Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Nov 1908, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT. ~ Rupture NEWS OF NEIGHBORS C 0 WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- | ENTS TELL US, sxvr TRIAL PRO | The Tidings From Various Points iy 0 VE IT i in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Tiehborne Tidings. Tichborne, Nov. 18.--The roads are in a very bad condition at present. A number are on the sick list. Mrs. P. Ritchie is very ill. S. Brown at- tendea the concert at Mountain Grove on Friday evening. C. Clowbridge is all smiles--it's a boy. Visitors: Mrs. A. Howes at P. Ritchie's; Mrs. R. Mc- Ginnis, Oconto, at C. Clowbridge's; "dna Daffy at J. Davis'; George : teele is spending a few days at home. Brooks' Appliance, The wonderful new discovery. 'ine above illustration plain- ly shows what a few week's wearing of this new appliance will do. Na obnox- ious springs or Dads, Has Automatic Air Cushions. BINDS AND DRAWS THE BROKEN PARTS TOGETHER AS YOU WOULD A BROKEN LIMB. No salves. No lies. Pat. Sept. 10, "01. TO PROVE IT. Death At North Cobalt. Red Rock Mines, Nov. 24.--Death has again visited this vicinity taking away Mrs. James Larrett, of North Cobalt, on Tuesday last. She leaves a husband and three of a family, Mrs. William Humphery, of New Lis- keard, and Miss Fannie and Master Henry at home. Wesley and Albert Madill made a trip to Haileybury on Saturday last. Visitors: William Howes', William Stafiord, at Red Rock; H. A. Babcock at A. Lagault's, Nofth Cobalt. Durable, SENT ON cheap. TRIAL FREE INFORMATION COUPON C, E. BROOKS, R129 Brooks Bidg., Marshall, Mich. Pleasé send me by mail in wrapper your Book on Ru WiGAsuFIRg Jiang and price Tist charge! is understood case A later you will trial. plain ture, t ree of hat: ow Notes From Morven. Morven, Nov. 24.--Farmers are busy ploughing since the. weather has kept open. Mr. and Mrs. G. Valleau have returned home from Oso, where Mr. Valleau has been operating the cheese factory. Mr. Neville of Switzerville, treasurer of the Sunday county school association, visited the school and took dinner at D. R. Kicks. Mrs. Stout from St. Louis, and her sister, Mrs. William Cumming, were visiting at D. R. Kick's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen. Mills have arrived home from visiting their son '"'Buck," of Georgian Bay, and brought home a fine deer. DIMA 2. oy wrens omruiinonscorsnasstibnsis tsaneiesnssmptansnes Address City nnd pl . Fair View Notes. Fair View, Nov. 24.--The farmers are about through ploaghing, Miss Nellie Madden, of Paris, is visiting her. pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Madden, York Roud. Mr. Weése has his drivehouse nearly completed. Mr. Hodson has his new house completed and has mov- ed in. He is now building a barn. M. Henderson is moving into his new home. Mrs. Long has returned home after spending the summer in Napanee, nursing. Mrs. R. Bartley has come home after spending a weck in King- ston with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) George Bell, who is very ill. OF YOUR HOME your office, your store, or your factory, all the anti- Quated, foul-smelling, dis ease-breeding. Plumbing, and-- Then Get In modern, sanitary, open Plumbing, that, in the end, will be worth all ita cost and more. Fish Creek Notes. Fish Creek, Nov. 24.--The roads are very bad after-the thaw. The quilting at Mrs. Hickey"s was well attended. A number from here attended the sale at Wagarville. J. Steele, Sr., is spen- ding a few days at home. Miss Edna Thompson called on friends' at Par- ham recently. Visitors: 8. Barr, M. Thompson, gt N. Barker's; Miss Jes- sie Botting . at J, Steel's; Miss A. Burns at BE. Thompson's; Mr. and Mrs. (George Steele, Tichboime at J. Steele's; B. Lapointe at J. Kelly's; W. Brooks, J. Steele at EK. Thomp- Let us furnish you an estimate on the work David Hall 66 Brock St. Phone, 335. --_-- Mrs. F. Summerby and Master Archi- bald, of Massey, are visiting at James Forysthe's. Miss Lillian Sim- mons went $0 Toronto last week to spend. the winter with her sister, Mrs. H. Murphy. The. young people of the village gave a "'kitchen shower': to Mrs. James Simmons on Monday evening of last week. Glenvale Gleanings. Glenyale,: Nov. 24. --Rev. Mr. Cramm, a former pastor here, preach- ed an eloquent 'sermon in the Presby- terian church on Sunday. William Pil- lar returned from the Hotel Dieu on Saturday, much improved in health. He has been suffering with appendici- 'tis. Mrs. Michael Maloney is danger- ously ill with guinay, and Mrs. Bin- nington is ill with rheumatism. Dr. A. Gibson,) of Oshawa, spent a few days here, last week and purchased .a car- load of milch cows. Mrs. Margaret and Miss 'Annie Gordon returned from Cape Vincent, where they spent the past few weeks, the Sites of Dr. Gor- don. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gibson spent the Thanksgiving vacation with friends at Oshawa. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Boyce, and Miss Mabel, Murvale, at William Sawersby's; Miss McKni hs, Godfrey at B, Coulter's; Mr. and John Boyd, Cataraq, at T. How. key's. Deaths At Bloomfield. Bloomfield, Nov. --At a chicken- pie dinner held in" the Methodist church here, recently, $76 was realiz- ed, PD: B: Bowerman, of- Toron- to, is here on business. W. A. John- son hands over his blacksmith busi- ness to ow Starke this week. Mrs. . C. Orser died on the 14th inst.; HI a short illness, aged six- ty-seven years. The funeral was not held till the 20th: inst., avaiting the arrival of #& daughter, Mrs. Charles Kerr, of Winnipeg. KX husband, two daughters and .a. son mourn her to the house vacated by Frank Lea- vitt. Alfred Hudgins and wife, who have been away in Arizona for a few years, are home on a visit. Mrs. Sid- ney Munroe, who has been sick for several months with Bright's disease, died on Tuesday. Interment will take place at the Friend's burying ground. Besides her husband she leaves a boy of five years, her mother, Mrs. Sarah Cannon, and two brothers, John and Edward Cannon, who reside here. H. Bedell is disposing by private sale of some of his household and other ef- fects. A Good Tonic. When you are constantly tired, when none of your organs seem to work properly, when food does not strength- en or sleep refresh you, you need a reconstructive tonic of positive value. There is no other that will build you up so promptly and thoroughly as Wade's Iron Tomic Pills (laxative.) They are a great nerve stren rer and blood-maker. In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. > i's Some Bounders. Sathrdey Evening Post. » Emperor of Germany, ng and dismay of has spread, in large letters, the face of the North Cape, thousands go to behold the -Mjd- night Sun, the name of the royal yacht Hohenzollern. Steamship companies have followed his example to the tourists, Agross where son's; Mrs. J. Steele is visiting friends at Calabogie; Mrs.' N. Shilling- ton at 4]. Steele's «- Jumetown Jottings. Junetown, Nov. 24.--E. Avery spent | Monday in Brockville. J. Wooding | and bride have returned from . their wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. F. Chick and baby spent Sunday at J. Herbi- son's. Rev, F. A. Reid, Athens, was the guest at 'I'. Franklin's on Sunday night. "W. Griffin and family have and oertain manufacturing coneerns, so that there is danger that the ma- | Enificept, monumentally impressive choad of a continent may become simply the biggest billboard in the | world, a eolossal reproduction of the | lamboyant and garish announcement {of the side show of a country circus. TY To Be Or Not Be Be. I'd rather .he a Could-be f I cannot be an Are; For a Could-be is a May-be, Withs a chgnee of touching par. : re-Grgunived at; the home of Mrs. death. Herbert Kendall is moving in™ BATTERSEA BUDGET. The Orangeman's n's Tea Meeting-- Another Couple Wed. Battersea, Nov. 24.--The regular quatterly services were conducted in the Methodist church, on the 15th ingt., by Rev. Mr. Brundage, Seeley's Bay. He also preached the annual missionary sermon in the evening. Rev. Mr. Shorten was absent conduct- ing the work on the Seeley's Bay cir- Hi, local Orange Society held their annual tea-meeting on the night of November 12th. Dr. J. W. Edwards, member-elect for Frontenac, presided. the choice cooking provided by the wives and daughters, the intellectual feast which proved to be of a high order was proceeded with. This con sisted of addresses by the chairman, Rev. A. Shorten, R. C. Davidson, R. G. Armstrong and D. Moore; instru- mental music by the Battersea, orches- tra, 'Mrs: Merriman, man and Miss Maggie Clark; selections Ly the chairman, panied by Mrs. Edwards; G. Gillespie and E. Knapp,"ecompanied by Miss May Lake; recitations by the chair- man; Miss Mary Boal and R. G. Arm- strong. A good sum was netted. The Ladies Aid Society which was F. Ball, a short time ago, is meeting weekly. and engaging in useful work in connection with the better furnish- ing of the patsonage. Miss Vida Van- luven was recently presented witha handsome piatio hy her father. Mrs. W. J. Merriman'is conducting a large music class. James Ennis and bride, formerly Miss Campbell, have taken up housekeeping on the homestead be- low the village. On the 18th inst., Andrew Sleeth and Miss Nellie _ Jardine drove to Kingston and were united in matri- mony. In the or a reception was tendered them at the home of the bride's father, Fergus Jardine. This is the thira young couple of this vici- nity and living within a radius of a mile, who has embarked on the matri- monial sea within a short time. Visitors : Misses Minnie and fille Anglin, Kingston Mills, at W. J. An glin's; E. Moore, Seeley's Bay, oh T. J. Craig has returned from a week's visit at Seeley's Bay. Street Costume. The coat costumes for the most part have very plain skirts of the" sheath variety, cut while the elaboration is centred on the coat in the form of braid, bands of silk and buttons. The suit shown above was deycloped in olive green broadeloth, trimmed with black satin bands 'and fancy buttons. The Direc toire effect in the goat is suggested by After all had done ample. justice do ; Harold Merri- Clark's. T. Shannon, Sunbury, at 8: Rhapp's; Mrs. on leng clinging lines, The ideal sole for tender feet is the Cushion Sole, It is fitted with a soft, felt leather covered sole, which conforms to the exact shape % of the foot--acts as a cushion t your every step--and, being a ¥ non-conductor, keeps your feet at an even temperature. © Cushion Sole Shoes for hop and Wogien. . If you suffer from. a ions or tender feet, step Jn and. see this Shoe--ti1y it on a you. will be surprised at the absolute foot comfort it will give you. $3 for Women $5 for Men I. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOE MAKING fit. and. eT ne o out Overcoath-is better, and the prices we sell them for are lower than your experience ean recall. We've got some good Overcoats as low as $5 and $6, but: we can show you three good lines of durable aie, well made, latest styles, at $9 50, 8.50 and 7.50 Our lines of Fine, High Grade Overcoats at $11.50, 18.50, 15.00, 17.50 and 18.00 are from threc to five doHars better - value than you will seeelscwhere. particulars at K R. Ticket Office, Ontario . "Phone, 50. 430. pm To Winnipeg and P, and OP. __ Gen, Pass, Agont: BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train jtaves union stati ion, Ontatig dail Sn excepted) fi ? fueck Sydenh panee Deseronmm Te ste Foaarle +f Chicago, 1il., Return tickets w Good going Nov, turning on or Guelph, Ont, Trains . Depot, Foot Gol '3 Express 11 Local 4 1 Inter 7 Mail 15 Local ae 8 Mail 2 Fast 16 Local Nos. 1,2,8, 4,5 Al other trains Cor. ston, Ont. Nov, turn tickets will good (going Saturday, Friday, December. 1 th, on or before Monday, December 14 Local Branch Time Table. will leave and arrive at Ciy 5 Mail ........12.88 a.m. For Pullman Accommodation' and all other information J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson 'and Ontario Std.; King * © 28th to Deo, oth. ill be issued at $34.25, 20th to Dec, 4th. He Dec. 12th before ONTARIO PROVINCIAL FAIR, Dec. 7th te 1ith. . Re- be issued: at $0.35, December 5th, to good ret hing of Johnson Street. NG WEST, v Lye. City An lit gam. 109 pn. 8.17 pa. am. 947 nang, pas Hoon Aa HO p. my A.51 pa. 1: oh hy 385 7. a3 > a. EAST, Lve. City 1.48 a.m. 2.85 a.m. 8.186 a.m. . oH pan. > wan, Civy Rt [ST 3 17 a. BAT a.m. 12566 pon, 02 pac 1.29 poe « 7.08 p.m. 7.88 p.m. 5,6,7 and 8 run daily. daily except Sunday. avoly to For. the Canada' 8: Train, rd INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Copy Or 'Notes by Way With Time Table Of Maritime Express noted for Tickets, » excellence of Sleeping and Dining Car Service between iMontreal and the removed to the Outlet. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Turner spent Friday in Athens. Several from here attended the fune- ral of Mrs. B. Baile, Brockville, on I'd: rather be a Has-been Than a Might-have-been by For a Might -have- heen is a Hasn't-been, Before you purchase an Overcoat see ours, Mrchant's Rubbers the big dashing revers. The vest is of silk. The deep belt divided in three strips in front and fastened hy far ; 18 Parquet we, Correct in style. ttractive in appearance. Perfect in finish, and Cracker Jacks to wear. Don't forget to get your | Children's Rubbers from us. . H. JENNINGS, King Si L.ook! Would Any' of These Suit You? | 1=-New Brick Dwelling, C. and furnace, also good stable 3h driva-house, large lot, $2,600. 2---First-class Nearly New Frame Dwel- ling, 4 bedropms, B. & C, $1,650. S=New B. & C., large lot, $1,550. 4--Good Stone Dwelling in excellent | repair, stable, garden and orchard of the choicest varieties of fruit, $1,650. 5---Stone Dwelling, stable and one of good garden land, $1,850. T. . Lockhart 159 Wellington Street. MONUMENTS Inspect our stock and work before placing your order. ® INSCRIPTION WORK SOLICITED, 9 rooms, B. acre The Kingston Granite and Marble Works WELCH'S OLD STAND. Cor. Princess and Clergy Sts. ~WRITE ~=FOR --DESIGNS AND Flooring ELLIOTT & SON, LIMITED | Importers. 79 King Street W. Moronto. To The Ladies : At Home cards, visiting ocefds, etc., cheapest and best, at, Whig office, Frame 'Dwelling, 4 bedrooms | Saturday last. We are sorry to an- nounce thhit Miss Marguerite Hanna has had an'attack of tonsilitis. Seve: ral young people spent a pleasant time at' E. Summers' on Saturday evening. At St. George's Lake. . George's Lake, Nov. 23.--A mis- | sionary sermon was preached in the Methodist church | Sunday. Alexander Thompson - has returned home from | the North-West. A large number at- tended the raffle' and dance at: S. Asselstine's on Friday evening. Miss N. Miller, has resigned hér position as fens es ia 3t. George's Lake school. McKiver is spending a few days at Ba Misses N. Miller and J. Crowe made. a trip to Crowe Lake on Saturday last. Mrs. R. Vanvolkin- burg visiting at G. Melvor's, has re- turned home. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. William Hawley, Sr., at Robert Haw- ley's; Mr. and Mrs. C. Gowdy at J. Scot 8; D. Sly at GG. McKiver's; Miss | Sadie Curl at J. Raymow's. Has: A Hockey Club. Seeley's Bay, Nov. 24.--E. M. Brac- {ken has removed into the residence | lately 'vacated by Dr. Elliott. H. F. Gilbert is fitding up his rink and get- ting it in shape for season's opera- tions. George CC. Moore is fitting 'up [another rink back. of Gilt Edge cheese factory. Opposition is the life of trade D. J. Raven has returned home from Winnipee. H. and L. Smith have {returned home after a successful season {of cheese-making. The Seeley's Bay 'Hockey Club has been re-organized {and they have elected their officers : Hermon Smith, president; H. F. Gil {bert, secretary; Harry Randall, trea- saver. The club will join the Leeds Lo { But a Has was once any Are. * -------------- The. city engineer's department is completing the year's work by lay- ing sewers on Earl and Bay streets. Who will be the next rector of St. George's cathedral ? To Strengthe the Nerves Make Nerve Force From Rich, Red Blood, and Banish Diseases of Nerves With Dr.A. W.Chase's " Nerve F ood Nerve force, like electricity, is hard to explain. / One thing is. certain. Nerve force can only be created from rich,' red blood. Make the blood right and you cure diseases of the nerves, stich as head- ache, indigestion, sleeplessness, irrita- bility, weakness of the bodily organg, prostration and partial paralysis. This is the only way actual cure can possibly be brought about and hes cause Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food is a great blood builder, it accom- plishes wonderful results in the cure of diseases of the nerves. Mrs. Nooran, 19 Sullivay, street, Halifax, N.S., writes : "My daughter was troubled last spring and summer with tired, listless fee She seemed to have no en- gS. Hockey Leagu¢.. The Methodist Sun- day school is busy practising for their annual Christmas entertainment. The | young people of St. Peter's church are practising for a concert to be given | in-the near future. i Budget From Wilton. Wilton, Nov. 25. is home from Kingston General pital, quite improved after a | siege of typhoid fever. Mrs. Hodge quite ill. Rev. { Cramm, a former minister herd | preached in the Presbyterian church jon Sunday evening. Bernard Mills had { the misfortune to lose a valuable horse | last week. Mrs. M. G. Storms return: ed last week after several weeks" visit | with relatives in "Kingston and Mis- | sissippi. Mrs. Elgin Parrott, Fellows, was visiting: Mrs: S. Storms, last week. Mrs. Frink, Thorpe, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Newman Babcock. -Miss Jennie Walker | Hos- | long | WT. Ww. H.| | color got better, ergy, "was very, pale, had no appetite, and became very nervous and weak. We were much alarmed about her, as nothing seemed to do her any good. {If was not long, however, after begin- ning the use of Dr. Chgse's Nerve Food until we began to see a marked (improvement in her condition.' Her she gained in weight and vigor, and her whole system seemed to be built up. Shd is quite well now, and we join in strongly re- commending Pr. Chase's Nerve Food." The old saying' that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' 18 nowhere so applicable as in diseases {of the nerves, and theré was never so effective a preventive as Dr.. Chase's Nerve Food. This is being proven ev- | ery day in thousands of cases. Portrait and signature of A. - W. Chase, M:D., the famous Receipt Book author, on every box. 50c., at all déalers; or Edmanson, Bates & Co. Toronto. R572 a day, or | (for Bishop Oluwole oval gilt buttons. COST OF THE FLEET. Room For Enquiry--Quebec Agency Very Expensive. Canadian Courier. The Montreal Gazette does not aviith-thatis--vood--in--the tawa government, but one ly depend mpon the facts which it publishes.. Moreover, when the Gazette criticizes. anything in connection with the St. Lawrence route. can be tolerably certain that the criticism is iust. Therefore, its criticism, in a leading editorial of the 12th, of the expenditures on the dominion govern. ment navy may be taken as reliable. It does not say that thege expendi- tures have not been necessary, but merely intimates that it would be the part. of wisdom that they should be officially investigated. The Champain was 'a new boat delivered to the gov- ernment in 1904. Its cost was $02 #00, Since then the cost of this little 5 ton vessel has been $170 a day. The Druid was. ¢huidt mn the: same Scotth shipyard, "a" coufla of vears uth: and cost $116,000. She costs $117 a day. The calm cost $300,000 and is a comparatively new boat. She costs $285 asday. In other words, eli- minating interest and depreciation, these three _ vessels cost the country S208, 780-8 year; The repairs on the a in addition to those done by the créw themselves, have cost 'a sufficient sum; the Gazette figures out, to ' maintain constantly sixty-one mechanics working 305 days in egch year. The editorial eone aces : "The ne- cessity for such enormous' repairs wup- on these steamers gist ah of the builders™ hands surely worth the attention of the commission enquiring intg the marine department, May it or may it not. be attributed to the reason given by the civil service com- mission © 'Some of the government's officers. are serving two masters. and apparently succeeding with both -- scripture notwithstanding." " Bee present t= can ugual one is The White Peril. A large public meeting at Newcastle, England, presided ever by Sir Walter Pluminer, was addressed "by Bishops Iwasa rare sight, and the were eloquent and impassioned amd Rev. ES M. Lyadu are both masters of oratory,) to clergymen. appeals { the government and people of England, to save them frog the drink curse that is slowly, buf surely, ruining their Afri- can countrymen. The meeting condem- ned the importation of spirits into, West Africa. 'Norway Pine § Syrups trial and I am sure Oluwole and Tugwell and three African The Roney. 127 Princess Street, Kingston. Store That Sets the Pace. We leave it to your better judgment. & Co's BUT IT BECOMES A SERIOUS Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Ai or Consum it at once by taking Dr. Wood" Pine Syrup. Obstinate coughs yield to its gratefif soothing action, and in the racking, pefiis- tent 'cough, often present in Consumptive cases, it gives and sure rejief. In Asthma and Bronchitis 1t is a succedsful remedy, rendering breathing sy and natural, enabling the sufferer Jo enjoy refreshing sleep and often affecting a per- manent cure. Mrs. Henry Smallpiece, Brudenell, Ont. writes: --*"1 A always subject to a cough and could get nothing to relieve me agtil 1 saw an adgertisement of Dr. Wood #PNok- way Pine Syrup and thought I try a bottle, and when, I had taken a few doses I found I was getting relief, and when I had finished it I was cured. ¥ procured a bot- tle for my baby, who had a h, and a fow doses cured him. I would y one having a cough, to give Dr. Wopd's they will never be without it." - OnlyaComman Cold, | Fresh daily. Just the thing sien Sor jon is the t. re Nea rid. of vise any- | Dr. Woo"s Norway Pine Syrup 25 cta. per bottle at all dealers. Put up in yellow wrapper, and three. ping trees the trad mark. Refuse substitutes. There is Filo one Norwa Pine Syrup and that one "Dr. Wood's." MEN AND WOMEN, | Use Big © for unnatural | disc 'or micsrations | frritations on Sis of Painless, and not gent or pol nds ap | So? 3 by Druggists, oF eile in t fn pial wIuppan "by 1.00. holies He Curs, Straws, Buttercup and Gloce Goods | for afternoon teas. Ice Cream supplied in|¥ any quantities at' Ang hour of the day. + PRICE'; S, "Phone 845. : A HINT TO i We are now selling a Safety Ran which is fully -guaranteed, FOR 25 CENTS. + Gut ome and try fa A. STRACHAN. ." M. P. KEYS "% Antiseptic Barber Fhop 'Hair Dressing and Shavin Partor. These Chair. Quick Service, four pats ronage solicited. 336 King Strect t door to Wade's Drug Store. oun ors Bats oF a pound, ts & gupd , vay rvs outa. Avdrew Macionn OUutario : Sea to. een Al Just the rh Pat ] ap "Apply to N Atlantic Poms. . Montreal Ticket - Dice, 141 St. James Street, General Passenger Department MONCTON, N.B. MON. TUES, WED, vitR,, Ba 7.809, 7.80--9, FRI. BAT. B. i WisD, 8.3011, FRI, - add from THURS, 8. ol 00 Breakey STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER FAVES WOLFE 1855. 7.8309. 15 a.m. 0. patie 15 am. 3.00 padi 15 a.m. Luo-2.40 Pi 1.80 pom. 1.00-3.00 p.m. Broakey's ay 6.30--9.30 a. mm. 7.309.156 a.m. 15 a.m. 1.00-4.00 p.m. 8.009" SUN. 9.15 and 12.30 a.m. 3.00 §-m LEAVES KINUSTO! 30 sam. 3.60 rand un rg BLP, vl A 2.004.830 p.m Boat, ytd Island going to ALLAN CHRISTMAS Tunisian, sails a. Victorian, sails tonian, from FIRST-CLASS, SECONDCLASS, Addition plicati kK HER EATIICK, | ston. Royal Penmpian, sails #4 TO GLASGOW. rian, from Halifax... Dee. Portland Via LINE SAILINGS LIVERPOOL. From St. John to Halifax, . Nov. 28th, th. Dec. bth, . Dec. 13th, Ath, a 2.50 2.50 upwards, upwards, THIRD-CLASS, $26.60 i Spas. Bth, Ce or 0, on 5

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