Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1908, p. 3

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LODGED A PROTEST AGAINST "DECISIONS OF REFEREE MOXLEY. " Queen's II Dissatisfied With Re- sult of R.M.C. Game--Yacht Club Team to Practice This Afternoon. The management of team laid a protest executive of the C.LRF.1 urday's game ypth Cadets, | Queen's lost the game 11 to 5, in the {last second of play. The pfotest is laid on three deasions of Referee Mox- { ley, which Queen's claim, were not right" The exceutive will meet in To- ronte this evening, and representa- tives from both colleges went up at noon. In case the protest is allowed, | the game will be played over on {Thursday, so that the winning team nay meet McGill. From the side lines (bome say that Queen's have | grounds for protest and some say the | apposite. The result of the meeting will be awaited with interest, Queen's TL before the , over Sat- when nas good Queen's Working Lightly. Queen's players were all resting Monday after their hard battle. {of them are very 'badly broken up {but still they feel pretty sore in 8 | spots. A number of them were over at fthe gymnasium in the afternoon, and received a good rub, which fimbered | | them up a great deal. That is what is helping Queen's to the championship. For Women. | Last year, after a game, they rub, of no training This year they require it, or every practice, they get a rub told on Saturday. . . were to get out for We wish to call your attention to our lines of this afternoon, The Black Petticoats, particularly to the new Heatherbloom Petticoats, which have all the engaging qualities of a silk skirt, with the ad- : are not going ditional advantage of outwearing from two to | again and are three silk ones. Beautifully made and finish- Fe oY ed. We have also a complete stock ol Black hope to win gut. Sateen and Moreen Skirts for those who pre- fer them and these also. are the best money can procure. on got no any day af- and it The first a light second time ter certainly team practice | team | with Queen's early the the seniors, HI 'were on Mondav, Collegi out bright and after their on Saturday. They to be caught napping getting m not as strong in previous | | { ite | are as been vears but Yacht Club The Yacht Club team called a prac- tice for the Cricket field this after- noon, when all players were to be hand, TI team improving day, and should defeat { when they meet | day. The old | be and it Prasetice. ns is every Gananoque from Satur- will wiil make a week Heatherbloom Skirts for Popular Prices. Sateen Skirts for 89¢c, $1, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 to 3.50. Come to us for Millinery, Furs and . plavers nearly out, a great dif ference. TUBERCULOSIS CASES Said There Are Fifty of Them Kingston. cases of Who would statement the when Jackets. Fifty city ! ig the mnglton at evening he appeared The Ontario government pared an exhibit which irom place to place rect and intelligent be given upon the subject. scholars are taken to (Ontario in this city), and development of the disease illustrations of a kind that impressive It is through the medical educationists flu the tuberculosis the it 2 Ih in Ye suspect made by Ether before it pre sent that di instruction has Crumley Bros. CASH COUPONS. re ' is being y acres in order may The older the hall shown the by of vate fift $300. ANADIAN NORTH- REGULATIONS. rhis ars at three house OF «A MINING oal mi twenty $1.00 ar h years, nd er Y NOPSIS Wi r COAT ( leased for rental of 2,560 ect a various are most ning r may be an annual more than » appli- that the to mn voung one expect that time be extirpated precaution to end the of the most { | | | | 1 1 n | Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON 'WHO THIS SOL head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may howestead a quarter: section (160 acres, more or le ) of available Dominion land in Manitoba, askatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Agency or Sub-Agency for Ikntry by proxy may be made | on certain conditions, by | daughter, brother or { homesteader. | ucres Masses, so Royalty ARTZ and over locate a cla Sl ; plague may py i taken, ta ful th it neces pos or inlection of all afflictions Dr. Ethering ct that cases of created a ation and the would be madp to stamp out [ five + at ed 10 , Richesin 're. Rental, | cases of typhoid fever ity, 24 per|a mo $10,000 CAUSES a discovery are 500 feet by 1,004 $5.00 At least $100 must be snded on the claim each year, or 1 to the Mining When $500 been expended or and other the claim | fi, acre & generally, 5.00 age ary may feet 13 is sible cor Fee ion fate vi Recorder paid has ton commented on a lew 5 the | smal attempt the a Lands ser district any r, mother, son, of intending rr cultivatic & al sen any cost. Similarly fow would oc to S10} the ulosis, th ister D1 and three years within nine miles ol farma of at lgast BO and occupied by him or by his father, | mother, son, daughter, brother orf - sister. teader in| quarter- | tead. Price { N---- t searching of 'them deadly of and every it. ghteen cases enquiry a But all diseases ix mn A months' residence upon | 3 3 e land in each of | cent howesteader may live | his homestead on a | acres solely owned | the output tuber most ated, death up ei knowiedge. The disea the ter, was { there physician which he Deputy of the Mir N. 1. --Unauthor advertise week One of was { Ligure had tent » paid for. from Opposite Grand '* Central Station NEW YORK CITY. ROOMS $1 a DAY and UPWARDS age to and from sta- can be stamped out, the effort districts a homes and pre-en his hities fust 51% certain standing may At a 3 1S mad along-side acre 80 r Hn oonet the bet reside s vears from (including the ad patent) 1 per months in each of of homestead entry required to cultivate fif November Rod And Gun. ified the if and Gun I'he fishi taineering are | larly notable New Brunswick, by guide Adam Moore in Nova reading the Rapids by L. W. Bingay; la Bear Hunter, lls itioniBiene I Missed a Moose and a Woll," by Jack friendly challenge now is the tir at at ~~} / /. he ken out and Send 2-cent free wp tor New York Qity Guidebook and Map. Fine diver 1 ing reading the November n and Motor delights of wl feature Rod Ana umoner or ght m of | ( a od | - Sports in in + | la acre P homesteads | acqu red on on either odd wr even numbe h of township 45 and Edmonton line of range 3 Meridian Dutie anoeyng, hunting dwelt any v labl¢ red ups of Standard remedy for Gleo t, papers on Gonorrhea and Runnings IN 48 HOURS, C ures Kid rey and Bladd « gary yf West third 88 A ---- Growing Scotia VeTrvone will Run ning the with 'My by Dr enjoy stories an Exper Henzel Deer Miner by J. has the New Fur- Lined Coats For Ladies. Made in Kingston, that {has for years been recogniz fed as the | place in Eastern On tario for reliable, 'well-made, furs Come in and examine the fit, the qual ity, © the workmanship, and get our low prices; which are a surprise to all. Campbell Bros'., the makers of fine furs How d and Si Shot the wade, A finest moose ad ta Bruns of wick at the store SO many cading v Tooth Brushes, For 20ec. To reduce our stock of tooth brush es, we will sell during this month only (October) all our tooth f 0c. Every guaranteed ade's drug store. 25¢. brushes brush weeks, Mrs nesdav morn Frankviil three on Wed esidency seventv-four years Monday morning" for ; at an' illness of Rudd died g, at her nr aged "On books y ter mes wr mn ten library new ar rived Drug Store. t, 19¢ . LIS 2 Hiei " pride, N.Y. You'll wake up some that the summer weat in its place good cool : in Better 'buy your heavy goods now and be prepared for it You'll also have | the advantage of choice. The store] i chuck full of | Ties. New Suits, $10 to $21 | wo will "all Overcoats, $10 to $183 for vourself. EP. JENKINS CLOTHING C0, 114 Princess St. Mary Purner . on Monday time Jane at Ww some Only One "BROMO QUININR," that is = Laxative Bromo Quinine Pures a Colin One Day, Grip in 2 Day 3 Col things w © t , and ther not m inst « permit. nme a see on every Dr eabox. 5c None | defeat by | trim for | on all | t this | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTORER 2 | i Hmusements. (aRiND GPERAY HOUSE) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21ST. The Best Of All The Yanks, OUR NEW MINISTER By DENMAN THOMPSON. Author of The Old Homestead, with The Original New York Cast, Including JOSEPH] CONYERS as the CONSTABLE. This is the first of success to Kingst Will make you laugh ache. Prices, Seats now THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22ND. HH. WEBB CHAMBERLAIN In His Up- To-Date Comedy Melo-Dramatic' Success, oOuT IN IDAHO 8 Supeste] by a Clever Cast of People. A Beautiful, Natural Story of the Golden West. . Famous Acting Dog, Mist, SEE Funny Judge Lynch Trial. _ Wonderful Eleetrical Storm in Second Act. Special Prices 15.25.35 Nothing Higher. Seats now on sale. visit this great until your sides $1.00 i - 285¢., 35e., Sc T0¢C on sale. The The The Roller Rink Recklaws, To-Night. will keep in shape to practice | Liberal Rally At the Committee | ner Princess and Wellington Sts. TO-NICHT Sydenham, Nos. 1 and 2. Victoria, No. 24. | Kingston Reform Assogiation Rooms, Cor- '.} in J. McD. MOWAT, President. Board of Education last | SIR RICHARD CARTWRIGHT will the 'electors Kingston and Portsmouth in GRAND OPERA HOUSE Safurday Evening, 24th Inst. AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. All are invited. address of " Pr J. McDONALD MOWAT, President Reform Association HOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS wate mi-det bounded | street water dwelling houses; gore Ordnance B street, tached chunections, by Barrie, House connectic frame S. on on and For terms and h part ATS MACDONNELL 38 & F ARE LL, Clarence >t., City Rustin Household Furniture Mrs 175 WEDNTY Sins York Piano Forsyth Clergy Auctioneer, 'Thone, Card of Thanks. THE ASRKIGNEES OF POLICY 20,051 and Lancashire Life irance ) the Insurar Corporation desires to ¢ Thomas Mills, General A a fail setlie inant nd 81,500 receive splendid profit rotection. Ww AS N As Agency hanks to of FISHER, th Card of Thanks. I DESIRE TO EXPRI MY ire s faction with the results B ndown Policy, which » London 1008. » years ent was und in- in addition 1 » 25 years insurance ARCHIBALD KNIGHT, Market Cardener 846 University 'Avenue. 20th, 1908 Kingston, Oct Fall Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received | all fall importations for order work | in his tailoring department. His rea- dy-made hing and gents' furnish- ing departments were never better as- | sorted. ; Ema---- brushes." ger ones at Gibson's Store. BH. Joston, Pad Genuine vd- Drug Red ( "Shaving brokers, into bank- X Gay & Co., stock were petitioned ruptvy by creditors As a rule, two kinds of religions he too many lliefs in a household is one 4 | those favoring ) L4% | bot Lake, | 28 and | Electoral Distric 20, 1908. \ CONDENSED ADVERTISING * "RATES First insertion lc. a word. Each consecutive insertion thereafter half cent a word Minimtm charge for ome insertion, 25c.; three insertions, 50c.; six, $1; one math | $2. WANTED-MALE, TO-LET. TWO BEDROOMS AND A room, at 885 Barrie street. SITTING OFFICE, | ART OF GROUND FLOOR {74 C. 8: Kirk- 42 Clarence St. Apply patrick, on premises. MODERN Hous, ALL Herbert ply Mrs. ab son street. {FE PNISHED conveniences, McFaul, 358% MANAGER, ing house in mining town Ontario House equipped conveniences and furmshings, bed and table linen. None but responsible cepted, Address Box ollice. in with al applicants "C. 0." ac FOR HIGH-CHASE BOARD-| New | except | 9 ROOMS, Rent moderate.. Whig | WEIL 11a FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH rn conveniences, with or with ey board. Apply 176 Clergy St. | HARD- St. OVER SIMMONS' ware store, No. 213 Princess modern conveniences. Apply to Cann, 51 Mroek street, RE ON KING STREET, AD MEN WANTED TO LEARN irade. Graduates earn eighteen dollars weekly. positions. Will. Squip shops. Con: stant 'practice. Careful a rructions. Few weeks complete course. Cala logue Aree. Write Moler Barber Col lege, Toronto. twelve tc Help WANTED-FEMALE, MAID. APPLY TO A PARLOR 1'. E. Kent, 85 King street. ST WITH HOUSEWORK. Sydenham street. TO ASS 157 Gri. Apply WAGES $1 Residence, GOOD COOK ; Apply "'ihe street. BARBER | secure MRS. A MONTH. * 174 Earl joining Whig building, now occupied by Joseph Hiscock. Possession Oct Apply at Whig office. 4] ! 1st. { FROM OCT. 1.-- BRICK RESIDENCE 181 Division sureet, with twelve rooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, etc. En- quire at 179 Division Sta | "ROSELAWN," THAT HANDSOME stone res jdence, on Union street, 10 rooms, t water heating, all mod- ern Ph IB I stables, drive ¥ house, ete. This oroperty can be bought cheap. McCann, 51 Brock St. AN EXPERIENCED NURSE. to Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, street, Kingston, Ont Beverl OR DINING at Rockwood Hospital Matron. HOUSEMAID girl, at once, Apply to the APPLY | ROOM y MAID, work Gwillim, A FOR GENERAL App in the evening 1 1 4 Barrie street. to IMMEDIATELY, A SMART servant, good wages, no washing © ironing. Apply in the evening, t Mrs. Knight, Alice street. WANTED--GENERAL. HOUSE Mrs. GENERAL | r ol INSURANCE RISKS GOO lowest rates, falr settle R. C. Dobbs & Co Telephone, 480. FIRE companies, ments. J. Brock St. « 109 | The People's Forum FOR SALE. $1,550 WILL BUY A DOUBLE FRAME Bagot St. Ren house an ts for $168 per year. IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR RENT your property, consuit F. BOND, REAL ESTATE AND IN. surance Broker, 79 Clarence St. t. t A. STOVE AND HOUSS- Apply 100 Clergy PIANO, hold street. HALL furniture. A SQUARE PIANO IN FIRST-CLASS conditi Will sell cheap. Apply Whig office. SECOND-HAND HOT AIR FURNACE, cheap, In good condition. Apply Whig office. CAMPING OUT-FIT BOAT, TENT, a and stove. William Follest, 170 Nelson street, QUEER" 8S COLLEGE NOMINATION for Arts Course, Address "R. L. M.,"" care Whig office. NEW FRAME HOUSE, 81 QUEREO St, 8 rooms, wodern Lupreyviaeh us, large yard, good cellar Apply ue premises, ¥ | FRAME HOUSE IN WILLIAMSVILLE, Nelson street, seven rooms, hard wud soft water. 'lwo full city lots go with house. Apply om pi to William Follest, i170 Nelson street. UN Al~ A TIDY FRAME DWELLING, fred Price St., stable and deep lot, right. For particulars, apply to T. J. Lockhart, Real state a Insure ance Agent, 159 'Wellington St. FOUR NEW HOUSES, EARL near University, ber 15th, modern water heating, ply J. 0. STREET, occupation Novem- equipment, hot gas grate, etc. Ap- Hutton, 18 Market St. SOLID BRICK TWO-8 ling house, 9 rooms, bath and separate, hot water heated, electric lighted and gas for cooking. Apply at Godwin's lusurance Agency, Market Square. TORY DWEL- Ww, C, BOUND leather MAGAZINE $ BACK IN ~--Harper's, 1867-88 44 D {EARS AGO people used 16' make thomselves: heard by shouting from the house tops. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISE estimates on electric work. All kind ot work promptly done. F. J. ctrician, 206 Wellington street. JON CLEANING ASHES ou T yards ur cellars, or other baggage carted. Prices right. Apply to Lytle, General Carter, ) Main St. OF L171 and board, fo Good writin stati most reg Whig A Y YOUNG habits quiet rooms about four weeks. facilities Apply sonable terms to Box * office B MAN GENTLEMEN TO GE er overcoats made years' turned and Your own cloth date suits, Price and workmanshi guaranteed to please. Thomas Gallo way, The Tailor, 131 Brock next to Bibby's Livery. also las like now, made made into up-tc MUSIC. Birch, | oF T THEIR WINT St, If you tried that to-day you wou'd probably have to appear before a commission in insanity, NOW-A-DAYS [ the' business men uses cur Want Ads. } Tl 8 | S. SITUATIONS VACANT, r i « | ARE YOU OUT OF WORK? IF YOU are write to us; we have positions open for all classes. Apply, Cana- dian Employment Agency, PERSONAL. t new, MRS. BUTLAND, Wellington St, Wellington St, to attend DRESSMAKER, 136 has removed to 70 and will be pleased to her customers, at once HAIR, MOLES, MISS GRACE CLOUGH, gold medalist. Teacher of Plano an Theory. Pupils prepared for Conservatory Examinations. 83 Earl street. AT.OM., Toronto Address permanently, experi- 0, Kar, Bleush ete, removed without scar. Twenty years' ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, | a, Throat and Skin Specialist, 258 Bagot « warts, d vt MISCELLANEOUS. ACCIDENTS WILL the most liberal cident Insure J Hoon, 149 HAPPEN. and up-to-date ce Policy, consult Wellington Ac 1 street. Kingston and Portsmouth | I have decided to offer myself | the Liberal-Conservative candidate | for the Domir | reques t the votes and influence of | my election. ee A. E. ROSS 'Electoral District | | | | «| of Frontenac. [ Melzar Avery has appointed { J. Thomson, Merchant, of Shar- in the Township of Oso, h is financial agent in the elec- [tion to be held on MONDAY, | October 26th next, for Member | the House of Commons for | Electoral District of Frontenac. WILLIAM BLACKLOCK SR. FOR To the Electors of | At the request of many of you | as rion Parliament and te Returning Officer. ROOMS AND BOARD. GENTLEMEN CAN FIND vleusant rooms, --comfortably furnish- ed, at 144 Barrie street, Modern tonveniences A FEW @ Broekville, | BIRTHMARKS, | The kind that lasts longest gives most heat. volumes. volumes. 25 per ' Whig The Century, 1882-8,-10 Almost at cost of binding, volume. Address, "'R. oflice. MONEY AND BUSINESS. | LIVERPOOL, LORTON AND GLOBE lire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215 fa addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new husiness get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents, "Phone, 56S. i i ARC SHIT ELLIS, CT, 181 University "1 | office and residence, Ave. [HENRY P. SMITH, ARCH | ete., Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant"s Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212, WM, office Drug Bagot street. ARCHITECT, second flour over Mahood's store, corpefr Princess and streets, Entrance on Bagot 'Phone, 608, NEWLAN Ds, MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIR Marriage Licenses, KPATRICKR, ISSUER OF 43 Clarence St. and SWIFT'S THE PARAGRAPH POLPIT Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. Truth Is A Trust. a trust and not selfish It cath be hoarded own d given a have Tor trat How has re mig to speak th a in Tr 18 2 | trea P without «in. If new thought simply been others 1 been It 1 the thought can you face the the truth to ht s k it to others it There is have - not spo- what you mit rut} | tod who vealed that r vou if you fuse ? | more sin in what { ke n of the truth have declared of you you than in the false. Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 | Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the | literature. H. | To the Electors ot of the County of Frontenac : | | of | | | of Frontenac. | John Wesley Edwards, J. W. Suddard, | Cataraqui, in the Township | Kingston, as his financial | appointe d of in the election to be held on MON- DAY, October 26th next, for Mem- | ber of the House of Commons for | | the Electoral District of | tenac. WILLIAM BLACKLOCK, SR, | Returning Officer. # M.D., has of | Fron- | t | FENTLEMEN : 1 beg teins to announce | | [that T am an Independent . Conservative Candidate for 'the County of Frontenac, solicit | and respectfully 'your votes and influence to agent | re-elect me as your repre-| {sentative to the House of} {Commons of Canada. MELZAR AVERY | I Poop ie who make trouble alw | talk of their trials. it | WEDNESDAY, | et op to and including Monday, Frontenac | Election Public Meetings in the interest of DR, J. W. EDWARDS WILL BE HELD AT SYDENHAM----Monday, Oct. PERTH ROAD---Tuesday, 20th. SUNBURY---Wednesday, ol WOLFE ISLAND--Thursday, 22nd. WOODBURN SCHOOL HOUSE-- Friday, Oct. 23rd. HARROWSMITH Saturday, 24th. Everybody Welcome. 19th, Oct. 21st. Oct. Oct. Tuberculosis Exhibit In Ontario Hall. a.m. Open Daily, 9 to 9 p.m. --ADMISSION FREE-- | Lectures will be given as follows | TUESDAY. BR p.m. culogis~Prof The Cause of W. T. Connell, The Prevalence of D. E. Mundell Open-Air Treat J Third. The Need of Organized Farthing Tuber- 8B p.m, Tuberculosis--Dr THURSDAY, 8 p.m. ment--Dr. James FRIDAY, R p.m. Mort- Dean Excursion to Montreal Under the Auspices of Queen's Athletic Committee FRIDAY, OCT. 23rd Via. Special. Train, leaving uo 12.30 sharp. "returning on regular Oet, Pag all 26th FARE $3.65 RETURN. Tickets on sale at Hauley's.

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