Alive and realy for business after the mad rush of last week. A Perhaps you have spent all your money and consi- der it too soon to think of shopping again, but we just wish to remind you that we are ready whenever you are--ready with all kinds of seagotiable, cosfortable a -------- A-------- ), 890d, Blankets, Tackdowns, Flannel and Flannelette, WarmDress Goods, And Suitings, Overstockings, Toques, Sweaters, Etc., etc. hE «years has been a popular choice " .Don' t forget us when you néxt think of shopping. Crumley 'Bros 1 Table cod Whip- THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. | Money issued on City and Farm perties. Municipal and County Lures, Mortgages pure hased. received and interest allowed. 8. CO. McGill, Managing Director. 87 Clarence street. ping Cream | GLOVER', fr. Bagot Pro- Deben- Deposits 'MAYORALTY IY CANDIDATES Has Resided in s Kingsion All His Life--aA Lodge "Club Mamber--Sketeb. of Career. Rieti i ALD. D. A. GIVENS. | Ald. D. A. Givens is a native of | Kingston and has resided here nearly {all his lile, At the age of fifteen, lowing to losses sustained by his fath. ler, he was foreed to leave school and | make his own way in the world, By the hardest kind of work he put him- Is { sel through Queen's university, {duating at the head' of his year gra- and that time the highest honor any student, take a | logiate til. able given to Then he was asked ngtitute, where he taught un- to undertake the study ing, Kingston, {& Co., of Toronto. After {able law course 'he opened an office in 'Kingston but was soon obliged by ill health to go to California, | he spent eight years. | Kingston ten 'years ago and for { alderman, for St. Lawrence ward. Be- fore leaving for California he was al- derman for Rideau ward, which grandfather, David Alexander, alsc represented in the city council nearly sixty years ago. He | nearly" "all lof council and has ychairman 'of the light, jer committee. He was also a her of the board of education number of years. been this year mem- He has been pro- rinently identified with fraternal so- cieties, having been noble grand Granite lodge of Odafellows 'and exal- ted: ruler of the order of Elks. now the » worshipful aster of John's Masonic lodge. the first secretary clob and is now its honorary urer. St. treas- Great Sale For Balanse Of Year. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction in price in ready- made clothing, gents' furnishings and ovder | clothing. Stock is well as- sorted. The Montreal police have slayer of the Assayla, Lennox {25¢. each. ug store. Syrian merchant, J. Hawkesbury. Iron Pills. 2 for 25c¢., M Regular price at Wade's Inventory Time 7 > A Stirring Gall {To a Big Sale~One-fitth Of Time for Broken Prices The Price Goes to You On all Ready-to-wear Department. Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothing, and everything in our "Now See Here," on Saturday, the Second Day of Jotuasy, 1909, we will commence our Great Clearing Sale, and give you more value for your money than you ever received at a Clothing Store before. Prices cut on everthing 20 per cent. Modern business methods know of no better time to clear out old stock and prepare for new, than the between season month. Departing Kall and Winter season is leaving clothin partment, while spring stocks will soon be waiting been our custom to give this Clearance Sale every shrewd buyers know it, and are now. waiting for i. A great money-saving opportufity awaits those wh January 'Stock- taking Sale. goods marked in plain figures. $ 8.50 Suit or Overcoat, 10.00 Xe 12.00 =3.50 5.00 less 20%, $ - 6.80 8.00 960 1080 12.00 " 18.00 20.00 29.50 25.00 "" " "" "" " " a Same Discount on all Boys' Suits and Overcoats. 70: One-Fifth Off is a Big Discount. g lingering in every de- for admittance. It has January. Hundreds of o takeadvantage of our All $16. 50 Suit or Overcoat, less 20%, $13.20 14.40 16.00 18. 20.0 " " " The above-mentioned clothing is: the celebrated "PROGRESS BRAND," ae every garment guaranteed. \ngs Wio' 15° ONE. OF THE THE TIN BH inning the Prince of Wales prize, at to osition in, the Kingston Col- of law in the offices of Britton & Whit- li and McCarthy, Osler, a oredit- where He returned to five for his has been on the prominent committees heat and pow- for a of He is He was also of the Frontenaé landed the L ton "w Eh. swell. Rm mus ements. Ca i ol iE "The College Girl" Srediat 10-20-30 4, A sat Tw 'now pn sale. "MONDAY, J The Cyclonic w HTH. Success. THE PLACE ANDTHE GIRL With ARTHUR DUNN and' 60 Others, Mostly Girls. PRICES, 25c., 60¢., Tie, ni $1.50. Seals now on sale, Tuesday Evening, Jan. 5th. The Saeason's Big Event, Return En- gagement of The reat Comic Opera Triumph, THE GAY MUSICIAN With AMBLIA STONE and All The Favorites, and 'Superb 'Singing Chorus as - Heard Here st October. Now Lrowding His Majesty's. Theatre, Mon- tread PRICES, 25¢., 50c., 75c.,. $1, $1.50. Seats now on sale. WEDNESDAY, JAN 6TH. The KILROY & BRITTON New duction, The Big Melo-Dramatic Success, THE GOWBOY GIRL SUE MARSHALL Chorus of Pretty Girls. A Full Scenic Production. Cowbay Band Parade at noon, Special 15-25-35-50 Nothing Prices Higher. Seats on sale 'Monday. THURSDAY, JAN. 7TH. The Song Show! The Dance Show ! The Girl Show! The Whirl Show ! B. C. WHITNEY'S Merry Musical Ha ! Ha ! A KNIGHT FOR A DAY The Origingl Company of' 70 People. Holds All Long Distance Records. 800 Nights in Chicago. 800 Nights in N.Y. + omen in Boston, Prices, 35¢., 80e., 75¢., $1.00, $1.5 La on sale, Tuesday. COVERED RINK HOCKEY MATCH. THE OTTAWA (CLIFFSIDES) vs. THE 14th HOCKEY TEAM Monday, January 4th Game called at 8 p.m. Admission, Gentlemen, Ladies and Children, 205c. Reserved Seats, 50c. With the exception of the Montreal Vics, the Clifisides are the fastest unateur team in Canada to-day. Plan for sale of seats and tickets open Monday morning. Royal Rink Opens MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 4th. Skating Monday, Wednesday 'and Friday wenings and Saturday afternoon. Admission, 10c. Sat urday 'hildren, Je. Ti¢kets--Adults" ".. Children Rink, Earl St. KINGSTON TOWNSHIP ELECTORS AS I DO NOT WISH TO STAND FOR lection ds a Township Councillor, though my name appears on the ballot, I would ask my friends" not to for me on Monday next. Pro- Musical and a Rollicking ) 500. ; afternoon, admission to Seitson 81.50. «0 $1.00, Apply at the vote GEORGE W. SMITH. TO THE ELECTORS : with a largely signed re- quisition, asking'me to be a candidate. for the Mayor- alty for 1909, T have decid- >d to accede to the request, and influepce. |, Respectfully yoiirs; bP... COUPER. gs FNS ie "0 THE ELECTORS OF THE: CITY OF KINGSTON :--- I respectfully ask for Your votes and influence to elect me as Mayor of the City, for 1909, : D. A. GIVEWS, Kingstos; 12th December. 1908. Rideau Ward, 1 votes and, indue; representative { b. TO Ladies Havigg "been presented | [ therefore solicit<your vote | Ean WANTED-MALE, : i Bo PIE ul SATIS, ioe Graduates stant a ua iogue Tre: o. Write Molar Barber FARM TO BUY OF 100 OR 150 - ACRES, near the Sty. Apply McCann, 51 Brock street. caing | A MARRIED COUPLE, rious children, to do cooking and housework, Apply Box *"R," A hie office. SOUTH RICAN VETER ANS <I pi, pay © for warran delivered at SO art Cairns, 86 Lower Bagot street, Kingston) RISKS, GOOD lowest rates, fair settle- R. C. Dobbs '& Co., 109 Telephone, 480. FIRE INSURANCE companies, ments, J. Brock St. VETERANS' SCRIP BOUGHT. HIGH- est cash price paid at your home bank. Write J. McDiarmid, Sat- urday Night Building Toranto. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH mt Tat loot 41 ind of work promptly dove. ectrician, 206 Wellington street. HE Saenge oF Tad. Erie Lytle, Gener oe Hg ARP eS! St. GENTLEMEN TO GET TH er overcoats made no years' t ond mi Your own clot! date suits. 'Pica stl guaranteed to pA way, The Tailor, next to Bibby's Livery. A JOB YLEANING s or Flees 3 8t., SITUATION WANTED. BY MAN AND WIFE. WIFE A GOOD plain cook, and husband handy house, or with horses. Apply Box "M. W.,"' Whig office. SITUATION VACANT. MEN MAKE MONEY DURING WINTER +. months by selling. our Guaranteed Hardy Northetn Nursery Stock. Try it in your district. The ursery wo. Liniited, Mon Grown Canadian treal, LOST. FLOCK BT, Finder r ROUND GOLD x last Saturday night. return to Whig office. + SINCE kindly Victoria Ward TO THE ELECTORS :-- I most respectfully solicit your votes and influence to elect me as your Alderman for Vietoria Ward. Marshall P. Reid. TO THE ELECTORS OF YVIC- TORIA WARD. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: ¢¢° If my services for the past six years have been satisfartory, I would respect- fully ask you to eléet 'me' again as your representative from this Ward. C. J. GRAHAM. FOR VICTORIA WARD TRUSTEE Ladies and Gentlemen : Having been ¢ requested to stand for the Board of Iiducation, I have consented, and solicit your votes and influence. S. J. KILPATRICK. ° SYDENHAM WARD. TO THE ELECTORS : Ladies and Gentlemen--If my twelve years of service as an Alderman have met with your approval, I would again ask your vote and influence to 're-elect me for 1909. R. H. TOYE, TO THE ELECTORS OF SYDEN- HAM WARD. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : I cordially thank you for the honor of being one of your representatives on the Board of ¥ducation for the past four years, and having been nominated as a Candidate for Alderman, 1 respeetiully solieit your support. W. G. ANGLIN. Dec 30th, 1008. Frontenac Ward TO THE ELBCTORS': I beg t solicit your vote and influence for re-Yiection as Public School Trustee, and "ake this opportunity yow for past favors for electing me as ¥our representative. . Thomas Lambert. |} St. Lawrence Ward} Ladies and Gemtlemen-- I respectiully solicit your. votes and influence to elect me as Ward. Yours faithfully, W. H. Macnee. solicit {Public 'the approach- ing Slectia A, BLOAT. | 'We all ought to have mich pity and little censure for the fool. | by vo: always "ot Walsh, page 5. A Lp of thanking |, School Trustee for St. Lawrence! DINING ROOM ( TORE EEE LE GOOD To CERRAL § i 3 J MAY Aula, 157 EE | Nl AND . EXPERT aid, ae ST iy. "a OED APP! iv ad TEACHERS WANTED. TOWN- THACHER FOR 8. §. "ship of Bed Neg N owml.: A 1 Catholic' py salary, to James O ake P.O. teacher, statin + nor, Cole TEACHER, FOR R. ©. « School, No. 11, Fownshi Jand. A eee J S08 ojalifica- Sec. ons. as, " Box 148 Enterprise, Ont, SEPARATE of Port ARCHITEOTS. ARCHITECT, 181 University ARTHUR ELLIS office and residence, ve. HENRY P: SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete,, Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 846. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Rroek and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212, WM, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Entrance on Bagot stroet. 'Phone, 608. TO-LET. STORE, 1080 BROCK ST. APPLY JOHN . McKay, 151 Broek street. COR. KING including hat Apply MeCann, 651 ROOM OVER WADE'S, and Brock streets, water heating. Brock street. "ROSELAWN' ; THAT HANDSOME residence on Union street, at a nominal rental for the winter. Apply J. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. NTR. XY LOCATED OFFICES, CE RAL rear rooms, at 5H45 King wtreet, over J. P, Forrest's Gent's Furnishing Store. Apply Mr, Forrest. to MONEY AND EUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, "ire assets which LONDON AND GLOBE néurance Company. Avaliable $61,187,215. In addition to the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property 'insured at lowest possible i Ron | Throat in : Soesialiet. 268 phe," Sin PREF YOUR FORTUNE TOLD FROM fradie 3 grave ; matters of Business ove an SR gna clear ; wha 1. 5 Salo hat vi Si amps. Rn Box 110, ue. St. Lamber LADIE! 1 8 2 ADH Sh SIST ON JaviNG DR Ms MAR. of Fo We Tn quality - and anit Trials have proved oh omparable wor to thousands g women. Ruy o your druggist. Re ir substitutes, MARRIAGE LICENSES. o. KIREPATRICR, Ra meen 42 ele rnge on evening, rontepac street. ISSUER OF Clarence St, den 08, 8, Marri tel resi 88 MISCELLANEOUS. ANY AMBITIOUS PERSON CAN EARN $200 a month, home or outside; no canvassing. © No . capital red, req! i Highly re ble. articulars free, iret Wau aguer, [024 School Bt, DIICHRO. en h fk BOARD AND ROOMS. rates. fore renewing old "or giving new business get rates from Strange eh LY) best ELECTORS OF CATARAQUI WARD I respectfully request your votes and influence to elect me as Aldérman for Cataraqui/ Ward. JOHN TWEDDELL. ELECTORS © OF CATARAQUI WARD Your votes dnd" influence are respect- fully requested to elect me as Alderman for Cataraqui: Ward J OHN McKAY. TO THE ELECTORS OF CATA- RAQUI WARD. - Ladies and Gentlemen--I beg to offer myself again as a candidate for Alder- man, having beén requested by a large nymber of voters to do so. 1 have en- deavared to the best of my ability serve the interests of the Cit Citizens and if again elected shall do my duty honestly and fearlensly and with an eye single to the City's welfare. LAWRENCE L. HENDERSON, TO THEELECTORS OF - CATARAQUI WARD If my experience in municipal matters will be of use to the ward and the City, I solicit, your 'votes and influence to elect me an Alderman for 1909. A. E. ROSS, M.D. The dude is often the product foolish indulgence. A religion of forca never makes will- ing converts. to of i! 1 My Morro: ple i g- Nabi A Cano § She See Bibby s sede $15 ¢ Swift's Coal Means well - screened, quality. SWIFT'S. and the | Respecifully yours, coats, LARGE FRONT ROU ably furnished, at 1 IM, COM FORT. 'Barrie St. vas fined nk 69¢. dry Try it. ELECTORS OF VIGTORIA WARD VOTE FOR PROF, J, MACGILLIVRAY 'FOR oh PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE Department of Railways and Canals. , DOMINION CANALS. pes" NOTICE TO DEALERS 1 CEMENT. SHALED TENDERS, endorsed '"Ten- der for Cement," will be received by the undersigned, up to 16 o'clock on Friday. the 20th Fonbary, 1909, for the supply of some 160,600 Barrels of cement, m or Jess, required for the construction ands maintenance of the various canals of the Dominion and to be deliv in guantities, at such places and at such times as may be directed. Dealers in cement may total quantity required, Ee portions thereof as may suit their con-" venience, Specifications, forms of tender and full information cam be obtained at the De-. partment of Railways and Canals, Otta- wa, on and after this date. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, By order, JONES, L. X. Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 24th December, 1908. Newspapers inserting this ad vertise- ment without authority" from the De partment will not be paid far it. To the Public Schodl Supporters of St. Lawrence Ward : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : © taken in the various questions . welfare of the Schools has met with your approval, : I think I may safely ask your votes and support ¢ at the polling booths on Monday next. "The control and use of the ' Schools exclusively by the people for the peo- If the stand 1 have § ; pertaining to the 3 Ol Ne Medley. 3 wohn luurray's. uf. Wiiomd family have snoved inte Mrs. Hu ton' 5 house. y dae A a assaulting law requires ane Polity