Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1908. = -- " sscocoos THE SP.MEDITION 2%" "om 'PERSONAL MENTION 2. tor re cen. A: | ind ® | pesult-of the Handicap: to the 1 & i" Accused of Stealing Tree off Bell's | : pps By | Foot of Wolfe Island. : 1 ya : Island. $ A PRO ION MADE The Kingston Yacht Club cruising BACK FROM A TRIP TO THE op nen Charlo Dat was arraigned in 1 : | race dver the holiday proved a very | o e police court, t is moruing, he was JY ' ] | pleasant outing for 'the yachtsmen. NORTH WEST. faced with rather an unusual ¢ Homer bak vi |The handicap race to the foot of | ; that of stealing a tree from offi Heil's | AS TO THE CTION OF A! Wolfe sland, started on Saturday af- | People Going to the Toronto Ex- Island on. August 2st. He pleaded BIG HOTEL endo. in x foe befese'SOuiL) hibition Mbnth's Outing at | MEENIY \oins aborn, "stated that e . south, aml the boats had a Ine run . ¥ 3 3 + eworh, "state a | . ' down. + i T. I Park--Back From Peta- (he saw Dean on the island on the | Chicago Men Here Again With | Tin class I, the Isis got first place, | wawa on Inspection Trip. morning of August Se Dean was in i i wi land the Tezpi was a close second. | "Walter Télfer tithe lid t company with another man namad { Emipent Architect Kingston | In class 11, the Oweenee finished Loreal spentithe holiday : a Alired Coward. Witness noticed the Must Give a, Site--1t's Now | frit, Freda second and the Baby! Miss Flossie Bertram has returned vo men walking near a tree which Up to Kingston to Act. Grand third. - te Parham. haa been Bidun down, Ah later he | | : Fhe vachts reniai , : ; aan i trim the tree with an axe. The ! Dr. Dupuis and Mr. Henderson, - of The yachts remained at the foot of| 'W./R. Neal, of Booth & Co., is at- - sek Chicago, hotel promoters, came back | the istdnd for the night and the crews | tending the Toronto fair. it; alon ed th rr - Soap : to Kingston, Monday, bringing with spent 'a pleasant evening. k gether. | . 'Miss Anna Crellian is visiting friends 3a 5 Bd The Sree WAS ¢ ; Palmer Grav Sunday morning a heavy wind = was iin Buffal d Roo Cv of ash. Witness asked them bout them George Palmer Graves, one of a 1 oe tied un in ullalo an hester, N.Y. what they had, and they told him | the most noted and busiest architects blowing, "and the Boats vig vx th Mrs. 'G." Shore has returned home af- that they had secured the tree from} he mort noted su bet, rote | "yon i he often, when the { i iting fine in assdoyne._ {afng he shore" it ola: Wit reputation in tw mréat countries. | WARE m0COra 0, Miss Flora Elder is spending the : ! 81 : t | They came - Have mer a ita made for Dominion Park, where they | yaention with relatives in Montreal. ness told them to_take it back, so ps !tion regarding the erection of a big spent the night. 2 : Miss' Booth and Mi&€ Marion Booth, t6 save "further trouble. After wit | hotel here. They went over the city Monday cp ay variate wind Alfred street, are visiting in Toronto. the oy taken SL A with Mr. Graves, with a view to pet: the 'yachts started up the river GI Miss Lillian Wright, Sydenham ahd found that the - tree had been x a hifatt's 'ide : : put into Boxton harbour for dinner | street, 'is visiting friends in Toronto. back Hug the architect 1d 2: to. hotel and a ball game. On the run home a | James ee and he i * + Bagot taken back. 3 Yeistare ' : but '} » th heavy head wind and sea were €n- |street, went to Toronto, to-day, on a A witness - summoned on behalf of igure =O eupation, but 'because they | oi tered which gave the crews a ighort visit.. * the prosecution, did not appear, and have the financial afrangemeils &e- spray bath. The club house was reach- Joseph Manly { Montreal, is on this dccount the case was enlarged L cured for erecting a £250,000 hotel od about 6 p.m., after a' very enjoy- Wir his RY i o bis \ & 5 | until Saturday morning, when the de. and furnishing it at an expense of 1 ble 'cruise. ' oe ior stocat ration at his home on fe, 0 (ill also be heard. W. F. $78,000, provided the city of Kingston DG Laidlaw and' wife. Earl street Nickle appeared on behalf of the ie- provides a site and announces a guar- MURPHY-WEST WEDDING al . fence. antee of $100,000. This guarantee -------- Qe home. from a pleasant outing to A. similar charge is also lodged - Tepriient 2 Morigags o- the plo R Pcpular Kingston Man Takes a W. Hewitson and wife, Syracuse, N against Alfred Coward. T perty and cost the taxpayers nothing. - ¥ Rei f 7 have bean. visiting to 1 Woes +1 "An abusive language case was on ¢ . I'he risk would be small, because the | . o Bride, xy. have hte visiting in the city for the docket, but was settled out off' ] i security: will be there. In St. Mary's cathedral, early. Mon- : N by O Brie ' court. 1 / : 1 'The promoters do-not rSnose a |day morning, there took place the . P. OBrien, stock broker, Mon- * b . iY prog marriage of Miss Bessie E. West treal, was the guest of Ald. J. J. Rg 3 ss Bessie E. West, { MCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ' | 4 i ybrick or wood hotel, as has hitherto 1808-09 5 'been the idea of Kingstonians. What daughter of Martin West, Charlotte- Harty, yesterday. 2 i-- 7 . they propose is a picturesque hotel |town, Prince Edward Island, to Arthur O'Leary, spending a few Newsy Paragr hs Picked Up By like the magnificent Boldt Castle, Lawrence W. Murphy, merchant, of weeks at his on home here, returned to aph up . Now ready. Call or write. opposite ~ Alexandria Bay. They are this city. Rev. Father A. J. Hanley, Guava, on Sunday, on Repo 0a Their Re : ~FOR~ , It is a work of art showing satisfied that the site will determine | rector of the cathedral. officiated. Only Police Constable "Harfy' Filson has | Seckle Pears at Carnovsky's. 8 been off duty a few days, suffering William Swaine, piane tuner. Orders all the latest designs 2 to a large ex i few relatives and inti p friend pt h ¢ ge extent the success of the [8 few" relatives ant intimate friends |." : ui : hotel and its benefit to Kingston. of the contractiiig partis' were pres- from Ls sprained ankle, received at McAuley's; 'Phone 778. John McKa F H The Carruthers' site, on King [ent The couple were unattended. The | ° pwier ; eaves this week for A week from to-day, the supplemen- y ur ouse street, between West and Simcoe jonly out-of-town guess was Mrs. La Greensburg, Pa., where' he has secur- | tal examinations begin at Queen's pensee, of New York, a friend of the eda good position. University. " Ti y % 8 We . . streets, is a fine one, but such a mag- Wes Ing ne "SQ , i KINGSTON. nificent building as proposed, hl bride. The bride ;was attired in a ] Alert Wott, Satleiin Place; forme = Students fountain pens. s pie such" surroundings: of poor build- travelling suit of navy hlue, with hat i ol 3 HO ee store, Is renewing regular $3 pen is_sold RS s Red ings and big coal sheds, and' idle {#0 match. Mr. and Mes. Mutphy left A rs. | (tab . {Cross Lrg 8 bre Ae « Ruler i : , steamers blocking Tevier a Ne on the Cape Vincent stpamar, en route Nie ASR oa Fatier and Nis Chk singh n ngno er rom The fall fashions in Wool Dress» Mate- h i . - wm s : x, i PT , to-day, to attend} Chickering's * p- 3 ; 3 1 river, has couled their awdor for it; fio New York They will also visit li Lis. exhibition. gay re ok J ag Rordirsia Mc rials' aré revealed in the display now while the small buildings on the [Rochester Buftalo, Niagara, Falls and | * 6 0 a ii uley OR dtlore. ai { . 4 Fy ¥ While » the small builiings on Ui [eo Qn hair ut hey will +H Mardin, accowitant at Dor-| 'A number of women from Kingston {§¢ || ready in our Dress Goods Pepartment. Phe. Macdonald Park. site is one that [take up residence here. ) bitter} Np. od ean; isvin the pret ur joie ici to work ! g t d eff . lofifi 54 d th , fave lia A ? th ida: o "oy 3 py ys. mn we ctamng actones wre. tL » ol . . : they believe unexcelled on the contin- | Mr. Murphy met hi bride on one of Nr and Mrs. Alired MeCutchoon,| "McColikey's caramels," aah' on mart an € fective co oring an b e weaves most in favor offer quite a varie- ent for "an ' The lars it | his old country trips. For some time w " 8 an hotel. They declare it | h I and Master Harold have gone to To- [Monday, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug rivitls the sites of the Chates cron. |pist, Mrs. Murphy has ben visiting{ J ikiti : : . k i Dresden 1 ) ites of t hateau Fron- | Pf urph Poe Mo ronto to the exhibition. Store. Phone 230. ty for choice. Special materials at tenance at Quebec and the Clifton house | Mrs R. Corby, avenue Rev. Melvin - Taylor and wife, of | 'The Yacht Clab will hold diskion at Niagara They believe they can The many friends of the newly-mar- ly © lot ve visiting Prof. and Mrs | | Hu n ance, bring double the number. of Lersons | ried couple 'will wish them mucn folie: |] A PAS) ing Prof. and Mrs. {this evening, in honar of the officers 49 65¢ 75¢ ; 1 1 25 there tl he ' } lity Dupuis, University avenue. at the Barriefield military camp. A C, » 9 ' . per Jeet: Shaan " ¥ could i the hotel was lity. Cc. T Dickson lds for Toronto. to- fine night is anticipated. . lima nd fy. Wout | day, to dttend funeral of the late! On Monday morning" four large d d Fruit Sets Ile _ ee a--u 3) hulle be | OBTIUARY CHRONICLE. { ix Mayor W. B. McMurrich. of McConkey 's Roe fo ole yar an up. ' Ep a point would le : g : James N. Scott, Wallaceburg, re- {sweets arrived at Gibson's Cross Comports an object of beauty. They would come Death of Mrs. Chamberlain, Prin- | (umd to the city on Monday to re- Ey oa oer dE Red Cr ; . wh | 10 further towards Emily street than cess. Street. v sume his studies at Quoen's. We are to have that mirthiul farde, Plates Hh as mound, and would extend | yi Emma Chamberlain, wife of Frederick 1). Geoghegan, visiting at ["Jhe Awakening of Mr. Pipp," with lke. uilding westward towards the | Gagrge Chamberlain, 386 Princess | his home on Solbarne strdet/ Whe park unctious Charley Grapewin at The ye ; The onlv other available site 1d street, passed away at her residence two weeks, has retatned to North | Grand on Monday, September 14th. : ding gifts. be the Crawiord a, ee site would | nn Supday evening, atter an illness of | Bay. : Canadian Frecman : I'he Whig is King street ; i yard, Bway oul some months' duration. Fhe late Mrs. Mrs. Michael Muchmore, Bagot street, | yjght. Fhe citizens want a nice dome i : hig : re. weal, ich gould iavolte | Chamberlain was horn in Sharpton, returned - home, 'after' a" pleasatit' visit | over their city hall, one that will be p " r - Retin 3h Of Be distiliery i A fitty-nine wears ago, and had resided with Mrs. (Capt. Carnegie, Clayton, {a credit, to this generation . . ~ S angenberg four idfte Rr I ti and Ia se 1t. 8 lin theeity for some years. She was & NY. : $ Rise "Molasses kisses,' McConkey's, fresh d 4 9 dear site for the dty to purchage. Methodist in religion, a member, of Frederick Newman, John Snider and Jon Monday, at Gibson's Red Cross b- ; i ' The Chicago promoters Will not re- | Brock: Street Methodist church. Be- Roland 'Attwood; left Sunday" night, | Drug Store. 'Phope 230. . JEWELLER rh 'te Kingston with any further | ides- her surviving husband, four for Toronto, Hamilton' and 'Nidgara| Ou Monday afternoon Col. Huiter iE Yeo at CTA proposition ' itil the question of a |Jaughters and two sons are left to | Falls. tried a case of assault brought by one i and site has heel thoroughly diseudsed by | mourn ber Joss. The funeral services| Miss A. MacDougall, Lyndhurst, [resident of Joyceville against his ' 1 \ Y the Hotel 'committee of the Board of | were conducted by Rev. T. E. Burke, |spent the holiday the guest Bi ber | neighbor. It geems that one man be- p " = 3 DIAMOND MERCHANT Trade 'and city couhcil, #nd when | this 'afternoon. i ""launt, Mrs. Henry Winter," Rideau | came' badly exited and struck the ; : hig We. fF AE dl ee OR ty} do Sie back they will be pre- Ra | street. | ore pared with plans. F's pow up to the Died At General Hospital Pr. Eva Agnew has returned to her "Pure. pickhi shina"? 1 n = city of Xinaste % ie aclis ; , ital. 5 Rd tthy TE ction | ure, pickling spices," grounc and : . . , Issuer of Marriage i angst i ! poke acl Wi gic | 10dohN Franklin, a laborer of Morven, home in New Yop, ates o Wil: | and unground. Sold at Gibson's Red In the hew {fall sty. CS. S ecial jppor- 2 y Li Pa Melon: this thip. § Bt I os NO JTasocites died at the General Hospital, on Mon- [ Spent with Mrs. Herbert Holder, 1-1 Cross Deng Store. "Phone 230. tations ive Ww HH is n 1a in or . slcenses. o. "TY : ip, de chufmed th Nings- | (ay morning, alter a week's illness of | am street. tes' Mami Theresa and . Thousand Island Park : i a doy a ingy Cc Ings. Son the re o bt ort) superb typhoid-pneumonia. The deceased was loa Henderson, and Yiee 2 Ame baseball teams have been having a are i kedping wit the style" require- . anc , CY a 1ts bes or their Vis- | 4 hirtveone years of age. The remains Hmo re nrned o Gananoque, to series of games. Both teams won| i = A it Me Graves does not blame the were forwarded' to Morven for burial. day, after visiting Ars. P. Moneriei, | games and tied in another. On Satur ments of the season. ------ee eee | citizens for 'being slow 'and easy-gong, Areh street. : dav the final was played, at Theresa + | for he declares that if he had enough : : C. 8. Lake and wiie, visiting at Wil- | x 3 a ted : A : nev {0 re . { Ter-centenary Moving Pictures. li parr es A [NX taking four hours to determine P * ' F 'K h . 3 he ooting eason | money to retire upon and settled in} TCC pictures - of the Quebeg liam Lake's, Queen street, for the past | + Theresa won by 4:-to 3, after elev- errins amous at erine Kingston, he would loaf and not 5 | week, left on Sunday for Montreal and | on "innings. Much money changed ter-centengry . will be repeated at the twork. He is satisfied auto ke. George His Opened Ko is satisfied that Kingston Bijou . Theatre to-morrow and Thurs ake re Hector: Hume are mos hands over the result. : Kid Gloves 3 Mr. 8. Cy thas an hotel future that will some ; : "F : { | day, in consequence of many requests | i, to Gananoque and Brookville, | F resh oh Monday 4 four cases of | g ans 1 + | McConkey's choice of royalty candy [day surprise the people. for the same, more especially from 3 ? _ Some (uns Won't kill no matter | rte sens oR ig TR otuten | (day, as guests of Frederick R. Bab | yt Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Black and Colors, at $1. or pre ime iain Neatly pu Resident, will he accompanied by a descriptive | "William Farrell and bride, of Belfe- Phone 230. ray have. y buying your gun| On Sunday evening, about nine | talk, in which every action on the { illo were visitors in the city. vester | . ' e here places the responsibility up- o clock, some people on Princess street | sanvas will be explained, and all the : left for Montreal Ar Perrins 'Premier' Kid day. They on Jour accuracy. 1 were given quite a scare One of the | principal personages pointed out. The |gieamer Alexandria -------- = - or each Gun we sell can be |large field ambulances came dashing | various military bodies, such as the Mrs. Beattie and daughter, Miss] Glove 1 25 9 o a thoroughly tried before leaving [down Princess street from Sydenham | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, the |portha Beattie, of Hamilton, have i our storé and each gun guaran- |street. Quite a crowd of people were | Royal + Military College "cadets etc., {heen visiting at the home of James | teed. jaseracted by the Hig, Mod at the car- | will also be indicated by the lecturer. |Qjeath D hasan street i . ols eit ' ney, of Princess anc ontreal streets |The pictures will be accompanied by Are. we W. Tilley. Kingstc is : i P E : -- ost, Johnson tit | psion; § errins' 'Empress' Lon hells, U.MC Ll ea eo. : Loaded S ells, U.Mu., | the crowd was quite dense. As the | military effects, such as, band music, fone of the provisional directors of the 1 ' age dashed do » oug 3 i : 3 A . : it - : . Winchesters, Ely S. 3 | wage m Sactived lo¥n, fig. an Hhought boomihg canons, trampling horses, Graduate Nurses Association, of On " { i Kid Gloves i "lo « twrning, ) i ig | ote BU CE Traci bs 3 : \ . 4 . tario, just incorporated. ' [ ] All sizes kept in stock, 'both | the driver turned over Montreal! -A large number of people have ex-| Mr. and Mrs. Ea 8: Powley, To- 1 : 1 white ahd black powder. | ataent, narrowly missing id fuople pressed regret that they were unable {ronto, are jn the city visiting Mrs. M. $1.50, 145, 2.00. . standing on the crossings ie horses { {o see these pictures before. They will Asselstine, 'Alfred street, and other + lowed down for the t i : ; A . * . 1tC e S, | were not slowed down lor th wi now have the opportunity relatives for a' few days. } { : and two men being on the seat Wi T | Arthur Turner, Hamilton, is in the LTT] 85 Princess St, HARDWARE. | the driver, were thrown off into the . : a : A Ouden's | Real Estate Booming { city, to resume his studies at Queen s | | Wm Murray Auctioneer mud After thev had been picked ap the) He will start the rugby team at work Now that ous tals Is bon ' ' | Pense has secured Ringwood, and its the horses continued their mad dash 27 BROCK ST " oi. i had Great Clearing Sale. | spacious grounds. These sales dispose lown Montreal street New Carriages, Cutters, Harness | Prevost, Brock street, has made a} "ho act of the attractive homes (Capt.) McGlade, Clergy street. i and general public that our stc., for sale. great reduction in price in the 'order upon the fine waterfront of Kingston, Lieut.-Col, Massie, V.S., was home to 1 ill Sale of Horses every Saturday. |and ready-made Slokileg depgrtment; Following the recent purchases of a ¢ Monday to ingpeet store will. be | also gents' furnishings. look at dis" | yoitland House and of the Ferguson the "veterinary "arrangements at 'amp . Rarriefield, which he did on Monday. | play windows. homestead, Centre street, by John Gil- - : . . . i | ig ------ : bert. it is evidence of new life and Samuel Birch, Bagot street, is home | acain after a . month's vacation at i We show exclusive decora- tions in this beautiful China. Very appropriate for wed- § Howard Folger has purchased | beautifully situated residence the : cout tuned rere a6 he #4000, 00 COUEL GIL ip, ||| cluded and we have acsomr- | . Y., and H. P. McGrath, Toronto, lished our purpose, we re- | as soon as college opéns. epent Sunday, the guests of Mrs. spectfully notify our patrons over Sunday and Furniture and Store Fixtures | Onlv one store in Kingston' that Tonressic tor suburb rOPerty { progression, for uburban property Thousand Jsland Park. Mrs Birch re- sweets, McConkey's |, "leon slow of sale hi Polished | sells high class Repaired Varnished and ; ; k not turned with him. The young Cabinet "making. and Huyler's are sold eunly a Gite | . M od 1 k | - son's Red Cross Drug Store. hone | 3 will return during the week. ; B.GARBER, 389 Princ ess St. 910 | . Barbers Had Busy Time. Charles Livingston: and wile, Barrie}! mn W i. 2 | E. Robhs and his two assistants, | root > spent three weeks in Winnipeg, ------------ m-- m= | had a busy time at the camp sath and as far west as Edmonton. They i AA Sunday morning, attending to the 0 iied Detroit, Buffalo and | | Until the arrival of our v |*'soidier boys," bafore church parade. Rochester on the homeward trip. how shave nr 5 " En 'hie | new i | [They shaved over two hundred men.} "yo, Jefis and wife, of Chicago, jj] goods we will offer C8008 00000000000U000OINTOU00000000000FOIITE {It was stated 'that a fine of $1 would | 3 0 have "been visiting in the city, special inducements to pros- [he levied upon all not properly groom: |, guests of Mr. and Mrs. McCam: pective purchasers in any of : 0 ° ed mon, Queen street, have left for home, the lines still left. - : and will stop off at Toronto te see on Wa a Don't forget to see our { Ready For The Fair. the fair. As was announced at our | At an enthusiastic meeting of the Invitations are out for the mar- closing sale, we intend mot . x Special Truck at $5.00. Canvas covered, brass trim- | way in which they attend our sale. > ] selling now for $5.00. \ Same with 2 straps all round, T5¢ extra, 3 colors to select from. Gbe Toockett Shoe Store. PHONON PROSSCCOSOINOIENINSND { } . N H . i - ; . . ie a J ce the arrival of our Foreign directors of the Kingston township | riage of Miss Cecile May. Barnes, We sunen i ; I ans for : Tailoring | fair, at which the president, R. J. daughter of Mrs. Sidney G. Barnes, onl» to carry on a first-class and Domestic Woo lens or oul g B | Bushell, presided. further arrangements Toronto, to Gerald Fison Saunders, retail business, but to also Department, and our readiness to attend | were made for te anual fair, to be sort of the late Dr. MH. J. Sovedérs, establish a wholesale, which {held on Seutember 24th. e prize | Kingston, on Saturday, September hay to fall orders. {list was revised, and other business oh : sige) will enable us to buy, so d2 b Handsome and exclusive Suitings, Over- {atténded to. James Devlin, Jr., of the Canadian that we can offer you goods. me, straps, brass lock Jron at os oe > mtr? nail Service between Ea. William and at a much lower price than bottom and rollers; sp! 1 coatings, and I'rouserings. Victorias Defeated. Winnipeg, is spending two weeks with ever before offered in the rvahie ' . wm , 3 5 yo ost: ish d for i The Victoria baseball team played his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jove ity. . » Th reputation Ye hares egtablis) bilit y | at Belleville, yesterday, and were de-|lin, Upper William street. His wife city Our Special Suit C faultless tailoring, rests upon our ability |feated by the home 'team, wy the score |and child who have been lieve _ Joe We have to thank our made on an iron | Lid to make for discriminating men, clothes I seven to six. sole 1 Jie will return to Ninnipeg | many patrons for the liberal hes | hE . 3 orv detail { eimai . a , good ock an . that are absolutely correct in every detail. Ripe Bartlett Pears. Archbishop Gauthier leit on Satur 4 straps sgside to hold . We're at your service. ; Wo offer for Wednesday morning 100 day afternoon for Montreal, Where he ps 10as1de to ho goods, : = baskets at 35c., Carnovsky's. celdirated xh mass on Lake 3 ay th 2 9). 5 % -- «| OL. a CK 8 reh., is * oe i . Sts, $20.00 ia 35.00, ) | Jersev. sweet potatoes, very fine turned home on Monday to take part 11) Kinnear & d'Esterre Overcoats, $20.00 to 40.00. betack, 'ix pounds for a quarter at in the anal Stent of the priest oo he HOSE WV y Ss going ¢ 1 x dic which is goin "Hl Jewellers, . Fe Q 1 | Carnovsky's, 'on the corner." : Trousers, $5.50 to 8.50. EO ous coramets McConkey's. | cathedral this week. ail y Said only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug rm wo 100 Princess St., \V 1 'S u r : ¥ qn . - | " Store. "Phone 230. In one-pound and two-pound box | > 4 LI INGS ON Several Japanese were killed in a jer," McConkey's choice of royalty 3 Kingston. i i ~ | fight with Portuguese in an Alaskan candy, at Gibson's Red Cross Drag |]! ; ; of *|Store." "Phone 230. rs PHEIANEANRSONGINIIRINOINORNOOENE 909900 e etter rie meio 3 -- AAA, A - NEN (factory. FAWN WAAR A

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