Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1908, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, T UESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1908. rH "7A 'good Range and good Cooking the health 'and contentment of every home TR A 2 | 5 iin d nd oF 15 essential to BUY A UNIVERSAL FAVORITE AND YOU BUY THE BEST Note: the large Oven, 16 loaves of bread in pans $1. 10 et one baking. You take no risk, as every Range is fully guar- anteed. SA i Mar ufactored by FINDLAY BROS. €0., Limited; - Carleton Place, Ont 4 a Al Sale Se by All the Leading Dealers." "For 0 Fo | WELSBACH GAS LIGHT: $1.00 This light gives * Mainta Efficiency." That means a, good light ; not only when the mantle is just light, bap all time, 4p 2 5 HN A vir bb w A OO-GOOO0000000O0C {2 %) 0000000 OGOOOFHFOO Wo NICH OOOO OO0O000 & * enjoy your vacation don't / 1f you want to thoroug hly ' : ply of TRISCUIT--The Dainty { forget to take along a sup Shredded Wheat Wadler. | Nutritious and appetiz i fruits. fry it with "butter, cheese ing. or ALWAYS EE ADY TO SERVE Sold by all Grocers. --- 00000 000TH GROR 00000000 0VNPOOV OGD MADE TN KINGSTON, CANADA. Imperial Grown Brand Underwear Unléss we knew ths Superiority of Imperial Crown Brand Underwear. It would not pa y_ us to advertise. 'We rely on re- taining your trade. Imsist on having . ~~ Imperial Crown Brand. ' Ask your dealer for it + O-O0-O0-0-0-0000OVVOQO0000000000000000000 mea 5 J » MARK; « OOOO O00O0Q0000 >rOO 0 0000C000L ' e Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Qlways fresh. The finest in the city. A.J.REES, 166 Princess --- a -- St ak FEE ALS a Se Furniture Sale ' Everything reduced from 10 to. 25%. Your oppor- tunity to save money. This sale includes a full line of Carriages and Go Carts. Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50 and up. Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from $15 up. Parlor » Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. R. J. REID, Ambulance Call 577, 230 Princess St, ol ---- ---- TT WIFE QUITS HUSBAND MURDER AND SUICIDE END FAMILY QUARREL. -- Woman's Aunt Interieres in Do- mestic Affairs and Brings Dis- cord Where Peace Reigned. Paris, Sept, 8.--The French law which makes the relatives of a wife heir half the prbperty of the husband was responsible vesterday for a tragic mur ler and suicide in Paris. ! i A workingman tiamed Bary his wile | their 72-year-old daughter Marguer~ ved qiite happily in Paris until an it of Mme. Bary interfered. [His woman, eating that Bark wits giving a weekly sum of money 10 his aged 'parents, suggested to Mme Ary that he was acting againsy her interests, The wife spoke to her husband about it. antl he replied quietly that his money was his own and that he had a right te do what he liked with it. He continue} the pension to his parents. This was sik months ago. . Mme. Bary was finally persuaded to leave her home, husband and daughter and 6 to live with her aunt. Then she began an action for divorce, and secured a ruling of the court pernutting her to remove half the furniture in her hus- band's establishment. Accompanied by a solicitor and a com- inissionaire, Mme, Bary went to her hus- Band's flat yesterday morning and the division began Half way through, M Bary asked his wife to step aside and talk to him a moment. ,He begged her to stop the legal proceedings and to come back and live with him She refused unless he would consent to stop paymg omt mgney 0 his , fathes and mother. 1p this he wotld not agree, aud she turned tq the commiésionaire and, pointing. to) a Jittle table, told him ang aw » perinteadent D. D. Lewis, of the by posted at the works, saying that on Tuesday, September rail mills will start up at six o'clock on Thutsday morning, October 1st. ofrthe financial horizon rirming for a long time. The business the chief const { gos 5 | {mel of both Soos are happy, TREE, pale, trouble with drugs--help out the sys- tem with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 15 EXPERT BURGL nnn, SE ---- - GOOD NEWS FOR S00. Algoma Steel Works Again Soon. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Sept. 8.-->Su- Al goma Steel company, announces that the plant will be runming in full force October 1st. Notices have to Start WERE MOSI DARING. | Sa oy en | Vanity Was Her Ruin--A Girl of Ye Eighteen Years Who Acted in blast furnaces will resume operations td $ 15th : and she a Most Startling Fashion. and bee Manchester, Sept. 5.:--Maggie Jane a tall, shim girl, 18 years of age, {was charged at Carlisle yesterday with gk remarkable series of Burglaries. { Neatly dresed, and with her hair hang- Bessémer open hearth blouming Seq 1t is understood that the company has received seteral satisfactory of: ders.of late, and with the brightening |ing down her back, the girl burst into it is .hoped{feirs when she was placed in the dock. the mille will. be enabled to contigue| Her aftitude-was demure and shy, but. able of Carlisle, in describ- a< #'#a-iing the prisoner's exploits, said they aid were among the most daring he had | tome across in the course of twenty. {five years' police experience. The Avoid Headache Powders. | |prisguer, he explained, had held several When your liver is wrong, cheeks are |giuations Im Carlisle, from which she ' v 3 » had, however, been dismissed for lazy > "hig sade 4 head "achés--don't deaden the aad ilont Tiabits. Her vanity and Sate, {love of fimery had, he believed, for the Dr. Hamilton's | articles which she stole were tainly | hats and clothes. { The burglaries, added the chies con- | stable, were committed after mitinioht, [the girl in most instances obtaining an entrance by climbing through windows which had been leit unfastened. Once inside a house, the prisoner would ran. { sack the ground floor, sometimes speng- 'There is more Catarrh in this gection | INS several hours in doing Se. An am. of the country 'than. all other diseases |azing feature ol the casc¢ was that the put together, and until the last few | giv] went through her operations and PATS ® 1 = t 3 . g - Jour a poe ne ae | TO! clear away without waking the sleep- it a local disease and prescribed local | IN Occupants. £ . remedies, and by constantly failing to| - Ihe magistrate decided to deal with cure, with local treatment, pronounced itlthe girl under the probation of offen- der's act. She will be taken to a home under obsesvation for two surps. work for hundreds of weil and sure Are Buy a 25c. box. mild Pills. Alexander , Gardner, Huntsville, aged thirty, died, on Friday night, as the result of being struck on the head by the tongue of his threshing outfit, while it was being hauled into a barn. | incurable. Seience has proven catarrkto| be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Catarrh Cure, manufactured by Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is constitutional eure on the market. Laken #aternally in doses from 10 drops} fo carry. it; downstairs, | The table was Bary's, first present to his wife, and aadt was. taken out of the room; he drew revolver, fired, and wotmded; ber mortally. . Fhen he shot i . cough the. nead humeelf, through the: hep TOWN OF GANANOQUE. ) Young Man's Valise Fell Off Deck of Steamer. Gananoque, Sept. 8.--The the atrical season opened on Saturday evening at the Colonial theatre, the Le Barre Bros' minstrel troupe being the attrac tion. Fhe last of the Citizens of engagements with the housand Is land Yacht CMib at their clubhouse near Alexandria Bay, N.Y., was filled on Saturday evening, a big ball being held for the Margaret at the residence and Mrs. George on Friday band series close. McCormick passed away of her parents, Mr McCormick, Atkin last, aged twenty-one and ten months, al: ter a short illne I'he funeral took place on Sunday alternooy tg Gann: $2 ic, Baittanns, Wellinglbn on Saturdpyal- g Whe faneral {obk afternoon to-Wilow san, evening Venrs ogque cemetery Harold Battams, and Mrs. Samuel street, passed 4 a shor place on Bank cem Ry [ermapsd arner, S00 Sw Mrs. Same! Turret; 5H has Heats sspending: $k i relativ@ at Iroquois, from that place on I richad on the steamer 1of¥ his suit the beat and went tern ol boat 1 found uit e gon stoppage had been made and investi gation showed that it had fallen over board and could not James ci Anda ter and wha with returning moet, Ast Missisquol 8 of the the his (2 bow te ) return N and on cas 0 as was growing dark he recovered Wheeler, charged with netting by . Fisheries Inspector who seized last nets, believed Wheeler, w District Warden on Saturday defendant made plea of non-ownérship a fine of ten dollars and costs imposed on him and the nets confiscated. Tn' the evidence it was shown that the néts Had been pulled ip by "Wo young wen of the town and brought to Mr, Ténér, "and that Wheeler 'had laid 'elajbi' to' them from the voutig men, who took them up Frank Hick¥' who for® past he conducted the restaurant just south ofr the dwing street has decided to seek his fortune west, 1 out here in the near future L fell with the past Mrs King street, being not fied that she had woh a new Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine at the Ro man' Catholic bazaar in Clayton, N.Y and William Bedard, River street $2.50 in gold - The old Victoria hotel, King lately purchased by the bh F ( Ltd. is to be fitted up at once the and with South vithout street, licens Toner week some 30 feet t property iven a hearing before Hunter, of Belleville, afternoon, and although George of to be th e of was were . some vears bridge, the business and rOINY of good Her- Two residents in Inck week, during hert - Moore, 4 street, Jones o " rooms ware company's offices the connecting I X erected other section F. J. Miller, town; Herbert Brockville Times, in Moore has yeturned from Iroquois; Charles Beer's, home from Morton; E. X. Belnois, back from Dowville, N.Y.: Mrs. A. Jlack- son, Brockville, here; W. Dorey. baseballer, 'is home irom Fort Wil liam: Mr. and Mrs. Berean, renewing acquaintances Weve: Mr. and Mrs. J. GyoPutes, home from Jones' Falls, is Gray Hair Regfored. The proper way to restore gray hair is not to dye it but to restore heal- thy activity to the scalp © aid - hair bullis: natural .ebloe then returns. This will result from the use of Dr. Dawson's Hair Restorer. In bottles, 50c., at Wade's Drug Store. « ------------ Rev. George Jackson, B.A., pastor of Shertbourne' Street Methodist church, Toronto, has been appointed professor of English Bible in Victoria College. The duties of Mr. Jackson will commence at the close of his pas- toral term The Detroit police deported to Lon- don. Ont., Mre. Julia Payne, alias daughters into slavery. Her feeble physical condition, probably, saved the woman from criminal prosecution. Henry Cannon, held on a charge of 'forgery, made his escape from Bartie jail, but was recaptured in the rail way yatd. Abie Cohen, twelve vears of was drowned in the slip at the of John street, Toronto, age, foot Willett. who tried to séll her married | to' u teaspoonful. It acts directly on the | blood and mucous surfaces of the system. | They offer one hundred donsrs for any| case if fails to cure, .Semd for circulars] ¥ thd testimonials. i : The Very Latest Culled From Al p CHENEY & Co. Over The World. Address : F, J, Toledo, Ohio. Four tramnmen and five tramps were on the Northern PITH OF THE NEWS. { i Soild by Druggists, Te: | Fake Hall's Family Pilis pation: for eonsti-| killed in a collision | Pacific. | F kW at been of Fowler, Toronto, ha Boston on a charge {forgery | It is reported that negotiations fe {a settlement of the C.P.R. strike are nw {in progress. | Mayor D'Arcy | be appointed to the | commissioners Father Macarios N for years pastor of the Syrian Catholics, l'oronto, is dead. The Cosmopolitan bank, Pittsburg, has closed its doors by the order i the controller of the currency. The Ontario government is to estab fish fields Northumberland of black Scott, Ottawa, may board of railway (EN twelve per fectly because each garment m { is Made to fit'an 1 1 Mexico has made the curious disc ; that she has within her 7.679 mére-"towns that she had : CO. 'OV Forward, Ottawa, has béen | appointed assistant analyst in -the la | horwto¥y 'of "the department of inland | revenue. | + Bye thousand socialists and unem- { ployed: made' demonstratioh against | Prince 'Arthur J gow: on Raturday. | It i& expected that before many days Sir Wilfrid Laurier will submit to his excelleney ' the proposal for a dissotu- tion 'of parliament. Forrest. Rows, Bayfield, Ont, killed at Niagara Fails by in which he was riding, ng the Ihe man who died Toronto, a individual type of J hordes she thought | » { is fmi and 'After i goes to t shed he laundry for its final. washing, cach ts--tested garment on models ranging from 22 to 50 inch buist measure- 1 the determined "accurately. And the size ment. 'hus size 18 was an autos . as marked mobile phang+ . over gorge. is exact, and stays so, St. Michael's the result of has been identi- | at because Stanfield's Under- hospital, poisoning, Charles Heida ir James P. Whitney is expected to iil from 'England on September 19th. fie will go on tour with R. L. Borden as soon returns wear can't shrink nor stretch. r Your dealer will likely have all as he v Ww POLICE SAY HER EXPLOITS} of Connaught at Glas- | HE STANDARD | geaned 1 OF CANADA It has a record behind it and is strong oe 040 51 Branches is a Dank of age and strength. of 15 years of sound and successful business, in resources and banking experience, We invite you to join the large numbér of prudent, successful people who Lave found banking. relatioms'with* it both agrecable and profitable. Sym If you have het yét begun to save your spare dollars make a start toddy Dy «lopositing One Dollar or more in our Savings Department. ARE RINGSTON -BRANCH J. S. Tarner, Madagéd OR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. wd that - Fit-Reform Suits and Overcoats are always in perfect style 'and "taste--that they 'will give excellent service--that they are the best values, for the money, in Canada. * . This trademark guarantees that every garment bearing it, must give complete and lasting satisfaction or your money back, 4 Behind « this trademark is "the 'Fit-Reform "Company, founders in' Canada of hand-tailored garments. > Fall styles are ready. $15 up. Su Jit-Feform CRAWFORD & WALSH :" ow 2312 A0Sole arms for Kington. In government circle is. taken for granted that' Hon. Hugh John Macdonald will be the dominion standard-bearersfor the opposition. . A British retired officer 1s proposing TRURO, N.S. 4; solve the b creating a ber to be known Ladies | West Toronto will bevincorporated fas part of Toranto; knawn as Ward 7, { Its bonded ' indebtedness' of one mil- lion dollars will be caved for by spec jal arrangement. Col the f taking | manouevres, sizes and weights. If not, he can get them for you. 135 STANFIELDS LIMITED woman suffrage problem third legislative cham the "House as oi and a detachment Highlanders, Toronto, in the kmglish as the guests of the war office, were presented to the king | Monday. Robertson {5th part of army on Raybold, arrested Fruit Ont., charged with stealing from Byron Beamer to the latter's barns crime, was committed George land, 'horse and {and setting fire {to conceal the for trial At Windsor, Ont., on September 4th, the system of immigration in | spection went into effect. During the {day three or four persons, who at {tempted to cross from Detroit, fturned back The papers have it that after telections the secretary of state is {be succeeded by Charles Murphy, K.( {as the Irish Catholic representative in the cabinet. Mr. Murphy will run in Russell county. =| The Ontario Gazette announces the {incorporation of the Great Lakes | Bteamship company," of Toronto, with ta capital of $250,000, and with power {to build and operate ships, to con- {dtruct wharves, ete. | | Hants libérals nominated Dr. J. | i Black dor the commons, and West | Peterboro "liberals nominated Hon. J. R. Stratton. PBrockyille conservatives idominated\. John Webster to oppose ! . G. P,\Graham. { | Ex-Magor W. B. McMutrich, Toron- to, passed away, vesterday, at his summer homé on Lake Joseph, alter {an illness of many months. Mr. Meo Murrich sixty-six =~ vears of age tand had practised law in Toronto for {more than forty-two years Prof. William Clark, of Prinity Col- lege, Toronto, was knocked down by a cvelist, after he had alightéd "from {a street car in Rosedale. An instant later he narrowly escaped a team of {horses. He was shaken up, besides {sustaining a briise or cut t head The Eucharistic congress in London, 'dgesday, is expected to be one the most imposing demonstrations of modern times of the Roman Catho- tlic faith. It will be distinguished by Lan appeal by Cardinal Vannutelli to at a buggy new MAKES YOUR CAKES LIGNT. MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT, MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT. MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LIOHT . Order from your Grocer. E.W.GILLETT {0s LIMITED TORONTO.ONT. were the to 1 TO HIS MAJESTY THE KING : SirJohn Power & Son Ltd. ESTABLISHED AD.I701- IRISH WHISKEY Famous #¢ century for its of flavor. Of highest standard of Purity. it is especially recommended by the \Aedical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS? was ver a licacy on hie NS {of in Winnipeg it { 7 A FOR SALE BY J. S. HENDERSON. SCHOOL. SHOE "WE KEEP THE BEST. SE SETTERS CYST CRISES ee OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. 111 Princess % anrddt, ---------- REID ®@ CHARLES, 5600000000008 000000 F0 00000000000000000a000a 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT "SALE. . For the balance of the season we will sell Refrigerators, 'Lawn Mowers and Garden Hose at a discount of rn 20 Per Cent. Off Our line of Refrigerators ranges in price " from $6.00 up to $35.00. 77 PRINCESS 3 oe 1 | England to retarn "to the unity of the Catholic faith," 0 0000000000000 000000000 00000000000 ST. 2 ELLIOTT BROS

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