Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1908, p. 7

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'A THE DAILY BRITISH "WHICG, T UESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1808. osm adi worpon NEN OF NEGHBORSIIVE THE CHILDREN [STONESS 15 THE MAN | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND WHO LOOKS AFTER THE ENTS TELL US. PLENTY OF FRUIT PEOPLE'S INTERESTS. IN CONNECTION WITH - ' ~ ; 3 TE OTTAWA ExHiBTION | BBE BAINES | Furie AcIvi ud Wht e e . L erowinZ. active ehi . al : ; Sept. 18th to 26th, inclusive . 83.70 ' i y rin or Rp SONINE, active Shild [he Eola and is Working. For the C fF 1 th mh d " Sept. 22nd, 24th and 25th $2 75 7' § h Notes From Forfar. ing worn out--and Jeplaced v} People. = i ) offee is a ways ic Same an | Return Limit--Sept. 25th, 1908 é 4 dl Foriar, Sept. 3.--Miss Florence John- This ge3d x e | Crow lake, Sept. 3--(To the Edit. al always the best. {son has resumed her studies at Athens ] id a the Jo It appeared pon the public \ If . ; { High School. Mr. and Mrs. Orser and owels, Kidieys and. § fran platiorm at Tichborne, September ou are a coffee lover Canadian National Exhibition children, Gananoque, were the guests td "wor ork well enol oy Then | 2nd, that the campaign in the county y y ' ay "| Toronto, Ont., Aug. 29th to of the latter's sister, Mrs. Blanchard. Jn od poisoned and the of Frontenac began pretty lively. As BP» Chase & Sanborn's will 3 or George Dowsett and W. Dowsett, Rort E ; Johu W. Edwards declared himself a ; o- h Bept. 14th, '08. \ land. have' left to visit relatives in thin oni 1 an hnvigiraunget. | representative of the pedple in parlia- win your cart. fleturn tickets will mn 2 Manitoulin. Wellington Mattice has re- | '® : Bans as - | ment, not waiting even for the mark- juices. . Apple juice increases the ae- (5, of "the ballot, nor yet 'waiting .to Good going Fuse Supt Int i Mondny Taos + spt. . turned home, having spent the sum- i ¢ the kidneys; other fruit juices | lk i } * with his son at Harlem. William 3 liver to secrete more | know what vote J. M. Stonness could {collect from the people as an indepen- poing on . 5, ; H9 11, 12 1 cke | . ve is constructing wire fence on his } i nd bile produces casy and regu- | turning 3 Te ronto on or before Tu yack wly-purchased property. William ments of th els; others dent liberal. He said that. Stonnesd day, opt. 5, 1908 | ' : " Po) da f a & o thre a ; Fou riiculars a: Ex & P. and C.P. Buker, Sr., Croshy, is managing Mr th 3 tue glands uf the skin to throw could not talk upon the questions of R. Taxket Office Ontario St. 'Phone, 50, | Dowsett's stock farm during his ab-]° The dificulty is that to get these {the day, therefore he wasn't anyway | {surprised to hear his remarks on the F. coNwAy, Gen, Pass. Agent, {sence. James Murphy is reported seri: | (oo 1s a great deal of fruit must be |, h d pulp and| 'erth road and Loughboro bridge and ETA | ~ | ously ill, and little hopes are held for § ca: the excess of i 3 BAY oF VINTE RAILWAY. b his recovery. George Mattice is con- r00dy itter may upset the digestion. | |e ounty finance, as he had nothing else % 7 i Trai ation, Ontario ; 3 bik {structing a new silo on his farm. Wil- The bettér wa y is to give the gun talk about. Enough . to say that el : 4 : Sun ys excepted) , e 5 Rade ; } A liam Adrain was visiting Athéns rit-a-tives™, which are . ablets [the ratepayers in this county should,' J am iT pay th are } » | friends last week. Mrs. John Chap- of tohoentrated fruit Puleds With llisten to his remarks of expenditure on . rt San M 1 nd eg | alunble tonies added. man, Harlem, was visiting relatives "Fruit-a-tives" have the combined {the steamer Arctic, and the ice break- here on Thursday. effect 'of the different fruit juices, °F Montcalm, and the wasteful ex- ------ helping all the eliminating organs to |penditure of' the government of over i rove. work properly, curing Constipation, | $40,000,000. . l §iom Keumais Or I and toning up the system, and keeping the | We have watched some of the ad- : TO AT TEND THE | A Oe ep Ee ¢hildren plump and rogy. 25¢c. for vantages that have been brought to Mrs. George Somers have returned box 50c. for regular size--&6 | * L x from Kingston, where he was attend- 2a $2.50. Fruit-a- dt es Limited, | | this land in the change from conser ing the Foresters' convention. Mr Ottawa. ' | vative to liberal rule--in the opening § & : Richwond has returned: froin district 1 ~ {up of our country, stretching qut the : meetin at Napanee, Mrs. Richmond railroads, deepening the canals, growth $ visited Mrs. IHughes, Kaladar, last A CRIME THAT IS 'of trade through British preference, : week. Mrs N Clark King- . giving employ ment to our own people a went t : i and we are not tired of the prosper- Open Season . 2p 2 Ae 2 ¢, n Beutel Hespital ou Monday Jor NOT PUNISHABLE. ous condition of the country. Though reanic distur i Eh me hme v : ¢ 2 we have always voted conservative, OF THE --- Y Had the Road e Roads Freed of Tolls : Chase & Sanborn's COF | - Sas - ut nd & 4 ; Cdnadian Pacitic Railway 41 : | The Tidings From Various Points | or. Edwards Taken to Tas¥ For FR a in Eastern Ontario--What It. Helps to Keep Them Well. | His Remarks--J. M. Stoness ] i i a. turbances of the femin- | ,, rg for thei 1 pre ine'system act ko u firebrand on Lrmiefeld, camp for thie annual | 7 {Re wn lens to present a, he : ro th e nerves of women, often driving Ares are visits : friends here. George {meeting and to find that J. M. Ston- fee New Brunswick (hem fairly frantio. dren ¥ iting fri We' Xe, George How many people reading this article [ness is looking' aftér" the interest of {the people. of Fronfenae, shows September 15h--November 30th] A nervous, irritable woman is a. shop to Mr. Zimmonette, Parham. | have gone into a drug store and asked | | trough ho efforts amd apiltts: thet he . gource of misery not only Yo herself, Miss Mabel Price is spending a few | for some well known and highly tried thas brought between eleven : and Nova Scotia { but to all tho e who come under her jdays at the parsonage. Misses John- | medicine and some unscrupulous drugs |{welve Horiand dollars of govern- Octol l November 304 Infinence. 'hat such conditions can | ston and Somers spent Sunday with | gist has said, "Yes! we have that, bus Neorg grant 'to 'the people on sixteen ctoben st ovember JUth he entirely overcome by taking M 3) hnston 8 parents, at White | have you ever tried this remedy, it i# | miles of coutity Foud. ¥ Was Surpris- ke. (rs. Pairo, Miss Edna Clark just as good and costs less." Any drug- |.j ; hear him say 'that Bedford had Quebec LYDIA E.PINKHAM'S : nd Miss Lena Crozier, all «suffering gist doing his fasngt the iberest of yous |a clear gain of $175, when we have | recovering 'slowiy, ealth at heart, but the interest of Sai: v . Sa ar 3 from typhoid, are 3 bee: " Feve 1% he. cos Oe; tember Ist-- December Ist | VEGETABLE COMPOUND William Coulter has gone to visit his'| pocket, as he can make more profit out | that road wold yO hat She. cost off - - Mme. Emma Chatel," Valle yfield, daug mer, Mrs : G s, New Hamp- of the cheap substitute. payers. am glad to know we are 7: ' ' D Beleriver, Quebec, writes to Mrs. | 5 ro: Y W. J. Andrew and family, For the protection and benefit of the fahead, i this is the kind of man | Wiite General | assenger Dept. x < Beri visited his cousins. Mrs. L. L. ublic, we wish to say that Dx. FowLER'S |, want that will fight and fight un-| ' Pinkham : d Mrs. FE Price recently. Mr. and SXTRACT OF ILD STRAWBERRY has been || Lo wins. I saw by a former letter | Mr Bevis have gone to Arden to | gsed in tho of homes for the lof his that he was adv ocating the | 4 "1 want to tell you that without . . ; : INTERCOLONI 8 Fadia NE triad egitable Com: reside. Mr. and Mrs. Kitson, Godirey, sixty-three years and has never fail | draining of our drowned lands, which RAILWAY " a Ly ia JM woud a v ted ial dugliter, Mrs. A. w give rouge relief and cure in all -- |is greatly needed in this county. And| - , thont I ered th pa nful and hw pson, over un ay. LN - | of Diarrh 06a, Dysentery, Colic, Stom- las he has fought the toll question | We have bunched toget f MONCTON. N.B. . lifesiar perio snd intmmstion at | Tus" Ms, PCR, oni | Rail, Rat Lesa | om brush fepdom to he prople we | 00" 000g. and mei Sr ---- For free copiedaf a el dl po : TA ith' ys pin -- ee Da Towns you ars [ie set_aside, When, tu has the pepe them for you to > "Moose in the Micmac Country" |r 1 i [enh Rivka see veoing feiops | Saad Somady, Dus are gong oue thas (Olden and Pediord can roll wp 200 a | Pu ; table | here. Mrs Hughes, spending a few has stood the test of time. | people will vote in their own inter- | Lv . i) take 'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable y - : . oe : "Fishing and Hunting Compound as it had cured he Jo with her sister, Mrs. 0. You- Miss Lettie Reid, Vivian, Ont., writes : jest. We have a right to talk about . i 1 cate Yr ng : i : nans, returned- home on Thursday | "Last year I suffered untold agony from [1 intv of Front ¥ whom Wai Toronto Ticket Office, 51 King | I did so and now I have no pain | |,.¢. Me. Redmond found his colt dead eramps in the stomach and did not know jhe foun y alk EE wi as » and hm entirely cured. Your remedy he field what to do until a friend su d 1 shall vote for, independent of party Pre Ae ggeste strife. --RATEPAYER. St. East. is deserving of great p >." is deserving of great praise. should try Dr. Fowrer"s ExTrACT OF lad to General Passenger Department, Wp S yBERRY and Iw Moncton, N.B., or apply Montreal {FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. News From Crow Lake. : i TT en a bottle. Hat For Late Summer Wear. Se 89 1G i tl | oods.' Ticket Office, 141 St. James St. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink. | 'row Lake, Sant. {.--Harvest is "When 1: had taken four doses 1 found ham's Vege table Compound; made 20out over and the farmers report a i ; Si EE = | from roots and he rhs, I bee n the ght erop I'he annual harvest home relief and since then I never fail to keep ) s g donor: ' a bottle in the house. standard -emedy for female. i don Aue ust 20th, was . a RAILWAY. land has 5 lecided success proceeds amount- i { positively cured thousandsof |, ... 190. Sueech » gave GRAND 1: AERP | women who have been troubled with || el 30 uN ja, i hes WEIR gapen 'TO HONOR A BROTHER. | eplagements inflammation, UICerd- | purham: J. M. Stoness, of Perth The OBafell oe Wititios, beriodio: paing, Road; Rev. Mr. Phillips, of Westport; | © oC fellows to - Have #8 n, irreg Annual Waster Excursions' buctac Why don You try it 2 | Rev. Mr. James, Maberly; J. Thom Banquet. 4%. Pinkham invites all sick on. of Sharbot Lake. A social was Picton, Sept. 8.--This evening, the ifaw, Das . ptember 13th, 15th -- to write her for advice. held in the schoolhouse the same even- | Oddiellows will assemble and give a th. Fours Fxpress trains da leaving | She has guided thousands to inc The programme consisted - of | Panquet to Bro. E. A. Morden, who is Kingston cit 12.95 a.m, 5 an t [roti Address, Lynn, Mass, speeches, singing by the choirs of | leaving: to reside in Vancouver, B.( noon" afl 4.09 pm. AN ticket 2 . il wen te i tatn until October Sth 2 Crow Lake and Oconto, instrumental He will b pre entey with a past master's jewel. On Friday night a few friends gave Mrs Detroit, Port Haron, Sa Fie: following are fares: From Kirnwsto music by Miss R. Gendron; recitations : Mich o hy Florence McKiver and Miss | of her very intimate A er. of Oconto instrumental Morden a hiauyital gold atch, suit Sadi . ahd Robert Curl, ably engraved Ir. and Mrs orden | | R | $ | 2 ! We ; ic 12.00 of Tie Forme. Visors: F Shaw, of | leave for the west in two weeks. LN SRA on | s, M lolingbroke, at his daug Ra) S Mrs. I. Clapp and family leit, on Sunday, NN \ 0 Loma 1 0 Knapp: My and Mrs "William Per n their motor car, for a trip to Ot \ | 1 = oo tawa. They were to spend Labor day , kins of Westport; Mr. and Mrs. James I | The drawing shows a small hat de- n route, in Kmgston, and a day inj . 1 : 10 ind sons, Norris and George: for travelling or street wear . "gc } "IR ! drockville : phd Central Canadian Exhibition 5 Gendron, Mrs. S. Kennedy, |! \ ky i | Der for York Road |during the late summer season I'he ; P ; I. McKinnely; Mrs. Jo ¥ re'and, Set oi Oth nd Is ats are very smart f reet | Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18th to 26th ¥ | inne' Ir John chemin not bad hi 3 Lainfallv mall hats are very smart for street . }. W. & \ heese fact wd his arm paintu : > ; : Fi nn at J Anapp s; Mr. and brek \ I i I \ jwear, and among the late importa- f ssued at § of Hartington, Miss Mary rg en i ha la rom a 4 ye . nent | tions of millinery a great many ef- Ne, ne o he coun : Mo prominent |. . da . Ryn . he. Br ad blonds. veddarts: Abram Hubbs Say | fective m dels are on the small tur- haw s Idleton and George : } Sag i "dwad. havi lied ban order. The hat here shown was of Palmer, at Innis Mr. and, tar, ans pa hi ho ns "BL 13 i \ fine black straw in blocked shape, but Mrs. N darker, L. Barker's: | last we ek, a us ine in THoomilele i with a very high crown. The crown William Sweetmar 2 doe. Shahi was age ninety-one vears, anc AS SROArele § LOE Li : eetman, Burridge, spent atte of Prince Fduard, The Y® encircled hy a three ine h band of wirsday evéning at home, to vis ¢ Fl I i I hildren black velvet ribboh, the trimming in deceased leaves, besides his children, TEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER A his father, who is quite ill; Mr. and [ewes Wave BEERS 8 dren, | front consisting of two wide shaped is the perfect food drink for Mrs. William Bedour, of Deseronto, at wings with quill centres, one being LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- t fourth generatior an onl i i a MON iyo LOLANIL i {his sister's, Mrs. Joseph Bain: Mrs o the fourth generation. an Y | white and one black. Two large jet children. Highl nutritio 7.30~9.15 a.my 1.00--4.00 p » I. Bain and daughter, Sarah, went to brother, Abraham B Saylor, ex-wai ball pins were also placed in front. y us 730-0 15 a.m, 1.00--4.00 p.m Sydenham, where Miss Sarah has re len, the last of a sarily of ules meme ee easily digested -- delicious and reakey's j shmed studios : . iy The leath occurred, on Saturday, am ¢ at h scibol irony, Have Energy Plus. - | economical. 30--9.80 | --u Ba mn 4d 5 00 p.my i ' te J. Crowe and W. Knapp, of Mrs Sarah Boyle, widow of the | I -9.15 a.m. 1.00~4.00 p.m 3 os Jr., at 8. Jones': Mr Reviold late Robert Boyle, aged seventy-four. I you have only a little less energy 10.00, 12.30 a.m. 5,00 p.m aE : EEE at John icks': Miss R. Gendron at Fhe deceased woman had sufiered nine | than your duties require life is a bur LEAVES KINGSTON = | a! Be Jame thon's Mre ®Famet Mahon | Months with a fractured hip She was | den. : 8.30--11 30 a.m. 8.00--5.30 p.m i - to 3 e a flving trip to Kingston Inst born near town, and had lived in I' If ydu have just a little excess of | 8.30 "11 30 a = 3.00 aan bh In. 3 \ : ton the past twenty vear A son di y lifeis a joy Good, rich, red 8.80--1.00 p.m. 8.00 pow. pom. | ; ; \zor Knox, survive ood and an abundance of it will Hreakey's Bay, 38 & ' . i ------------ fave you the excess of energy. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative) will pro- at George 74 The Cowan Co. Limited, Toronto. p.m FRI 8.80--11.30 a.m. 8.00--5.30 p.m ! EA . He's A Candid L : WY ate. s : : SAT 8.80--11.80 a 8.00--5.80 p ' ' 1 . ski de J ¥ itali SUN. | Bdsanmissepm So 3 hago Ny Is Your Skin Scaly, Hardy ? ade the blood and vitality required. i Sat --Special trip to Simcoe Island , > f tas Ske Jou, ang he Annoint with Dr. Hamilton's Oint ey are a gfeat nerve strengthener ® Wd : dd 8 'g ok 8.00 p.m, ) an « . and Spoor a dock, at Pan is Aner t_and bland | ment--rub it in _two or three times | d-blood maker. In boxes, 26c., at Time Table subject to change without \ x . : hy a'g y | ac he ) « ANE « jus¢ he ap 80 » | dailv. No skin food is more per fect -{ Nader i ug store. Money back if not p . NE 1stactory, oe -_- '8 BOE i [ER | oon" LOMBARD PLUMS ~~ BARTLETT PEARS' ness. Every home gy ly" Ae Dr. ! Be. J. 7 ¥ : ' ite to kno Hamilton's Ointment, 50c¢c., at all | Pear Dsaphis ie Pope. a | Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte 3 ; 55 it down if Tamay, > dealers Rest Wn your bed ave | The largest assortment yet; cheap at itie y 2 tt rere es close in sleep your violet eves | Steamboat Co., Ltd 5 0 0b. nis voice is sweet as lon : A Mystery Solved. | Come. baby dear, and. eddie" down :| 3 . t----m---- § 5 ; et are his tones Hrookivn Eagl : ' oy | in n oe ; 3 As he greets his old nd Jones You see him in his office { The robin's gone to h' little nest 9 . : . he x | "And is this sweet child vofr daughter? Y : n the cars ' sl ad yo a te ou see hi 1 the cars ; An hour ago, I'm sure, and moro KINGS TON, ROCH TER B ; We al 1 mvs you, ; indeed : . fis face gory spectacle : His head tucked snug o'er his red, red ES At boy's" growing like a wee Of scratches and of scars breast, -- "1,000 ISLANDS 3 : 2 i And yolir »i fo is 1 oking charming It | You wonder if he pets a cat, And the slant of the sun has left my | \ i ti ve Or has an a y Wife floor { ae Your fancy keeps a squinting at Sleep, baby, sleep ! en ct-------- ¥ | You mus me own and see us. 1 The mystery of his life set a day . ' | The frisky gray squirrel just over the Courses are offered: ~ ~ ~ ret | 4 ) aE | houle y y Str. CASPIAN \ hi " | v olitics 'this way ? Bat neve at the barber's . i way The lollowing t { " ¥slat " od \ Nou meet this luckless man | Has climbed to his hole in the old 1-- Four Years' Course for Degree of Rfje. egves Kin ¢ 3 | a shaine that I should see you all | Apd hence the right conclusion, | old tree. I}--Three Years' Course for Diploma. A¥S t rpliot NE he RY 3 i as 8 om as prosperous it & ye p [It is time to rest, he is done with play a--Mining Engineering. i$ tru razors dull as any hoe, | In his furry coat, he's as warm as A COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCE, . $--Chemistry and Mineralogy. friendship is a friendship though vet the martyr-elf } can be | 1 3 : c--~Mineralogy and Geology. " f friends must part, 18 bound economy to show, | Sleep, baby, sleep ! Affiliated to Queen's University, d--~Chemical Engineering. id this visit warms my heart, And always shaves himself i wi 3 And a + men' whose good opinions 1 meee For squitrels and birdies and babfes KINGSTON, ONT. Ff git] nical Rugineering, cularly pr side! ones » bes must sleep, Jectrica neering. » of judgment ripe and wise-- We always consider honesty the best | wus sleoping, dream, yes, ves, all For Calendar of the School and furthied fH stag Y y have forgotten what | nalicy for the other fellow. De nt to Say . Till morning dawns, and Old Sol wil tics thy way ? ! peep Roval b. \ ' : | And light his lamp for us to see: a a i 5 3 v | » no one article in the line | Sleep, baby, sleep ! Mail : : f that gives so large a re- d 3 ot » ' | ines that gave c ine 4 | And now the tlest kiss I mas tike {turn for the money as a good porous AsIlay my ne tenderly down ; {strengthening plaster, such as Car- | § i Not a Whisper; lest the baby wake | | Smart Weed 1 Bellad g | This angel on earth, in its soft, white | | ter 8 mart oe and setiandonna oy gown lackache Plasters : ! Sleep, baby, sleep ! . BRO i In attempting to arrest a man who -- ud had istered as Robert Robinson, of h I Alexandér Troup, proprietor and Headmaster Rev. F. G. urchard, MA, Capd., (Eng.) Te an m, Mass., at the Hampshire : ; editor of The New Haven Union and ¢al Honours. An English 'Boarding School for Boys Sn A HINT TO SHAVERS Ho . Chief .of Police Maurice Fitz- pr a former democratic national commit- Masters rid me We are now solling-a Safety Razo sera f Ware, Mass., was shot four teeman for Congecticut, was stricken For the third in six re St. Albans Sains first Sldos nt which is fully guaranteed, time Rqgbinson, and probably fa- with heart failure in New York, and no ba ooh, : Pp FOR 25 CENTS. ally wounded died without having regained con- . Charles W. Fairbanks, vice-president SCIOUSNESS. Get. d try it , 1 t, sec NS A A i X The fool's argument may contain The iol i . i : {i= to tour the country in the interests 4 . 2289 | ina of several grains of common sense, : it than the one in mind oT A. STRACHAN "of Tait and Sherman.

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