Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1909, p. 8

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PAGE SIGHT. ---, , FU SALE Our Big January Fur Sale is now in full blast. McKA FURS to 50 Off 30, _THE DAILY BRITISE WHIG, TH URSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1909 ) We ROSE 1S 1 PRISON HE WAS BROUGHT FROM TORONTO TO-DAY. He Seemed to Be in Fine Condi- » tion--Hurried to the Peniten- tiary--Now jn the New Com- ers' Cell. Smiling, and gi ving every evidence of being unconcer as regards his "vate, Alexander Rose, the daring cri- | minal and jail breaker, sentenced at Toronto, by Judge Winchester, to life imprisonment, arrived in the city at o'clock, and was immediately {taken to the big prison at Ports- i mouth. The prisoner was shackled, and there were two constables in charge of him. The train from the west was twenty 'minutes late, but there was a cab {awaiting the constables at the outer junction, and inside of two minutes after the train had pulled in Rose {was on his way to the penitentiary. Rose was a model prisoner on the way down, so the constables say. He gave them no trouble whatever, and put in most of his time reading amd smoking, and at intervals talkea to the two Pow' 1 Tog asking questions {ing what he would be set about Regular Prices To Clear Balance of Stock. JOHN MckAY FUR HOUSE GOOD ENOUGH FOR RES IDENTIAL STREETS. View of to Paving, He Says He Will Recommend As He Did Thre: Months Ago. City Fngineer KETTLES Craig says that when y reports again to the Board of Works as to permanent roads for the : : business section he will recommend % social gatherings. ® |},o did, several months ago--viz., tha the council pass a by-law for a amount that will cover the cost o the best pavement, and that afte waras tenders be called for kinds paving so to get th lowest possible price. He claims tha if a pavement was chosen at the out set the city would not get the worl done as cheaply, for the firms sup plying the kind of pavement chose would have every opportunity to forn a combination and run up the price That has been done before, he says land the course he has adopted SPANGENBERG 4 claims to be the best. After the by is passed (if that habpens, NA i has every hope it will this year JEWELLER. the says the council can deeide {the kind of pavement when the Ider figures ave Before it. That stand he the paving | tion. When limes King You will need a hot water kettle for your 5 o'clock teas and other We sell a superior make of | kettle. with the latest and j severa of as best construction. We sell them at very low prices. and sossessesssssstasass SL RR upoy ten is the ¢ Issuer of Marriage Licenses. © PIII IIIS III III IIIT takes on ques Fine Table Cutlery Direct from best English makers. , A saving of 25 per cent to the con- | Cook's Cotton Root Compounc sumer. rer Tho great Uterine Tonic, an TABLE KNIVES. | vy A oh wd forged steel blades; with | uloid, Stag; bony or Rose wood Handles, frim $1.00 to $6 00 | per dozen. { HANDSOME CARVING SETS, Silver mounted in fancy cases. Price from $3.00 to CARVING RNLVE S. Silv ol Handles, rom pair, 3 asked. if he used for was thought the macadam roads i good enough he re stone ston repaid on Apt of pris ' leather | TOO )» ATPRIOh, Add ess: Tn $10.00. | gyaK MeDioiNg 80. TORUN. 5. Out. (formerly Winds: Stag and Lo Ivor ja! Wah Long's Laundry Removed $ i From 78 Clarence St., to 155 Welling St., Bot weon Brock and Clarence Best laundry in the city. Geods called for and delivered. $1.00 ton A large variety of Cutlery for all| Sts. purposes. Satisfaction or money refunded. You will want some Home-Made | Meat and here is the place to get od old shioned kind Ww. A. Mitchell, A make. Also, our Pc that just the HARDWARE, 85 P Mince dressing you need. MYERS rk - Sausagy 570. NH. J.- | Me rincess St. ' I'hone WRN TN This Sale Of Readyrtor Wear Clothing And Men's Furnishings one month, and ends January It's worth something to any man to get into a store where nothing but Good Clothes are to be found. You simply can't go wrong here. We sell "Progress Brand" Clothing, which are known to be the most reliable clothing made in Canada. Every Eighty Cents Is a Dollar Here i LIVINGSTON'S | oirhy 190% AAAI ST TPIS PPPSISA PPS ANI III * +DEFENDS 1 LINESTONE City Engineer Craig--As | the mother | plied that he was satisfiea it was, considering the small cost. For in- stance, it cost seventy-two cents a yard to place limestone on the streets. | To put granite there it would cost somewhere around two dollars a yard, land in the residential streets the limestone was plenty good enough, for supposing the granite lasted ten years and the limestone five years, the cost would be much in favor of the limestone... He couldn't see that | Kingston could do any better than { continue to construct limestone ma- | cadam roads #h the residential sec- tions. Outside engineers were. agreed as to this, Mr. Craig said, and he oferred to a recent letter he had rom A. W. Campbell, commissioner of iighways for Ontario, who endorsed is recommendation to the city coun- il. City hat he tone Engineer Craig further stated would never recommend lime- macadam for the business Although the money by-law, hich was defeated on Monday, had wn amended bv the city council, without his sanction, and $7500 add- ed to what he had recommended, Ens ineer Craig said hé would never ave consented to construct lime- stone macadam roads in the business section. I'he engineer was reminded that this wtion of the city council in increas- the original amount of the hy- for the benefit of the business ection had something to do with its tefeat, and hey said : "I recommended the $12;500 For Youds in the sec- on ng aw passage of a limestone ma- residential sec- ions, and had the streets specified. Nane of the money would have sxpended in limestone on the locks. It would have o have changed my aw, for $12,500 was sufficient this year. Still, I am very the by-law was defeated for means a year's delay in the city roads." My-law for adam been business been wiser hot figures in the by- for sorry it only rebuilding FRONTENAC COUNCIL. Those Who Will Constitute It For This Year. The following reeves in the men were different townships Frontenae, and will constitute county pouncil for 1909 : Barriel-J. McGregor. Clarendon--I. McDonald. Palmerston--W. J. Donaldson. Oso--G. Thompson. Olden--M. Cronk. Kennebee--A. Miller. Bediord--J. A. Kennedy. Porttand--M. Truesaale. Hinchinbrooke--R. A. Hamilton. Loughboro--C. Truscott. | Storrington--C. Barr. y Bingstonea. Rankin; Purdy. YF. W. Spence. Wolfe Island--John Spoor. Howe lIsland--John Foley. Garden Island--H. A. Calvin. y Portsmouth--R. Baiden. . elected | of the deputy reeve, A Cold Cure Necessity. Anv remedy for colds should cleanse the 'bowels and start the secretions. Wade's Cold Cure Tablets are laxa- tive. - The laxative property starts the cure aod the other ingredie nts | complete it. In boxes, 25c at | Wade's drug store. Money back not satisfactory ! To Adjust Matters. : i 1 wavy | O'Donoghue The Kingston 'and telegraphers have Pes mbroke named J. and the company named J. L. Whiting, Kingston, me 'mbers of a board to adjust the dif- ferences between the parties. rail- | | | Notice. Office and warerooms of the Worm- | with Piano company at present 232 Princess street, next door to R. | J, Reid's furniture' tore, Phone 378 i | friends down, 'his innocence and there ave {air leoon loomed ! prison authorities the West Indices, has | the a8 Officer Dovlin escorted her as far ithe outer jun about the penitentiary and wonder- to {do when he arrived there, | The prisoner is twenty-four years of age, but many who happened to get a glimpse of him at the outer sta- tion believed that he looked even younger than that. He was dressed in a blue suit, with peak cap, and black overcoat. "It's kind of chilly, the prisoner remarked, into the cab. Rose had some other penitentiary for company, on the way a constable from Hamilton being on the same train with two i isn't it ?"' as he jumped prisoners from that city, sentenced to |' terms an the penitentiary for as- sault and robbery. The constable with these two pri- i soners also took a cab at the outeg Junction and followed the cab in which Rose was being conveyed. There was only a small crowd at the station when the train arrived, and very few people apparently knew that the prisoner was to be brought from Toronto to-day, However, the fact became known as soon as the constables = stepped on to the plat- form and the noise of the shackles at- tracted much attention, and soon many eyes were turned on the pri- soner. However, the curious ones had very little time to satisfy them- selves, as there was no delay what- ever,, there being no stop even for refreshments. The prisoner was given all he wanted to eat on the train. The prisoner broke down entirely af- ter sentence was passed upon him, on Tuesday, but since then he has braced up, and apparently has an idea that in the course of a few years he may be able to secure his free- dom. The prisoner is a son of a former chief of police, at Brockville and the father and two brothers were in court when the life sentence was passed up- on him. The crimes for which Rose is paying the penalty wera assaults on May 1st in Toronto, on Ethel Skitch, in Webb- wood's store, and on Allan G. Dun- can, in a store on Adelaide street. The third charge, that of breaking jail, was not pressed. It will be remembered 'that was one of seven prisoners, a sensational escape . from ronto jail, in July last. cently dptureds in Virginia, There is a striking resomblance be- tween Rose and Slack, and this remarked by not a few of the prison authorities. It will be remembered that Slack was convicted of an as- sanlt upon a Toronto woman and sont to the penitentiary. He declared those who assailant rather than Slack, and that the resemblance may have caused the mistake. After a drive throygh the cold, erisp the towers of" the penilentiary in view and Rose 7? kis guards swept through the big gate. oTho iron shutters grated to- gether again and Rose, unlese pardon- cd or paroled at some later dale, saw the big world practically closed for- ever-against him. Alighting at the front door, Rose soon stood in. the wardens office on the right of the en- trance. The sheriff' handed in his papers, took a receipt for them, and then Rose was accompanied by the tothe chief keep- er's department, where he was given His necessary ablutions, his hair clip- ped and a change of clothing given. The clothes he cama im from To- ronto as also other belongings were noted and the package labelled and put aside, possibly never to be called for use again. In his now garb he was assigned to the newcomers' cell. he will meditate until to-morrow, when he will be cxaminod by the doc- tor and if found free from all infee- tious diseases and able 6 work, he will be taken before Wardem Platt, Rose' who made the To- He was re- was think Rose was the | who will #hstruct him in the rules and assign him 1o his monotonous life work. Rose took to his new kurround- ings in a quiet dutiful manner. His number ie E 766. A brother of the prisoner came ! down from Toronto with him, and the scene at the prison gate, where the | parting between the two' took place was a most touching one. On Leaving Toronto. Toronto, Jan. 7.-Xlexander Rose, {the thug and jail breaker, sentenced, lon Tuesday, to itaprisonment for lite, left for Kingston penitentiary, this morning, in charge of a dounty constable. His leg was ironed as well as hande cuffed. Rose's father and itwo brothers said good-bye to him in if the coach and they supplied him with fruits and confectione TY of Rockwood: asy- wen: to Her home, m in charge of one of provincial matrons. Immigration as A female inmate {lum was, to-dav, ion. Best's Snowflake baking powder isa | pure cream tartar powde £, and costs but 25¢: a pound. Hot water bottles sold at Best's, are | are guaranteed for two years. Coal, dry, i well screened, best quali- Swift's, There | i APPEAL FOR THE BONUS. The recommendation of the beard of trade, that the council again sub-| mit the Wormwith: by-law io the vote of the qualified electors; has the Whig's heartiest endorsement. Tt is assumed that there has been some misunderstanding with regard to the ballot, and that the Wormwith eoni- pany have not received from the peo- ple tho answer which should be final in this case, In three weeks there may bo another. appeal, and in the meantime the lists should be revised so that the actual vote required may be correct in every partiendar. This revision might have heen wade before the recent rofercn- dum, but ne one supposed. that the result depended upon so close a mar- gin. Ona thing may be against a rofee- ence apart from a general election. HK may be harder to get out the voters, but there must be a special appeal, particularly by those who were not accessible or absent on Monday last. The city should not lose so deserving an industry, and will not lose it if all who are favourable to the carrying of it put a little more energy into the case, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Coal that lasts longest. Swifts. Imperial Underwear is just swell. Five big 10c. rolls toilet paper for 25c., at Best's, Cataraqui ward is now represented by the three Johns, "Imperial Underwear is the kind these cold days. George Plunkett, Cobourg, is in the icity on a business trip. Pay gas and electric accounts and save the percentage. Miss Burns, Erinsville, has left on a visit -to Watertown, N William Swaine, piano 'tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. Grace Reazin, Barnardo's Home, Montreal, is paying a visit to the city. "For hockey players," Jockey straps are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Capt. G. McDonald Bryan have left in Now York. H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's. Leave orders at Auley's Book Store. Mr. dnd Mrs. Farrington' and son, of Brownville, N.Y., visiting friends in Picton, have returned home. Ask your dealer for 200 line Imper- ial Underwear. The name and number on the back of the neck in red figures. Some of the Sisters of the House of Providence are out in this district, looking after some of their charges. A >i bottle of Wa-Hoo tonic for 25c., only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Messrs. Switzer, Daley and Cronk, Verona, arrived in the city, this morn- ing, on their way to Watertown, N.Y. Our electric skate grinder will do work to please you. Halliday Elec trie Co. An ele dorky woman of weak mind wag found wandering around the local railway tracks, Monday night, and was removed to her home, in a cab. "It makes old furniture look like new," Liquid Veneer, sold in King- ston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Mr. Tuesday Ohio, friends, "Jockey strops' for hockey players, Buy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. [4 is understood that the Hotel Fronicnae is to be thoroughly over- hauled, and will again be opened. as part 'of the Dritish-American hotel. Lennox Iron Pills. Regular price 250. each. 2 for 25c., at Wade's drug store. Messrs. Dorland and Dawson have been chosen as Queen's debaters at the coming intercollogiate debate here on January 22nd between Queen's and McGill. "Zymole Trokeys for Throats." Sold at Gibson's Cross drug store, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter, Bagot street, have returned home after a pleasant two weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. F. F. Brewne, Farn- ham, Que. "Wild Cherry" Cough Cure. lar price 25c. each. 2 {or 2 Wade's drug store. A ten-year-old lad, the ice at Anglin's Bay, yosterday, had his foot aught in one of ihe cracks, and an axe had to be brought {into service to free it. for and Capt, to spend a few days from Me- and Mrs. J. C. Murray left on for their home in Lorain, after a pleasant visit with Husky Red Regu- at walking out on Hundreds of Pieces of Snowy Whit Underwear Now on Sale Preparations for this important January sale dates away back to last July, when we commenced to plan for the present sale. Perfection of fit and liberality of size are always the distinguishing points by which you may recognize Laidlaw's Whitewear And the mere fact of January. low prices will not alter these prime qualities in the slightest degree. White Underskirts, Nightgowns, Drawers. Corset Covers, Chemise, Dressing Jackets, And a complete agsortment of Children's and Babies' Fine White Underclothing, You Are At Perfect Liberfy To come and choose one garment or as many as you wish, and have them placed aside until required, .if not quité ready for them now. In this way you secure an excellent choice, *'Mentholatum ointment" ig sold in| Kingston at. Gibson's Red Cross drug | store. | A twelveyear-old boy from the Barnardo Home, who has beem living at Belleville, arrived in: the ety, to- | day, and will be given a home by a farmer at Wilbur. Lennox Kidney and Liver Pills. Re- gular price 25c. each. 2 for 26c. at Wade's drug store. Charles Robson, advance agent for the Imperial Opera company, was in the city, to-day, arranging for Production of "San Toy," in this city Saturday, January 16th, 81 bottle Wa-Hoo tonic for 25e. It cures rheumatism. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone | 230 Eithor Michael Moran or Harold Nicholson will be given the right wing position on the senior 14th Regiment hockey team. Moran i® a very fast! junior and it is generally expected he will eatch the place, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.'" The genuine are sold at Gib- son's Red (ross drug store. Fresh there. A brakesman, named Murray, on the International Limited, was seri- ously injured at Brockville, to-day. When the train was Filing into the station, he jumped off and fell, suffer- ing severe injuries to his back and legs. He was taken to the Brockville hospital to have his injuries attend- ed to. ------------------ Washington Navel Oranges. Tangerines, pineapples, malaga grapes, bananas, gtape fruit, ripe -to- te wy Ladies Evening Shoes - - > nV erything That's New and Nice. Patent Pumps and 4 Strap Patent and" Kid Slippers, with low heels, for big girls, from $1.60 up. Patent Pumps, Patent Oxfords and Kid Oxfords, for boys, from $1.50 up, Call and ask to see our styles in Evening , Bhoes. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE §

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