° THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESHAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1908. TER S----"" THE NEWS OF WORLD SUICIDE AT SYDENHAM, CADET HOVENENTS NEW YORK STOCKS. fT ---------------------- Franklin Guges Haneed Himself Prices Furnished I Br J. P. Bickel | : > OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED Fuuniiin set cree Sits sears of|SIR. FREDERICK BORDEN'S| suns FW Hector & . IN BRIEF FORM. erdsiorchoaper ut Sydenbam, hanced | | ATE ANNOUNCEMENT. + op ple himself in his own barn, on Saturday Stocks in ; ; i S 5 At noon his body was found by his | Amalgamated Copper .... Matters That Interest Everybody |son. Ross Guess. Deceased had. be) ; pA : Notes From All Over--Littlo]worrving a arent deal of lobes nh s eh a A unsmets Fro Re g THE CUT PRICE SALE OF HIGH § 5 1 00K eq a fi i . 4 e C. . £. oF . >. hy} h { y of Eveiytsup Easily Read |SOE KER fon G0 of deopunmen" | GAS rian {1 Coe Fgueary on 2 CLASS SUMMER WAISTS. | Anaconda Min. Co. ang Remembered. Several verre fan. arn Bnd bw . : 3 nfl ral years occupied a 'farm three Yar Become General. Atches. Top. & St. Fe... i 003 | Made up in the latest st yles of the finest Lawn, Mull and A Judge Bosse, of (Quebec s dead miles from Sydenham. Two Og) v " i Rev. S. R. Drake, Brantford, has he disposed of his farm, and started]. OUaWa .'8--An important [Balti & ike. oe OH uid Spot Organdy, beautifully trimmed with Valenciennes Lace, N nder { 3 Lai} 1 lied | nouncemer s made t 1 te ir vn Rapi en a 2 : aed feeral superintendent of | Up 3 Sore in [Srdmban. He bad a] or caiite at th the, luneheon given by in Bore : : and open, and blind Embroidery. One third off. the IJ churel most successful business, but worried | ' uy i > y lg Lo ia . . . Robert Sno tu ob-The. prisoners | over family matters 80° it is stated foam Hi M.P., president of the Cues & Ohio (D HIN fle association, at the Rock- | C. Mil. & ? _ Rohert Snow, on : at | Ei rule, Sustters, so it is stat IL New White Skirts, in La wn, Linen, Pique and' Cotton Repp, 3 E iE K { @ n 3 3 RE 1 A pe Sig ot di Ep Jie cliffe ranges _ The president in propos- { Cons. Gas, i somey ove 148% 504 trimmed with Lace, Embroid ery, Self-Pleating and Folds, at John Llovd. .a recently ..arriv ed all the neeEsSATY preparations to dis. jue the 8 ob the [oiaister referred Dot Fuel & Iron . 30 3 $1.50, $1.75, 2. 00, $2.85 up to $5.00, iL ' Welshman, committed suicide at York- pose of bis store, and rented another a and the Fence Ari Pri, Radon Sasa oh a1 iy ton, Sask.., by ha farm, about one mile and a quarterly. = ste y En ug re al np a8 : m Whi Al Si are < R Weems, New York, taken to | from Sydenham. He had iy vi nh € mister was giving to he cadet] (i North. By. pref. « ay . Be in Ti ce le 1 zZes ; ) ¥ mbvEment Kapsas & Texas com. ... 3 . l'oronto hospital from the Woodbine, {moved out, owing to the fet that A a aaa J, 1 i vhere he lacerated himself. all the business matters in connection | 4 SHE erick snlistriced hat a 'or- | Louisville & Nashville we 109 m Stock. : John Tuck rescued a mother and { with his store had not heen settled. jes =e ad he en passe apfirov- | Missouri Pacific ...... ... wNewspapers il not be dq r ad- child from a burning house in Brook- | Deceased was widely known and' vey, de men h vf militis ae by the National Lead Wi 3 Pe from the Departmen | hut Was, bimsel iftued to death, Ih ily - respected. He is survived By | me of Nova Scotig with on N xX Cestral.. : IMs 3 a d nie cKeever, a London, Ont. | his wife, one son and two daughter de af a ey Qrthern Sache , 'aa : D V i M S Pp © Nn < e bay scudia Fills to kilo eppler off & PT here wae be. ir oyios Y 8. {the schobls of th: at province. 'This [ Penn. R. R. . : w 1343 241 . ' i : ' i in 1 ¢ rovides at the department 1291 < tree. The rifle discharged, killing him gre ment p ent' | Reading 1292 201 Th A "ape - {0 1 1 ll St )S » i € adin: Hin Bis 'The great Uterine Tonic, anu | instantly. : oo ACCEPTED A DARE [fr m x Jars h, free of cost, | Rock Island hows so on 173 Le ¢ Millinery Store, 119 Princess St. ¢ Jory re efloet ual Monthly Dog with saliva dripping. from its | ' Yom 1ae penny ry farce, for service | Southern Ry. com. Lo ous gy Hogue Or on whic 1 WoInen co } " % 2 i g ' A ae : in 'the is O ova cotia, instruc- 3 dacific y mouth rushed in St. Michael's eathe- | . : uc Southern Pacific ... 109 Sol id jn thet ut dral Toronto, A policeman got it | Aeronautic Ascent That Thrilled | tors in I, physical training and rifle | I S. Steel com. wk ored 10 degroos TH No. 3 | outside amd shot Hundreds of People. shoot In turn the educational au- U. S. Steel pref 1117 al "i . i DE Jose Je y rities of Scot a «i x for special cases, Spor bok. 'homas Edwards was strock by a an Jose, Cal, Sept. 8S. --Acce sping { thoriti f Nova 1a are required | Union Pacific... ... ...... 165) a dare from a young woman, I'red- to adopt a compuls Ty regulation that a Westinghouse... ... .. .. 73} repaid on ect Jf price, train at. a Niagara junction crossing | ©. k Bi I bef i "res pamphlet. Address had his leg injured." Both of his [®%¢ iagyi, the cighteen-year-old son | teacher, before securing his cer 2 TELEPHONE, 838 DIREC 3 and ha is leg injure Joth of his [*) t on 1 . . T PRIVATE WIRES. Coax Meroe Ba. Tanonra Qui. formerly Wis horses were killed ¢ fof a Prune ranc her, yeste rday, made a h in the $< hoa s of the province, CHICAGO PRICES. : RES Over 400,000 fares handled by. To- [daring and unberalded aeronautic as- er inelied 4 0 pass an examina September THE 10 'Maanofice | , t , . == = 3 : t that thrilled hundreds tion ir physical training and drill : : ' aX t street Iw yn. Monda y { ren Tunare of spects-| at, 3 30 [eg Zo = ronto re railway. on. Monda . ; | The Nova Scotia government has Wheat Opening. Clos, . . . § 974 3 Lad x ; | tor r 8 1 rs dgnefic~ Some 80,000 passengers were handle te Running P t as W. T. Warring leery to this. aud Sir Feed ko September or ae ae we ST 1 ar'S AE : | professional parachute artist, ¢ 18y.: 8 ederick TE | pocember 5 97 Department of loose from the ground, Riaggi « a |B Mrs John ghes, Unio street, |. 44 | zs ' : ' : RAZOR Irs. hn' Hugh non treet into the cordage at the mouth of the | Ihe minister further announced thate Corn. rata . MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE on the steam railways Te : : ¢ as GE aa ed 964 0974 gards it as a great step in advance Mas ee 1003 BANKERS AND BROKERS has been taken to the general hos- i : h {aniof] i r- in-corncil 1 ag of: as arrie ary anothe de ~-council, s 'nta tack | Pag An was carried upward to ga [another or EQuncll, Sup ementary September PRICES : Hallo hd $2.70 Vite stilefint 'wilh 'a SOVOrS i « : 5: Hollow Ground § pital, fieriag with a re & height estimated at 6.000 foe to the first, had been adopted giving | | RL mg 000 feet. War- | Eo Pied: MVINE | December... ..... .. LAWLOR BUILDING, TORONTO. Double Concave for Extra Heavy of asthma and bronchit : ards $2.5 I'he Standard Cobalt mines, limited {ri with his parachute, cut loose at [the de tame of militia aut hority to Plt aati ads (he find. | an elevation of, 2.500 feet and with | make similar agreements with all th ' Se ' 1 Blagei as iid solitary passenger the [Other provinces of the Dominion. Be ' Get CORRESPONDENTS OF FINLEY BARRELL & co. balloon drifted over the hills of the | sides conferring benefit on the voiith of : : C rain Letter. Se " : coast range until it was almost los tft the country, an arrangement of this kind Chicago, Sept. R---Wheat commission MEMBERS [to view. His weight prevented the , | would be goo the men of th houses sold some So het Yn Hpenme at . New York Stock Exchange In sudden escape of the gas, and after | P€TManen force. 'No better work, » | the low prices. QUlerings were scarce oF Cotton py: {two hours of suspense from his friends | will, it is reported, accept the gs of the board of conciliation, un- ler "the Lemieux act, and the trou the emplovees is thus set said, could be assigned to selected men | and demand . heavy, resulting in a " C ~ « . : i i of the perm: t nilit 1 t of quick advance { »-he e fr offee Possible atch, at Montreal, by Mike Angus, 38 Fetumetly Jo wip Buying landed | 01 Loe BCI 0 ove in ha --. SE Wefors i antiy , Uzi. Praiduce 7 taken to St. Luke's hospi |" > | Canada. It was proposed: that he pvould bE bought!" North-West receipts Chicago Board of Trade a" Stock Exchange St. Louis Merchant's Exchange Minneapolis: Chamber of Commerce Commercial 'Exchange of Philadelphia Winnipeg Grain and Produce Exchange. Kazor Troubles My) Fronie Bufter§épth, the Capital r lashed in Saturday's 365 Clean Shaves | ta, anc ii is lente at he willjosg | PROMPT ASS {movement became gener roughout | less than expected. World's shipments Every Year a ight ol ins right eve SSISTANCE. {the D 101 the permanent for S00.000 less than estimated. Some iberals of Wright county nominated Pous % : would promoted largely to be a | complaint of lack of rain interfering Devlin, the present member My Four Persons Saved By Captain teaching and instructors So sent } with. all plowing in south-west i | Laren, one -ol the members for Ot From Drowning. | out would course receive better pay Corn--Corn opened ane-quarter cent dea'er on 30 | tana, vag the rchoice of L t libe- Detroit, Mich., Sept. 8.--But for the for their services " Ihigher. The demand was heavy and | days trial, w ral > a oie, Janie conservatives prompt assistance of Captain Morton, -- prices jnickly advance one-hali cent CLARENCE CHAMBERS, s V & | hominate Y yee am four persons might have been drown- | PEACE RESTORED. Oats--Oats opened steady and quick- | KINGSTON, ONT. from yo | | fon OrsOons elievie have beer Four per yb 0 ed, ly advanced in sympathy with wheat in Black River, near Port Huron. | ------ : : uron, | ~ : and corn. Biiving was general and of Ww. HECTOR H. HUME, Manager. no obligatiori to purchase | | 1 POU BEE CS VE Cre in Bla in the sight of more than 500 others | what is Proposed in Future By I charact cvood eharacter iy Ys it MA ERSTE ny, 46 | burned to death, on Monday night, in |}, tr t I'l » wi wer langer » . N.Y. h rc ab last hose 10 were dange . : ik a fire supposed endiar *lously near being drowned are Miss Textile Workers. Wheat--About mid-day the govern Fer sale by McKelvey & Birch, 69- | t . Brook St. Kingston, Ont. } whith fos oye. ? " Seven Yo y. Alma Mckay, St. Thoma Ont.: Nel M ntreal, Sept 8-1 ac nas bh en | ment report was issued, which was tor Water stro New Ore McKay and Stella Hicl Port | restored in the ra i the Canadian | construed as bullish, giving the mar 1 Movement ot Allan steamer Huron, and Frawk Bailey, Ubly. They [textile w rkers and the annual meet- | kot a sharp rally of one cent. At the 1 1 N mntres | Oonu out I 1 > . y wa' 3 1 Ha 1 3 3 +} re a . rampiar . at k ' 'H 1 Tor A | l | were run down and their boat' de- [Mg Alfred Pac cette, a the recen top figures heavy realizing was at ward at Belle Isle; A perian a tlas- | ciroved by a steam launch | strike, was elected presid tempted, but the market proved over b | - : "osLOr unsian, | while Gignac, the u g president, | hought and lost all of its advance. JOW zgaurentian at Newes| signs I English apd Foreign outward, 237 mi es 'east of : delle Isle TO PUT UP A FIGHT. was dropped from { 8 I oll An view of | wa repeat again that wheat should Lines Hibernian, inward at Father the recent strik ga Sedhied 10 TSE | ool] Jower before it would be safe to ELLIOTT & SON, LIMITED | vim to in A E41 Expelled on Account of Gross Im. |. defence' fund: by ng the per || "Chicago December now at a pre- i eration of anada DRC | : pita tax from eig to twenty-hy a Cs Yay arkess. which I 3 ne ing . t } . 1 8 SAT nium over anat 1a 1 K ! Tnipdtters' 700 King {rect 'W. Moronto. { boat in London, the Canty pivmp norality. certs per men t was de put it out of line fog any export busi- Ong ot + = Han T Th HUommittee requests the Polit Jamestown, N.Y., Sept. S.ev. R. | ask the pregent 'gob rnment to se NOeSS. \ ail res y ( or ille 2 as re- |t 1 oar o the v 1 of 1 2 x the remainin epr ATA OA offith I ooper, Hillville, Pa: who was re- | the law regar fing the working of Ju Corn=Bayv May when you buy, as it fodesation Bn di Geng#al + | moved from membership and ministry | veniles in common factories was ol is the safest. ' ) Commitee ' Seon! {2 the Methodist Episcopal ¢hiurch at | sdrveil rigidly #nd that wom ¥ Oats--Would buy May oats around President' Bposavelt, in [higefinsl) the Erie' annual conference, will take { children in the future, not fifty cent : : i B : / : y cents, . nial megsage te cong oat yv | the case to a high court, and 'into the { allowed t3' w ¢ lihger than fifty-five h Will recoppiehid an in off. | eivil courts of Ohio where the chat@bs{ hours per week merical strength of the army to | originated. The death-took: place; today. of P, N PUT aot TANK , dapst[ 100, 000 men, p Rev. Mr. Cooper was expelled onac- | A, Pinoteau.. st uperinte ndent of ] PERSONAL MENTION. DO nr Lis on | footing man, [eount of gross immorality a§ charged | city's conserv i He was a reco s "AT R ck. the naipber pros ided fof in of | before the conference and' sustained hy | nized authority on" #féral culture [ec | Movements Of The Peorle--What pepe. Sy | the investigating committee, 1Rz2 . They Are Sayin~ And Doing. The; Oy mplt genapal gomn ] tor day heard the ev Rev. 'W. NH. Spatling B As has re Spark Colls, Spark Plugs, Colum- decided £0 Fepay_ lie expenses. of ¢ lence of A, Hadon, of Hudon & Or- { turned from a week's visit in loron- par olls, Spar ugs lum: I TO REVEAL SECRETS _ g Be Sid apni god agin I by biw- Dry Batteries, eto. tn stock, Calivey, Hamilton, -the-Jlasathen. run wholesale 1 ¢ . Lot por ahd Frederick Meadon ht aranto i groceries el Mrs. KH. Toye and Miss Addie love have gone to St. Thomas on a REPAIRS 'PROMPTLY 'Wh finished fourth "in "Whe five-mile | Of the Masonic Organization is a |stedn s expe thich was ve « MADE rut Ald." Foran was re-appointed Socialist's Threat. 1 to - be «.¥ PeusGT visit , Wid BARE Steet . manager of the Olympic lacrosse] Glascow. Sent. S-- Last nicht one | Edwin: Shore, of MeCall. Bros | Henry J. March, Barrie street, is * socialist after assert. [Was also examined wit Sot Jiyiseing Ji ends Jo Toronto for 8 All the newest shades in Fall Shoes for team of the socialist leaders, after Torontos. outplayed the Tecumseh 'i th ad been. decided. 10 ey | : : . i ing tant 14 had ben, decided. jo ton David Pipe, Toronto, was visiting | Men and Women. Again the "Invitus Sully & Youllen, Lid, |i neomwsin th Tam i Sd ho wil | i 0s Simbad Bun |b ®t, wae ving tie OF tho Ro his harents onl Sion : If Shoe is at the front. Kull of style, made victory by six to hve, in §! wealthy sections of the city, made the : E+ Kingston Foundry. minutes of the match at "Toronto, | vi pordinary threat that unless the |Spired in HO Ie ey ps holiday . i E y which was the best spectacle of the fo picipal council did something prac- | that Smits I. agen © Tia Miss y ry Rowling Map Las, 3 of the best leathers, and made on correct 3 nemploved w n alm LAL ! : , ged © 4 eck, the guest of her aun | | tical for the unemployed withi fae ngust 20th but mn | | Walsh. 263 Major street, Toronto | patterns. in. Montreal | ti lecun h.he would: reve I the sec . Imonth he would veal all the rets I marriage of Miss Pearl Perry Hy. ping nthe Nauonal | i (Le Masonic organizatio et heen NO) etl ratios ; . | . ho 5 nnect Ap ¥ yest win Frank 8. Boyes, in Trinity Metho Many styles in Patents and Calf. Also next Saturday. -------------------------- 1 1 1 ' t1 rovernment at DOr | dist church, Napanee, occurred to-day COAL s RE er gem | Baseball On Monday. ! | "Mes. M. E. Hemsley is in the city | Vici Kid. ° Eastern Leagne--Mornin games : | | for a few days, and is staying with | ; Montreal, 2: Buffalo, 1. Jersev City Accidentally Shot. | Mre. H. Wilking, 408 Johnson street, NO SHOES WEAR LIKE THE The kind you are looking for is - » N laltimore, 2. Providence, 6 ew Norwood, Ont Sept. S.--Roy ¢ present few days won. Cornw Shamrock ( Mel lymont tho kind we ) oi wk, 3. Rochester oronto, 2. Af- | Kelvie. son of chelvie, « Mrs Edward Barret Kingston, | SCRANTON AN ternoon game Jersey City, 6; Balti- | jrietor of t elvidere House a was the guest of My Me s | 4 $5 » A 99 more f. Providence, [1 ew 3. | Stonev Lake weidental hot | ugg Albert street, -ttawa, over Sun ( \ ak | 2 , § Bullalo, 5; Montreal, 1 Rochester, while = duck hunt n wear his fathe Sav 'and Monday ; ! # " rt a } } Goal 1s good coal and we guar Foronto, 0 | summer re Crow's Landing, At Rockliffie camp the 'whiai taff | antes" prowpt. delivery. "Phone, : A\rierical sazues Nothing games : | choot. seven o'clock, ast night | officer is oJ. CG: Maedougall, R.C.R.; or : Detroit, 4: ¢ nis, Boston, 6: | pulling ann by nuzzie | oa officer, bient. Ki Ga Folge { B3 th & Co., Piiladelphin. "T "ClevelitHd" 6; Chica- | when the {went off, the charg ienalling offices, Cap : Pp ¢ y 3 neton New York, 0 enterir left stde, Kithn hiin | Mure . in i : FOOT WES STREET. = | Afternoon gt Cleveland, 5 Chi- | most instantly + marriag ) alch daughter of ca 7 loston, 3; Philadelphia 2 -- u » 1 TT . etroit, 3 Louis; 3. Washington More Towns Threatened. i o. lormerly of n s Ar ¢ w York, 3 v 1 ' . Sept. 8.--F« i 11 D. Lewi is annot t AR Cs vy Duluth; Min Sept v : A BS ! | National Leag Morning AK re . ea i in Mesaba range and the | place on Sept mber 9th. Nd N York, 5: Phi slphia, 0. Pitts PE with one hundred On Monday, D. J. Hay took a par Ew . - Snowball " | town " Of ne all, . | ; . makes slow progres burg, 9; St. Louis, 7. Cincinnati, 6 reported to bel tv of eight to Brewer's Mills, lin hi The or : - \ ] [of a populatior i po t y igh in Old Stand and The.Old Num in a heavy pe and Chicago, 0. Boston, 1: Brooklyn, 0. | ty wiped out. Habbing ' and | gasoline launch, where they w r on ber. so also does a firm, Afternoon * games Philadelphia, 2:1 Coal other small towns are ow | tertained at the home of Mi ae | 3 New York. 1 Pittsbure., 7: St. Lou | threatened Murphy The trip was a most ple one, and everyone had a Phone 490 loaded down with is. 1. 'Chicago. 4: Cittinnati. © lok al poor and sie kly look- ton, 1 Brooklyn 8 : | : g Death. | time : oFFicE wo. 1 Bs Chama To Death: e St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Go., Lt 'tela | : hic i St 'homas, Sept. Jiunmy Fined "" All orders promptly attended tc little he Li ay mn this Attacked By Big Boils. | Dyker, three years of age, son of Canteens Were Fin _ night or sr day. progressive age. We I 0, Sept. 8.--On the eve of a | a Pvker, an upholsterer; living the court house. this alternoon MONTREAL - -- realize this and have of three weeks begin: | No--+-East Avenue, was burned to Hunter, J.P. heate the ha : THE FRONTENAC stocked oir Job ing here, to-day William 3 Drs: death this mor hot ten o'clock against the i ee Oe Te) Manufacturers of the choicest . a Tn ¢ ¢ victim ol boils hese | rD eo started while the rest of 1 i y camp e ny * LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY Printing Department plebeian afficiions devalaped over night | Li 1 SE oe tire and co oer REFINED SUGARS ESTABLISHED, 1863. with the very latest nm the trip here from Lincoln, Neb. |" ON a ed" fifty dollars and costs, ter |, 86. and best of type, and wd when the candidate, broadly smil- | Uprising At An End. being found guilty when he pleaded President Si RB iCnard Cartwright are pr wpared t do all ir steppell from a Rock Island | ; P Detail i fightit ' quilts. Lie man in charge of : ? Siandalited and Yellow 8, Made entirely from Cane o oaned on an arm Pro t TOE Odo al 'aris, Se > etalls . 0 ALIA. \ vice Corps' sergeants nd Re the he Ary ad wot off Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence.' } perties. Munieipdl'™" County Dsben- kinds of the best French and Algerian bor- | t ' D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Eastern Ontario. tures. Mortgages purchased Deposits eunteen pleaded recetved and interest allowed. work. :: ora n ~ | neck from contact with his collar. that the 8. C. McGill, Managing Director, ---------- | ' J sweeping train at S40 o'clock, this mornin | ; 121s tween the wilt handkerchief protected the back of his {Detiveen sived. to-day. indicate uilty, French was so twenty-dollar fine The ¢ der tribes, rec victory of the hat the uprising is now be- with a, will 'be continued to-morrow . \ Later-- Those fined were 9 dthers- thr themselves from. win- | yi ndav. at jows, sustaining probably fatal injur<|{Q,... = "Phone 230 f BEAUTY ' : " ig : fhe Store. 'Phor : { Leeds Farmer Loses Barn. the North American Continent--aCanadian Company m by attracts. Our work-is I y hao SET A. GLOVER. on that line wad x " {law of Edward J. Nally, vice-president | living near Sddison r . Th de purchasing Canada Life Contracts. : and of the Postal | J ontained the season 3 crop. |, t€ San Full particulars of how a policy will shape for you, given at trial. rastod: while attempiing to Feat ee oba Ww jesday: The groom-to-be is Nelsor ® DAVID HALL, Fronesss ao = HT Ny a Tobacco, A R. Brown, Rarryvale, Out. =~ 3 # x al 1e y " VvEICIADS 2 wo- | | Pure sickling spices anc otthng ? 64 Bronk was examineh by physicians and pro- guarantees high quality we § be "Ted Cross Drie < | y Killed Or Hurt In Panie. [Beved to be at an end. LTT caste: John Notice to Our Customers i Ci Our store will close at a panic that followed the dis] The pesidénce. of J R. Curry, 5 A tes : f a fire in the Belmont hotel, Sm p's Falls, has been sold to 8B Jrockville, Ont., Sept ea) wd Canadian people for Canadian people, 62 years ago. Dividgpds to § § t \ & Stove | thunder storm lighting struck and policyholders have been large all these years, and are. bo to be aang ceneral manager the t i ver on t n olegraph company, shot herself inl Men should age is estimat Oe of $2300. | the office--18 Market Street, Kingston. TIF IT IS TO GET A SINK jo reasonable pric:s e at | i - ¥a., on Non | lock for i & hich there is an jnsuranve ainy2 J. O. HUTTON, Manager. v ni ou ours later | of r-- TH : WH | 6 nounced insane wax, Pi 230. Fire destroved arns f Miss Curry powder and turmeric [he k Ww teh Store. ine > NE i faithiul a y best money can are sold at Gib- ac da BB | After twenty-three ay Th. Jai wit] ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. 4 enver, Col, Sept. S.--One. man Aramis y { : | fd i and' costs )aniel Fowler 1 2 11} YOU LIKE ung } leat § doz § 's bittersweats,"' fresh on | and costs: Daniel wi To : The Canada Life Assurabee mptity o'clock sharp every night, Of course you do It a r |i dugtreyed hy fire's lure hues ou Ul large, owing to the unique position occupied by the Company. Rates Set up or a bath room installed. fared from prplonged sick- T ag on I'he marriage of Miss Katherine He I- : . Jarre and lohn Staple lenell Wt. saat | F oi = ks ll th) rs Ont JOB DEPARTMENT ! : Red Cross Drug Store Phone and ecient vite. a. : op : : The Black as te dered her resignation as organ- Ra TE me pa Bk Pe) En Canada Metal Co.,Ltd. "toronto TORONTO. "ONT to death and a half Te \ w's : at An ha | "Mod bukey. heon's Red Cross Drug || costs William Harris, 3 4 { To rr Holds the strongest Reserves of any Life Assurance Company on except Saturday. . is one thing which Le Re er ECR = prize. jeomp . i i forge aplin, 2 armer Thomas 1. Warren, sister inl | ato prémises- of George Taplin, a. tarn for women the same as for men. Keep your money in Canada by Sap doth Brel iest ssyle aad . en Lyon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. at the right price. Give me a John Coughlin. tho. Armenia Chewing } on. rerun, will take place on burning . ~ of George Aljoe NW 8 working PHONE 292 William Godive i Sydenham, h ween appointed ¢ vi lifi, Falls 1 the firmer's piace on