Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1908, p. 1

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? --y ie Daily British YEAR 76-NO. 247. i KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1908, LAST ERQITION | Kin ston. Ii the canal were deepened, occasion, he id, that Donald Meln- | GANANOQUE TIDINGS. -- Sadsiae . and the boats sent through, Kingston tyre had characterized his telegram --- . Probabilities : would become a second Buffalo. Mr. las a "fake." A Couple Wedded--The Humane T 0. Harty, he claimed, had not once ad- "I would like Mr. Harty to say | Society Meeting. oronto, ot vised along these lines. The Georgian [what I said on that occasion," said Gananoque, Oct. 20.--A pleasant 20--Urtawa Vale Bay scheme had been played as a | Mr. McIntyre. event took place at the home of Mrs { RT C scheme to get votes for Sir Wilirid "How can I tell that, when I was Graham, Brock street. last Friday ev- ey and Upper St. Ww auner, and Kingston's interests had [in Montreal, and sent the telegram «| ening, when her daughter Miss Clara oo Lawrence 10a, Will Give Plenty of ork to Men | been 'neglected. And thus, instead of | from there replied Mr, zm | py a Decidedly Dramatic Graham, was united in marriage to --Fresh easter', becoming a second Buffalo, ningston amidst deafening applause. Manner Peter Ledger, son of Mr. and Mrs. . % 1 | . James Ledger, Brock street. The cere- wiads, fine an still remained quiet "When I came back to Kingston inter. and met a number of my friends, I | mony was performed before a few of cool to-day and W. F. Nickle"s Address. was told that Mr. McIntyre had re- the immediate "relatives of the con- on Wednesday. nd F. Nickle, M.L.A., followed Mr, |ferred to my telegram as a 'fake,' " tracting parties by Rev. W. Hatt Lips- | ® { McIntyre, and thestonservatives in the [added Mr. Harty. = R | combe. ro i cheered as he arose to speak | "It is all a falsehood," declared Mr. Rev. J. Tallman Pitcher, pastor of HA = ROK A Telegram That Was No Fake as D. Al I'he chairman said he was very sorry | McIntyre Grace Methodist church, will preach that there had been any interruptions | Mr. Harty called upon the chairman the initial sermon of a series of six Givens Testified---Lively Times al City and expressed the hope that there [to see if the, jek gram be now pre- BY TAKING A VERY DECISIVE special Sabbath evening addresses on BEAUTIFUL : would be no more. --- | sented was K., and Givens re- Sunday evening next, when the topic H i N : ti on Monda Mr. Nickle said that if any person |plied in the affirmative. ACTION. will be "A Soul to Let." a omina IONRS ly. desired to ask him a question, with | "This contract for twenty-five en- -- For the first time sinee last June, Sourtesy, he would be glad to answer. | gines means bread and butter for some She Threatened: to Invade Bul-|2ll the forms of the local public AND ontinuing, he said that he was [2,500 people for the next three or . G Britai Ww a schools, were open Monday. In one of the livelicst meetings that | tent to merely float with the stream. {8mazed at the liberals having to go [four months," said Mr. Harty "Is garig--Great ritain oul Gananoque was fairly well repre ever followed nominations for the fed- | When one found such great issues, it outside the city for a speaker. He | all this the work of a 'faker Hin Not Stand For Any Pressure | sented at the nomination meeting in | cral, or even the provincial elections | was certainly no time to ask for a did not think the conservatives ever |is, it must be a new word in the Eng- on the Turkish Government. Delta on Monday afternoon. George | A : had occasion to import a speaker. As | lish language, and if that is the case, Paylor, M.P., chief conservative whip, | ¥ in the history of the old Limestone | change. The liberal party had a ; I ! " ; 20 The ta x 1 tr : regards certain things Mr. Dewart | I will try and 'fake' you all 1 can in London, Oct. 20.--The dramatic of Gananoque, and W. C. Freden- City, Hon. William Harty, the liberal splendid legislation, and there should . : > o er in which war was ave 4 standard-bearer for this riding. the] be no question regarding the return [Pad said, he did not think it was | this way (Laughter and applause.) et B which Ie raved st burgh of Westport, were both at hand Be On | to accept their honors. : { right that the gentleman should take | "'If you think Dr Ross will do wople's popular candidate, 'a man | ©! Mr. Harty. (Cheers). 2 ts go . : ? . seme les: 8 WwW 2c 3 mn : : ry has pep sixteen years in parlia | In his closing remarks, Mr. Dewart the liberty of casting reflections or imore to promote the interests of - med i hope hos : ae i i BL, nec I'he annual business meeting of the mont. looking after the inte i said that he was sure the liberal striking down men behind their backs. | Canada and the people of Kingston, nown in diplomatic, circles. bulgana | Gananoque Humane Society was held nent, looking alter the interests o bri ais Mr. Dewart had s statoments con A I Mp : Li + J had both the desire and purpose tol: 1 . M his country and tl people of his | would win out Sir Wilfrid Laurier | Mr. Dewart had maae statements con- {said Mr. Harty, in his closing re- nfor conflict if possibl nd T in the town hall here 'on' Monday af: 8 it » 8 , . ¥ a € : : . : . enforce J p SS : re . ' home town, won a great triumph, | Was sure to be returned by a large |¢TMNE a Mr. Price which were untrue, | marks, "then send him there by all k h : o r full Po oh : - ternoon. The reports for the past wn, ' a larg wo b Ye ey rege ' ce 4 y The large gathering was held in § the | majority, ai d he did not want to see and the speaker had a tele; gram to i means. It is not for the love of the y Es = i 7 the 3 = Ate oy year were of most encouraging na- FF was 3 4 . - 1 x ), 8 > TIS1S. 2 1 4 m : - | Xo City Hall on Monday afternoon Kingston left out of the line on the | Verily his statement. The telegram | work that I would go back, but if | I art ns . re i. i i i i ne © | ture. The elections of officers follow- nd alte YO J . on oe a se ) « e Sy : m a I rston' City Hail, hist i evening of October 26th. (Loud |V28 Te d. you so desire, 1 am satisfied to re : epee as POWErS |. : President, Rev. J. T. Pitcher : Kingston's ity ail, historic ir 2 As 1 vids the eloc rahe ake LT .a . " |in favor of peace had little efiect at 4 or ro" . many ways, wis: never 'before the As regards the election, the speaker {turn and work for vour intere Sf stl Russia. finally. took dedi secretary, Mrs. T. Rogers. | £ : as vi 2 . ' Sofie ssi « "ci s- riiash : scene of such activity as it ------l said that he had no doubt but that | (Loud applause.) re uu 3 She ! ag 1 B ND i Visiting out of town : Miss Phoebe 3 R i Iv V a 3 * 1 ' . 3 action. " p < vy 1 J M . * re this marked oocesion. and n Donald McIntyre Spoke the conservatives would do even bet | Before tak hi aat, Mr. Hs ye 8 ; : & ul te Ly, gus ia Bryant, Garden street, in Kingston, Jilhe ¢ ' ter in this campaign than wey had nounced t Si Wilfrid Laurier | _ . t To Ru Be ns anlly wn ee 1€r | the guest of the Misses Elder, Ord- E le 881 Ops J 3 eh Rox a 3 Joi Puen h Sent nance street. Mrs. KE. Beerman, King > ¢ § cons ) { : . 2 tr . J = aa a Nag wr a bi A 0 street, in Brockville, the guest of Mr. co itry ade £ yt "O) x y ® Le Lou's m the} and Mrs. A. Bennett. Miss Lulu Beer- A ever done before he : levied by acdlematicn 3 ovation as that which was tendered Jon to speak on behalf of Dr. Ro In "H : I ; last aloetl had been ted by acclamation in How much did that last election | Quebec, and this announcement north. That save + si i , : . t Ferdi r ha aved JH uation man, King street, in Brockville, for a rdinand 8 government hac no ehoice | o,upge in the business college. to the gentleinan who is contesting | opening, he said that he was glad to cost you ?"' asked an elector, address { brought. ahout ; w=. char M the cqming election, in upport of | learn that national questions were to |; his remark to Mi Nickle he ' Ra re yt REEFS: t wi Canada's greatest statesman, Sir Wil- | be discussed the ¢ ior TR as : 1 1 cheers were afded wheh 1» vas sale fut. Laurie and th il . ol mini Hi : Ie [h M pa gn Mr. Nickle said that had there been | that Mr. Lanctot, liberal 'candidate at but t tify Turk fl lesi ' wr, an we wral adminis » was glad t« v y ¢ 'i y > skew or osir ESE 8 ¥ f. Dewart | 4), election protest, he would never | Richéliey, had also heen -glected by ac- te 9 3 { - J Dy er 1d i Visiting in town: Mr. and Mrs. Ios peace and lo a ih wou 4) "| George Wright, of Oshawa, with the ore shes we railw : , T : on e railway question fiatter's mother, Mrs. Thomas Reid; and would negotiate conciliatingly on | \re W. S. McDevitt, of Brooklyn tration. «The heavy artillery of the |! ie meetin * was a Canadian, |}. ve admitted that his victory was | plamat nemy was foree \ \ »% y x WL fr i: ' imataon sncu)y ves out In full f ji with the ! ha F i to be pre- | soured through corruption, and add "W. Fo Macken the crank of i the onservative candidate, r. s se e wake I that the ed "1p * f rt x Ross, and a squad of his s orters would n ' 1 Mm Sue y , by aecla her ) ece is : \ qa A his supporte n such alow | threo or four months' work I ever had matic, ied" Mr. Harty, and this other matters. On receipt of thi | Lith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. From the drop of the hat I w ? I { y bY communication on Saturday P'vrkey Beatty, Garden street Miss Maud against it ' : Ene x on Iv: the Sudiones 1 2 promptly ; countermanded ler orders Wilson, of Willet sholme with friends can deny the fact that liberalism won | hearing about the locomotive works | "Sh Nick] i that both Nr joie. Lo, ve 5 . for mobilization. Austria has also}; 3 ) ] Mund Mont the day. It was an occasion that wil hrough Mr. Harty r ! toile sau th ath Xi 1 ives us a)stggt-ofh of two 10 |, taken a.more friendly attitud for 2 few days; John Munden, Mont- not " 4 b for tt 1 tl 2 t "I ives at fig and Dr. Ross » rood citizens, | said Me H A and' again the | : on % : r ten = tL a veal, with his family, Brock street. it soon be forgotte »y « a 10VE OW d an org: » 1 . , ¢ ay ywards key ( 8 ns \ 1e > ia rowd that w ¢ a eo fore." 1 A p o! rgal wad bee stated that Mi | crowd. cheered. Mr. Harty also stated ay h ap 7 an a n u ig te The following who have been visit- « ( as prese ore, « 1 1 1 far ; i ¢ she prefers ) nes \ 'th . : I : : y an employer of labor and was | that 7 no conservative candidate had Preiers lo nujoliate Nit ing at a distance have returned to Reference was made to the meetin mite It} . : wlth 1 : RE VE ¢ her direct on quéstions rigarding Bos s x Sar ' » wealthy. Dr. Ross was not wealthy, 1, 0. nominate "in Prescott county town. Miss Pitcher, Sydenham street, in Monday's Whig, and a report ap Continuing, MelIntyre | i he call cite ior volunteers 10 'pomina ted J Scoy M nia and Herzegovnia. Turkey svm- § ;. Mrs. Frederick Bell fr peared, giving the proceedings up te he conservatives welcomed Dew but when the call came lov volunte | Theré wert no, further speeches after pathizes [with this suggestion ard will | 2o™ Ottawa. | IS. 'TOUerIck J from you with. You must see them to » 5 4 I : for South Africa, that gentleman went | qo Harty concluded, and the meeting infornt 'the SS uEg Wo | Syracuse and Rochester, N.Y. Miss know: what + Lhey an = TODAY n 1. powers ol her desire that | po. ice Herbison. Pine street, from we emphasize a great line of three o'clock, but it was after thi wrt, but only on the ground that he i 1 : : : . : . to the" frent in ordef that the coun lo ith hear ; ' hour that the meeting commenced te vould tell the truth. Tt w lesired : : was brought to a elose, With hearty | if a conference be held at ail whiel re . . g 4 3 t sired pv" mignt have one more for the con ; « Li WTR: : : is } ts me. M. Birmingham, Leeds wax warm ft was not until five hat he should give food an wets f 'inser De Re would Ab cheers 01 the Kingy Sic Wilfrid Law {she no longer asks, it shall confin Willetsholme. a two months' visit in eg aye ¥ ; gent, Br. SS, e nile say, |... . "i H 3 , e I: ¢ ' A « 8 8 8 o'clock that the meeting which wa uidance. All that was 'a Was f aod" Tor the heat: irintiples and | rier and Hone Hillam Harty. The | itself to Bulgaria's action and the | & ¢ ] 3 3 rilis ailings pa or 18 I princi , os conservatives "present Were very mum question of compensation for. that ac askatchewan. Gy these principles were not of the peanut h their cheers. hbt-bne eal beth 3 m Ompenge a The following who have been visit- In The locomotive works were not with ther /chigars, hot=bne. echo. DEINZ tion I'he discussion of the confer ing here have Ye turned. Mr. and Mrs : class 0co 8 Wee ; ' « re + returned. Mr. 8. --_-- ye, in issue in the présent campaign, Cor heard at closing. ence problem continues between the seorge KB. Abbott and family to Hart : 7 an issu fe ¢ aig - _-- < a 1 : ] weorge EK. / t ail) - Mr. Dewart Continues. Fhe speaker said that in this can servatives he said, had votéd cén- SR powers, but the desire to call one is ford, Conn., after spending the sea- Continuing his address, Mr. Dewart | 98180, the government was coming be- | irgots for these works HHAHARAAAANAS diminishing one more than one im-| "on Hay Island. KR. W. Irving, : ore \ b. SUB OS scrpel : ) "ques 8 NY 3 said that the conservatives had found " : op ug pot th ar rd Mr Harty reminded Mr. Nickle that | SS0LUTELY FALSE portant 'question M.D., superintendent of Kamloops themselves to be up against a snag d. asRINg az-reneWal of confi- Hp "fhese ses the company had the * ABSOLUT . --- sanitarium, to Toronto, after a short Great Britain's Attitude. visit here with friends. during the past few years.' They found government 'might be look- | |gwest eres: London, Oct. 20.--The following may * that they could not safely attack the | *d upon as. an immense business, with | "Ang does Mr. Harty wish to infer | #% =~ Ottawa, Oct. 20.--G. W. government on its poiiey, and had be regarded as a semi-official state AAAI ment regarding Great Britain's atti : ' > REASON GIVEN. Ee oe ~ HH * SF HAHAH HHA HHH cheers) fore was a public man given such an Donald McIntyre was then ealled up- » election cost me the hardest | {i Jige! s Also elected Political questions of the day were eve ¢ the ha een in the past, discussed at some length, but no one Fhe « ery shad forever been NHK If we were to elaborate ever so much over the beauty of our Dress Goods. We couldn't convey all the points we wish 10 impress HS 5 HERNAN Ho ORAS HHS VT presided over by Ald, Givens, ad acts and nothing more, Rich soft All Wool Cloths, in beautiful two and three-tone effects, in all the desirable shad ings, and we offer them in both the smooth and the rough finish Would be good value at $1.00 OUR SPECIAL PRICE, Tbe. Our Broadcloths We are showing a great range of these very desirable cloths, in all the staple colors, together with the more ultra fashionable shades such as Journed. And that is what voir got," said ¢ "+ % * & ¥ AHASKHAC cat variety of details. Many were | that he gets contracts: when he has |#% Dawson, inspector of peni- taken up the ery of scandal as a last the methods that could be applied, | {5% "the lowest tends?" asked Mr. |#@ tentiaries, was shown, by 08 Ir toss hac ferred 0 W 3 resort. Dr. R wad referred { ti tude in the event of a conference on ¥ the near eastern question : Great Bri vith success. He might first go to | Nickle ¥ the Whig correspondent, a *® "3 : tain is determined to consent to noth- | #¥ An acclamation for Sir ¥ ~ speaker characterized as a most un upon the doctor in the s The | Harty Standard which stated fortunate affair, and one for which the | #Overnm iad appointed a royal | Ny Dewart was very brief 'in his [#0 that the Warden of the government could not be held respor OIMTSSI0) » see whether things had reply, taking but a few moments, al penitentiary there was to sible. The best#engineers that coul een carried out right or wrong. This {wine Mr. Harty the bulk of the be replaced. Mr. Dawson, we secured, had been employed on the TL on ad been composed Of | time. One point he brought out waé who has just returned from work, and no blame could be attache rec liberal I'he speaker then read | (}a¢ the Whitney election could not a visit to St. Vincent de to the government. Land scandals in | Yom the reports, which referred ' Ibe taken as any criterion inthis comi- | % Paul penitentiary, said that the west was another cry of the op- [ome wasteluiness the charge being [5 dection. There was nothig'| % there was absolutely no position, and an effort, had been made | Mae that the government Some | whatever in the charges which had |3¢ truth in the Standard's to make capital out of the Crow nstano had h ed wil * heen made against the liberal admin K statement, that the ques- Nest Pass question, and the Japanese : dese Mmsdolngs, he » istration, and he.advised the elect 4 Ition of replacing Dr. Platt immigration question. All these che in i RY 1 1a ig cet pay no attention to roorbacl ¥ had not even been consid- res had tur i be untrue RE A Tl rp a at cur LN it out by the opposition at the las ered, and that there had peaker did not wa a ) « t| '" 0s : "i o hour. The best brains*had been put never been before the de- the idea that als are no Php | Eh es In a into the projects brought Torward, partment any suggestion afraid to eo ions of e tI : 4 Y Jae. we wad a asked every elector not to be that he should be replaced. day. On the « ind, th et re} ; tadered. Yaluahe | pampering in easting his ve 1 Mr. Dawson's denial of the He ) ad beer ¢ away to men 4 iv i lel . to thi false statement report was unequivocal in e extrem not alive to the. welfare Co onsense. The the sattelie: \ ' 0 20.--A a he py i try. If they could but rea all that claimed, had Mr. Harty Replies. | IIIS RAR A henna, et. 20.~Austria has pro- | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | had been accomplished by the liberal | beer £1 lle at both ends. | When Mr. Harty arose to re w {7 ol lestod to ine Serviah government Reporters On Their Rounds. | rame the y Wi against the anti-Austrian demonstra Harty and zood. times in. Kingston. 3 amidst | cheerad to the oc all through . THE LATE JOHN F. PARKS tions of Sunday, which were the most P.C. Driscoll is able to be around juvernment, they would not be con , Ye at ther | cheering was renewed, and -- violent that have vet occurred anc lause speech. He said that never fore gain after hi ine DAILY MEMORANDA. ; "in pe \ {Violent that Jeb. occatfed again after his illness I pays Mc e sa hat the s was he so proud of Kingston, as at| Was Long Time a Resident of [has demanded that the sufferers be Twenty-five more engines. Kingston ( MSOTV 5 wen re ed | 4 i ' 1 : 3 compensated It is stated that but lo buy t rs 3 Rl the present time t was an old sa) Adolphustown. ior Pe tolicacy of the situation: Ags 104 ain be » ti if re k t ing, that everything as fair in love | § panes, Oct. 20.--The funeral of the t { ¢ 2a} 4 ' nat 1 18 nd war The > aust be war-11. 30 is : a -i tria would have adopted stron a ! : ! 8%: late John F. Parks, Hay Bay, who he was too { {NOW anything | a Frid Quebec bridge disaster. This, the | the busitiess of administration, and "Not by a rood deal,'" said Mr.|¥ copy of the Kingston Wilfrid in Quebec East ing endangering the constitution or integrity of Turkey. The question of the Dardanelles will not be raised, i having, with Russia's consent, been would have seriously inter- fered with his plans. It would have invalidated his candidature in Ottawa un- der the law which provides Chassiur Blue, Ocean Blue, Amthyst, Spued de-Port, Paon, Claret, Elephant's Hide, Taupe, Ete. HAAS AHHIASKS FX FF HEHE TERS HHS adjourned sine die. Great Britain cer tainly would not agree to any pro : posal not meeting with Turkey's ap that no man who is already proval, and would resist any pressure a member of parliament ¥* #* ¥ * * ¥* * : 2 on the Ottoman government. The fu- | % can be a candidate for an- ¥ # * * ¥ ¥* HH FEFHKEE other seat. This may ex- plain why a candidate was brought forward at the last minute, ture of Crete will not form any part of the programme of the conference It will be discussed by the four pro tecting powers, but Great Britain wil 5 F# WHE EHAE NOTE--~We bought at } Steacy's not consent to the proposal not ap | proved by Turkey | | FREEFRNRFFEF EFRE REARS HHHHOEASRIENK quite ready fee ery question charged that the conservative ere : INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Austria Protests. ------ FHHSEAEEEISIE 0 4 be prosperous still. The Bijou draws the erpwds to sec its up-to-date moving pictures. Robert J. Reid, Princess street, left, to-day, for Montreal, on business ents had beer dean » make 1 we. The dr sed was well and Altogether More Hopeful. The Kingston and Pembroke rail apital out of ¢ nark h d made | voral known throughout the town Constantinople, Oct. 20.--It is am- | road brought a large number of peo at the meetin n W era hous i Ad hustown, having lived {nounced that the government is now | ple from Sharbot Lake and inter when he stated the he liber: he many vear He as seventy- | willing to negotiate with Austria re- | mediate points party vd held e Cl " NYO Vear f ag leaves besides | garding Bosnia and Herzogovnia, leay On Monday evening the city was nu wife a family of three daughters, | ing the question of Bulgaria, to a con-| thick with smoke, but the wind clear l one son. The daughters are : Mrs, [ference, if a conference meets The ed it away towards morning. It was Bowen Pérry, William Hambly [situation i altogether more hopeful [quite heavy on the lake this morning not apj iat v fal t land Mrs. John Hambly and Newton [to-day as regards foreign relations, W. J. Savage has the painting of word Had anyone er Known | parks A C. and C. B. Parks, of [but as if to off-set the improvement | the quarters in Fort Henry He says { to-hold ar er he neck 7 | Hay Bav, are brothers of deceased..|in this direction, domestic troubles | the section chosen will make admir- He assured the ' t £ The Tunes il services were held at the [have sprung up ible and cosy quarters for the sick respect iu ot od wig Th ds. What | house, Rev. Mr. DeMille officiating, De- | -- The interior is being kalsomined and | -- desired t lint out, was that the | ceased was a consistent member of the | PITH OF THE NEWS. painted. ROBERT J, REID, the boss party. (Cheers Methodist church. The funeral was| A woman who is weak, nervous and iyone who had followed him careful |jargely attended on Sunday after- | sleepless, and who has cold hands The Leading Undertaker. In Canadian History. would. not be put "dows | The Very Latest Culled From All| ,.4 feet, cannot feel and act like a |'Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. : "Gn dity Hall | Over The World. well person. Carter's Iron Pills equa -- tp mttst us st ------------ \ isl « ! 1 1 ut I have a speech to make that . Four persons were killed in a tor-| lize the circulation, remove nervous- man y h « ons, and did not iutend 1 . i ' led ore Bush Fires. ar | : r a8 hort pt ands. » be put down now will take only two minutes , ad aed > n 9 Mr. Si : {nado and cloudburst near Clayton, | ness, and give strength and rest. 3 Pa Fr Bal eas od v Mr Harty, and it is one that will i levna, Oet. i . tr, Full drove 'N AM. A caretaker in the contagious dis- ri das ase b ninior satisfy every workingman in Ki the stage to Denbigh ior r. Johnson, i william Patterson, of the post: office | ease hospital, who has seen many nnounce shed . day 3 , aka baa . y " . : Called For Order. ton. 1 might talk all night, until to- | who has gone to Uataraqui to att nd | 4 partment, is confined ta his home |smallpox cases, says the cases he has overnment and Rup § oly ea ke ¢ chairman said he would have to morrow night, or even until the night | the nomination. Bush fires have again | | throug zh illness had to attend to were, in many cases two orl three in the audience put | of October 26th, and then could not {sprung up, which makes the surround { A new disease diphtheria of the only chicken-pox. ; NEW TABLE RAISINS the hall, if they refused to keep | satisfy vou like this one message will, [ing country very SEOky. Me. amer- | skin: has developed in London. Eng Harold Gibson and A. W. MacDon- v » a ro EE 4 3 « Yo . in rt and : + . "1s : > ' ¢ Teas Spot Mow oo THOT i ss Stored, I No Ha {Applause.) ; 1 \r. Ps _-- RE ie ad Anti-toxine is used to eradicate it. ald, Queen's, left for Toronts, to-day, | NEW WASHED FiGS Helntyre proceeded ie y, arty then read a telegram . ams, t . The Chines i riohts x isos ( e meeting of the executive meeting in the opera house, he | which he had received during the ai- | vicinity buying cattle and sheep. * a en i ig hy Bend AF 1 . to-night, when (AN PASK) Mr. Harty had made the state-]ternoon from Montreal. from A. Pringle, Arden, passed through 1h a i } r Rus- | Queen's te oainst cadets I be ! ; € . t \ any Thy alma as Tar ci | iamentary country like apan or Rus- | Queen's protest against cadets wi » NEW WASHED FIGS ment that the liberals had held the | Butze, purchasing agent of the Grand |village last Thursday after inspecting i ia considered ople of Ningston by the neck for | Trunk Pacific railway. which brought the Mountain Road. hs or ¥. King M. Thomson, the Fr minister of Teas grown at high altitudes on the (IN GLA venteen years, He said that the men | an order for the turning out of twen- and daughter arrived home atter visit- | o consured ut} re: = To there the g i | marine as censured the French | mountain slopes of Ceylon, where the of Kingston were free men, and they five Mogul engines, at the locomo- ing rélatives at Mississippi and El. manne, wa sh 2 at rth is sl Pe 1 ecultivati "> NEW STUFFED FIGS Xr ' . ) ty-hve ogul eng x al om J del p : Chambers of Deputies ¢ i has resign- growth is slower and cu tivation more i . should not take this remark from | tive works. phin. Visitors : John ore; wife Mra [ed careful than in the warm, humid cli- (IN GLASS) anyone | family, Mountain, at Mr. anc rs ; : i » he Cobourg, had his leg | mateiof the valleys, are used in "Sal ) a . ; rt or t's: Yaws ) 4 Leo Deheny, obourg. e A . [his last remark of Mr. McIftyre's The Telegram Read. Damon Aptet I Daw on, Ditaws bs | eo crushed by collision with a shunt- ada' Tea. High-grown tea, like A ( 1 ith a storm of hisses, but | F. Ostler, Ringston, . ' ling engine that amputation was re-| "Salada" is not only of finer quality, as. & en O § 6 )? was A storm i At this piece of good news, the yj, and : vke, Vennachar, at I ins f the essential oil | { jootors should not | audience - hroke - into pandemonium. | yp. and Mrs. 0. Gorr's; Mrs. Morris | quired. : : bit Coming URS BY er noutiy ol IMPORTERS - OF FINE GROCERIES is CW be the | Cheer after cheer went up, and it wa A M 1 Mrs. J. Godkin's; | The only elections by acclamation, |in the leaf than valley-grown dea. | 0 wa meres i? sun m e heid by the o o " inut ag before Mr. Hart Wis Athens. a - wh) 1 5 1 a fl ' | yesterday. with those by acclamation | This is eas proven by comparing a ' stor) Som Hn ) rd . Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons made a Hy. of W. F. Maclean, in South York; and | drawing of "Salada "Tes with . any EVERYBODY COME. } - ble t y wed When order was ; . renslov la sok: Job " 8 reg wrong-doing on the pe abi to proceed 'R * f ing trip to Wensley last week: ohn , die 3 le 4 " "Save Your Eyes. { the vernment, the speaker se maintained, he read the telegram, pouolas is engaged drawing merchan- Hon. L. P. Brodeur, in Rouville. other, And pick out your Stoves for next " : -- , | which ra: follows, dated from jie. fr ant Station for the mer- [homas Mackinnon Wood, liberal AL. Winter. Not too many, but good onem, - Mr Hl: arty was not the man eh vant rs } | dise from lLavant dilation ; _P.. for St. Rollox, Glasgow, in the | Killed By Trai st, TURK'S. "Phone, 705. - : wh nduet down. He claimed Montreal chants -here. Our cheese factory has wl 1 y 'train, £ We have the t students' Mr ong i 1 ot onee vote ¥ 'Yo C. rmingham : Your proposi- closed for the season. Wesley "Martin British Commons, has been appoint- | Havelock, Ont... Oct. 20.---Thomas Highest Rub 1 a r. Ha ty hi i . . tion of » 15th received. You may ic engaged to work for 6. Ostler dur- od) under secretary for foreign afinirs. {Smith was instantly killed in the ( : ghes ubber Valaes. " " EP oh ax this. Mr. Harty had enter my order for twenty-five Moguls, |i,» the winter At Omaha, Neb, Sewell & leita, P.R. vards by being run over by a| When you buy rubber goods here NICKLE PERFECTION. HO fo amvthing in the pro-|subject to terms and conditions "idis< 5 pe reputed to be worth hall a million |..." The unfortunate man's head was (you~ get Jresh goods and the very i aceon ed anything an the j . dollars. shot and killed Eva Hart crushed to a pulp, one wheel passing | best quality that it is possible to Brother Kills Himself. whose company' he has been keeping | |. the centre of his face and one |%et for the price. Two-quart hot factory. --(Signed) A. Butze." Chicago, Oct: 20.--Arnold Lueigert, {for some time, and then took his own hand and one foot were cut off. water bottles, made of pure. rubber 2 \ on very el g oh Ele ' 5 00 7 'also the questi Sehr After the am was read, the brother of Adolph L. Luetgert, the life. ; bet f a {red) S0c. up, at Wade's drug store, . . ' 4 ot wpplanse was renewed, and Mr. Harty Chicago sausage make whose con- In order that she might pal " & onh- Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days ed Be 4 sotion for the murder of his wife a pelled to testify against her lover, : Ys: : . otha continued, pu . referred to: the time Yiction 10v Ye was one of the most Hattie Reaume, a Detroit girl, was! Pazo Oistment is guaranteed to One man was ilied and See others when ke purchased the locomotive (lew yeal 1 "i the criminal annals of married to Fredérick Doumouchelle, of | ure any case of itching, blind, bleed- | were injured by the collapse o a sensationa' in li 'T satiad ' in the county jail in ling or 'protruding piles in 6 to 14 {vault at the Harris Abbatoir Works, hic Kee 'a f the Wi had se La telegram from x E Ha Robertson Bros. a i : ston, notifying the the country, has committed suicide in Walkerville, Ont., dn OF money omded. 306, Toronto. Ary sould carry larger cargoes of grain to people of bis purchase, It was on this 'a spectacular mauner.at Ligin, Hi, Detroit, measures last, took j ¢ on Sun Pol i ithout love aughte oppor afternoon to erside cemetery, | { | | Funeral w Yo ly, would understand that this was |h00n. the meaning he wished to convey nssed by telephone. Confirming or- s lam v . toll later SW satis Cots with green nortatior ve der to follow later. Answer if sati

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