en : . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1908 Pre PR . o reefs ---- mgr su . : = ; w-- - : COMING WIRY, HOT WORK] === 1 Yel BAOTHERHOND == comes il Wo iY Jo n 3 | Popper and Mommer- Are Back : ' ; A | Pleasant Valley Wedding. - gah Ww Shay x Again, Ae, + of (Pleasant Valley, Nov. 26.--A quiet . A wt F AT AL TO NERVES SAYS "I was brought Bp aid Me, Father OF RAILWAY MEN HAS Thelding was Sipheated ot Welluasdas i 8 ly, "to say mother and father. As far | : 4 \ dx DR, WQRCESTER. 4A I cin recollect I never saids mamma BEEN FORMED. «+ | daughter 2 Stephen T. Bare o Wost: + ch Xing - - or papa, and what fing, natural, whole- | Cee port, and gran ughter of George ; | Says Nervous rders- Are some, homely words, teeming with- | The Organization Has Caused Barr of this place. groom a 'pro- | Brought Abdut'By Din of ' the strength and love and affection, father Much Interest--It, Gonsists of | "Perous farmer here, and the Joungest $ nd ; son of the late John Hughes, p Cities, "Care, Strain and Need. Td Mother are course of tbe' I. pris 1.C.R. Employees 3 ft | ceremony took place at Newburgh less Waste. eitp and got married. and we had chil- | American Federation. | EE Dreshy terian church parsonage. I. ; . ay ; hilo aktod in balls bt gh Bi . I'bride" was unattended. Rev. My, Gan-) |, New York, Nov. 26.-That the more {dren and our children stagted in calling | Ottawa, Nov, 27.4 Mosher, presi. | Fs | | intelligent physicians "are disinclined | ois not father and mother; but mamma Ident of the new Canadian Brotherhood or dite, She, happy Fa then | to prescribe much medicine and that! and papa, pronounced jn the MOSt 0d- (of Railwaymen, einsting of the em- ome, where they received hear Drier [the more intelligent patients prefut [tural and easy way, with the Bay | Ployees of the" LCR. who left the gratulations from friends i afters to accept nature's relief was the dec. | the first syllable, mommer and popper. American afliliation, . stutes to tho | Brutulatio om iy ang after a {ieration of the Rev. Dy: Elwood Wor- "1 don't know just how our children : heads of the Canadian Federation of as Har ie Ch em ss. Topired | center, of Boston, founder of the | whose parents in their cheldhood had Labor, here, that he is inundated with elegant homé nea y. 3 ST Si { EmManuel church movement, in apf always said father and mother, CAME | angiliries as to their future movements | "A Pire At Port 1 Bo U { address to an audiénce which filled thus to say mamma and papa, but we from all over Canada. Many railway | ortland. S } p" ) ; in 8 if are not objecting; they may %.ve been | are watching 'he » thee]. Portland, Nov. 26. Revival Meet. 4 : ait "iz : . fra church, in Trcenth taught so by their nurse or they may wil and as to whether hey ton are being carried on in the Me- ==C0 BA T aS { and physicians were present, and ut [have absorbed it from people, young and | iy Join. the new Canadiar Predera. | thodist church here. Mr. Stafford, : ~ er PEN ~ an PROF, DORENWEND the conclusion of the address express- | Old, of the neighborhood. Hor and | tion. - the pastor, is assisted by Mr. John- U 0 TATIONS "of Toronto ed' great interest in the movement Thew as the children grew older anc It is apparent that the result of the | Ston, of Delta. "The le. of the ) : 3 which is for the first time introdue ame to exercise their own intelligence [C.P.R. strike will have far-reaching village tend holding a hox social The gFeatest Hair Goods Artist the N they. came to pronounce 'these words | : bing | ign % | ~----RATES OF 00 --- a oH Ar he | in New York. ? A orci A pa, with the | results and be a blow to. American M, aid of the side walk fund, J : 0 he oe an: 1S On HAIR Goong bo ai "Punctional Disorders of the Ner.|correctly, mamma A la Ry 1 they labor affiliations unless some bold || Serie 1as. gone to. Montreal where Shares selling under 10c. per share, yo Handolph Hotel, kingston, on SATUR- | Yous System' was the theme of Dr, | 8ccent on the last, sy wot id gh ol ne { counter-stroke is put on foot. 1 o 10) Nas secured .q position. , © Shares selling at l0e. ang 1 h 3 : : fo % CN ; » : 'ere ve a cise pe y lie Howe is able be i 5 JAY, Nov. 28th, Worcester's address, and he described | Were very careful and precise | probability as to the 1.C.R. em ployees | Jf is able to pround again, | Shares selling at 50c. an le. 'ery latest Parisian "and New York | in plain words the ey in behalf of [Mnder all ordinary circumstances, but Pra ae to be that they will op rou | i Howe is spending a few days here, ir Shares selling at $i and under $2, 2% You are invited' to inspect and | nervous sufferers which has been up-| When. they got excited and didn't stop X The vies. » { " : er | the Oltawa~ organization of Natidghal te brick residence on Holmes Hen- Ete., etc., ete. ont any of these sample creations. | jertakeh in Emmanuel church, Bos | 10 think "they, went back to mommer Unionists. © A Nelson, B.C., musical | derson's farm wag completely dex. : : : Swi . , Ars t 4 a say | h + fy : roves rw onal h Gorn Ep lume. ton." {Religious amd scowls die ike mach beter, 'Mamma: a mop nso ha unt ps Go TR ving 1 the "Bonet, ie: Lowi || Clagence Chambers, - bg 4 ' Sor ns, Waves, | idles rhich the movement | ue yr al - he I . » ve every- hia is, Ete "ples upon whic movement bases with*the accent on the last sytmble al- thin Mr. Hen red a bi = HAT Hs tei re ex FR J Ret 4 ce RY 4 . 4 2. Mr, nderson suffes 2 bi el : , oui vert explain d. « Suecess in Ways seem poor. and artificial words to SIacs Svorations. toss ax did not have any fnew: |] W. Hector H. Hume, Do:enwend's Patent Toupee [the treatment of nervous disorders, {0 rae ng Canadian "Vo _ For. Gent) I a | Dr, Warcester said, convinced ~the nd then another interesting thing Cobalt and ZLeadi Canadian | ol r Gen eB % : ; $ : { ne sterpieos eh Wwho.are Bald, ya | Happesed. Our children grew older--. Stocks Listed. Pine Hill Personals inasterpiecs of Scientific Hair Construe- § . ad ts ' i thers unt a yudiusted. Cou Abtotaa | gdion. te discharge to the I. eal BN ie stime acuteniess The ad le 2 Hominy juotations en Pine Hill, Nov. 26. tideon King's y 8 Ei ett abie. Over 90.000 of our Toupees | thint the physician and clergyman correctly, but now with a, broadened Hutton: ahd i. RC. Dobbs), 11 Clar. | Mey Proved - dN _ Tussduy. : : cay Fork Sogether to the benefit of mtelligence {hex discovered and adopt- ence street. Telephone, 480 A {have 4 nop 20d Norman Sear . 4 tion Securely adjusted, Comb and brush that the church has an Important l Vimar 1 das pare itles the words mother -- returned home from Croghan, al Doreawend Co of Toronto Limited | bare of it. After that there wiil be D1 aremiiiites. he sure but what General Stocks [where they have Spent the Mars few LIMITED Rt . ! p) | Briefly the speaker reviewed the at first they did this because they con Ey % months. J. Cousins baby is very ill, ! % 108-105 YONGE S71. woik among the nervous and mor- sideredtit fo De the really correct fash. a November 27th. | Mr. and Mrs, Sampson King are Rerembor ote day only, Nov. 28th. | ally diseased: Prominent nenrolo- | better form, but mother and falce i Usited == Sellers. Buyers. | spending a few days with friends a fists were consulted to ascertain |, no finally to appeal to them pesfectly, | Detroit United ear am 9; 53 |Bogartville. Mrs. Wesley "Keech iter Weite for Circular Lotter dealing with the IGWers of : the Emmanuel 'movement . OED Tt : . a 'css Lake of Woods... |. a 96 | tained a few of her friend S, ry) vhether such a Project - would meet | 4d ever since they Have used. them un. ol . nas | dined a few of her riends on Satdr- $00, ¥ ' 'CA . with" their approval -and support. affdetedly and naturally, with pa. and Nackay Cou. ar 9% day evening. Mrs, _G. Wallace, Mrs. |. above. Subscription books will be opened | From the beginning the work ha ma occasionally as affectionate caminu- N+ S. Stee . 53 |W, McAdams, Mrs. F. Palmateer : tL) Soom and Carscallen, of Lake View, within the next ten days. : l'oronto Railway...... .. 1063 Miss M. Twin City... re 95 LZ {been carried on with the advice anc tives. ' Ye g | ©o-operation of the physicians. "But now here is a curious thing iSpent a couple of days-at Pine Hill ER | Dr. Worcester made it clear that LLS, , em---- {visiting = friends. Miss Gertie Shane ; a | Emmanuel church is attempting. to 'Cobalt Stocks. - spent Sunday at home. My. and Mre, : : Our chidlren are pretty well grown up : now, young men and young women, our # t ; stablish no new dogma, and that the liGys and girls are now, and now stp- Amalgamated... wa lS 15 8 A24 W. Key attended the wedding of Mr. | single desire of those interes in th [pose that one of the girls, say, should | Beaver ... 'on 364 Luske, of Manitoba, and Miss Irvine : a A movement is to give to each patient | },. affrighted in her sleep by some ter- Chambers Ferlana ... .. 95 94% of Tamworth, at Tamworth, : 3 i re ul the best opportunity for life aud | rible dream, so that she calls aloud for 4 Crown Reserve ... ow IR 2.76 -- : ' CURE | health, : . help. And then whom do vou suppose Cobalt Central ... ar ree oD AY News From Westbrook. 5 Wit 9 "We believe in the power of the | dhe calls for? Why mstinctivety she | Cobalt Lake ... ova 173 Westbrook, Nov. 26.--Some of the [mind over the body," said the speak- | calls for her mother, as all children do, {Moster.,. ., ix ' 45 | farmers have taken advantage of the Wok 34 adache and relieve ull the tros"sicy tned er, "and we believe also in medicine, | hut in what manner do you suppose | Green Meehan... .., 203 | fine days' and resumed their plough: toc ro ers, y . tol Rauson Drowrisie, stom co as in Sood Fits, Pai in & wholesonse, { the affrighted deeming girl, Salling Jor ie Roses . > or aN 5.28 ing. A ntimber from here attended the . x d esting, Pain in the Ride, &v. Whils the!>mom | well-regulated life.' help, ¢alls to her mother? oes she | Little Nispissing 52 494 | funen 5 to o ki t 'We t ' T t ' #omvariaile success las bees She. ih oi, ing In the treatment of nervous dis- | cn 'Mother! or Mamma!" with the { McKin. Dar, Savage... ... 1.05 1.03 Toaunl oI od igh Roukin' "at 47-51 King Stree 8 - oron 0 : g orders it was explained, free use %s | accent on' the last syllable? In truth Nispissing.... ...0 7. 10.87 10.62} {han Bnd "G. Gates left on A business -- = oi y | mide of mera! and physical agenciey,' | she says: neither, but what she fiow says | Otisse... .. wane 46 | SANeSS --- ------------ 1 mo: d , : trip through the northern township on d . FW hen it 8 found that a nervous or fis: tg 40 Monday. Miss Nellie Clinton." of t i : sl, yot Carter's Little Liver Pe aM | physical disorder can be best treated| * 'Momier! Mommer! Mommer! Rochester... ... rane 1263 26 | Bloomfield, who js attending Kingston " Sanlly valuable in Constipation, curing aud pro; through "physical instrumentalities, [+ «3 ou see, the early habit persists, and | Nova Soetia.. ... .. .. 60 683 | ' x L gston . #uting thisannoyin complaint, while they alsa - y : : a Tay % | Collegiate, spent the week-end with rreeL eH disorders o {hostomach, stimulate the that method "of treatment is chosen, | [suppose we Shall have to wait for an- V Silver Leal... . A (14% Mrs. P. M. Grass. The people here ; : Jia regulate the bowels. Even if they ory Fhe Emmanuel movement, he . said, | other generation, until our grandchil- Silver Queen:.., .. .....Y, 07 Ivers grieved to' learn of the death of : bf AD has confined its practice to that large | dren come, for children in whose minds | lemiskaming.., 2°. 624 62 I Fg es" lh ie Mer Sr Ee a SD SL BAER wn omen ero Pind] 310.00 i v ry ¢ S. su 8, ancy 1p, . : nd bard 8. SPL Reaeay one time a residen of the vi age anc 1 i 1 Sct om hy ho id, pap "hiaven ia Ah IMMOtbErr. ervey ill say. | Place Names. uch respected by ll vSyocoete him, | B. 8. WALKER, President Paid-up Caz, 910.000.008 EERE | ee eae ease eer dram Tie Orit Packet objects, righ (s | KINESIOD, ae visitng. Femi 5 yf | AMEE. LAIRD, Gosorat Manage Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 'ado without them. But after allsick heed only three } ho had not since lis ed | Latest From Perth Amboy. | the carelessness of Canadians cdncern- ee -- Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England . ACHE: sober. upright lives. Those addicted Daylight disclosed the bivouaeked | ing the Spelling, of their picturesque Hartington Ha Bings a ne } ¢ to. the cgeaine and morphine habits, troops guarding the works of the Na- | place names. articularly those names % & Ci Ppe: 8! > BAN K mM Oo N EY OR DE R S fid* Shin," eBid ie greatly benefited, tional Fire Roofing eompuvy, in anti- | which, arg fia in their origin suffer Hartington, Nov. ,21.--Thé _ infant : | S £0 bano of 50 many lives that here la mhere | but he would make no claim that | ination of another attack by the much from the writer and the printer. hig, of Elmer Presman Sind i . > ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: i Shmaks our great boast, Gur pills cure it while such patients could entirely be cured. | ctpikers. The attack, at midnight, \ few examples are give as follows : he oLng ant Rea $5 and under ..... re Carter's Littlo Livor Pilla are very smalind | Nervousness 13 a disease of civili- | ju tight, came withdut warning. = How olten do we read Temiscaming, Nas a hc Pm aay, tev. .T. Over $5 and not exceeding $10 ...... 6 cens Yiry eany to take, One or two pills maken deg | zation ' Dr. Worcester declared. ""Com- | yore than 100 strikers rushed the Temiskaming, of Femiscaminque--how OFhell cone uctex the service at the | " 310 " " $30 ve 10 cen They Cut hy tian abloand do not Bripe sd. |. conditions breed it. Primitive picket lines of the militiamen, outside rarely Timiskaming, which is correct. | home of Mrs. Freeman's father, George - $30 " " $50 ...... 15 cents - : Joan Ci pte tion plese it 23 {Man may 'have been prone to it. | the: stodckade, hurling stones, bricks How often Fort Francis, instead of | Brown. J. ¢. Wood spent a few days These Orders are payable at pir at every oftice of a Chartéred Rank in Caha draggists everywhere, or sent by mail, hut we have no know ledge of that and wooden ¢lubs. The pickets fired Fort Frances? How frequently Tama- here last {. he Su has almost (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. They ' CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York; wet. Thirty-five years ago even ner-1,uon the mob and the main body of | ganiing or Temagami; when it ought to gone, ae rave os lit BAvE ng . are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterkng in Great Britain and Ireland, y | Yous prostration was comparatively | y65¢ within *the works poured | be Timagami? Oc asionally one reads | res : B he h Le Iterary as | 1 d | They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of motley with safety and Small Bll fnd Roan Small Pom, rare. | . Uillsonburg, but it is frequently incor- [in the Epworth IL. ague last Friday 1 a med fire i 16 y through * the gates and opened fire. ? ¢ ny» seni The subivet 43 Vian at small cost, and may be obtained without delay. binky It was also contended by the spéak- i The strikers withdrew bearing a num. rectly deprived of an "|. Another name | evening. The subject, "Good Litera- i rir that many of the nervous diseases er of their wounded with them, One often mispelled is Maganatawan, the tye, - HiiCndaed by Mes. Revelle, KINGS ON BRANCH s WINNIPED MAN GURED f to-day are due to heredity. Often, | on os Said to have been killed in the | river in the Parry Sound district. alter. hich iri sollowing programme A NY ' ret sander of he" nervons oe or ne " bnCe 2e | ube endm Chori choles Seu CORNER OF KING AND PRINCEAS ats. stem can be traced 'back to a pa- ----l : £1, 1S otter p ed Stony Creek, Jan. AL, ally 1, PV. ha OF RHEUMATISM rent or grandprent who was tha ii How The Taxes Stand. while Stonv Lake aifd Stony Plains are Lidstone; quartettes, Miss R. Sigs- ------ C. STE NSON, Manager : 1 3 given the unnecessary and incorrect "e." | worth, Mrs, C, Purdy, Messrs Leon- ao en : : -- tal affliction, Environment com- | e id .s |" The Packet recalls to mind the exis- (ard and Babcock; reading, classic fie- THE SOUTHERN GIRL. of danger--or cook hit~dinner and iron Remarkable Case of Cure After | plexity of life, indoor life. the ul Bartels says the unpaid taxes tence of a Geographic Board in Ottawa, tion, Adrian Revelle; solo, Miss Gra. aii Ms shirt when he was her husband »: 73 x are chi . . v1 have been reduced to $5,000. and recommends that teacher 'ditors, Specialists Failed. or the Syn and uproar «¢ the oily December will be the month in which nd rece chers, ec S ar oo srer fr 8 \ n- . T irunkard or sufferer from some men- | By the first of December Tax Col- cia Smith; Reading, Mrs. \ Purdy; duet, d : had lost his patrimony and begten Wis Mr. and Mrs. Revelle; "chorus. by the She Was a Born Coquette, But 3 rriters ishe sctire 1 i are Thev pre *. or the strain of one's daily work, he | Ea . » delin. | Writers and publishers should secure alr. evel ¢ : sword no a plowshare. They were said, 'contributes to produce nervous. | the work of drumming up the delin irom a King's Printer the annual re. jumors. P.. Martin is moving to Har. Never a Flirt. capable of dying with broken heartse | wi | , sata nts will be undertaken, {tha . whic scides a 8 The > azine soir lS i 1 Ore Winnins Man.--A prominent resi. |"¢k¥: 'That itis mot work, but the [ents will be l K ports of that body, which decides all rowsmith. The Home Magazine. those girls----but dying with unlowered » Ma . X | | , x rr------------__ esti "a OPA: cographic names The southern girl of the ante-bellum | ¢ dont-of shes Cie io personal rea. | WOITY, that' causes a breakdown: of Our City Merchant Tretions Soncerning geographic names The -s g a colors, aa as : ' . the nor S ste: . tha | / . : in Canada. sons does not wish his name mentioned te au u system, was Dr. Worces- | Can have their printing 4 done iol: | bread er 8 contention, { a wr . . u on The . ifference betwee os fiaiely; but, who pe Lad hs i show "Calm and pacify--our inward lives | promptly at the British Whig cflice, Late Marine Notes. Woodcock, an aged resident of this | 2. flirt. There. is a diffe TTC Detween Chicago Journal. = gb § , oooer to interested enquirers, writes mde 'ate inwar ace if { the "cheapest and best place. The stéamer Troquois arrived from | township, die very s nly , | flirt and coquette--the kind o difference In the. past generation, or- since the to say that he was suddenly taken | NC CUilivate an inward peace if you a : ; { B, cite IY Succenly on the there is between a humming bird mak- 1G i : h ¥ a as i ; Supdenly ake would avoid nervous diseases," he Montreal, and will be laid up for the 19th inst., after only a few hours' i]. | there 1 "her een a i ng b 5 ma time of Grant, the Methodists and the with BScrueiuting pains in the hack and continued COOnsere or Cement Used For Walks. Season. ness, Mr.' and Mrs, Peter Loyst, Mp | M8 a Salaey preteice of kissing a jas | Preshyterians have been far more repre- Side, which 'were pro ce . . BY : : : 1 mw i g ; ? 4 Wei Louat X= 0 mine--ar a cat playing with a mouse. ital 2 ' 8 snontinati h aici ° 2 Rie T Te Rotced : Bia and control the mind and you have i This year the city engineer's de- The steamer Regina ran out of coal land Mrs. Bennett, William Loyst and Ci . ir He A ] SO! ei girl ofthat sentatéd than all other denominations r i ans as Rheamatism, ot appli- "lved the problem : partment used 19400 bags of cem- near Timber Island, returned for a {James Baker. have returned fo Deg | COGN Y with ie i ie 51 Th hal put togethdr in the White House and VOre 3 y ro] . . { 1 ' . i Rg 3 a as 4 SN SC Ss po - - ry 3 14 a 11s wg ITs Salions wore 3 pace resorted to, the Phat fear is an elenjent which enters {ent for the concrete walks, This con upply, and again cleared for the f Creek, after spending the summer »4 | PY80Ne day was the unconscious among presidential candidates, Grant, usual medicines administ ered, supple- fargelv iit people's. | bias we tituted' about' 850 tons, or as. eat [Cobalt s lenge of a femine woman accustomed to Hayes and McKinley were credited to r cloetri rent mut + SCY Ito: people's lives is the ye- | stituted ~abo . Hy Fm 8k. > . | . age ever verged upon coarse- i : : 1 Ty : Tented hy cleetrical ret ent, but a lief of Dr, Worcester. Hs steria, he [an a large steamer could carty, Capt. Vandusen arrived back from | Elbern Newtgn is recovering rapidly Jomage. It sever ve eC i the moans the Metliodists, and Tilden, Blaine, to »o Patios . in 118. desperation . said, is largely the tefidenioy of | Cobourg, where e laid up' the | from the injuries he received a short oy e which remained to her after |-Cleveland, Marrison and Bryan to the kK Own l ) wn ac . . § ay | : r Kitche i ie ¢ roe | vi i ¢ - 5 5 ie . *resbyteria sreeley was a Univers pt in n 8 op is 1 _account, aby thought to the objective self, "which Look In The Window. chooner Kitchen, and will take charge | time ago by being thrown out of > f Presbyterians. Greeley was a Univer In a few hours afier taking the first salist; althdugh various kinds 'of ec ; i 2 8 | the hot whirl of the senses had subsided | Ce p i ! { { 2 Business for the bal- y br. : af i 8 S | : i , : produces 'all manner of complications, { Satur at' the baskets of pears of the steamer F $ | Waggon. Ir. veddes, of Arden, and . a ¢ . ér, 100k ; ' us : Pill the pains commenced to subside. | Un Saturday I under the cool surprise of hér, loo centric, ethical and religious ideas were attributed to, him; Garfield was of the » C 1 a g " \ Je" ance af a season, rs r ar Tw, . H a . x w 4 He cantinued taking them and im 48 | "°'¢ Common in Women than in. men. fmarked 2c. at Carnovsky's ance df the seaso Dr. Mather, of. Tweed. attended to his No, the southern girl was no flirt, broken between thé elbow 'and the est charm--the drop of dew in the heart | Campbelites and onee had been a | | { Death At Dead. Creek. period--the rose of the old regime-- einai Dead Creek, Nov. 25. Mrs. David | Ws a heart's delight. She was never a ' White House Creeds. . Depression was given ns or fom -- The steamer New Island Wanderer injuries, and set his arm, which was | g. 1 1€ SO xs 4 oo Ee hours he had nét an ache or a pain left, of Presson disease vs Another om \ i Itali = ¢om- came around the foot of the island, J » 'S | She was sentimental It was her sweet- Gin Pill§ are sol at 50¢ ro Y Sens 8 dillicu 91 Another Italian outrage was com- bi 1 rate ol + 3 ' i © sold at 50c a box--6 shoulder. It was a narrow escape for | of the rose; keeping it fresh forever. | Preacher among them; Arthur had Epis- ia . treat. : ia hing. 1 Montreal, | to-day, en account of the rough $0 = Sex { | mitted this morhing In « ' ) f , . FQ! az Ob : for $2.50, nd to us Jf your dealer -------- | a Brendimarthi Argondizio," was | weather. She had a number of passon- him, as the team took fright and ran Her sentiment was not sickly. The girl | copalian. affiliations and Roosevelt is of does not handle them. Sample box -free | when Tencamarihy ® : ' i 1 $1 sentiment w 3 . g the Dutch Ref 1, stock if you inention this paper. REFUSES TO WORK. [attacked by' three men who stabbed | gers. i away, and the Whiely of the heavy | wi cherished a dead flower her lover Se Dutch Reformed, stock, i cf ; De : i he ld. The vietim, it «is - Waggon passed over his arm. * 7 had given her. would Sblind up his - ------ Dept. It. tional Drug & Chemical {him and then fled. The vic i Eo : : : ad 8 : : wt om wa, 15¢..! We. 30e ' Co Limited Toronto, > 116 Austria-Hungary is Tired of the | thought may recover. A Simple Remedy. fod A Newton 1s doing A rushing wounds on a bloody battlefield or ride weet oranges, 15¢., 2c., 30c. atid a 'E > Intrigui | William Whitten, a Grand Trunk | Youth's Companion, !business . with »his saw mill. Rabert through a storm of bullets to warn him 140¢c.; at Gilbert's. : ) To Tiguing, ip : liceman, while adjusting a lamp, at "What will we do when the trees are Eagla ind Nathaniel Keller have gone Berlin, Nov. 27.--From inlormation { Cornwall, slipped 'and falling was destroyed?" asked the Jorestiy €X- [to Ormsby to work in the lumbey | m-- Our Chocolates A Rs i test "Austrip, caught by a brake and dragged for berts. "I suppose," answered the serene- woods. George darker, has returned ) Hungary refuses to carry on farther considarab¥e distance. He was picked | lv solemn statesman after some thought, jr Ormsby to look Hfter his inter- i i { | gotintions with Turkey until the ests at Dead Creeks Visitors ; George Are made daily ; always fresh : P0ycoit upon her ships and, goods in always good; all prices and 'ttoman ports and lestitory. is stop has requesied Rear Admiral Herbert the lumber yards. Barker at Mr. Prooker's™ and a little : 2 Pe , girl at Robert" Hawley's, OU S ped. Neither will the dual monarchy te send gunboats to Shanghai te pro- » badly cut "that in such an event. we will be WWmisul-Genoral Denby, at Shanghai, obliged to depend for wood entirely on flavors. vecepl proposals of 'a conference either tect'. American Suirests: gn scoard, @ Duy ony JRerhamts, doe] Tidings From Newburgh. ; ates with this request the Helena. wi an have er printing done 3 v0 Raviet s bois ; ; : |witee with this req ; romptly. at the British Whig office, || Newburgh, Nov. 25. Revival service Never te fo as r doclor - | steam, to-day. ! ot) : nave begun in the Methodist church > = 4 - 7 | "In an effort to prevent the murder | {he cheapest and best place. | yp | , . : > | . a gi ha < ' £ : 2 5 THosnia_and Herzegavina. i hiz mother, John Ingleman, Healds ---- : (and quite a number from Subse ap- Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, tis a regular medi- Austria-Hungary is thoroughly out re + Id, shot and\| Wives of the wivate soldiers of the |Pointments were here. Mrs. J. RR. 3 A 0 [ : 2 4 BAN hin 13 yo Cat; Afifteen years old, shot a WE ) pr : k b y ¢ relorp 3 Ex . a ; : i > ' ion tence. with the existing edi | ki sd Pie step-father, Frank Day. 7th Artillery, San Francisco, have {Sharpe has Hin ned Hom: Ringstan, cine, a strong med, a doctor 3 icine. R E S ore and with the intrigues to mike Wh the shot was fired Day was, try- | filed objestions to the presence of hel Shendmy 3 he You it h rien s. %. By 3 her: 'accept a position w hich she over Ee tal bis ther with a bowie | Chinese laundrymen at the army post itfe Mm toe city: Mrs, § arpe. sang | a « 1 over again has declined nely, [10 to stab his mothe dare they will carry their op- |very sweetly and acceptably' in Queen : Phone 845. 288 Princess St, dud over again has decline + 'namely, { and declare they will ca ry their or A g aha: 3 | ife . X Ss Z| that of submitting the question of pheaile. Bingham, aged seventy-three [position to the department at tee -------- Alva bing ng 3 Wash- 1 rut NViodist Grey, The Fut ' : A § Bosnia and Herzegovina te a tribunal vars, a veteran of the Indian mutiny ington. The women claim the China- | lights are froving to re pleads er S er J | Opposite Grand tol tho powors. Se ot the Fontan raid; wity men have deprived them of work which jacquisition io our village. Mrs. Wells, Ki J GRAND fo Lr | he 2 ? - from Turkey or Russia as long as. a lee Cream settlement with the Ottoman empire hus 'not heen arcived at regarding Constantly onf hand. lo - : "Tp 2h ? + : 3 tof T rorth, and her daughter Mrs. Shopld. Turkey decide to force mat- 3 his | e in To- | enormously aided in their «upport. of Tamwort . . e s Ad . Central Station i ia | found dead in bed at his hom A Ge : ¢ ine | Ehret of Nashville, - Mich., spent a Son NW ORK GiTy. | i imme ungery and: Bulgaria | found Heart failure was the cause. | At '8. John, N.B.. on the depart, |Sunday with Mrs, A. Mager" obo REVISED FORMULA . 8 ROOMS $1 a DAY will immediately bo found united for ron ve M. Desclos, a priest, was sen- | of the last day of the marine depart- Ip haay.) in Rivet AreE mas ; Se -- -------- UNI N "and UPWARDS offensive and: defensive purposes, Aus-| Pierre ] Montreal' to three yeafs in | ment enqdiry, G. H. Watson announ- {Finkle Was 'in Rjngetn on Maines ; : ; ---- : Ta Raggage to and Son) oat J tiu-Hungare has been quietly con- | tenced nt, wy Tor defrauding a | ced that the hook-keeper - for Me- on Suture oy ol iss ema 0 the It wo v - - y : _-- Tewe. New York OI Teentrating large nuntbers of troops, the Jeenntentiar 4 \vity & Sous had handed him seven- {high school sta 1 Shem | Bs ny mi RAL WwW uld be ! €ry interesting to know Guidebook and Map. ready 0 heapoured into Servia and jmerchant. teen - checks, all made out by Me- | Yarker with friend . Mrs. Xa be L | Montenegro, while her gunboats are ity in Agent Harding's favor which [Pitt has. returned from spending the ero, gui aA : Avity in Ag g aa k vith her D ready at the shortest notice to steam * he believed to have been all: that had [Past 'wo = weeks with her <on, r. : > 3 DR. A.W CHASE'S to Semlin. whence they wonld domin-.| $ been | issued. | Nesbitt, Lindsay, Hick Jadden has I Ci GQ, tute Belgrade. : Black Wale The Red River Falls, Minn., Milljpy [gone to Lingsay 1 ia Wok on'. a CATARRH CURE , aa re] CASS va company's' ~complete | plant 'was de | business boii oe = ry tia Is sent direct to the dise d . yearn Po 4 trical fre, T hives ; night. cemen uildings no onst: tet parts by the Tnproved Boy Four Is. good YI She at . Black Plug saved by will er? hi sday The jare a vast improvement to the village Heals the ulcers, clears the air | Gilbert's, (not the Kind made rom . b. | © s ; peti 50 3 hi i one Yooking & ne ges, $t9Ps droppings hn the the sweepings of the factory, mixed ['he Chewing To acco plant had a capacity of 600 barrels and the. ci gz forw y i | iv to the time when they will be occupied Choa, Fs mevey ures with molasses and cayenne pepper.) { of flour daily. i . Hon , aig Esl thy s &. Mr. Chant's free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W Chase Rev. Walter J. Southam was , ap- of Quality. Living right consists in making to- et To eehants. i Meditine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo pointed rector of All Saints' chureh, : day's good deeds outnumber those ol Ff = nema Toronto. : of yesterday : i Buy i i isted 8 T eH % ) ; uy Sweet Or es. The st. Catharines Poard of Trade | Extra strong ° horehound in twisted ! There's little sense' in knowing how : y . Rang & is agitating to stop 'the export of | cficks 10c. half pound, at Best's wy to do right ahd then persist in doing | Saturday. dwards Jenkin. tr ; ig ; ~ Th 2 y FY LY $ rec - fer - wrong. EE -------------------------- atural géds. - The Charitios and Correction confer : yi RE : vg - > 1 has 5 Pe corn. peasy tomatoes, ence will hold ifs hext annual meet ; Prosperity nsually needs vour help | Two-quart hot water\hottles, made a, Pears. - phn, 'or hlueher ing in Toronto. and mine to keep it in goo working | of pure rubber, from 35¢. to 82 each, nt Gilbert's popular stores, Whithy cider vin gar at Gilhert's, dorder; . £ ih at Wade's Drug Store, » 5