Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1908, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR. THE WHIG, 75th YEAR ' DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at or ett 5 806-310 King street, Kingston, Ontarie, at $6 per year, kditions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, ~ published in parts on Monday and Thurs- | Si day morning at $1 a year. To United States, charge for postage hss' to { added, making price of Daily $3 and of | Weekly $1.50 per year. { Attached is one of the best Job Print. ing Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, | and cheap work ; nine improved presses. | The British Whig Publishing Co., L*'d, EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director: TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- bers, 82 Church. St., Toronto, H. E.| Smallpeice, Representative. | Dailv Wibig. | | NTTON. was VALUE OF PREV The board of | creet in its action with regard to the 12Yc to 25c. Brass Feet = FOR-- upon FLOWER POTS, JARDNERS TC..." 2 222%, 52,5 A Pree ! education dis- vaccination of the pupils of the pub- lic and high schools. They commended | vaccination, and provided for expedi- | tion in the performance of it by ad- { opting the list of vaccinators publish- ed by the council. They decided also the terms on which the service The. trustees do not, however, under- take to in the | sense of demanding that it shall be done whether the parents are or are "enforee'"' vaccination Corbett's Hardware. not consulting parties, The responsi- { bility of complying with a law which | is reasonable, which has the hearty { endorsement of the medical profession, rests upon the parents and guardians of children, and they are expected to the circumstances of the day Wood F uel A large quantity of Hardwood Slabs, sound and dry. Make a hot fire at a lqw price. Good burning Try a load. 5. ANGLIN & CO., Saw & Planing Mills Wellington St., North IT GOSTS YOU NOTHING TO TRY GIN PILLS Write for Sample Box, Free if You Mention this Paper. If you have Kjdney or Bladder Trouble, Pain in the Back, Swollen Hands and Feet, Rheumatism, Sciatica or Lumbago, we want you to try Gin Pills a Our expense. Just mention tnat you "saw ovr) free offer in this paper and ask for a sample of Gin Pills. We will send it to you free of charge. We know that Gin Pills will help your trouble--and cure you. Being a sufferer from my Kidneys and Dizziness in the head, and could get nothing to help me, I saw in the papers what good Gin Pills were doing. 1 got a sample box and they did me so much goed I bought three boxes and am taking them. They have worked wonders on [ recommend them to any similar ferer. GEO: A, BROWN, Hamilton, Sit down right now and write. us for npie box so you can test Gin Mention this paper. id by dealers all over direct at 50e¢ a box--6 for I'., National Drug & Chem- t 119 act as suggest. A statement of importance is that attributed to the medical health of- It is to the effect that in all the or cer small-pox cases, so far reported, within a- certain time, and applying to a certain district, examination has of The operation, then, appears to be a revealed the absence vaccination. sure preventative of the disease. "BY THE NECK." Yes ! thanks to Mr. Harty and the liberal government Kingston has held "by No- 1900, and on Monday next prosperity the neck" since vember, she will decide it for four years more. What we have we hold. THIS GALAXY NOT WANTED. Montreal, Mr. highly imaginative and talked of became the of the party, those which In Borden traditions from Tilley of "the galaxy had come down to. the present Cartier, Macdonald, Tupper, and Thompson, of in the field, and if splendid candidates" the called upon to do so of governmbnt he could form There are good men in every party, and there are good men at pre- sent running for parliamentary honors in the name of the conservative party. They would not, however, be in any government. Mr. his associates conservative Unfortunately, Borden is not free to select now ir opposition. There are men who pass as his lieutenants who are completely discredited, who were dismissed from office in disgrace, and who should be, ws the moved fram the firing line." Mr. chance, Montreal Star remarks, "re Borden could not, if given the form government which be the conservative independent press has a wdéuld not composed of men whom denounced, who are repentant sin ners, and whom tne people will Toronto. not have to reign over them. As the Star puts it, there has to be Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonie, and "only safe effectual Monthly 7% lator on which women car ae 'Ces 3 No. 2 er, $3; No. 8 for spocial $5 per box Sold by all 8, or sen' Raid C r t of price Free pamphlet. Add esa: Tur Cook Mentone 80., TORONTO, ONT. (formerly Windsor hoyse cleaning, and until it takes everyone of the malador a place--until ous lot is sent into retreat for pent tence and purification--there can bé no hope for it SHOCK TO SIR JAMES. The privy council has just rendered a decision the the A Compagnie Hydraulique de St. Fran- The Heat company of impor It whether a suit in any province be vince."' "This lordships to be in conflict with sever- in case of S. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, RENT OR SELL REAL ESTATE I make a specialty of same. Drop a card or call on me. No trouble to show property. Insur- ance at lowest rates. Money to | loan. | al decisions of this board. Those deci GEO. CLIFF, Real Estate valuatior, 95 Clarence street. vs Continental and cis Light which is tance was an action to determine 'must dependént on the law of that pro- The decision reads : to their contention seems sions have established that where, as field competence given of legislation is within the both of the | parliament of Canada and of the pro- legislature, both have | legislated, the the Do parliament must prevail over | here, a etc., at { vincial and enactment of | minion | that of the province, if the two are in conflict, as they clearly are in the | present case." It long since there was a lively agitation { in both the legislature of Ontario and will be remembered that not so federal parliament respecting a which was chartered { the ain railway in Ontario and desired power to tend its lines for the benefit of Cana- legislation. The On- ex- da--by dominion tario government through its premier, of punish it threatened to cancel the charter the railway company and for presuming to ignore his power and FRESHLY MINED Coal that dug out of the earth a year The company declined to it appear knew they parliament i@ far more desirable than would be terrorized, and ago. It's cleaner--hasn"t stored up twelve months' dirt and dugt : it's dryer and in many ways a greater heat producer. Here it is at your service on quick order-- bright, well screened coal in all the standard sizes at standard prices for better even than stand. and quality. that its solicitors what were doing. Sir James will presently realize that his is a very important govern- ment greater, and when they "collide, and parliament, but there is a the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1908. SOME ELECTION RUMOURS. The Whig accepts quite cheerfully the declaration of the conservative candi- date to the effect that he is not an aspirant for political appointment, He would refuse the superintendency of the Cobourg asylum if it were ofiered to him. The position is one which is to be envied, and if it is undesirable there is probably not another in the gift of the Whitney government which will be acceptable. The talk of Dr. Ross' appointments did not originate with the 'Whig, but was current rumour upon the street. It was given importance because the conservative paper insisted that there should be some recognition of the 3 UNFAIR TACTICS. * * ¥ GREAT LAGK OF HONOR IN THE NEWSPAPERDOM OF VANCOUVER. m---- The Wheels Out There Turn Only For Money--W. B. McInnes, Will Be Elected in Vancouver. Special Correspondence. Vancouver, Jet. 13.--As the political campaign goes on, the ear of the elec- torate is being lent with an unusual interest to the arguments set forth by each of the candidates as to why they should be supportedy The arguments the aspirants seem to come front a source of inexhaustibility but for the most part they are not supported by facts, and the man who | Tories are saying it was unfair for Mr. Harty to use the Locomotive Works' new contract for party ad- it unfair to ingston's further prosperity ? Is it unfair to state a fact and a truth? If this is the contention then we présume that the tories will consider it honest tactics to spread broadcast the lie that the Grand Trunk Pacific R.R. Company has abandoned its great transcontinental work ? Is it honest and patriotic for the tories to man's service in South Africa, and the only fitting recognition seemed to be that which had a direct relation to his However, the candi- date says he is not open to an ap- pointment, presumably of any kind, and he ought to know what he wants. And now seeing that the conserva- tive print is so very anxious to be this contest it is about time that it withdrew or retracted its fic- profession. fair in have a Boston publication put into the homes of Can- adians decrying . the great national project and de- claring its untrustworthi- ness ? Is it honest to pub- lish lies ? The tory policy shows approval. The very fact of the Grand Trunk Pacific R.R. putting almost half a million into new engines, and of Kingston construction is a 'direct has been blessed by the Creator by having been born into the world with } an independent and unbiased mind can easily see through the flimsy fabric with which many of charges of the day are clothed. 1 do not, as a usual thing, get in- questions. If the fight is a fair one, is being conducted fairly, then 1 do not often take much concern in 'the matter until polling day comes, when I consider that I have done my whole EXKEKER ERK HEREF EATER FARRAR EN ETH ¥: about Mr. Redden and Mr. | Strachan. It had these men in a panicky condition over appointments which went astray through the inter- vention of Mr. Murphy, and they never heard of the deal, directly or indirect- ly. The man who originated the yarn | should be asked to give it honest burial: © WHAT IS ESSENTIAL. | tion Of all the silly arguments offered in this campaign perhaps the most ab- | surd is that which appeared, last | evening, on the, front page of the | the caption "Spik- | Standard, under ing a Gun." Who ever claimed it was the tion of Mr. Harty, the individual, | which was essential to the prosperity | of the locomotive works and of the elec- | city|? No one. What is essential is that the liberal government, which has been the stead- of the locomotive works, | that fast friend shall be returned to this industry, on which the prosper- ity of the much depends, shall get a square deal and forced to close its doors as its power so city so not be pre- decessor was by the tory government. It is because Mr. Harty is the can- didate of that liberal government that his election is essential. Had he retired it would have been just as ssential to elect his successor. A IN DISTRESS. The of Mr. Harty have been in distress indeed, for some time. a PARTY opponents hard pressed for him and complain I'hey have been grievance against that he should not have allowed the zovernment elevator to be erected at Port Colborne. The issue was the reat one of developing the transpor- tation facilities of Canada, and it | vas made to appear that the harbour ind transhipping accommodation at ort Colborne and Fort William should be improved. This was part of a large and gener- al scheme which concerned the wes- eri provinces as well as Ontario and Juebee, and it engaged the attention ind elicited the support of the mem- ers generally. When Mr. Harty look- od the matter, did, and liscussed question with the gov- rnment, assurance from the most that the Port Colborne works would not affect Kingston, that it was meant simply to lighten eraft that through the Welland eanal at its pre- the into as he the he reliable had the sources could not pass sent depth. There was not then lefision to deepen the canal. The effect that the trade route would prophesied-- St. which was of the increase--has of Canadian Lawrence been veri- fied; and the diversion 80 much the the trade via entire route has excited anxiety and cupidity of the American has not been hurt by the Port borne elevator ; it the helped vessels shippers. Kingston has, on con- trary, been as have come here which would not have been at in the east, when to the canal without lightering. Who, by the in commission all, unable pass through way, has advocated of the Welland canal ? Hon. Mr. Gra- ham, minister of railways and canals, and he has made an announcement which every admirer of real progress must endorse and applaud. EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Harty did nothing for Kings- ! Whisper that again, and say it the ton slowly, so that the full force of insult may be measured. It was an evil day for Mr. Borden turned his back upon Mr. Graham, of the Montreal Star. The effect is seen in this election. when he Fancy Dr. Edwards under the leash of the liberals in 1904 ! Yet that that Mr. Avery entertains and is not disposed to abandon. iaiem---- nomination the idea The county It was too { between the candidates. the Franco-Canadian trade treaty which the Cana greater will prevail. R. CRAWFORD Phone, ®. Foot Queen St. When Mr. bably to some plaintive ~appeal, Borgen, in NANETTE (orsed Foster, he sacrificed himself. !Canada is on trial "'before the bar of en- not the "give away" dian opposition advertised. response pro- The Hamilton Spectator has it tha {shall be no more sham suppression so | pendence, far as the mails are concerned. Col- | the enlargement | is at Catara- qui, yesterday, was exceedingly lively. personal to be pleasant, and was noted for the recriminations | The French senate will not confirm The best evidence that the treaty was. answer to the false stories set auoat by that brilliant conspirator of New York, bh by the tory party to do its dirty work. duty by recording my vote. In the present ' phraseological combat, how- ever, T feel differently, and in the in- terest of fairness and justice I feel that I have a greater duty to per- form than to simply record my vote. When the campaign first started it was apparent that fairness and truth- fulness was not to take any very im- portant part in the game, if some of the candidates were to have their way and if mud-slinging could have the ei- fect of covering up the real issue, or of diverting our attention from the real issue. The observance of these facts, it seems, were made by all the electors at once, for immediately | the fight was on, the speakers did not | lack for an audience. I have. been present at all the principal meetings of the three candidates, Melnnes, Co- wan and Martin. I have listened to all the arguments, and the bitter de- nunciations which the two last named [candidates have thrown in. I have seen mud thrown by these two candi- dates right and left, and personal at- tacks of the most damaging character made against their opponent at one --- meeting and then retracted at the The Avery charge, that Dr. Edwards next. I have watched all these things } carefully, and were it not for one I ay | thing I would be inclined to: say with tive in the county--was under the in- ecclesiastes, or The Preacher, "All is fluence of the grits in the election of | vanity and vexation of spirit." That 1904, is now serious enough to become | One thing which gives me courage, and = helps me to rise above the despondent [ plane of The Preacher is the fact that the very mud which was intended to The Halifax platform, in its dam- [ have filled the eyes of the electors of city has had the very opposite judgn nt." No, but Canada has some conservative leaders on trial, and when she gets through with them they will have ceased from troubling. -- Talkers are not wanted in the com- mons. There were too many men who liked the sound of their own voices, and they became a nuisance.~Busifss men can deal with without a deluge of words. business issues The telegram from the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway twenty-five company, ordering Mogul engines from the locomotive works, was a fitting finale to the nomination proceedings. It did more good than a dozen speeches. --perhaps the most intense conserva- the basis of a libel or slander suit. condition, has been abandoned, | this its place there is the Halifax | effect, and is opened them to a clear The and full understanding of the ques- | tions before wus. When yon can get Borden cannot shake | ,oople to lay aside all their time- |worn prejudicés, and biased opinions land grasp the real issue with a clear |and a comprehensive apprehension of com- | the truths which are being so. artfully aged and in No use. Foster tribe Mr. them and he cannot win and hold on- manifesto. remain. to them. "Dan" MecGillicuddy, though ¥ ; 1 mitted for libel, has the consciousness | hidden behind the false statements of . | the falsifying orators, then there is of | much to hope for. in | Out here in Vancouver we are not fortunate in having the stability, inde and honor in newspaper- dom that is found in the Whig. Wheels do not turn out here except for money and at election times, unless there | have been a few thousands laid down {to the paper deigning to support a his carbide stock. If Mr. Dewart had | certain party, ink is removed [rom asked how much Mr. Nickle paid for | the political columns, and metaphori his street railway stock--no |c2lly speaking, the type is set in . {mud. Thus we have mud thrown into our eyes out here by the newspapers as well as by some of the candidates. | Having been permitted to study up An attempt was made to beguile the | the genealogy of the three candidates, Hebrews with cheap entertainment in {we find much in favor of the Hon. W. |W. B. Melnnes. In lookige over the : : wT lives of public men we fi those who servative candidate. The have not been slandered are few, and denounced and the Hebrews made pub- | were™no good. Mr. Mclnnes is amongst They wanted it | those who have been slandered, 'but he : lis also one who is able to nail every that has ever been made against him as baseless and without foundation. Much has also been said | in time past about Martin and Cowan, If you have salt rheum or any scaly {and this'/being a three-cornered (four skin éruption it is certain that you | cornered if we were to count the so- have not tried Wade's Ointment. This | cialist candidate, Kingsley) fight it is remedy cures such affections and is | impossible for these charges to be tne best all-round healing application {kept from neing made before the you can have in the house. Cures | people. McInnes has stepped out from eczema, salt rheum, scald head, cold | under every charge that has been made sores, chapped hands, erysipelas, against him by proving it false, piles, etc. In big boxes 25c., at|and in this important particular he Wadels drug store. stands alone in the fielu. | At the beginning of the campaign there was some question in the minds After pouring the milk and water [of some as to whether McInnes or to and fro between the two cans he Cowan would be elected, it being gene- has 7 9-13 gallons of milk and 2 4-13 | rally conceded that the fight would be gallons of water in the milk can and |bhetween those two, as Martin has no 7 9-13 gallons of water and 2 4-13 [hopes of election, and will probably |gallons of milk in the water can. drop out before polling day, and Therefore he has as much water in the | Kingsley is so far in the distance that milk can as he has milk in the water | he is never heard of. Every day since can. the fight began it has been interesting to watch the changing scenes. People of knowing that he has put out the "Dan" business only vellow-journal Canada. demands that there Mr. Nickle was very anxious to know how much Mr. Dewart paid for some of have dodging, please--there would been some fun. Winnipeg--in the interest of the con- 'orgie' was lic their indignation. understood that they "could not be : : '» charge bought with sandwiches and beer. g Why Endure Salt Rheum ? Answer To Milk And Water Puzzle. the campaign g tensely warmed, or excited over these | IS EIGHTEEN DOLLARS YOUR SUIT PRICE? . Most every man has a certain Suit price he always thinks of first in connection with a Suit purchase. WITH THOUSANDS IT'S EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. Our Fall and Winter Suits at this price are certainly the best Suits ever offered anywhere for the same money. When it comes to winning the pennant for good Clothes, why, we've had it mailed to the mast for a long time.' - See the handsome fabrics, Take a look at our mew Suits. the artistic tailoring, the new cut. Note the things like linings, button holes padding, ete. We pay special attention to these points. ~ If you wish to invest just Eighteen Dollars in a Suit, keep your money until you see what's doing here, and then we'll sell a Suit. | We sell the Best $2.00 Hats in Canada. The H. D. Bibby Co. | Kingston's One Price Clothing House. BRONCHIAL TROUBLE / BAFFLED DOGTORS {& PSYCHINE | & EFFECTED oh PERMANENT CURE 12 YEARS' TEST. That the Psychine cures are per- manent, is proved by the following remarkable statement received by the proprietors, as recently as August 10th, 1908. Mr. Wm. Cullis, of Bruce Mines, Ont., says: "When I first had Bronchial trouble and a rattling in the chesf and night. My Doctor could not do anything for me. nally I decided to try PSYCHINE and have much pleasure saying that before I had taken all of the third bottle I was as well as ever, and am grateful to say I have been well ever since. I weigh 186 pounds and would earnestly recommend PSYCHINE to anyone with the same trouble that I had."' RONCHITIS SYMPTOMS. --Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchia or air passages leading to the lungs. It commences with @ common chilly feeling, aching pains in the limbs, the patient is thirsty and feverish, with langour, headache, loss of appetite, and restlessness, soreness in the chest increased on taking a long breath or going out into the cold air, wheezing sound in air passages, difficult breathing. A few doses of PSYCHINE will eradicate the trouble. Sample sent on application. Send coupon attached. All drug- gists and stores sell Psychine. 50c and $1.00. FREE TRIAL COUPON. To Dr, T. A. Sioouss, Limited, Iwould like to chi Please send me a TRIA LE FREE. WM CULLIS, BRUCE MINES wrote you ten or twelve years ago, I Aircublesoine cough at i have at last realized that the man | who cannot conduct a clean campaign, | {and who cannot disprove charges {impropriety which have been Of highest standard of purity against him is not the man to be ex hs 7' % re 2 oe: honest gov- PT : : to." pected to give us clean, hone: Distillers to His Majesty the King. {ernment, and so every day is "increas- |ing McInnes' majority, which is now a | certainty beyond question. Our Vancouver papers, which are all one-sided, for the reason hereinbefore | stated, try to convey the idea that Vancouver, and the west ig solid for the conservative party. They also tell lus that this will be the case in the east, with the possible exception of Quebec. J As to whether the east is ready to axchange a government made up of {such men as Sir Wilirid Laurier and his able followers with a policy, for one composed of poor, inoffensive Bor- den with his band of incompetents without a policy, time will tell. ~ As far as Vancouver is concerned you can take it from me that she will do cre dit to herself on the 26th, by return- ing W. W. B. Melnnes with a majority over the other three candidates com- bined. Those who vote the other tic- | kets will be a few who have not lived {in Canada prior to 1896, and there may be some who will always vote conservative because their fathers voted that way.--E. H. NEWTON. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows, Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, laid | | According to the story told by New | York retail tobacco dealers, there are 5,000 more cigars being smoked daily | in the metropolis than there were six months ago. They say that this is one of the signs of prosperity's re- | turn. | A man's wife should always be the | same, especially to her husband, but | if she is weak and nervous, and uses | Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her "feel like a different person," so they all say, and their husbands say so tdo. The cigarette was never productive to the young man in job getting. Black "100 Blaud's Tron Tonic Pills" for 25¢. The genuine are sold at Gib- of | Chewing Tebacco {son's Red Cross Drug Store. Take no The big black plug. | other. : t {must expect the censure of sinners. / The church that harbors hypocrites | "[hen youll be inferested™> in the new wont Affect oP if. Water cant Extinguish it. It defys you to put it out. 3 "The.only.Match Made, 9 «that you can Always' ey Depend Upon. All © & Leading Sporting Goods' Houses, carry them.Drop in jand fry themfor yourself Ak H everywhere 1p Canada, Ask or oo EDDY'S MATCHES. Colds are inflammations of themucous membranes usually of nose, throat,.and lungs. Neglected colds cause Pneumonia ayd Consumption. Gray's Syrup will break up the most severe cold in a day or two. It takes away the inflammation and relieves the nose and throat. . Coughing is the Cou worst thing you can do to your throat, It inflames the tonsils and aggravates the air es. Gray's Syrup stops a ugh at once. It soothes the irritated parts and strengthens the throat and lungs, At all dealers, 25c and 50c a bottle, ~ Gray's Syrup of Red Spriice Gum Relieves Colds-- Hoarseness--Cold in the Head--Coughs-- + Asthma--Pain in the Chest--Dry Night Coughs--and permits Restful Sleep.

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