other makers in the world. Oo Surgical Aids to the ARicted If you have any disease of foot, ankle, knee, bip--are | partially paralysed -- have. Weak spite -- lost one or Doth fegs--are ruptured---or are otherwise a - write us for help 8 years experience is the best guarartee of a happy solu tion of your trodble. Write for free advice, 7