INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. GEORGIAN BAY CANAL BEGUN IMMEDIATELY AF- TER COMPLETION OF N.T.R. Reporters On Their Rounds. Cold cream, 10¢.; Witch Hazel cream, 15¢., at Best's. > Mrs, Felix Shaw, Bagot street, went ito Perth to-day. . So Says Sir Wilfrid Laurier--/| C8pf Amey, of Moscow, is visiting "Provided the Country's Rev- {friends in the city. ; This. was not enue Continues to Increase at iday. Not much, begorra ! the Present Bate.' } Areldeacoy Macmorine's condition is ; : - i 8till causing much anxiety. Ottawa, Oct. 20.--Speaking at a | This is the busy 20th for the y demonstration in his honor in Hull, fight and water cc Hect r A il 3: SA i : 't Collector Sir Wilfrid Laurier made the most im- | Five big 0c. rolls alk tissue toilet portant announcement of the liberal | aper, for 25c.. at Be t's. Dr campaign, wheir he stated that if the iT es : country's revenue continued to in- | ro iam. Swaive, piano ii a | y's. "Phone 778. 5, at the present rate, the The police, to-day placarded stfuction of the Georgian Bay canal | pouge on Sydenham street would be commenced immediately af Hever. ' Kis oe the completion of the National | Buy vaccination shields Transcontinental railway. He admit- | 's- Red Cros aS ted that he had become a convert to 1230. Red Grows Drug Store. the necessity of the canal and that | "Camphor wafers" the government had in view the fur head at ' ther development of the great water at Best's wiys of Canada. The steamer New Island Wanderer {brought a number of passengers from Cape Vincent, to-day. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Leave orders at Mec- Auley's Book Store. Many shooting parties are being o nized and some fine game is | aid low by the hunters. an Indian summer ' con a at Gib- "Phone cure cold in the MEDICAL FRESHMEN Driven Through Streets, Tied and Branded. For some days the freshmen in medi- vine at Queen's have heen quaking in their shoes, waiting for the "rush' of the second year men, and this morn- ing they got "it" and got it well. The main scrap took place on the up- Im : k per campus, and for quite afew mo [i » You, Want Otisse 8% present prices ments things were fierce. The scrap | ao ok. Jhomas Mills, 79 would have made the Mad Mullah's | PCC street. See my adyt. raids look like a cheap melodrama Kingston letters figure J The freshies held the second year men | ¢¢HON of the Dominion fairly well for a short time, but were | Guild, for creating a combine, finally overpowered and bound hand Lobn | Donne and ii Yoronto, and foot. When they were all safely a micents o 8 ony, are re seoured, they were put ina fine and newing old acquaintances here. had their boots and headgear taken Nor hes g , ther land arrived and thrown into a pile in the centre main the uit one ay. He will of the field, where the freshmen later Mrs. Burns Bi Ve on ? had a busy time picking out their ree. in this ie o anid ont own. When they had been stripped, hi ys cily on Saturcay, son J . aining $15, and some valuable papers the man with the paint came along "Ten new books" received] paj and every freshman was branded with {'Pabard on rr ol ig 2 phe a big red "F' on his forehead and | Cross Drug Se oa Hor moe black streaks down his face. Two car ing 2 4 y n lors ) were waiting, and the After elections comes Thanksgiving defeated first year men were piled into Day, when the people will give thanks these, and, headed by the happy | for the return of the Laurier Soman sophs," were driven around the city | 2 The "cortege" went from Barrie to | men A few bad American dollar Princes Ei rice vio . x 3 a v ess, to King, to Barrie, and back are being circulated in the city. Small to the college, where the tamed first | { grocers. and corner store merchants vear men were turned loose, to go and have suffered the most ini id Shee Shoes and hata. oe | Marinemen who came across the lake . Jot Lhe | yesterday, stated that the smoke was time, and the indignities heaped upon |§ v bad, almost as bad as that the youthful "bone pickers" were very | pe enced Some. Jaw weeks ago ? great. T. F. Harrison very kindly present ed the Checker Club, at the Y.M.CA., with two tables. The club will hold a tournament in the near future The Y.M.C.A. Harriers are getting in fine shape for their annual bhandi cap on Thanksgiving Day. Some good men will enter in the race, and the old record should be badly broken. "Are you a reader?" Join the { Tabard Inn library at Gibson's Red | Cross Drug Store and enjoy the new | up-to-date reading. Phone 230. | Capt. John Geoghegan and wife, of | | Colborne street, have returned from a very pleasant two weeks' vacation, spent in Toronto, Hamilton and Nia | vara alls. Queen's long out every day on King street Monday man was badly used up. ight. Une Ciar the pro re S a wagons pieces one fiercest ex DEPUTIES APPOINTED For the Dominion Election Next Monday. The deputy returning officers in the dominion election next Monday are : Sydenham, No. 1--Joseph Brophy. Sydenham, No. 2A. C. McMahon. Ontario, No. 3-- Kenneth Williams. Ontario, No. 1--John E. Johnson. St. Lawrence, No. 5-T. A. Pearsall. St. Lawrence, No. 6--John Walker. Ctaraqui, No. 7-H. W. Hawley | Cataraqui, No. S--Matthew hearms. | Cataraqui, No. 9--William Woods. | Cataraqui, No. 10---William Peters. Frontenae, No. 11-=W. J. Driver. Frontenac, No. 12--Alexander Flett Frontenac, No 13--Norman Aber nethy I'rontenae, No. 14 No distance runners and are doing work. A large number turn out the trials, In all probability long distance races will be pulled off shortly. "Tom" passed through his way to Montreal for race an Saturday He ran lin Belleville on Monday night at roller rink. Reckless Leight drew roller rink law is an his work Leight is are fine | for some R. W. Allen 15--William Robert Frontenac, : \ his sister | last Longboat and the city s0n evening the big five miles the No No. No No 16--J. R. 17--J. 1. Patterson. I18--John Johnson 19-- Richard F. James, No.. 20--J, Nellis Gardiner No. 21---W. D. Dick No. 22--A. F. Bond No. 23--William Dunlop. No. 24--Frank Birch No. 25--A. Simmons. No. 26--J. Ww Rideau, Laidlaw Rideau, Rideau, Rideau, Rideau, Rideau, Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, Portsmouth, stridge on Recklaw and Miss Famnie | large audience at the on. Monday Reck expert tric bieyele rider making a g hit Miss fine on the roller skates, do ing many difficult stunts with A lone drunk the only offender in the police court this morning, and it was his first appearance, he was discharged. He told the court that he had been living in the city for twenty eight years, and that thi® was the first time he had ever been trouble 0 evening: k ood Hen ease was Thomas Kelly & Sons, Winnipeg, have awarded the contract for the new car shops at Winnipeg in con with the G.T.P. terminal 1 with the police. The Battle Arthur Lawrence arrived from Mon f vocalist at Bijou, in Every Day Question, "How Are sion to Edgar Summerby. He has You To-Day ?"" Keep Well By brilliant baritone voice, and has been Toning System With singing lately in Starland. The Ja ' sino, Bijou Dream, and other notable Dr.A W.Chase's Nerve Food - theatoriume of Montreal. Mr. Law How to keep well rence expected to make a hit on his intitinl appearance here, on Wea This the problem Dr A Chase's Nerve Food has helped many thousands of people to solve by rea- of their extraordinary blobd forming and system building quali- ties The only sure foundation for health is righ; *red blood and a vigorous nervous system, Both of these redult from the | of De. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food. | Even though you know of this great | restorative as a cure for nervous exhaustion, prostration and paraly you may have overlooked it tonic to build up the system it gets run down, and you feel and miserable Mr. William Graham, Atwopd, writes : "My wife has been ill for time with nervous prostration, we had two of the best doctors could get but neither of them tis her any good. She gradually became others were injured. a eh worse and worse, could not sleep and The forest fires ranging lost energy and interest in life. She Adirondacks appear to have been tem- was almost giving up in despair when | porarily checked The 5 Tre which a friend advised a trial of Dr. | threatened Stonywold. Sanitarium is Chase's Nerve Food. under control. ; "From - the first box of this pre- | It generally adds to a woman's en paration my wife used we noticed an joyment of a ride in a friend's to improvergent and after using six mobile if "he thinks the neighbors boxes. she is completely cured and as saw her start out well as ever she was, eats well, sleeps Ernest Mc Millan, ed has well, and feels fully restored. 1 can- been appointed organist of the new not say too much in praise of this |Knox Presbyterian chur: h, Toronto valuable medicine and am satisfied No trace has yet been secured of the that my wife owes her life to the man who shot and killed Harold Pat use of Dr.. Chase's Nerve Food." terson, near Longueuil, on Sunday. This cure is certified to by Mr. C.| The department of the interior H' McFarlane, druggist, Atwood, | ready to issue South African warrants Ont. \ for lands or cash serip. Dr. Chases Nerve Food "will It is proposed to return to the ward vou fight "the battle of m well." The genuine hears the por- Toronto. : trait and signature of A. W. Qhase,| William Evans, of Claremont, M.D. 5c. a box at all dealers, or kicked bv a horse and Killed been as nection mn succes a nesday 3 In their enthusiasm and) zeal the victors in the Queen's College rush went too far, to-day, in making public an exhibition of the vanquish ed Fun at the college is passable, but to publish it npon the streets is { certainly beyond the bounds ef chi- Queen's should step in and interfere education. The authorities at | valry which should distinguish higher against further exhibitions. is £0 son use Nuts And Raisins. Walnuts almonds, 15c. quart; chestnuts, 20e¢. quart; hickory nuts, 10¢. quart; pecans, Brazils, filberts, { cocoanuts and new table raisins at Carnovsky's. and as a when weak | sis, A hurricane picked up a caboose of work train on the Union Pacific railway west of Cheyenne, Wyo., on Monday might, and dropped it in a , | gully. "Six of its occupants, workmen, did were killed and twenty-five or thirty Ont, } a some | and in the sixteen, is \lielp | eeping system: of electing school trustees was 4 Election talk caused quite a se ap | Grocers' | from | | battleship | pital, | an attendant, | game with the referee overruled a decision of the | [ity Kdmanson, Bates & Co., Toron wm" Longboat was an attraction Ont. in Belleville on Monday night, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By for scarlet | once, and cost 15¢. a dozen | Em NR A H 4 NNT are FUL, NOW Ge TARY THING Weng ¢ DEAR oo Lapy GC BEHIND US Wauto GET A HARD Bow "114 Ags Cop I refine HL itl »/y POY A ii ji TABLE PLANS Wik { Wi Wa Wa pL ¥ 2 YE AW ¥ ne Hi pH J Wy THE NEWS OF WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. O-- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. There are six smallpox cases in To- ronto. Five candidates L'Assomption, Que Admiral Sperry, of the United States fleet, and his officers were welcomed to Tokio, on Monday. Four children were burned the destruction of a miner's Summit, Pa., Monday. Marcatullio Remiggio, mvict at the Dannemora Plattsburg, Pa., are running in house at on [talian State Hos- killed by an was The Montreal Light and Power com- pany has declared the regular quar- { terly dividend of 1} per cent. payable to shareholders of | 16th, 31st. College has protested McGill, November record, Oct Ottawa on the on the ground that line officials and exceeded his author- in so doing. the citizen Sherman Jones, claimed negro who of the United States, but who refused admis by the Detroit officers, has prov- ed his claim was true Sunday morning, fire Mrs. Baird's general three-storey frame building, ly destroying it, blacksmith"s shop and vdjacent buildings at Fitzroy Harbor. Admiral Sperry has delivered to the Emperor of Japan a message rom President Roosevelt, assuring the nikado of the friendship entertained ww the American people for Japan Ihe emperor replied in cordial terms The S. Virginian entering Mont- real, I'nesday to be a was sion broke out in large complete with several store, a together a other Rear S on morning, got 'en in a buoy chain and had to until disengaged. The )ster, aground at Gravel Island, Superior is ofi after tons of coal The latest states that the from forest wer. All day tangled inchor steamer Lake discharging 1,000 advice from Brennen danger to that vil- fires is practically yesterday men were ighting fire in the vicinity of Birken- lale, Fox Point and Ronville, on the Lake of Bays, | Before Britton, for Mrs. Longaker, New 'rom the Sisters Hamilton, the custody laughters, asked wmbeas corpus. The he case until Friday. Morris, Pontiac county, was atally injured while returning from a olitical meeting at Sheenboro', Que, le was crossing the road when he vas run down by a téam: of horses, the vehicle striking wad and fracturing the skull A Turin despatch says that al- though no official announcement has een made with reference to the mar- riage of the Duke of the Abruzzi and Miss Katherine Elkins, it is asserted that the king of Italy! has definitely given his consent. Advices have been reeeived of ther engagement at Morocco, At near Mondgere, a French achment was attacked six days ago ww a band of Moors. The enemy was Iriven back with a loss of fourteen nen killed. "Bhe French had four men cilled. counsel York, St Justice who seeks of Joseph, of of her a writ Justice enlarged two for ot George he pole of an- a oint de- $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will leased to learn that there is at me dreaded disease that rience has wen able to cure in all its stages, and hat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is he only positive cure now known to the nedical fraternity. Catarrh being a *onstitutional disease, requires a consti- tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure s taken internally, acting directly upon he blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda- tion of the disease, and giving the ratient strength by building up the con- titution and assisting nature in doing ts work. The proprietors have so much aith in its curative powers that they ffer One Hundred Dollars for any case hat it fails to cure. nd for list of estimeorials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo ) be least 'Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Toke Hall's Family Pills pation; for consti- in | to death | his | GRIFEITH IN "OTHELLO." A Good House Witnessed the Per- formance. John Griffith, in "Othello," was gréeted with a fair-sized audience at | the Grand Opera House last evening. | A Shakespearian play, produced hy such a well-known actor Mr. Griffith, should have been pa- tronized. presanted as better last night by a capable company. In Mr. Griffith the stage possesses a great tragedian. The growth of suspicion, the workings of reen-eyed jealousy and the remorse | that followed his foul act | strongly and forefbly portrayed. There were thrilling moments when Griffith, by his magic, held his au- dience spell-bound. It was an able | impersonation of the romantic Moor, {and those who have delighted to see | Griffith in other Shakesperean roles { were still more charmed last night. lago, who is one of Shakespeare's | oleverest villains, was presented by { Pedro DeCordoba, whose work was excellent indeed. He has made a splendid success of the role. Miss Edyth "Totten, as Desdemona, and trude Graheme, wife of lago, tained their parts well. Percy man, as Brabantio, father of Des- demona, acquitted himseli well. His work in the court scene, where he ap peals to the duke against the Moor, was very finished. The remainder of the company mediocre. were sus- Nor- were "Our New Minister." In life usually, the sister of a minis. ter is about as important a factor in a community as is a vice-president of the United States. But Denman Thompson, in his comedy of life among the folks of Hardscrabble, N.H., "Our New Minister," the minister's sister forward prominently. It's jolly, companionable sort of girl the authors present as the dominie's near est relative. The New York produc: tion will mark the forthcoming date of the Thompson comedy here. At the Grand on Wednesday, October Thst brings a "Out In Idaho." Coming to the Grand Opera House on Thursday, October 22nd, "Out In Ide a comedy melo-drama full of sunshine and tears bubbling over with laughter, sparkling with witti- cisms and blended with? love and pathos. It tells of the dangers and darings met by those men of the plains in the days when Idaho knew no laws, save, "shoot first and to kill." H. W. Chamberlain as "Jim is, a typical cowboy and is of clever people, shoot Dexter," is supported by each one an artist. a cast COBALT PRICES. By Direct Wire to J. O. Hutton, Agent, 18 Market Street. Kingston, October 20th Beaver Consolidated Chambers-Feriand Cobalt Central Cobalt Lake Crown Reserve Foster passes La .Rose ai Little Nipissing Nipissing . Nova Scotia Silver Leaf Silver Queen Trethewey Watts Buy Campbell Bros'. Furs. And vou buy the best. i ---- The Trent Valley Woollen Mills, Lampbellford, have received large or- ders from leading wholesale houses of Canada, and the future is promising. Dr. S. P. May, formerly an inspec tor of public libraries, in the employ of the Ontario government, died at Toronto, on Tuesday morning, after.a illness. Trunk railway earnings from 8th to I4th, 1908: 1908, 1907, 2935633: decrease, long Grand October £849,270 ; 886,662 Forest broken out at Wellsville, ,.. With renewed fury, and, Monday morning, the hills were ablaze in several directions There are three seats in Quebec-- Levig, Drummond and Arthabaskaville and Maisonneuve--in which con- servative isC running. fi have no The tragic masterpiece was | ling Ces, i mvew wh) yt -- THEY GOT ASHORE | Smoke Settled Down Upon Them-- | Launch--The Ashore the Man Child. Chatham, Ont., Oct. 20.--Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Still, with their four- vear-old Roscoe, motor boat, in which they were returning from Chatham and Detroit, was found beached and abandoned on' the shore of a little island, near Tecumseh, have returned home safe, but after harrowing experfence. The smoke from the northern forest, tled about them like a pall and they could not see. Then the gasoline gave out and the craft drifted helplessly on Lake St. Claire. A high sea was run: ning when the craft grounded. A pass trolley car, on the mainland, in the distance, giving the first inkling of their whereabouts. Mrs. Still lash- ing her son to his father's back, with her wrap, and accompanied the hus- band on a hazardous wade toward the mainland, which finally was reached in safety Pair Waded Carrying a son, whose a heavy set- Has Taken Action. Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 20.--E. J reformer, - Ancaster, accused having gone vj the returning officer of the county in dominion election, in 1905, and asked if he had any objec- tion to the burglary of ofhice for the purpose of fixing the ballot boxes in that has issued two writs, {one against Lieut.-Col. Ptolemy, the conservative candidate in Wentworth in the coming election and the other against Mr. Knowles. He alleges slan- der and wants 835,000 damages in each Guest, of his election, case. Tried To Murder Priest. Chicago, Oct. 20.--An attempt to | assassinate Rev. J. K. Fielding, jas- | tor of the Corpus Christi Roman Ca- tholic chdrch, made Sunday. Af- ter twice shooting at the priest in the \llway of the church, the would-be knocked down several child- that stood in his way, ran into street and escaped. I'he priest not hurt was assassin ren | the was Father Identifies Son. Niagara Falls, N.Y Oct. 20.--The vouth who shot himself in a clump of bushes on Goat Usland, September | 28th, was identified by his father as Robert Weston Kirkland, Jr., a clerk nineteen years old, of No. 97 Weaver street, Philadelphia. No reason is is known for the Suicide. Duck Hunter Injured. Watertown, N.Y., Oct. 20.--Former | City Judge Joseph McConnell lost the thumb, first finger, and part of the se- cond finger of his left hand, while | hunting ducks. In rising from his {ambush Mr. McConnell picked up the gun by the barrel, the trigger eatch ing and exploding the shell and tear- ing away the hand. | | | | There were no acclamations in either the maritime pravinces or the west, nor are there any developments that | will greatly interfere with the predie- tions of the liberal organizers thai the government will be sustained by an ample majority. At Manila, two sharp shocks of earthquake occurred on Tuesday, fol- lowed by a third, which was less vere. No damage was done. se- They Had to Abandon Their | yers Pills doctor what he thinks of this Be Do as he says about using these pills. He knows. Complete Formula, Ayer's Pills . T ELEPONE 838. 2 Py NEW YOR NEW YORK ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS' WINNIPEG GRAIN AND COB Clarence Chambers, COBALT Otisee Nancy-Helen BICKELL & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS Members of Chicago Board of Trade LAWLOR BUILDING, Correspondents of FINLEY BARRELL & CO. MEMBERS OF : TOCK EXCHANGE. 'ON EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COFFEE EXCHANGE. NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE. MINNEAPOLIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE OF PHILADELPHIA. SHARES BOUGHT AND SOLD: CONTINUOUS QUOTATIONS. W. Hector H. Hume, Manager, DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES ~ -- TORONTO. XCHANGE. PRODUCE EXCHANGE. ALT Kingston, Ont. These are vehehied to be first- The stock is Have enquiry from well-informed per= class properties. selling rapidly. made sons. Particulars ON APPLICATION. Oct. 16th, 1908 THOMAS MILLS. David M. Spence, AUTUMN MILLINERY We have seldom had so interesting and extensive a display in our Millinery De- partment. Hundreds of New | Hats, Trimmed and Untrim- med. Dress Hats, Tailored Hats, Children's Headwear. Choose your New Coat or Costume now while assort- ments are at the best. 4 A selection is comparitive- ly easy from the large num- ber of models being shown at the present times. Wo- men's Coats, Misses' Coats, | Children's Coats. The Lesding Mantle and Millinery Stores . Autumn is now here and round of social functio ns. to fully appreciate the value Wheat Wafer.) It is tasty and nice This brings with it the usual is the best time of all of Triscuit (the Shredded contains and a wonderful amount of nutrition. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. JAMES BEATTIE DEAD. | 102 Years. N.Y Lawrence Saturday, at the of 103 years. He was born in Scot land and came to America when 25 years of age. He sailed the fir --"hoat that ever ran regularly on the St Lawrence, plying between Toronto and Prescott. In 1833 he bLought the farm situated along the river road, a few miles, from this and there resided until the time o his death. . He was able to ao mos of the chores about the place up to the time he reached 100 years. Dies at Oswegatchie at More Than) Oct. 20. --James county, Ogdensburg, Beattie, St. resident, died oldest aty, Sells On Its Merits. Best's Short Stop enjoys the big sale of any cough cure sold in King ton. It the and most effec tive cough cure, is good for voung and old. The hacking cough disap pears before it like magic. People who have once used it would not be with out it. No one should have a while "Short Stop" i> 15¢. a bottle, is within all, Try it. The bleached bones of two human skeletons, on which were fragments of clothing, were found by quail hunters on Point Loma, near San Diego, Cal Buy vaccination shields at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. 'Phone safest cough he price of is 80k the reach . C.P.R. traffic earnings for the week ended October 14th, 1908, $1,611,000; for the same week last year, $150] - 000: increase, $110,000. "Beautiful sponges." them at Gibson's Red Store. Free samples of "Livol"--the great- lest of tonics and blood producers--at Best's. Sir Charles Tupper was sworn in as Ask to Crosg see Drug TTOIIISSTON, | Orders may Sir Henry Mill Pellatt. Norman MeCrae. Reginald Pellatt. PELLATT & PELLATT (Members of Toronto Stock Exchange) STOCK BROKERS AND FINAN- CIAL AGENTS. COBALT And other stoeks bought and 'sold on Correspondence invited. wired at our expense. 401 Traders Bank Building. Toronto "Phone Majin 39063 E. STRAGHAN COX. STOCK BROKER MEMBER OF THE STANDARD AND MINING EXCHANGE 43 Scott St. Toronto. COBALT stocks Pelephone Wood's os Remed, T and invi the whole ee Nerve be STOCK id and " 2446 Main And all bought commission. nd Effects of 4 Pe ay Hc Cf One will please, siz will cure. Sold aS a or Anatied 18 plain on rece ce, New pam, ree. The Medicine Co. padi Windsor; Toronto, Oni chiA GORE... LOC. fs sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppi throat and Catarrh la privy councillor in London.