Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Sep 1908, p. 7

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§ KincsTONG YELL: RAILWAY EN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Central Canadian Exhibition Ottawa, Ont £170 £2.75 Ret nn JOO WESTERN EXCURSIONS, 1%, 18, 19. SEPT Q VINTE RAILWAY. Ontar oF Open Season. New Brunswick September 15th--November 30th Nova Scotia | st November Quebec ~ December 30th - October September Ist Write General Passenger Dept. CREEL RAILWAY MONCTON, N.B. For [ree copies of "Moose in the Micmac Country" "Fishing and Hunting." Toronto Ticket Office, St. East. General Mencton, Ticket Office, Passenger N.B., or 141 Department, apply Montreal St. James St. HIRES Annual Waster Excursions Detroit, Port Hu Central Canadian Exhibition Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18th to 26th TEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND MON 7.30--9.15 a.m, 1.00---4.00 p.m PUES, 7.80--9.15 a.my 1.00--4.00 p.m A 9:15 amy 1:.00-4.00 p.m 30 p.m 7.30--9.15 1.00 p.m, 8] (1) --¢ 5 A. 11 0--4.00 DO. 10.00, AVES 5.00 p.m KINGSTON -- 3.00 P m, to change without mt calls at Garden Island and from Kinastoa Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat: Co. Ltd KINGSTON, ROCHESTER 1,000 ISLANDS ' Str. CASPIAN we. / Royal ALLAN S32" LINE Montreal to Liverpool . Sept. 18th to 26th | { ence us t suftered by Mrs. ot F Blkenburg nd it 4 vs n could have C A y at any 31st! 51 King THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE DNESDAY, A Bad Stomach of three restion, or weak SHE WENT ASTRAY LOST IN DENSE FOREST; | WANDERED THREE DAYS. may come from o1 duses -- faulty constipation kidneys. N Whether it' sone of al 11 three of these tr SALT w stomach, bsound, and strengthen the kidn Arthur Moore of Falkenburg Has Terrible Experience-- Awakened Bv Wild Anin Mrs als 2d suiaic db And alone in he pe- for To be with the | the end ' Ea pl ayed by Mrs Mo hickly-wooded forest s fceling of bemg lost, not only 25¢c. and 60c. a bottle.' * 2} i an 10 wr or a day but in the blackn of ithe night, with all its mysterious ridises, real and imaginary; then, after wander | ing all day in vain end irs to find the way out, to spend yet another night and | part of the ¥,p day in the same maz ze ! 10 and 11 locR Sunday {'morning, Mrs. Moore went out for a | and followed a path which it led to an old crabapple orchard distance behind her husband's She did not ¢ome to the orchard, turned back to what she thought the way home. There were a num of trails in the bush, she in some way got astray and farther from Yk Huadacho and retiove sll th home. She called, but no one heard dunt to a bilious stato of the | her; her progress was very slow for the Dizziness, Nausea, Drowstie resa aft | forest at this point is very dense, with gating, Pain in the Side, &e. W - . ad 1 sumarkable success Las been howd trees, me wp! €s am under underneath fallen trees, and roots made it hard to walk. wandered around, following ditier- | trails, till rkness came on, then, | realizing that she was lost, she made a {bed of ferns and went to sleep. This Tore § mit obablv: sate oF Jom regulata thobowels, Even iftheyoryg |! ot mil d probably " aved her had she wandered al] night she 3 | hfe, for would hz tired herself out, torn her lothes « ably we } a1 3 early n rocks and prob- just in a circl She y ald onimost pricelesa to ©. ae wha . 1 Al all dealers. rm Between | she | 'Was ber and CURE | huge elm 1 rrowth, wl rocks She licadache, sot Carter's Little Liver Fi¥s ate wuaally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre« wating thisannoyingc omy laint, while 'heyalse tn" disorders of the stomach stimulate the sence awoke Id di tressing complaint; che vik d all day, Ines does notend here ana those to get w 10 enuetry thea will ind these little pills valu We in so many ways tha, they will ot bo wit Lec to do without them, But after aligick bead ACHE @™e bane of #o many lives that here is hore Bu make our great hoast, ur pillacureit while > gthers do not Carter's Little Liver Pills are very smali nd eany to tako, One or twp pills make a dod. y are strictly vegetablo#nd do not gripe a¢ rge, but by their gentle action please ail wip ¢ them, In vialsa cents ; fivafor $l. f Jy np e 10 fb, druggists every re, or sent by mail. nd Mrs. Huber. t CARTER MEDICINE CO., Yor ha fd Jt was then too dark Small B ik a inl Prey | ind early Monday ohm 1d Mr. Moor morn- went number search he report 1 n about tl uri ng the settlers do country, of the surr wl. Their effort they must wt very far d | Tuesday morning "Mav y | trace t the | She me : So | peopl colors are experier any shac Royacicr Soap roc. for colors. 1sc. for black Frank I. Benedict & Co, Montreal, 67 yund g re fruitless, al have been Mrs. Moore Y 1 1 | ing borh | though eassnt tres t with i AL . Sean y * Maypole 3 About mine ple assembled expert bushman In this manner the n systematically, 'and by of ground avail cach party | was wrried I) [ol < fte alo | Synopsis of Canadian going to | we up to Mr ws that ir. J hn ind guns were snal to the searcher Mrs. Moore spent much the same m Northwest. [and says. hat awaken Homestead Regulations. Spence d by ybably to w me ¥ her, pr 1-10 tinued UK unt THE TWO INVINCIBLES. Cod Liver Oil and Iron. Cod Liver dn ww other the world alr na pres over, more than dies the world 1 oil are ribed by phys any two remds knowt for anemia - or weakness, convalescence, 1 pulmonary is the without a suthcient hed, wasting ant | Irom, be : I blood and per | the 'blood is {pale Cod ause 1t IMpOVaeris watery & and impure Liver Oil, and re that inal age modern scier combinatio tw world-famed tonics Oil and contams becau onstructi CORY curative qualities I jgreater thar a other one medic In Vinol, the posse wlio world f all useles tures Iron, COAL! looking oik or Vinol tractive from with a scientific ex entrating combining The kind you for is the kind we sell SCRANTON and we guar- ery. "Phone, are Process medi- cinal, lements of cod liver Ag ator, for old people, deli run-down Pr for Chronic Coughs, hitis, and throat id Vinol unex elled. Kingston, O Coal is good coal a bodv-builder antee prompt deliv 138. weak Booth & Co., FOOT WEST STREET. SOM ness, and Brox troubles, We ask ul a tna give Vinol anditar of SEPTEMBER 9, 1908. Hs PASSED 10 REST HE SERVED DURING THE FENIAN RAID. Irn William R. Allen, Well Xnown Resident of Cape Vincent Died - Suddenly--Was Member of Leeds County Militia. Cape Vincent, N.Y, early hour yesterday 4 Allen, a well known resident died at his home here. Deceased was a native Canada, born in Prescott. Ont, October 21st, 1846. He moved from Prescott to Watertown when twenty eight years old, where he resided for a short time. Removing thenee, he pet | tled in this village, where he had since Yived g He was a member of the Leeds com pany battalion of the Canadian militia durmg the Fenian troubles, doing mili tary duty throughout that somewhat exciting period. Although he had been an invalid for some time, suffering a very severe at-! tack of grip, from which he never fully | recoveréd, to which was added asthma | in its worst form) his death was sud- Jen and unexpected, He leaves a son, H. Rov 'Allen, asso-- ciate editor of the Cape Vincent Eagle, | two daughters, Miss Alice M. Allen, one rof Cape Vincent's teachers, and Mrs. L. W. Rousscau, of Canastota, N.Y, and a sister, Mrs. H. S,:Jordan, of Prescott, Ont, He was politically clining to the tenets church. He was a kind neighbor, and alweiys firm in his friendships and he appreciated that quality in others. was a man of much more than ordinary education® and extended reading. His occupation wag that of a carpen- ter and builder. the people "Bracebridge and Falken- that so many of them voluntarily le eft their p! aces of business to join in th Seare Bh and we would especially comrhend Spencer. for the kindh- i nce of mind she showed burg INDIA',> FALLOW WEALTH. Hundreds of Millions of Hoarded Gold and Silver. Aug. 30--Sir Ernest a former mber of the Vi ceroy of India's cabinet. and an ex-president of the Bengal Chaner of Commerce writ ¢ to The Times, maintains that there enormous amount of wealth--est 1. he savs, by persons of the highest at £300000000--lying fallow London, Cable, Sept. 7.--At in evening William R of the British govern list the financial confidence of of India Sir Ernest considers weakest parts of the British administration. "It is common knowl- rhe "that for vears past In- dia has been absorbmg gold and silver The Mr. Henry Dunning Macleod said his book on the Indian cur- rency that persons of the highest au- thority estimated, the rhoards at £300, 000,000, and one financial organ says that wrding averages £11,000,000 yearly, anything at all in these fig- are generally accepted, 1 there is clearly an enormous wealth lying fallow in In failure the people one of the says. late in the her If there is ures-- and they beliey amount ot da v If" adds Sir Ernest Cable, "the people of India could be persuaded to put the bulk of their surplus wealth into railwaye, into irrigation works, and into the . development of the industrial and commercial resources of the continent there would gradually ensue a' welding together of the material interests of the European and the Indian Such a b gd of union between the rulers and the ruled would sfirely go far to pro- mote those feelings 6f the co-operation and loyalty which are e al if the Indian empire 18 vance," a man of broad views, both and religiously, though in- of the English HER HUSBAND'S HAIR Didn't Match the Drawing-room Furniture. New York, Sept. 9--A cable despatch The Herald from Paris says: --It would be difficult to conceive a more harrowing tale of man' lous indiffer ence for woman's finer sptibilities than the disclosed in an applicati for divorce just filed before the rt to 1 Ss ca one fe who makes the petition hac I delicate and artistic nature that suffers tortures from the hileous ld scord existing between the color of | drawing-room ind the »f her husband's h ncredible it may seem, the hu actu | allgfEiuses to dye his hair to some less | discordant hue hen they I's hair was a delicate, which went admirably with the ing-room furniture and the hang of a cool grey tint. Som igo the wife refurnished her salon le, sad a and every time her enters it his str aw colored ocks set his wife's nerves on ec Appeals, tears and fainting fits a failed to induce the brute of a husband y dye his yellow hair, not necessarily Jennings ' se green, but some tint harmonizing pended on 1 vent any tain hoy with the furniture, in despair, the ibid Gi I » 4 wife finally petitioned the divorce of 'the campaign this consequently, |court to free her from a partner whoge very mek of a public pe ge until after |. ictic abstruseness was making her IT jade Poy bot th Ta i |life one long nightmare. : : The promises to be interesting especially if the judges order the furni ture to he brought into court to sec whether the husband's hair really makes ickening contrasts as the wile uphol and married the hus pale golden were 1 1} , then 1 OLLIE JAMES f Ke ntuc} ky HON gressmar Idenly sO, case PLUNGING ON SHIPS. The Ottawa Fair. A splendid vaudeville will he given daily the {orand stand at the Central Canada | fair, Ottawa, September 15-26 There | be ten numbers, as follows : the death trap loop by A. C Ahearn - troupe, of amusing Mile. Desvall, with her train orses and dog Monte-Myro troupe werobats LLa Nol lians and gymnasts: Del equilibrist Nelson ire walker; A. ( dive 1mmto 100 feet; bal pardchute de Prof. Ed companion. h the parade of also be and a hould | ------ programme of is Not of Betting im Wales (That Called Betting. London, St Som in front moral reforin ooping fun making | Bro [more | the | Holder 10 | tank loon ent Come and Oneida, high thrilling ight of triple balloon reat wire in a from a he race, with | from each by | Hutchison | addition letand will take | hor and cattle and and hefore grand place the There running This programme satisfac ery day will races, tion. Dyspepsia Is A Crime Nearly all conditions that ing down of health have their be in chroni indigestion or dys in br nny | pepsia |" These tr {enred [Day's Dy ir | I'his { Tonic f {bottle ment Store tively mible can he efic any stage by the use of pepsia Cure preparation and Laxative onta sixteen For only at at has Digestive properties Eacl days' treat Wade's Drug ing sale Miss Marg and Wa Hooker, announced yrhe guerite hington Water- wed ' The engagement of 4 | Evans, Fayetteville D.C., and George H ! town, N.Y., is {ding is set for November. Percy Nettleton, a = United vouth, who used a knife at Fenelon Falls, has States in a fight found g been uil ty of stabbing, and will be sentenced i to-day. Hel, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capith, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund; - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current rates, and is paid four times a year. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be one of the number or by the survivor, KINGSTON BRANCH, ' CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS ATS. - P.C. STEVENSON, Manager. B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager made by any Mm i SESIIIIFIIIESD School Days! School Days! Dear Old Golden Rule Days. Of course, the children need new School § Shoes, and you should try the House of Good Shoe Making if you have been having poor luck in the wear of the shoes you have buying elsewhere. All our lines are now complete. First Fall Showing of the New American Styles Both our windows show the smart new styles of Men's and Women's Footwear for fall. As usual we are a few weeks ahead of the other fel- lows with onr new goods, and - a year 'ahead in style. * J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Hdme of Good Shoe Making. SABLE LAA48848448880.00000000000000 00080848004 00000000080¢ CERF EERE RRS PR EERE IVER E RR EER RRR Re WELSBACH GAS LIGHT PRICE COMPLETE , $1.00 This light gives " Maintained Efficiency. That means a good light ; not only when the mantle is just light, but all time. # "McKELVEY & BIRCH, 68-71 Brock st. 000000000 o0d« OO O000 0000000000 O00000QO00000000K I BE LOMBARD PLUMS Fruit for Preserving. BARTLETT PEARS The largest assortment yet; cheap at TOYE'S, King St. ! A A A AAA AA A A A A A At a A At dP lt a ANNIE . . § Nordlheimer Steinway Pianos Pianos Warehouse: KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE, 150 Princess St mn, GIVEN UPBY DOCTOR--N OW IN PIN KOF HEALTH No word of ours could be more | convincing uf Psychine's power to | make the sick well thap those of John A. Galbraith, a "well-to-do | farmer of Plympton, Ont. He says: '1 did not seem able to gain any strength after the attack of pneu- monia. One doctor said that tuber- culosis had developed, that I could not recover, and advised me to settle all my affairs as quickly as possible. This was the condition I was in when my pastor, Rev. C. E, Burrell, of the Baptist Church, ad- vised me to try PSYCHINE, and mil wadian fed millions of will dre many but they blocks. & i ------------ have b bell, Lanark, for course, small Mrs the | n issued by Invitations James W, ( rriage of her daug . Marion to William J. Dry The mar- take place September amj ma 1 wh better. through any corpulency, but owing to a H. Redes ene flesh all over. procured for me a trial bottle. This was in May, 1906, and at that time I was reduced in weight to 120 pounds. "" The PSYCHINE did good from the start. weight at the rate of half a pound a day until I went up to 150 pounds, steadily regaining my strength and feeling I actually had to have my clothes enlarged, not putin I have resumed my wor through a severe and sickly winter with nothing worse than an attack of grip, which my system . was able to throw off without any serious results. "1 give this statement for the se of showing how PSYCHINE as probably saved my life, and in wd, that others may be likewise benefitted by its use." « TRY PSYCHINE FREE. want every family 10 know the 'sychine and will send ev ery householder a tral bottle bree. Ct ont coupon and mail to . A. Slo na imited, Toronto, SAID - PREPARE TO "BIE PSYCHINE is the only specific known that will CURECHRONIC WEAKNESS, Catarrh, Decline, ete. Tt restores the throat, lungs, heart and stomach to perform their proper functions. Alldrug- gists sud stores, 50¢ bott I gained in sr 0 t --------------T 7 Please send me o {res sam ve « § Psychine as per ous spec.al oft. on of good have gone

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