TRAINING OF CHILDREN. A Sermon in St. George's Cathe- dral on Sunday. up child in the way and when he is old he PLAYED LITTLE GAME BUT LANDED IN THE HANDS OF THE POLICE. I'rain a he should go 1 depart | text for a re Sunday ot. will Farth- mon not m it wus Dean mos isin id schog Sun night ther blessing of there 1 James Burns Goes to Jail For on Begging on the Street--Rain- coat Stolen From An Hotel-- Cases at. the Police Court. Although James Burn fender," made a str thi ervthing George's cathedral s no blessing like t dren," said the no responsibility so great as the train- mg of children. We, the church, take the view that 18 the dear child of God from baptism, ' and does not need to brought within the bond of His love, after bitter pentance. But because ~ of that bond of love we teach the cluld that he {should always joviully serve hi Heavenly Father. The happiness {misery of both child and parent de | pend entirely on right training trom learliest youth, yet how woefully care This 3s to cor less are parents of to-day, forgetting rh that 'the honor of the church, of the bearer for : | state, of the individual, is at stake found | "Too often in this age of material {ism, a child ' is trained not to be, {to do, but to get. A thief can bat higher aim to set before the {is that of dojng. In | home the place where this must raised. Not' that there necessarily be constant talking religion, but the child . should feel that in his home the love of honor tand of truth prevails. When the child the crasping after material things how can things spiri- tual develop in him. Claldren from all kinds of homes are sent to us the Sunday school if we correct them the parents promptly express anger. That's all the support get I'he burden is too heavy for Sunday school workers to The preacher then made a direct ap peal for aid In men an money, equipment of the cathedral LETTERS TO THE®EDITOR. preacher, "'so in a child court a be morning, est, ev went re was not accused « but and only was also charged it begring had in book, peared a by a Carleton which read like tify that I have the three him sober man, of help On the strength had secured upwards of ot the in the book "fake," taking the eral words also developed ti was pretence under false James his possession a small note- or the first page memo, all to be signed Place this known and he and deserving of this, 85, the being and upon ap od clergvman, and the past years, to be a or urns giving the easily be persons That could names being and whole Yoni ' ideal must written 18 thing was a found by to look over were spelled wrong, be anvone trouble the memo and it ut jut a Se was In very then, 1 the Ouse poor hand-writing the words of the boy in there are always people who are to tung, Burns worked his vame all right, least until po lice got on his track. When Jurns about ry, to not James months stable 1 street, | soos nothing but open be and at the in and told the varn did arraigned, a story being on his to go to work, but this the magistrate, been before penalty way coun we with as poor bear had up jail, was the Jateson vo I'wo Con greater for the school. mn Na vion and arrested arn Henry his h told working Montreal as drunkenne He he had beer was just paid A fine 21 was imposed Pearson, claiming up for trate me, wa the magi that The Glenellah Troubles. Oct 19.--(To the or) In regard to the trouble he steamer Glenellah, referred to 'riday's Whig, IT wish to say here was question of v attle at wort on on a boat and on Thursday last and costs, ten days, Robert J. Philpott was accused o While or corner ol Edi { ol oh Kingston, or in that frat disorderly the clock to light a cigar who were drunk and treet, being no Port the I'he report the me and the captain I'his matter verbal agreement that whatsoever between the xcept through I'his malice was n Kingston hy n the police to remove me from refused to removed boat unless there was harge © laid me I iot leave until the made that the charge Some attempt was made but apparently on the evidence of a Instead of any charge wing laid against me I was asked vhat I would take to the boat said that I would leave the boat my eiving the one day's pay me, and transportation to Mon the same being without anv indice as to any civil action 1 take; and I would beg to. the people of King whosover should have taken the M. 1 may find station Prince near Bagot, ternoon, ette. Two Sur Colborne, or at from any Fort for two about one o he stopped Chinamen, laughed at him, than "Philpott could stand after the Celestials, and it that were" flying ret for A gathered down Jjustibeat) that captain my got w William. only mn a nonths 18 some laid attampt ing, and thi uch violent to or mor ago went 1S ¢ wdds on m legred the of around more pig a lew thirty there ment. Insp pened along, and he Sergt. Nesbitt escorted Phil the police Aske had secured the liquor, the «d that he bought it at hotel on Saturday I'he magis fined Philpott $3 and cost 1th away hurt tails' minutes people crowd J 'es was disposed of by he chief nunication an Ss made with no should about a com he great excite engineer Wright hay call to the and was License tor captain and myself the chiel engineer brought to a head the captain bringing the from some sent a police pott where to station he accus said local hip I he trate the 1 ,V he against would option of twenty days the boat Your familiar, not name,' marked the magistrate John who was charged with Murray had a sad tale } been all but 1} pro face appears your to captain at was re nise was Mur being do remember would me harge ray, woken down drunk "1 would have onstable some of the boys had not taken hole f and asked me to drink," he ol said. I way to the coun have Ir try when the mixup 1 lost new am for it all dollars and costs or remarked the court Christopher Cochrane, living at Latimer; left his the oflice at the Lake View lv Saturday evening, and whe he Wi called o'clock, he foun is miscing. While sitting in the thinking bad nore the 1 wearing the rain the hotel leave me was on my to mn a drink and asked fue a razor, ] real, Oorry 3 re nC twenty Iwo night wish to day out oO point that being a young mar ton raincoat ir from hotel, ear i under at the elevator arrest police absolutely with this was plain that trans to Montreal never enquiring hat that wut grounds and tha the fact paid nsportatior ont ine abou ni arrest was cont waiting-room about his hown by m luck, he ee man was wn surprised Gohl was missin \ paid 1 bei coat, walk 1 late I think saul Cochrane to t No ir; 1 don't the reply I bo into i ca u TOD] Glenelah vou my ) stranger Death Of Thomas Clancy. of the in the He had before shis death shock his was man on er ( well-known resident city prote ochrane Sunday Claney day Ss ssed of away, on per helon to. Lim homa only a few came quite a I'he deceased eighty-two wen who vhich as ends about ved country when employe shipping a vour Gunn for as employed | taker of with 1sines tt rent SE -- - Celebrated Silver Wedding. Mrs Murphy, Brew celebrated their silver Friday, Oct. 16th, it 4x twenty-fifth anniversary Were husetts, bu lead, and that Dennis bem hv \ canal We 1waarket | oup loed 1indulpe present til and in ow mid Kingston Golf Trophy. +5 partook of en _ they a beau I'he table 'was trophy, Hewitt candleabra con mounted illuminating The ecorated deco Loa twenty-five eandles l lass centrepiece, magniheent spread arawir elaborately d of red, white and blue which added to the splendo f the happy event : Mrs Murphy received many I a wautitu pr which oom was "treame thbons, sents, which teem they Childre Child n Shut Out Of Bijou fed fre A Ringmas 1, to-day Hl la t} vill be exclu ym the wriormance of > and admitted the performar for their be complete ir altered bene will ompan Bovs L Hookey," cial in people Ls ¢ Magic vou showr os unusually Drawing Bristol erformanc "The offer and 1" ture 1st You | hursqay a The Sleeping mag Beauty pretures ilm own' togethe Chewing Tobacco with other Rich and, satisfying. 'The big black plug. 2268 Pewart, K.( faw ver Hartley Toronto Port Hear the ' who I sprouth to-night Carnovskv's, at of | FL ' 0 5 2g 84 . ; [54% Ve JACK CANUCK ~ FUN WITH You. NOTHING IN THEM - tL Hy / 7 BOYS, WHOEVER SOLD YOU THESE CARTRIDGES THEM CLOSELY YOu F THAT DOESN'T BAG AN WHEN You EXAMINE NOTHING BUT NOISE . | / | TELEPONE 838. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE J. P. BICKELL & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS Members of Chicago Board of Trade LAWLOR BUILDING, - - TORONTO. Correspondents of FINLEY BARRELL & CO. -MEMBIDIRS OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW> YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COFFEE EXCHANGE. NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE. ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. MINNEAPOLIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE OF PHILADELPHIA. WINNIPEG GRAIN AND PRODUCE EXCHANGE. COBALT SHARES BOUGHT AND SOLD: CONTINUOUS QUOTATIONS. ~ Clarence Chambers, Kingston, Ont. W. Hector H. Hume, Manager, WAS HAVING IND THERE'S Y DUCKS . HE WAS SHOT IN WOODS NEAR LONGUEUIL. Taken Came Mad ' Man Gun. to the Hospital--Death a Had Used the 19.--Harold vear-old Patter- son of Col Montreal, Oct son, the A. T. Patterson, with a shot at Longueuil, yesterday, by unknown man, died his injuries at the General hospital this morning Young Gordon West were out the bush, back of the town when a stranger came up them and shot them both, the lat ter not being dangerously wounded Patterson was shot through the chest and, it was feared, was fatally injur ed | as proved to be the case Joth boys lost lot they succeeded securing It thought the man did the mad man there was no motive so far as known. ' PITH OF THE NEWS. eventeer gompanion, an from Patterson and shooting in before help a of blood in some that is by who shooting was a os The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Gananoque, in the junior O.R.F.U. series, defeated Brockville by twenty- eight to two, Mrs. John A. Blackburn was burned to death near Shell, W, Va., on Mon- iav, while fichting forest fires F. H. Butler, the English ist, savs aeroplanes will cost than five hundred dollars apiece ten years \ bad wreck is reported to have oe- of Banfi, Alta., in which passengers were killed v balloon no more in curred west and three se eral injured Alarming over spreading Hornell, is the forest to-day the of worst Steamship company has Sarmatian for 830, firm, to camer Italian scrap King Edward i t ip billiards as a winter pastime and fa broker s 8 have taker aid to Croquet is his majesty's » outdoor game Mich., in deaths in Aipena may from Alpena the number of and and Presque Isle farty, 100 exceed towards Se of the Navigation company has Port Arthur I'he weather camer gun, delay which » take shelter I coMmissioner Wanchow Made from and whi the \ kil DT] Yarmoutl hy Sar on October havin pl irda trail raided follow, places were vill department f fig utions It the the sale about nditions I he ! ce North eek, ha Crown the dan appears any time mn incendiarism suddenly serious rey at of st a areat A made agair have S ar aging B to as as bw September charge negro, to setting five much fire village but so done 1 the the started ne wit no part of Another fire clearing 1 ar ired from rations was over Lost Lives \r Children Pa 1 overheat i Slashing. fr all street nes Cobal scene Of (xt 19 (ol \ for church between some man othe used i it Ar were wd badly nd expected Ip a 1s Fort Willian This Morning--Thought | who | COBALT PRICES. | By Direct Wire to J. 0. Hutton, Agent, 18 Market Street. | October 19th. Opening. Close Beaver Consolidated 3 : { Chambers-Ferland lq obalt Central ...... . ) } Lake...... . Reserve Cobalt Crown Foster La Rose Gand Little Nipissing . Nipissing Nova Scotia Silver Silver I'rethewey Watts Leaf nee Jueen LOST HIS LIFE to Save Bush Fire. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 19.--The Scottish Hero arrived at Saturday, and reported death of Mate Malcolm McGregor, Owen Sound, Ont., in a futile attempt to save two lighthous« keepers at Point Iroquois, in the east ern end of Lake Superior, from death fire. The keepers sounded signals of distress as the Hero was passing Point Iroquois, on Thursday A raging wall of flame was sweeping up the point, and it seemed that the imprisoned keepers either must perish in the flames or meet death in the icy waters of Lake Superior. rolling high, but McGregor and sailors put off in an effort to save th Although tried were unable land terrific fires. They forced to give up the attempt. In trving to board the steamer again Mate McGregor fell into the water and lost. The vessel remained the point all day, Friday, trving find McGregor's body but the attempt unsuccessful Later a lighthouse or from the Soo the rs the station In Trying Men From eam- Max the ot but er quette, brave by a forest men. they repeatedly they of the on account were finally to was off was saved and HE IS A SPY. Servia Refuses to Hand Over the Austrian. Oct. 19.--A new torday, in the officer by Servian authorities, who claim the officer I'he Austrian minister has the officer's which war arrest Belgrade, men arose, ace of an Austrian he army 1s a ole the rbsolutely spy manded release Servian authorities reiu do, ling a thor investiga of tion his movements Has Been A Skirmish. Oct. 19 to COrrespont the skirm natal guard t Antivan According ent been Jerlin, Vienna of hlatt, tween there has a an Bustrian mob of Montenegrins a Waters Russian Turkish 19 d a cruiser Sailed For Cronstadt Oct Pwo battleships ar for watch the and Bul to waters Turkey day Turkish levelopments between raria TO BECOME AN EDITOR President Roosevelt to Join Outlook. Oct 19. --Pre nel a contract with Staff of Ne York Roosevelt sident Ww has sig associate from the This is contract African tra = His Outlook the Outlook to act as an editor after his presidency, in retirement March the of | Seribners next subject to existing made write vels for work ir to topics story to Ci connection with the 8 cover political and « Only Three Acclamations. Wilfrid Laurier ean name as M.P. for Q F. Maclean as M.P. for Adelard Lanctot, Richelieu, Que In every Cape l'reton to will a contest hundred and but five elections till a later Sir x South liberal, other seat the-- Yukon There are seats will date that and for irom there be two twenty-one toget be Oet deere supposed that there would be liberals elected last-minute up Quebec but put running fozen ww acclamation, can- he cons been ative diaates No cott in Pres- Mary's school on Friday morning of re-open r th bicveles have been made t ind hes it cl accoun but St separate down, on of will Two 1808 contagious disease, on Tuesday morning or © complaints of the plain cle men are invest | putting | country The sea was | three | light stolen o the police HOARDED MILLIONS. Stored Up--People Do Not Trust Government. In India, apparently, they believe in a little bit away for a rainy day, and the little nt now, it is believed, | amounts to what would be sufficient | nsom several kings Sir Ern a former member of the viceroy council and an ex-president est f India's --|Otisee Nancy=Helen These are reckoned to be first- The stock 15 Have enquiry from. well=informed pers class properties. selling rapidly. made sons. Particulars ON APPLICATION. THOMAS MILLS. Oct. 16th, 1908 Bengal Chamber of Commerce, | I'he London Times, main- | there is an enormous amount estimated, he per authority at £300, I'he vernment to | the considers the British the writing to tains that says, by highest fallow British nancial confidence of people India Sir Ernest me of the weakest parts of wdministration "lt is common knowle 'that for ars past Ind sorbing gold and silver Henry Dunning Macleod his currency, authority 300,000,000, ing g 1 " he says, as been ab- The said, late in tha esti n hi ards £ organ says tl mated the | at and one financial yard mg yearly averages eleven millions sterling If ther anything at all in figures generally accepted, 1 beliey there clarly an normous amount of wealth lying fal low in India. Surely it is worth while naking attempt to utilize at dormant resources for the both of I people and the large "he task may be a one, the difficulties may be well insuperable, but succe would be ful advantages both to India npire is these and they are some ent f hard mgh ss of Champion Balloonist's Story. Chicage Ch 'Lieut wor onicle 1k Lahm Chautauc completely Color le grout lamage of about one millior by insur brick strugture merchant A Woman Burned To Death. i 19. Mrs. Boucher, stdeet, Mile End through her Was treal g at burned to death ng hire w was t clothing eat hile she starting fire stove She was only twenty-one vears of ace Docked At Home. N.H., Bet Maine, the complete x9 ol The the tour Port battles} first Atlantic the around the world, docked at the navy yard thi v nouth to morning. Your Mouth Water when you think of ell-0 THE DAINTY DESSERT. jt So Good. | | 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE. Which is Being Reared at Halifax | Men Ought to Travel in Their | fall significance Philadelphia Pr Secret at a was speaking, porters ten their storie and the text o not get {for going to press two {dom's speech were in As {catch the wrote: | Commerce dinner t HISTORICAL TOWER | DOMINION BREWERY <0 LIMITED, TORONTO. Celebrated! White As a Memorial. India Pale Ale KNX Porter Invalid Stout Every. Cork {Branded RIGNEY & HICKEY 138 & 138 Princess St. MRS. MARY GREGOVICH. Tells Dan- Montana, Cured Philipsburg, How She Was druff. Mi Mary nba 18090 of rical rial of the establish overnme 150 correspond Sketch of Hist lalifax, as a mem n resentative g d to province ent It is design wth of t and it tutional devele TIME FOR OBSERVATION. a apy neations mn again troubled out, and Youth. thie time § with mn nite with 1 by sample Mich Mahood © ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Seo FacaSimille Virapper Below, When : and 1 fied by s of the am The Unspoken Speech Very small and as savy tc take 8s sagas. A DTED o|F0R HEADACHE. CARTERS ron pizzmness. [VER {Faz TazPIo LIVER. PILLS, When of the Chamber New York some vears a FOR BILIOUSKESS. FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. {FOR THE COMPLEXION GENUINE Ws ve . Puraly Vegetable, re PT rere 0 more In one newspa in until of | it was too mails, an "The Honorable W dom dropped dead at the C 1 25¢. Ib, 25¢. Sliced Ham ast Cooked sliced ham, 25¢. { he would have } ford. Craw not dropped deac as follows:" 1 could make over. line, arrived am., inward. a this week S88. Lake Ede, C.P.R. at Point Armour, at 7 failures in such he a thing a% heing and recreation. There's partial to rest were 26 week, 1