Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Sep 1908, p. 7

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5 i SECOND SECTION. Che Daily KINGSTON, ONTARIO, , SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1908. YEAR 75. unger, opened suopessfully in Brook- | QUEER FLYING FISH. tivn las week ' Standing and a Iheodore Roberts are both in the 'Shoot Out of Water and Sail on L st. The keynote of the a is the 5 two words, "1 wonder.' Fie" prod ia From "Nature ang Wind, in St. Nicholas About Pe-ru-na. "RO tion i= splendidly staged. Interesting are the habit of the fly- ec. in ' xeellent one, "The Right ol ing fish, that queer denizen of the sea wv" makes its auditor think found principally in the region of the Ben Hur," the great Biblical tradewinds. Does it rise from the sea drama, which Klaw and Erlanger like a bird ? vou ask. Ne; it shoots made a landmark of the Ame out of the waves like an arrow, and® stage, is in rehearsal for its with outspreadir wings sails on season. The first performance by the 4 =" 4 oraceful 'curves, rising present company will be given in ERY 0 Co 00 0 might sag, to the mira, eptember 28th The present Ire ht of & n feet, hut nat often so production is entirely new "Ben fri an lowering Jit again Hur's" great success is due to the | 0 osha orest of 2 wave and re: {fact that it is a play of deep heart |, ce ite flicht. This operation may | Interest; a story of a mother 8 love be repeated till it covers a distanee for her children and a son's devotion of five hundred yards, in the case to his mother : ae of the stoutest on the wing, though Evervhody in New York is going tor ooo often not half that distance is The Devil" as fast asx they dan. the] | number of Garden Theatre "Devil" A ship sailing through the trade- | admirers being nightly limited only winds W often be visited on dark thy, the capacity of the house. Seats f : bi. ph a fis ich hi » lare on sale two monthg in advance to nights. Jang fh, ish hak i {accommodate the imprecedented de- here of course, they soon give up {mand, Not in vears have anvthing i . | like the present crowds been en at | this playhouse. Edwin Stevens por- | traval of the devil is east on pleasing Modern English Slavery. lines, with full accent lg off the 1%. y Ma great humorous possibilities [the fe a1? wing advertisement is taken i Leicester paper : | the instructions laid. down by the oung man x to eight years' ex- lever Hungari withor whe vis his sale and pledge. Ashwell, 329 Humbersiske Road "a ole, this being in aceordant with MRS. LARA L. MILER, MRS. MAHALA REID. a comedy : MRS. §. L. JEWELL. The following testimonials represent actual experience of every-day life. They are the truthful utterances of women who have been ill and have found a reliable remedy in Peruna. It means a great deal to the women of America to have at hand a remedy capable of giving such relief, Consti- pation, rhéumatism, kidney trouble, bronchitis and a host of other catarrhal conditions are relieved by Peruna., At Jeast this is what the women sfy. They have no object in saying such things, except to render truthful testimony to their suffering sisters. 7 Peruna is making such friends every day. Itis the testimony of the people that has made Peruna so justly fdmous OLIVE CHRISTIAN MALVERRY, A young woman who has already earned a unique reputatior England by her clever writings and lz y raised a furore publishing a book dealing largely of London." DOINGS IN SHEL ROSELLE KNOTT MAY|! NEVER ACT AGAIN. Her Heart Has Become Too Weak For [Excitement--"Mine Out of Judea," the Title of a Play Dealing With Jewish Domestic Life. 'The Round Up," Klaw and .Manger's great play of the \rize desert, is repeating its Broadway sue cess at the Academy of Music; in No York. i The rehearsals of Klaw ond Felon § pee's next production, "Tittle Nemo are in full swing. The first be at the Forrest Theatre, delphia, Septembeg 21st Louis Mann EF ps. tion Eckert Goodman's play of Generation" wa made know: Sunday night, September 6tl Grand Opera House, Chicago Lillian Russell has made a dous hit in her racing pla fre," at the Liberty Theatr York Critic and awdience unanimous in praise of the of the lines ahd the development Miss Russell as an actre Miss Grace George, announced, will make tour of six week cons," after which York city acs new comedy Take." The date set tion of the New piece 2nd gh hgh or re nix ~ Constantinople, Sept lowing account of how t forced to grant the new has been related by a pers present ; When Niazi Bey declare army was tired of the old 1 sultan dispatched Osman Feozi Pe in haste to Salonica with order quell the mutiny and a®t with the most promptitude and severity, ih yl wi when he arrived on the scene«he wrote | I wbitions at the TURNED THE TRICK. The Wright Aeroplane Making Progress in France. ier's Weekty » promise which the Wright aero showed in the trials at Kitts Beach, North Carolina, last pring has been realized in recent ex Le Mans race-track r Paris. The Fi ' ke of bur Wright . feu , and seemed its. Hi unlike juered by the wmor of the vou While the machin chts broke FOCOY equalled its performanc of the water, it did quis convinee French « Wright Brother han any one else in ving the prob lem of flying with achine heavier than air. The Figaro," the "Petit HARMONY REIGNS ONCE MORE i Pan n nd other journals averred that the machine of Farn and De agrange were rudiment dn, vou parison, and M. Delagrange himéelf, fweiting in "L*THustration,"" 'remarked of h val : "One must see him walk ne slowly and methodically, his cap placed on the back of his head, mak- ing a sort of frame for his mrd-like profile et those who doubted him and as I am not one, bow low wen apology. He kept patient public wait | he ghad the calm I confess, in hi ! my inygntion, at ) smashing ev hing, 1 shonld have flown over the! es and Le Mans." Only Brothers, Wilbw riumph; the oth home in. Davtor rine submitted tc notio ¢ ti p Been. EEL trike wonder into the peace { to tell a man | i Lar; if he is, he knows it Hardly AL man is clever enough to know how important he isn't IN TURKEY. Chronic Bronchitis. ! Mrs. Clara L. Miller, Box 71, Columbia | Sta., Seattle, Wash, formerly vice pres- ident of Skoogay Country Club, writes: "Xine bottles of Pertuna cured me of a protracted case of bronchitis. There is no superior remedy that I know of, as the action of Peruna on the vasa motor system of nerves is very beneficial, It increases the tone of the system and aids nature to perform her functions, #] have recommended it to number of my friends, who speak in the same high termsof it. Ihave certainly found it a most efficacious medicine." Nervous, Tired and Weak. Mrs. Christina Smukalla, 490 Winslow Ave., Buffalo, N. Y., writes: "I trust every one suffering from systemic ca tarrh will read this and profit by it, "I was in a very bad eondition indeed, when I began to take Peruna, and my friends as well as myself were very much alarmed over my condition. I was always nervous, could not sleep at night, my food did me no good, and I was always tired and weak. I tried several doctors, but found no relief. "Finally I took two bottles of Peruna and felt like a different woman. How- ever, I did not stop there, but kept on with it until I had taken several bottles, when I felt completely cured, and have | remained so ever since, I can eat and sleep now." NN PN A Good Word for Pe-ru-na. Mrs. S. L, Jewell, R, I. D. 1, Freeport, | Pa., writes: "Having used Peruna myself for many years with beneficial effects, and ob- serving the good it has done others of | g my acquaintance, I cannot but say a good word in behalf of Peruna." Keeps Pe-ru-na in the House, Mrs. Maria Goertz,Orienta, Oklahoma, writes: "My htisband,children and my- self have used your medicines, and we al- ways keep them in the house in case of necessity. I wus restored to health by this medicine, and Dr. Hartman's in- valuable advice and books. People ask about me from different places, and | are surprised that I can do all of ay housework alone, and that I was cured by the doctor of chronic catarrh., My husband was cured of asthma, my daughter of earache and catarrh of the stomach, and my son of catarrh of the throat. When I was sick I weighed 100 pounds; now I weigh 140. "Dr, Hartman's remedies have proven to be reliable and wonderfuel., Their effect upon the system is remarkable, Peruna quiets thé nerves, and is a great specific for all forms of chronic catarrh. "I am very, glad to say that I can | write you that I am cured in every way of eatarrh, with which I had suffered | terribly for ten years. I cannot thank ou enough for your advice." y g J Constipation, Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Mahala Reid, Corbyville, Ont., »| Canada, writes: "Your celebrated remedies have been a wonderful boon to me in my old age, | I have not been in so good health for several years as now. "I was troubled with constipation, rheumatism aad kidney troubld., A| little over two years ago I completely lost my health, becoming almost help. | less, when a dear Ii fend sent me your | remedies, Peruua and Manalin, | "T began to take them, following the directions on the bottles. I very soon] | began to feel benefited by their use, and! continued to take them. { "I am now completely récovered from the above ailments, in fact, better thany I have been for years past. "] 'cannot praise the remedies 100, highly and will always recommend | them to others." ' A Well-Known Remedy. Peruna is a catarrh remedy that has {been in the field for many years. Other | leatarrh remedies have come and gene, | but the reputation of Peruna has out-' [live d them all. { Peruna is & combination of efficient herbal remedies that wields a powerful} influence on all the mucous membranes | {of the body, and hence reaches catarrh' I wherever it is located. | Camphor Exports. British consul at Tamsui re t hi total exports of Formosa, in 1907, amounted to 1.121.566 pounds, of which 2.452933 ponnds was sent to Havre, London, and Hamburg; 1, g pounds to America, and 33,- | pounds to Madras. | » him instantly to have the troops from | Anatolia sent t lonica to erus | the rebellion he was only ealipl wing speech he cand Said ried out the law, and if he tried to Fetva ary do 3 fiver, ong the brink re alirmed that { not possible, that | Macedonian army to the precepts | blamgable in ar Then, pointing h Linny finger at s majesty, he wer 1 to say that g as he car- wal earri ie. room Che ne ' | zier then hastily voked a 1 8, and in-an they were all @ mbled, Said lated what had hap- 1sked them. to give a maz nencling the re-establish- constitution. Not one of answer. Said Pasha then | observed that silence im such case vould be taken for consent, and they acquiesced with bowed heads. In five minutes the mazbata was 2 ' [OBTUEREOL I A HE ER BO FSA! would cease to he considered the defender of the | tau ty With ominous cfm Abdul Hamid de- { may i of Said and Kiamil what was to be done. Both of 'them replied that { the constitition must be granted.' On Lhenring this » an fainted, and | made or {am willing to {mer United - LEADS LYNCHERS. Not Only That. But He Boasts of Having Done It. Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 11.--A spatch' from Oxford, Miss., quotes for States Senator W \ Sullivan as follows with reference t the lvnching WILSON'S Invalids' Port "I led the mob which lynched Nelse | Patton, and I'm proud of it. 1 direct did evervthing 1 could to see that he | { was lynched a white woman's throat--and (a2 la Quina du Pérou) fed every movement of the mob and 1] A preventive of Nervous Troubles. wanted him | yviched, "1 don't care what inve ration 1 what are the con once I tar FORTUNE FOR ACTRESS. Gertrud: Coghlan Falls Heiress to Platinum Deposits. Halifax, N.B., Sept. 12.--A consider | able deposit of platinum has been dis | covered at Fortune Bay, Prince FEd- | ward Island, on the summer home owned by Gertrude Coghlan. leadir woman in "The Travelling Salesman" at New York Gaiety theatre. She BIG BOTTLE 'All Druggists Everywhere. wonderful y irlin Spray od yy J clensen y. disposed of the eighty-five acres to a | Montreal firm for $125,000. Miss Cogh lan inferited property from her father Charles Coghlan, and a year ago, was ont. General Agents for Canada, offered about ome-tenth of the amount | forthe property Those unhappy ers who, suffer | from nervousness and dyspepsia 'should | "use Carter's Little Liver Pills, whi [are made expressly for sleepless, ner- | vous dyspeptic sufferers. Price, . A meeting of creditors. is seldom for $ purpose of expressing confidence the man who can't pay ten cents | on the dollar made and handed round, ech | minister lixing his signature and seal. It then became a question who | should sent this fateful document to the sultan. The general opinion was that Zeki Pasha wou be the best titted, but he declined the honor. and aid that evidently the grand vizier alone could communicate such a maz- bata, sir t was not to be sent in, as 1 n the private secretari ar one of the ministers was spe ified Said Pacha : rding took it in, giving proof f ) ble 'moral and physieal comm g ce his majes- ty's mood was': angerous one. He | was, nevertheless, received, coldly and taking up the reed pen, the sultan | {as a reformer {time you waste 3 busy > If vou really want to do some good Ow Nothing dulls the it of a joke like having t« te when vou were going to ts Sicklr, Despondent, Tired. The world is full of sickly. despor dent, tired, enervated people. all hop ing to be well some day. The surest i i the wav of road to health is along taking Ferrozone after meals. Ferro zone is a great appetizer and enables one to eat plenty of wholesome food ithout fear of indigestion or dyspep- Zia. This results in a rapid formation of an abundhnee of red, vitalizing blood, which will restore the nerves, | increase flesh and vigor, and nourish land feed ' every organ of the body. Ferrozone is am ideal restorative and invigorant. It is 4 tonic of unequal: léd merit that anyone can use with benefit. Price 50c., or six boxes' for t washes a the same time, A household world in England. No mesa, po trouble, frounceriain results, no streaks. The tired women's best friend --an Economical Home Dye. MAYPOLE SOAP ©8 roc. for Colovs~15¢. for Black. | Frank L. Benedict & Co., Mond 7 TR Real Estate Bargains | 6-room Frame House, on John | St. and Double Frame souse, on | Charles St., with barns and stable. Can be bought right for a good investment, both rented. LR Gace ; wrote the historic "Olsun" (So let it | $2.50, at druggists, or N, C Polson the bt easily as brows, be) at the foot of the mazbata, '& Co., Kingston, Ont.

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