Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Sep 1908, p. 9

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Reduces Fat A Pound a Day i The simplest, Surest and Most | Effective Way To Get Rid of | Surplus Flesh Without Drugs. ------ Hoy To Prove It To Yourself y ithout Any Expense Whatever. : The first thing not. to 0 reduce y¢ ur. Weight 1s thing that co or do when trying Lo take some Grug of any kind fat away, © y "gm to do to the systeins, and sou at os & Your healnh with it of fat paople invalids hy Lhe dicts and dangerous moment You give a dist n nervous and dig though you may result, you wii Cases "are nuier coming permanent of starvation ducers. Fat people as will realize that a 8 remedy for every organism. Nature nearly every d universe I his and Jarcomdortan) Nature provides dangerous drugs trated from n of fruits, plant materials wh ch human syste Among such & remcdy for become universally of which has alr ormous benefit, and the saving of many This remedy is com The rate at Which duce fat, and do iy, is truly rem: ord Larily comp food, it belong most remarkable is that you can tuke without ruang the harn It can bo chewed pleasant to the t Many physician loss know | 'W prescribing that, cK entire as others, should rule, there is the hdma as general a re and nerais, hertis are medy, $ from extracts ud other orgnnie harmonious to the materials obesity there which has not known, but the ady ® resulted 19 is use | this t lati n the nutriment | feature ail you slightest Ike of Reng want of it risk ,eandy and Ww te Ww Re ngo oducer and induc ind and body nearly every injurious tried, SUMMER ComPLAINT, One of the Commonest and Most Dangerous of Diseases. Everyone Should be Prepared for i with a Mottle of Dr, Fowler's Ex- Gast of Wild Strawberry. Yary few people escape an attack of Swmmer Complaint. It may be slight, or it may be severe, but nearly every- one fg liable to it. You eannot tell, when it seizes on yow how it may end. Let B go for a day or two only, and see how weak and prostrated it will leave you. There is only one safe way to cure it and that is ly Dr. FowLEr's Extract oF WiLp Srrawserry. It has been on the market for sixty-three years and has been proved and fried so you are nod experimenting when you buy it. Do not accept a substitute or imitation, as many of these are positively danger- ous to life and health. Insist on having Dr. Fowrer's, Mrs. Norfhan H. au, Ship Harbor, N.S, writes: "Last Be my baby was "very bad with Summer Complaint. 1 tried most everything for him, but nothing scemed to help. One day a neighbor called in and told me to try Dr. Fowrer's ExXtracT oF WiLp STRAW- BERRY, 80 I got a bottle and after a few doses my baby was cured. shall always keep it in the house," Hay's ull] =3 gy» ealth 2 k Néver Fails to "Fails fo Restore!" Gray Hair to its Natural | Color and Beauty. | No matter how long it has been gray or faded. of healthy hair, Stops its falling out, | and positively removes Dan- drufl. Keeps hairsoft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 2% times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. Is Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. bottles, at druggists Send 2c for free book ** The Care of the Hair,» Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J. Hay's Harfina Soap cures rd, rough and chapped hands, eases. Keeps skin fine and s 25¢ Iruggists, Send 3c for free book "The Car e of the Skin. JAS. B. McLEOD. Pimples, and all skin dis *Silper Plate » that Wears" For beauty of design, brilliant finish and long wear "» "1847 ROGERS BROS. {| Taxpayer Also "Brings jeent § known yet I ithe A | | man Promotes a luxuriant growth |t TOM JOHNSON'S ROAD, TO DECIDE ON ON VALIDITY OF THREE-CENT FARE. lta hr Suit Upset Grant, and Asks That a Receiver Be Appointed. i Sept, in sirfees re by to 11.--Faced the by raction com- pany, 18 tl controll force, aye I .= Johnson session of the council, hid 1 authorized to call a special e in which the fran is operating land y 5 to be submitted to the he nwayer had fought ] lection, through car demanded striking street n ofthe legality of the franchise hafl been ratified, which it was [oated would 'result in the refusal of 1} Cleveland. Railway company, owner of the franchise, to issue stock to noney needed by the municipal company 3 ge of front intricacies of the sit filed in common plea K. Farasey security gr Railway company 1 void | the lease the Mutseips al to sect F raud rest by offici for the lared that because I fic men, but a it raise ed nis add u- Jand and rey to asi Nn surt the 1 t provided fare tl een Cleveland Electric Railway of seven tickets for twenty with mnaversal tr fers ave ra that the public funds of the Were u promote thrée fare lines usar lollars 1s named ny d *te nization of the Municipal tis charged that orga mpany i the from operating Min cmp declare insolvent. Cures Ecezema Quickly. Nothing { than to treat jremedy. Only an Ointment | powerful and. penetrating the texture and integrity an ibdue fiery 'hy ans I thorou tantalizing Eczema with a can be more poor that can of the itching and pain ched the Ointment skin, who have wi Hamilton It forms of 1" rhiv penetrate a new ell Dr, Hamilton boxes | dealer in Obe | | Overlooked That. \ farmer who live le village in the Midlan a mark n the: nearest which attrac Hearing the lor prai inquir He 1 it tc yen much, he hase d one, 1 howe, 1 very and@pure me, 1 wa d. Suddenly a very the DY mand fae blank what's the m hy Wi wrist began conversing whom he had hired he day Dor h gentler summer across it?" said Donald at might have been I should think; ry great." 16, vera true, but ve it wisna the breadth but the water thajpggused his vned an was \ attemp- last whilst n river SW gir," ea the A Double-sided Hole, story of German "thri * expense of the proprietor \ 'ulating library who charged r the wear and tear suffered by his ks at the hands of his patrons. One came back to his scrutiny, "See he exclaimed, "there is a hole mn page nineteen of my beautiful book spoons, knives, forks, efc., are unexcelled. | Recoynized as the highest standard of silver plate extellence. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Dishes, trays, fea sels, elc., woled for beauty ana auravility are made by MERIDEN BRITA CO. Pe And sge here," he went on, turning ov ther on page went Star vou wouldnt part with hi farmhouge for anythi husiast ic girl nswered F armer ct to. as a kind of masco orntossel. C 't expe u regard i u fellow father was. pretty So¢thes Fhe Inflammed Parts. Lhe aches and pains quickly disappear after Smith's White Lini- heen applied. It quickly soothes the inflammed worst has penetrat es, ment restore A Bad Stomach may come from one of three causes -- faulty digestion, constipation or weak kidneys. Whether it's one or all three of these troubles, ABBEY'S SALT will sweeten the stomach, make the digestion sound, and regulate and strengthen the kidneys. | "85¢. and 80c, a bottle. Atal eaters. DOCTORS ENDORSE HERPICIDE Because Its Formula is Submitted to Them. McMillan, M.D, a pro- of Lansing, Mich., ases 1 have tested landrufi and the result could 'be desired." upon an entirely . that dandruff caused from a the hair bulb, microbe one's luxuriantly. Alexander minent physician writes : "Un Herpicide fe has Herpicide new prin I fall crobe three « w been a that is made le, 'that ¢ hair are iat infests destroying the bound cide is the only to, and really dandruff, corms. Sold by leading draevists. Send 10c. tamps for sample to the Herpicide Det Mich. Two Sle. Mahood, ial agent. "THE GLORY HOLE." » hy hair H 18 to grow hair does, destroy +} the mn rot, G. W. sizes, Tidiness Taught in Novel Way. a -) ier with several chil= ¢ were healthy, jolly, 1 adopted the to' save herself teach her ing tidy wn in place which cle hottest furn ongings after the blow called the hildren' of slipped all ng up the in par rs ace left or found after r school or had barrel they need monthly around, those bel bedrooms or hving 1 lor room or 1 contents ar in nt owners lo better the the the neckties favorite pencils and gay hair ribBons and swallowed «up by the deep the anguish lL who saw his or ear into its depths worked wonders, 1-1 of But scheme a year 8 train running sixty miles stopping for twenty- hours would just travel the covered by the packets (placed sold in vear tea Annual s exceeds el packets. sacred service Iron Pint Store. Xp without uy dis- one ale ale "Sa of miilren Nothing is some sactificial Beef, make. Drug and Wine, bottles, « » our own, | remedy that | her [1 md [men S0c., at Wade's | s¢ by the low-price, high-class magazines, NATURE STUDY. | Man Watching a Woodchuck Gets a Fall. Chicago Inter-Ocean. o It speaks volumes for us as an ob- servant, an inquiring, and a studious people that our uns "devotion to and "enthusiasm, for science is umaf- fected, uninfluenced, and undiscouraged by the rebuffs which it is200 often called upon to suffer, the obstacles which it is too often called upon to encounter. There" is, for example, the case of Joseph Hinkle, who lives on a farm two m from Wrightville, near York, Penn. Mr. Hinkle, from all we have learned, 1s a passionate yet unpreten- tious devotee of matural science, one of those students of animal life who, while shrinking from notoriety, give all of their spare moments to their favorite pursuit without looking. or hoping for § rewa etthe the way of being noticed by your president or engaged es in Mr. Hinkle had a little time on his hands a few days ago and decided to put it 'to good use, Noticing a wood- chuck forsaking its hole and desirous of learning everything - possible about the animal's moving day habits, Mr. Hinkle: seized a fence rail, climbed a tree, fas- tened the rail between two limbs, sat upon it, and Began his scientific obser- vations. It must have been a beautiful sight to this great, strong man perched up thesg in the tree, forgetful of everythin we the woodchuck and inspire] and impelled only by an am- bition to be first to discover why the woodchuck should move in the heat and dust of August while he might have noved in any ot the 'other eleven months with a great deal more personal comfort, the comfort of his S Seg nothing of hildren. to he compeled to re- moment ,whtn Mr olve interest. médment when the ed to discover in matural precipitating to say wife and « another ul und, the woodchuck was Hinkle struck the it mildly. Nothing more dinexpected, for reason believe rather\disagreeable Dr. | Long and an illastrious engaged practice any Ager. At all ever pon him of Mr. Hinkle was { a thunderboit out of it would not, perhaps be going too far to say tht the surprise ; meeting was Mr. a moment before had no f coming down than ing up the pomt on in science slipped, him to the gro Fo sax that prised when Mr would be putt could have been woodchuch OW nr- 8 the had to that ing to the in which nd this countr the coming t like fal of a clear sky An Ing the of the mutual, for 1 of ct may, is congtantly going country, unscen to 3 cour Can inquiry m ur instruction, 18 into those and that tl ied on by enthusiasts like lovers | ted BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. is Full of Them and Nearly All Use Parisian Sage. the beauty show at the two ado, gold awarded five different Paris metro- medals wo In yolis, vears were be and 30; 35 and 10 I'o the 20 most autiful woman 9 and ween 30 and 10 a reporter tween between 15 who between and bety A intervie ol ty women SOC interest H them hat each of attributed Sage in the t} and t five papers beautiful had the reported ol hair, five enthusiasticall l hair to Pu Mahood a large | to cure dar stop falling hair alp. It makes beautiful, soft and nt risian lls Parisian Sage He guaran-| ufi, in two weeks; ! and tching of the , any woman' luxuriant. Xur THE GROWING POPULARITY THE 66 SOLD BY Kemptville FRASER BROS. Gananoque L. FRAID. Kingston CAMPBELL BROS', Prescott A. DAVIS & BRO. Morrisburg J. CASSELMAN & CO. The Waldron, Drouin Co., Ltd, truth, { woodchucks woul | The work upon which Mr And we engaged at has got to tinue .to make Unless telling Ux Hinkle, He Ought To Know. master, and nothing but the truth: abont: 1 must ! must NTREAL, i AGENTS! FOR CANADA. od mals i 135 Church St. Torento. Est 1860 other have and Saryit a to the Afflicted ~ Authors & Cox Spinal Our Anpliances for Spaal Cur- Curvature [7 P Partial tof Paralysis, etc., are the res half a century's expefien testing and fi ants, Ve know apparatus will relie to cure, each case, Our experience also tells us just: how to fit the appliance so that it willbe easy comfortable and helpful, it otherwise Hinkle of his tumbl We are to in this scien natus d not" moment done, if pre IEress study and altog be Since 1860, we have brought happiness to the homes of the afflicted, with our appliances, Loss of arms, feet and legs-- deformed and misshapen linitbs and bodies -- rupture -- floating kidney s--practically ALL afilic- Hons s can be helped, and, in many cases, cured by our appa- : ratte Write for free advice. g impell trees, chimb fall down. schoolma: . - ALUMINUM ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. wiEaeale Metal Co..Ltd #1 WILLIAM ST. *s TORONTO, ONT ter want GIVEN UP BY DOCTOR--NOW IN PINK OF HEALTH ! No words of ours could be more eon vimpton, Ont. | 9) Pl farmer of Ie "I didnot se saves 120 pound. hep others i RY he PSYCHINE Is THE GRE vineing of Psvehine's power to make the em able tuberculosis had developed, that 1 coul d not rece er, § This was the condition I4vas in when my pasto CB CHINE, and procured for me a trial 1 o IYCHINE ik 1¢ st Galbraith a well-to-do Ole doctor said that airs as quickly as possible. ck well than those of John A Iter the attack of pneumonia. and advised me to settle. all my aff Burrell of the Baptist Church, advised me to try PSY- 1996, and at that time I was to gain any streng ottle. s was in May, reduced in weight to a pound v my half s probably THERE IS infallible re (SEE COUPON). and in LIFE IN EveRy DOS med fe Hope benefhed by ATES ATECT CF TONICS. er and wwders or nd Mrengih an the throat, Hoe "FREE TRIAL S SENT ok: SFPLICATION. C. E. Barrell, vears 4 gvomy onths ian to! would OW Te Bar A Re Look at gist was 80 serio unsbl « Vouched for by hi THE PASTOR TESTIFIES. Baptist Pastor, Fore &¢, says: qly 1 of lung walk, at whicheg next dress that 13 She used PSY- brought to the a well-known and his remarkable 'cure § of mself, Mr. Ralph sthtemiénits i So Him Psychine | ww Mr. J ' , SAW HIM" Pettypi The Fore Pre "Tl albraity ure 1 know 5 case was clan, and t} t only Three ' publisher of Free miracle here, Just 1 month have > writes in te ~Says Galbraith health his share being under the doctors told him hw king the of that instead of ago, the doing rm, where just one year would be." eR a st," Forést, says: "I have téad the HB A. Galbraith and Rev ur- Trial Bottle Free ig 0 1d Coupon," with your name ahd address, to Dn T. A. Slocum, Limited, Slocum Building, Spadina Avet nue, Toronto, and receive a trial hottie of Psychine PREE. n Daily Whig, Sept. 12, 1008 result persor of the use. of PSYCH INE, and can heartily endorse all that Galbraith obtained his 'supply of store, saying from time to time that it had done him good. 1 took an. interest in his casé and noted a AT improvement. Altogether I sold him about $15.90 worth, ~PAYCHINE is having a big run here, and 50 far as I know is always used with beneficial results." rell regardis the both gentlemen ' they have said Mr. PSYCHINE at my drug ¢ , d away the and rives Telief as if by magic. Get it to- and it handy. Costs but at Drug Store. AWS soreness, I know | ( FIXTURES IN STOC 8 { ESTIMATES GIVEN have TE = ade's self-re- to a brags eof his his respects The man who ¢t is often paying ity small object. I'he hypoerite if only living liar. chronic the

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