Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Sep 1908, p. 8

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f PAGE EIGHT, "TQ, FOO O00 0000000000000 | i THES P.M.EDITION NAKNG RECORD WALK ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE DNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1908. PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The Peoprle--What Royal Dresden We show exclusive decora- tions in this beautiful China. Fruit Sets Comports Plates Very appropriate for wed- » ding gifts. FOOD > 2-00 Spangenberg $ JEWELLER and ] ' % i Issuer of Marriage CATALOGUE 5 1908-09. Now ready. Call or write. It is a work of art showing all the latest designs. | Shooting Has Opened 0-0-0000 OOD IIOOOOOO | IRAE | FROM QUEBEC AWAY WEST! Messrs. George Wilson and A. W. DIAMOND MERCHANT {4 lwas Miss E. Btokes' partner for the SON | I'he two journalists, who are at the | prize waliz at the labor picnie, as | -- | They Are Sayin~ And Doing. { McMahon, are holiday visitors in To- TO VANCOUVER. ronto. 7 - | Dr. Francis Young, a Queen's gra- | This Feat Bein: Essayed By Two duate, Mas in the city for a few hours = H i bake on "tuesday. South African Journalists-- Miss Loretta Hibbard, Kingston, is Reached Kingston Last Even- | the guest of H. KE. Teepell and family ing--Must Finish By Christmas {at Watertown, N.Y. Day. { Mrs. Bernard Whalen : has returned . : thome after a pleasant. visit with Miss The two South Airican journalists, | Dora Smith, Dufferin. { Fdwesfl N. Clark and Leo Marchand, | Foden and wife, Princess | who are attempting a fcat never yet | treet, returned, to-day, after visiting essayed, i.e, putting up a record | friends in Toronto and Hamilton. walk from coast to coast during fall Miss Jennie Bloom, Miss Bessie Gown * land winter, reached Kingston from [and Miss Hattie M. Watson, spent Smith's Falls, Perth and Elgin, on yesterday, with friends at Wolfe Ts- | Tuesday wening, staying for the | jand. night as the guests of the Randolph | Joseph Abramson | Hotel, and proceeding to-day as far { peen elected a vice-president of the as Napanee y | Federation of Zionist Societies of Ca- Ihe two enterprising pedestrians left | ada, Quebec on August Sth, and on arrival | Miss Lizzie McArdle and Miss Retta in Montreal, after a tough journey {Hibbert have returned from a pleas- embracing camping out, a "hold-up.e {ant vacation spent in Watertown, tand other exciting incidents, they were IN Y, : | ag orded a great reception. Crowds | Robert being present to wish them God-speed | street, has James Kingston, has Coffey, contractor, Alma o returned home after ad ghey were ultimately despatched on {brief visit in Toronto; attending the | their long walk hy Hon. Daniel Tan- exhibition. e sev, M.P. SE | Miss Irene Jackson, daughter of | Ihe journey of 136 miles between | Mrs, William Jackson, Colborne street, | Montreal and Ottawa was accomplish- | who has been seriously ill, is able to {ed in three and one-half days, an av- be around againg . > erage of slightly over thirty-five miles | Miss Lizzie McArdle and Miss Loret- a day, w hich on Canadian roads may | tq Hubbert, returned, Tuesday, after be considered excellent. The ¥record spending their holidays in Watertown, day's trip was that between St. Anne | NY. with friends. de Bellevue and Vankleek Hill, forty® | Charles Hanscombe (not Hanson) three miles. \ ; | same time writing a series of articles | stated in last night's issue on Canada for an English magazine, | General Drury, brigadier general » » and compiling a tourists' guide right {commanding the maritime provinces, across the continent, anticipate reach- |arrived in the city on official business | GUT BOARD DOWN A PETITIONITO THE CITY COUNCIL. -- ; The Grounds on Which the Re 'quest is Made--Asking the Citizens to Attach Signatures. The following petition is in circula- tion for signature : To the Mayor (and Aldermen Corporation of the City of King- ston : . Gentlemen, --Whereas in the light of recent events, notably the press dis- cussions and the results of the recent examinations, it has been shown that the administration of the city schools is inefficient, notwithstanding too, the fact that the rate of taxation for school purposes Bas just been increas- ed, for all. of which the present board of education is largely responsible, and whereas, a lack of harmony seems to exist. among the members of the said board, injurious to the best in- terests of the schools ; Whereas, the prasent board of edu- cation is unnecessarily large; and is in part elected by the people for two years, and in part appointed by the council for three years, and, Whereas, it is, therefore, desirable to secure a more workable and efficient board, entirely responsible ta and elected by the people as a whole and not by wards, and whereas, the school act confers the 'power on the city council "to transform by resolutions, the present board of education into a board of education consisting of ten members, nine to be elected by the public school supporters, and one ap- pointed by the separate school board for the same term of two years. of the } Your petitioners therefore pray your wow close a range the sportsman ray have. By buying your gun Some Guils Won't kill no matter | ing Vaneouver around Christmas Dav. Their editorial 'register book was duly signed by the city editor of the Whig, in connection with the Barriefield | honorable body, by virtue of the pow- camp. {er thus vested in you, to pass a re-| 000000 KINGSTON. on your accuracy. For each Gun "\ thoroughly tried dur store and each teed. Loaded Shells, U.M.C., Winchesters, Ely's. All sizes kept in stock, white and black powder. John McKay Fur House 8 we sell before can a /, Wm. Murray, Auctioneer | 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, darness ete., for sale. « Sale of Horses every Saturday. News was received in Quebee of the | 85 Princess St. here places the responsibility up- be leaving gun guaran- | both W. A. Mitchell's, HARDWARE. 'accidental drowning while hath of Mark O'Meara, at Rio Janeiro, Brazil, last Friday. Mr. O'Meara, vi vas | of only twenty-four ye 8 Wis of b. D. O'Meara, and hrother-in-law Morrisburg at Point St < on his with his Ciirberry the Que, Armory who wa B.( way to Vie on inspector of | tora, wife, jail on insane, No custms, of suicide night. He wa Georue Fletcher Everett, recently in charge Charles, commit to Rriday | ry Latest | Fall Suits | | and Coats |The Ve A magnificent assortinént of all that is newest and best in Tailor-Made Suits, Plain and Fancy Effects. $12.50 to $50.00 Each. New Fall & Winter Coats We guarantee every Coat to be this year's style, and absolutely new in every way. Very latest effects in Semi and Loose-Fit- ting designs. $7.50 to $37.50 Each. NEW DRESS GOODS Striped Broadcloths and Tweeds, in dress pat- terns. No two al¥ke. $7.50, 9.00, 10.00, 12.50. Fancy Bordered Dress Patterns. The very latest novelty. $10.00, 12.50, 15.00 each. New Cheviots, New Broadcloths, New Panamas. AAA COATS, SWEATERS & JERSEYS and White, --~---- Very large range in Greys $2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 1.00 each. . Waldron. ~ | troubled b.| "Only one store in Kingston" | sells Mrs. George Dawson, Fellows, re- turned home yesterday, after stayirig | with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Wis- | ! say kin, who was seriously sick, but is | of their | some better. Ch syndicate Dr. Harold Spence left, this after- tipulate they should walk the entire | hoon, to resume his position as house istance from coast to coast without! gyreeon in the State Hospital at wrying a dollar, they have so Utica, N.Y., after visiting his parents, | met little else but Mr. and Mrs. David Spence, for the | | pitality from ( anadians : at every | hast two weeks, point visited, and they reckon the Rev. De. MacTavish, is in Toronto, | toughest part of the expedition 2 has | (tending the general assembly's com- | been encountered, the diffi- mittee on Young People's Societies of | of making their project clear | {he Preshyterian church in Canada, in the French district from Que |g¢ James' Square church. Dr. Mac-| \ ) : to' Montreal. : lavish is convenor, of the committee. is late editor of the Mor Advertiser, and a gradu- | ate of Corpus Christi College, Ox- xi ford. Mr. Marchand is late of the 2 Ia---- in staff of the Cape Town Argus, and a Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Bw rravluate of Trinity College, Cam Reporters On Their Rounds. | | bridge. Both gentlemen were in excel-| There was no lent physical condition, and their feet |court to-day. | them very little. They will| William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | reach 'Loronto next. Sunday eveping. | received at MeAwley's. "Phone 778. | Thursday evening, the pedestrians The boaxgd of health was called 10 will be at Trenton; Friday, at Co- [meet at four o'clock this afternoon. {bourg: Saturday, at York; Monday, | 'Students' fountain pens." The at Toronto, regular $2 pen is sold at Gibson's Red | | {Cross Drug Store for $1.50. | | ADDITIONAL CAMP NOTES. J. H. Sutherland and Andrew Me | - { Mahon won prizes with their cocker | spaniels at the ~"Foronto fair, yesters | day. H. Cunningham, piano tuner | Chickering 's. Leave orders at Mec- | Auley's Book Store. "Delicious: caramels," MeConkey's Sold only at Gibson's Reds Cross Drug Store betore they set ont from here this morning, Messrs. that ontract Marchand conditions English and the the Clark although with far with generous hos- | now i.e. culty among bec Mr mouthshire Clark WCIDENTS OF THE DAY. session of the police ; Great Indignation Over the Liquor | Cases. great indignation quarters at the camp, over and the affair great deal of discussion | Yesterday afternoon the invited to the to examine gun, and to with the rifle have a fine players trouble the liqum dt dsestated, result-m-the re- | Who efim4- imbibe of the camp darriefield "McConkey's caramels," fresh on \ board - was appointed by Major | Monday, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug P.V.0., for the horses of the "Phone 230 : lines. Cartwright is mounted police from the president Ex-Liout. Moore, of the 5th Field Battery, who served thirty-eight years the Kingston battery, visited the {9th Brigade, and was made an honor- [ary member of the mess A rumor is afloat Battery 'etawawa, and There is in some the liquor Cases, has caused -- a | artillery of Royal Mili- the point receive in Phoge 230, . The telephone gang is laying a new of cable on Pringess street, It the | ficers were [tary Colleg line will take some time to' complete circuit. Bartenders will checks to those who get liquor. will be easier than remembering tseven sie structions same I'he lacro I'he may, moval corps lot of issue This those soon have to over cases from Morgan, Store. I'he darriefield camp stopped two or three fights Fuesday night I'hey have proved useful during the camp; their the streets being feared | soldiers | artillery Capt on very presence on by the "Pure pickling spices" bottling wax, sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 230. | The road paving scheme will not be! for meeting afternoon, as and that Irom to To- effect here to the would come not proceed | ready the board of works' | this the cz not completed his work. 1 changes in the | will be endorsed, lesser matters considered onkey's bittersweats,' Red Cross Col artillery, English, went Quohe Insp has asser over the camp » proposed buildings' exit several | public tended a neral and VL by-law ral public to other "Mel Monday, at | Store Phone fresh on | Drug ht. Evervone weledmhe o Johnston, of the 3rd Dra had his leg hn was | te the station |} | pas Gibson's | Trooper 290, who oken | removed ospital Tag Day Artanged. the Woman's General Hospital | afternoon. The attended and | Queen an be street He is doing as we g A 1 Aid was meeting of of the Tuesday i ar geiy much business was transacted by the society. The members decid- | new roof the main the hospital. It iggbadly | will be a great improve ment. They also decided to build a root house. The Sat- | urday, October 3rd, as tag day for | t} } {the hospital. On that day the city e roug v vo.) - TY eh will divided into sections and the sulted in a ; : I Tl | women will go carefully over .each e p ) \ (part. To every | amount from one cent up, will be giv- remote | c . i len a.handsome tag with the red cross | th {and K.'G. H. on it. Every one wear- el! : special expec ted. \ u SO ety held on | meeting was -- f a Ignorant Of Real Football. Wan Clab j energetic | to put a of and tary of the Association Football on Wanderers: visited Battersea, | Load needed, ast Saturday frie afternoon against from Battersea and I'he game was played on {for football, and ind tumble yarder, 1 draw, s follows Fbuilding 1, play a drawn clubs { | dly game avers i ! members chose Sunbury ground unfit | was of be which re being players aroupd that countryside, fow exceptidhs, have a very idea of how ty play football. Sunbury the at sinners. Take : : ng this cross will not be again asked Iman, no matter\ how, and leave the |! : ill not be ball alone. is Yot they | for a contribution. In ether cities this fall that sport. rust: for the & {has proved a great success and will : undoubtedly do so here of the game, and the limbs of plafers ' . that these ideas will soon fisperse and | the played as it ought to, in | Going To New York. a' wn and manly way, which would Samuel Mendels, who has been sing- we the game and show the ling at Lake Ontario Park all sum- : mer, will in company' with his moth- | for New York on Sunday, will join a theatricai com- am." as he is known by his | friends, has 'made good," {while here, and his many admirers will be glad to weleome him back again next summer. "Sam" says { Kingston is the best city he ever | struck this side of the line, ant thas enjoyed very much his stay here. no foals scored. one who gives any being grea r poliey ame be One | true sportsman." leave Baseball On Tuesday. Eastern League--Buffalo, 7; Mont- | penl, 2. Rochester, 9-1; Toronte, 1-5, { Providence, 6: Newark, 0. Baltimore, { 6: Jersey Uity, U ' American League--Detroit, 2; Chica- go,' 5. Cleveland, 0; St, Louis, 2. New | York, 5: Philadelphia, 6. Washington, 11: Boston, 3 on National League--Brooklyn, 0; New | | York, 1. Chicago, 3; Cincinnati, 2 We Have .he Gold Drop Plums. | Pittsburg, 2: Stiouis, 0. Philadel- | And Drop peaches, { phia, 6; Boston, 4. | gages, green grapes, red i and red grapes, Crawford peaches and Bartlett pears. Carnovsky's. Golden green and plums that | high class MeConkey's and: Huyler's are only at G\b- | son's: Red Cross Drug Store. 'Phone | A second meeting of the directors of 00, » ithe Kingston & Peqbroke railway, About fifty lealled for to-day, had to be adjourn he third annual i » illness of Mr. Baker Canadian Independent Telephone manager. The date set Mr. Baker Still Ill. sweets, sold sent -at the As delegates are pre convention of ed owing the {and a girl, |came from the country, were taking a { Portsmouth, » Way, heart-broken as he | yield from | | solution to the effect that the present | board of education to exist at | the end of the current year, and be | replaced by a board of ten members, | , to the provisions of the cease according said act, | { HEARD ON STREET, CAR. A Girl Receives a Proposal \and Rejects It. | A rather unusual conversation overheard on a street car, this morn- was ing, by one or two passengers sitting A young man | they { 1 | in the rear of the car. from their looks ride arqund the city to see the sights. Their conversation all along the line | was in low tones, and nothing was! said or done to attract any atten tion, until finally, on the Kay in from | the girl was heard to | ain't particular about | vetting married just vet, 3 I dis not think, I wauld marry | The young gallant looked quite | his lady say, 'No, 1 and, any vou," heard love use the above expression, and for | moments with bowed. head, | contemplating the easiest way to end his life. After a short time he | again resumed his pleadings, but the heroine Was quite firm and would not | particle, his passionate | words of love not having the desired | effect. The interesting theme was brought to a' rather abrupt close, at | Princess "and voung lady left the one willing to some sat likely one of streets, the car, followed hy her slave for life he corner when "On cases of sweets arrived at Drug Store. "Phone At J1:20 o'clock, firemen received a call to the of William Driver, and Barrie ets sported to the only to find that the put out before they arrived Monday morning" four large | MeConkey's choice of rovalty Gibson's Red 230 this morning, Cross of brigade re corner Queen I'he call in quick order, stre bhlaze-had been > TO THE UBLIC. Now that our sdle is con- cluded and we have accomp- lished re- spectfully notify our patrons and general public that our store will be Open for Business From Now On. Until the arrival ot" our goods we will offer special inducements to pros- pective purchasers in any of the lines still left. our purpose, we new As was announced at our closing sale, we intend mot onlv to carry on a first-class retail business, but to also establish a wholesale, which will : enable us to buy, so that we can offer you goods at a much lower price than ever before offered in the city. We have to thank many patrons for the liberal way in which they attended our sale. Kinaear & d'Esterre . Jewellers, 100 Princess St., Kingston. our | I sociation in Toronto, | was September 30th, Barrie | the | be | the | residence | Early Autumn, The fall fashions in Wool Dress Mate- rials are revealed in the display now ready in our Dress Goods Department. Smart and effective colorings and the - weaves most in favor offer quite a varie- ty for choice. Special materials at 49c, 65¢, 75¢c, $1, 1.25 per yard and up. WOMAN'S KID GLOVES In"the new fall styles. Special impor- tations are now arriving. The colorings are in keeping with the style require- ments of the season. Perrins' Famous 'Katherine' Kid Gloves, : Black and Colors, at $1. J Perrins' 'Premier' Kid Glove, $1.25. Perrins' 'Empress' Long ). Kid Gloves, $1.50, 1.75, 2.00. A fle i eee 9000000000 0RAN000000000095000000 seat Going Away? Don't forget to see our Special Trunk at $5.00. Canvas covered, brass trim- med 2 straps, brass lock, iron bottom and rollers ; splendid value. Our Special Suit Case, made on an iron frame, solid leather, good lock and bolts, 4 straps inside to hold goods, selling now for $5.00. ; Same with 2 straps all round, 75¢ extra. 3 colors to select from. : Gbhe Toockett Shoe Store.

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