Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Oct 1908, p. 1

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A Se ids amen YEAR 76--NO. 2 234. " KINGSTON, ONTAR 10, MONDAY, OCTOBER 5 1908, ---------------- ! PITH OF THE NEWS. | MARC ONI I'S SUCCESS. { The Very Latest Culled From An| | May Put in Wireless From Mon-| Over The World. | treal to eos Breton. M Det 5 Toronto exhibition surplu ll) | ontreal, a2.~Signor + Marconi yout £10.000, x | was in the city en route for Toronto - At St. Petersburg the cholera con- | and the Stat He SAYS that his wire M : W inues to decrease 1 less now transmits about one thous- Thinking the Platform | i 10 oa ur hae doin. |BUIGaria Was to Declare > 0 a0 from one. continent Cadet iS on the ' ed an offe of $5,000 weekly io ' = i to } and is fast becoming a Plank Was Bryan's Ee contre ey ral it To-day. jie tue io ecoming 5 Iver Bugle. erica { professor intimates, however, that his | The C.P.R strike has been finally | Inn line connection is too expensive ' [settled and the men return to work Jan that it will necessitate the wire- s fast as places can be found for; 0 Fl Joss system from Monweal to Cape them. { Breton, if no other remedy can be as- The twenty-four hours' automobile | | sured. _----- race at Brighton Beach was won by 3 -------------------- a ibs . Sa - ford ly D . A FUNNY CONTRETEMPS IN |*. mplex car which travelled L177} BogNIA AND HERZEGOVINA TO | Boys Neazly Drown QUEEN'S MEN WON TWO MORE, miles in the time Tweed, Ont., Oct. 5. --Charles Black OMAHA PAPER. Milverton post office was robbed of | : AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. {and Coleman Martin, two young men EVENTS. - $220 in stamps and cash and the four of this place, narrowly escaped being safe cracker stole a carriage and | vari : : drowned in the lake here. The cance | ""Ken" Williams Captured the 220! r "hi i \ . b ¥ : arious s ve Given As-|" ¥ Editor Chief of Republican Publi-|(oum to drive to Stratford Nations Have Gi AS} hov Vere. in capsized and the boys city Bureau Puts His Foot. In- At Thompsonville, Conn., Theodore surances of Approval of the| (ore thrown in. the water. Black : . Roosevelt, Jr., went te work, Thurs Step--Negotiations Were .Con-|swam towards shore, but some of the Other Events--The Prizes Were | 1 to It With a Vengeance. 3 g ; | | Nel day, ¢ factory hand in the hig | ducted in Perfect Secrecy. | employees of the powder company saw Presented 'By the Wife of the incoln, ch y 3. y f ¢ 1 ¢ | » Vet Fas There was | lant of the Hartford ( arpet com-1 4 p 5.--T} Puri {them and went to their rescue. Young Commandant. much amusement, at fmfview, on 'th pany neon, X De ans COITe- | Martin: was nearly gone, but both are The Royal Military College sports | receipt of the Omaha papers, Ci 1 N pg R > spondent of the Times states, definite 1 } A wese sales : Napanee, 615 at 12}e doing well now wre concluded <Q dav after Frid' ahn oe ui R i , Buloaris ds onds | were concluded on Saturday alternoon : In kn ny Oui i . published | picton, 1.010 at 12 5-16c. to 12 7-16¢.t ly hy that Hlguria to Ja; das), - before a large crowd of people. Fully | Hy Clo OS ' i » iT ' pa. w "OC IE iepends © - : = - - vi 1 ke oa r, me mh r ol the) pantiord, 767 at 12le. to ( 3 ing MI er Dependenes Magistrate Wants Security. five hundred were present from tho | opublics ' © 3 of an > 33 savs the proc o Sr Maen Sot Het: Perth, 1,000 at 12fc; Ottawa, : : Foronto, Oct, 5.--Counsel for Police [eity. The events were all interesting 21 A » ' at 12} tion by the sobrinje. the HBulwarian trate A. 1} Wood, Madoc, on [and closely contested. The meet was reau, ther wa wn eda in t 15d M 1 | ( \.L ules. In the af- ' ¥ ar ¢ an \ sh « : \ ster £ . 2 x v A n Irishmar A v i ke Masts n-Uhamber held und A - 1 oy from a supposed speech.of Mr. Dryar Bir a jh omivke enty day, will announce the-formal annex on the tariff question. The words | 7,' : . ai 1. ation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The 2 ich wan and i eported doing correspondent adds the the Austro on for false npr | weeeded in winning two, and { ' wrmed Presi onment | t against Wood ceuring second in: the other. Mado Furl er, | he handsome challenge bugle | { awe The wl to the cadet scoring the lar- | gest Rumbee of points in the meet was | won by Cadet John McKenzie, King- ton. Five points were allowed for a | | lamation ill probably head of the republican publicity bu take the form of a national declara | Hall, to order | ternoon three events were open to | security for-costs | Queen's University, and. its representa- |» complained of in the editorial were : . v » make his brothers rich also "In all tarifi legislation the trie . : tn .: po Hungary bassador. ir a PL « 1 wovin { 1 1 I dent Fallieres that Russia, German principle is best maintained by the 1 1 3 f 1 11 yp eouncul N » i ( alderm imposition of such duties as will equals ted the difference between the cost of p Y : : Fe f approve we ste Austr duction at home and abroad, I : a 1 4} | proposes to tak Ti with reasonable profit to An t EF i : 2 were conduet » cts cy by h ears From Now terests," Es 3 : : * | Baron Von Aernthal, rian m toe) I l., Oct. 35 In regard to this, the Bee stated|" : \ 4, oreign afin ince Von, Bue- | Rod It fo lent again cight | editorially : "Nothing prettier in post : , : of | 10: the German chancellor ih {near him. I I catch-all line has been offered | " e sky, or Tittomi, respectively, ' of the v d 3 " j oar Gr hast Segson the cup was | campaign, The most profound \ ; | Russian and Italian forvi mist : I [ rth, in a specel [Non oy oh ams with 21 points. | He i ed | , {Ca wet Me Ke nic also captured the as satisfactory, and the rankest hihi h 4 C1 Germany reaso ' port i areal 1 ment au ad | hand ome silver cup for the 100 der can delig ht in it he ee | 1 12:53 y y 4 2 a Austrian mao |B ard da h I'he cup was only put up tion means simply nothin \1 hal id n | gocing Kn for competition this year. The winner | on cans ) } 1 i I 1 4 | r = | first, three for a second, and one for | a third. The winner scored twenty-six | points. He won easily, no one being patter in the country can accept tl . : 5 ...8 The © tempt to legislate along that li ! " . ui | rom the rest I rope af 0 Slays Family And Self. » } 3 x In Ww . " | one other prize. would simply open the wav to inter ' matic sense, epi any 1 ' ; Oct. 5 ; | e ¢ 2 : ver mn « | ! . . : : ' 8 : ' ' "5, 1 "Ken" Williams of Queen's capture minable wranglin \ to what co may have receive 1 promi ) hot lo vent te : ] 1 f ' u ¥ . | A af ' : ni ' the 220 vards race, winning from Me- Litute a reasonable profit," for h | of the Ihar ot ) 1 } in R I which: onde littir now on ne indus mn 1 ? > i Pe habs bot Ap a ma | Kenzie by a narrow margin. 'He cov- ) ro are mone indus# 3 t hm, o wy 0 he | 3 y 1 s ' o i raw materials in another, 1 amount | : eh : ered the distance in 24 seconds flat. wice of ri : in anothe thi are itt a when Lil 2 | throa om ear to ear. He then drew | dig sidered fine time | hates and deawhacks in a third, and ies : GRAHAM AND THE G.T.P. | (ph crop o his own: thro | This is considered fine time for the | n through the list of thousand A 38.000, 12 mi---- on ai w on | RM.C. course, and running against a | Oo on ong of thousands « . " ry : 1 1d eco i ! | { : , ; ------ stiff < sther events 8 a} | articles that are row on the tariff "% mpanyl 1 Accepting Nomination, Defends iff wind. The other events resulte 1 1 I ol tan fo as follows : Revision, at Bryon's direction, won tion th 1} Government Course { | | 4 ip : 4 serve only to hott industrial and com mire 1 Brock vill { Three ls am =H well ad A | al progr and keep busine an i SmMpIre know eral : : i delatitn etindion one marin] prog: : sil k R busi ui non aol children. 'wi ortly largely-attended conve i the | ; | Putting shot--McKenzie, 31 feet 5} 8 us term of ofliee be availabl . ' | inches, first; Parr, second. | | | | I'l morn World-Herald ; x High jump--Cadenhead, Queen's, \t Halifax wa e cornerston ature 3 : m, 5] that the words complained of are a part of any speech of Mr. Ih of a tow: r built In ! feet 3 inches, first; Cadet Amoldi, dian Lo commen the o r t ounane wtion, { second but a part of the trust plank of 4 120 yards hurdles--Hutton, 17 4-5 republican platform : hundred and fiftict} anniversary of t he gatherin vas quite enthusias- i : tio | Xeots ldres { Mr. Graham in accepting Gun race--Won by "A company, Mr. Borden's Promise. While ploughive at Monteltone.: Ca ie nomination. Discussing the Grand 1 i Vancouver, B.C., Oct. 5.--~In a speech | Inhria, a peasant found a Grecian: Paci he said every wollar had Hundred. yards dawh--MeKeonaio, 108 Mi Cowan, the conservative. eandi- {oold coin, weighing two trranmies Ont throug he his department, and | 10 2-5 seconds, first; Burnham, second. | date, just returned from a conference |, ide of the coin wa female the challenged either grit or tory to 3 b Tug of war, finals--C"" company | with R. L. Borden, declared that Mr. | jad id to be e of the rar- (stand up and say that he wa lis- won from *'D"' company, in two Borden had personally renewed Wis {oct and b HEESCEYe yecimens. | honest TR Fa 3 sht pulls. Ci pledge to the people of British Colm know i He va prepared ake o- | Ray ¥ a5 N x vards race=Williams, Queen's, bia that the question of better tern : Ww . hite Pa ponsibih wo everythin tha wad | SN So § wonds, first; Cadet McKenzie, or provincial rights in Britis ol A 0 hae k 3 r steat 1 done on G : ge bia would, if Me. Beprder 8 ar ke v v1 y Hwelve months, and deni tha . 5 xX ) a 5. M. Watts, 4 minutes ed, be submitted fo an independ ah bwi olv i Vilfy ad said the . he | 4 R and econds, first; Orr, Queen's, tribunal notwithstandir he deci COR. oF t 3p Nav cir uilt wo S13,000 000 i | of the conference of premier 1 } a f ver: been de ft in I'he remi did s ¥ { ac \ f four men from tawa a ve ag mtirmed | t the mterest m the cost ol n- | 0) | eae Ines, first, I: second, Class with "C"" company a close second. | establishment of parliamentary I'he feature, of course, was oo : oa 4 ee seconds, first; Boswell, second. 7,000 Bodies Recovered. § Int toh nH r. discov ) The riginal estimate Cer Se e obs le ra as usual furnished Bombay, Oct. 5 \ 1 ' th Nel ' oal m | ¢ y _ ner cost oi or | § - 5 n f semen The recruits were 1 bodi already 1 a be p REGUA nd i ria and change « t tard Hh t n ad went through the many ted by | h departme 3 \ 1 D muir ho S i iraham stat iat the inter ni : I EN LA | stunts in fin order. They did not bad and \ wevails | richest wor : Ahi A . en on the peopl Lanada Dt t ! te t ! i E ¢ as hard a race a in, previo tota § FON rs di le roa ¢ I S ) ' ! | vears vynne finished first, Bl W " « co THE WIFE'S OPINION. | lI, second, and Stewart, third \ ic asked fq \ the events were finished, the enforcement of tl law i wt Wa 1 Thinks Harry K. Thaw's Mefital| Pres Were preser ted to the winners wd immoral the | Cain at aff of AE) i by Mrs. E. T. Taylor. Fach winnee 1 | ! ondluct State Incurable. | was greeted with loud applause as he he last rivet ' KO ' it ! a 25.000 000 harbor Is p en by | alrea I i od th sic 10i ar ! Pe ve ¢ York," O Mi v 1 | Went up to secure his prize Hon. L. P. Brodeur "| there to enforce th l ut- | founds or the vario : +| Thaw, in a sighed statement, given ; - Have vour « e by her, last 1 t t the pres e | At St. James' Church. Gold frames fitted, complete, $1.5 - ---------------- 3' : Ara Nn SR \ her . attorney, ar a O'Reilly, In Sunday thanksgiving services LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Poot ums fat for ' wo months |g qe d Jame s' church At Cowards Blamed For Drowning aw as nis ec rh oC lv communion DAILY MEMORANDA. [ , t to | support and, contrary oh 2 : ; Cn ri rire Dr. McCarthy's Statement san Francisco, Oct. 5.--Dur h : ppost « Contras en- oeleb n Macmorine ! . 4 : x : opinion, n.ol money Las ortace-- ratriv, -and-Rev, Mr 1 ¢ 1 i ( bes settled I r, eithe Ww v conducted the services. At elev anon Macmorine preached > ' shi thank ving sermon to haw, * y 1 a vortl roe meregatior At he eveni S60.000 a ve irs. Tha continu CrVic ev. Iw. Gould, ; gsional r : t l mducted » disee exeeptior | rk | « 0 wid, and of his suece WAS BADLY HURT. U aaa : 4 rendered at ces [ A catly admin Thomas W. Lawson Kicked By His Horse. Mas 's Cathedral. 's cathedral, October, the : Gary : . t t tosary was ob Thirty-Two Fined AS -. : rn J \ it anley cele Y " . = A eel t 2 ? 11x ™ SCrMRon was Mea on the the festival, heir $ touched a royal ton: table mam or. 1 before Miter playe [ hers Wor | 1 mn : : mn hi brilliant organ solos. Ser md seventeen on Thursda Shot His Fiancee. vice 1 be held each evening during D.--Ik 1 1 Prominently Men oned. Foronto Mail and 'mpire refers Farthing as a ely person vacancy in © Montreal vias ely see. The paper says: "The P ne Ie i ' i re on (and t Oxford graduate, a fish od ol station, alse i 'm therill. Fr Juake a b t into las | . g ! «l scholare and distinguished pulpit WHITE & i i was lai TY } Nik prea: ot We a nv prot ato » is a mederate churchman each party owing th » rn ed Se ---- dstock, where he was rector of CHINA ility on the other. 1 then told Bishop Brent Decline Doctor's , ew Paul's church for several ir sail 3 . ot b hina 1 Oct wr 3 alifax, Justice rysdale, | ¢, a also in his present office 2 » : keeping her. ia, N ES Het tte clit i 1 t r t. anve t a ymparatively young man and We are showing some very j : ttar fiUst- ihe nar Ek heen pi © nine the acti i provincial ha wrous admirers Abolitionist pl 1a gnrdin her women dair lour fshed A Revolver. and somewhat under the border ) . "m3 destined strat wa une t influe f hquor, pulled a revolver QUAINT CUP, SAUCER, AND fisc Vr, Neck and expleingl at the" 0 mime © (etfs Seth, Tie Nofiont fut of hie pocet, while wits anothe atternoon Some ' : ha nattor i t l of a ' \ \ lt ten ' % ¢ | y t ith a & property committee will little tt DOTY Y ¢ < 4 0 t Hho t i Rea } eporter of y ino wet until to-morrow about the 1 that } re not de- land : ow ub well ont ] y. 8% A pPASSEY righ : | d s" dome The Montreal ROBERTSON BROS. Bat of } ' opt at bu deaco « rine is st . he air f ive ir : t ompany has promised to give : astitation o ruly "} fined hed but to-day as | and thirty-two see s and descend a price and plans by to-morrow morn- IMcCCARTHY, M.D, lightly improved, -- ithout any trouble, i oe 4 ames vaste {of a strong exhortation to parents in yards' Dash--Results of the | particular, on | He commented especially on the fact litems, recitations by two groups of a | | : | a) | secured besides the bugle six cups, and | u | The gifts of fruit and vegetables so | generously given by friends of the {Mary's hospital, Rochester, N.Y., as a valuable cocker spaniel dog on PLATE SETS Eres or there, pus Chieres, Jom lator Tiny: oa ing ke All Records. Indies were given 3 bad scare, hut | HAD FINE FESTIVAL. Rally Day at Queen Street Metho- | 1 | dist Church. : Ort | As on the same occasion last year, ; i wa Vak kr rally of the Sunday school and \ r ley and Upper St. church took shape in a harvest festi- a.m {val. Unlike last year, the weather . Lawrence 10 | condi itions were of the best, both for --Fine te-lay | the preparations on Saturday and for and on Tuesday | the three sessions on Sunday. A num-| |. h little {ber of willing helpers, under the lead- wit 8 tle [ership of Mrs. W. H. Asselstine, ar- higher tempera~ oh the 'generous gifts of scholars {and parents, and the display seemed, if possible, n more artistic in gen- | eral effect, owing perhaps to the more [ plentiful supply of grain and vines for arranging. - The pastor, in the morn- ing service on Sunday, preached from N TI AL | the phrase' in the ' Book of Eeclesi- |S astes : "In the morning, sow thy seed. The discourse took the form VALUES Women's, Misses', and Children's Fall Apparel. the necessity for home teaching with respect to reverence and in the knowledge of the Word of God. ARTA oe that able observers had noted lack of | reverence, both to God and all other {authority as the striking defect of character on this continent, In the afternoon there was a fine at- tendance of the school, though the of- ficers and teachers oi the school would have been pleased to see more of the members of the congregation present. The programme" had as its main thought, 'The Voyage of Life," and the music and reading, and speaking, all followed this topic. The singing by the school generally was as good or better, than ever hefore. There were interspersed between the other rer A AHS HHH HE V H little girls, which were excellently rendered. Those contributing these items were Olive Funnell, Gertie Gil- lespie, Florence" Boaprey, Elizabeth { Pound, Doris McClelland and Florene { Sewell. The services of Miss May HE {| Wormwith at the organ, and W. Allen, |cornetist, were much appreciated HC iss Louise Singleton, as always, ed the organ with taste and effect 3. 4: school, will be sent, the former' to the | House of Industry, and the latter to the general hospital. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ; The most astounding values ever offered in NEW FALL t MENTS, Values surpassing any- thing Kingston has ever known And Variety Enough for Everybody at Steaey's. 3 NEW CoATY TALLORED in SILK PETTICOATS, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Suits cleaned and pressed. My Valet. Word was received from Manchester {that William T. Minnes had arrived safely in a land. Prof. 0. D. Skelton will read a pa- per at 'Toronto, this week, before the International Tax association. Mrs. E. J. Lake, Alfred street, leit ttawa. on Monday as a delegate © Paplist comvention being held there this week. Miss Margaret Featherstone, Tay- lor, left on™ October 1st to enter St. ES ne HH HEATHERDLOOM SKIR FYL!SII BLOUSE nurse-in-traimngy KIMONOS 3. SB. Corbett, Princess street, lost | Sunday, some evil-minded person poisoning it "Buster was a valu able dog and his death means quite loss to his owner. Canon Dann, of london, is to talk Om miEst yi Et George's cathedral next Sunday, and has promised an address on "Ireland And The Irish, during the week. The genial canon 1 f the Emerald 1sle and Mrs. Georg Felsom and and Mrs. John A. Cooper, To- | ronto, motored down on Soturday, making the run in a littie over eight hours Thev spent Sunday with | Lieut.-Col. Massie and family and re- | turned westward to-day | Through error the Wh stated that | | ire $15 SUIT, Navy and $204 RATATAT TAR TNH the eentenarian was excluded from the House of Providence whereas it was from the House of Industry. 7 he | ---- context showed it wv not the House of Providence a wat institution i | i | | EEBY Ir not controlled by directors 1 10 Stephen Lumley, a parole man, fin- | Eby. a ished a six months' term at the Cen- --cton-- - RR an tral and was immediately taken into ROBERT J. REID, custody yo complete a three ver The Leading Undertaker. Miym in ie pententia He I. '|"Phone, 577. 227 Princess street released on parole after securing i 'n months s after offence re 'New PURSE SNATCHER |AT WORK Two Ladies Were Held Up on: Hone Saturday. Purse snatchers are again at work | in the city Saturday evening, about 6.30 o'clock, Miss Morrison, of th prtolie staf. wae wid wine! In Comb and highwayman on Brock street, near tle Hotel Dieu. The fellow made a ¢ or er hand satchel, but saccee Extracted ly in gett r aw th the ha ig Sanghi ed NOW IN STOCK. | away from him ight o'clock in the evening, a! young lady named Miss Spatham, | as B den 0 was relieved of her purse, by a man t who accos her at the corner of |nrorTERS OF - FINE GROCERIES. Princess and Division "street. Miss | smi inasie Mt -------------- Sparham screamed, and a couple of © EVERYBODY COME. { men chased the ruflian on Divi men chase | ruliian m vision snk then d B sk street. He | And pick out your Stoves for next street 'anc then cown Lroek street. le], Not too many, but good ones, { threw away the purse, and it was re- | IRK'S. 'Phone, 705. covered, but he made good his escape. | mm ---- -- i What A Confession ! Hospital Ladies" Thanks. : The members of the Woman's Aid! at a conlession [Society of the Kingston General He Impotence the federn Opposition 3 pital desire to thank all those who (is Mr. Porden's choice is travel- so generously and cheerfully contribu- ling companions. H ted to make Tag day sich a success, | Not one of his colieag over $1,400 being realized as a result [House of Commons i cor of the dav's work petent' to aid him in his platioem.o cam It is the intention of the society to PIE make this annus affair, it being He As gone for Iu Ip to DBriti ithe simplest way of obtaining much- { Columb a, to Manitoba, needed money for hospital mainten- Prunswick--everywhere but ance, without a direct appeal, and be- (OWN party household. = sides it gives everyone an ovportunity | His first heutenant, Foster, he has of contributing in whatever sum they shunned as a pestilence, though he like to a charitable eause © thas tried to placate him with honeyed - words. | The fC shox New York Excursion. | The people of Canada are asked to - . {turn over thé reins of government to Tuesday, October 6th, America 5 breaks a an aggregation so futile that it is leaves 5 a.m., breakfast served on snubbed by its own leader ? hoard, afternoon trip, p.m. Wednes- | . { day, October Tth, America leaves 5 | lam. breakfast served on board, af-| A. E. Timmerman, Cumberland ternoon trip 2 p.m. A limited number [Railway & Coal company, Spring jo staterooms are available for pas- JHill, N.8., is in the city renewing ace #sogers desiring to sleep on boprdy _ quai mid

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