Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1908, p. 1

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YEAR 76-NO. 261. ITSO Swept the States--Bryan Is Buried. OHO WAS FOR TAF IT ELECTED A DEMO- CRATIC GOVERNOR. BUT In Several Other States Demo- exats Were Elected As Gover nors While Taft Got the Presi- dential Vote By Big Plurali- ties--Qolorado is in Doubt. New York, Nov. 5.~The latest turns appear to increase instead diminish Mr. Taft's sweeping Vic tory. From present indications My l'aft has carried Missouri by 8,000, thus adding eighteen more electoral votes to the republican colamn. Mary land, too, has gone Taltward, al though it is probable that an official count will have to be made in order to determine the result the ballot ing for the electoral ticket. Mr. Taft's probable vote in the electoral colleg: will be 327 against a possible 156 for Bryan, Colorado being still in doubt Eliminating Colorado, with its five electoral | votes, Bryan, apparently, has carried only enough states to give re ol ol him 191 votes in the clectoral college; | conceding Colorado to Bryan, it is likely Mr. Taft's majority in the ele toral college will be 171. <Jaft has carried Ohio by about 50, "000 majority, which is a normal re publican majority in presidential year The election of Judson Harmon, de mocrat, for governor of Ohio is con ceded by a small plurality by his op but he claims he has carried The Ohio legisla the to ponents, the state by %,000. ture is republican, thus ensuring election of a republican senator succeed Joseph 1B. Foraker. The legislature in Missouri appears to be democratic by four majority on jomt ballot. If the complete returns bear out these' indications, Senator W. J. Stone will be elected to succeed himself. In the democratic senatorial primaries, held in Missouri on Tues day, Stone probably nor Folke by 25,000, although Folke | declines to concede the election of his opponent, West Virginia 15,000 to 20,000, is for Taft by from but the governorship i4 in doubt. Taft cazried Indiana by a good majority, but the demgernts were successful in all the other Contests, electing their candidate for governor. There Is No Denying. The fact that Campbell Bros.' make of fur-lined not surpassed in Canada for style, ht, quahty or workmanship. coats are Notice. | to | Visitors will not be admitted Rockwood hospital nor to grounds until further notice. -------------- For fumigating, sulphur and sulphur with Formaldehyde. Sim ple to use and very effective Sold in Kingston at Gibson's drug store. Phone 230. G.T.P. 'telegraph operators that £60 a month is too little other lines are paying $67.50. Rev. C. R. Ashdown, Preshyterian pastor at Deverl will Stur geon Falls. New Jersey's cranberry crop is 000 bushels, valued at $210,000 the eandles, Red Cross glaim when go 16 ey, 420, DAILY MEMORANDA. Fur-Lined Coats for Ladies. The new styles And big values at Queen's Alumni Elsie in (Grand Opera House Theatre--Rig Curse of Jealousy Bull-fights in Seville Bros onference, 8 p.m "The Fair Co-Ed 8 p.m Campbell Janis Bijou "The Recent sings Queen's the in cupant Drama I'l the last lecture i this evening new History Conference will he delivered Hal LO chair of ( rek course Convocation he oc of the Professor ott DIED Nov. 5th, In Canadian History 1813--The Americans invaded Canada, 7,000 strong entign of co-operating with tso0hs under Hampton, in Mon treal 1838 ~The the Indian the purpose stores deposited 1888~Dr." Robert of *"liberators" were loss at Odelitown 1873--The Hon Lie was appointed Ontario? The Hon r Lieutenant-Governor again with the int about 4,000 an attack on rebe villa of seizing there Nelson repulsed x waga for the arms and and his band with heavy John W Crawford snant-Governor of | Tilley. . of 1878 appointed Nrunswick. Sir Macdonald of his cabinet John A an- " the resignation 1900--Troops of the Canadian contin gent were welcomed in Toronto upon their return home from South Africa 1 903--Premier McBride of British Columbia completed his cabinet. For Thanksgiving We are showing some very quaint sets of 13-piece in odd shapes. OLD BLUE AND DERBY WILLOW PATTERNS. Robertson Bros, URS defeated Gover- | GREAT SOCIAL EXPERIMENT. Success of Spiritual Retreats For Workingmen. Brussels, Nov. About sixteen vears ago a house was opened in Yavt and called a 'spiritual retreat for workingmen." Since then other "retreats" have sprung up in the large cities and one result of their or- ganization has been an improvement in the mateial conditions of the working classes in Belgium. In 1895 the second retreat was open- ed in Ghent. There are now houses in Arion, Lierre, Liege and Alken. The popularity of - these houses is proven by statistics which have just been published. > During the sixteen years of its ex- istence the Fayt retreat has received 22,000 men; in fourteen years Ghent has received 18,000 men; in eight years Lierre has received between 17,000 and 15000. In 1997 alone about 10,000 men made retreats in the houses. So favorably have those houses be- come known that new ones are asked for, for only about forty men can make a retreat together in a single dwelling. Employers and employees have met on an equal footing in these retreats and the former have usually to look upon the latter as fel lowmen, and not tools, whose moral and material well-being should have much consideration as their own 5 various come as TO START LIBEL SUIT. Albertan Enumerator Denies Charges. Edmonton, Alta., Nov. 5 Harpell, of Wainright, who enumerator in the recent in that sub-division, | ter action for libel and slander against CW Strathcona M. acted A a= dominion elections will en Dav, conservative candidate for constituency, J R Strathcona, and the Strath cona Chronicle and Camrose. Mail Haorpell was charged during the elec ;ampaign with being implicated stufling crimes On the charges. thy Lavell, ion « ballot He denies in hox in ta 10 LEAVES MARCH 13. Six Months in Uganda, But Will Not Touch Congo. New York, Nov. 5.~The Times has learned that President Roosevelt plans to leave New York March 13th, | nine days after the inauguration, by { the North German Lloyd liner Koenig {Albert for Naples, Gibraltar | where the linér is due on March 25th Besides his son, Kermit, who will take photographs of the big game in Afviea, he will be accompanied by a professor from the Smithsonian Insti tution, and an official from the navy department. ~o far no arrangements have beer made for the six months the parts will spend in Uganda province. on via Douglas In Mayor's Chair. Ogdensburg, N.Y Nov. 5.--For the first time in ten years republicans {have had considerable of a victory in the municipal elections. E. J. Doug as<. republican, defeated ward J Burns, democrat, by 342 for mayor Robert S. Waterman was elected re corder over the present incumbent, F. Aiken by 211 James Foelker Goes To Congress. New York, Nov. 5.--Otto G. Fod the republican state senator who | cast the deciding ballot which made possible the passage of Governor Hughes' anti-race track betting was clected to congress from | Third district (Brooklyn) NEW OUEBEC BRIDGE | ker, laws, the Approaches the Bridge Are Completed, and Work on the Structure Will Begin As Soon As the Plans Are Submitted and Approved. Nov. 5.--The will cease to December next, when will as construction integral railway to Bridge the Do full of the of the direc Cuebee, Quebec exist on the ume company first of m.nicn government char of the brie I'rans an part I'he ge, as ontinental of the Quebec Bric company official notice from the lepartment of railways and canals in ke the foregoing, and, cording of the transfer the will take the company's and liabilities at the same time refunding the sharehol de directors of the Quebec Bridge company, the amount of their torate received with ad to the government ping terms over assets s and investment This means that the Quebec bridge will under the super vision of the Dominion government, and the work of construction com menced as soon as possible after the entrusted with the plans their work, and the properly approved to the the be reconstructed engineers finished have plans have been are being prepared provide heavier metal in superstructure than used in former structure It is not generally known that the approaches to the Quebec bridge are hoth sides of Lawrence, and expenditure of hundreds of con plans These much was almost completed on the river St have in volved a very large I'his includes track and the viaduct from the Quebec extends to the Dobell length, that forms line that will connecting the along the waterfront, connection with the all railways upon present maoney miles of structed side Coves, part run from with the in branch Rouge, line of down | miles the Cape main rn lway will provide tor the {and union station the site of Champlain market Gave Private Audience. Rome, Nov. 5.--His the vesterday, gave a private audi to Archbishop Bruchesi, Mont- holiness, Pe "N ww, ence { real. NAY RETIRE | | | 29th, 1907, she that | several | of | I'ranscontinental | THURSDAY ONTARIO, KINGSTON, FIRE AT PEMBROKE. got under coutrol | o'clock on Muskrat river strict the area. Presbyterian ! church is safe, and omly four residen- ces were destroyed. These were all | situated on Main street. The Bank oi | Ottawa, reported bared, is safe. Those who suffered losses, so far as the list can now be nade up, are : James Briscoe, confgetioner; Wallace | & Co., drugyists; G. Amber, clothing |store; James ' aylor, hanger and painter; J. S. Frafer, boots and shoes; the Leland Alexander | Miller, dry David Clifiord, goods; = | butcher; Hatwoor Lord Minto May Soon Quit India. HIS WIFE'S HEALTH IS SO POOR THAT SOME REMEDY IS NEEDED. a I's Jewe ley store; W. : : I'D. McLaren (business mot stated): A. The Climate Has Never Suited IT. "Miller, provisionslfind grain; the Her Constitution--Speculation | pyesman block. As to His Successor--Suggest-| 'The flames burned se fiercely that in ed That Hon. Winston Church- | the cases of these men they near- ill Will Be the Successor. {ly all lost' both build and stocks lin places of business. London, Nov. 5.--Lord Minto, it is| The following industries were also reported in official circles in London, | either entirely destroyed or badly dam- has arranged to resign the vice-royal-laged : Fhe Freeman block, made up ty of India early next spring, owing lof | different establishihents; a large to the condition of the health of his flour mill on Main street; one of the wife. India has never suited the con- | woollen mills: the Lelind house, the stitution of Lady Minto, who found | Pembroke Clothing Ud, a financial in- the sudden ehange from Canada ex-|stitution; the Bell Telephone Co., the tremely trying Even the so-called | Pembroke Standard pSinting office. cool season in India has affected her! Both the Roya! hank and the Quebec health injuriously, and her physicians | hank destroyed. but the Pem- have insisted in the most urgent man- broke branch of the Ottawa bank is that this chall be her last win- |gafe. Amongst the oWners who lost in India, and that when she comes | private residences were Messrs. Thom- home the the hot | xs Delahey and Harry frwin. A rough season sets in, for good |pstimate puts the loss at from 2300 - and all 000 to 500.000, but 8t present noth: The weddimg of her youngest daugh- [ing can be stated as fo the insurance. ter, Lady Violet Elliott, to Lord | There are no futalifies and no one Charles Fitzmaurice, is by the special | was hurt. of the king to take place this | were ner ter when in springy, it shall be DID HE VOTE? wish Lawyer Argued on Being Told to | Hurry Up. Watertown, . N\.X., «Nov. 5.--An in- cident occurred duting Tuesday's bal lotting in the Second ward, which { has resulted in one lawyer wondering | svhether he really voted. The dis i trict is a heavy one, requiring voters to cast their ballots at the rate of one a minute. The lawyer entered the booth and took his time. In fact he took two or three minutes when the inspector started in to tell him to hurry up. The lawyer lost his temper, came out"and started in to things. In the mix-up the lawyer forgot whether or not he real- ly did vote, but if he did he says that it was for Hughes. say -------- BOURSE DEPRESSED And Chiefly Over Graveness of Eastern: Eupope. Paris, Nov. 5.--The bourse, despite the satisfaction that pervades the public, over the result of the Ameri- ean election, was very much depressed yesterday on account of a feeling that the situation in Eastern Europe con- | tinues to be very grave and also on account of the serious friction exist- ing between France and Germany over the former's arrest at Casablanca of German deserters from the Irench foreign legation. NEW GERMAN TAXES son, Lord Kerry, and his lovel Iw. | GOVERNMENT TAKES OVER and their daughters, the. Buch | HANDLING OF SPIRITS. ss of Devonshire and the Marchioness | ---- of Watertord, with their respective| may on Beer Increased--Wine and husbands, are all going out to for the wedding this winter, so Manufactured Tobacco Also the at Calcutta Affected--Gas and Electricity to Be Taxed Also. prove altogether exceptional liancy. td : a . Of course there is much speculation | . lerlin, Nov. = The government s to who to Minto | Pills to meet the financial deficit, pro- among the names have vide among other things, that the mentioned in connection there | imperial government will take ovér is that of Winston Churchill, who the wholesale buying and selling of in that event receive peer- | *Pirits, the sale price to be regulated age Phere is no doubt that ma. | 50 as to produce a met revenue of iority of his colleagues in the cabi | 220,000,000 marks. The beer tax will would' be to almost | he increased by two marks per hecto- price out the way. | litre. Bottled wines, both domestic and account manner. | foreim, will be taxed five pfennigs < busving | 0 bottle, besic a surtax varying "| from ten pfennigs to three marks. wines will bear an addi LADY MINT sum- con- gor- instead har be a next wen winter in India, mer in London, templated. It is to very geous function, in which full vice-re- gal state will be displayed, and at which all the leading vassal rulers of India will be represented either in person or.by princes of their houses Lord and Lady Lansdowne, then as two India that 1«¢ wil season nromises ot as is succeed Lord and been with would which a a willing get him his pay of eful in net any to on fore his himself about likewise the idea les ssive methods, agyr partments, and do uot their nu their \ Sparkling tional tax. The customs duty on foreign un- manifacturéd tobacco and the tax on tobacco unchang ad valorem tax will be placed on manufactured tobacco, | varying from four to 96 marks on 1,000 cigars, 1} to 24 marks per 1,000 cigarettes, and 80 plennigs to 12.80 marks per kilogram on tobacco. A tax will be levied on electricity and gas of 5 per cent. of the supply price, 'on incandescent electric lamps and gas mantles of from 5 to 30 pfennigs, and on advertisements of fi 2 to 10 per cent. of the adver- because they relist becoming ter as premier Winston Churciill far from rich the salary of hundred thousand dollars a year and | allowances to double that | amount would be very acceptable of his as is and one home-grown remain almost ed, but an DINERS FLEE. Nurse Girl Made An Attempt Kill Herself. Newark, Nov. A pretty young woman threw a crowded restaurant at No. $42 Broad street, into a fright yesterday by slipping several white from tablets into her mouth and then drop- | tising charge, according to the fre floor in convulsions. A | quency of their appearance number of automobile parties were The death duties will be made more dining in the place, and the women comprehensive, varying from § to 3 fled with cries. per cent., according to the value of Letters on the would-be suicide, who the estate. was hurried St. Barnabas' Hospi It is estimated that the new tal, disclosed that she Miss Rose | will yield 475,000,000 marks. Rosensohn, who had just been drop- ped from the post of probationary nurse at Beth Israel Hospital, High and West Kinney Newark. She had taken morphine and strychnine. This was Mi Rosenshohn's second atiempt) to take her life. On December swallowed iod Market street. to 5 ping to the to taxes was No Answers Given. Berlin, Nov. 3 the 'reichstag reassembled, ye 7, the house was crowded in anticipation of interpella- tions called forth by the situation created by the kaiser's interview. This xpectation was disappointed how- aver, as no ministers appeared, and after reading the interpellations on the subject of interview, the house During the | passed to the orders of the day. 1t is | anticipated that the interpellations | when business places were entered and | will be discussed to-day or Friday. ransacked. The intruders did not get | The interpellations originate from A | very mn in the way of money as |the conservative, national, liberal and | but little cash was left in the tills, | socialistic parties. and the safes were left untouched. At | store three revol- | soeured, at the meat store [ball cities dressing rooms must be Davies Co., two dollars | provided Br hoth teams, visiting and cigar store $3, Davis 'home. There will be no more parades to the ball grounds. "The King of Congh Remedies," | Gibson's Red Cress cough syrups, 25¢. bottles for 2Uc. streets, ona trolley car on Ransacked Stores. Brockville, Ont., Nov. 5 night burglars held a carnival here | | Smart's hardware | vers were of William McMcDermott's | & Sons, dry gc Johnste six pairs of mitts, rrocery store 81 in cash The of the opinion that "it was the work of local operators. ods, police are SE WANT A NE Pembroke, Nov. 5.~The big fire was | las to making Glen Island their head- Henceforth in Eastern League base- ~NONEMBER 5, 1908. CONVERTED HIM. He Gave Himself Up For Many. Crimes. i Spokane, Wash., Nov. 5.--Flora 'M. | Billiss, a graduate of Baldwin Semin- | ary, until a short time ago a vaude- | i i | rille performer, and now head of the | Picton Yacht Club Seeking | Mission, in the rear of the | and pe him to confess tation Against Indecent Post ; "hrist | Coeur d'Alene Theatre, ace ished | Regatta in a brief exhortation on the street -- | corners what could not be done by | the entire police force of the city. She | rounded up John P. Gamble, alias J. ! P. Mansfield, a notorious highway | man, converted him to Christianity, s -- tite to Fhe authorities. He walked | ANT: | alone to the police station, where he | COMMODORE MILLER W. at told of more than forty robberies. CLUB HOUSE. When taken before Justice S. A. Mann | he pleaded guilty to the attempted | There Are Some Sixty on the | Fobpery ang shooting of H. E. Ayres, Indian List in the TOWRA: | bons of SON. Tor outin) Cards--The Officers of the! Ministerial Association. Pieton, Nov. 5.~Commodore Miller | has a scheme up his sleeve in regard | to the Picton Yacht Club. He has been in communication with the Watertown vachtsmen for some time, and they express favorable opinions CAPTAIN WASHED OVERBOARD | Master of Dr. Grenfell's Schooner Drowned. i Halifax, N.S., Nov. 5.---The schoon- | | er Lorna Doone, owned by Dr. Gren fell, Labrador missionary, has arri | ed at North Bay minus her captain, | who was washed overboard Sunday | | afternoon. Capt. Roberts was stand- | i ing talking to the helmsman when a | huge sea broke over the vessel, carry ing everything moveable in its wake The Lorna Doone was bound from | | Boston with a cargo of supplies for | { Dr. Grenfell's mission at Antony. | Capt. Roberts was a native of Twil-| | lingate, Nfld. | quarters for their annual summer cruise. It is the feeling that Chau- mont Bay is not entirely satisfactory | for regatta purposes for the Eastern | Yacht Racing circuit. This summer | the regatta was not as well attended as might have been, because many of the yachts were stalled by the high sea on the lake. This would likewise af- ect Kingston. It is = therefore, thought best in the future to hold the summer regatta in the Bay ol Quinte, whose waters can always be depended upon for calmness. If the Crescent Yacht Club make | this their decision, it behooves the Picton club to get busy) thinks the | genial commodore. He strongly advo- cates the incorporation of the yacht club, with the determination to build | a new clubhouse in the harbor. Such a clubhouse would fill a long-felt want in the social life of the town. It would serve a two-fold purpose, house the club and be a place for social | gaieties. The annual meeting of the yacht club will be called shortly ahd this will come up for discussion. License Inspector Sexsmith should have hung out a sign, "this is my busy week." "Abe' Hart, a well. known character on the "Indian" list, was to have appeared before Magis- trate Currie, on Tuesday, for imfringe- ment of the law, but he eluded those who would serve him with papers, and skidooed from town. The ease was, therefore, enlarged. "This afternoon | Arnold Kearse, bartender at the] Quinte, will answer the charge of giv- ing liquor to a listed man. The in- spector now has sixty on the List An agitation has been started by the Gazette agaist indecent post- cards. The matter has received atten- tion from Rev. William Sheare= in St. Andrew's church pulpit, and a be cond citizen has come forward with a complaint of the receipt of a vulgarly indecent letter. It is just probable a couple of prosecutions wiil be institu- ted against the offenders, The minis- | terial association had their annual | meeting, this week, Rev. William | was born in Boston, Mass., on March | Shearer was re-elected president, and | 20th, 1834. Ednecated at the Boston | Rev. W. L. Armitage, secretary. | Latin School at Harvard, he became | Mrs. Caidenhead, who has been the | tutor in mathematics at Harvard in | guest of her sister, M-s. W. H. Lake, | 1854-58; assistant professor of mathe- for two weeks, has returned to King- | matics and chemistry, 1858-61; chemis- | ton. She sails for Jamaica, w.1 try, 1861-63; professor of chemistry in | the 17th, with her son, Stanle Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Sadie McClellan, Kingston, is visiting | (1865-69), president of the National | Mrs. Thomas Welsh, Centre street, | Educational Association, (1902-3). and her sister, Miss Agnes McClellan. | Several of Dr. Elliot's publications on educational subjects have been widely | read. DR. ELLIOT RESIGNS | As President of Harvard 1 sity, Cambridge. £0 i } Univer- | PRESIDENT ELLIOT. Cambridge, Mass, Nov. 5.---Presi- {dent Elliot, of Harvard University, | has resigned, his resignation to take effect on May 19th, 1909, according to | an announcement made by the Har- | | vard board of overseers. No reason is | assigned, and Dr. Elliot refuses to | comment on his action. | Charles William Elliot, LL.D., presi- | dent of Harvard University since 1869, HHI IN NEWFOUNDLAND. EAHA AIIIISIOK LAST EDITION Probabilities: Toronto, Nov 5-- Ottawa Villy and Up- Lawrence 10 am.-- el and ¢ riday, w po tine with a little higher tempera- » | ture, What We've Done for Others We CandoforYou Cais We can sell want vou just what yeu Ladies' Winter Coats At the lowest possible prices stylish, reliable garments. Let us help you te prove the high quality of the Steacy garments, prove that they are something out of the ordin. ary. TO-MORROW we will offer two very special bargains and we advise an inspection. Special $12 Coat Made of fine finished Heaver Clot * in Navy, Hrown, Myrtle oy i length' sémifitted and breasted, tritmed with edge, for and desirable self-stfapping', with raw Special new sloe ves, Made of Heavy French Broad- cloth, New Empire effect, with Directoire slashed sides, beautiful- ly trimmed with Silk Military Braid, Satin Buttons and Velvet Collar, and well lined with Mercerized Serge, CALL AND SEE THEM AT © N.S., Nov. 5.-- The latest returns from Newfoundland, show that the Bond government has thirteen seats and the op- position twelve, while thir- teen seats remain in doubt. Halifax, FOUND GUILTY OF USING ABUSIVE LANGUACE. | Member of "Indian" List Pleaded | Guilty to Drunkenness, { Was Fined $10 and Costs-- How He Secured the Liquor. | In the John Purtell, a laborer, found that it was rather expensive to use abusive language. He was found guilty of | such an offence and was fined 810 and | costs, with the option of spending one month in jail, by Magistrate Farrell Mrs. Annie Blundell, living on Queen street, was the complainant, and from the evidence it was shown that Pur- tell went to the front door of Mrs, Blundell's house, and abused her George Llovd who was present at the time, reading a letter to Mrs. BRn- | dell, corroborated the evidence of the | complainant, as regards the language which was used by Partell. Lloyd | said that he believed Purtell was un- der the influence of liquor at the time. He did not think that a man in his sober senses would have used the lan- guage made nse of by Purtell. When asked by the court for an WKH HEHE EH HOH FH HHA HEH TOWN OF GANANOQUE. police court, this morning, | Men Took Shelter on Island From Storm. Gananoque, Nov. 5.- The choir boys of Christ church had a bit of a "blow out' at the rooms of Rev. Ww. Hatt Lipscombe, late vicar in charge of this parish, on Tuesday evening. Among the many friends Mr. Lips combe has made during his year's so- are the boys of the choir, who a familiar quotation think him for all in all, we ne'er shall see his like again." Re- freshments were served and "a fine evening's amusement provided for the boys. In the police court F. Brennan, an old offender, appeared yesterday, be- fore Magistrate Carroll, charged by Constable Thomson, with disorderly conduct on the streets. The magis- journ to use that "take ex- MD TO PRY | FE oeeesees FERGUSON and Po | DAVIS--EVANS.&1n BRADLEY { JOHNSON In | "Phone, 577. BORN. Kingston, Earl street, Ferguson, a Nov to Mr son Sth and sult --In at 151 Mellis 1908 Mrs born MARRIED. NALDSON WOODS At the resideace of the bride's parents, Barriefield, on Nov. 4th, 1908, hy the Rev. J & Connell, Cushendall, Elizabeth ay Woods daughter of Mr. and Mrs Walter Woods' to Albert Fdward Donaldson, of Joyceville Kingston, on Nov James' Church, by Archdeacon Macmorine, Ross Davis, only son eof W. Ii. Davis, Murvale, Kingstofi Township to Louise, third daughter of James Iva this city 4th, 1908, in Bt Rev M of Margaret the late of DIED. Newstend, Payant, West 8th, 1908, Robert of Kingston papers please copy.) Cleveland, on Oct. 31st Tohnson, aged forty-four "At on Oct formerly Bermuda, Bradiey, {(Gamnoque 1908, Jobn years | Funeral from the family residence, Wade's 10.30 fAintances Lto-guorrow morning, Friends and ac invited to Lane, o'clock. respectfully ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 227 Princess street. planation, the accused said that he | knew nothing whatever about the case. "YT don't vemember anything about it at all," he said to the court. In imposing the fine of $10 and costs, Magistrate Farrell gave Purtell a severe reprimand for his conduet, George F. Fraser, employed in a local coal yard, and a member of the "Indian" list, was accused bi. drunk- enness. He ple&ded guilty. "Where did you get the liguor ?' atked the magistrate. "I got it from a farmer: I do know his name. 1 think be came from Odessa." "What were asked the court. "He came to the vard to get some 'trate taxed the offend r five dollars and costs with the ootion of a few weeks in Brockville in default. The | fine was made good. i ®Myr. and Mrs. C. J. Wilson, late of Deseronto. have rented the handsome residence on Market street, owned and lately occupied by Mf. and Mrs. FP. T. Lent. They will at once take possession. In the heavy wind storm on Tues- day evening Alfred Baker and Joseph Miranda, who had been out wk shooting, had to land and spend the night at Gordon Island, a few miles east of the town. They were later on joined by Fishery Overseer George Toner, who was in that section with his lamch, and also had to take up quarters until the storm abated. |c.oal, and asked me to have a d=ink." | Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Lent and fam-|{ Another drunk was re od a day. ily leit, yesterday, to spent the win-| For yieiding to the temptation, the | not | the COFFEE (COFFEE COFFEE Our own blend of Java and Mocha Coffes still retains its high place in the esteem of all lovers of good Coffee. Guaranteed Pure. Price 40 cents. wns JS REAdON & C0. Importers Of Fine Groceries. COFFEE a in the United ier Ls ing | magistrate imposed a fine of $10 and | irst to New York city. rs. i ts. 4 : Grimmer, who has been making a joo short visit in town with her parents, chief of police and Mrs. B. J. Ryan, | First street, left on Tuesday for | home in St. Stephens, N.B. ' Campbell Bros'. i The store that's noted for big val- | ues in reliable, well-made furs, i EVERYBODY COME. And winter. we

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