Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Nov 1908, p. 5

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S-- OF THE ONTARIO RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION. - There Will Be a Change in the Officers--May Place An Age Limit on Junior .Teams. _ Toronto, Nov. 26.--There will be a shake-up in the Ontario Rugby Foot- ball Union, at the annual meeting on December 12th, W. J. Slee is retiring from the presidency, 'and Dr. A. W. McPherson, Peterboro,.is slated to succeed him. Dr. Wood, of the Toron- to A.A.C., will likely he the.next vice president. A new office, that of treas- urer will be created. The present sec- | M for | retary, W. Gladysh is mentioned this bilite. There will be a contest for | the. seerétaryship, but no/names are mentioned. Percy Scott, the junior re- predentative, likely will be re-elected, Tepe is a movement on foot to place an dge-limit of twenty or twenty-one vears on junior ° teams, and to raise the present junior teams to inter- mediate' ranks, e, THE What DOMINION GRANGE. i the a President Had to Suggest. Toronts, Nov. 26.=The Dominion Grange opened "its thirty-fourth an- "nual gélgion herve, this morning, the gathering being one of the largest in the organization's history. Master 0. Gi. Lethhridee, in his annual réport, the extension of the rural I, delivery to cover all the main roads or er roads 'with the privi- lege of having boxes at the junction of every concession line. Im this way, he said, a large number of the small viral post offices could be closed. Mr. Toshbridge urged further railway tax- ation and reduction in fares and ad- vocated that a very heavy license or sux Be imposed upon automobiles uted for pleasure purposes, the proceeds to be devoted to the maintenance of the public highways and thajgregistration stations be established the leading highways where all dij should be compelled to registers The Grange legislative committee, thts - afternoon, presented a report, which, among other things, thanked the government for resisting 'the un- just. and uncalled for" demands ol manufacturers for increases in the tariff and recommended the strength ening' of thei British preference by fur- ther lessening the duties on Pritish goods, that the principle of protestion he climinated gradually and that the advances by the Uhited States look- ing toward better: trade relations be mot in a friendly spirit. CURES. TQM CAT. 1 ers Rheumatisrh Vanishes After #" isi $9 t ny pADaent' tment. { o£ ¥ - "A hicdgo, Nov. new 'and en: just enlisted in thusiastic recruit is the ranks of the mental scientists. Ilis mame is Pingle Colborn and he is a favorite year-and-a-half old grey ent owned by Mrs. W. 0 Cohorn, ol No. 7.306 Boud avenie. From hid voungest lattenhood Je was afflicted WA I RE ERTTOR ET Tore. of eientiatism® Onecday Mes: Colbiien "sajd to her Fadhand': Prout "AN the doe 1 a v i Enbony, the tregiment hegan ont Tones and Gwvithodt the ous wey instaeucti to the patient. He proved himself the best kind patient, thinking= no evilgand: in 1c way remsting, . Now he is so far restored ean jump on a table. Ss en Ah JUDGE McCALLUM. tors have failed on him. to try a mgntal science ' ¥ a cl that he He Died Suddenly--Was a Queen's Graduate. Stratford, Ont., Now. 26.--M. Me- Callum, Waterloo street, has received a telegram anhouncing the very sud- den death of his brother, Judge A. B. McCallum, of Gore Bay, Manitou lin Island. Judge McCallum had been holding court at Manitwaning when he was stricken down. He was forty eight years old, the son of the late John McCallum He réceived his judi¢ial appointment about ten years ago. A widow and two young chit dren survive. He was a Queen's gra- duaate. IN A THICK FOG. The White Star Liner Panama Steamer. York, Nov. 26.--An believed to bg the Panama railway and SS. Co., suk in a with the White Star steamer Georgie, in the main ship channel, off the end of Sandy Hook, this morning. The G gic was very slightly damaged collizion - took place in a t Hit a New steamer, of the was unknown collision The Georgie anehored near the. sinken: | steamer and it is helieved the passen- vers and erew of were taken. boat BACK TO INDIA. May Deport Hindus Now in British Columbia. Ottawa, Nov. 26.--As there does not soem to Ye any likelihood of the Hine { some . men employed * repairing CAVE TIDINGS. A Budget of News From That "Village. Cave, Nov. 24.--On Monday day, of Jast week the mail "Thompson, took the mail lowe to Cloyne with a sleig ie. Clifford, of Cloyne, who has,* been © renewing acquaintances argupd. thé Cave, returned to her home last 'wed. The old lady, who is in her nimetieth year, is still hile and hearty. Reeve C. McGregor, who bas been-in Kingston for the past woek, ottodipe the meeting of the cdanty eouncil, arrived home on Monday night. Mrs. 3 Joseph Parry, Centreville,' thé guest of her mother, Mrs, C. McGregor," spent last ' week 1t Balde , the guest of her sister, i "Boao . KE. Perry and som, were 'over Sunday visitors at Myers' id from. F : dt Rix collector, is making ns veal or the frst time for this vear, Az-Dellyea has been given, situation 'as blacksmith at e Golden" Fleéée mine, near Flinton. James and Oscar Perry were the quests of their sister, Mrs. E. Wood, on Sanday last. John Critehley has the iam 'at the"joot of Marble lake; My- ws Cavell Miss Alice and Florence Benny wetd the guests of Mrs. T. D. Perry. on Sunday last. John. Loucks, of Napa spent. "Thanksgiving week at the parental home here. William Lloyd, Mar nk, was the guest his undle, A. week, 7D. Grays with Miss and Master William, spent Sunday, the "Mth: 'at Lake View, the guests f Mrs, Soo €, Mitchell. Mrs. Isaac Dellvea; who has been very seriously ill, is rapidly convalescing. Whooping cough is still very valent among the children in neighborhood, on account of the attendance at the school is small. W. Pipe has returned Dead Creek and has his saw mil ready, J. C. Mitchell was a Sunday fternoon visitor at Grayville, ruest his daughter, Mrs, ray. ' Mth ult. to Mr. and Mrs. W. Loucks. STOCK QUOTATIONS. which very Of D. Cobalt and Stocks Listed. | foronte. Railway The following quotations ied by the City Brokerage (J. C. flistton and &. KR. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- mee streety Télephone, 480 A : are sup- General Stocks. Sellers. Juyers. 1763 bd} 95 Pr Ba en Detroit United... ... Lake of Woods ... Mackay Com. N. S. Steel 544 106 Cobalt Amalgamated Beaver...... hin Chambers: Ferland ... Urown Resepve Cobalt Cont 'obalt Lake)... ... ireen Meeban Finance, | { which. he "Dar. Sava Peterson I Qochester,. Nova Scotie Silver Leal... Silver Queen... I'emiskaming I'rethewey «¢ | Watts... POSTMASTER ARRESTED. ed Letters. Duck Lake, Sask., Nov. said. to_dggregate between 1,000 have been missed tered 'mails... Last night niér was agpoiited postmaster Costmaster St. Dennis, was suspendec wd arrested. He was libérated or ail: "The. specific charge Ms absiract- ng $5 from a registered letter, sent irom Prince Albert to Kilwimning. K500 anc Gus Some Indeed Very Poor. Nov Prisons Dr... Bruce 'his morning Conference on 1, that houses Toronto, tor of slaved, the de- of Charities while Ontario had. many of refuge as gootl as, and some better--than those gn many of the United States, yet there were some that were a disgrace to the provinee*on account of their antiquat- ed equipment, Dr. C. R. Charteris, Chatham, read a paper on 'Some Suggestion for Im- proving Our Houses of Refuge," advocated the erection Smith, "1 session Cana | and Correct in ol | better buildings and provision fer the care of tube | the unknown vessel | on board the White Star | { He | He cannot in dus of British Columbia accepting the proposal to.-be transferred to British Honduras, it is said that the interior department may take the: extreme step 'of deporting them to India. The climate of British Columbia held to be altogether. unsuitable for = the Hindus. 18 Mr. CGyr's Appointment. Ottawa. Nov. 26.--J. E. Cyr, ex- M.P. for Provencher, has béen appoint- el a Dominion governthent immigra- {ion agent in France. The department | L'¢ ular patients. The Egotist. Chicago News. It's either this or else it's that, He lays the law down plump and flat. I'here's: nothing of the diplomat, It's pretty sure, about hig. hardly ate you with sense, differ shows you're very dense, thinks it quite a great offence f yoh should seem to doubt him I'o He i No sort of reason will he deign To give, that he may make it plain. help vour lack of brain. So don't you get him netiled is declaration short. and gruff You may 'imagine is a bluff; But still he says it. That's enough, The matter should be settled. J'vé done all that a woman® can Since first our married life began » soothe and please the lordly And bow te his dowpinion. f I. would not wish-to be unkind, But oh, 1'd love to take and hind And gag 'him and then free my mind By giving my opinion ! --iie man, Constable Appointed. At a meeting of the police commis- | sianers_held to-day, Samuel Taylor, a | some time employed well-known Ringstonian, who was for as a driver for plans a systematic campaign. in both | McKelvey & Birch. was taken on the France and Belgium, and will employ | strength of the the moving pictures for purpose of advertising (Canada. - . Sent Back For Trial. Toranto, Nov. 26.--Trederick Camp hell, the Cobalt prospector, arrested a day or two ago, on the tharge of veceiving stolen ore, was, to-day, or- dered to by sent back to Haileybury; witere he will be tried of Stanstead the 'election of C. The. "conservatives county will contest H. Lovell; A. foree on thirty days' probation. He will go on duty at onee. This is to fill a vacancy on the force, a constable having been dis missed a few weeks ago. Our City Merchants. Can have their printing Promptly at the British Whig the cheapest and bpst place. done cfiice, The _ East Buffnlo stockyards - will he re-opened Monday for the .recep- tion of live stock for local consump- tion. of Loucks, Thanksgiving Jennie pre- this from the A daughter: was born on the[ Leading Canadian } | Great Northern . | smoke, while passi Charge is'Having Stolen Register- 26.--Sums | from regis- Four-' Maids," and h.--Provincial Inspee- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1000. "IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody - Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and *Remembered. In. London, Ont., counterfeit bills are in circulation. Arthur H. Butcher; Toronto, com- mitted suicide Ly inhaling illuminat- ing gas. A family of Russian Jews who came from, England were deported from To- ronto, as undesirables. . George S. Cantile has been appoint ed general superintendent of C.P.R. car service with headquarters in Mon- treal. : 3 A four-year-old boy named Ander- son, fell and struck his head on a table at Calgary, and was fatally in- jured. At Washington, D:C., with military pomp and splendor, an heroic ytatue of Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan ; was unveiled on Wednesday. ; "Tom Longboat, the famous Indian, and Dorando, the 'Italian runner, have been matched to run fifteen miles in Buffalo on December 15th. The consecration of Father Latulippe as suffragan bishop of Temiskaming will take place in the Ronfan Catholic cathedral, Pembroke, on Monday. Dr. Lucius Allen, Halifax, N.8., in his day a leading New Brunswick physician, died on Thursday morning, from an mfiection of the heart. Rev. 8. E. Gregg, pastor of the Baptist church, Brockville,, has de- clined the call tendered him by the Western _ Baptist church, Parkdale, Toronto. . A small army of unemployed march- ed through Hamilton streets this morning carrying a large banner en- scribed "City Council Stopped Work for 400 Men." D. J. Mclennan was, this morning, acquitted by the police magistrate at Brockville, on the charge of perjury in connection with the dominion elec- tion on October 26th. : The name - of Prof- H. A. A. Ken- nedy, Toronto, being mentioned very prominently in Scotland, for the chair in Edinburgh now held hy Prin- cipal Marcus Dods. John Dick, a life-long resident of Almonte, died suddenly on Wednesday. He ~ was engaged around his home, when he was stricken and expired within hali an hour. Le Soleil, Quebee, publishes des- patch saying that a boom is on tc make W. L. 'King leader of the iibe- ral party on Sir Wilirid Laurier's re- tirement a few years hence. Howard Mortimer Clark was sen- tenced to twenty-one months' impris- {onment for obtaining money . irom Lord Howick and others on the pre- {tenee that he was a prominent Cana- { dian. lA special from Renson Mills, Minn, {smys seven people were injured, but {none seriously, in a wreck, between a Coast flyer, and a Hontaff, six miles 'west of 18 a freig that ci D:. Lesser, of Teresford, Man., was | almost Sistantly killed, Tuesday night. {He was hauling lumber, and while get- [ing upon the load he slipped and fell [under the wheels, which 'passed over his head. The railways must equip their loco- motives so as.to prevent the unreas- onable emission of dense or Ghaqueé through orn. be- towns 'ot vil at ing operated in cities, ila in @Qntario. 5 | "The steel steamer North Star, of the I Matual Transit 'line of. Buffalo, = was {sunk in Lake Huron by collision with a sister ship, the Northern Queen. The steamers collided "in a dense fog | while off Port. Sanilac. ak George P. Huntley, the English who played in New York ago in "Three Little cross the Atlandie "in January to appear under Charles |i Frohman's management, 11 Across 4,700 miles of ocean aero- grams have been received from Japa by the eperators in. the United States: ; telegraph station in San { Francisco. This marks a record for | receiving wireless messages. A stabbing afiray, in which two In- Jdfans were involved, occurred on the | reserve at the head of Okanagan Lake, and the victim may die. The provin- cial police are on the search for Pierre Joe who, it is charged, did the &tab- bing. Charles I'. many years for company, Ottawa, Wednesday night, and false entry about £5,000, oilty. A circular has been issued on be- half: of an English' isterest, through their firm: of legal representatives, in the. Mexican Power company, anxiou to see the lease to the Mexican t | ways go through: The circular | peals for. proxies. A merger of electrical interests has heen consummated in London, Eng. whereby William = Mackenzie secures control of the Toronto Electric Light company, which will consolidate that company with the Electrical Develop- ment company and the Toronto and Niagara Power company. { comedian three years will | wireless Watford, bookkeeper for the Sanitary Laundry was "arrested, on on 'charges of theft to thé amount of He pleaded not ap- The Law Escaped. London Tit-Bits. J Ihe late Albert Pell, a conservative® member of parjiament, who devoted his life to the betterment of agriculture, athe prevention of cattle disease and thé administration of the poor laws, was a man of ready wit. . It stated in a recently published volume of reminiscences of Mr. Pell that during an election he was asked if he was not. the member who had is men. to support their parents. "No," he rapped out, "that is an older | law., It was written by God Almighty "ort two tables of stone and brought down | by Mosés from Mount Sinai; and as | far as I can make owf, Thomas, it is into your heart.' Our City Merchants. Can have: their printing done promptly at the British Whig office, the cheapest and best place. - Quéen's basket ball team is now at work at the gymnasium every day, and showing up in fine form. It will have some wames with other college teams in the near future, OF THE WORLD: merely giving seven days: netice. | Washington Star. A How Jack Tars Are Encouraged : to Be Thrifty. : That Jack is not unthrifty is evident from the fact that at the present time £390,000 stands to. the eredit of 30,000 depositors in the ship rd and mar- ine banks. As a rule 'sailors in the- navy prefer to deposit their mgney in the ship's bank, which is managed by the paymaster, and which pays" mterest at the- rate of 334 per cent, while in the other banks the usual 274 per cent. only is allowed. : : Another advantage which the ship's bank 'has over the dockyard bank is that while on foreign service money caf be withdrawn with little trouble b: 1, however, "a sailor has deposited all his savings in the dockyard bank and wishes to draw out while serving abroad he usually has to wait about 'three weeks before an order to pay is received from the cashier of the dockyard, ° Jack's savings are derived from a variety of sources. Wher on a three or four years' commission he usually man- ages to have reater part of his pay, for there are mot a great many oppor- tunities afforded. him when on foreign service, of spending money. Moreover, if he does not mind working in his spare: time there dre Several ways in which he can augment his pay to a con- siderable extent. Before certain new regulations eame into force a year or so,ago which com- sel the sailor to buy. his'clothes ready- nade from the paymaster it was no un- sommon thing for Jack to earn £4 or ts per month extra by 'tailoring. A sailor, of course, has, to provide his ywn clothes, and a suit consisting of- rousers and jumper (loose jacket) ob- jained from the 'Paymaster. will cost im about half a guinea, He is obliged, 1owever, to take the wearest fit, and as his .was- not always te, his liking he nuch preferred to buy ' the material, vhich cost him 3d. a yard, and make the lothes himself, or, if he was not handy vith. the needle or scissors, get a mess- nate to make them for him. i. The latter usually charged 5s. for naking a pair of trousers and a jump- sr. the work being done with a hand ewing machine. Some sailors stitched heir own clothes, by hand, but this be- ng a rather long' task Jack usually 'ound the purchase of a sewing machine 1 good investmént, for with its aid he vas sometime sight suits in a week. But now, of ped. Even more profitable at times, how- wer, is laundry work. Twopence per irticle, big or' little, bar blankets, for vhich sixpence is charged, is the price vhich Jack has to pay for his' washing f he does not do it himself: On an werage a~sailor's washing costs him bout one shilling a weekgand as one nan will sometimes wash 'fpr thirty or 'orty of his shipmates hef-more than loubles and in some cas¢s trebles his ray. 1 The money is well caned, however, The washing and ironing \of the clothes § no small task and ta io, care of the irticles while they are [drythg is some- imes a harder joh still, There aic al- vays mischievous souls gboard ready to 'ut down the line on Ahich the clothes nay be hanging for of joke, necessitating \ double washing, while, if the laundry- nan does not keep his eyes open some »f the articles. lay be missining, in vhich cise he ha¥'to replace them. And, s one "Ship's lauhdtyman significantly 'emarked to thie Writer recently, when mn article has been down in the stoke- old for a day of two it js scarcely wecognizable. Barbering is a profitable business boatd, and many a sailor earns from +08. to 185. a week by shaving his ship- nates fora permy 'or cutting their hair 'or twopence. Then, again, Jack is a handy man' whefitit' comes to making 'ancy articles, such as woollen shawls, shoto frames, models, ete. Generally, owever, he gives most of these away o his relatives and friends, although ie sells them now and again to his shinmates, or visitogs who come aboard. Although money lending is strictly wrohibited or hoard his majesty's shins, t is, nevertheless, somewhat extensive- v practiced in secret. « Interest is usual- y charged at the rate of 20 per cent. + month, so that if Jack wants to bor- ow, a sovereign from the "professional" noneylender on his ship he pays 24s. for t. Perhaps at the end'of that time he s unable to pav back the loan; in which ase, of course, he pays 4s. interest. In- tances have been known of 'sailors yaying the interest on a sovereign for welve months, and, of course, they still ywed the pound at the end of that time, though they had paid 48s. for the loan f 20s. } Another reprehensible * practice in vhich some sailors indulge is that of outing for bookies. Betting on hotse- aces is becoming very common inthe wavy, in spite. of the attempts of the withorities to 'stop it. A bookie will vay a sailor 20 and sometimes 30 ner ent. commission for all bets received board. Not only, however, does he ave to run the risk of being severly yunished if found out, but the mess to vhich the tout belongs may turn against him, for, if discovered, he brings dis- 'redit on the whole mess, who are sus- vected of aiding and abetting. He Could, Too. _ When Sir William Gilbert was 27 and 'was known to the world as a promising writer, his father, who was a retired naval surgeon, wrote a semi-metaphysi- -al, wemi-medical book, entitled "Shir- ley Hall Asylum," his first book. Not long ago Edith 'A. Brown, who was then preparing a biography of the younger man, having heard that the soi was the incentive from without which spurtred into action the inherent but dor- mant literary falent of the father, asked if such was the fact. "Yes," replied the author of the "Bab Ballads," and the wittiest librettos ever written, "1 think the little success made the law which commanded poor the stone and not the law that has got | 1bet" replied the famous actor. which had! attended my humble efforts certainly influenced my father. "You see," he added, with Suspicion of a- smile, "my father never had an exalted idea of my ability. He thought if 1 could--write anybody could, and forthwith he began." Missed One, By A M.A. P. WR ; t a luncheon given 'by. the lord | mayor of Manchester, Dean Weldon sat next to Beerbohm Tree. "Well, Mr. Tree, what have vou been doing :to- day? he asked." "I went for a long motor "ride this morning and lost "a "In- deed," said the dean, "and may I ask what the bet was?" "I made a het that we woulde pass through 4oo different odors, and "Ah," replied Dr. "you missed the odor of sanctity." sourse, that source of income is stop- | P | able to make seven or | Put chloride on the we only encomiiteered 300." |Our jaunt must be put off to-morrow. Weldon, promptly, A Woman's Prayer. O Lord, who: knowest 'every need mine, : Help me to bedr each cross and not ot repine ; i Grant me fresh. courage every day, Help me to do my work alway with. out complaint ! O Lord, Thou knowest well how dark] t Way, 5 Guide' Thou my footsteps, lest they % stray, o Give me fresh faith for every Lest 1 should ever doubt Th And make complaint ! hour, hy power. Give me a heart," O' Lovd, strong to en- ure, Help me to keep it simple, re ; Make me unselfish, helpful, __ In every act whate'er 1 do, ~~ And .keep contént ! Help me to do my woman's shire, Make me courageous, strong to bear Sunshine or shadow in my life, Sustain me in the daily strife To keep content ! 2 His' Master. Laurans 'W. Sheldon in 'New York Times. Man has somewhere: within his curious pate & A ay noi of" outwitting fate, He fancies that 'sometimes and how His destiny will make its bow, Pail off ---its cap had knee In bumble reverence to such as he. So strongly doth this fallaey persist, It makes of him 2 Jombous Egotist-- A blatant boaste {_ his 'mighty power To rule the happenings of day and hour. From early manhood doth he make this claim-- man is master ame. That of 'his life and But when hard luck has' fallen on his way Y And gripped his vitals in play ; woe has palsied--sorrow his brain, This wionarch learns to think and think again, And thought safe ules Kills ! Up To Date. hicago News. ou should see Mary Anne ; ting on style In a way that's surprised up-to-date. She has all of the other girls mile, : And she's rafe. is wearing a shade .effect, With the - dinkiest from the crown, that isn't the worst to expect ; Mary Anne has just bought a directory gown. its mirthful When racked at last this instills-- himself knowledge Man exactly as fate c y she is put- us, it's so beaten a moving along at a terrible She hat with the lamp- frills sticking out And that you have Mary Anne has a the trick, You can't make her believe that getting too rash When she carries around a large stick > And is looped with a thing like officer's sash. Her incroyable collar spreads each side : In a way that will make her the talk of the town ; It's a great revelation, notion she's turning she's ebony an out on it can't he de- nied, Mary Anne has just hought a directory gown, ' It may be quite the rage, the thing, ~80 some people declare who are easily shocked. That is all just "hecause has a swing, And it seems that poor Mary " hosiery's clocked. I Bronounce no epinion myself. It hut jt. isn't the new skirt Anne's may we I should hold up my hands in great horror and frown. the whole, though, sorry to see Mary Anne has just bought a di gown. On I'm not very rectory "@Gittin' Ready For Market." (I see by the papers that a feller name Walker, er sum sich name, hez found that cancer cums from angleworms an' hopteads trailin' over vegtables an' then folks eatin' 'em (eatin' the vegtables, 1 mean, not the anglewarms). First off I had t' laff an' then when 1 got L' thinkin' about it an', stz 1, "Mebbe the durn galoot is right) after all." Then -it kind .o" struck me what a lot o' extry work, that wud mean fer. us farmers an' so I set-it down in poetry in a kind o' keerless fashion, but they won't' nobody believe it.) « out Amandy, take these rublier gloves pick sum Hubbard squash, give 'this bunch o' celery seplick wash-- Put jest a leetle powdered lime on these 'ere Kittry beets, An' sprinkle sum Formaldyhyde amongst them Punkin Sweets-- - "Twist angleworms an' hoppin' toads an' scientists, y' see This gittin' fer market day hain't what it used to" ba! an' An' A anty- fixed Git out the sdisinfectant tub an' run this lettuce through, sterylize the cabbages flower, too ; An' an' cully- 'sparagus, an' hey you lazy Ez, . up sum antyseptick for Ben Davises ! Be keerful--mighty parasitic cuss They find amongst git the law Mix them nice keerful "Fer each! air vegétables will on us ! Now load "em in the wagon, an' Serepty Ann you cum An' git my go-to-meetin' disinfectin' "em ! An' Hiram you had best they hain't no dirt, Ezzry give the spray other healthy squirt ; now, I gess, I'm all reckin that yer pap pass the doctor's quaranteen=--gid- dap--giddap--GIDDAP ! JOHN D. clothes--ma's inspect t" see An' machine an- 1 An' . Kin in shape ; WELLS, Signs Of Rain. From an Ifish Reader of 1840. The hollow winds. begin to blow, The 'clouds look black, the glass is low ; The soot {alls down, the spaniels sleep, And spiders from their cobwebs creep, J.ast night the sun went pale to- hed, The moon in haloes hid her head. I'he boding shepherd heaves a sigh, "or see, a rainhow spans the sky: The walls are damp, the ditches smell, Closed is the pink-eyed pimpernei, Hark ! how. the chairs and tables crack Old Betty's joints are on the rack ; loud quack the ducks, the peacocks cry, The - distant: hills. are looking nigh. How restless are thé snorting swine ! The busy flies disturb the. kine ; low o'er. the grass the swallow wings, The cricket, too, hqw sharp he sings ! Puss on_the hearth, with velvet paws, Sits wiping o'er her whiskered jaws. Through: the clear stream the fisges rise And nimbly catch the incautious flies, The glowworms numerous and bright Illumed the dewy 'dell last night. At dusk the squalid toad was seen Hopping and crawling o'er the green, The whirling wind the 'dust obeys, And in the rapid eddy plays; The irog has changed Bis watlyy And. in a russet coat is. dressed. Though June, the air is cold and 'chill. The mellow blackhird's voice is shrill; My dog so altered in his taste, Quits mutton bones, on grass to feast; And see you rooks, how add their flight-- Thev imitate, the Sliding kite : And headlong downward No 1am, As if they felt thé piercing ball, "Twill surely rain ; I see with sorrow vest $25.00. 'up to $25.00. ' Coats, in Green, Navy, B® Beaver, Kersey and Fancy Kersey and White Beaver § to $5.00. al an Go Ladies' Costumes, latest styles, Black, Brown, Navy and Fancy Tweeds, § respectful | within the next ten »IQO000 sortments of Cookin Heaters in the city, omical in fael and a 000 A FRESH SU ALMOND TAFFIE, BU PEANUT CHOCOLATE "Phone, 141. . FOR ALBERTA. Rutherford Northern Section. Edmonton, Alta., Nov. 26.--Premier Rutherford announces that the ernment has decided on a policy railway extensions, in all parts of the province. : He. intends to establish a depart- ment; make it one of the most impor- tant, and give it his personal atten- tion. : "We will see," he said, "that northern part of the transportation facilities and insures 'wholesome competition in other parts. We will continue to ask for federal as- sistanee, but if it is not accorded, we will do it ourselves. A 'Railways must be built, Men will not build railways now without assis- tance. They demand that their bopds be guaranteed, and the only source to which they can look tor this is the federal government." Dish Washing Roughens . Hands. Wash "dishes you must, but your hands smooth, soft and shapely with Dr. Himilton's Ointment, famous skin food and healer makes new 'skin, removes parched, dry wrin- kles, gives the hands a dainty, heal thy appearance. Not only does Dr. Hamilton's Ointinent make sick well but it renders old, rough skin ad smooth and fresh looking amnew. You .find a hondred uses for a reli able household ointment, 'hike Dr. Hamilton's. 50e., at' all dealers. A rs EE On going into his stable in Athions: Colling Mullen, who drives the Athens- Carr's biscuits, Edwards & Jenkin. Brockville stage, found . one of horses dead. . examine before purchasing. "Art Garland" and "Art Heaters. The "HAPPY HOME" Rangé has a/laugio! ventilated oven, handsomein désign, econ- ELLIOTT BROS. OO All these and others to be had fresh at Toye's, 302 King Street. WILL GET A MOVE ON RAILWAY DFPARTMENT Prowler Announces : olicy iof Development For the gov- of the province, with rich agricultural" possibilities, secures keep This skin his » . LIMITED Write for Circular Letter dealing with the above. Subseriptionbooks will be opened days. USSHER, STRATHY & CO, Stock Brokers, 41-51 King Street West Toronto "STOVES." We carry in stock one of the largest as- g Stoves, Ranges and and invite you to ex- See the \ Jude A 99 reasure ' perfect baker. 2 77 PRINCESS ar. Ar TTERSCOTCH TAFFIE, TAFFIE, MARROWBONE, ¥ « E. STRACHAN GOX. MEMBER OF THE STANDARD BTOCK AND MINING FXCHANGE, Send for Pamphlet on COBALT DISTRICT FLong Distance, Teophons 446. Toronto. 43 Scott St, 8ir Henry Mill Pellatt. Norman McCrae. 5 Reginald Pellatt. PELLATT & PELLATT (Members of Toronto Stock Exchange). STOCK-BROKERS AND FINAN: . CTAL AGENTS. : COBALT And other bought and sold on commission, ; Anvi Orders may be wi at our expense. ; 401 Traders Bank Building y Toronto : | 'Phone Main 8063.. Agents; to sell the unsubseribed stock of an established Canadian Life Insurance Co. Apply R. L. D. Taylor, 218 Continental Life Bldg., Toronto. 2 . Apples dust Arrived One Car. 90% Perfect. Baldwins and Spys. OOO000000V000 PPLY OF TAFFIES. PEANUT BRITTLE, MOLASSES WALNUT, WALNUT TAFFIE, %

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